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Determination of The Changes in Some Physical and Biochemical Contents of ‛Katırbaşı’ Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivar Grown in Different Locations in The Southeastern Anatolia Region During The Storage Period

Year 2014, , 309 - 316, 30.09.2014


Pomegranate production is progressively increasing in the Southeastern Anatolia Region in Turkey following the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) stepping into action. Pomegranate species called ‘Katirbasi’ are abundantly grown in Adiyaman. The present study investigates the pomological properties of the fruits from ‘Katirbasi’, which are grown in different locations in Adıyaman, powegranate cultivar along with the changes observed in their physical and biochemical properties during storage. The pomegranate fruits of the ‘Katirbasi’ species harvested from similar orchards in Kahta and Gerger locations in Adiyaman were stored at 60 °C and 90 % humidity for 4 months in modified atmospheric containers. Several physical and biochemical properties of the fruits were determined prior to storage, 2 months into storage and at the end of the storage period (4 months). The highest pomegranate weight (505.7 g) and seed weight (0.57 g) were determined for the Gerger 2 type. A considerable reduction in the titratable acidity of all types and the highest titratable acidity value was determined for the Kahta 4. The peel color and the seed color of the pomegranates varied in a scale depending on the species. The total phenolic content and the antioxidant activity of the Gerger 4 pomegranates were considerably higher than those of the other pomegranates following the storage with the measurements as 99.04 mg GAE 100 ml-1 and 20.86 µmol TE/ml-1 respectively. The water soluble total dry matter content and the peel ho values were slightly reduced during storage whereas the peel C* value, total phenolic content and the antioxidant activity were slightly increased during storage. The results of the study indicated that the fruits of the ‘Katirbasi’ pomegranate species grown in different locations can be successfully stored for 4 months.


  • Artes F., Tudela JA., Gil Ml (1998). Improving the Keeping Quality of Pomegranate Fruit by Intermittent Warming. Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und - Forschung A Volume 207, 4: 316-321. Bayram E., Dundar O., Ozkaya O (2010). Effect of Different Packaging Types on the Cold storage of Hicaznar Pomegranate Fruits (Second Year). Acta Hort. ISHS 876: 197-200.
  • Benzie IEF., Strain JJ (1996). The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of "antioxidant power": The FRAP assay. Anal. Biochem. 239: 70-76.
  • Cam M., Hisil Y., Durmaz G (2009). Classification of eight pomegranate juices based on antioxidant capacity measured by four methods. Food Chem. 112:721-726.
  • Cerda B., Llorach R., Ceròn JJ., Espìn JC., Tomàs-Barberàn FA (2003). Evaluation of the bioavailability and metabolism in the rat of punicalagin, an antioxidant polyphenol from pomegranate juice. Eur J Nutr. 42:18–28.
  • Díaz-Mula H.M., Zapata PJ., Guillén F (2011). Modified atmosphere packaging of yellow and purple plum cultivars.2 effect on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 61, 110-116.
  • Eroğul D., Şen F., Yıldız H (2012). ‘Wonderful’ Nar Çeşidinin Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ve Depolama Süresince Değişimlerinin Belirlenmesi. 5. Bahçe Ürünlerinde Muhafaza ve Pazarlama Sempozyumu, 18-21 Eylül 2012, Bornova/İzmir, s. 145-152.
  • Fawole OA., Opara UL (2013a). Effects of storage temperature and duration on physiological responses of pomegranate fruit. Industrial Crops and Products 47: 300– 309.
  • Fawole OA. Opara UL (2013b). Developmental changes in maturity indices of pomegranate fruit: A descriptive review. Scientia Horticulturae, 159: 152–161.
  • Onur C., Pekmezci M., Tibet H., Erkan M., Kuzu S., Tandogan P (1992). Hicaz narının Soğukta Muhafazası Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. 1.Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, İzmir. Cilt 1, s. 449-452. Gil MI., Toma´s-Barbera´n, FA., Hess-Pierce B., Holcroft DM., Kader AA (2000). Antioxidant Activity of Pomegranate Juice and Its Relationship with Phenolic Composition And Processing. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 4581-4589.
  • Gundogdu M., Yılmaz H (2012). Organic Acid, Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacities of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivars and Selected Genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae. 143, 38–42.
  • Hasnaoui N., Jbir R., Mars M., Trifi M., Kamal-Eldin A., Melgarejo P., Hernandez F (2011). Organıc Acıds, Sugars, and Anthocyanıns Contents In Juıces Of Tunısıan Pomegranate Fruıts. International Journal of Food Properties, 14: 741–757.
  • Holland D., Hatib K., Bar-Ya’akov I (2009). Pomegranate: botany, horticulture. Breed. Hortic. Rev. 35: 127–191.
  • Karaçalı İ (2009). Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafazası ve Pazarlanması. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 494, Bornova, İzmir. s. 486.
  • Koksal AI (1989). Research on the Storage of Pomegranate (cv. Gok Bahce) under Different Conditions. Acta Hortic. 258: 295-302.
  • LaRue JH (1980). Growing Pomegranates in California, University of California, alifornia Agriculture and Natural Resources Leaflet, No: 2459: p. 8.
  • Maskan M (2004). Production of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice concentrate by various heating methods: colour degradation and kinetics. Journal of Food Engineering 72 (2006) 218-224
  • Nanda S., Rao DVS., Krishnamurthy S (2000). Effect of shrink film wrapping and storage temperature on the shelf life and quality of pomegranate fruits cv. ‘Ganesh’. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 22, 61–69.
  • Oğuz İ., Ukav İ., Eroğlu D (2011). “Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde Nar (Punica granatum L.) Üretimi ve Pazarlanması”, GAP VI. Tarım Kongresi, 09 – 12 Mayıs 2011, s. 108 – 112, Şanlıurfa.
  • Özgüven AI., Yılmaz C (2000). Pomegranate Growing in Turkey (In: P.Melgarejo-Moreno, J.J. MartinezNicolas, J. Martinez-Tome (Editor) Production, Processing and Marketing of Pomegranate in The Mediterranean Region: Advances in Research and Technology): 41-48. CIHEAM-IAMZ, Zaragoza.
  • Padule DN., Keskar BG (1988). Studies on Post Harvest Treatments for Increasing The Shelf Life of Pomegranate Fruits. Maharashtra Journal of Agriculture Horticulture, 4(2): 73-76.
  • Saleh MA., Amer MKM., Radwan AEW., Amer MES (1964). Experiments on pomegranate seeds and juice preservation. Agric. Research Review,42(4): 54-64.
  • Swain T., Hillis E (1959). The phenolic constituents of Purmus domestica. I. The quantitative analysis of phenolic constituents. J. Sci. Food. Agric. (10): 63-68.
  • Şen F., Eroğul D (2011). Adıyaman İlinde Yetistirilen "Hicaznar" Nar Çesidinin Depolama Sürecindeki Kalite Degisiminin Belirlenmesi.Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 7 (2): s. 103Thaipong K., Boonprakob U., Crosby K., Cisneros-Zevallos L., Byrne DH (2006). Comparison of ABTS, DPPH, FRAP and ORAC assays for estimating antioxidant activity from guava fruit extracts. J. Food Comp. Anal., 19: 669-675.
  • TÜİK (2013). Türkiye Istatistik Kurumu.
  • TÜİK (2014). Türkiye Istatistik Kurumu.
  • Viuda-Martos M., Fern´andez-L´opez J., Perez-Alvarez JA (2010). Pomegranate and its Many Functional Components as Related to Human Health, Vol. 9, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, p. 635-654.
  • Waskar DP., Khedkar RM., Garande VK (1999). Effect of Post-HarvestTreatments on Shelf Life and Quality of Pomegranate in Evaporative Cool Chamber and Ambient Conditions. J. Food Sci. Techol. 36(2): 114-117.
  • Yazıcı K., Karaşahin I., Şahin G., Erkan M., Kaynak L (2005). Kaolin Uygulamaları ile Modifiye Atmosfer (MA) Koşullarının Nar Muhafazası Üzerine Etkileri. III. Muhafaza ve Pazarlama Sempozyumu, Hatay

Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Farklı Lokasyonlarda Yetiştirilen ‛Katırbaşı’ Nar (Punica granatum L.) Çeşidinin Depolanma Süresince Bazı Fiziksel ve Biyokimyasal İçeriklerindeki Değişimlerin Belirlenmesi

Year 2014, , 309 - 316, 30.09.2014


Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde nar üretimi, GAP projesinin devreye girmesiyle birlikte hızla artmaktadır. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan Adıyaman ilinde ‘Katırbaşı’ nar çeşitleri yaygın olarak yetiştirilmektedir. Bu çalışma, Adıyaman ilinin farklı lokasyonlarında yetiştirilen ‘Katırbaşı’ nar çeşidine ait meyvelerin pomolojik özellikleri ile depolama süresince fiziksel ve biyokimyasal özelliklerindeki değişimlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Adıyaman ilinde Kahta ve Gerger lokasyonlarından  hasat edilen ‘Katırbaşı’ nar çeşidinin meyveleri modifiye atmosfer (MA) ambalajlara yerleştirilerek 60oC sıcaklıkta ve % 90 oransal nemde 4 ay süreyle muhafazaya alınmıştır. Depoda 2 ve 4 ay süre ile muhafaza edilen nar örneklerinde bazı fiziksel ve biyokimyasal özellikler belirlenmiştir. En yüksek meyve ağırlığı (505.7 g) ve tane ağırlığı (0.57 g) Gerger 2’de yetiştirilen nar meyvelerinde bulunmuştur. Depolama sonunda tüm nar meyvelerinde titre edilebilir asit miktarında önemli bir azalış görülmüştür ve en yüksek titre edilebilir asit miktarı Kahta 4’de belirlenmiştir. Nar meyvelerinin kabuk ve tane rengi, çeşitlere göre önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. ‘Gerger 4’ nar meyvelerinin toplam fenol miktarı (99.04 mg GAE/100 ml) ve antioksidan aktivitesi (20.85 µmol TE/ml), depolama süresince diğer narlara göre belirgin şekilde daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Depolama süresince suda çözünür kuru madde miktarında ve kabuk h° değeri hafif bir azalış, kabuk C* değeri, toplam fenol miktarı ve antioksidan aktivitesinde hafif bir artış gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, farklı lokasyonlarda yetiştirilen ‛Katırbaşı’ nar meyvelerinin 4 ay süreyle başarıyla depolanabileceğini göstermiştir.


  • Artes F., Tudela JA., Gil Ml (1998). Improving the Keeping Quality of Pomegranate Fruit by Intermittent Warming. Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und - Forschung A Volume 207, 4: 316-321. Bayram E., Dundar O., Ozkaya O (2010). Effect of Different Packaging Types on the Cold storage of Hicaznar Pomegranate Fruits (Second Year). Acta Hort. ISHS 876: 197-200.
  • Benzie IEF., Strain JJ (1996). The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of "antioxidant power": The FRAP assay. Anal. Biochem. 239: 70-76.
  • Cam M., Hisil Y., Durmaz G (2009). Classification of eight pomegranate juices based on antioxidant capacity measured by four methods. Food Chem. 112:721-726.
  • Cerda B., Llorach R., Ceròn JJ., Espìn JC., Tomàs-Barberàn FA (2003). Evaluation of the bioavailability and metabolism in the rat of punicalagin, an antioxidant polyphenol from pomegranate juice. Eur J Nutr. 42:18–28.
  • Díaz-Mula H.M., Zapata PJ., Guillén F (2011). Modified atmosphere packaging of yellow and purple plum cultivars.2 effect on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 61, 110-116.
  • Eroğul D., Şen F., Yıldız H (2012). ‘Wonderful’ Nar Çeşidinin Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ve Depolama Süresince Değişimlerinin Belirlenmesi. 5. Bahçe Ürünlerinde Muhafaza ve Pazarlama Sempozyumu, 18-21 Eylül 2012, Bornova/İzmir, s. 145-152.
  • Fawole OA., Opara UL (2013a). Effects of storage temperature and duration on physiological responses of pomegranate fruit. Industrial Crops and Products 47: 300– 309.
  • Fawole OA. Opara UL (2013b). Developmental changes in maturity indices of pomegranate fruit: A descriptive review. Scientia Horticulturae, 159: 152–161.
  • Onur C., Pekmezci M., Tibet H., Erkan M., Kuzu S., Tandogan P (1992). Hicaz narının Soğukta Muhafazası Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. 1.Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, İzmir. Cilt 1, s. 449-452. Gil MI., Toma´s-Barbera´n, FA., Hess-Pierce B., Holcroft DM., Kader AA (2000). Antioxidant Activity of Pomegranate Juice and Its Relationship with Phenolic Composition And Processing. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48: 4581-4589.
  • Gundogdu M., Yılmaz H (2012). Organic Acid, Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacities of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivars and Selected Genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae. 143, 38–42.
  • Hasnaoui N., Jbir R., Mars M., Trifi M., Kamal-Eldin A., Melgarejo P., Hernandez F (2011). Organıc Acıds, Sugars, and Anthocyanıns Contents In Juıces Of Tunısıan Pomegranate Fruıts. International Journal of Food Properties, 14: 741–757.
  • Holland D., Hatib K., Bar-Ya’akov I (2009). Pomegranate: botany, horticulture. Breed. Hortic. Rev. 35: 127–191.
  • Karaçalı İ (2009). Bahçe Ürünlerinin Muhafazası ve Pazarlanması. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 494, Bornova, İzmir. s. 486.
  • Koksal AI (1989). Research on the Storage of Pomegranate (cv. Gok Bahce) under Different Conditions. Acta Hortic. 258: 295-302.
  • LaRue JH (1980). Growing Pomegranates in California, University of California, alifornia Agriculture and Natural Resources Leaflet, No: 2459: p. 8.
  • Maskan M (2004). Production of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice concentrate by various heating methods: colour degradation and kinetics. Journal of Food Engineering 72 (2006) 218-224
  • Nanda S., Rao DVS., Krishnamurthy S (2000). Effect of shrink film wrapping and storage temperature on the shelf life and quality of pomegranate fruits cv. ‘Ganesh’. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 22, 61–69.
  • Oğuz İ., Ukav İ., Eroğlu D (2011). “Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde Nar (Punica granatum L.) Üretimi ve Pazarlanması”, GAP VI. Tarım Kongresi, 09 – 12 Mayıs 2011, s. 108 – 112, Şanlıurfa.
  • Özgüven AI., Yılmaz C (2000). Pomegranate Growing in Turkey (In: P.Melgarejo-Moreno, J.J. MartinezNicolas, J. Martinez-Tome (Editor) Production, Processing and Marketing of Pomegranate in The Mediterranean Region: Advances in Research and Technology): 41-48. CIHEAM-IAMZ, Zaragoza.
  • Padule DN., Keskar BG (1988). Studies on Post Harvest Treatments for Increasing The Shelf Life of Pomegranate Fruits. Maharashtra Journal of Agriculture Horticulture, 4(2): 73-76.
  • Saleh MA., Amer MKM., Radwan AEW., Amer MES (1964). Experiments on pomegranate seeds and juice preservation. Agric. Research Review,42(4): 54-64.
  • Swain T., Hillis E (1959). The phenolic constituents of Purmus domestica. I. The quantitative analysis of phenolic constituents. J. Sci. Food. Agric. (10): 63-68.
  • Şen F., Eroğul D (2011). Adıyaman İlinde Yetistirilen "Hicaznar" Nar Çesidinin Depolama Sürecindeki Kalite Degisiminin Belirlenmesi.Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 7 (2): s. 103Thaipong K., Boonprakob U., Crosby K., Cisneros-Zevallos L., Byrne DH (2006). Comparison of ABTS, DPPH, FRAP and ORAC assays for estimating antioxidant activity from guava fruit extracts. J. Food Comp. Anal., 19: 669-675.
  • TÜİK (2013). Türkiye Istatistik Kurumu.
  • TÜİK (2014). Türkiye Istatistik Kurumu.
  • Viuda-Martos M., Fern´andez-L´opez J., Perez-Alvarez JA (2010). Pomegranate and its Many Functional Components as Related to Human Health, Vol. 9, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, p. 635-654.
  • Waskar DP., Khedkar RM., Garande VK (1999). Effect of Post-HarvestTreatments on Shelf Life and Quality of Pomegranate in Evaporative Cool Chamber and Ambient Conditions. J. Food Sci. Techol. 36(2): 114-117.
  • Yazıcı K., Karaşahin I., Şahin G., Erkan M., Kaynak L (2005). Kaolin Uygulamaları ile Modifiye Atmosfer (MA) Koşullarının Nar Muhafazası Üzerine Etkileri. III. Muhafaza ve Pazarlama Sempozyumu, Hatay
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Halil Oğuz

Fatih Şen This is me

Deniz Eroğul This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Oğuz, H., Şen, F., & Eroğul, D. (2014). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Farklı Lokasyonlarda Yetiştirilen ‛Katırbaşı’ Nar (Punica granatum L.) Çeşidinin Depolanma Süresince Bazı Fiziksel ve Biyokimyasal İçeriklerindeki Değişimlerin Belirlenmesi. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24(3), 309-316.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.