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Yerel ve Küresel Risklerin Arttığı 21. Yüzyılda Kariyer Şokları

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 44, 1197 - 1215, 30.11.2024


Kariyer şoku, son yıllarda mesleki araştırmalarda ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. İnsanlar profesyonel yaşamları boyunca, kronik hastalık veya iş kaybı gibi sürdürülemez kariyer yollarına yol açabilecek çeşitli beklenmedik şoklarla karşılaşmaya eğilimlidir. Bir kişinin mesleki yörüngesini etkileyen önemli ve genellikle beklenmedik olaylar olan kariyer şokları, COVID-19 sonrası çalışmalarda yoğunlaşarak incelenmektedir. Bu anlamda çalışma, 57 makale özelinde kariyer şokları yazınının kapsamlı bir incelemesini ve sentezini sunmaktadır. Çalışma, bibliyometrik ve sistematik analizle kariyer şokları özelindeki teorik ve ampirik çalışmaları yorumlayıcı paradigma yoluyla sentezleyerek bu alanda çalışacak araştırmacılara kapsamlı içgörüler sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla, ortak atıf ve bibliyografik eşleştirme analizi kullanılarak yazının entelektüel yapısı ve araştırma çerçevesi ortaya konulmaktadır. Bütünleştirici içgörülere dayanarak, özellikle Türkiye'deki insan kaynakları yönetimi araştırmacılarının kariyer şoklarının teorik, ampirik ve metodolojik gelişimi adına bir araştırma gündemi önerilmektedir.


  • Ahmad, B. ve Nasir, N. (2023). Positive career shocks and career optimism: Testing the mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, 30(2), 105-125.
  • Ahmad, R. ve Imam, H. (2022). Roles of competencies, career shock, and satisfaction in career commitment: Evidence from project-based organizations. Project Leadership and Society, 3, 100052.
  • Akkermans, J., Collings, D. G., da Motta Veiga, S. P., Post, C. ve Seibert, S. (2021). Toward a broader understanding of career shocks: Exploring interdisciplinary connections with research on job search, human resource management, entrepreneurship, and diversity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 126, 103563.
  • Akkermans, J. ve Kubasch, S. (2017). #Trending topics in careers: A review and future research agenda. Career Development International, 22(6).
  • Akkermans, J., Richardson, J. ve Kraimer, M. L. (2020). The Covid-19 crisis as a career shock: Implications for careers and vocational behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 119, 103434.
  • Akkermans, J., Rodrigues, R., Mol, S. T., Seibert, S. E. ve Khapova, S. N. (2021). The role of career shocks in contemporary career development: Key challenges and ways forward. Career Development International, 26(4), 453-466.
  • Akkermans, J., Seibert, S. E. ve Mol, S. T. (2018). Tales of the unexpected: Integrating career shocks in the contemporary careers literature. Journal of Industrial Psychology, 44(0), a1503.
  • Ali, Z., Ghani, U., Islam, Z. U. ve Mehreen, A. (2020). Measuring career shocks: A study of scale development and validation in the Chinese context. Australian Journal of Career Development, 29(3), 164-172.
  • Ali, Z. ve Mehreen, A. (2022). Can you manage shocks? An investigation of career shocks on proactive career behavior: A COR theory perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(4), 346-360.
  • Al-Youbi, A. O., Al-Hayani, A., Rizwan, A. ve Choudhry, H. (2020). Implications of COVID-19 on the labor market of Saudi Arabia: The Role of Universities for a Sustainable Workforce. Sustainability, 12(17), Article 17.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Çizel, R. (2019). Kompleks problem çözme üzerine R programı ile bir bibliyometrik analiz. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9(1), 37-47.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Çizel, R. (2020). Twenty years of research on mixed methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Studies, 1(1), 26-40.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Çizel, R. (2024). A model proposal for sustainable career management in hospitality: Grounded theory perspective. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 12(4), 1-28.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Erkoyuncu, M. (2023). Sosyal inceleme raporları: Bir inceleme ve sentez. Turkish Studies-Economics, Finance, Politics, 18(3), 793-821.
  • Batistič, S. ve van der Laken, P. (2019). History, evolution and future of big data and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of its relationship to performance in organizations. British Journal of Management, 30(2), 229-251.
  • Blokker, R., Akkermans, J., Tims, M., Jansen, P. ve Khapova, S. (2019). Building a sustainable start: The role of career competencies, career success, and career shocks in young professionals’ employability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 112, 172-184.
  • Boyack, K. W. ve Klavans, R. (2010). Co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2389-2404.
  • Cao, J. ve Hamori, M. (2022). Adapting careers to the COVID crisis: The impact of the pandemic on employees’ career orientations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, 103789.
  • Chen, C. (2017). Science mapping: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2(2), 1-40.
  • Choy, M. W. ve Yeung, A. S. (2022). Career choice of tourism students in a triple-whammy crisis. PLoS ONE, 17(12), e0279411.
  • Chung, F. M.-Y. (2022). Safeguarding traditional theatre amid trauma: Career shock among cultural heritage professionals in Cantonese opera. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28(10), 1091-1106.
  • Çizel, R. ve Aşkun, V. (2023). Psikolojik sermayenin incelemesi ve sentezi. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 13, 91-122.
  • Dima, A. M., Jansen, A., Biclesanu, I., Mascu, S. ve Point, S. (2023). Top leadership’s perspective on the kaleidoscope career model. Transformations in Business & Economics, 22(3), 21-39.
  • Feng, J., Zhou, W., Li, S. ve Li, M. (2019). Obstacles open the door—Negative shocks can motivate individuals to focus on opportunities. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13(21), 1-17.
  • Ghosh, R. (2021). Protean career orientation and career shock due to the pandemic: HRD’s role in supporting intersectional identity work. Human Resource Development International, 24(3), 241-243.
  • Gunbayi, I. ve Sorm, S. (2020). Social Paradigms in Guiding Management Social Development and Social Research. Pegem Academy.
  • Günbayı, I. ve Aşkun, V. (2023). Grounded teori ya da temellendirilmiş kuram, gömülü teori, kuram oluşturma vs. Kullanımı adına yol haritası. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(3), 1671-1697.
  • Hamouche, S., Kammogne, C. L. ve Merkouche, W. (2023). Workforce’s crisis-induced career shock, career preferences, job insecurity, layoff and perceived employability: Examining variations based on gender, education level and ethnic origin. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 13(2), 264-282.
  • Heath, M. L., Williams, E. N. ve Luse, W. (2024). Breaches and buffers: Can meaningful work impact turnover during COVID-19 pandemic? Review of Managerial Science, 18(1), 83-104.
  • Hirschi, A. (2010). The role of chance events in the school-to-work transition: The influence of demographic, personality and career development variables. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(1), 39-49.
  • Hite, L. M. ve McDonald, K. S. (2020). Careers after COVID-19: Challenges and changes. Human Resource Development International, 23(4), 1-11.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (1989). Conservation of resources: A New attempt at conceptualizing stress. American Psychologist, 44(3), 513-524.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2002). Social and psychological resources and adaptation. Review of General Psychology, 6(4), 307-324.
  • Hofer, A., Spurk, D. ve Hirschi, A. (2021). When and why do negative organization-related career shocks impair career optimism? A conditional indirect effect model. Career Development International, 26(4), 467-494.
  • Holtom, B. C., Mitchell, T. R., Lee, T. W. ve Inderrieden, E. J. (2005). Shocks as causes of turnover: What they are and how organizations can manage them. Human Resource Management, 44(3), 337-352.
  • Inkson, K., Gunz, H., Ganesh, S. ve Roper, J. (2012). Boundaryless careers: Bringing back boundaries. Organization Studies, 33(3), 323-340.
  • Kerti, K. A., Van Engen, M., Szabó, O., Kroon, B., Bleijenbergh, I. ve Freese, C. (2024). Precarious employment amidst global crises: Career shocks, resources and migrants’ employability. Career Development International, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Knowles, J. ve Mainiero, L. (2021). Authentic talent development in women leaders who opted out: Discovering authenticity, balance, and challenge through the kaleidoscope career model. Administrative Sciences, 11(2), Article 2.
  • Korotov, K. (2021). Executives and career shocks: Observations from coaching practice. Career Development International, 26(4), 582-595.
  • Kraimer, M. L., Greco, L., Seibert, S. E. ve Sargent, L. D. (2019). An investigation of academic career success: The new tempo of academic life. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(2), 128-152.
  • Kuenzi, K., Stewart, A. J. ve Walk, M. (2021). COVID-19 as a nonprofit workplace crisis: Seeking insights from the nonprofit workers’ perspective. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 31(4), 821-832.
  • Kurukulaadithya, T., Nair, R., Tariq, W., Wall, J. ve Rodwell, J. (2023). The career adaptability and support structures of pilots losing medical certification. Social Sciences, 12(4), Article 4.
  • Lee, T. W. ve Mitchell, T. R. (1994). An alternative approach: The unfolding model of voluntary employee turnover. Academy of Management Review, 19(1), 51-89.
  • Mehreen, A. ve Ali, Z. (2022). Really shocks can’t be ignored: The effects of career shocks on career development and how family support moderates this relationship? International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
  • Moake, T. R., Dougherty, T. W. ve Dreher, G. F. (2023). Mentoring and career success: An examination of management aspirations and lengthy career ınterruptions. Journal of Career Development, 50(2), 482-498.
  • Morgeson, F. P., Mitchell, T. R. ve Liu, D. (2015). Event system theory: An event-oriented approach to the organizational sciences. Academy of Management Review, 40(4), 515-537.
  • Morrell, K., Loan-Clarke, J. ve Wilkinson, A. (2004). The role of shocks in employee turnover. British Journal of Management, 15(4), 335-349.
  • Mouratidou, M. ve Grabarski, M. K. (2022). In the eye of the hurricane: Careers under lockdown. Sustainability, 14(22), Article 22.
  • Mousa, M. (2022). Career shock of female academics during Covid-19: Can the transactional stress model offer coping strategies? European Journal of Training and Development, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Mousa, M. ve Abdelgaffar, H. (2023). Career shock of hotel employees and their individual resilience: An exploratory study. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, 18(2), 228-240.
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  • Muschalla, B., Sondhof, A. ve Wrobel, U. (2022). Children, care time, career priority—What matters for junior scientists’ productivity and career perspective during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Work, 72(2), 391-397.
  • Nair, V. G. ve Chatterjee, L. (2021). Impact of career shocks on Indian MBA careers: An exploratory study. Career Development International, 26(4), 540-561.
  • Nalis, I., Kubicek, B. ve Korunka, C. (2021). From shock to shift–A qualitative analysis of accounts in mid-career about changes in the career path. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(641248).
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  • Pak, K., Kooij, D., De Lange, A. H., Meyers, M. C. ve van Veldhoven, M. (2020). Unravelling the process between career shock and career (un)sustainability: Exploring the role of perceived human resource management. Career Development International, 26(4), 514-539.
  • Petrović, I. B., Vukelić, M. ve Mol, S. T. (2021). A critical perspective on career shocks in a volatile environment: Red Cross staff and volunteers aiding migrants on their way to Europe in 2016. Career Development International, 26(4), 596-612.
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Career Shocks in the 21st Century with Increasing Local and Global Risks

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 44, 1197 - 1215, 30.11.2024


Career shock has gained attention in occupational research in recent years. People tend to face a variety of unexpected shocks throughout their professional lives, such as chronic illness or job loss, which can lead to unsustainable career paths. Career shocks, which are important and often unexpected events that affect a person's professional trajectory, have been intensively examined in post-COVID-19 studies. In this sense, the study provides a comprehensive review and synthesis of the career shocks literature with 57 articles. The study aims to provide comprehensive insights to researchers who would work in the field by synthesizing the theoretical and empirical studies on career shocks through bibliometric and systematic analysis through an interpretive paradigm. For this purpose, the intellectual structure and research framework of the literature are revealed by using co-citation and bibliographic matching analysis. Based on the integrative insights, a research agenda is proposed for the theoretical, empirical and methodological development of career shocks especially for human resource management researchers in Türkiye.


  • Ahmad, B. ve Nasir, N. (2023). Positive career shocks and career optimism: Testing the mediating role of career decision-making self-efficacy. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, 30(2), 105-125.
  • Ahmad, R. ve Imam, H. (2022). Roles of competencies, career shock, and satisfaction in career commitment: Evidence from project-based organizations. Project Leadership and Society, 3, 100052.
  • Akkermans, J., Collings, D. G., da Motta Veiga, S. P., Post, C. ve Seibert, S. (2021). Toward a broader understanding of career shocks: Exploring interdisciplinary connections with research on job search, human resource management, entrepreneurship, and diversity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 126, 103563.
  • Akkermans, J. ve Kubasch, S. (2017). #Trending topics in careers: A review and future research agenda. Career Development International, 22(6).
  • Akkermans, J., Richardson, J. ve Kraimer, M. L. (2020). The Covid-19 crisis as a career shock: Implications for careers and vocational behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 119, 103434.
  • Akkermans, J., Rodrigues, R., Mol, S. T., Seibert, S. E. ve Khapova, S. N. (2021). The role of career shocks in contemporary career development: Key challenges and ways forward. Career Development International, 26(4), 453-466.
  • Akkermans, J., Seibert, S. E. ve Mol, S. T. (2018). Tales of the unexpected: Integrating career shocks in the contemporary careers literature. Journal of Industrial Psychology, 44(0), a1503.
  • Ali, Z., Ghani, U., Islam, Z. U. ve Mehreen, A. (2020). Measuring career shocks: A study of scale development and validation in the Chinese context. Australian Journal of Career Development, 29(3), 164-172.
  • Ali, Z. ve Mehreen, A. (2022). Can you manage shocks? An investigation of career shocks on proactive career behavior: A COR theory perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(4), 346-360.
  • Al-Youbi, A. O., Al-Hayani, A., Rizwan, A. ve Choudhry, H. (2020). Implications of COVID-19 on the labor market of Saudi Arabia: The Role of Universities for a Sustainable Workforce. Sustainability, 12(17), Article 17.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Çizel, R. (2019). Kompleks problem çözme üzerine R programı ile bir bibliyometrik analiz. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 9(1), 37-47.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Çizel, R. (2020). Twenty years of research on mixed methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Studies, 1(1), 26-40.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Çizel, R. (2024). A model proposal for sustainable career management in hospitality: Grounded theory perspective. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 12(4), 1-28.
  • Aşkun, V. ve Erkoyuncu, M. (2023). Sosyal inceleme raporları: Bir inceleme ve sentez. Turkish Studies-Economics, Finance, Politics, 18(3), 793-821.
  • Batistič, S. ve van der Laken, P. (2019). History, evolution and future of big data and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of its relationship to performance in organizations. British Journal of Management, 30(2), 229-251.
  • Blokker, R., Akkermans, J., Tims, M., Jansen, P. ve Khapova, S. (2019). Building a sustainable start: The role of career competencies, career success, and career shocks in young professionals’ employability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 112, 172-184.
  • Boyack, K. W. ve Klavans, R. (2010). Co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2389-2404.
  • Cao, J. ve Hamori, M. (2022). Adapting careers to the COVID crisis: The impact of the pandemic on employees’ career orientations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, 103789.
  • Chen, C. (2017). Science mapping: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2(2), 1-40.
  • Choy, M. W. ve Yeung, A. S. (2022). Career choice of tourism students in a triple-whammy crisis. PLoS ONE, 17(12), e0279411.
  • Chung, F. M.-Y. (2022). Safeguarding traditional theatre amid trauma: Career shock among cultural heritage professionals in Cantonese opera. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28(10), 1091-1106.
  • Çizel, R. ve Aşkun, V. (2023). Psikolojik sermayenin incelemesi ve sentezi. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 13, 91-122.
  • Dima, A. M., Jansen, A., Biclesanu, I., Mascu, S. ve Point, S. (2023). Top leadership’s perspective on the kaleidoscope career model. Transformations in Business & Economics, 22(3), 21-39.
  • Feng, J., Zhou, W., Li, S. ve Li, M. (2019). Obstacles open the door—Negative shocks can motivate individuals to focus on opportunities. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13(21), 1-17.
  • Ghosh, R. (2021). Protean career orientation and career shock due to the pandemic: HRD’s role in supporting intersectional identity work. Human Resource Development International, 24(3), 241-243.
  • Gunbayi, I. ve Sorm, S. (2020). Social Paradigms in Guiding Management Social Development and Social Research. Pegem Academy.
  • Günbayı, I. ve Aşkun, V. (2023). Grounded teori ya da temellendirilmiş kuram, gömülü teori, kuram oluşturma vs. Kullanımı adına yol haritası. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(3), 1671-1697.
  • Hamouche, S., Kammogne, C. L. ve Merkouche, W. (2023). Workforce’s crisis-induced career shock, career preferences, job insecurity, layoff and perceived employability: Examining variations based on gender, education level and ethnic origin. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 13(2), 264-282.
  • Heath, M. L., Williams, E. N. ve Luse, W. (2024). Breaches and buffers: Can meaningful work impact turnover during COVID-19 pandemic? Review of Managerial Science, 18(1), 83-104.
  • Hirschi, A. (2010). The role of chance events in the school-to-work transition: The influence of demographic, personality and career development variables. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(1), 39-49.
  • Hite, L. M. ve McDonald, K. S. (2020). Careers after COVID-19: Challenges and changes. Human Resource Development International, 23(4), 1-11.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (1989). Conservation of resources: A New attempt at conceptualizing stress. American Psychologist, 44(3), 513-524.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2002). Social and psychological resources and adaptation. Review of General Psychology, 6(4), 307-324.
  • Hofer, A., Spurk, D. ve Hirschi, A. (2021). When and why do negative organization-related career shocks impair career optimism? A conditional indirect effect model. Career Development International, 26(4), 467-494.
  • Holtom, B. C., Mitchell, T. R., Lee, T. W. ve Inderrieden, E. J. (2005). Shocks as causes of turnover: What they are and how organizations can manage them. Human Resource Management, 44(3), 337-352.
  • Inkson, K., Gunz, H., Ganesh, S. ve Roper, J. (2012). Boundaryless careers: Bringing back boundaries. Organization Studies, 33(3), 323-340.
  • Kerti, K. A., Van Engen, M., Szabó, O., Kroon, B., Bleijenbergh, I. ve Freese, C. (2024). Precarious employment amidst global crises: Career shocks, resources and migrants’ employability. Career Development International, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
  • Knowles, J. ve Mainiero, L. (2021). Authentic talent development in women leaders who opted out: Discovering authenticity, balance, and challenge through the kaleidoscope career model. Administrative Sciences, 11(2), Article 2.
  • Korotov, K. (2021). Executives and career shocks: Observations from coaching practice. Career Development International, 26(4), 582-595.
  • Kraimer, M. L., Greco, L., Seibert, S. E. ve Sargent, L. D. (2019). An investigation of academic career success: The new tempo of academic life. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(2), 128-152.
  • Kuenzi, K., Stewart, A. J. ve Walk, M. (2021). COVID-19 as a nonprofit workplace crisis: Seeking insights from the nonprofit workers’ perspective. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 31(4), 821-832.
  • Kurukulaadithya, T., Nair, R., Tariq, W., Wall, J. ve Rodwell, J. (2023). The career adaptability and support structures of pilots losing medical certification. Social Sciences, 12(4), Article 4.
  • Lee, T. W. ve Mitchell, T. R. (1994). An alternative approach: The unfolding model of voluntary employee turnover. Academy of Management Review, 19(1), 51-89.
  • Mehreen, A. ve Ali, Z. (2022). Really shocks can’t be ignored: The effects of career shocks on career development and how family support moderates this relationship? International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
  • Moake, T. R., Dougherty, T. W. ve Dreher, G. F. (2023). Mentoring and career success: An examination of management aspirations and lengthy career ınterruptions. Journal of Career Development, 50(2), 482-498.
  • Morgeson, F. P., Mitchell, T. R. ve Liu, D. (2015). Event system theory: An event-oriented approach to the organizational sciences. Academy of Management Review, 40(4), 515-537.
  • Morrell, K., Loan-Clarke, J. ve Wilkinson, A. (2004). The role of shocks in employee turnover. British Journal of Management, 15(4), 335-349.
  • Mouratidou, M. ve Grabarski, M. K. (2022). In the eye of the hurricane: Careers under lockdown. Sustainability, 14(22), Article 22.
  • Mousa, M. (2022). Career shock of female academics during Covid-19: Can the transactional stress model offer coping strategies? European Journal of Training and Development, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Human Resources and Industrial Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Volkan Aşkun 0000-0003-2746-502X

Publication Date November 30, 2024
Submission Date May 30, 2024
Acceptance Date November 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 15 Issue: 44


APA Aşkun, V. (2024). Yerel ve Küresel Risklerin Arttığı 21. Yüzyılda Kariyer Şokları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 15(44), 1197-1215.
