Research Article
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Impact of Involvement and Cognitive Load on Affective Responses to Advergames and In-Game Advertising

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 91 - 106, 30.11.2016


It has been long known that there are different ways of communicating promotional messages with branded entertainments. Among all, the two of them are notable; communicating the message through advergames and integrating the message/brand in the game; known as in game advertising (IGA). Deriving the positive effects of both from the literature, different variables that may reduce or increase the ecacy of them are studied. This study is an attempt to understand the effect of different variables on affective responses to advergames. In the paper, it is suggested from the literature that cognitive overload affects affective responses (i.e. attitudes toward the branded entertainment and the main brand that the game is specifically designed for) of game players. The authors aim to develop hypotheses trying to explain the effect of cognitive overload stimuli on the attitudes of the gamers. In the paper authors also suggested hypotheses about how involvement may affect cognitive overload outcomes. All those hypotheses are developed both for the advergames and IGA. As the last section, future research that will help to test these hypotheses are provided.


  • An, S., & Stern, S. (2011). "Mitigating the eects of advergames on children", Journal of Advertising, Vol.40, No.1, pp.43-56.
  • An, S. & Kang, H. (2014). "Advertising or Games?", International Journal of Advertising, Vol.33, No.3, pp.509-532.
  • Bailey, R., Wise, K., & Bolls, P. (2009). "How avatar customizability aects children's arousal and subjective presence during junk food?sponsored online video games", CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.12, No.3, pp.277-283.
  • Beilock, S. L., & Ramirez, G. (2011). "On the Interplay of Emotion and Cognitive Control: Implications for Enhancing Academic Achievement", Psychology of learning and motivation-advances in research and theory, Vol.55, p.137.
  • Bellman, S., Kemp, A., Haddad, H., & Varan, D. (2014). "The eectiveness of advergames compared to television commercials and interactive commercials featuring advergames", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.32, pp.276-283.
  • Besharat, A., Kumar, A., Lax, J. R., & Rydzik, E. J. (2013). "Leveraging virtual attribute experience in video games to improve brand recall and learning", Journal of Advertising, Vol.42, No.2-3, pp.170-182.
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  • Chen, J., & Ringel, M. (2001). "Can advergaming be the future of interactive advertising", Online at: br/loczgames/advergames. pdf. Looked up at Google-Scholar. Currently only html-version available.[Last visited: 28.11. 2007].
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). "Play and intrinsic rewards", Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol.15, No.3, pp.41?63.
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  • Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). "The eect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children", The American journal of clinical nutrition, Vol.97, No.2, pp.239-245.
  • Ghirvu, A. (2013). "In-Game Advertising: Advantages And Limitations For Advertisers", The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol.12, No.1, pp.114-119.
  • Goh, K. Y., & Ping, J. W. (2014). "Engaging consumers with advergames: An experimental evaluation of interactivity, fit and expectancy", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.15, No.7, p.388.
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  • Gross, M. L. (2010). "Advergames and the eects of game-product congruity", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.26, No.6, pp.1259-1265.
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  • Hernandez, M. D., Chapa, S., Minor, M. S., Maldonado, C., & Barranzuela, F. (2004). "Hispanic attitudes toward advergames: A proposed model of their antecedents", Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.5, No.1, pp.74-83.
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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 91 - 106, 30.11.2016



  • An, S., & Stern, S. (2011). "Mitigating the eects of advergames on children", Journal of Advertising, Vol.40, No.1, pp.43-56.
  • An, S. & Kang, H. (2014). "Advertising or Games?", International Journal of Advertising, Vol.33, No.3, pp.509-532.
  • Bailey, R., Wise, K., & Bolls, P. (2009). "How avatar customizability aects children's arousal and subjective presence during junk food?sponsored online video games", CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.12, No.3, pp.277-283.
  • Beilock, S. L., & Ramirez, G. (2011). "On the Interplay of Emotion and Cognitive Control: Implications for Enhancing Academic Achievement", Psychology of learning and motivation-advances in research and theory, Vol.55, p.137.
  • Bellman, S., Kemp, A., Haddad, H., & Varan, D. (2014). "The eectiveness of advergames compared to television commercials and interactive commercials featuring advergames", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.32, pp.276-283.
  • Besharat, A., Kumar, A., Lax, J. R., & Rydzik, E. J. (2013). "Leveraging virtual attribute experience in video games to improve brand recall and learning", Journal of Advertising, Vol.42, No.2-3, pp.170-182.
  • Brennan, I., Dubas, K. M., & Babin, L. A. (1999). "The inuence of product-placement type & exposure time on product-placement recognition", International Journal of Advertising, Vol.18, No.3, pp.323-337.
  • Brennan, I., & Babin, L. A. (2004). "Brand placement recognition: The inuence of presentation mode and brand familiarity", Journal of Promotion Management, Vol.10, No.1-2, pp.185-202.
  • Brunken, R., Plass, J. L., & Leutner, D. (2003). "Direct measurement of cognitive load in multimedia learning", Educational Psychologist, Vol.38, No.1, pp.53-61.
  • Cacioppo, J. T., & Petty, R. E. (1984). "The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion", Advances in consumer research, Vol.11, No.1, pp.673-675.
  • Calin, G. (2010). "Advergames: Characteristics, Limitations and Potential", Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, Vol.19, No.1.
  • Cauberghe, V., & De Pelsmacker, P. (2010). "Advergames", Journal of Advertising, Vol.39, No.1, pp.5-18.
  • Chaiken, S. (1980). "Heuristic versus systematic information processing and the use of source versus message cues in persuasion", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.39, No.5, p.752.
  • Chang, Y., Yan, J., Zhang, J., & Luo, J. (2010). "Online in-game advertising eect: Examining the inuence of a match between games and advertising", Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.11, No.1, pp.63-73.
  • Chaudhuri, A., & Buck, R. (1997). "Communication, cognition and involvement: a theoretical framework for advertising", Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol.3, No.2, pp.111-125.
  • Chen, J., & Ringel, M. (2001). "Can advergaming be the future of interactive advertising", Online at: br/loczgames/advergames. pdf. Looked up at Google-Scholar. Currently only html-version available.[Last visited: 28.11. 2007].
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). "Play and intrinsic rewards", Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol.15, No.3, pp.41?63.
  • de Pelsmacker, P., & Neijens, P. C. (2012). "New advertising formats: How persuasion knowledge affects consumer responses", Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol.18, No.1, pp.1-4.
  • Fiske, S.T., & Pavelchak, M.A. (1986). Category-based versus piecemeal-based aective responses: developments in schema-triggered aect. In Sorrentino, R.W. and Higgines, E.T. (Eds) Handbook of Motivation and Cognition: Foundations of Social Behavior (pp.464-73), Guilford Press, New York, NY.
  • Fitzgerald, M., & Arnott, D. (2000). Marketing Communications Classics. Business Press. Thomson Learning, London.
  • Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). "The eect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children", The American journal of clinical nutrition, Vol.97, No.2, pp.239-245.
  • Ghirvu, A. (2013). "In-Game Advertising: Advantages And Limitations For Advertisers", The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol.12, No.1, pp.114-119.
  • Goh, K. Y., & Ping, J. W. (2014). "Engaging consumers with advergames: An experimental evaluation of interactivity, fit and expectancy", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol.15, No.7, p.388.
  • Grigorovici, D. M., & Constantin, C. D. (2004). "Experiencing interactive advertising beyond rich media: Impacts of ad type and presence on brand eectiveness in 3D gaming immersive virtual environments", Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.5, No.1, pp.22-36.
  • Gross, M. L. (2010). "Advergames and the eects of game-product congruity", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.26, No.6, pp.1259-1265.
  • Gupta, P. B., & Lord, K. R. (1998). "Product placement in movies: The eect of prominence and mode on audience recall", Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, Vol.20, No.1, pp.47-59.
  • Gurau, C. (2008). "The Inuence of advergames on players' behaviour: an experimental study", Electronic Markets, Vol.18, No.2, pp.106-116.
  • Hernandez, M. D., Chapa, S., Minor, M. S., Maldonado, C., & Barranzuela, F. (2004). "Hispanic attitudes toward advergames: A proposed model of their antecedents", Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol.5, No.1, pp.74-83.
  • Hernandez, M. D. (2011). "A model of ow experience as determinant of positive attitudes toward online advergames", Journal of Promotion Management, Vol.17, No.3, pp.315-326.
  • Hernandez, M. D., & Chapa, S. (2010). "Adolescents, advergames and snack foods: Effects of positive affect and experience on memory and choice", Journal of Marketing Communications, Vol.16, No.1-2, pp.59-68.
  • Herrewijn, L., & Poels, K. (2013). "Putting brands into play: How game diculty and player experiences inuence the effectiveness of in-game advertising", International Journal of Advertising, Vol.32, No.1, pp.17-44.
  • Homan, D. L., & Novak, T. P. (1996). "Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: Conceptual foundations", The Journal of Marketing, pp.50-68.
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There are 94 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Ayşegül Sağkaya Güngör This is me

Tuğçe Ozansoy Çadırcı

Publication Date November 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Sağkaya Güngör, A., & Ozansoy Çadırcı, T. (2016). Impact of Involvement and Cognitive Load on Affective Responses to Advergames and In-Game Advertising. Yildiz Social Science Review, 2(2), 91-106.