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The Evaluation of Technical Properties of No-Till Drills Manufactured in Turkey

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 185 - 192, 01.06.2013


In recent years, the studies carried out for dissemination of conservation and reduced tillage technologies have been gaining in importance in our country as well as the world. The lack of suitable sowing machine is one of the most important factors hindering the dissemination of conservation tillage methods. In this study, the no-till sowing machines manufactured in our countries was evaluated according to technical properties. As a result of the research, it was observed that only a few companies have manufactured the no-till sowing machine. According to the examination of catalogs and user manuals, these machines are found to be possible classified under two groups, which are the precision notill sowing machine to sown the anchor crops such as cotton, corn, sunflower and the narrow-line no-till sowing machine to plant the crops such as wheat, fodder crops. It was observed that disc-type opener was used in the majority of the manufactured no-till planter and the precision no-till planters had coulters and row cleaners to clean and loosen the soil in front of the furrow openers. Besides, the planters mounted on rotorvator, disc-harrow and chisel plough was observed to be manufactured. Some manufacturers optionally marketed the combination of coulter and row cleaners.


  • Aykas E, Yalçın H, Çakır E (2005). Koruyucu Toprak İşleme Yöntemleri ve Doğrudan Ekim. Ege Üniv. Ziraat. Fak. Derg., 42(3):195-205
  • Carter MR (1994). A review of conservation tillage strategies for humid temperate regions. Soil and Tillage Research, 31(4):289–301.
  • Chaudhuri D (2001). Performance evaluation of various types of furrow openers on seed drills-A Review. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 79(2): 125-137.
  • Chen Y, Tessier S, Irvine B (2004). Drill and crop performances as affected by different drill configurations for no-till seeding. Soil and Tillage Research, 77:147–155
  • Erbach DC, Choi CH (1983). Shearing of plant residue by a rolling coulter. ASAE Paper No. 83-1020, ASAE, St Joseph, MI 49085.
  • Ford JH, Hicks DR (1992). Corn growth and yield in uneven emerging stands. Journal of Production Agriculture, 5:185–188.
  • Grisso RB, Holshouser D, Pitman R (2009). Planter/Drill Considerations for Conservation Tillage Systems. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication, 442-457.
  • Hyde GM, Wilkins DE, Saxton KE, Hammel JE, Swanson GJ, Hermanson RH, Dowding EA, Simpson JB, Peterson CL (1987). Reduced tillage seeding equipment development. In STEEP − Conservation concepts and accomplishments. Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University Publications.
  • Janelle L, Tessier S, Lague C (1993). Seeding tool design for no-tillage conditions in North-East. In: ASAE Paper No. 93-1561, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Karayel D (2009). Performance of a modified precision vacuum seeder for no-till sowing of maize and soybean. Soil and Tillage Research, 104:121–125.
  • Karayel D, Özmerzi A (2007). Doğrudan Ekimde Farklı Gömücü Ayak ve Derinlik Ayar Sistemlerinin Tarla Filiz Çıkışına Etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2):53-161 Kushwaha RL, Vaishnav AS, Zoerb GC (1986). Soil bin evaluation of disc coulters under no-till crop residue conditions. Translation of the ASAE, 29: 40–44
  • Lindwall CW, Anderson DT (1977). Effects of different seeding machines on spring wheat production under various conditions of stubble residue and soil compaction in no-till rotations. Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 57 (2):81–91.
  • Mock JJ, Erbach DC (1977). Influence of conservation tillage environments on growth and productivity of corn. Agronomy Journal, 69:337–340.
  • Morrison JE (1989). Factors affecting plant establishment with a no-tillage planter opener. Appl. Eng. Agric., 5 (3):316–318.
  • Morrison JE, Allen RR (1987). Planter and drill requirements for soils with surface residues. In Proc. Conservation Tillage: Today and tomorrow Southern Region No-till Conference. July, College Station, Texas.
  • Morrison JE, Gerik TJ (1985). Planter depth-control: I. Predictions and projected effects on crop emergence. Transaction of the ASAE, 28(5):1415−1418.
  • Murray JR, Tullberg JN, Basnet BB (2006). Planters and their components, types, attributes, functional requirements, classification and description. School of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Queensland, Australia.
  • Nafziger E, Carter P, Graham E (1991). Response of corn to uneven emergence. Crop Science, 31:811– 8
  • Payton DM, Hyde GM, Simpson JB (1985). Equipment and methods for no-tillage wheat planting. Transactıons of the ASAE, 28(5):1419– 1424
  • Raoufat MH, Mahmoodieh RA (2005). Stand establishment response of maize to seedbed residue, seed drill coulters and primary tillage systems. Biosyst. Eng., 90:261–269.
  • Raoufat MH, Matbooei A (2007). Row cleaners enhance reduced tillage planting of corn in Iran. Soil and Tillage Research, 93:152–161.
  • Shiri NS, Raoufat MH (2006). comparative performance of four planter furrow opener and row cleaner arrangements in a conservation tillage corn production system. Iran Agricultural Research, 24(2):53-66.
  • Slattery MG (1998). A study of the balance of tine pattern factors for operating in wheat stubble. SAEAg. Paper No. 98/044. Barton, Australian Capital Territory. SAEAg
  • Stockton, R.D., Krenzer Jr., E.G., Solie, J., Payton, M.E., 1996. Stand establishment of winter wheat in Oklahoma: a survey. J.Prod. Agric., 9:571–575.
  • Swan JB, Higge RL, Bailey TB, Wollenhaupt NC, Paulson WH, Peterson AE (1994). Surface residue and in-row treatment effects on long-term no-tillage and continuous corn. Agronomy Journal, 86:711–718.
  • Taylor R, Schrock M (1999). Seeding Equipment for No-till, Kansas No-till Handbook, Kansas State University.
  • Tessier S, Hyde GM, Papendick RI, Saxton KE (1991). No-tıll seeders effects on seed zone propertıes and wheat emergence. Transactions of the ASAE, 34(3):733-739.
  • Wicks GA, Cruchfield A, Burnside O (1994). Influence of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw mulch on metolachlor corn (Zea mays) growth and yield. Weed Science, 1:141–147.
  • Wilkins DE, Muilenburg GA, Allmaras RR, Johnson CE (1983). Grain-drill opener effects on wheat emergence. Transaction of the ASAE, 26(3):651–655
  • Wuest SB (2000). Crop residue position and interference with wheat seedling development. Soil and Tillage Research, 55:175−182.

Türkiye'de İmal Edilen Doğrudan Anıza Ekim Makinalarının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 185 - 192, 01.06.2013


Son yıllarda korumalı ve azaltılmış toprak işleme yöntemlerinin yaygınlaştırılmasına yönelik yürütülen çalışmalara hem ülkemizde hem de dünyada oldukça önem verilmektedir. Korumalı toprak işleme yöntemlerinden birisi olan doğrudan anıza ekim yönteminin uygulanmasının başarısını sınırlayan en önemli faktörlerden birisi de uygun ekim makinasının olmamasıdır. Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde imal edilen doğrudan ekim makinalarının teknik özellikleri irdelenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda, ülkemizde yalnızca birkaç firmanın doğrudan anıza ekim makinası imalatına yönelik faaliyette bulunduğu görülmüştür. İmal edilen bu makinaların katalog ve kullanım kılavuzlarının incelenmesi sonucunda, genel anlamda bu makinaları iki grup (geniş sıra aralığına sahip pamuk, mısır, ayçiçeği gibi çapa bitkilerinin ekiminde kullanılan hassas ekim makinaları ve hububat, yem bitkileri gibi bitkilerin ekiminde kullanılan dar sıralı kesintisiz ekim makinaları) altında incelemenin mümkün olabileceği görülmüştür. İmal edilen anıza ekim makinalarının büyük bir kısmında diskli ekici ayakların kullanıldığı ve hassas ekim makinalarında genellikle ekici ayakların önünde sap kalıntılarının temizlenmesi ve toprağın gevşetilmesi amacıyla çizi temizleyicileri ve çizi açıcılarının kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, çapa bitkilerinin ekiminde kullanılmak üzere rotovatör-pnömatik ekim makinası kombinasyonu ve hububat ekiminde ise diskaro-ekim makinası ve çizel ekim makinası kombinasyonlarının imal edildiği belirlenmiştir. Ekim makinası imalatını gerçekleştiren bazı firmalarda ise, pnömatik hassas ekim makinalarında kullanılmak üzere çizi açıcı ve temizleyicisi kombinasyonundan oluşan anıza ekim ünitesinin isteğe bağlı olarak satışının gerçekleştirildiği görülmüştür.


  • Aykas E, Yalçın H, Çakır E (2005). Koruyucu Toprak İşleme Yöntemleri ve Doğrudan Ekim. Ege Üniv. Ziraat. Fak. Derg., 42(3):195-205
  • Carter MR (1994). A review of conservation tillage strategies for humid temperate regions. Soil and Tillage Research, 31(4):289–301.
  • Chaudhuri D (2001). Performance evaluation of various types of furrow openers on seed drills-A Review. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 79(2): 125-137.
  • Chen Y, Tessier S, Irvine B (2004). Drill and crop performances as affected by different drill configurations for no-till seeding. Soil and Tillage Research, 77:147–155
  • Erbach DC, Choi CH (1983). Shearing of plant residue by a rolling coulter. ASAE Paper No. 83-1020, ASAE, St Joseph, MI 49085.
  • Ford JH, Hicks DR (1992). Corn growth and yield in uneven emerging stands. Journal of Production Agriculture, 5:185–188.
  • Grisso RB, Holshouser D, Pitman R (2009). Planter/Drill Considerations for Conservation Tillage Systems. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication, 442-457.
  • Hyde GM, Wilkins DE, Saxton KE, Hammel JE, Swanson GJ, Hermanson RH, Dowding EA, Simpson JB, Peterson CL (1987). Reduced tillage seeding equipment development. In STEEP − Conservation concepts and accomplishments. Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University Publications.
  • Janelle L, Tessier S, Lague C (1993). Seeding tool design for no-tillage conditions in North-East. In: ASAE Paper No. 93-1561, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Karayel D (2009). Performance of a modified precision vacuum seeder for no-till sowing of maize and soybean. Soil and Tillage Research, 104:121–125.
  • Karayel D, Özmerzi A (2007). Doğrudan Ekimde Farklı Gömücü Ayak ve Derinlik Ayar Sistemlerinin Tarla Filiz Çıkışına Etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2):53-161 Kushwaha RL, Vaishnav AS, Zoerb GC (1986). Soil bin evaluation of disc coulters under no-till crop residue conditions. Translation of the ASAE, 29: 40–44
  • Lindwall CW, Anderson DT (1977). Effects of different seeding machines on spring wheat production under various conditions of stubble residue and soil compaction in no-till rotations. Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, 57 (2):81–91.
  • Mock JJ, Erbach DC (1977). Influence of conservation tillage environments on growth and productivity of corn. Agronomy Journal, 69:337–340.
  • Morrison JE (1989). Factors affecting plant establishment with a no-tillage planter opener. Appl. Eng. Agric., 5 (3):316–318.
  • Morrison JE, Allen RR (1987). Planter and drill requirements for soils with surface residues. In Proc. Conservation Tillage: Today and tomorrow Southern Region No-till Conference. July, College Station, Texas.
  • Morrison JE, Gerik TJ (1985). Planter depth-control: I. Predictions and projected effects on crop emergence. Transaction of the ASAE, 28(5):1415−1418.
  • Murray JR, Tullberg JN, Basnet BB (2006). Planters and their components, types, attributes, functional requirements, classification and description. School of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Queensland, Australia.
  • Nafziger E, Carter P, Graham E (1991). Response of corn to uneven emergence. Crop Science, 31:811– 8
  • Payton DM, Hyde GM, Simpson JB (1985). Equipment and methods for no-tillage wheat planting. Transactıons of the ASAE, 28(5):1419– 1424
  • Raoufat MH, Mahmoodieh RA (2005). Stand establishment response of maize to seedbed residue, seed drill coulters and primary tillage systems. Biosyst. Eng., 90:261–269.
  • Raoufat MH, Matbooei A (2007). Row cleaners enhance reduced tillage planting of corn in Iran. Soil and Tillage Research, 93:152–161.
  • Shiri NS, Raoufat MH (2006). comparative performance of four planter furrow opener and row cleaner arrangements in a conservation tillage corn production system. Iran Agricultural Research, 24(2):53-66.
  • Slattery MG (1998). A study of the balance of tine pattern factors for operating in wheat stubble. SAEAg. Paper No. 98/044. Barton, Australian Capital Territory. SAEAg
  • Stockton, R.D., Krenzer Jr., E.G., Solie, J., Payton, M.E., 1996. Stand establishment of winter wheat in Oklahoma: a survey. J.Prod. Agric., 9:571–575.
  • Swan JB, Higge RL, Bailey TB, Wollenhaupt NC, Paulson WH, Peterson AE (1994). Surface residue and in-row treatment effects on long-term no-tillage and continuous corn. Agronomy Journal, 86:711–718.
  • Taylor R, Schrock M (1999). Seeding Equipment for No-till, Kansas No-till Handbook, Kansas State University.
  • Tessier S, Hyde GM, Papendick RI, Saxton KE (1991). No-tıll seeders effects on seed zone propertıes and wheat emergence. Transactions of the ASAE, 34(3):733-739.
  • Wicks GA, Cruchfield A, Burnside O (1994). Influence of wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw mulch on metolachlor corn (Zea mays) growth and yield. Weed Science, 1:141–147.
  • Wilkins DE, Muilenburg GA, Allmaras RR, Johnson CE (1983). Grain-drill opener effects on wheat emergence. Transaction of the ASAE, 26(3):651–655
  • Wuest SB (2000). Crop residue position and interference with wheat seedling development. Soil and Tillage Research, 55:175−182.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

S. Gürsoy This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Gürsoy, S. (2013). Türkiye’de İmal Edilen Doğrudan Anıza Ekim Makinalarının Değerlendirilmesi. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 185-192.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.