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Farklı Oranlarda Adaçayı Esansiyel Yağı ile Hazırlanan Mikroenkapsüle Balık Yağlarının Depolama Süresi Boyunca Yağ Asitlerindeki Değişimlerin Belirlenmesi

Year 2021, , 858 - 869, 31.12.2021


Yapılan bu çalışmada, adaçayı esansiyel yağı ilave edinilen balık yağının mikroenkapsülasyonu yoluyla elde edilen balık yağı tozunda yağ asitleri içeriği değişimlerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Hamsi yağları % 1, 2 ve 3 konsantrasyonlarda adaçayı esansiyel yağı ile karıştırılarak spray-dryer cihazı kullanılarak mikroenkapsüle edilmiş ve sonuç olarak balık yağı tozu elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen toz balık yağları oda sıcaklığında (24±1 oC) depolanmış ve 12 haftalık yağ asitleri parametreleri belirlenmiştir. Böylece, depolama süresince, farklı konsantrasyonlarda kullanılan adaçayı esansiyel yağının antioksidan etkisi gözlenmiştir. Mikrokapsüllerdeki toplam doymuş yağ asitleri (SFA) ve toplam tekli doymamış yağ asitleri (MUFA) oranının arttığı, çoklu doymuş yağ asitleri (PUFA) oranının ise depolama süresi ile birlikte azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Muamele grupları arasında en yüksek artış ve azalış ADA1 grubunda gözlenmesine karşın artan adaçayı esansiyel yağ konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak bu değişim daha yavaş olmuştur. Adaçayı uçucu yağı ile mikrokapsüllenmiş balık yağlarının kontrol grubuna göre daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca adaçayı uçucu yağının çalışmada kullanılan balık yağının kokusunu maskelediği belirlenmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Çukurova Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışma Çukurova Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından FBA-2019-11949 no’lu proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir


  • Annamalai, J., Dushyant C, K., & Gudipati, V. (2015). Oxidative stability of microencapsulated fish oil during refrigerated storage. Journal of food processing and preservation, 39(6), 1944-1955.
  • Aslan, S. S., Guven, K. C., Gezgin, T., Alpaslan, M., & Tekinay, A. (2007). Comparison of fatty acid contents of wild and cultured rainbow trout Onchorhynchus mykiss in Turkey. Fisheries science, 73(5), 1195-1198.
  • Bakkali, F., Averbeck, S., Averbeck, D., & Idaomar, M., (2008). Biological effects of essential oils–a review. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(2), 446-475.
  • Bakry, A. M., Fang, Z., Ni, Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Y. Q., & Liang, L. (2016). Stability of tuna oil and tuna oil/peppermint oil blend microencapsulated using whey protein isolate in combination with carboxymethyl cellulose or pullulan. Food Hydrocolloids, 60, 559-571.
  • Bangs, W. E., & Reineccius, G. A., (1988). Corn starch derivatives: possible wall materials for spray-dried flavor manufacture
  • Bligh, E. C., & Dyer, W. J. (1959). “A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification”, Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 37, 913–917.
  • Cengiz, E. I., Ünlü, E., & Başhan, M. (2010). Fatty acid composition of total lipids in muscle tissues of nine freshwater fish from the River Tigris (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Biology, 34(4), 433-438.
  • Chávez-Mendoza, C., García-Macías, J. A., Alarcón-Rojo, A. D., Ortega-Gutiérrez, J. Á., Holguín-Licón, C., & Corral-Flores, G. (2014). Comparison of fatty acid content of fresh and frozen fillets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Walbaum. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 57(1), 103-109.
  • Chen, Q., McGillivray, D., Wen, J., Zhong, F., & Quek, S. Y. (2013). Co-encapsulation of fish oil with phytosterol esters and limonene by milk proteins. Journal of Food Engineering, 117(4), 505-512.
  • Czerniak, A., Kubıak, P., Białas, W. & Jankowski, T. (2015). Improvement of oxidative stability of menhaden fish oil by microencapsulation within biocapsules formed of yeast cells. Journal of Food Engineering, 167:2-11.
  • Durmus, M., (2020). The effects of nanoemulsions based on citrus essential oils (orange, mandarin, grapefruit, and lemon) on the shelf life of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets at 4±2°C. Journal of Food Safety, 40(1), e12718.
  • Durmuş, M. (2017). Nutritional composition and fatty acids content of Neogobius melanostomus caught in Central Black Sea. Aquaculture Studies, 17, 485-499.
  • Durmus, M. (2018). Fish oil for human health: omega-3 fatty acid profiles of marine seafood species. Food Science and Technology, AHEAD
  • Fung, T., Rexrode, K. M., Mantzoros, C. S., Manson, J. E., Willett, W. C., & Hu, F. B. (2009). Mediterranean diet and incidence of and mortality from coronary heart disease and stroke in women. Circulation, 119(8), 1093-1100.
  • Gouin, S. (2004). Microencapsulation: industrial appraisal of existing technologies and trends. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 15(7-8), 330-347.
  • Heinzelmann, K. & Franke, K. (1999). Using freezing and drying techniques of emulsions for the microencapsulation of fish oil to improve oxidation stability. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 12: 223–229.
  • Heinzelmann, K., Franke, K., Jensen, B., & Haahr, A. M. (2000). Protection of fish oil from oxidation by microencapsulation using freeze‐drying techniques. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 102(2), 114-121.
  • Hernández, F., Madrid, J., García, V., Orengo, J., & Megios, D. (2004). Influence of two plant extracts on broilers performance, digestibility and digestive organ size. Poultry Science 83, 169-174.
  • Hogan, S.A., O'riordan, E. D., & O'sullivan, M., 2003. Microencapsulation and oxidative stability of spray-dried fish oil emulsions. Journal of Microencapsulation, 20(5), 675-688.
  • Hoz, L., D’arrigo, M., Cambero, I., & Ordóñez, J. A. (2004). Development of an n-3 fatty acid and α-tocopherol enriched dry fermented sausage. Meat Science, 67(3), 485-495.
  • Huang, H., Hao, S., Li, L., Yang, X., Cen, J., Lin, W., & Wei, Y. (2014). “Influence of emulsion composition and spray-drying conditions on microencapsulation of tilapia oil”. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9), 2148-2154.
  • Ichıhara, K., Shıbahara, A., Yamamoto, K., & Nakayama, T. (1996). “An Improved Method for Rapid Analysis of the Fatty Acids of Glycerolipids. Lipids, 31, 535–539.
  • Jeyakumari, A., Zynudheen, A. A., Parvathy, U., & Binsi, P. K. (2018). Impact of chitosan and oregano extract on the physicochemical properties of microencapsulated fish oil stored at different temperature. International Journal of Food Properties, 21(1), 942-955.
  • Kagami, Y., Sugimura, S., Fujishima, N., Matsuda, K., Kometani, T., & Matsumura, Y. (2003). Oxidative stability, structure, and physical characteristics of microcapsules formed by spray drying of fish oil with protein and dextrin wall materials. Journal of Food Science, 68(7), 2248-2255.
  • Kim, Y. D., & Morr, C. V. (1996). Microencapsulation properties of gum arabic and several food proteins: spray-dried orange oil emulsion particles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44(5), 1314-1320.
  • Kinsella, J. E. (1987). Seafoods and fish oils in human health and disease. M. Dekker.
  • Kinsella, J. E., Lokesh, B., & Stone, R. A. (1990). Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and amelioration of cardiovascular disease: possible mechanisms. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 52(1), 1-28.
  • Li, J., Solval, K. M., Alfaro, L., Zhang, J., Chotiko, A., Delgado, J.L.B., Chouljenko, A., Bankston, D., Bechtel, P.J., & Sathivel, S. (2015). Effect of blueberry extract from blueberry pomace on the microencapsulated fish oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39(2), 199-206.
  • Mol, S. (2008). Balık Yağı Tüketimi ve İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2(4), 601-607.
  • Ozogul, Y., Durmus, M., Uçar, Y., Köşker, A. R., & Ozogul, F. (2017). The combined impact of nanoemulsion based on commercial oils and vacuum packing on the fatty acid profiles of sea bass fillets. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(6), e13222.
  • Ozogul, Y., Yuvka, İ., Ucar, Y., Durmus, M., Kösker, A. R., Öz, M., & Ozogul, F. (2017). Evaluation of effects of nanoemulsion based on herb essential oils (rosemary, laurel, thyme and sage) on sensory, chemical and microbiological quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets during ice storage. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 75, 677-684.
  • Özogul, Y., & Özogul, F. (2007). Fatty acid profiles of commercially important fish species from the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas. Food Chemistry, 100(4), 1634-1638.
  • Özogul, Y., Özogul, F. H., Çiçek, E., Polat, A., & Kuley, E. (2009). Fat content and fatty acid compositions of 34 marine water fish species from the Mediterranean Sea. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 60(6), 464-475
  • Pigott, G. M., & Tucker, B. (1990). Seafood: effects of technology on nutrition (Vol. 39). CRC press.
  • Raatz, S., & Bibus, D. (2016). Fish and fish oil in health and disease prevention. USA: Academic Press.
  • Ton, N. M. N., Tran, T. T. T., & Le, V. V. M. (2016). Microencapsulation of rambutan seed oil by spray-drying using different protein preparations. International Food Research Journal 23(1), 123-128
  • Uçar, Y. (2020). Antioxidant effect of nanoemulsions based on citrus peel essential oils: Prevention of lipid oxidation in trout. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 122(5), 1900405.
  • Wan, Y., Bankston Jr, J. D., Bechtel, P. J. & Sathivel, S. (2011). Microencapsulation of menhaden fish oil containing soluble rice bran fiber using spray drying technology. Journal of food science, 76(4): 348-356
  • Yeşilsu, A. F., & Özyurt, G., (2019). Oxidative stability of microencapsulated fish oil with rosemary, thyme and laurel extracts: A kinetic assessment. Journal of Food Engineering, 240, 171-182
  • Zlatanos, S., & Laskaridis, K. (2007). Seasonal variation in the fatty acid composition of three Mediterranean fish–sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) and picarel (Spicara smaris). Food Chemistry, 103(3), 725-728.

Determination of Fatty Acids Changes During Storage of Microencapsulated Fish Oils Prepared with Sage Essential Oil in Different Proportions

Year 2021, , 858 - 869, 31.12.2021


In this study, the determining of changes in the fatty acid composition of fish oil powder which was enabled by the microencapsulation method of fish oil prepared by adding sage essential oil was aimed. Anchovy oils were mixed with sage essential oil in concentrations of 1, 2, and 3%, and these mixings were microencapsulated using a spray-dryer, and as a result, fish oil powder was obtained. The fish oil powders were stored at room temperature (24±1 oC) and their oxidation levels and fatty acid parameters were investigated for 12 weeks. Thus, the antioxidant effect of sage essential oil used in different concentrations was observed during storage. It was determined that saturated fatty acids (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in microcapsules increased and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) decreased with the storage period. Among the treatment groups, the highest increase and decrease were observed in the ADA1 group, although this change was slower due to the increased concentration of sage essential oil. It was determined that fish oils microencapsulated with sage essential oil gave better results than the control group. In addition, it was determined that sage essential oil mask the smell of fish oil used in the study.

Project Number



  • Annamalai, J., Dushyant C, K., & Gudipati, V. (2015). Oxidative stability of microencapsulated fish oil during refrigerated storage. Journal of food processing and preservation, 39(6), 1944-1955.
  • Aslan, S. S., Guven, K. C., Gezgin, T., Alpaslan, M., & Tekinay, A. (2007). Comparison of fatty acid contents of wild and cultured rainbow trout Onchorhynchus mykiss in Turkey. Fisheries science, 73(5), 1195-1198.
  • Bakkali, F., Averbeck, S., Averbeck, D., & Idaomar, M., (2008). Biological effects of essential oils–a review. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(2), 446-475.
  • Bakry, A. M., Fang, Z., Ni, Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Y. Q., & Liang, L. (2016). Stability of tuna oil and tuna oil/peppermint oil blend microencapsulated using whey protein isolate in combination with carboxymethyl cellulose or pullulan. Food Hydrocolloids, 60, 559-571.
  • Bangs, W. E., & Reineccius, G. A., (1988). Corn starch derivatives: possible wall materials for spray-dried flavor manufacture
  • Bligh, E. C., & Dyer, W. J. (1959). “A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification”, Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 37, 913–917.
  • Cengiz, E. I., Ünlü, E., & Başhan, M. (2010). Fatty acid composition of total lipids in muscle tissues of nine freshwater fish from the River Tigris (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Biology, 34(4), 433-438.
  • Chávez-Mendoza, C., García-Macías, J. A., Alarcón-Rojo, A. D., Ortega-Gutiérrez, J. Á., Holguín-Licón, C., & Corral-Flores, G. (2014). Comparison of fatty acid content of fresh and frozen fillets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Walbaum. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 57(1), 103-109.
  • Chen, Q., McGillivray, D., Wen, J., Zhong, F., & Quek, S. Y. (2013). Co-encapsulation of fish oil with phytosterol esters and limonene by milk proteins. Journal of Food Engineering, 117(4), 505-512.
  • Czerniak, A., Kubıak, P., Białas, W. & Jankowski, T. (2015). Improvement of oxidative stability of menhaden fish oil by microencapsulation within biocapsules formed of yeast cells. Journal of Food Engineering, 167:2-11.
  • Durmus, M., (2020). The effects of nanoemulsions based on citrus essential oils (orange, mandarin, grapefruit, and lemon) on the shelf life of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets at 4±2°C. Journal of Food Safety, 40(1), e12718.
  • Durmuş, M. (2017). Nutritional composition and fatty acids content of Neogobius melanostomus caught in Central Black Sea. Aquaculture Studies, 17, 485-499.
  • Durmus, M. (2018). Fish oil for human health: omega-3 fatty acid profiles of marine seafood species. Food Science and Technology, AHEAD
  • Fung, T., Rexrode, K. M., Mantzoros, C. S., Manson, J. E., Willett, W. C., & Hu, F. B. (2009). Mediterranean diet and incidence of and mortality from coronary heart disease and stroke in women. Circulation, 119(8), 1093-1100.
  • Gouin, S. (2004). Microencapsulation: industrial appraisal of existing technologies and trends. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 15(7-8), 330-347.
  • Heinzelmann, K. & Franke, K. (1999). Using freezing and drying techniques of emulsions for the microencapsulation of fish oil to improve oxidation stability. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 12: 223–229.
  • Heinzelmann, K., Franke, K., Jensen, B., & Haahr, A. M. (2000). Protection of fish oil from oxidation by microencapsulation using freeze‐drying techniques. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 102(2), 114-121.
  • Hernández, F., Madrid, J., García, V., Orengo, J., & Megios, D. (2004). Influence of two plant extracts on broilers performance, digestibility and digestive organ size. Poultry Science 83, 169-174.
  • Hogan, S.A., O'riordan, E. D., & O'sullivan, M., 2003. Microencapsulation and oxidative stability of spray-dried fish oil emulsions. Journal of Microencapsulation, 20(5), 675-688.
  • Hoz, L., D’arrigo, M., Cambero, I., & Ordóñez, J. A. (2004). Development of an n-3 fatty acid and α-tocopherol enriched dry fermented sausage. Meat Science, 67(3), 485-495.
  • Huang, H., Hao, S., Li, L., Yang, X., Cen, J., Lin, W., & Wei, Y. (2014). “Influence of emulsion composition and spray-drying conditions on microencapsulation of tilapia oil”. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(9), 2148-2154.
  • Ichıhara, K., Shıbahara, A., Yamamoto, K., & Nakayama, T. (1996). “An Improved Method for Rapid Analysis of the Fatty Acids of Glycerolipids. Lipids, 31, 535–539.
  • Jeyakumari, A., Zynudheen, A. A., Parvathy, U., & Binsi, P. K. (2018). Impact of chitosan and oregano extract on the physicochemical properties of microencapsulated fish oil stored at different temperature. International Journal of Food Properties, 21(1), 942-955.
  • Kagami, Y., Sugimura, S., Fujishima, N., Matsuda, K., Kometani, T., & Matsumura, Y. (2003). Oxidative stability, structure, and physical characteristics of microcapsules formed by spray drying of fish oil with protein and dextrin wall materials. Journal of Food Science, 68(7), 2248-2255.
  • Kim, Y. D., & Morr, C. V. (1996). Microencapsulation properties of gum arabic and several food proteins: spray-dried orange oil emulsion particles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44(5), 1314-1320.
  • Kinsella, J. E. (1987). Seafoods and fish oils in human health and disease. M. Dekker.
  • Kinsella, J. E., Lokesh, B., & Stone, R. A. (1990). Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and amelioration of cardiovascular disease: possible mechanisms. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 52(1), 1-28.
  • Li, J., Solval, K. M., Alfaro, L., Zhang, J., Chotiko, A., Delgado, J.L.B., Chouljenko, A., Bankston, D., Bechtel, P.J., & Sathivel, S. (2015). Effect of blueberry extract from blueberry pomace on the microencapsulated fish oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 39(2), 199-206.
  • Mol, S. (2008). Balık Yağı Tüketimi ve İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2(4), 601-607.
  • Ozogul, Y., Durmus, M., Uçar, Y., Köşker, A. R., & Ozogul, F. (2017). The combined impact of nanoemulsion based on commercial oils and vacuum packing on the fatty acid profiles of sea bass fillets. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(6), e13222.
  • Ozogul, Y., Yuvka, İ., Ucar, Y., Durmus, M., Kösker, A. R., Öz, M., & Ozogul, F. (2017). Evaluation of effects of nanoemulsion based on herb essential oils (rosemary, laurel, thyme and sage) on sensory, chemical and microbiological quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets during ice storage. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 75, 677-684.
  • Özogul, Y., & Özogul, F. (2007). Fatty acid profiles of commercially important fish species from the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas. Food Chemistry, 100(4), 1634-1638.
  • Özogul, Y., Özogul, F. H., Çiçek, E., Polat, A., & Kuley, E. (2009). Fat content and fatty acid compositions of 34 marine water fish species from the Mediterranean Sea. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 60(6), 464-475
  • Pigott, G. M., & Tucker, B. (1990). Seafood: effects of technology on nutrition (Vol. 39). CRC press.
  • Raatz, S., & Bibus, D. (2016). Fish and fish oil in health and disease prevention. USA: Academic Press.
  • Ton, N. M. N., Tran, T. T. T., & Le, V. V. M. (2016). Microencapsulation of rambutan seed oil by spray-drying using different protein preparations. International Food Research Journal 23(1), 123-128
  • Uçar, Y. (2020). Antioxidant effect of nanoemulsions based on citrus peel essential oils: Prevention of lipid oxidation in trout. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 122(5), 1900405.
  • Wan, Y., Bankston Jr, J. D., Bechtel, P. J. & Sathivel, S. (2011). Microencapsulation of menhaden fish oil containing soluble rice bran fiber using spray drying technology. Journal of food science, 76(4): 348-356
  • Yeşilsu, A. F., & Özyurt, G., (2019). Oxidative stability of microencapsulated fish oil with rosemary, thyme and laurel extracts: A kinetic assessment. Journal of Food Engineering, 240, 171-182
  • Zlatanos, S., & Laskaridis, K. (2007). Seasonal variation in the fatty acid composition of three Mediterranean fish–sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) and picarel (Spicara smaris). Food Chemistry, 103(3), 725-728.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Durmuş 0000-0002-2836-5154

Project Number FBA-2019-11949
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Acceptance Date November 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Durmuş, M. (2021). Farklı Oranlarda Adaçayı Esansiyel Yağı ile Hazırlanan Mikroenkapsüle Balık Yağlarının Depolama Süresi Boyunca Yağ Asitlerindeki Değişimlerin Belirlenmesi. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(4), 858-869.
Creative Commons License
Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.