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The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 5 - 9, 20.04.2016


In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effect of tissue adhesive octyl-cyanoacrylate (OCA) at wound healing in closing the incisional skin wounds in rabbits. 24 healthy rabbits were used as study material. Two parallel full-thickness skin incisions with 6 cm length were performed under aseptic conditions on the left and right sides of each experimental rabbit dorsum and immediately subcutaneous connective tissue of all wounds were sutured by simple continuous suture pattern with 3/0 chromic gut. The right side skin incision (control group) sutured by seven simple sutures with 3/0 silk. The skin incisions at the left (OCA group) were closed with OCA tissue adhesive after approximate the wound edges with forceps and fingers. Six rabbits were anesthetized on days 3, 7, 14 and 21 after surgery. Skin wounds were removed both from the OCA and suture applied wounds which was 3 cm width and 6 cm length. They were used for histopathologic evaluation, tensile strength and hydroxyproline measurement. It was macroscopically observed that the inflammatory reaction and scab formation in the OCA group was less and the scar formation was similar and better in some regions compared to the control group.  It was also microscopically determined in the OCA group that the inflammatory reaction on postoperative days of 3 and 7 was less formed and the collagen formation was less on postoperative days of 14 and 21 compared to the control group. The wound tensile strength didn’t statistically different between the groups. It was determined that the hydroxyproline levels in OCA group were higher on postoperative days of 3 and 7 and there was no difference on postoperative days of 14 and 21. In conclusion, OCA tissue adhesive could be used in closing the incisional skin wounds in the small animal together with the subcutaneous suture.


  • Anonymous (1997). Et ve et mamulleri - hidroksiprolin muhtevası tayini, TSE 6236, ISO 3496. Baie SH, Sheikh KA (2000). The wound healing properties of Channa striatus-cetrimide cream-tensile strength measurement. J Ethnopharmacol, 71, 93-100. Bello TR (2002). Practical treatment of body and open leg wounds of horses with bovine collagen, biosynthetic wound dressing and cyanoacrylate. J Equine Vet Sci, 22(4), 157-164. Borba CC, Roubaud net weight AND, Val RLR, et al. (2000). Use of cyanoacrylate the surgical adhesive in rats skin incisions: experimental study. Acta Cir Bras, 15(1), 48-54. Borden EB, Sammartano RJ, Dembe, Boley SJ (1985). The effect of metronidazole on wound healing in rats. Surgey, 97(3), 331-336. Colak A, Okumuş Z, Aslan S (1997). Use of Enbucrilate in the closing of skin incisions in dogs. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 3(1), 43-47. Dalvi A, Faria M, Pinto A (1986). Non-suture closure of wound using cyanoacrylate. J Postgrad Med 32(2), 97-100. Demir H, Yaray S, Kirnap M, Yaray K (2004). Comparison of the effects of laser and ultrasound treatments on experimental wound healing in rats. J Rehabil Res Dev, 41(5), 721-728. Eaglstein W, Sullivan T (2005). Cyanoacrylates for skin closure. Dermatol Clin, 23, 193-198. Engin A (2004). Yara iyileşmesi. In: Temel Cerrahi, Sayek İ. (Ed), 266-277, Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara. Faria MCF, de Almeida FM, Serrao ML, de Oliveria Almeida NK, Labarthe N (2005). Use of cyanoacrylate in skin closure for ovariohysterectomy in a population control programme. J Feline Med Surg, 7, 71-75. Gueiros VA, Borges APB, Silva JCP, Duarte TS, Franco KL (2001). Utilization of the methyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive and the nylon suture in surgical skin wounds of dogs and cats. Cienc Rural, 31(2), 285-289. Hampel NL, Johnson RG, Pijanowski GJ (1991). Effects of isobutyl-2-cyanoacrylate on skin healing. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet, 13(1),80-83. Jorgensen PH, Jensen K, Andreassen TT (1987). Mechanical strength in rat skin incisional wounds treated with fibrin sealant. J Surg Res 42(3), 237-241. Kim YM, Gupta BK (2003). 2-octyl cyanoacrylate adhesive for conjunctival wound closure in rabbits. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus, 40(3), 152-155. Kothe W, Patzelt K, Anke H, Theel L (2000). Hautkklebungen an der ratte zschr, Chirurgie, 93, 197-204. Lehnhardt FJ (2000). Report on experience with the application of tissue adhesives in experimental and small animal surgery. Ir Vet J, 50(2), 99-106. Lomborn PB, Soloway HB, Matsumoto T, Aaby GV (1970). Comparison of tensile strength of wounds closed by sutures and cyanoacrylates. Am J Vet Res, 31(1), 125-130. Mattick A (2002). Use of tissue adhesives in the management of paediatric lacerations. Emerg Med J, 19, 382-385. Muehlberger T, Moresi JM, Schwarze H, Hristopoulos G, Laenger F, Wong L (2005). The effect of topical tretinoin on tissue strength and skin components in a murine incisional wound model. J Am Acad Dermatol 52(4), 583-588. Narang U, Mainwaring L, Spath G, Barefoot J (2003). In-vitro analysis for microbial barrier properties of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate-derived wound treatment films. J Cutan Med Surg, 7(1), 13-19. Nayak S, Nalabothu P, Sandiford S, Bhogadi V, Adogwa A (2006). Evaluation of wound healing activity of Allamanda cathartica L. and Laurus nobilis L. extracts on rats. BMC Complement Altern Med, 6(12), 1-6. Nguyen AJ, Baron TH, Burgat LJ, Leontovich O, Rajan E, Gostout CJ (2002). 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate (Dermabond), a new glue for variceal injection therapy: Results of a preliminary animal study. Gastrointest Endosc 55(4), 572-575. Nomori H, Horio H, Suemasu K (2000). The efficacy and side effects of gelatin-resorcinol formaldehyde gluteraldehyde (DRFG) glue for preventing and sealing pulmonary air leakage. Surg Today, 30(3),244-248. Ollivier F, Delverdier M, Regnier A (2001). Tolerance of rabbit cornea to n-butyl-ester cyanoacrylate adhesive (Vetbond®). Vet Ophthalmol, 4(4), 261-266. Pascoe JR (1991). Wound healing. In: Atlas of Small Animal Surgery, Gourley I.M., Gregory C.R. (Eds), 2-13, Gower Medical, New York. Petratos BP, Rucker GG, Soslow R.A, Felsen D, Poppas DP (2002). Evaluation of octylcyanoacrylate for wound repair of clinical circumcision and human skin incisional healing in a nude rat model. J Urol, 167(2), 677-679. Scardino MS, Swaim SF, Morse SB, Sartin EA, Wright JC, Hoffman CE (1999). Evaluation of fibrin sealants in cutaneous wound closure. J Biomed Mater Res, 48, 315-321. Schreiber J, Efron PA, Park JE, Moldawer LL, Barbul A (2005). Adenoviral gene transfer of an NF-κB super-repressor increases collagen deposition in rodent cutaneous wound healing. Surgery, 138 (5), 940-946. Schwarz DA, Lindblad WJ, Rees RS (1995). Altered collagen metabolism and delayed healing in a novel model of ischemic wounds. Wound Repair Regen, 3, 204-212. Singer AJ, Quinn JV, Clark RE, Hollander JE (2002). Closure of lacerations and incisions with octylcyanoacrylate: A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Surgery 131(3), 270-276. Singer AJ, Mcclain SA, Katz A (2004). A porcine epistaxis model: Hemostatic effect of octylcyanoacrylate. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 130(5), 553-557. Singer AJ, Thode HC (2004). A review of the literature on octylcyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. Am J Surg, 187, 238-248. Queiroz GF de, Paula VV de, Reis RK. Dos, Tabosa IM (2001). Employment of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive and nylon for skin closure in cats. Rev Bras Med Vet 23(3), 126-129. Tekin E, Taneri F, Ersoy E et al. (2001). The effects of glutamine-enriched feeding on incisional healing in rats. Eur J Plast Surg, 23, 78–81. Toriumi DM, Raslan WF, Fredman M (1990). Histotoxicity of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives. A comparative study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 116, 546-550.

Tavşanlarda Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulan Deri Ensizyonlarının Kapatılmasında Oktil-Siyanoakrilatın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 5 - 9, 20.04.2016


Bu çalışmada tavşanlarda oluşturulan ensizyonel deri yaralarının kapatılmasında oktil-siyanoakrilat (OCA) doku yapıştırıcısının yara iyileşmesine etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışmanın materyalini 24 adet sağlıklı tavşan oluşturdu. Tavşanların bel omurları çizgisinin iki yanında ve birbirine paralel 6 cm uzunluğunda tam kalınlıkta deri ensizyonları oluşturuldu. Tüm yaraların deri altı bağ dokusuna 3/0 krome katgüt iplik ile basit sürekli dikiş uygulandı. Sağ taraftaki deri ensizyonları (kontrol grubu), 3/0 ipek iplikle basit ayrı dikiş uygulanarak kapatıldı. Sol taraftaki deri ensizyonları ise (çalışma grubu), yara dudakları forseps veya parmaklarla karşı karşıya getirildikten sonra OCA doku yapıştırıcısı ile kapatıldı. Postoperatif 3, 7, 14 ve 21. günlerde 6’şar adet tavşan anestezi edilerek, histopatolojik değerlendirme, gerilim direnci ve hidroksiprolin ölçümünde kullanılmak üzere hem OCA hem de dikiş uygulanan yara hattını içine alacak şekilde 3 cm genişliğinde ve 6 cm uzunluğunda dokular alındı. Makroskobik olarak çalışma grubunda kontrol grubuna göre yangısal reaksiyonun ve kabuk oluşumunun daha az, skar oluşumunun ise bazı bölgelerde benzer ve bazı bölgelerde ise daha iyi olduğu gözlendi. Mikroskobik olarak çalışma grubunda kontrol grubuna göre postoperatif 3. ve 7. günlerde yangısal reaksiyonun daha az şekillendiği ve postoperatif 14. ve 21. günlerde kollajen yapının daha az olduğu belirlendi. Yara gerilim direncinin gruplar arası istatistiksel değerlendirmede farklılık arz etmediği belirlendi. Hidroksiprolin düzeylerinin çalışma grubunda kontrol grubuna göre postoperatif 3. ve 7. günlerde yüksek olduğu, 14. ve 21. günlerde ise farklılık arz etmediği saptandı. Sonuç olarak; küçük hayvanlarda ensizyonel deri yaralarının kapatılmasında OCA doku yapıştırıcısının deri altı dikişi ile birlikte hareketsiz bölgelerde kullanılabileceği kanısına varıldı. 


  • Anonymous (1997). Et ve et mamulleri - hidroksiprolin muhtevası tayini, TSE 6236, ISO 3496. Baie SH, Sheikh KA (2000). The wound healing properties of Channa striatus-cetrimide cream-tensile strength measurement. J Ethnopharmacol, 71, 93-100. Bello TR (2002). Practical treatment of body and open leg wounds of horses with bovine collagen, biosynthetic wound dressing and cyanoacrylate. J Equine Vet Sci, 22(4), 157-164. Borba CC, Roubaud net weight AND, Val RLR, et al. (2000). Use of cyanoacrylate the surgical adhesive in rats skin incisions: experimental study. Acta Cir Bras, 15(1), 48-54. Borden EB, Sammartano RJ, Dembe, Boley SJ (1985). The effect of metronidazole on wound healing in rats. Surgey, 97(3), 331-336. Colak A, Okumuş Z, Aslan S (1997). Use of Enbucrilate in the closing of skin incisions in dogs. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 3(1), 43-47. Dalvi A, Faria M, Pinto A (1986). Non-suture closure of wound using cyanoacrylate. J Postgrad Med 32(2), 97-100. Demir H, Yaray S, Kirnap M, Yaray K (2004). Comparison of the effects of laser and ultrasound treatments on experimental wound healing in rats. J Rehabil Res Dev, 41(5), 721-728. Eaglstein W, Sullivan T (2005). Cyanoacrylates for skin closure. Dermatol Clin, 23, 193-198. Engin A (2004). Yara iyileşmesi. In: Temel Cerrahi, Sayek İ. (Ed), 266-277, Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara. Faria MCF, de Almeida FM, Serrao ML, de Oliveria Almeida NK, Labarthe N (2005). Use of cyanoacrylate in skin closure for ovariohysterectomy in a population control programme. J Feline Med Surg, 7, 71-75. Gueiros VA, Borges APB, Silva JCP, Duarte TS, Franco KL (2001). Utilization of the methyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive and the nylon suture in surgical skin wounds of dogs and cats. Cienc Rural, 31(2), 285-289. Hampel NL, Johnson RG, Pijanowski GJ (1991). Effects of isobutyl-2-cyanoacrylate on skin healing. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet, 13(1),80-83. Jorgensen PH, Jensen K, Andreassen TT (1987). Mechanical strength in rat skin incisional wounds treated with fibrin sealant. J Surg Res 42(3), 237-241. Kim YM, Gupta BK (2003). 2-octyl cyanoacrylate adhesive for conjunctival wound closure in rabbits. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus, 40(3), 152-155. Kothe W, Patzelt K, Anke H, Theel L (2000). Hautkklebungen an der ratte zschr, Chirurgie, 93, 197-204. Lehnhardt FJ (2000). Report on experience with the application of tissue adhesives in experimental and small animal surgery. Ir Vet J, 50(2), 99-106. Lomborn PB, Soloway HB, Matsumoto T, Aaby GV (1970). Comparison of tensile strength of wounds closed by sutures and cyanoacrylates. Am J Vet Res, 31(1), 125-130. Mattick A (2002). Use of tissue adhesives in the management of paediatric lacerations. Emerg Med J, 19, 382-385. Muehlberger T, Moresi JM, Schwarze H, Hristopoulos G, Laenger F, Wong L (2005). The effect of topical tretinoin on tissue strength and skin components in a murine incisional wound model. J Am Acad Dermatol 52(4), 583-588. Narang U, Mainwaring L, Spath G, Barefoot J (2003). In-vitro analysis for microbial barrier properties of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate-derived wound treatment films. J Cutan Med Surg, 7(1), 13-19. Nayak S, Nalabothu P, Sandiford S, Bhogadi V, Adogwa A (2006). Evaluation of wound healing activity of Allamanda cathartica L. and Laurus nobilis L. extracts on rats. BMC Complement Altern Med, 6(12), 1-6. Nguyen AJ, Baron TH, Burgat LJ, Leontovich O, Rajan E, Gostout CJ (2002). 2-octyl-cyanoacrylate (Dermabond), a new glue for variceal injection therapy: Results of a preliminary animal study. Gastrointest Endosc 55(4), 572-575. Nomori H, Horio H, Suemasu K (2000). The efficacy and side effects of gelatin-resorcinol formaldehyde gluteraldehyde (DRFG) glue for preventing and sealing pulmonary air leakage. Surg Today, 30(3),244-248. Ollivier F, Delverdier M, Regnier A (2001). Tolerance of rabbit cornea to n-butyl-ester cyanoacrylate adhesive (Vetbond®). Vet Ophthalmol, 4(4), 261-266. Pascoe JR (1991). Wound healing. In: Atlas of Small Animal Surgery, Gourley I.M., Gregory C.R. (Eds), 2-13, Gower Medical, New York. Petratos BP, Rucker GG, Soslow R.A, Felsen D, Poppas DP (2002). Evaluation of octylcyanoacrylate for wound repair of clinical circumcision and human skin incisional healing in a nude rat model. J Urol, 167(2), 677-679. Scardino MS, Swaim SF, Morse SB, Sartin EA, Wright JC, Hoffman CE (1999). Evaluation of fibrin sealants in cutaneous wound closure. J Biomed Mater Res, 48, 315-321. Schreiber J, Efron PA, Park JE, Moldawer LL, Barbul A (2005). Adenoviral gene transfer of an NF-κB super-repressor increases collagen deposition in rodent cutaneous wound healing. Surgery, 138 (5), 940-946. Schwarz DA, Lindblad WJ, Rees RS (1995). Altered collagen metabolism and delayed healing in a novel model of ischemic wounds. Wound Repair Regen, 3, 204-212. Singer AJ, Quinn JV, Clark RE, Hollander JE (2002). Closure of lacerations and incisions with octylcyanoacrylate: A multicenter randomized controlled trial. Surgery 131(3), 270-276. Singer AJ, Mcclain SA, Katz A (2004). A porcine epistaxis model: Hemostatic effect of octylcyanoacrylate. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 130(5), 553-557. Singer AJ, Thode HC (2004). A review of the literature on octylcyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. Am J Surg, 187, 238-248. Queiroz GF de, Paula VV de, Reis RK. Dos, Tabosa IM (2001). Employment of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive and nylon for skin closure in cats. Rev Bras Med Vet 23(3), 126-129. Tekin E, Taneri F, Ersoy E et al. (2001). The effects of glutamine-enriched feeding on incisional healing in rats. Eur J Plast Surg, 23, 78–81. Toriumi DM, Raslan WF, Fredman M (1990). Histotoxicity of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives. A comparative study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 116, 546-550.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Abdullah Karasu

Bahtiyar Bakır This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2016
Submission Date August 9, 2015
Acceptance Date October 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 27 Issue: 1


APA Karasu, A., & Bakır, B. (2016). The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits. Van Veterinary Journal, 27(1), 5-9.
AMA Karasu A, Bakır B. The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits. Van Vet J. April 2016;27(1):5-9.
Chicago Karasu, Abdullah, and Bahtiyar Bakır. “The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits”. Van Veterinary Journal 27, no. 1 (April 2016): 5-9.
EndNote Karasu A, Bakır B (April 1, 2016) The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits. Van Veterinary Journal 27 1 5–9.
IEEE A. Karasu and B. Bakır, “The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits”, Van Vet J, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5–9, 2016.
ISNAD Karasu, Abdullah - Bakır, Bahtiyar. “The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits”. Van Veterinary Journal 27/1 (April 2016), 5-9.
JAMA Karasu A, Bakır B. The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits. Van Vet J. 2016;27:5–9.
MLA Karasu, Abdullah and Bahtiyar Bakır. “The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, 2016, pp. 5-9.
Vancouver Karasu A, Bakır B. The Effect of Octyl-Cyanoacrylate in Wound Healing at Closing the Experimentally Formed Skin Incision in Rabbits. Van Vet J. 2016;27(1):5-9.


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