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Yumurta beyazı protein tozu ve farklı disakkaritler ile zenginleştirilen badem sütünden yoğurt benzeri ürün üretimi

Year 2022, , 335 - 346, 04.07.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, fonksiyonel özelliği iyi bilinen bademden elde edilen badem sütü, yumurta beyazı protein tozu (EWPP) ve sakkaroz - maltoz ile zenginleştirilerek, süt bazlı olmayan yoğurt benzeri fermente bir ürün üretilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Sukroz ve maltoz, badem sütüne %1.0 w/v oranında eklenmiştir. Daha sonra sakkaroz ve maltozlu sütler 85 °C'de 20 dakika pastörize edilmiş ve soğutulmuştur. Soğutmanın ardından yumurta akı protein tozu (%6 w/v) ve kuru madde %12-13'e ayarlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, EWPP ve sakkaroz - maltoz ile elde edilen yoğurt benzeri ürünlerin depolamanın 1., 7., 14. ve 21. günlerinde fiziko-kimyasal, reolojik ve duyusal özellikleri belirlenmiştir.Yağ asidi kompozisyonları depolamanın ilk gününde belirlenmiştir.
Araştırma Bulguları: Sonuç olarak çalışmada, süt esaslı olmayan fermente ürünlerin fiziko-kimyasal, duyusal, reolojik ve mikrobiyolojik özellikler açısından inek sütünden yapılan yoğurda yakın özelliklere sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak bununla birlikte maltoz ilavesi ile üretilen yoğurt benzeri ürünlerin tüm parametreler açısından, sakkaroz ilaveli ürünlere göre daha kabul edilebilir olduğu da saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Badem sütünden sakkaroz - maltoz kullanılarak yoğurt benzeri ürün üretiminin mümkün olduğu hayvansal sütlerden üretilen fermente süt ürünlerine bir alternatif olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Ege Üniversitesi BAP

Project Number



Bu araştırmaya 2016-ZRF-053 No’lu proje çerçevesinde finansal destek sağlayan Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi’ne teşekkür ederiz


  • Anema, S.G., E.K. Lowe & Y. Li, 2004. Effect of pH on The Viscosity of Heated Reconstituted Skim milk. International Dairy Journal, 14: 541-548.
  • AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists). 2000. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists International, Association of Official Analytical Chemists (publisher), Washington, DC 20044, USA, 1018 pp.
  • Beal, C., J. Skokanova, E. Latrille, N. Martin & G. Corrieu, 1999. Combined effects of culture conditions and storage time on acidification and viscosity of stirred yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 82: 673-681.
  • Bernat, N., M. Chafer, A. Chiralt & C. Gonzalez-Martinez, 2014. Development of a non-dairy probiotic fermented product based on almond milk and inulin. Food Science and Technology International, 21 (6): 440-453.
  • Bernat, N., M. Chaferaa, A. Chiralta & C. Gonzalez-Martineza, 2015. Probiotic fermented almond \milk" as an alternative to cow-milk yoghurt. International Journal of Food Studies, 4: 201-211.
  • Brauss, M.S., R.S.T. Linforth, I. Cayeux, B. Harvey & A.J. Taylor, 1999. Altering the Fat Content Affects Flavor Release in a Model Yogurt System. Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 47: 2055-2059.
  • Chang, C.Y. & M.B. Stone, 1990. Effect of total soymilk solids on acid production by selected lactobacilli. Journal of Food Science, 55 (6): 1643-1646.
  • Dave, R.I. & N.P. Shah, 1997. Viability of yoghurt and probiotic bacteria in yoghurts made from commercial starter cultures. International Dairy Journal, 7: 31-41.
  • Farooq, H. & Z.U. Haque, 1992. Effect of sugar esters on the textural properties of nonfat low calorie yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 75: 2676-2680.
  • Giraffa, G., A. Paris, L. Valcavi, M. Gatti & E. Neviani, 2001. Genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of Streptococcus thermophilus strains isolated from dairy products. Journal Appllied Microbiology, 91: 937-943.
  • Gobbetti, M., A. Corsetti, E. Smacchi, A. Zocchetti & M. De Angelis, 1997. Production of Crescenza cheese by incorporation of Bifidobacteria, Journal of Dairy Science, 81: 37-47.
  • He, S. & S. Hekmat, 2015. Sensory Evaluation of Non-Dairy Probiotic Beverages. Journal of Food Research, 4 (1): 186-192.
  • Horwitz, W., 1965. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Publishing by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C. 20044. 10th ed., 224 pp.
  • ISO 11870: 2009 (IDF 152: 2009). Milk and Milk Products- Determination of Fat Content-General Guidance on the Use of Butyrometric Methods. ISO Standards Published ISO (2), 7pp.
  • Kavas, G., 2017. Çörek otu ve tarçın uçucu yağ ilaveli yumurta beyazı protein tozu esaslı filmlerin çökelek peyniri muhafazasında kullanımı. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi ,54 (4): 439-446.
  • Klaenhammer, T., E. Altermann, F. Arigoni, A. Bolotin, F. Breidt, J. Broadbent, R. Cano, S. Chaillou, J. Deutscher, M. Gasson, M. van de Guchte, J. Guzzo, A. Hartke, T. Trevor Hawkins & P. Hols, 2002. Discovering lactic acid bacteria by genomics. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 82: 29-58.
  • Mårtensson, O., C. Andersson, K. Andersson, R. Öste & O. Holst, 2001. Formulation of an oatbased fermented product and its comparison with yoghurt. The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 81 (14): 1314-1321.
  • Özer, B., 2006. Yoğurt Bilimi ve Teknolojisi. Sidas Medya Ltd. Şti., Şanlıurfa. 488 s.
  • Ranadheera, C.S., C.A. Evansa, M.C. Adamsa & S.K. Bainesc, 2012. In vitro analysis of gastrointestinal tolerance and intestinal cell adhesion of probiotics in goat's milk ice cream and yoğurt, Food research International, 49 (2): 619-625.
  • Shirai, K., I. Guerrero, S. Huerta, G. Saucedo, A. Castillo, R.O. Gonzalez & G.M. Hall, 2001. Effect of initial glucose concentration and inoculation level of lactic acid bacteria in shrimp waste ensilation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 28: 446-452.
  • Tamime, A. Y. & R.K. Robinson, 1985. Yoghurt: science and technology. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press,431 pp.
  • Tharmaraj, N.L. & N.P. Shah, 2003. Selective enumeration of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and propionibacteria. Journal of Dairy Sciences, 86 (7): 2288-96.
  • Torre, L., Y.A.Tamime & D.O. Muir, 2003. Rheology and Sensory Profiling of Set Type Fermented Milks Made with Different Commercial Probiotic and Yoghurt Starter Cultures. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56 (3): 163-170.
  • Uysal, H., Ö. Kınık & G. Kavas, 2004.Süt ve Ürünlerinde Uygulanan Duyusal Test Teknikleri. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 560. E.Ü. Basımevi, İzmir, 101 s.
  • Yetunde, A. E. & U.S. Ukpong, 2015. Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Almond (Prunus amygdalu Var. Dulcis) Seed Milk. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 10 (2): 117-121.

Production of yogurt-like product from almond milk enriched with egg white protein powder and different dissaccharides

Year 2022, , 335 - 346, 04.07.2022


Objective: The objective of this study was to produce a non-dairy yogurt-like fermented product by enriching almond milk obtained from almonds, whose functional properties are well known, with egg white protein powder (EWPP) and sucrose - maltose.
Material and Methods: Sucrose and maltose were added to almond milk at a rate of 1.0% w/v. Afterwards, sucrose and maltose milks were pasteurized at 85 °C for 20 minutes and cooled. Following the cooling, the egg white protein powder (6% w/v) and the dry matter were adjusted to 12-13%. In this study, physico-chemical, rheological and sensory properties of yogurt-like products were determined on the 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st days of storage. Fatty acid compositions were determined on the first day of storage.
Results: It has been determined that non-dairy fermented products produced from almond milk have similar properties to yogurt made from cow's milk in terms of physico-chemical, sensory, rheological and microbiological properties. However, it was also determined that yogurt-like products produced with the addition of maltose were more acceptable than the fermented products with the addition of sucrose in terms of all parameters.
Conclusion: It has been concluded that it is possible to produce yogurt-like fermented milk products using different disaccharides from almond milk, and it can be an alternative to fermented milk products produced from animal milk.

Project Number



  • Anema, S.G., E.K. Lowe & Y. Li, 2004. Effect of pH on The Viscosity of Heated Reconstituted Skim milk. International Dairy Journal, 14: 541-548.
  • AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists). 2000. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists International, Association of Official Analytical Chemists (publisher), Washington, DC 20044, USA, 1018 pp.
  • Beal, C., J. Skokanova, E. Latrille, N. Martin & G. Corrieu, 1999. Combined effects of culture conditions and storage time on acidification and viscosity of stirred yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 82: 673-681.
  • Bernat, N., M. Chafer, A. Chiralt & C. Gonzalez-Martinez, 2014. Development of a non-dairy probiotic fermented product based on almond milk and inulin. Food Science and Technology International, 21 (6): 440-453.
  • Bernat, N., M. Chaferaa, A. Chiralta & C. Gonzalez-Martineza, 2015. Probiotic fermented almond \milk" as an alternative to cow-milk yoghurt. International Journal of Food Studies, 4: 201-211.
  • Brauss, M.S., R.S.T. Linforth, I. Cayeux, B. Harvey & A.J. Taylor, 1999. Altering the Fat Content Affects Flavor Release in a Model Yogurt System. Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 47: 2055-2059.
  • Chang, C.Y. & M.B. Stone, 1990. Effect of total soymilk solids on acid production by selected lactobacilli. Journal of Food Science, 55 (6): 1643-1646.
  • Dave, R.I. & N.P. Shah, 1997. Viability of yoghurt and probiotic bacteria in yoghurts made from commercial starter cultures. International Dairy Journal, 7: 31-41.
  • Farooq, H. & Z.U. Haque, 1992. Effect of sugar esters on the textural properties of nonfat low calorie yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science, 75: 2676-2680.
  • Giraffa, G., A. Paris, L. Valcavi, M. Gatti & E. Neviani, 2001. Genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of Streptococcus thermophilus strains isolated from dairy products. Journal Appllied Microbiology, 91: 937-943.
  • Gobbetti, M., A. Corsetti, E. Smacchi, A. Zocchetti & M. De Angelis, 1997. Production of Crescenza cheese by incorporation of Bifidobacteria, Journal of Dairy Science, 81: 37-47.
  • He, S. & S. Hekmat, 2015. Sensory Evaluation of Non-Dairy Probiotic Beverages. Journal of Food Research, 4 (1): 186-192.
  • Horwitz, W., 1965. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Publishing by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C. 20044. 10th ed., 224 pp.
  • ISO 11870: 2009 (IDF 152: 2009). Milk and Milk Products- Determination of Fat Content-General Guidance on the Use of Butyrometric Methods. ISO Standards Published ISO (2), 7pp.
  • Kavas, G., 2017. Çörek otu ve tarçın uçucu yağ ilaveli yumurta beyazı protein tozu esaslı filmlerin çökelek peyniri muhafazasında kullanımı. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi ,54 (4): 439-446.
  • Klaenhammer, T., E. Altermann, F. Arigoni, A. Bolotin, F. Breidt, J. Broadbent, R. Cano, S. Chaillou, J. Deutscher, M. Gasson, M. van de Guchte, J. Guzzo, A. Hartke, T. Trevor Hawkins & P. Hols, 2002. Discovering lactic acid bacteria by genomics. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 82: 29-58.
  • Mårtensson, O., C. Andersson, K. Andersson, R. Öste & O. Holst, 2001. Formulation of an oatbased fermented product and its comparison with yoghurt. The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 81 (14): 1314-1321.
  • Özer, B., 2006. Yoğurt Bilimi ve Teknolojisi. Sidas Medya Ltd. Şti., Şanlıurfa. 488 s.
  • Ranadheera, C.S., C.A. Evansa, M.C. Adamsa & S.K. Bainesc, 2012. In vitro analysis of gastrointestinal tolerance and intestinal cell adhesion of probiotics in goat's milk ice cream and yoğurt, Food research International, 49 (2): 619-625.
  • Shirai, K., I. Guerrero, S. Huerta, G. Saucedo, A. Castillo, R.O. Gonzalez & G.M. Hall, 2001. Effect of initial glucose concentration and inoculation level of lactic acid bacteria in shrimp waste ensilation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 28: 446-452.
  • Tamime, A. Y. & R.K. Robinson, 1985. Yoghurt: science and technology. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press,431 pp.
  • Tharmaraj, N.L. & N.P. Shah, 2003. Selective enumeration of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and propionibacteria. Journal of Dairy Sciences, 86 (7): 2288-96.
  • Torre, L., Y.A.Tamime & D.O. Muir, 2003. Rheology and Sensory Profiling of Set Type Fermented Milks Made with Different Commercial Probiotic and Yoghurt Starter Cultures. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56 (3): 163-170.
  • Uysal, H., Ö. Kınık & G. Kavas, 2004.Süt ve Ürünlerinde Uygulanan Duyusal Test Teknikleri. E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 560. E.Ü. Basımevi, İzmir, 101 s.
  • Yetunde, A. E. & U.S. Ukpong, 2015. Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Almond (Prunus amygdalu Var. Dulcis) Seed Milk. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 10 (2): 117-121.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Nazan Kavas 0000-0002-3141-4973

Gökhan Kavas 0000-0002-8280-2562

Project Number 2016-ZRF-053
Publication Date July 4, 2022
Submission Date September 27, 2021
Acceptance Date December 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kavas, N., & Kavas, G. (2022). Yumurta beyazı protein tozu ve farklı disakkaritler ile zenginleştirilen badem sütünden yoğurt benzeri ürün üretimi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 59(2), 335-346.

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