Research Integrity and Author Responsibilities
1. We are looking for some conditions for articles submitted to our journal. These are:
* Rigour in research application,
* Care and respect for all participants and subjects in the research,
* Transparency and open communication,
* Subject integrity,
* Scientific originality,
* Knowledge of the terminology of the relevant discipline,
* To be able to see old and new studies on the subject,
* Appropriateness and sufficiency in the sources utilised,
* To be able to evaluate and reach conclusions,
* Contributing to the field,
* Language command/comprehensibility and fluency,
2. In addition, the authors agree to the following points:
* Authors are obliged to comply with the journal's publication policy, ethical and editorial rules.
* The authors must agree to make the necessary corrections in line with the suggestions of the editor and referees during the publication process. In this context, if the author or authors do not accept the suggestions made to them, the article in question will be rejected.
*In co-authored articles, if the other authors cannot be reached, the responsible author is deemed to have accepted all responsibility.
* The use of articles published in our journal in other studies is possible only if citation is given.
* Vankulu Journal of Social Research has the right to make corrections in the submitted articles, to publish or not to publish the articles.
* The copyrights of the articles sent to Vankulu Journal of Social Research for publication are transferred to the journal. These articles cannot be published, reproduced and used in another publication organ without permission from the journal management. Authors must fill in the copyright form absolutely.
* No royalties are paid to the author/authors for the published articles. In addition, article application fee and publication fee are not charged from the author/authors.
* The legal, scientific and ethical responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author / authors. The Editorial Board and the editorial team do not accept any legal liability that may arise.
* In accordance with ULAKBIM TR Index rules, the ORCID numbers of all authors in the articles should be added to the final version of the article.
Article Submission
• Authors who wish to submit an article to Vankulu Journal of Social Research should upload their articles to Information about the author(s) and the article should be included in the system. However, since the article is sent to the referees through the system, the article file uploaded to the system should not contain information that identifies the author(s). After the referee process of the article is completed, the information about the author(s) will be taken from the system and added to the article.
• Submission of the article via DergiPark is considered as an application for publication and the evaluation process of the article is started.
Editorial Process
• As Vankulu Journal of Social Research, we attach importance to an objective and independent publication policy. The articles submitted to the journal are first pre-reviewed by the journal editors. After this stage, the editors and the Editorial Board examine the article's compliance with the journal's publication principles and those deemed appropriate are assigned to the field editors. In addition, articles that do not comply with the publication principles of the journal are definitely rejected. The field editors examine the articles in terms of their contribution to the field and, if deemed appropriate, make a referee recommendation to the editor.
• While deciding on the suitability and publication of the articles, the editor(s) take into account the journal's publication policy and scientific sensitivity, not factors such as the race, gender, belief, nationality of the author(s). In addition, the editor(s) are responsible for the following issues:
* Endeavour to meet the needs of readers and authors.
* Endeavour to continuously improve the journal.
* Care should be taken to maintain the integrity of academic principles.
* Take the initiative to make corrections, clarifications and withdrawals when necessary.
* Authors should be guided in every subject.
* Try to ensure that the referee evaluations in the journal are fair, impartial and timely.
Referee Process
• As a journal, we are committed to the principle of double blind peer review;
* To provide support to facilitate rigorous, fair and effective peer review for all our publications,
* We aim to encourage our editors and reviewers to familiarise themselves with and adhere to best practice guidelines for reviewing.
• On the principle that confidentiality is an integral part of the review process, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality of authors and reviewers during the peer review process. In this context, referees and author(s) do not recognise each other.
• In addition, the following points are taken into consideration in the referee process:
* Reviewers work according to the confidentiality policy. They cannot share their information and evaluation results with third parties, including the author.
* Reviewers work impartially, fairly and constructively according to the journal's publication policy and writing rules.
* Reviewers help to eliminate errors by making suggestions to the authors.
* If the referees are unable to evaluate the articles sent to them within the specified period of time / or if there is a situation that requires them to feel inadequate in the articles sent to them, they should inform the editors about this issue.
• Articles that receive two positive reports as a result of referee evaluation are entitled to be published. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, it is at the discretion of the journal editor to send the article to a third referee.
• The period given to the referees to evaluate the article is 20 days. However, referees who do not complete the evaluation within this period are given an additional 10 days. The evaluation process of an article that has been pre-reviewed and passed through the editor, editorial board, field editor and referee process may take approximately 6-8 weeks.
• Articles that receive negative reports from the referees are not published and are not returned to the author(s).
• Authors take into account the criticism, suggestions and correction requests of the referees and the Editorial Board. If there are issues they disagree with, they have the right to object with their justifications.
Plagiarism Policy
• Plagiarism is the use of other people's expressions, inventions or ideas in one's work as one's own without citing the source, thus violating ethical and academic integrity.
• Our journal complies with the following basic principles regarding plagiarism:
* Quoting another person's work verbatim without citing the source,
* Reinterpreting another person's work by changing some of the words or their order,
* Using ideas taken from someone else without reference to the author,
* Cutting and pasting from online sources without acknowledgement,
* Presenting someone else's work as part of one's own work.
• Plagiarism is not tolerated in any of our publications and we reserve the right to control it. In this context, articles submitted to our journal are scanned with iThenticate, a plagiarism detection programme. If the similarity rate is high, the article is rejected. Accepted articles are submitted to the referees with the report. Similarity rates of 20% and above are not accepted for articles.
• We expect our readers, referees and editors to express their plagiarism suspicions by contacting the relevant editor or sending an e-mail to /
Duplicate Publication
• Redundant publication or ‘spontaneous plagiarism’ occurs when a work or significant parts of a work are published more than once by the author or authors of the work. This may be in the same or a different language. Republishing / Duplication / Multiple Publication / Scientific Misrepresentation is an offence. According to the TÜBİTAK Publication Ethics Committee, duplication is submitting or publishing the same research results to more than one journal for publication. If an article has already been evaluated and published, publications other than this are considered duplication. In this context, as the editorial team and editorial board, we clearly state that we are against duplication.
• We expect our readers, reviewers and editors to raise any suspicions of duplicate or redundant publication by contacting the relevant editor or by sending an e-mail to /
Research on Humans or Animals
• Research involving humans or animals must be approved by the relevant ethics committee(s). Manuscripts must comply with international ethical and legal standards. Authors are also required to respect the confidentiality rights of human participants and obtain any necessary permission to publish before submitting an article to our journal.
Open Access Policy
• Our journal supports open access. In accordance with the open access policy, journal issues and articles are available on the journal's web page and the full texts of the articles can be accessed as pdf files. There are no restrictions on the storage of published articles in personal web pages or institutional archives.
Various Considerations
• The maximum number of articles determined for each issue of the journal is 20. As a general principle, articles that are decided to be published are accepted to the relevant issue of the journal according to the date of arrival. If the number of articles exceeds 20 for the issue in question, the articles exceeding the number are transferred to the next issue. However, among all the articles accepted for publication, the editors have the right to select the articles to be included in the relevant issue, taking into account their originality in terms of subject matter. In addition, the order of the articles in the journal is also at the disposal of the editors.
• In matters not specified here, the decision authority belongs to the Editorial Board of the journal.