Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 11 Issue: 27, 541 - 554, 10.06.2020


Instagram’ın popülerlik kazanmasıyla birlikte, işletmeler ticari kazanç sağlamak için bu mecrayı pazarlama faaliyeti olarak kullanmaya başlamışlardır. Son dönemde özellikle “etkileyici” adı verilen kişilerin, gerek tüketicilerin bireysel satın alma kararlarını gerekse marka imajı yaratmada ve müşterilerle etkileşim yaratmak amacıyla sıklıkla kullanıldıkları bilinmektedir. Instagram üzerinde deneyim ve bilgi paylaşan “etkileyici”lerin paylaşımları tüketicilerin zihninde kaynağa güvenilirlik açısından her zaman olumlu bir marka imajı ve etkileşim yaratamamaktadır. Ancak etkileyici kişilerin sponsorlu ürün olarak yaptıkları paylaşımlarda bu durumun farklılık gösterdiği görülmektedir. Etkileyici kişilerin sıklıkla kullanıldığı alanlardan biri de şüphesiz ki makyaj ve güzellik sektörüdür. Instagram’da bu alanda oldukça yoğun ürün ya da hizmet odaklı paylaşımlar yapıldığı görülmektedir. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın amacı, kozmetik ve yaşam alanında paylaşımlarda bulunan bir etkileyici kişinin sponsorlu ürünleri deneyimlemesi üzerine, yaptığı olumlu ve olumsuz ürün yorumlarının takipçilerinin marka imajı ve etkileşim üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Keşifsel bir araştırma niteliği taşıyan bu araştırmada 2011 yılından beri kozmetik ve yaşam alanında deneyim ve önerilerini paylaşan “etkileyici kişi” Görkem Karman’ın, Instagram üzerinden olumlu ve olumsuz sponsorlu ürün deneyimlerinin takipçilerinde yarattığı marka imajı ve etkileşimi değerlendirmek amacıyla olumlu ve olumsuz ürün deneyimi paylaşımlarına yapılan takipçi yorumlarına yönelik içerik analizi uygulanmıştır.


  • Aaker, D. A. (2009). Güçlü markalar yaratmak. E. Demir (Çev.), İstanbul: Kapital Medya Hizmetleri.
  • Akkaya, E. (1999), Marka imajı bileşenleri, otomobil sektöründe bir uygulama. 4.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitapçığı, 18-20 Kasım 1999, Hatay.
  • Argan, M. (2004). Spor sponsorluğu yönetimi. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Arklan, Ü. ve Tuzcu, N. (2019). Dijital çağın bir pazarlama ve marka iletişim aracı olarak etkileyiciler: Kanaatler, kriterler ve takip nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Akademik Dergisi, 12(2), 969-1011.
  • Ayeh, J. K., Au, N. ve Law, R. (2013). Do we believe in TripAdvisor? Examining credibility perceptions and online travelers’ attitude toward using user-generated content. Journal of Travel Research, 52(4), 437-452.
  • Boone, L. (2017). Influencer marketing. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
  • Bowden, J. L. H. (2009). The process of customer engagement: A conceptual framework. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 17(1), 63-74.
  • Constantinides, E. (2014). Foundations of social media marketing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 40-57. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.016.
  • Chaudhuri, A. ve Holbrook, M. B. (2001). The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: The role of brand loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 65, 81-93.
  • Chu, S. C. ve Kim, Y. (2011). Determinants of consumer engagement in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites. International journal of Advertising, 30(1), 47-75.
  • Debenedetti, A., Oppewal, H. ve Arsel, Z. (2014). Place attachment in commercial settings: A gift economy perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 904– 923. doi:10.1086/673469
  • DEI Worldwide. (2008). The impact of social media on purchasing behavior. Engaging consumers online. Erişim adresi:ıstudy-Engaging%20consumersonline-Summary.Pdf, (18 Ekim 2019).
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V. ve L. Hudders. (2017). Marketing through instagram influencers: The impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising 36, no. 5:798–828.
  • Dissanayake, D. R. ve Ismail, N. (2015). Relationship between celebrity endorsement and brand attitude: With reference to financial services sector brands in Sri lanka. 6th International Conference on Business & Information ICBI, 472-487.
  • Evans, N. J., Phua, J., Lim, J.,ve Jun, H. (2017). Disclosing instagram influencer advertising: The effects of disclosure language on advertising recognition, attitudes, and behavioral intent. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 17(2), 138-149.
  • Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K. ve Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.
  • Forbes Contrubitors. (2019). How is influencer marketing changing? Erişim adresi:, (18 Ekim 2019).
  • Gbadamosi, A. (2013). Consumer involvement and marketing in Africa: Some directions for future research. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, 234-242.
  • Heath, R. L., Liao, S. ve Douglas, W. (1995). Effects of perceived economic harms and benefits on issue involvement, information use and action: A study in risk communication. Journal of Public Relations Research, 7, 89–109.
  • Hung, C. (2005). The effect of brand image on public relations perceptions and customer loyalty. International Journal of Management, 25(2), 237-246.
  • Jefkins, F. (1994). Public relations techniques, Butterworth-Heinemann, Great Britain.
  • Johnson, T. ve Kaye, K. (2004). Wag the blog: How reliance on traditional media and the internet influence credibility perceptions of weblogs among blog users. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 81(3) 622-642.
  • Kapitan, S. ve Silvera, D. H. (2016). From digital media influencers to celebrity endorsers: Attributions drive endorser effectiveness. Marketing Letters, 27(3), 553-567.
  • Kaplan, A. M. ve Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
  • Keller, K. L. (2008). Strategic brand management. Prentice Hall. NJ.
  • Ker, M. (1998). Profesyonel ¬imajın, ¬imaj yönetimi kapsamında yeri ve önemi. Pazarlama Dünyası, 12(71), 25-28.
  • Kim, A. J. ve Ko, E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), 1480-1486.
  • Kim, M. ve Song, D. (2018). When brand-related UGC induces effectiveness on social media: The role of content sponsorship and content type. International Journal Of Advertising, 37(1), 105-124.
  • Kozinets, R.V., De Valck, K., Wojnicki, A.C. ve Winer, S.J.S. (2010). Networked narratives: Understanding word-of-mouth marketing in online communities. Journal of Marketing, 74, 71-89.
  • Lee, B. ve Groves, D.L. (2012). China olympics and sponsor stocks. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 3(2), 125-145.
  • Li, Y. M., Lai, C. Y. ve Chen, C. W. (2011). Discovering influencers for marketing in the blogosphere. Information Sciences, 181(23), 5143-5157.
  • Macnamara, J. (2005). Media content analysis: Its uses; Benefits and best practice methodology. Asia Pasific Public Relations Journal, 6(1), 1-34.
  • Nambisan, S. ve Baron, R.A. (2009). Virtual customer environments: Testing a model of voluntary participation in value co-creation activities. Product Development & Management Association, 26, 388-406.
  • Neti, S. (2011). Social media and its role in marketing. International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, 1(2), 1-15.
  • Neilsen. (2013). Global trust in advertising and brand messages. Erişim adresi:, (20 Ekim 2019).
  • Ohanian, R. (1990). Construction and validation of a scale to measure celebrity endorsers' perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. Journal of Advertising, 19(3), 39-52.
  • O’Keefe, D. J. (1990). Persuasion: Theory and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • O'Reilly, N. (2010). Olympic sponsorship. Journal of Sponsorship, 3(2), 113-114.
  • Özüpek, M. N. ve Diker, E. (2013). İletişim fakültesi öğrencilerinin cep telefonu markalarına yönelik imaj algısı. E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 8(1), 100-120.
  • Pansari, A. ve Kumar, V. (2017). Customer engagement: The construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 294–311. doi:10.1007/s11747-016-0485-6
  • Parganas, P. ve Anagnostopoulos, C. (2015). Social media strategy in professional football: The case of Liverpool FC. Sports Management International Journal Choregia, 11(2), 62–75. doi:10.4127/ch.2015.0102
  • Peltekoğlu, F.B. (2007). Halkla ilişkiler nedir?, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • Petty, R. E., Cacioppo, J. T. ve Schumann, D. (1983). Central and peripheral routes to advertising effectiveness: The moderating role of involvement. Journal of Consumer Research, (10), 135-146.
  • Petty, R. E. ve Brinol, P. (2010). Attitude change. Advanced Social Psychology: The state of the science, 217-259.
  • Salinas, E. A. ve Perez, J. M. P. (2009) Modeling the brand extensions' influence on brand image, Journal of Business Research, 62, 50-60.
  • Shukla, P. (2011). Impact of interpersonal influences, brand origin and brand image on luxury purchase intentions: Measuring interfunctional interactions and a cross-national comparison. Journal of World Business, 46(2), 242-252.
  • Uzunoğlu, E. ve Kip, S. M. (2014). Brand communication through digital influencers: Leveraging blogger engagement. International Journal of Information Management, 34(5), 592-602.
  • Uztuğ, F. (2002). Markan kadar konuş: Marka iletişimi stratejileri. İstanbul: Media Cat Kitapları.
  • Van Noort, G., Antheunis, M. L. ve Van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2012). Social connections and the persuasiveness of viral campaigns in social network sites: Persuasive intent as the underlying mechanism. Journal of Marketing Communications, 18(1), 39-53.
  • Vivek, S. D., Beatty S. E. ve Morgan R.M. (2012) Customer engagement: Exploring customer relationships beyond purchase, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 20(2), 122-146.
  • Wang, Y. ve Fesenmaier, D.R. (2004). Towards understanding members’ general participation in and active contribution to an online travel community. Tourism Management, 25(6), 709-722.
  • Wertime, K. ve Fenwick, I. (2011). DigiMarketing: The essential guide to new media and digital marketing. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Westerman, D., Spence, P. R. ve Van Der Heide, B. (2014). Social media as information source: Recency of updates and credibility of information. Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19(2), 171-183.
  • Wei, M., Fischer, E. ve Main, K. J. (2008). An examination of the effects of activating persuasion knowledge on consumer response to brands engaging in covert marketing. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 27, 34-44.
  • Wu, K. (2016). YouTube marketing: Legality of sponsorship and endorsement in advertising. JL Bus, & Ethichs, 22, 59.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri, 7. Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yurttaş, Ö. U. (2011). Blogların markalar üzerinde gücü. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,(07), 107-125.


Year 2020, Volume: 11 Issue: 27, 541 - 554, 10.06.2020


Along with Instagram gaining popularity, businesses have started to use this channel as a marketing activity for commercial gain. It is known that people who are called “influencers” have been used frequently in order to create consumer image decisions, brand image and to interact with customers. The sharing of influencers who share experience and information on Instagram cannot always create a positive brand image and interaction in terms of reliability in the mind of consumers. However, it is seen that this situation differs in the sharing of impressive people as sponsored products. One of the areas where influencers are frequently used is undoubtedly the makeup and beauty industry. It is seen that there are very intensive product or service oriented posts in this field on Instagram. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the effects of positive and negative product reviews on the brand image and interaction of the followers of an influencer who shares in the field of cosmetics and life, on the experience of sponsored products. In the research, which is an exploratory research, the “influencers” who has shared his experiences and suggestions in the field of cosmetics and life since 2011, made positive and negative product experience sharing to evaluate the brand image and interaction created by Görkem Karman on followers of positive and negative sponsored product experiences on Instagram. Content analysis is applied to follower comments.


  • Aaker, D. A. (2009). Güçlü markalar yaratmak. E. Demir (Çev.), İstanbul: Kapital Medya Hizmetleri.
  • Akkaya, E. (1999), Marka imajı bileşenleri, otomobil sektöründe bir uygulama. 4.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitapçığı, 18-20 Kasım 1999, Hatay.
  • Argan, M. (2004). Spor sponsorluğu yönetimi. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Arklan, Ü. ve Tuzcu, N. (2019). Dijital çağın bir pazarlama ve marka iletişim aracı olarak etkileyiciler: Kanaatler, kriterler ve takip nedenleri üzerine bir araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Akademik Dergisi, 12(2), 969-1011.
  • Ayeh, J. K., Au, N. ve Law, R. (2013). Do we believe in TripAdvisor? Examining credibility perceptions and online travelers’ attitude toward using user-generated content. Journal of Travel Research, 52(4), 437-452.
  • Boone, L. (2017). Influencer marketing. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
  • Bowden, J. L. H. (2009). The process of customer engagement: A conceptual framework. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, 17(1), 63-74.
  • Constantinides, E. (2014). Foundations of social media marketing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 40-57. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.016.
  • Chaudhuri, A. ve Holbrook, M. B. (2001). The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: The role of brand loyalty. Journal of Marketing, 65, 81-93.
  • Chu, S. C. ve Kim, Y. (2011). Determinants of consumer engagement in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites. International journal of Advertising, 30(1), 47-75.
  • Debenedetti, A., Oppewal, H. ve Arsel, Z. (2014). Place attachment in commercial settings: A gift economy perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 904– 923. doi:10.1086/673469
  • DEI Worldwide. (2008). The impact of social media on purchasing behavior. Engaging consumers online. Erişim adresi:ıstudy-Engaging%20consumersonline-Summary.Pdf, (18 Ekim 2019).
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V. ve L. Hudders. (2017). Marketing through instagram influencers: The impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising 36, no. 5:798–828.
  • Dissanayake, D. R. ve Ismail, N. (2015). Relationship between celebrity endorsement and brand attitude: With reference to financial services sector brands in Sri lanka. 6th International Conference on Business & Information ICBI, 472-487.
  • Evans, N. J., Phua, J., Lim, J.,ve Jun, H. (2017). Disclosing instagram influencer advertising: The effects of disclosure language on advertising recognition, attitudes, and behavioral intent. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 17(2), 138-149.
  • Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K. ve Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.
  • Forbes Contrubitors. (2019). How is influencer marketing changing? Erişim adresi:, (18 Ekim 2019).
  • Gbadamosi, A. (2013). Consumer involvement and marketing in Africa: Some directions for future research. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, 234-242.
  • Heath, R. L., Liao, S. ve Douglas, W. (1995). Effects of perceived economic harms and benefits on issue involvement, information use and action: A study in risk communication. Journal of Public Relations Research, 7, 89–109.
  • Hung, C. (2005). The effect of brand image on public relations perceptions and customer loyalty. International Journal of Management, 25(2), 237-246.
  • Jefkins, F. (1994). Public relations techniques, Butterworth-Heinemann, Great Britain.
  • Johnson, T. ve Kaye, K. (2004). Wag the blog: How reliance on traditional media and the internet influence credibility perceptions of weblogs among blog users. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 81(3) 622-642.
  • Kapitan, S. ve Silvera, D. H. (2016). From digital media influencers to celebrity endorsers: Attributions drive endorser effectiveness. Marketing Letters, 27(3), 553-567.
  • Kaplan, A. M. ve Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
  • Keller, K. L. (2008). Strategic brand management. Prentice Hall. NJ.
  • Ker, M. (1998). Profesyonel ¬imajın, ¬imaj yönetimi kapsamında yeri ve önemi. Pazarlama Dünyası, 12(71), 25-28.
  • Kim, A. J. ve Ko, E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), 1480-1486.
  • Kim, M. ve Song, D. (2018). When brand-related UGC induces effectiveness on social media: The role of content sponsorship and content type. International Journal Of Advertising, 37(1), 105-124.
  • Kozinets, R.V., De Valck, K., Wojnicki, A.C. ve Winer, S.J.S. (2010). Networked narratives: Understanding word-of-mouth marketing in online communities. Journal of Marketing, 74, 71-89.
  • Lee, B. ve Groves, D.L. (2012). China olympics and sponsor stocks. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 3(2), 125-145.
  • Li, Y. M., Lai, C. Y. ve Chen, C. W. (2011). Discovering influencers for marketing in the blogosphere. Information Sciences, 181(23), 5143-5157.
  • Macnamara, J. (2005). Media content analysis: Its uses; Benefits and best practice methodology. Asia Pasific Public Relations Journal, 6(1), 1-34.
  • Nambisan, S. ve Baron, R.A. (2009). Virtual customer environments: Testing a model of voluntary participation in value co-creation activities. Product Development & Management Association, 26, 388-406.
  • Neti, S. (2011). Social media and its role in marketing. International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, 1(2), 1-15.
  • Neilsen. (2013). Global trust in advertising and brand messages. Erişim adresi:, (20 Ekim 2019).
  • Ohanian, R. (1990). Construction and validation of a scale to measure celebrity endorsers' perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. Journal of Advertising, 19(3), 39-52.
  • O’Keefe, D. J. (1990). Persuasion: Theory and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • O'Reilly, N. (2010). Olympic sponsorship. Journal of Sponsorship, 3(2), 113-114.
  • Özüpek, M. N. ve Diker, E. (2013). İletişim fakültesi öğrencilerinin cep telefonu markalarına yönelik imaj algısı. E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 8(1), 100-120.
  • Pansari, A. ve Kumar, V. (2017). Customer engagement: The construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 294–311. doi:10.1007/s11747-016-0485-6
  • Parganas, P. ve Anagnostopoulos, C. (2015). Social media strategy in professional football: The case of Liverpool FC. Sports Management International Journal Choregia, 11(2), 62–75. doi:10.4127/ch.2015.0102
  • Peltekoğlu, F.B. (2007). Halkla ilişkiler nedir?, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • Petty, R. E., Cacioppo, J. T. ve Schumann, D. (1983). Central and peripheral routes to advertising effectiveness: The moderating role of involvement. Journal of Consumer Research, (10), 135-146.
  • Petty, R. E. ve Brinol, P. (2010). Attitude change. Advanced Social Psychology: The state of the science, 217-259.
  • Salinas, E. A. ve Perez, J. M. P. (2009) Modeling the brand extensions' influence on brand image, Journal of Business Research, 62, 50-60.
  • Shukla, P. (2011). Impact of interpersonal influences, brand origin and brand image on luxury purchase intentions: Measuring interfunctional interactions and a cross-national comparison. Journal of World Business, 46(2), 242-252.
  • Uzunoğlu, E. ve Kip, S. M. (2014). Brand communication through digital influencers: Leveraging blogger engagement. International Journal of Information Management, 34(5), 592-602.
  • Uztuğ, F. (2002). Markan kadar konuş: Marka iletişimi stratejileri. İstanbul: Media Cat Kitapları.
  • Van Noort, G., Antheunis, M. L. ve Van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2012). Social connections and the persuasiveness of viral campaigns in social network sites: Persuasive intent as the underlying mechanism. Journal of Marketing Communications, 18(1), 39-53.
  • Vivek, S. D., Beatty S. E. ve Morgan R.M. (2012) Customer engagement: Exploring customer relationships beyond purchase, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 20(2), 122-146.
  • Wang, Y. ve Fesenmaier, D.R. (2004). Towards understanding members’ general participation in and active contribution to an online travel community. Tourism Management, 25(6), 709-722.
  • Wertime, K. ve Fenwick, I. (2011). DigiMarketing: The essential guide to new media and digital marketing. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Westerman, D., Spence, P. R. ve Van Der Heide, B. (2014). Social media as information source: Recency of updates and credibility of information. Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19(2), 171-183.
  • Wei, M., Fischer, E. ve Main, K. J. (2008). An examination of the effects of activating persuasion knowledge on consumer response to brands engaging in covert marketing. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 27, 34-44.
  • Wu, K. (2016). YouTube marketing: Legality of sponsorship and endorsement in advertising. JL Bus, & Ethichs, 22, 59.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri, 7. Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yurttaş, Ö. U. (2011). Blogların markalar üzerinde gücü. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,(07), 107-125.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşenur Efe 0000-0003-0608-4391

Keti Ventura 0000-0002-6422-0518

Publication Date June 10, 2020
Submission Date November 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 11 Issue: 27


