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Outsider to Insider: The Art of the Socially Excluded

Year 2020, , 141 - 149, 24.07.2020


The term outsider art was coined by the art historian Roger Cardinal in 1972. Outsider art includes the art of the ‘unquiet minds,’ self-taught and non-academic work. Outsider art is not a movement like Cubism or Expressionism with guidelines and traditions, rather it is a reflection of the social and mental status of the artist. The classification relies more on the artist than the art. Due to such characteristics of the term, like wide range of freedom and urge to create, social discrimination, creating without the intention of profit, people with Autism Spectrum Disorder also considered as Outsiders. However, not all people with Autism Spectrum Disorder has the skillset to be an artist. This paper focuses on the similarities of the outsider artists and savant artists while focusing on the work and life of Richard Wawro.


  • Becker, H.S. (1982). Art worlds. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Becker, L. A. and Zimmerman, R. (Director). (1983). With eyes wide open [Film]. Austin: Creative Learning Environments.
  • Benidorm, Spain (n.d.) [Photograph]. Retrieved from:
  • Bowler, A. E. (1997) Asylum art: The social construction of an aesthetic category. In Zolberg, V. L. and Cherbo, J. M. (Ed.), Outsider art: Contesting boundaries in contemporary culture. (p. 11- 36), USA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cardinal, R. (2009). Outsider Art and the autistic creator. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B364,1459–1466. doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0325
  • Dubuffet, J. (1949). L’art brut préféré aux arts culturels. Paris: Galerie René Drouin.
  • Frith, U. (2008). Autism: A very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • von Goethe, J. W. (1970). Theory of colors. (trans. Charles Lock Eastlake). Cambridge: The M.I.T Press. (Original work published 1810.)
  • Grandin, T. (2018). Resimlerle düşünmek: Otizmin içeriden anlatımı (M. C. Iftar, Çev.). Istanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Hosseini, D. (2012). The Art of autism: Shifting perceptions. USA: Bolton Associates.
  • MacGregor, J.M. (1989). The discovery of the art of the insane. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Miller, E. (2008). Autism through art: The girl who spoke with pictures. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Miller, K. (2008a). Merry-go-round [Pen on paper]. In E. Miller, Autism through art: The girl who spoke with pictures. (p. 48). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Original work 1992)
  • ———. (2008b). Loser [Pen on paper]. In E. Miller, Autism through art: The girl who spoke with pictures. (p. 116). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Original work 2002)
  • Nadia (1977). Horses [Pen on paper]. In L. Selfe, Nadia: A case of extraordinary drawing ability in an autistic child (p. 23). New York: Academic Press Inc. (Original work 1970)
  • ———. (2011). Horses [Pen on paper]. In L. Selfe, Nadia revisited: Longitudal study of an autistic savant (p. 56). New York: Academic Press Inc. (Original work 1987)
  • Prinzhorn, H. (1972). Artistry of the mentally Ill. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Rhodes, C. (2010). Outsider art: Spontaneous alternatives. London: Thames& Hudson Inc.
  • Richard Wawro- Scottish artist (n.d.) [Photograph]. Retrived from:
  • Selfe, L. (1977). Nadia: A case of extraordinary drawing ability in an autistic child. New York: Academic Press Inc.
  • ———. (2011). Nadia revisited: Longitudal study of an autistic savant. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Treffert, D. (2010). Island of genius: The bountiful mind of the autistic, acquired, and sudden savant. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Tréhin, G. (2006a). Urville. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • ———. (2006b). Canal du Focusaque [Pen on paper] In G. Tréhin, Urville. (p. 29). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Orginal work n.d.)
  • Wawro, R. (1966) Winter [Crayon on paper] The McMAnus Art Gallery and Museum, Dundee, Scotland. Retrieved from:
  • ———. (n.d.a) # 2244 [Crayon on paper]. Retrived from:
  • ———. (n.d.b) # 2153 [Crayon on paper]. Retrived from:
  • ———. (1979) Benidorm, Spain [Crayon on paper]. Retrived from:
  • Wiltshire, S. (2014) Singapore [Pen on paper]. Retrived from:
  • Zolberg, V. L. and Cherbo, J. M. (1997) Introduction. In Zolberg, V. L. and Cherbo, J. M. (Ed.), Outsider art: contesting boundaries in contemporary culture. (p. 1- 8), USA: Cambridge University Press.

Dışarıdan İçeriye: Sosyal Dışlanmışların Sanatı

Year 2020, , 141 - 149, 24.07.2020


Toplum dışı sanat olarak da tanımlanan Outsider Art terimi ilk kez 1972 yılında Roger Cardinal tarafından kullanılmıştır. Toplum dışı sanat, akademik eğitim almamış, kendisini bu alanda geliştirmiş, toplumun ‘normal’ olarak sınıflandırdığı grubun dışında kalan bireylerin yaptığı sanattır. Toplum dışı sanatın, kübizm veya dışavurumculuk gibi belirli kuralları, çizgisi yoktur; sanatçının akli ve sosyal statüsü üzerinden sınıflandırılır. Bu nedenle toplum dışı sanat sınıflandırması sanat değil sanatçı üzerindendir. Toplum dışı sanatın ana özellikleri içerisinde önüne geçilemez yaratma isteği, sosyal dışlanma, kazanç sağlama hedefi olmadan üretme olduğu düşünüldüğünde otizmli bireylerin de bu gruba dahil oldukları görülmektedir. Elbette her otizmli birey sanatçı olarak adlandırılacak kriterlere sahip değildir. Bu derleme, Richard Wawro’nun çalışmaları ve hayatı üzerine odaklarınken, toplum dışı sanat ve savant sendromlu sanatçılar arasındaki benzerliği incelemektedir.


  • Becker, H.S. (1982). Art worlds. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Becker, L. A. and Zimmerman, R. (Director). (1983). With eyes wide open [Film]. Austin: Creative Learning Environments.
  • Benidorm, Spain (n.d.) [Photograph]. Retrieved from:
  • Bowler, A. E. (1997) Asylum art: The social construction of an aesthetic category. In Zolberg, V. L. and Cherbo, J. M. (Ed.), Outsider art: Contesting boundaries in contemporary culture. (p. 11- 36), USA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cardinal, R. (2009). Outsider Art and the autistic creator. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B364,1459–1466. doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0325
  • Dubuffet, J. (1949). L’art brut préféré aux arts culturels. Paris: Galerie René Drouin.
  • Frith, U. (2008). Autism: A very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • von Goethe, J. W. (1970). Theory of colors. (trans. Charles Lock Eastlake). Cambridge: The M.I.T Press. (Original work published 1810.)
  • Grandin, T. (2018). Resimlerle düşünmek: Otizmin içeriden anlatımı (M. C. Iftar, Çev.). Istanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Hosseini, D. (2012). The Art of autism: Shifting perceptions. USA: Bolton Associates.
  • MacGregor, J.M. (1989). The discovery of the art of the insane. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Miller, E. (2008). Autism through art: The girl who spoke with pictures. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Miller, K. (2008a). Merry-go-round [Pen on paper]. In E. Miller, Autism through art: The girl who spoke with pictures. (p. 48). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Original work 1992)
  • ———. (2008b). Loser [Pen on paper]. In E. Miller, Autism through art: The girl who spoke with pictures. (p. 116). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Original work 2002)
  • Nadia (1977). Horses [Pen on paper]. In L. Selfe, Nadia: A case of extraordinary drawing ability in an autistic child (p. 23). New York: Academic Press Inc. (Original work 1970)
  • ———. (2011). Horses [Pen on paper]. In L. Selfe, Nadia revisited: Longitudal study of an autistic savant (p. 56). New York: Academic Press Inc. (Original work 1987)
  • Prinzhorn, H. (1972). Artistry of the mentally Ill. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Rhodes, C. (2010). Outsider art: Spontaneous alternatives. London: Thames& Hudson Inc.
  • Richard Wawro- Scottish artist (n.d.) [Photograph]. Retrived from:
  • Selfe, L. (1977). Nadia: A case of extraordinary drawing ability in an autistic child. New York: Academic Press Inc.
  • ———. (2011). Nadia revisited: Longitudal study of an autistic savant. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Treffert, D. (2010). Island of genius: The bountiful mind of the autistic, acquired, and sudden savant. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Tréhin, G. (2006a). Urville. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • ———. (2006b). Canal du Focusaque [Pen on paper] In G. Tréhin, Urville. (p. 29). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Orginal work n.d.)
  • Wawro, R. (1966) Winter [Crayon on paper] The McMAnus Art Gallery and Museum, Dundee, Scotland. Retrieved from:
  • ———. (n.d.a) # 2244 [Crayon on paper]. Retrived from:
  • ———. (n.d.b) # 2153 [Crayon on paper]. Retrived from:
  • ———. (1979) Benidorm, Spain [Crayon on paper]. Retrived from:
  • Wiltshire, S. (2014) Singapore [Pen on paper]. Retrived from:
  • Zolberg, V. L. and Cherbo, J. M. (1997) Introduction. In Zolberg, V. L. and Cherbo, J. M. (Ed.), Outsider art: contesting boundaries in contemporary culture. (p. 1- 8), USA: Cambridge University Press.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Derleme Makaleler

Burcu Kartal 0000-0002-6689-8883

Publication Date July 24, 2020
Submission Date November 22, 2019
Acceptance Date March 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kartal, B. (2020). Outsider to Insider: The Art of the Socially Excluded. Yedi(24), 141-149.


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