Research Article
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The Concept of “Recognition of Prior Learning” in the Context of Turkish Higher Education

Year 2024, , 79 - 89, 31.12.2024


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in higher education is to convert students' practical/theoretical education, achievements obtained in formal/informal environments before they reach the level of education they are in, into credits regardless of their systematic or guided acquisition, or to substitute them for another relevant learning within the education period. Especially in the European Higher Education Area and around the world in countries like the U.S.A, Canada, the U.K., and Australia which have been able to implement the lifelong learning principle in higher education institutions more effectively, the practices related to RPL have been carried out with comprehensive content and through acceptance tools in favor of the learner. As for Türkiye, it will be seen that even most of the fully accredited universities do not go beyond crediting the previously taken courses, seminars, and courses, and do not fill the concept of RPL. Moreover, as of the general picture, the tools used for RPL consist of course substitution, file preparation, standard proficiency exams or interviews. In the study,
the relative practices of countries mentioned above were emphasized in general and in the conclusion determinations were made about how some remedial arrangements could be made regarding the relevant practices in Türkiye. It is expected that the results of the study will provide insight and raise awareness on the relevant issues for the education policy regulators and authorized decision makers, in particular in terms of testing and evaluation in higher education.


  • Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Sandberg, F. (2013). Introducing research on recognition of prior learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 32(4), 405–411.
  • Andersson, P., & Harris, J. (2006). Re-theorising the recognition of prior learning. Niace.
  • Aydemir, M. (2019). Önceki öğrenmenin tanınması ve Türk yüksek öğretim sistemi için politika önerisi [Doktora tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü]. Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Bohlinger, S. (2017). Comparing recognition of prior learning (RPL) across countries. In M. Mulder (Ed.), Competence-based vocational and professional education: Bridging the worlds of work and education (pp. 589–606). Springer.
  • Breier, M. (2009). ‘Something extra’? Recognising phronesis or practical wisdom in the recognition of prior learning in teacher education. In Teacher Education Research and Development Programme (TEP) Conference 2008 (p. 61).
  • Cameron, M. P., & Lim, S. T. (2015). Recognising and building on freshman students’ prior knowledge of economics. New Zealand Economic Papers, 49(1), 22–32.
  • Chan, S. (2022). Recognition of current and prior experience in Aotearoa New Zealand and the role of ePortfolios. In Y. H. A. Wang, J. Yamamoto, S. Majumdar, & C. H. Lee (Eds.), International handbook on education development in Asia-Pacific (pp. 1–17). Springer Nature Singapore.
  • Cooper, L., & Harris, J. (2013). Recognition of prior learning: Exploring the ‘knowledge question’. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 32(4), 447–463.
  • Dyson, C. (2005). Recognition of prior learning policy and practice for skills learned at work: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, United States (No. 993768053402676). International Labour Organization.
  • Fox, T. A. (2005). Adult learning and recognition of prior learning: The 'white elephant' in Australian universities. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 45(3), 352–370.
  • Garnett, J., Portwood, D., & Costley, C. (2004). Bridging rhetoric and reality: Accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) in the UK. UVAC Report. Bolton.
  • Garnett, J., & Cavaye, A. (2015). Recognition of prior learning: Opportunities and challenges for higher education. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 7(1), 28–37.
  • Guimarães, P., & Mikulec, B. (2021). The paradox of utilitarian recognition of prior learning: The cases of Portugal and Slovenia. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 12(1), 109–122.
  • Hamer, J. (2010). Recognition of prior learning: Normative assessment or co-construction of preferred identities? Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 50(1), 100–115.
  • Hornblow, D. (2002). Recognition of prior learning in New Zealand: What has been, what is, and what might be. Retrieved from
  • Kamp, A. (2003). Mature women and the New Zealand qualifications framework: Realising the potential of recognising prior learning. International Education Journal, 4(1).
  • Koçdar, S. (2011). Uzman görüşlerine göre Türkiye’de uzaktan eğitim programlarının akreditasyonu [Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Maurer, M. (2023). Recognizing prior learning in vocational education and training: Global ambitions and actual implementation in four countries. Comparative Education, 59(1), 1–17.
  • McKay, H. A., & Douglas, D. (2020). Credit for prior learning in the community college: A case from Colorado. In Recognition of prior learning in the 21st century. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
  • Nyatanga, L. (1997). Good practice accreditation of prior learning. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Rauhvargers, A., & Bergan, S. (2008). New challenges in recognition: Recognition of prior learning and recognition in a global context (Vol. 10). Council of Europe.
  • Taylor, T., & Clemans, A. (2000). Avoiding the hoops: A study of recognition of prior learning processes in Australian faculties of education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 28(3), 263–280.
  • Toprak, M., & Erdoğan, A. (2012). Yaşamboyu öğrenme: Kavram, politika, araçlar ve uygulama. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi, 2(2), 69–91.
  • Werquin, P. (2009). Recognition of non-formal and informal learning in OECD countries: An overview of some key issues. REPORT-Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung, 32(3), 11–23.

Türkiye ve Belirgin Uygulamalarla Öne Çıkan Ülkeler Bağlamında “Önceki Öğrenmenin Tanınması”

Year 2024, , 79 - 89, 31.12.2024


Yüksek öğretim alanında Önceki Öğrenmenin Tanınması (ÖÖT), öğrencilerin bulundukları eğitim seviyesine gelmeden önceki formel/enformel ortamlarda aldıkları uygulamalı/kuramsal eğitimleri, kazanımları, sistematik veya güdümlü olarak kazanılmasından bağımsız olarak krediye dönüştürmek veya bunlarla öğretim dönemi içinde ilgili başka bir öğrenmeyi ikame etmektir. Geleceğe bakıldığında kavramla ilgili politika ve ilkelerinin esnek değerlendirme ve açık öğrenme kavramları içerisinde kolayca yer alacağı görünmektedir. Dünyada Avrupa Yüksek öğretim Alanı’nda, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Kanada, Birleşik Krallık, Avusturalya’daki uygulamalar gibi yaşam boyu öğrenme ilkesini yüksek öğretim kurumlarında daha etkin bir şekilde uygulamaya geçirebilmiş ülkelerde ÖÖT’ye ilişkin uygulamalar oldukça geniş ve öğrenici lehine olacak şekilde kapsamlı içerik ve kabul araçları ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Türkiye’de ise tam akredite olmuş üniversitelerin çoğunun dahi önceden alınan ders, seminer, kurs gibi kazanımları kredilendirmeden öte gitmeyerek ÖÖT kavramının içini doldurmakta zorluk çektiği görülmektedir. Üstelik genel tablo itibari ile ÖÖT için kullanılan araçlar ders saydırma, dosya hazırlama, standart yeterlilik sınavları veya mülakatlardan oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada ÖÖT konusunda yukarıda bahsi geçen ülkelerin ilgili alandaki uygulamaları üzerinde durulmuş ve sonuç kısmında Türkiye’de ilgili uygulamalara ilişkin bazı iyileştirici düzenlemelerin nasıl yapılabileceği yönünde saptamalarda bulunulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonuçlarının yüksek öğretim açısından programların yürütülmesi başlığı altında ölçme-değerlendirme özelinde eğitim politikası düzenleyicileri ve yetkili karar mercilerine ilgili konularda öngörü sağlaması ve farkındalık uyandırması beklenmektedir.


  • Andersson, P., Fejes, A., & Sandberg, F. (2013). Introducing research on recognition of prior learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 32(4), 405–411.
  • Andersson, P., & Harris, J. (2006). Re-theorising the recognition of prior learning. Niace.
  • Aydemir, M. (2019). Önceki öğrenmenin tanınması ve Türk yüksek öğretim sistemi için politika önerisi [Doktora tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü]. Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Bohlinger, S. (2017). Comparing recognition of prior learning (RPL) across countries. In M. Mulder (Ed.), Competence-based vocational and professional education: Bridging the worlds of work and education (pp. 589–606). Springer.
  • Breier, M. (2009). ‘Something extra’? Recognising phronesis or practical wisdom in the recognition of prior learning in teacher education. In Teacher Education Research and Development Programme (TEP) Conference 2008 (p. 61).
  • Cameron, M. P., & Lim, S. T. (2015). Recognising and building on freshman students’ prior knowledge of economics. New Zealand Economic Papers, 49(1), 22–32.
  • Chan, S. (2022). Recognition of current and prior experience in Aotearoa New Zealand and the role of ePortfolios. In Y. H. A. Wang, J. Yamamoto, S. Majumdar, & C. H. Lee (Eds.), International handbook on education development in Asia-Pacific (pp. 1–17). Springer Nature Singapore.
  • Cooper, L., & Harris, J. (2013). Recognition of prior learning: Exploring the ‘knowledge question’. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 32(4), 447–463.
  • Dyson, C. (2005). Recognition of prior learning policy and practice for skills learned at work: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, United States (No. 993768053402676). International Labour Organization.
  • Fox, T. A. (2005). Adult learning and recognition of prior learning: The 'white elephant' in Australian universities. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 45(3), 352–370.
  • Garnett, J., Portwood, D., & Costley, C. (2004). Bridging rhetoric and reality: Accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) in the UK. UVAC Report. Bolton.
  • Garnett, J., & Cavaye, A. (2015). Recognition of prior learning: Opportunities and challenges for higher education. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 7(1), 28–37.
  • Guimarães, P., & Mikulec, B. (2021). The paradox of utilitarian recognition of prior learning: The cases of Portugal and Slovenia. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 12(1), 109–122.
  • Hamer, J. (2010). Recognition of prior learning: Normative assessment or co-construction of preferred identities? Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 50(1), 100–115.
  • Hornblow, D. (2002). Recognition of prior learning in New Zealand: What has been, what is, and what might be. Retrieved from
  • Kamp, A. (2003). Mature women and the New Zealand qualifications framework: Realising the potential of recognising prior learning. International Education Journal, 4(1).
  • Koçdar, S. (2011). Uzman görüşlerine göre Türkiye’de uzaktan eğitim programlarının akreditasyonu [Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi]. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Maurer, M. (2023). Recognizing prior learning in vocational education and training: Global ambitions and actual implementation in four countries. Comparative Education, 59(1), 1–17.
  • McKay, H. A., & Douglas, D. (2020). Credit for prior learning in the community college: A case from Colorado. In Recognition of prior learning in the 21st century. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
  • Nyatanga, L. (1997). Good practice accreditation of prior learning. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Rauhvargers, A., & Bergan, S. (2008). New challenges in recognition: Recognition of prior learning and recognition in a global context (Vol. 10). Council of Europe.
  • Taylor, T., & Clemans, A. (2000). Avoiding the hoops: A study of recognition of prior learning processes in Australian faculties of education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 28(3), 263–280.
  • Toprak, M., & Erdoğan, A. (2012). Yaşamboyu öğrenme: Kavram, politika, araçlar ve uygulama. Yükseköğretim ve Bilim Dergisi, 2(2), 69–91.
  • Werquin, P. (2009). Recognition of non-formal and informal learning in OECD countries: An overview of some key issues. REPORT-Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung, 32(3), 11–23.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Higher Education Policies
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

İsmail Güleç 0000-0002-0174-148X

Seda Demir 0000-0002-3044-8530

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Güleç, İ., & Demir, S. (2024). Türkiye ve Belirgin Uygulamalarla Öne Çıkan Ülkeler Bağlamında “Önceki Öğrenmenin Tanınması”. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 14(3), 79-89.

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