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Year 2014, Volume: 5 Issue: 11, 178 - 195, 05.08.2016


Rekabetçi Zekâ (RZ), bilgi odaklı hareket etmektedir. RZ, işletmenin amacına yönelik, güncel ve proaktif bilgiyi elde etmesini gerektirir. RZ, bu nedenle işletmeler açısından stratejik bir rol üstlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada RZ'nın kavramsal yönünü vurgulamak ve RZ'ya yüklenen stratejik anlamı açıklamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda RZ'nın ortaya çıkışı, kavramsal yönü, kapsamı ve süreci üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda RZ ile ilgili hem akademik çalışmaların hem de uygulamaların artırılması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştır


  • CHARD, P. ve BERNAT, J. P. (1998), L‟Intelligence Economique; Mode d‟Emploi, ADBS Editions.
  • AIKEN, M. (1999), "Competitive Intelligence through Neural Networks", Competitive Intelligence Review, 10(1), 49-53.
  • AKPINAR, H. ve EDĠN, Ġ. (2007), "Rekabet Ġstihbaratı", Öneri: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(28), 1-8.
  • ASHTON, W. B. ve STACEY, G. S. (1995), "Technical intelligence in business: understanding technology threats and opportunity", International Journal of Technology Management, 10(1), 79-104.
  • BARCA, M., KÖSEOĞLU, M. A. ve KARAYORMUK, K. (2008), "To what extent is competitive intelligencereceived at strategic or tactical levels?: Evidence from Turkey", 4th. International Strategic Management Conference Book, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzigova, 57-66
  • BARNDT, W. D. (1994), User-directed competitive intelligence: closing the gap between supply and demand, Quorum Books, CT. BENHARDT, D. C. (1994), "I want it fast, factual, actionable—tailoring competitive intelligence to executives' needs", Long Range Planning, 27(1), 12– 24.
  • BISP, S., SORENSEN, E. ve GRUNERT, K. G. (1998), "Using the Key Success Factor Concept in Competitor Intelligence and Benchmarking", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(3), 55-67.
  • BRUMMER H. L., BADENHORST, J. A. ve NEULAND, E.W. (2006), An evaluation of the most important competitive analysis methods applied by global mining firms to determine the future intent of a competitive force: research article, Southern African Business Review, 10(3), 19-47.
  • CAUDRON, S. (1994), "I spy, you spy", Industry Week, 143(18), 35-40. CULVER, M. (2006), Using tactical intelligence to help inform strategy, Strategy & Leadership, 34(6), 17-23.
  • DASHMAN, L. G. (1998), "The Value of an in-house competitive intelligence department: A business plan approach", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(2), 10–6.
  • DRUCKER, M. E. (1998), "Clusters and the new economics of competition", Harvard Business Review, November/December, 77-90. EDĠN, Ġ. (2008), Rekabet Ġstihbaratı Sürecinde Anahtar Ġstihbarat Konularının Belirlenmesi, Marmara Üniversitesi ĠĠBF Dergisi, XXV(2), 589-600.
  • FAIR, W. R. (1966), "The corporate CIA – a prediction of things to come", Management Science, 12(10), B489-B503.
  • FLEISCHER, C. S. ve BENSOUSSAN, B. E. (2003), Strategic and Competitive Analysis- Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Business Competition, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • FLEISHER, C. S., WRIGHT, S. ve ALLARD, H. T. (2008), "The role of insight teams in integrating diverse marketing information management techniques", European Journal of Marketing, 42(7/8), 836-851.
  • FLEISHER, C. S. (2008), "Using open source data in developing competitive and marketing intelligence", European Journal of Marketing, 42(7/8), 852-866.
  • FULD, L. M. (1995), The New Competitor Intelligence, New York: John Wiley and Sons. GELB, B. D., SAXTON, M. J., ZINKHAN, G. M. ve ALBERS, N. D. (1991), "Competitive intelligence: insights from executives", Business Horizons, 34(1), 43-47.
  • GHOSHAL, S. ve WESTNEY, D. E. (1991), "Organizing competitor analysis systems", Strategic Management Journal, 12(1), 17-31.
  • GILAD, B. (2000), "An Ad Hoc, Entrepreneurial CI Model", Competitive Intelligence Magazine, 3(4), 33-39.
  • GROOM, J. R. ve DAVID, F. R. (2001), "Competitive Intelligence Activity among Small Firms", SAM Advanced Management Journal, Winter, 12-20. HAMREFORS, S. (1998), "Spontaneous Environmental Scanning", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(3), 68-75.
  • HOVIS, J. H. (2000), "CI at Avnet: A Bottom-Line Impact", Competitive Intelligence Review, 11(3), 5-15.
  • JUHARI, A. S. ve STEPHENS, D. P. (2006), "Tracing the origins of competitive intelligence throughout history", Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 3(4), 61-82.
  • KAHANER, L. (1996), Competitive Intelligence, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. KÖSEOĞLU, E. ve AKDEVE, M. A. (2013), Rekabet Ġstihbaratı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • LACKMANN, C. L., SABAN, K. ve LANASSA, J. M. (2000), "Organizing the Competitive Intelligence Function: A Benchmarking Study", Competitive Intelligence Review, 11(1), 17-27.
  • LEMOS, Â. D. ve PORTO, A. C. (1998), "Technological Forecasting Techniques and Competitive Intelligence: Tools for Improving the Innovation Process", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 98(7), 330-337.
  • LISSE, W. C. (1998), "The Economics of Information and the Internet", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(4), 48-55. MAHONEY, T. (1998), "Data Warehousing and CI: An Evaluation", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(1), 38-43.
  • MARCEAU, S. ve SAWKA, K. (1999), "Developing World-Class CI Program in Telecoms", Competitive Intelligence Review, 10(4), 30-40.
  • MARIN LIANES, L., CARRO CARTAYA, J. ve ESPIN ANDRADE, R. (2001), "Information Analysis Techniques for the Competitive Intelligence Process", Competitive Intelligence Review, 12(1), 32-40.
  • MCGONAGLE, J. J. ve VELLA, C. M. (2003), The manager's guide to competitive intelligence, Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • MCGONAGLE, J. J. ve VELLA, C. M. (2002), "A case for competitive intelligence", Information Management Journal, 36(4), 35-40.
  • MILLER, S. H. (2001), "Competitive Intelligence – An Overview, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals", http//: (EriĢim: 05.12.2013).
  • MIREE, C. E. (1999), Coordinating Strategic and Tactical Intelligence in Organisations, YayınlanmamıĢ Doktora Tezi, Pittsburgh University.
  • MOLLAYAAGHOBI, S. S. ve BADIEE, F. (2011), "A comparative study of competitive intelligence in public sector", Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(5), 525-535.
  • MONTGOMERY, D. B. ve URBAN, G. L. (1970), "Marketing decisioninformation systems: an emerging view", Journal of Marketing Research, 7, 226- 34.
  • MONTGOMERY, D. B. ve WEINBERG, C. B. (1979), "Toward strategic intelligence systems", Journal of Marketing, 43, 41-52.
  • MOORE, K. (2008), "Ġnsan Kaynakları ve Rekabetçi Ġstihbarat", HRDergi, Nisan 2008 (Bu yayına HRDergi Editöründen bu çalıĢmada atıf yapılmak üzere istenerek ulaĢılmıĢtır).
  • MUGO, H. W., WANJAU, K. ve AYODO, E. (2012), "An investigation into competitive intelligence practices and their effect on profitability of firms in the banking industry: A case of Equity Bank", International Journal of Business and Public Management, 2(2), 61-71.
  • MYBURGH, S. (2004), "Competitive Intelligence: Bridging Organizational Boundaries", The Information Management Journal, March/April, 38(2), 46-55.
  • O‟GUIN, M. C. ve OGILVIE, T. (2001), "The Science, Not Art, of Business Intelligence", Competitive Intelligence Review, 12(4), 15–24.
  • PAPATYA, N. ve PAPATYA, G. (2007), "ĠĢletmelerde Rekabetçi Zekâ Nasıl Yaratılabilir? Türkiye Tekstil Sektörüne ĠliĢkin Değerlendirme ve Bir Model Önerisi", Sakarya Üniversitesi 15. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 25-27 Mayıs 2007, 368-379.
  • PEARCE, F. T. (1976), "Business intelligence systems: the need, development and integration", Industrial Marketing Management, 5(2/3), 115.
  • PELLISSIER, R. ve NENZHELELE, T. E. (2013), "The impact of work experience of small and medium-sized enterprises owners or managers on their competitive intelligence awareness and practices", SA Journal of Information Management, 15(1), 1-6.
  • PELSMACKER, P., MULLER, M. L., VIVIERS, W., SAAYMAN, A., CUYVERS, L. ve JEGERS, M. (2005), "Competitive intelligence practices of South Africa nad Belgian exporters", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 23(6), 606-620.
  • PERSIDIS, A. (2003), "Corporate intelligence in a corporately intelligent world", Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 1(2), 87-99.
  • PORTER, M. E. ve MILLAR, V. E. (1991), "How information gives you competitive advantage", Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1-14.
  • PORTER, M. E. (1980), Competitive Strategy: Techniques of Analyzing Industries and Competitors, The Free Press, New York, NY.
  • POWELL, J. H. ve BRADFORD, J. P. (2000), "Targeting Intelligence Gathering in a Dynamic Competitive Environment", International Journal of Information Management, 20, 181-195.
  • PRESCOTT, J. E. ve SMITH, D. C. (1989), "The largest survey of 'leading-edge' competitor intelligence managers", Planning Review, 17(3), 6-13. PRESCOTT, J. E. (1989), "The Evolution of Competitive Intelligence", Proposal Management, Spring, 37-52.
  • RAUCH, D. ve SANTI, P. (2001), Competitive Intelligence Adds Value: Five Intelligence Attitudes, European Management Journal, 19(5), 552-559.
  • RODENBERG, J. (2013), (EriĢim: 10.03.2014)
  • ROUACH, D. ve SANTI, P. (2001), "Competitive intelligence adds value: Five
  • intelligence attitudes", European Management Journal, 19(5), 552-559.
  • SALLES, M. (2006), "Decision making in SMEs and information requirements for competitive intelligence", Production Planning & Control, 17(3), 229-237.
  • SHEHU, Z. ve AKINTOYE, A. (2009), "Construction programme management theory and practice", International Journal of Project Management, 27(7),704- 716.
  • Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals -SCIP- (2013),, (EriĢim: 05.12.2013).
  • TDK (2013), Türk Dil Kurumu, Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, bts&arama=kelime&guid=TDK.GTS.5377b8ae3ff1a2.29937853 (EriĢim: 14.12.2013).
  • VEDDER, R. G. ve GUYNES, C. S. (2002), "CIOs' perspective on competitive intelligence", Information Systems Management, 19(4), 49-55.
  • VEDDER, R. G. ve GUYNES, C. S. (2001), "A Study of Competitive Intelligence Practices in Organizations", Journal of Computer Information Systems, 41(2), 36-39.
  • WRIGHT, S. ve CALOF, J. L. (2006), The quest for competitive, business and marketing intelligence: A country comparison of current practices, European Journal of Marketing, 40(5/6), 453-465.
  • WRIGHT, S., PICKTON, D. W. ve CALLOW, J. (2002), "Competitive intelligence in UK firms: A typology", Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 20(6), 349-360.
  • ZANASSI, A. (1998), "Competitive Intelligence through Data Mining Public Sources", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(1), 44-54.
  • ZANGOUEINEZHAD, A. ve MOSHABAKI, A. (2008), "The role of structural capital on competitive intelligence", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(2), 262-28


Year 2014, Volume: 5 Issue: 11, 178 - 195, 05.08.2016


Competitive Intelligence (CI) is acting information oriented. CI requires obtaining information for the purpose of business, current and proactively. CI, therefore assumes a strategic role in terms of businesses. This study, it is intended to emphasize the conceptual aspects of CI and CI uploads to explain strategic sense. In this context, it is focused on CI emergence, conceptual aspect, scope and process. As a result of study, has emerged the need for increasing both academic studies as well as applications about CI


  • CHARD, P. ve BERNAT, J. P. (1998), L‟Intelligence Economique; Mode d‟Emploi, ADBS Editions.
  • AIKEN, M. (1999), "Competitive Intelligence through Neural Networks", Competitive Intelligence Review, 10(1), 49-53.
  • AKPINAR, H. ve EDĠN, Ġ. (2007), "Rekabet Ġstihbaratı", Öneri: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(28), 1-8.
  • ASHTON, W. B. ve STACEY, G. S. (1995), "Technical intelligence in business: understanding technology threats and opportunity", International Journal of Technology Management, 10(1), 79-104.
  • BARCA, M., KÖSEOĞLU, M. A. ve KARAYORMUK, K. (2008), "To what extent is competitive intelligencereceived at strategic or tactical levels?: Evidence from Turkey", 4th. International Strategic Management Conference Book, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzigova, 57-66
  • BARNDT, W. D. (1994), User-directed competitive intelligence: closing the gap between supply and demand, Quorum Books, CT. BENHARDT, D. C. (1994), "I want it fast, factual, actionable—tailoring competitive intelligence to executives' needs", Long Range Planning, 27(1), 12– 24.
  • BISP, S., SORENSEN, E. ve GRUNERT, K. G. (1998), "Using the Key Success Factor Concept in Competitor Intelligence and Benchmarking", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(3), 55-67.
  • BRUMMER H. L., BADENHORST, J. A. ve NEULAND, E.W. (2006), An evaluation of the most important competitive analysis methods applied by global mining firms to determine the future intent of a competitive force: research article, Southern African Business Review, 10(3), 19-47.
  • CAUDRON, S. (1994), "I spy, you spy", Industry Week, 143(18), 35-40. CULVER, M. (2006), Using tactical intelligence to help inform strategy, Strategy & Leadership, 34(6), 17-23.
  • DASHMAN, L. G. (1998), "The Value of an in-house competitive intelligence department: A business plan approach", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(2), 10–6.
  • DRUCKER, M. E. (1998), "Clusters and the new economics of competition", Harvard Business Review, November/December, 77-90. EDĠN, Ġ. (2008), Rekabet Ġstihbaratı Sürecinde Anahtar Ġstihbarat Konularının Belirlenmesi, Marmara Üniversitesi ĠĠBF Dergisi, XXV(2), 589-600.
  • FAIR, W. R. (1966), "The corporate CIA – a prediction of things to come", Management Science, 12(10), B489-B503.
  • FLEISCHER, C. S. ve BENSOUSSAN, B. E. (2003), Strategic and Competitive Analysis- Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Business Competition, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • FLEISHER, C. S., WRIGHT, S. ve ALLARD, H. T. (2008), "The role of insight teams in integrating diverse marketing information management techniques", European Journal of Marketing, 42(7/8), 836-851.
  • FLEISHER, C. S. (2008), "Using open source data in developing competitive and marketing intelligence", European Journal of Marketing, 42(7/8), 852-866.
  • FULD, L. M. (1995), The New Competitor Intelligence, New York: John Wiley and Sons. GELB, B. D., SAXTON, M. J., ZINKHAN, G. M. ve ALBERS, N. D. (1991), "Competitive intelligence: insights from executives", Business Horizons, 34(1), 43-47.
  • GHOSHAL, S. ve WESTNEY, D. E. (1991), "Organizing competitor analysis systems", Strategic Management Journal, 12(1), 17-31.
  • GILAD, B. (2000), "An Ad Hoc, Entrepreneurial CI Model", Competitive Intelligence Magazine, 3(4), 33-39.
  • GROOM, J. R. ve DAVID, F. R. (2001), "Competitive Intelligence Activity among Small Firms", SAM Advanced Management Journal, Winter, 12-20. HAMREFORS, S. (1998), "Spontaneous Environmental Scanning", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(3), 68-75.
  • HOVIS, J. H. (2000), "CI at Avnet: A Bottom-Line Impact", Competitive Intelligence Review, 11(3), 5-15.
  • JUHARI, A. S. ve STEPHENS, D. P. (2006), "Tracing the origins of competitive intelligence throughout history", Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 3(4), 61-82.
  • KAHANER, L. (1996), Competitive Intelligence, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. KÖSEOĞLU, E. ve AKDEVE, M. A. (2013), Rekabet Ġstihbaratı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • LACKMANN, C. L., SABAN, K. ve LANASSA, J. M. (2000), "Organizing the Competitive Intelligence Function: A Benchmarking Study", Competitive Intelligence Review, 11(1), 17-27.
  • LEMOS, Â. D. ve PORTO, A. C. (1998), "Technological Forecasting Techniques and Competitive Intelligence: Tools for Improving the Innovation Process", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 98(7), 330-337.
  • LISSE, W. C. (1998), "The Economics of Information and the Internet", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(4), 48-55. MAHONEY, T. (1998), "Data Warehousing and CI: An Evaluation", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(1), 38-43.
  • MARCEAU, S. ve SAWKA, K. (1999), "Developing World-Class CI Program in Telecoms", Competitive Intelligence Review, 10(4), 30-40.
  • MARIN LIANES, L., CARRO CARTAYA, J. ve ESPIN ANDRADE, R. (2001), "Information Analysis Techniques for the Competitive Intelligence Process", Competitive Intelligence Review, 12(1), 32-40.
  • MCGONAGLE, J. J. ve VELLA, C. M. (2003), The manager's guide to competitive intelligence, Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • MCGONAGLE, J. J. ve VELLA, C. M. (2002), "A case for competitive intelligence", Information Management Journal, 36(4), 35-40.
  • MILLER, S. H. (2001), "Competitive Intelligence – An Overview, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals", http//: (EriĢim: 05.12.2013).
  • MIREE, C. E. (1999), Coordinating Strategic and Tactical Intelligence in Organisations, YayınlanmamıĢ Doktora Tezi, Pittsburgh University.
  • MOLLAYAAGHOBI, S. S. ve BADIEE, F. (2011), "A comparative study of competitive intelligence in public sector", Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(5), 525-535.
  • MONTGOMERY, D. B. ve URBAN, G. L. (1970), "Marketing decisioninformation systems: an emerging view", Journal of Marketing Research, 7, 226- 34.
  • MONTGOMERY, D. B. ve WEINBERG, C. B. (1979), "Toward strategic intelligence systems", Journal of Marketing, 43, 41-52.
  • MOORE, K. (2008), "Ġnsan Kaynakları ve Rekabetçi Ġstihbarat", HRDergi, Nisan 2008 (Bu yayına HRDergi Editöründen bu çalıĢmada atıf yapılmak üzere istenerek ulaĢılmıĢtır).
  • MUGO, H. W., WANJAU, K. ve AYODO, E. (2012), "An investigation into competitive intelligence practices and their effect on profitability of firms in the banking industry: A case of Equity Bank", International Journal of Business and Public Management, 2(2), 61-71.
  • MYBURGH, S. (2004), "Competitive Intelligence: Bridging Organizational Boundaries", The Information Management Journal, March/April, 38(2), 46-55.
  • O‟GUIN, M. C. ve OGILVIE, T. (2001), "The Science, Not Art, of Business Intelligence", Competitive Intelligence Review, 12(4), 15–24.
  • PAPATYA, N. ve PAPATYA, G. (2007), "ĠĢletmelerde Rekabetçi Zekâ Nasıl Yaratılabilir? Türkiye Tekstil Sektörüne ĠliĢkin Değerlendirme ve Bir Model Önerisi", Sakarya Üniversitesi 15. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 25-27 Mayıs 2007, 368-379.
  • PEARCE, F. T. (1976), "Business intelligence systems: the need, development and integration", Industrial Marketing Management, 5(2/3), 115.
  • PELLISSIER, R. ve NENZHELELE, T. E. (2013), "The impact of work experience of small and medium-sized enterprises owners or managers on their competitive intelligence awareness and practices", SA Journal of Information Management, 15(1), 1-6.
  • PELSMACKER, P., MULLER, M. L., VIVIERS, W., SAAYMAN, A., CUYVERS, L. ve JEGERS, M. (2005), "Competitive intelligence practices of South Africa nad Belgian exporters", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 23(6), 606-620.
  • PERSIDIS, A. (2003), "Corporate intelligence in a corporately intelligent world", Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 1(2), 87-99.
  • PORTER, M. E. ve MILLAR, V. E. (1991), "How information gives you competitive advantage", Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1-14.
  • PORTER, M. E. (1980), Competitive Strategy: Techniques of Analyzing Industries and Competitors, The Free Press, New York, NY.
  • POWELL, J. H. ve BRADFORD, J. P. (2000), "Targeting Intelligence Gathering in a Dynamic Competitive Environment", International Journal of Information Management, 20, 181-195.
  • PRESCOTT, J. E. ve SMITH, D. C. (1989), "The largest survey of 'leading-edge' competitor intelligence managers", Planning Review, 17(3), 6-13. PRESCOTT, J. E. (1989), "The Evolution of Competitive Intelligence", Proposal Management, Spring, 37-52.
  • RAUCH, D. ve SANTI, P. (2001), Competitive Intelligence Adds Value: Five Intelligence Attitudes, European Management Journal, 19(5), 552-559.
  • RODENBERG, J. (2013), (EriĢim: 10.03.2014)
  • ROUACH, D. ve SANTI, P. (2001), "Competitive intelligence adds value: Five
  • intelligence attitudes", European Management Journal, 19(5), 552-559.
  • SALLES, M. (2006), "Decision making in SMEs and information requirements for competitive intelligence", Production Planning & Control, 17(3), 229-237.
  • SHEHU, Z. ve AKINTOYE, A. (2009), "Construction programme management theory and practice", International Journal of Project Management, 27(7),704- 716.
  • Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals -SCIP- (2013),, (EriĢim: 05.12.2013).
  • TDK (2013), Türk Dil Kurumu, Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, bts&arama=kelime&guid=TDK.GTS.5377b8ae3ff1a2.29937853 (EriĢim: 14.12.2013).
  • VEDDER, R. G. ve GUYNES, C. S. (2002), "CIOs' perspective on competitive intelligence", Information Systems Management, 19(4), 49-55.
  • VEDDER, R. G. ve GUYNES, C. S. (2001), "A Study of Competitive Intelligence Practices in Organizations", Journal of Computer Information Systems, 41(2), 36-39.
  • WRIGHT, S. ve CALOF, J. L. (2006), The quest for competitive, business and marketing intelligence: A country comparison of current practices, European Journal of Marketing, 40(5/6), 453-465.
  • WRIGHT, S., PICKTON, D. W. ve CALLOW, J. (2002), "Competitive intelligence in UK firms: A typology", Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 20(6), 349-360.
  • ZANASSI, A. (1998), "Competitive Intelligence through Data Mining Public Sources", Competitive Intelligence Review, 9(1), 44-54.
  • ZANGOUEINEZHAD, A. ve MOSHABAKI, A. (2008), "The role of structural capital on competitive intelligence", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(2), 262-28
There are 61 citations in total.


Other ID JA57FM66CC
Journal Section Research Articles

Ömer Kürşad Tüfekci This is me

Publication Date August 5, 2016
Submission Date August 5, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 5 Issue: 11


APA Tüfekci, Ö. K. (2016). İŞLETMELERİN İNKÜBATÖRÜ OLARAK REKABETÇİ ZEKÂNIN STRATEJİK ROLÜ. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 5(11), 178-195.
