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Tuzluluk Stresinin Patlıcanda (Solanum melongena L.) Su Kullanım Etkinliği, Verim Bileşenleri, Yaprak Klorofil ve Karotenoid İçeriği Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, , 61 - 68, 29.03.2019


Sulama suyu tuzluluğunun
patlıcan bitkisinde verim, bazı verim bileşenleri, su kullanım etkinliği,
yaprak klorofil ve karotenoid içeriği üzerine etkileri bir sera denemesi ile
araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, sulama suyu tuzluluğu için sekiz farklı elektriksel
iletkenlik düzeyi (EC= 1.4, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4 ve 8.4 dS/m), kontrol
konusu olarak çeşme suyu (EC=0.4 dS/m) kullanılmıştır. Tesadüf blokları deneme
desenine göre 4 tekerrürlü olarak tasarlanan araştırmada bitkiler silindirik
lizimetrelerde yetiştirilmiştir. Tuz stresine verimin tepkisi olarak, toprak
tuzluluğu eşik değeri 1.49 dS/m olarak belirlenmiştir. Genelde, bitki su
tüketimleri sulama suyu tuzluluğu ile azalırken, en yüksek su kullanım
etkinliği düşük tuzluluk seviyelerinde (≤2.4 dS/m) saptanmıştır. Verim tepki
etmeni 1.58 olarak bulunmuştur. Bitki boyu, bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlıkları,
yaprak alanı ve yaprak oransal su potansiyeli değerleri 3.4dS/m’lik tuzluluk
seviyesiyle birlikte azalma eğilimine girmiştir. Düşük tuzluluk seviyeleri (1.4
ve 2.4 dS/m) patlıcan bitkisinin yaprak klorofil ve karotenoid içeriğini


  • Abdel-Azeem AM, Elwan MWM, Sung JK, Ok YS (2012). Alleviation of salt stress in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by plant-growth-promoting Rhizobacteria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 43:1303-1315.
  • Akıncı IE, Akıncı S, Yılmaz K, Dikici H (2004). Response of eggplant varieties (Solanum melongena) to salinity in germination and seedling stages. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 32: 193–200.
  • Arnon DI (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts polyphanol oxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology, 24: 1-15.
  • Ashraf M (1994). Breeding for salinity tolerance in plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 13(1): 17-42.
  • Ayyıldız M (1990). Sulama suyu kalitesi ve tuzluluk problemleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları 1196, Ankara.
  • Biggar JW, Rolston DE, Nielsen DR (1984). Transport by salt water. California Agriculture, 38(10): 10-12.
  • Bresler E, McNeal BL, Carter DL (1982). Saline and sodic soils. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
  • Bsoul EY, Jaradat SP, Al-Kofahi P, Al-Hammouri AA and Alkhatib R (2016).Growth, water relation and physiological responses of three eggplant cultivars under different salinity levels. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9( 2): 123-130.
  • Cemek B, Apan M, Demir Y, Kara T (2005). Sera koşullarında farklı sulama suyu miktarlarının hıyar bitkisinin büyüme, gelişme ve verimi üzerine etkisi. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 20(3): 27-33.Çulha Ş ve Çakırlar H (2012). Tuzluluğun bitkiler üzerine etkileri ve tuz tolerans mekanizmaları. AKU J. Sci., 11: 11-34.
  • Doorenbos Jand Kassam AH (1986). Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Rome.
  • Ekmekçi E, Apan M, Kara T (2005). Tuzluluğun bitki gelişimine etkisi. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 20(3):118-125. Ghassemi F, Jackman AJ, Nix AH (1995). Salinization of land and water resources. CAB International, Wallingford, England.
  • Hasegawa, PM, Bressan, RA and Pardo JM (2000). The dawn of plant salt to tolerance genetics. Trends in Plant Sci., 5: 317-319.
  • Katerji N, vanHoorn JW, Hamdy A, Mastrorilli M, Karam F (1998). Salinity and drought, a comparison of their effects on the relationship between yield and evapotranspiration. Agricultural Water Management, 36: 45–54.
  • Kıran S, Kuşvuran Ş, Özkay F, Özgün Ö, Sönmez K, Özbek H, Ellialtıoğlu ŞŞ (2015). Bazı patlıcan anaçlarının tuzluluk stresi koşullarındaki gelişmelerinin karşılaştırılması. Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 8(1): 20-30.
  • Lichtenthaler H K and Wellburn AR (1983). Determinations of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in different solvents. Biochem. Soc. Transac. 11: 591-592.
  • Maas EV and Hoffman GJ (1977). Crop salt tolerance-current assessment. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, ASCE: 115-134.
  • Machado RMA and Serralheiro RP (2017). Soil Salinity: effect on vegetable crop growth. Management practices to prevent and mitigate soil salinization. Horticulturae, 3(2): 1-13.
  • Malibari AA, Zidan MA, Heikal MM, El-Shamary S (1993). Effect of salinity on germination and growth of alfalfa, sunflower and sorghum. Pak J. Bot.25: 156-60.
  • Mao X, Liu M, Wang X, Liu C, Hou Z, Shi J (2003). Effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of greenhouse grown cucumber in the north China plain. Agri. Water Manage., 61, 219-228.
  • Marschner H (1995). Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Academic Press., pp. 657-680.
  • Mohd R, Ismail M, Yusoff K and Mahmood M (2004). Growth, water relations, stomata conductance and proline concentration in water stressed banana (Musa spp.) plants. Asian J. Plant Sci., 3:709-713.
  • Munns R and Termaat A (1986). Whole-plant responses to salinity. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 13: 143-160.
  • Parida AK and Das AB (2005). Salt tolerance and salinity effects on plants: A Review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60: 324-349.
  • Paul D and Nair S (2008). Stress adaptations in a plant growth promoting Rhizobacterium (PGPR) within creasing salinity in the coastal agricultural. Soils Journal of Basic Microbiology, 48: 378-384.
  • Paul D (2012). Osmotic stress adaptations in Rizobacteria. J. Basic Microbiol., 52:1-10.
  • Rhoades JD, Chanduvi F, Lesch S (1999). Soil salinity assessment. Methods and interpretation of electrical conductivity measurements. FAO Publications No: 57, Rome.
  • Sairam RK, Raok V and Srivastava GC (2002). Differential response of wheat genotypes to long terms salinity stress in relation to oxidative stress, antioxidant activity and osmolyte concentration. Plant Science, 163: 1037-1046.
  • Salama S, Trivedi S, Busheva M, Arafa AA, GarabandErdei L (1994). Effects of NaCl salinity on growth, cation accumulation, chloroplast structure and function in wheat cultivars differing in salt tolerance. J. Plant Physiol.144: 241-247.
  • Sevengör S, Yasar F, Kusvuran S, Ellialtioglu S (2011). The effect of salt stress on growth, chlorophyll content, lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzymes of pumpkin seedling. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (21): 4920-4924.
  • Shalata A and Tal M (1998). The effect of salt stress on lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in the leaf of the cultivated tomato and its wild salt-tolerant relative Lycopersicon pennellii. Physiol. Plant. 104: 169-174.
  • Turhan A, Kuscu H, Ozmen N, Asık AA, Serbeci MS, Seniz V (2013). Alleviation of deleterious effects of salt stress by applications of supplementary potassium-calcium on spinach. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 63(2): 184-192.
  • Turhan A, Kuscu H, Ozmen N, Demir AA (2014). Farklı tuzluluk düzeylerinin sarımsakta (Allium sativum L.) verim ve bazı kalite özelliklerine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 20: 280-287.
  • Turhan A, Kuscu H, Demir AA (2015). Sulama suyu tuzluluğunun hıyarın verim, meyve özellikleri ve su kullanım etkinliği üzerine etkisi. JAFAG, 32 (3): 29-38.
  • Ünlükara A, Kurunç A, Kesmez GD, Yurtseven E, Suarez DL (2010). Effects of salinity on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) growth and evapotranspiration. Irrig. And Drain., 59: 203-214.
  • Yaşar F (2003). Tuz stresi altındaki patlıcan genotiplerinde bazı antioksidant enzim aktivitelerinin in vitro ve in vivo olarak incelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst., Doktora Tezi, Van, 138s.
  • Yurtseven E, Parlak M, Demir K, Öztürk A ve Kütük C (1999). Turp (Raphanus sativus L.) bitkisinde farklı sulama suyu tuzluluğu ve Ca/Mg oranı uygulamaları: 1. Bazı verim parametrelerine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(3): 28-34.
  • Viegas RA, Silveira JAG, Junior ARL (2001). Effects of NaCl-salinity on growth and inorganic solute accumulation in young cashew plants. Braz. J. Environ. Agric. Eng. 5: 216–222.
  • Zhang G, Zhang L, Chen B, Zhou Z (2013). Photosynthesis, ion accumulation, antioxidants activities and yield responses of different cotton genotypes to mixed salt stress. African Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(47): 6002-6011.
  • Zhang P, Senge M, Dai Y (2016). Effect of salinity stress on growth, yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of tomato under hydroponics system. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 4: 46-55.

Effects of Salinity Stress on Water Use Efficiency, Yield Components, Leaf Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Content of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

Year 2019, , 61 - 68, 29.03.2019


effects of irrigation water salinity on some yield components, water use
efficiency, leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid content of eggplant were
investigated with a greenhouse experiment. Eight saline irrigation waters with
electrical conductivities (EC= 1.4, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, 7.4 and 8.4
dS/m and tap water (EC=0.4 dS/m) as a control treatment were
utilized. The experiment was set up as a completely randomized design with four
replications per treatment and crops was grown in cylindrical lysimeters.  As the yield response to salt stress, the
value of threshold salinity was determined as 1.49
dS/m for soil salinity. Crop evapotranspiration generally decreased with
irrigation water salinity, the highest water use efficiency was obtained from
relatively low salinity levels (≤ 2.4
dS/m). The crop yield coefficient
(Ky) was calculated as 1.58. Plant height, plant fresh and dry weights, leaf
area and relative
dS/m) increased leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid content
of eggplant.


  • Abdel-Azeem AM, Elwan MWM, Sung JK, Ok YS (2012). Alleviation of salt stress in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by plant-growth-promoting Rhizobacteria. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 43:1303-1315.
  • Akıncı IE, Akıncı S, Yılmaz K, Dikici H (2004). Response of eggplant varieties (Solanum melongena) to salinity in germination and seedling stages. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 32: 193–200.
  • Arnon DI (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts polyphanol oxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology, 24: 1-15.
  • Ashraf M (1994). Breeding for salinity tolerance in plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 13(1): 17-42.
  • Ayyıldız M (1990). Sulama suyu kalitesi ve tuzluluk problemleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları 1196, Ankara.
  • Biggar JW, Rolston DE, Nielsen DR (1984). Transport by salt water. California Agriculture, 38(10): 10-12.
  • Bresler E, McNeal BL, Carter DL (1982). Saline and sodic soils. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
  • Bsoul EY, Jaradat SP, Al-Kofahi P, Al-Hammouri AA and Alkhatib R (2016).Growth, water relation and physiological responses of three eggplant cultivars under different salinity levels. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9( 2): 123-130.
  • Cemek B, Apan M, Demir Y, Kara T (2005). Sera koşullarında farklı sulama suyu miktarlarının hıyar bitkisinin büyüme, gelişme ve verimi üzerine etkisi. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 20(3): 27-33.Çulha Ş ve Çakırlar H (2012). Tuzluluğun bitkiler üzerine etkileri ve tuz tolerans mekanizmaları. AKU J. Sci., 11: 11-34.
  • Doorenbos Jand Kassam AH (1986). Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 33, Rome.
  • Ekmekçi E, Apan M, Kara T (2005). Tuzluluğun bitki gelişimine etkisi. OMÜ Zir. Fak. Dergisi, 20(3):118-125. Ghassemi F, Jackman AJ, Nix AH (1995). Salinization of land and water resources. CAB International, Wallingford, England.
  • Hasegawa, PM, Bressan, RA and Pardo JM (2000). The dawn of plant salt to tolerance genetics. Trends in Plant Sci., 5: 317-319.
  • Katerji N, vanHoorn JW, Hamdy A, Mastrorilli M, Karam F (1998). Salinity and drought, a comparison of their effects on the relationship between yield and evapotranspiration. Agricultural Water Management, 36: 45–54.
  • Kıran S, Kuşvuran Ş, Özkay F, Özgün Ö, Sönmez K, Özbek H, Ellialtıoğlu ŞŞ (2015). Bazı patlıcan anaçlarının tuzluluk stresi koşullarındaki gelişmelerinin karşılaştırılması. Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 8(1): 20-30.
  • Lichtenthaler H K and Wellburn AR (1983). Determinations of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in different solvents. Biochem. Soc. Transac. 11: 591-592.
  • Maas EV and Hoffman GJ (1977). Crop salt tolerance-current assessment. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, ASCE: 115-134.
  • Machado RMA and Serralheiro RP (2017). Soil Salinity: effect on vegetable crop growth. Management practices to prevent and mitigate soil salinization. Horticulturae, 3(2): 1-13.
  • Malibari AA, Zidan MA, Heikal MM, El-Shamary S (1993). Effect of salinity on germination and growth of alfalfa, sunflower and sorghum. Pak J. Bot.25: 156-60.
  • Mao X, Liu M, Wang X, Liu C, Hou Z, Shi J (2003). Effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of greenhouse grown cucumber in the north China plain. Agri. Water Manage., 61, 219-228.
  • Marschner H (1995). Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Academic Press., pp. 657-680.
  • Mohd R, Ismail M, Yusoff K and Mahmood M (2004). Growth, water relations, stomata conductance and proline concentration in water stressed banana (Musa spp.) plants. Asian J. Plant Sci., 3:709-713.
  • Munns R and Termaat A (1986). Whole-plant responses to salinity. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 13: 143-160.
  • Parida AK and Das AB (2005). Salt tolerance and salinity effects on plants: A Review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60: 324-349.
  • Paul D and Nair S (2008). Stress adaptations in a plant growth promoting Rhizobacterium (PGPR) within creasing salinity in the coastal agricultural. Soils Journal of Basic Microbiology, 48: 378-384.
  • Paul D (2012). Osmotic stress adaptations in Rizobacteria. J. Basic Microbiol., 52:1-10.
  • Rhoades JD, Chanduvi F, Lesch S (1999). Soil salinity assessment. Methods and interpretation of electrical conductivity measurements. FAO Publications No: 57, Rome.
  • Sairam RK, Raok V and Srivastava GC (2002). Differential response of wheat genotypes to long terms salinity stress in relation to oxidative stress, antioxidant activity and osmolyte concentration. Plant Science, 163: 1037-1046.
  • Salama S, Trivedi S, Busheva M, Arafa AA, GarabandErdei L (1994). Effects of NaCl salinity on growth, cation accumulation, chloroplast structure and function in wheat cultivars differing in salt tolerance. J. Plant Physiol.144: 241-247.
  • Sevengör S, Yasar F, Kusvuran S, Ellialtioglu S (2011). The effect of salt stress on growth, chlorophyll content, lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzymes of pumpkin seedling. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (21): 4920-4924.
  • Shalata A and Tal M (1998). The effect of salt stress on lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in the leaf of the cultivated tomato and its wild salt-tolerant relative Lycopersicon pennellii. Physiol. Plant. 104: 169-174.
  • Turhan A, Kuscu H, Ozmen N, Asık AA, Serbeci MS, Seniz V (2013). Alleviation of deleterious effects of salt stress by applications of supplementary potassium-calcium on spinach. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 63(2): 184-192.
  • Turhan A, Kuscu H, Ozmen N, Demir AA (2014). Farklı tuzluluk düzeylerinin sarımsakta (Allium sativum L.) verim ve bazı kalite özelliklerine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 20: 280-287.
  • Turhan A, Kuscu H, Demir AA (2015). Sulama suyu tuzluluğunun hıyarın verim, meyve özellikleri ve su kullanım etkinliği üzerine etkisi. JAFAG, 32 (3): 29-38.
  • Ünlükara A, Kurunç A, Kesmez GD, Yurtseven E, Suarez DL (2010). Effects of salinity on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) growth and evapotranspiration. Irrig. And Drain., 59: 203-214.
  • Yaşar F (2003). Tuz stresi altındaki patlıcan genotiplerinde bazı antioksidant enzim aktivitelerinin in vitro ve in vivo olarak incelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst., Doktora Tezi, Van, 138s.
  • Yurtseven E, Parlak M, Demir K, Öztürk A ve Kütük C (1999). Turp (Raphanus sativus L.) bitkisinde farklı sulama suyu tuzluluğu ve Ca/Mg oranı uygulamaları: 1. Bazı verim parametrelerine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(3): 28-34.
  • Viegas RA, Silveira JAG, Junior ARL (2001). Effects of NaCl-salinity on growth and inorganic solute accumulation in young cashew plants. Braz. J. Environ. Agric. Eng. 5: 216–222.
  • Zhang G, Zhang L, Chen B, Zhou Z (2013). Photosynthesis, ion accumulation, antioxidants activities and yield responses of different cotton genotypes to mixed salt stress. African Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(47): 6002-6011.
  • Zhang P, Senge M, Dai Y (2016). Effect of salinity stress on growth, yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of tomato under hydroponics system. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 4: 46-55.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Turhan 0000-0002-1976-8082

Hayrettin Kuşçu 0000-0001-9600-7685

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Acceptance Date February 10, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Turhan, A., & Kuşçu, H. (2019). Tuzluluk Stresinin Patlıcanda (Solanum melongena L.) Su Kullanım Etkinliği, Verim Bileşenleri, Yaprak Klorofil ve Karotenoid İçeriği Üzerine Etkileri. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(1), 61-68.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.