Research Article
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Screening Fungicide Resistance of Alternaria Pathogens Causing Alternaria Blight of Pistachio in Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 543 - 549, 26.12.2017


Alternaria blight is one of the important diseases of pistachio and wild
relatives, and its management in pistachio orchards mainly relies on fungicide
applications. But, it is observed the disease cannot be declined or controlled
by fungicide treatment that might be due to development of fungicide resistance
in Alternaria pathogens. On the other
hand, wild Pistacia species and some
pistachio trees which cultural practices are not applied are not exposed to
fungicide treatments in nature. Isolates from orchards and wild systems may
show difference in their sensitivities to fungicides. In this study, twenty-two
isolates of Alternaria species from
different hosts of Pistacia species
were investigated in vitro for their
sensitivity to different fungicides having different mode of action. Fungicide
sensitivity were evaluated based on mycelial growth and spore germination of
the isolates by using effective concentrations. The least effective fungicide
was azoxystrobin and the most effective one was boscalid + pyraclostrobin among
the fungicides tested in this study. Partial gene sequencing of succinate
dehydrogenase genes presented boscalid sensitivity of the isolates according to
the specific mutations related with boscalid resistance. This study is the
first initiation to observe sensitivity of Alternaria
pathogens from pistachio and wild relatives against to the most commonly used
commercial fungicides in Turkey.


  • Avenot H, Solorio C, Morgan D P, Michailides T J (2016) Sensitivity and cross-resistance patterns to demethylation-inhibiting fungicides in California populations of Alternaria alternata pathogenic on pistachio. Crop Protection 88: 72-78.
  • Avenot H, Morgan D P, Michailides T J (2008a) Resistance to pyraclostrobin, boscalid and multiple resistance to Pristine® (pyraclostrobin + boscalid) fungicide in Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria late blight of pistachios in California. Plant Pathology 57: 135-140.
  • Avenot H, Sellam, A, Karaoglanides G, Michailides T J (2008b) Characterization of Mutations in the Iron-Sulphur Subunit of Succinate Dehydrogenase Correlating with Boscalid Resistance in Alternaria alternata from California Pistachio. Phytopathology 98: 736-42.
  • Hall T A (1999) BioEdit: A user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 41: 95-8.
  • Hu J, Chen C, Peever T, Dang H, Lawrence C, Mitchell T (2012) Genomic characterization of the conditionally dispensable chromosome in Alternaria arborescens provides evidence for horizontal gene transfer. BMC Genomics 6: 13-171.
  • MA Z, Michailides T J (2005) Advances in understanding molecular mechanisms of fungicide resistance and molecular detection of resistant genotypes in phytopathogenic fungi. Crop Protection 4: 853-863.
  • MA Z, Michailides T J (2004a) Characterization of Iprodione-resistant Alternaria isolates from pistachio in California. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 80: 75-84. MA Z, Michailides T J (2004b) An allele-specific PCR assay for detecting azoxystrobin-resistant Alternaria isolates from Pistachio in California. Journal of Phytopathology 152: 118-121.
  • MA Z, Felts D, Michailides T J (2003) Resistance to azoxystrobin in Alternaria isolates from pistachio in California. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 77: 66-74. Michailides T (2005) Above Ground Fungal Diseases. Pistachio Production Manual. Ed: In: Ferguson, L. CA, USA.
  • Pryor B M, Michailides T J (2002) Morphological, pathogenic and molecular characterization of Alternaria isolates associated with Alternaria late blight of pistachio. Phytopathology 92: 406-16.
  • Ozkilinc H., Sarpkaya K., Kurt S., Can C., Polatbilek H., Yasar A., Sevinc U., Uysal A., Konukoglu, F. (2017) Pathogenicity, Morpho-Species and Mating Types of Alternaria spp. causing Alternaria blight in Pistacia spp. in Turkey, Phytoparasitica, accepted 14 August 2017.
  • Ozkilinc H, Sevinc U (2016) Molecular phylogenetic approaches to defining Alternaria species associated with Alternaria blight of pistachio and its wild relatives. Turkey 6th Plant Protection Congress with International Participation. Page: 487.
  • Ozkilinc H, Kurt S, Can C, Konukoğlu F, Aktan A, Uysal A, Polatbilek H, Yasar A, Sevinc U and Sarpkaya K (2015) Alternaria blight of Pistacia species in Turkey. XVI GREMPA Meeting. Page 64.
  • Rozen S and Skaletsky H (2000) Primer3 on the WWW for general users and for biologist programmers, Methods Mol Biol 132: 365–386.

Türkiye’de Antepfıstığı’nda Alternaria Yanıklık Etmeni Alternaria Patojenlerinin Fungisit Direncinin İncelenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 543 - 549, 26.12.2017


Alternaria yanıklığı, Antepfıstığı ve yabani akrabalarını etkileyen
önemli hastalıklardan biridir ve Antepfıstığı bahçelerinde hastalık kontrolü
fungisit uygulamalarına dayalı olarak yürütülmektedir. Fakat, fungisit
kullanımı ile hastalığın azalmadığı veya kontrol edilemediği görülmüştür ki bu
durum Alternaria patojenlerinde
fungisit direnci gelişmiş olmasından dolayı olabilir. Diger taraftan, yabani Pistacia türleri ve kültürel pratiklerin
uygulanmadığı bazı Antepfıstığı ağaçları doğada fungisit uygulamalarına maruz
kalmamaktadır. Kültür bahcelerindeki ve yabani ekosistemdeki izolatlar,
fungisitlere karşı duyarlılıkta farklılık gösterebilir. Bu çalışmada, Pistacia türlerinin farklı
konukçularından örneklenmiş yirmi iki izolatın, farklı etki mekanizmasına sahip
fungisitlere karşı in vitro duyarlılıkları
araştırılmıştır. Fungisit duyarlılıkları izolatların miselyal gelişim ve spor
çimlenmesi üzerinden etkili konsantrasyon verileri ile değerlendirilmiştir.
Test edilen fungisitler arasında izolatlar üzerinde etkisi en düşük olan
fungisit azoxystrobin, en etkili olan ise boscalid+pyraclostrobin olarak
bulunmuştur. Boscalid direnci ile ilişkilendirilen polimorfizmlere göre
suksinat dehidrogenaz genlerinin kısmi baz dizilim verileri izolatların duyarlı
olduğunu göstermistir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de, Antepfıstığı ve yabani
akrabalarından örneklenmis Alternaria
izolatlarının yaygın ticari kullanımı olan fungisitlere karşı duyarlılıklarını
belirlemek üzere yapılan ilk başlangıç çalısmasıdır.


  • Avenot H, Solorio C, Morgan D P, Michailides T J (2016) Sensitivity and cross-resistance patterns to demethylation-inhibiting fungicides in California populations of Alternaria alternata pathogenic on pistachio. Crop Protection 88: 72-78.
  • Avenot H, Morgan D P, Michailides T J (2008a) Resistance to pyraclostrobin, boscalid and multiple resistance to Pristine® (pyraclostrobin + boscalid) fungicide in Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria late blight of pistachios in California. Plant Pathology 57: 135-140.
  • Avenot H, Sellam, A, Karaoglanides G, Michailides T J (2008b) Characterization of Mutations in the Iron-Sulphur Subunit of Succinate Dehydrogenase Correlating with Boscalid Resistance in Alternaria alternata from California Pistachio. Phytopathology 98: 736-42.
  • Hall T A (1999) BioEdit: A user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 41: 95-8.
  • Hu J, Chen C, Peever T, Dang H, Lawrence C, Mitchell T (2012) Genomic characterization of the conditionally dispensable chromosome in Alternaria arborescens provides evidence for horizontal gene transfer. BMC Genomics 6: 13-171.
  • MA Z, Michailides T J (2005) Advances in understanding molecular mechanisms of fungicide resistance and molecular detection of resistant genotypes in phytopathogenic fungi. Crop Protection 4: 853-863.
  • MA Z, Michailides T J (2004a) Characterization of Iprodione-resistant Alternaria isolates from pistachio in California. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 80: 75-84. MA Z, Michailides T J (2004b) An allele-specific PCR assay for detecting azoxystrobin-resistant Alternaria isolates from Pistachio in California. Journal of Phytopathology 152: 118-121.
  • MA Z, Felts D, Michailides T J (2003) Resistance to azoxystrobin in Alternaria isolates from pistachio in California. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 77: 66-74. Michailides T (2005) Above Ground Fungal Diseases. Pistachio Production Manual. Ed: In: Ferguson, L. CA, USA.
  • Pryor B M, Michailides T J (2002) Morphological, pathogenic and molecular characterization of Alternaria isolates associated with Alternaria late blight of pistachio. Phytopathology 92: 406-16.
  • Ozkilinc H., Sarpkaya K., Kurt S., Can C., Polatbilek H., Yasar A., Sevinc U., Uysal A., Konukoglu, F. (2017) Pathogenicity, Morpho-Species and Mating Types of Alternaria spp. causing Alternaria blight in Pistacia spp. in Turkey, Phytoparasitica, accepted 14 August 2017.
  • Ozkilinc H, Sevinc U (2016) Molecular phylogenetic approaches to defining Alternaria species associated with Alternaria blight of pistachio and its wild relatives. Turkey 6th Plant Protection Congress with International Participation. Page: 487.
  • Ozkilinc H, Kurt S, Can C, Konukoğlu F, Aktan A, Uysal A, Polatbilek H, Yasar A, Sevinc U and Sarpkaya K (2015) Alternaria blight of Pistacia species in Turkey. XVI GREMPA Meeting. Page 64.
  • Rozen S and Skaletsky H (2000) Primer3 on the WWW for general users and for biologist programmers, Methods Mol Biol 132: 365–386.
There are 13 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hilal Ozkılınc

Sener Kurt This is me

Publication Date December 26, 2017
Acceptance Date November 20, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 27 Issue: 4


APA Ozkılınc, H., & Kurt, S. (2017). Screening Fungicide Resistance of Alternaria Pathogens Causing Alternaria Blight of Pistachio in Turkey. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 27(4), 543-549.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.