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The Effects of Diamond V XP (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) Complete Yeast Product Added to Dairy Cattle Rations on Milk Production and Milk Fat

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 256 - 263, 01.09.2013


This study was conducted to determine the effects of complete yeast product Diamond V XP (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) as a feed additive on milk production and milk fat in dairy cows. 80 Holstein dairy cows in early lactation period were used as animal material in this study. The experiment lasted in 40 days. While control group which were not included yeast culture, the treatment group consisted of an intake ofDiamond V XP (60g/head/day) yeast culture with concentrate feed. In the experiment, all the dairy cattle were fed with a diet consisting of 10 kg/head sugar beep pulp, 9.5 kg/head commercial dairy feed (%19 Crude proteins, 2800 ME Kcal/kg) and free wheat straw. Milk fat was not influenced by Diamond V XP supplementation. However milk production was both numerically and statistically higher in Diamond V XP group. Average milk productions in control and treatment groups were determined as 19.35 and 20.13 kg/day respectively (P<0.0001). In conclusion, the addition of Diamond V XP to dairy cows rations in early lactation period increased the efficiency of milk production without any negative effect on animal health and performance.


  • Anonim (2007). Canlı Maya, Sim® Nutrima Simbiyotek. (02013)
  • Anonim (2010). Diamond V Dairy Program, January 2010. Diamond V, 67ppt.
  • Anonim(2012). Diamond V Original XP. Product Profile. 01/12. en/pdf/prpducts/XP-Orginal_ProductProfile.pdf (02013).
  • Anonim (2013a). DV RAMM &Mode of Action. Diamond V Mills Cedar Rapids, IA. Diamond V, 43ppt. Anonim (2013b). Diamond V Orginal Products and Live Yeast. Diamond V, 22ppt.
  • Ay S. Çınar H (2003). Maya Kültürü-Polysacc. Trouw Katkı Servis Bülteni, Rm-01, Sayı 2003:1 (21.06.2013) Bek Y. Efe E (1988). Araştırma ve Deneme Metotları I. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı No:71, Adana. Bruno RGS, Rutigliano HM, Cerri RL, Robinson PH, Santos JEP (2009). Effect of feeding Sacchaomyces cerevisiae on performance of dairy cows during summer heat stress. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 150:175-86.
  • Dolezal P. Dolezal J, Szwedziak K, Dvoracek J, Zeman L, Tukiendorf M. Havlicek Z. 2012. Use of yeast culture in the TMR of dairy Holstein cows. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science. 2(1): 515
  • Erasmus LJ, Robinson PH, Ahmadi A, Hinders R. and Garrett, JE (2005). Influence of prepartum and postpartum supplementation of a yeast culture and monensin, or both, on ruminal fermmentation and performance of multiparous dairy cows. Animal Feed Science And Technology. 122 (3): 219-2
  • Fortina R, Battaglini LM, Opsi F, Tassone S, Renna M. and Mimosi A (2011). Effects of ınactivated yeast culture on rumen fermentation and performans of mid-lactation dairy cows. Journal of Animal and Veterianry Advances. 10(5):577-580.
  • Hippen AR, Schingoethe DJ, Kalscheur KF, Linke PL, Rennich DR, Abdelqader MM, Yoon I (2010). Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in dairy cow diets containing dried distillers grains plus solubles. Journal Dairy Science. 93:2661-2669.
  • Kalmus P, Orro T, Waldman A, Lindjärv R. Kask K (2009). Effect of yeast culture on milk production and metabolic and reproductive peformance of early lactation dairy cows. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 51(32): 1-7
  • Könyves L, Brydl E, Jurkovich V, Tegzes L, Tirián A, Kutasi J (2005). Effect of different saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cultures on ruminal fermentation, metabolic status and milk production in dairy cows. ISAH 2005-Warsaw, Poland. Vol 1: 161-166.
  • Kurt A, Çakmakçı S. Çağlar A (2003). Süt ve Mamülleri Muayene ve Analiz Metodları Rehberi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları. Geliştirilmiş 8.Baskı. 252D, Yayın No:18, 58-62.
  • Miller-Webster T, Hoover WH, Holt M. Nocek J.E (2002). Influence of Yeast Culture on Ruminal Metabolism in Continuous Culture. Journal Dairy Science. 85(8): 2009-2014.
  • Nursoy H, Baytok E (2001). Ekmek Mayasının (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) Süt İneği Rasyonlarında Kullanılmasının Süt Verimi, Bazı Rumen Sıvısı Parametreleri ve Kan Metabolitleri Üzerine Etkisi. Türk J Vet Anim Sci. 27:7-13.
  • Ramsing EM, Davidson PJA, French PD, Yoon PI, Keller PM. Peters-Fleckenstein H (2009). Effects of Yeast Culture on Peripartum Intake and Milk Production of Primiparous and Multiparous Holstein Cows. The Professional Animal Scientist. 25:487-495.
  • SAS (1987). SAS Instıtute, SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Institu, Inc. Cary, NC, USA.
  • White R.A, Harrison J.H, Yoon P.I, Sanchez W.K. and NicholsonN (2008). Effect of Yeast Culture on Efficiency of Nutrient Utilization for Milk Production and Impact on fiber Digestibility and Fecal Particle Size. The Professional Animal Scientist. 24:114-119.
  • Yalçın S, Yalçın S, Can P, Gürdal A.O, Bağcı C, Eltan Ö (2011). The Nutritive Value of Live Yeast Culture (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) and Its Effect on Milk Yield, Milk Composition and Some Blood Parameters of Dairy Cows. Asian-Aust. J.Anim. Sci. 24(10):1377-1385.
  • Yoon I (2013). Diamond V Yeast Culture: Dairy Cows. Director of Ruminants Research and Technical Support. Diamond V: 60ppt.

Süt Sığırı Rasyonlarına İlave Edilen Diamond V Xp (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Tam Maya Ürününün Süt Verimi ve Süt Yağı Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 256 - 263, 01.09.2013


Bu çalışma, bir yem katkı maddesi olarak Diamond V XP (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) isimli tam maya ürününün süt sığırlarında süt verimi ve süt yağı üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada hayvan materyali olarak erken laktasyon döneminde bulunan 80 adet Holstein ırkı süt sığırı kullanılmıştır. Deneme 40 gün sürmüştür. Maya kültürü katkısının ilave yapılmadığı grup kontrol grubunu oluştururken, konsantre yemle birlikte 60 g/hayvan/gün Diamond V XP maya kültürü verilen grup muamele grubunu oluşturmuştur. Denemedeki her iki gruba hayvan başına, 10 kg yaş şeker pancarı posası, 9.5 kg ticari süt yemi (%19 HP, 2800 ME kcal/kg) ile birlikte serbest saman verilmiştir. Maya kültürü katkısının süt yağı üzerine etkisi istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmaz iken, süt verimi üzerine etkisi istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Kontrol ve muamele gruplarının ortalama süt verimi, sırasıyla 19.35 ve 20.13 kg/gün olarak belirlenmiştir (P<0.0001). Sonuç olarak, erken laktasyon dönemindeki süt sığırı rasyonlarında Diamond V XP maya kültürünün hayvanların performansını ve sağlığını olumsuz etkilemeksizin süt verimini arttırmak amacıyla kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Anonim (2007). Canlı Maya, Sim® Nutrima Simbiyotek. (02013)
  • Anonim (2010). Diamond V Dairy Program, January 2010. Diamond V, 67ppt.
  • Anonim(2012). Diamond V Original XP. Product Profile. 01/12. en/pdf/prpducts/XP-Orginal_ProductProfile.pdf (02013).
  • Anonim (2013a). DV RAMM &Mode of Action. Diamond V Mills Cedar Rapids, IA. Diamond V, 43ppt. Anonim (2013b). Diamond V Orginal Products and Live Yeast. Diamond V, 22ppt.
  • Ay S. Çınar H (2003). Maya Kültürü-Polysacc. Trouw Katkı Servis Bülteni, Rm-01, Sayı 2003:1 (21.06.2013) Bek Y. Efe E (1988). Araştırma ve Deneme Metotları I. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı No:71, Adana. Bruno RGS, Rutigliano HM, Cerri RL, Robinson PH, Santos JEP (2009). Effect of feeding Sacchaomyces cerevisiae on performance of dairy cows during summer heat stress. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 150:175-86.
  • Dolezal P. Dolezal J, Szwedziak K, Dvoracek J, Zeman L, Tukiendorf M. Havlicek Z. 2012. Use of yeast culture in the TMR of dairy Holstein cows. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science. 2(1): 515
  • Erasmus LJ, Robinson PH, Ahmadi A, Hinders R. and Garrett, JE (2005). Influence of prepartum and postpartum supplementation of a yeast culture and monensin, or both, on ruminal fermmentation and performance of multiparous dairy cows. Animal Feed Science And Technology. 122 (3): 219-2
  • Fortina R, Battaglini LM, Opsi F, Tassone S, Renna M. and Mimosi A (2011). Effects of ınactivated yeast culture on rumen fermentation and performans of mid-lactation dairy cows. Journal of Animal and Veterianry Advances. 10(5):577-580.
  • Hippen AR, Schingoethe DJ, Kalscheur KF, Linke PL, Rennich DR, Abdelqader MM, Yoon I (2010). Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in dairy cow diets containing dried distillers grains plus solubles. Journal Dairy Science. 93:2661-2669.
  • Kalmus P, Orro T, Waldman A, Lindjärv R. Kask K (2009). Effect of yeast culture on milk production and metabolic and reproductive peformance of early lactation dairy cows. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 51(32): 1-7
  • Könyves L, Brydl E, Jurkovich V, Tegzes L, Tirián A, Kutasi J (2005). Effect of different saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cultures on ruminal fermentation, metabolic status and milk production in dairy cows. ISAH 2005-Warsaw, Poland. Vol 1: 161-166.
  • Kurt A, Çakmakçı S. Çağlar A (2003). Süt ve Mamülleri Muayene ve Analiz Metodları Rehberi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları. Geliştirilmiş 8.Baskı. 252D, Yayın No:18, 58-62.
  • Miller-Webster T, Hoover WH, Holt M. Nocek J.E (2002). Influence of Yeast Culture on Ruminal Metabolism in Continuous Culture. Journal Dairy Science. 85(8): 2009-2014.
  • Nursoy H, Baytok E (2001). Ekmek Mayasının (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) Süt İneği Rasyonlarında Kullanılmasının Süt Verimi, Bazı Rumen Sıvısı Parametreleri ve Kan Metabolitleri Üzerine Etkisi. Türk J Vet Anim Sci. 27:7-13.
  • Ramsing EM, Davidson PJA, French PD, Yoon PI, Keller PM. Peters-Fleckenstein H (2009). Effects of Yeast Culture on Peripartum Intake and Milk Production of Primiparous and Multiparous Holstein Cows. The Professional Animal Scientist. 25:487-495.
  • SAS (1987). SAS Instıtute, SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Institu, Inc. Cary, NC, USA.
  • White R.A, Harrison J.H, Yoon P.I, Sanchez W.K. and NicholsonN (2008). Effect of Yeast Culture on Efficiency of Nutrient Utilization for Milk Production and Impact on fiber Digestibility and Fecal Particle Size. The Professional Animal Scientist. 24:114-119.
  • Yalçın S, Yalçın S, Can P, Gürdal A.O, Bağcı C, Eltan Ö (2011). The Nutritive Value of Live Yeast Culture (Sacchaomyces cerevisiae) and Its Effect on Milk Yield, Milk Composition and Some Blood Parameters of Dairy Cows. Asian-Aust. J.Anim. Sci. 24(10):1377-1385.
  • Yoon I (2013). Diamond V Yeast Culture: Dairy Cows. Director of Ruminants Research and Technical Support. Diamond V: 60ppt.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A. Tekeli This is me

K. Bilgeçli This is me

E. Farsak This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 23 Issue: 3


APA Tekeli, A., Bilgeçli, K., & Farsak, E. (2013). Süt Sığırı Rasyonlarına İlave Edilen Diamond V Xp (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Tam Maya Ürününün Süt Verimi ve Süt Yağı Üzerine Etkileri. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(3), 256-263.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.