Research Article
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The Variation for Dry Weight and Hay Quality in Turkish Origin Wild Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) Genotypes

Year 2019, , 187 - 194, 28.06.2019


This study was conducted
to determine dry plant weight and quality traits of chicory
(Cichorium intybus L.) genotypes collected from eight provinces and 29
locations in Turkey. Field experiment was conducted in Yozgat conditions for
two years (2015-2016 and 2016-2017) and the observations were performed in the
second year. Dry plant weight, crude protein ratio and protein yield (g plant-1),
ADF, NDF, K, P, Ca, Mg contents and K/(Ca+Mg) and Ca/P ratio were determined in
chicory genotypes as yearly total or average. Total dry plant weight and average
crude protein content ranged between 167.80-564.60 g plant-1 and 11.85-16.60%, respectively. The highest
potassium content was determined as 2.442%, while it was lowest as 2.022%. The
phosphorus, calcium and magnesium content ranged between 0.367-0.413%,
0.963-1.232% and 0.250-0.407%, respectively. As a result, significant
differences were observed among the chicory genotypes for all the traits. Such
a variation even in the restricted area is point out the high variation in
Turkey. These differences encouraged to new studies on chicory in Turkey and
were also promising for improving new varieties.


  • Athanasiadou S, Gray D, Younie D, Tzamoloukas O, Jackson F, Kyriazakis I, 2007. The use of chicory for parasite control in organic ewes and their lambs. Parasitology 134: 299-307.Barnes,TG, Varner LW, Blankenship LH, Fillinger TJ, Heiman SC, 1990. Macro and trace mineral content of selected South Texas deer forages. JSTOR 43: 220-224.Buxton DR, Fales SL. 1994. Plant environment and quality. In Forage quality evaluation and utilization: Fahey GC Jr et al (eds), pp: 155-199. Madison, USA.Di Grigoli A, Todaro M, Di Miceli G, Genna V, Tornambè G, Alicata ML, Giambalvo D, Bonanno A, 2012. Effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on ewe milk production. Small Rumin Res 1065: 529-536.Egritas O and Ascı OO, 2015. Determination of some mineral matter contents in common vetch ‐ cereals mixtures. Ace J of Agric. 4(1):13‐18.Espinoza MP, Thamsborg S, Desrues O, Hansen TVA, Enemark H, 2016. Anthelmintic effects of forage chicory (Cichorium intybus) against gastrointestinal nematode parasites in experimentally infected cattle. Parasitology, 143:1279–1293.Holden LA, Varga GA, Jung GA, Shaffer JA, 2000. Comparison of Grasslands Puna chicoryand orchardgrass for multiple harvests at different management levels. Agron. J. 92:191–194.Kidambi SP, Matches AG, Grigs TC, 1989. Variability for Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Zn, K/(Ca+ Mg)ratio 3 wheat grasses and on the southern sainfoin high plains. J. Range Management. 42: 316 – 322.Kiers AM, Mes THM, Van der Meijden R and Bachmann K, 1999. Morphologically defined Cichorium (Asteraceae) species reflect lineages based on chloroplast and nuclear (ITS) DNA data. Syst. Bot. 24: 645-659.Knight DA, Gabel AA, Reed SM, Bramlage LR, Tyznik WJ, Embertson RM, 1985. Correlation of dietary mineral to incidence and severity of metabolic bone disease in Ohio and Kentucky. New Orleans, USA. 445 pp.Labreveux M, Mat AS, Hall MH, 2006. Forage Chicory and Plantain: Nutritive Value of Herbage at Variable Grazing Frequencies and Intensities. Agron. J 98:231-237.Molle G, Decandia M, Cabiddu A, Landau SY, Cannas A, 2008. Anupdate on the nutrition of dairy sheep grazing Mediterraneanpastures. Small Rumin Res 77: 93-112.Moloney SC, Milne GD, 1993. Establishment and managementof Grasslands Puna chicory Used as a specialist, high qualityforage herb. Proc N Z Grassld Assoc 55: 113–118.Munoz CLM, 2004. Spanish Medicinal Plants: Cichorium intybus L. Bol. R. Soc. His. Nat. 99:41-47.Nieddu S, Saba P, Stangoni AP, Sulas L, 2000. La cicoria da foraggio, un’interessante alternativa. L'informatore agrario 12: 69-71.Nwafor IC, Shale K, Achilonu MC, 2017. Chemical Composition and Nutritive Benefits ofChicory (Cichorium intybus) as an Ideal Complementary and/or Alternative Livestock Feed Supplement. SCI WORLD J 11 pp.Piluzza G, Sulas L, Bullitta S, 2014. Dry matter yield, feeding value, and antioxidant activity in Mediterranean chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) germplasm. Turk J Agric For 38: 506-514.Rumball W, 1986. Grasslands Puna' chicory (Cichorium intybus L.). NEW ZEAL J EXP RES 14:105-107 Sanderson MA, Labreveux M, Hall MH, Elwinger GF, 2003. Forage and Persistence Chicory and English Plantain. Crop Sci 43:995-1000.Scales GH, Knight TL, Saville DJ, 1994. Effect of herbage species and feeding level on internal parasites and production performance of grazing lambs. NEW ZEAL J AGR RES 38:237-247.Sharifi P, Ebadi AA, 2018. Relationships of rice yield and quality based on genotypes by trait (GT) biplot. An Acad Bras Cienc 90(1): 343-356.Sulas L, 2004. Forage chicory: a valuable crop for Mediterranean environments. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes 62: 137–140.

Ot Verimi ve Kalitesi Bakımından Türkiye Orjinli Yabani Hindiba (Cichorium intybus L.) Genotiplerinin Çeşitliliği

Year 2019, , 187 - 194, 28.06.2019


Bu çalışma, Türkiye genelinde sekiz il ve 29 farklı
lokasyondan toplanan yabani hindiba (Cichorium intybus L.) genotiplerinin bitki başına kuru
ot verimi ve kalite özelliklerini belirlenmek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Tarla
çalışması Yozgat koşullarında ve iki yıl (2015-2016 ve 2016-2017) süreyle
yürütülmüş, gözlemler ikinci yılda alınmıştır. Çalışmada, yıllık ortalama veya
toplam değer olarak, verim (g/bitki) protein oranı (%) ve verimi (g/bitki),
ADF, NDF, K, P, Ca, Mg içeriği (%) ile K / (Ca+Mg) ve Ca/P oranları belirlenmiştir.
Toplam kuru bitki ağırlığı ve ham protein içeriği, sırasıyla 167.80-564.60
g/bitki ve % 11.85-16.60 arasında değişmiştir. Genotipler arasında potasyum
içeriği en yüksek % 2.442 ve en düşük % 2.022 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Fosfor,
kalsiyum ve magnezyum içeriği ise sırasıyla % 0.367-0.413, % 0.963-1.232 ve %
0.250-0.407 arasında değişmiştir. Sonuç olarak incelen tüm özellikler
bakımından genotipler arasında önemli farklılıklar olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Kısıtlı bir coğrafyadan toplanılan genotiplerde belirlenen bu düzeydeki
farklılık Türkiye genelinde çok daha yüksek bir çeşitliliğin olacağına işaret
etmektedir. Bu çeşitlilik Türkiye’de hindiba konusunda yeni çalışmaları teşvik
etmektedir ve yem bitkisi amaçlı yeni hindiba çeşitlerin geliştirilmesi adına
ümit vericidir.


  • Athanasiadou S, Gray D, Younie D, Tzamoloukas O, Jackson F, Kyriazakis I, 2007. The use of chicory for parasite control in organic ewes and their lambs. Parasitology 134: 299-307.Barnes,TG, Varner LW, Blankenship LH, Fillinger TJ, Heiman SC, 1990. Macro and trace mineral content of selected South Texas deer forages. JSTOR 43: 220-224.Buxton DR, Fales SL. 1994. Plant environment and quality. In Forage quality evaluation and utilization: Fahey GC Jr et al (eds), pp: 155-199. Madison, USA.Di Grigoli A, Todaro M, Di Miceli G, Genna V, Tornambè G, Alicata ML, Giambalvo D, Bonanno A, 2012. Effects of continuous and rotational grazing of different forage species on ewe milk production. Small Rumin Res 1065: 529-536.Egritas O and Ascı OO, 2015. Determination of some mineral matter contents in common vetch ‐ cereals mixtures. Ace J of Agric. 4(1):13‐18.Espinoza MP, Thamsborg S, Desrues O, Hansen TVA, Enemark H, 2016. Anthelmintic effects of forage chicory (Cichorium intybus) against gastrointestinal nematode parasites in experimentally infected cattle. Parasitology, 143:1279–1293.Holden LA, Varga GA, Jung GA, Shaffer JA, 2000. Comparison of Grasslands Puna chicoryand orchardgrass for multiple harvests at different management levels. Agron. J. 92:191–194.Kidambi SP, Matches AG, Grigs TC, 1989. Variability for Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Zn, K/(Ca+ Mg)ratio 3 wheat grasses and on the southern sainfoin high plains. J. Range Management. 42: 316 – 322.Kiers AM, Mes THM, Van der Meijden R and Bachmann K, 1999. Morphologically defined Cichorium (Asteraceae) species reflect lineages based on chloroplast and nuclear (ITS) DNA data. Syst. Bot. 24: 645-659.Knight DA, Gabel AA, Reed SM, Bramlage LR, Tyznik WJ, Embertson RM, 1985. Correlation of dietary mineral to incidence and severity of metabolic bone disease in Ohio and Kentucky. New Orleans, USA. 445 pp.Labreveux M, Mat AS, Hall MH, 2006. Forage Chicory and Plantain: Nutritive Value of Herbage at Variable Grazing Frequencies and Intensities. Agron. J 98:231-237.Molle G, Decandia M, Cabiddu A, Landau SY, Cannas A, 2008. Anupdate on the nutrition of dairy sheep grazing Mediterraneanpastures. Small Rumin Res 77: 93-112.Moloney SC, Milne GD, 1993. Establishment and managementof Grasslands Puna chicory Used as a specialist, high qualityforage herb. Proc N Z Grassld Assoc 55: 113–118.Munoz CLM, 2004. Spanish Medicinal Plants: Cichorium intybus L. Bol. R. Soc. His. Nat. 99:41-47.Nieddu S, Saba P, Stangoni AP, Sulas L, 2000. La cicoria da foraggio, un’interessante alternativa. L'informatore agrario 12: 69-71.Nwafor IC, Shale K, Achilonu MC, 2017. Chemical Composition and Nutritive Benefits ofChicory (Cichorium intybus) as an Ideal Complementary and/or Alternative Livestock Feed Supplement. SCI WORLD J 11 pp.Piluzza G, Sulas L, Bullitta S, 2014. Dry matter yield, feeding value, and antioxidant activity in Mediterranean chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) germplasm. Turk J Agric For 38: 506-514.Rumball W, 1986. Grasslands Puna' chicory (Cichorium intybus L.). NEW ZEAL J EXP RES 14:105-107 Sanderson MA, Labreveux M, Hall MH, Elwinger GF, 2003. Forage and Persistence Chicory and English Plantain. Crop Sci 43:995-1000.Scales GH, Knight TL, Saville DJ, 1994. Effect of herbage species and feeding level on internal parasites and production performance of grazing lambs. NEW ZEAL J AGR RES 38:237-247.Sharifi P, Ebadi AA, 2018. Relationships of rice yield and quality based on genotypes by trait (GT) biplot. An Acad Bras Cienc 90(1): 343-356.Sulas L, 2004. Forage chicory: a valuable crop for Mediterranean environments. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes 62: 137–140.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Articles

Uğur Başaran 0000-0002-6644-5892

Erdem Gülümser 0000-0001-6291-3831

Medine Çopur Doğrusöz 0000-0002-9159-1699

Hanife Mut 0000-0002-5814-5275

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Acceptance Date May 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Başaran, U., Gülümser, E., Çopur Doğrusöz, M., Mut, H. (2019). The Variation for Dry Weight and Hay Quality in Turkish Origin Wild Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) Genotypes. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2), 187-194.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.