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Social capital from ecosystem approach: Investment on social well-being

Year 2010, Issue: 3, 49 - 63, 01.04.2010


The aim of this paper is explaining of some backround material on relationship between social capital and social well-being with ecosystem approach. The understanding of social capital can potentially provide valuable insights into the social networks and links that individuals and communities have, and importantly how these networks and links can be utilised to contribute to positive outcomes for the individual and the community alike in terms of social well-being. In this way the explaining of social capital may enlarge our understanding of how individuals can work cooperatively to achieve shared goals and to deal with difficulties within micro environment, mezo environment and macro environment productively.


  • .Anonymous, 1999, What is Social Capital, PowertyNet. Online: http:// Erişim Tarihi: 04.04.2008, World Bank
  • .Anonymous, 2001, The Wellbeing of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital, Education and Skills., Paris, France, OECD Center for Educational Research and Innovation
  • .Anonymous, 2002, Social Capital and Social Well-Being, Discussion Paper, Commeanwealth of Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • .Baum, F., Palmer, C., Modra, C., Murray, C. and Bush, R. 2000, Families, Social Capital and Health, in Winter, I. (ed.), Social Capital and Public Policy in Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne .Bourdieu, P. 1983, Forms of Capital in J.C. Richards (ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for The Sociology of Education, Routledge, Newyork .Coleman, 1988, Social Capital in The Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology, 94; 95-120
  • .Coleman, J. 1990, Foundations of Social Theory Mass.: Harvard University Press, Cambridge
  • .Dasgupta, R., and M., Weale. 1992, On Measuring the Quality of Life, World Development, 20; 119-131
  • .Federico, R.C. 1990, Social Welfare In Todays World, McGraw-Hill Pub., Comp., New York .Field, J. 2003, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning: An Analysis of Survey Data, European Conference on Educational Research, University of Hamburg, 17-20 September, pp.1-21
  • .Field, J. 2006, Sosyal Sermaye, Çev. Bahar Bilgen, Bayram Şen. Bilgi İletişim Grubu Yayıncılık Müzik Yapım ve Haber Ajansı Ltd.Şti., İstanbul
  • .Graycar, A. 1999, Crime and Social Capital, 19th. Biennial International Conference on Prevententing Crime, Australian Crime Prevention Council, Melbourne, 20 October, pp.1-19
  • .Grootaert, C. and Van-Bastelaer, T. 2001, Understanding and Measuring Sosyal Capital: A Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations from The Social Capital Initiative, Social Capital Working Papers Series, No:24, Social Development Department Publication, The World Bank, Washington, DC
  • .Grootaert, C. Oh, G. and Grootaert, A.S. 2002, Social Capital, Household Welfare and Poverty in Burkina Faso, Journal of African Economies, 11; 4-38
  • .Heliwell, J.F. and Putnam, R.D. 2004, The Social Context of Well-Being, Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 359 (1449); 1435-1446
  • .Isham, J., Kelly, T. and Sunder, R. 2001, Social Capital and Well-Being In Developing Countries: An Introduction, Edward Elgar Publications
  • .Kwachi, I., Kennedy, B.P. Lochner, K. and Prowther-Stith, D. 1997, Social Capital, Income Equality and Mortality, American Journal of Public Health, 87(9); 1491-1499
  • .Leventhal, T., and Brooks-Gunn, J. 2000, The Neighborhoods They Live in: The Effects of Neighborhood Residence on Child and Adolescent Outcomes, Psychological Bulletin, 126(2); 309-337
  • .McGregor, S.L. and Goldsmith, E.B. 1998, Expanding our Understanding of Quality of Life, Standard of Living and Well-Being, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 90(2)
  • .Molinas, J. 1998, The Impact of Inequality, Gender, External Assistance and Social Capital on Local- Level Cooperation, World Development, 26 (3); 413-431
  • .Narayan, D. 1997, Voices of the Poor: Poverty and Social Capital in Tanzania, Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network, Studies and Monographs Series, No. 20. Washington, DC: World Bank
  • .North, D. 1990, Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, New York
  • .Olson, Mancur. 1982, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities, Yale University Press, New Haven
  • .Parcel, T.L., and Dufur, M.J. 2001, Capital at Home and at School: Effects on Child Social Adjustment, Journal of Marriage and The Family, 63(1); 32-47
  • .Putnam, R.D. 1995, Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital, Journal of Democracy, 6(1); 65-78
  • .Quentin-Grafton, R. 2007, Social Capital, Online:, Erişim Tarihi: (03.05.2008)
  • .Sen, A. 1985, Well-Being, Agency and Freedom, The Journal of Philosophy, 82(4); 169-221
  • .Sen, A. 1999, Development as Freedom. Random House, New York
  • .Smith, M.K. 2007, Social Capital The Encylopedia of Informal Education, Online:, Erişim Tarihi: (04.05.2008)
  • .Takashi, O., and Akiyoshi, Y. 2002, Measurement of Social Capital in Japan, Social Capital Measurement Conference, 25-27 September, pp.1-11, OECD and the UK Office of National Statistics, London
  • .Uphoff, N. 2000, Understanding Social Capital: Learning from the Analysis and Experience of Participation, In Partha Dasgupta and Ismail Serageldin (eds.), Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, World Bank
  • Washington, DC
  • .Whitlock, J. 2003, Social Capital and Wellbeing of Youth, Cornell University, University of Rochester, New York State Center for School Safety
  • .Woolcock, M. 2001, The Place of Social Capital in Understanding Social and Economic Outcomes, Canadian Journal of Policy Research, 2(1); 1-17

Sosyal kapital kavramına ekosistem yaklaşımı: Sosyal refahına yatırım

Year 2010, Issue: 3, 49 - 63, 01.04.2010


Bu çalışma, sosyal kapital ve sosyal refah kavramları arasındaki ilişkiyi ekosistem yaklaşımı ile açıklamakta ve bu kavramların dayandığı esaslara ilişkin kaynak sağlamaktadır. Sosyal kapitalin; bireyler ve toplulukların sahip oldukları sosyal ağlar ve bağlantılar ile birlikte anlaşılması, sosyal refaha yapılacak olan yatırım açısından da daha geniş bir bakış açısı ortaya koymaktadır. Bu sosyal ağlar ve bağlantılardan, sosyal refaha katkı sağlayan olumlu çıktılar olarak yararlanılması önemlidir. Sosyal kapitalin bu şekilde açıklanması bireylerin; mikro, mezo ve makro çevrelerdeki güçlükler ile verimli bir şekilde başa çıkabilme yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesine ve ortak amaçların işbirliği ile başarılabilmesine katkı sağlar.


  • .Anonymous, 1999, What is Social Capital, PowertyNet. Online: http:// Erişim Tarihi: 04.04.2008, World Bank
  • .Anonymous, 2001, The Wellbeing of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital, Education and Skills., Paris, France, OECD Center for Educational Research and Innovation
  • .Anonymous, 2002, Social Capital and Social Well-Being, Discussion Paper, Commeanwealth of Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • .Baum, F., Palmer, C., Modra, C., Murray, C. and Bush, R. 2000, Families, Social Capital and Health, in Winter, I. (ed.), Social Capital and Public Policy in Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne .Bourdieu, P. 1983, Forms of Capital in J.C. Richards (ed.) Handbook of Theory and Research for The Sociology of Education, Routledge, Newyork .Coleman, 1988, Social Capital in The Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology, 94; 95-120
  • .Coleman, J. 1990, Foundations of Social Theory Mass.: Harvard University Press, Cambridge
  • .Dasgupta, R., and M., Weale. 1992, On Measuring the Quality of Life, World Development, 20; 119-131
  • .Federico, R.C. 1990, Social Welfare In Todays World, McGraw-Hill Pub., Comp., New York .Field, J. 2003, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning: An Analysis of Survey Data, European Conference on Educational Research, University of Hamburg, 17-20 September, pp.1-21
  • .Field, J. 2006, Sosyal Sermaye, Çev. Bahar Bilgen, Bayram Şen. Bilgi İletişim Grubu Yayıncılık Müzik Yapım ve Haber Ajansı Ltd.Şti., İstanbul
  • .Graycar, A. 1999, Crime and Social Capital, 19th. Biennial International Conference on Prevententing Crime, Australian Crime Prevention Council, Melbourne, 20 October, pp.1-19
  • .Grootaert, C. and Van-Bastelaer, T. 2001, Understanding and Measuring Sosyal Capital: A Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations from The Social Capital Initiative, Social Capital Working Papers Series, No:24, Social Development Department Publication, The World Bank, Washington, DC
  • .Grootaert, C. Oh, G. and Grootaert, A.S. 2002, Social Capital, Household Welfare and Poverty in Burkina Faso, Journal of African Economies, 11; 4-38
  • .Heliwell, J.F. and Putnam, R.D. 2004, The Social Context of Well-Being, Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 359 (1449); 1435-1446
  • .Isham, J., Kelly, T. and Sunder, R. 2001, Social Capital and Well-Being In Developing Countries: An Introduction, Edward Elgar Publications
  • .Kwachi, I., Kennedy, B.P. Lochner, K. and Prowther-Stith, D. 1997, Social Capital, Income Equality and Mortality, American Journal of Public Health, 87(9); 1491-1499
  • .Leventhal, T., and Brooks-Gunn, J. 2000, The Neighborhoods They Live in: The Effects of Neighborhood Residence on Child and Adolescent Outcomes, Psychological Bulletin, 126(2); 309-337
  • .McGregor, S.L. and Goldsmith, E.B. 1998, Expanding our Understanding of Quality of Life, Standard of Living and Well-Being, Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 90(2)
  • .Molinas, J. 1998, The Impact of Inequality, Gender, External Assistance and Social Capital on Local- Level Cooperation, World Development, 26 (3); 413-431
  • .Narayan, D. 1997, Voices of the Poor: Poverty and Social Capital in Tanzania, Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network, Studies and Monographs Series, No. 20. Washington, DC: World Bank
  • .North, D. 1990, Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge University Press, New York
  • .Olson, Mancur. 1982, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities, Yale University Press, New Haven
  • .Parcel, T.L., and Dufur, M.J. 2001, Capital at Home and at School: Effects on Child Social Adjustment, Journal of Marriage and The Family, 63(1); 32-47
  • .Putnam, R.D. 1995, Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital, Journal of Democracy, 6(1); 65-78
  • .Quentin-Grafton, R. 2007, Social Capital, Online:, Erişim Tarihi: (03.05.2008)
  • .Sen, A. 1985, Well-Being, Agency and Freedom, The Journal of Philosophy, 82(4); 169-221
  • .Sen, A. 1999, Development as Freedom. Random House, New York
  • .Smith, M.K. 2007, Social Capital The Encylopedia of Informal Education, Online:, Erişim Tarihi: (04.05.2008)
  • .Takashi, O., and Akiyoshi, Y. 2002, Measurement of Social Capital in Japan, Social Capital Measurement Conference, 25-27 September, pp.1-11, OECD and the UK Office of National Statistics, London
  • .Uphoff, N. 2000, Understanding Social Capital: Learning from the Analysis and Experience of Participation, In Partha Dasgupta and Ismail Serageldin (eds.), Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective, World Bank
  • Washington, DC
  • .Whitlock, J. 2003, Social Capital and Wellbeing of Youth, Cornell University, University of Rochester, New York State Center for School Safety
  • .Woolcock, M. 2001, The Place of Social Capital in Understanding Social and Economic Outcomes, Canadian Journal of Policy Research, 2(1); 1-17
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Emine Özmete This is me

Filiz Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2010
Submission Date August 16, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 3


APA Özmete, E., & Yıldırım, F. (2010). Sosyal kapital kavramına ekosistem yaklaşımı: Sosyal refahına yatırım. Verimlilik Dergisi(3), 49-63.

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