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Yaşam döngüsü analizi: teorik çerçeve ve tarıma uygulanması

Year 2023, , 363 - 374, 05.07.2023


Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi son yıllarda sıklıkla kullanılan bir araştırma yöntemidir. İlk olarak çevresel etkileri değerlendirmek için kullanılan bu yöntem, sosyal ve ekonomik etkileri de kapsamına almıştır. Bu sayede Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi, bir ürüne dair kapsamlı bir sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel analizi, yani bir ürününün üretiminden tüketilip geri dönüşümüne kadar bütün yönlerini içeren bir analizi olanaklı kılmaktadır. Yaşam Döngüsü Analizinin tarımsal araştırmalarda kullanımı ile klasik Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi arasında farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Tarımsal üretim doğa koşullarına göre belirlenmekte, ürüne ve döneme göre farklılaşmaktadır. Bu yüzden tarıma yönelik yapılan bir YDA araştırmasının etki kategorilerinin ve işlevsel biriminin tarımsal koşullara uyarlanması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Yaşam Döngüsü Analizinin ortak kavramsal çerçevesi ve tarıma uygulanışı ele alınmıştır. Yaşam Döngüsü Analizinin yöntemsel çerçevesi, çalışmalarda ortak bulunan yönleri ile incelenmiştir. Sosyal Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi de Çevresel Yaşam Döngüsü Analizinden yöntemsel farklılıkları ile araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Yöntem, tarımsal ürünlerde sürdürülebilir üretim ve tüketim stratejilerinin uygulanmasına katkıda bulunabilir. Bu yönüyle hem çevresel hem de sosyal boyutu içeren Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi çalışmalarının tarıma uygulanması, ilgili üretim sistemi ve/veya ürüne ilişkin karar vericilere ve politika yapıcılara, üretici ve tüketicilere çevresel etkileri hakkında geri bildirim sağlayacaktır.


  • Alam, M. K., R. W. Bell & W. K. Biswas, 2019. Increases in soil sequestered carbon under conservation agriculture cropping decrease the estimated greenhouse gas emissions of wetland rice using life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 224: 72-87.
  • Andrews, E. S., 2009. Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products: Social and Socio-Economic LCA Guidelines Complementing Environmental LCA and Life Cycle Costing. Contributing to the Full Assessment of Goods and Services within the Context of Sustainable Development. UNEP/Earthprint, 47 pp.
  • Baquero, G., B. Esteban, J. R. Riba, A. Rius & R. Puig, 2011. An evaluation of the life cycle cost of rapeseed oil as a straight vegetable oil fuel to replace petroleum diesel in agriculture. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35 (8): 3687-3697.
  • Block, D. S., M. Slattery, W H. Benson & J. C. Allgood, 2000. “Environmental sciences in the 21st Century: paradigms, opportunities, and challenges, 72-80”. SETAC 21st Annual Meeting  (12-16 November 2000), Nashville, Tennessee. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 180 pp.
  • Boone, L., I. Roldán-Ruiz, V. Van Linden, H. Muylle & J. Dewulf, 2019. Environmental sustainability of conventional and organic farming: Accounting for ecosystem services in life cycle assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 695: 1-10.
  • Borghesi, G., R. Stefanini & G. Vignali, 2022. Life cycle assessment of packaged organic dairy product: A comparison of different methods for the environmental assessment of alternative scenarios. Journal of Food Engineering, 318: 1-10.
  • Borzęcka, M., K. Żyłowska, G. Russo, A. Pisanelli & F. Freire, 2018. “Life cycle assessment of olive cultivation in Italy: comparison of three management systems, 1-7”. 167th EAAE Seminar; European Agriculture and the Transition to Bioeconomy,7 pp.
  • Bosona, T., G. Gebresenbet & A. Dyjakon, 2019. Implementing life cycle cost analysis methodology for evaluating agricultural pruning to energy initiatives. Bioresource Technology Reports, 6: 54-62.
  • Canaj, K., D. Morrone, R. Roma, F. Boari, V. Cantore & M. Todorovic, 2021. Reclaimed water for vineyard ırrigation in a mediterranean context: Life cycle environmental impacts, life cycle costs, and eco-efficiency. Water 2021, 13 (16): 22-42.
  • Colley, T. A., S. I. Olsen, M. Birkved & M. Z. Hauschild, 2020. Delta life cycle assessment of regenerative agriculture in a sheep farming system. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 16 (2): 282-290.
  • Curran, M. A., 2006. Life Cycle Assessment: Principles and Practice. National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 80 pp.
  • Del Borghi, A., V. Tacchino, L. Moreschi, A. Matarazzo, M. Gallo & D. Arellano Vazquez, 2022. Environmental assessment of vegetable crops towards the water-energy-food nexus: A combination of precision agriculture and life cycle assessment. Ecological Indicators, 140: 1-15.
  • Demirer, G., 2011. Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi (LCA) Ve Uygulama Örnekleri Çevre Alanında Kapasite Geliştirme Projesi Entegre Ürün Politikaları ve Sürdürülebilir Kaynak Yönetimi Bölgesel Çevre Merkezi, REC Türkiye REW, İstanbul 2011, 40 s.
  • Falque, A., P. Feschet, M. Garrabé, C. Gillet, V. Lagarde, D. Loeillet & C. Macombe, 2013. Social LCAs; Socio-Economic Effects in Value Chains (Ed. Catherine Macombe), The Market News Service of CIRAD, Paris, 171 pp.
  • Finnveden, G., M. Z. Hauschild, T. Ekvall, J. Guinée, R. Heijungs, S. Hellweg, A. Koehler, D. Pennington & S. Suh, 2009. Recent developments in life cycle assessment. Journal of Environmental Management, 91 (1): 1-21.
  • Florindo, T. J., G. I. B. de Medeiros Florindo, E. Talamini, J. S. da Costa & C. F. Ruviaro, 2017. Carbon footprint and life cycle costing of beef cattle in the Brazilian midwest. Journal of Cleaner Production, 147: 119-129.
  • Foteinis, S. & E. Chatzisymeon, 2015. Life cycle assessment of organic versus conventional agriculture. A case study of lettuce cultivation in Greece. Jornal of Cleaner Production, 112 (2016): 2462-2471.
  • Ghasemi-Mobtaker, H., A. Kaab & S. Rafiee, 2020. Application of life cycle analysis to assess environmental sustainability of wheat cultivation in the west of Iran. Energy, 193: 1-10.
  • Goedkoop, M., M. Oele, M. Vieira, J. Leijting, T. Ponsioen & E. Meijer, 2014. SimaPro Tutorial Title: SimaPro Tutorial. (Web sayfası: ) (Erişim tarihi: Nisan 2022)
  • Guinée, J. B., R. Heijungs, G. Huppes, A. Zamagni, P. Masoni, R. Buonamici, T. Ekvall & T. Rydberg, 2011. Life cycle assessment: Past, present, and future. Environmental Science and Technology, 45 (1): 90-96.
  • Haas, G., F. Wetterich & U. Geier, 2000. Life cycle assessment framework in agriculture on the farm level. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 5 (6): 345-348. http://dx.doi.orq//10.1065/Ica2000,11.038
  • Habibi, E., Y. Niknejad, H. Fallah, S. Dastan & D. B. Tari, 2019. Life cycle assessment of rice production systems in different paddy field size levels in north of Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191 (4): 1-23.
  • Hayashi, K., 2013. Practical recommendations for supporting agricultural decisions through life cycle assessment based on two alternative views of crop production: The example of organic conversion. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2): 331-339.
  • Heijungs, R., G. Huppes & J. B. Guinée, 2010. Life cycle assessment and sustainability analysis of products, materials and technologies: Toward a scientific framework for sustainability life cycle analysis. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 95 (3): 422-428.
  • Holka, M. & J. Bieńkowski, 2020. Carbon footprint and life-cycle costs of maize production in conventional and non-ınversion tillage systems. Agronomy, 10 (1877): 1-13.
  • Hosseinijou, S. A., S. Mansour & M. A. Shirazi, 2014. Social life cycle assessment for material selection: A case study of building materials. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19 (3): 620-645.
  • ISO, 2006. Environmental management-Life cycle assessment-Principles and framework. (Web sayfası: ) (Erişim tarihi: Nisan 2022)
  • Jørgensen, A., A. le Bocq, L. Nazarkina & M. Hauschild, 2008. Methodologies for social life cycle assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13 (2): 96-103.
  • Keyes, S., P. Tyedmers & K. Beazley, 2015. Evaluating the environmental impacts of conventional and organic apple production in Nova Scotia, Canada, through life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 104: 40-51.
  • Klöpffer, W. & I. Renner, 1994. Methodology of Impact Assessment within the Framework of Life-Cycle-Assessment Taking into Account Environmental Categories which cannot (or Only with Difficulty) Be Quantified. Texte, 80 pp.
  • Klöpffer, W., 1997. Life cycle assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 4: 223-228.
  • Kulak, M., A. Graves & J. Chatterton, 2013. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with urban agriculture: A Life Cycle Assessment perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111 (1): 68-78.
  • Linderholm, K., A. M. Tillman & J. E. Mattsson, 2012. Life cycle assessment of phosphorus alternatives for Swedish agriculture. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 66: 27-39.
  • Lips, M., 2017. Length of operational life and ıts ımpact on life-cycle costs of a tractor in Switzerland. Agriculture, 7 (8): 1-9.
  • Longo, S., M. Mistretta, F. Guarino & M. Cellura, 2017. Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional apple supply chains in the North of Italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140: 654-663.
  • Lyu, Y., M. Raugei, X. Zhang, S. Mellino & S. Ulgiati, 2021. Environmental cost and impacts of chemicals used in agriculture: An integration of emergy and life cycle assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151 (2021): 1-12.
  • Macombe, C., P. Leskinen, P. Feschet & R. Antikainen, 2013. Social life cycle assessment of biodiesel production at three levels: a literature review and development needs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 52: 205-216.
  • Martínez-Blanco, J., A. Lehmann, P. Muñoz, A. Antón, M. Traverso, J. Rieradevall & M. Finkbeiner, 2014. Application challenges for the social life cycle assessment of fertilizers within life cycle sustainability assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 69: 34-48.
  • Meier, M. S., F. Stoessel, N. Jungbluth, R. Juraske, C. Schader & M. Stolze, 2015. Environmental impacts of organic and conventional agricultural products - Are the differences captured by life cycle assessment? Journal of Environmental Management, 149: 193-208.
  • Mohamad, R. S., V. Verrastro, G. Cardone, M. R. Bteich, M. Favia, M. Moretti & R. Roma, 2014. Optimization of organic and conventional olive agricultural practices from a Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 70: 78-89.
  • O’Brien, M., A. Doig & R. Clift, 1996. Social and environmental life cycle (SELCA): Approach and methodological development. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1 (4): 231-237.
  • Pergola, M., A. Persiani, V. Pastore, A. M. Palese, A. Arous & G. Celano, 2017. A comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of three apricot orchard systems located in Metapontino area (Southern Italy). Journal of Cleaner Production, 142: 4059-4071.
  • Pishgar-Komleh H. S., P. Sefeedpari, N. Pelletier & M. Brandão, 2019. “Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for Agriculture: Some Considerations for Best Practices, 3-48”. Assessing the Environmental Impact of Agriculture. 1st Ed. (Ed. B. P. Weidema), Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 300 pp.
  • Prasara, J. & S. H. Gheewala, 2015. “Social Life Cycle Assessment of Agricultural Products: Experiences on Rice, Sugarcane and Cassava in Thailand,1-38”. In Social Life Cycle Assessment Case Studies from Agri and Food Sectors. (Eds. S. S. Muthu), Hong Kong, 76 pp.
  • Ren, J., L. Dong, L. Sun, M. E. Goodsite, S. Tan & L. Dong, 2015. Life cycle cost optimization of biofuel supply chains under uncertainties based on interval linear programming. Bioresource Technology, 187: 6-13.
  • Ruviaro, C. F., M. Gianezini, F. S. Brandão, C. A. Winck & H. Dewes, 2012. Life cycle assessment in Brazilian: Agriculture facing worldwide trends. Journal of Cleaner Production, 28: 9-24.
  • Senthil Kumar, P. & P. R. Yaashikaa, 2019. “Case Study on Social Life Cycle Assessment of the Dairy Industry, 59-76”. Social Life Cycle Assessment Case Studies from Agri and Food Sectors (Eds. S. S. Muthu). Hong Kong, 76 pp.
  • Torrellas, M., A. Antón, J. C. López, E. J. Baeza, E. J., J. P. Parra, P. Muñoz & J. I. Montero, 2012. LCA of a tomato crop in a multi-Tunnel greenhouse in Almeria. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17 (7): 863-875.
  • Tricase, C., E. Lamonaca, C. Ingrao, J. Bacenetti & A. lo Giudice, 2018. A comparative life cycle assessment between organic and conventional barley cultivation for sustainable agriculture pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 3747-3759.
  • Trinh, L. T. K., A. H. Hu, Y. C. Lan & Z. H. Chen, 2020. Comparative life cycle assessment for conventional and organic coffee cultivation in Vietnam. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 17 (3): 1307-1324.
  • Tsangas, M., I. Gavriel, M. Doula, F. Xeni & A. A. Zorpas, 2020. Life cycle analysis in the framework of agricultural strategic development planning in the Balkan Region. Sustainability 2020, 12 (5): 1-15.
  • Varela-Ortega, C., I. Blanco-Gutiérrez, R. Manners & A. Detzel, 2021. Life cycle assessment of animal-based foods and plant-based protein-rich alternatives: A socio-economic perspective. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021: 1-10.
  • Yildirim, H., 2014. İzmir ve Manisa’da işlenen domatesin sosyal yaşam döngüsü analizi. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 20 (2): 89-100.
  • Zhu, Z., Z. Jia, L. Peng, Q. Chen, L. He, Y. Jiang & S. Ge, 2018. Life cycle assessment of conventional and organic apple production systems in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201: 156-168.
  • Zira, S., E. Röös, E. Ivarsson, R. Hoffmann & L. Rydhmer, 2020. Social life cycle assessment of Swedish organic and conventional pork production. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 (10): 1957-1975.

Life cycle assessment: theoretical framework and its application to agriculture

Year 2023, , 363 - 374, 05.07.2023


Life Cycle Assessment is a research method that has been used frequently in recent years. This method, which was first used to assess environmental impacts, has expanded its scope in social and economic impacts. In this way, Life Cycle Assessment enables a comprehensive social, economic, and environmental analysis of a product, that is, an analysis that includes all aspects of a product from its production to consumption and recycling. Life Cycle Assessment in agricultural research has differences as compared to the classical Life Cycle Assessment. Agricultural production is determined according to natural conditions and differs according to the product and the period. Therefore, the impact categories and functional unit of a Life Cycle Assessment research on agriculture should be adapted to agricultural conditions. In this research, the common conceptual framework of Life Cycle Assessment and its application to agricultural production were examined. The methodological framework of Life Cycle Assessment was also included in the study with its methodological differences from Environmental Life Cycle Assessment. The method can contribute to the implementation of sustainable production and consumption strategies in agricultural products. In this respect, the application of Life Cycle Assessment studies to agriculture, which includes both environmental and social dimensions, will provide feedback on the environmental impacts of the relevant production system and/or product to decision makers and policy makers, producers and consumers.


  • Alam, M. K., R. W. Bell & W. K. Biswas, 2019. Increases in soil sequestered carbon under conservation agriculture cropping decrease the estimated greenhouse gas emissions of wetland rice using life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 224: 72-87.
  • Andrews, E. S., 2009. Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products: Social and Socio-Economic LCA Guidelines Complementing Environmental LCA and Life Cycle Costing. Contributing to the Full Assessment of Goods and Services within the Context of Sustainable Development. UNEP/Earthprint, 47 pp.
  • Baquero, G., B. Esteban, J. R. Riba, A. Rius & R. Puig, 2011. An evaluation of the life cycle cost of rapeseed oil as a straight vegetable oil fuel to replace petroleum diesel in agriculture. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35 (8): 3687-3697.
  • Block, D. S., M. Slattery, W H. Benson & J. C. Allgood, 2000. “Environmental sciences in the 21st Century: paradigms, opportunities, and challenges, 72-80”. SETAC 21st Annual Meeting  (12-16 November 2000), Nashville, Tennessee. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 180 pp.
  • Boone, L., I. Roldán-Ruiz, V. Van Linden, H. Muylle & J. Dewulf, 2019. Environmental sustainability of conventional and organic farming: Accounting for ecosystem services in life cycle assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 695: 1-10.
  • Borghesi, G., R. Stefanini & G. Vignali, 2022. Life cycle assessment of packaged organic dairy product: A comparison of different methods for the environmental assessment of alternative scenarios. Journal of Food Engineering, 318: 1-10.
  • Borzęcka, M., K. Żyłowska, G. Russo, A. Pisanelli & F. Freire, 2018. “Life cycle assessment of olive cultivation in Italy: comparison of three management systems, 1-7”. 167th EAAE Seminar; European Agriculture and the Transition to Bioeconomy,7 pp.
  • Bosona, T., G. Gebresenbet & A. Dyjakon, 2019. Implementing life cycle cost analysis methodology for evaluating agricultural pruning to energy initiatives. Bioresource Technology Reports, 6: 54-62.
  • Canaj, K., D. Morrone, R. Roma, F. Boari, V. Cantore & M. Todorovic, 2021. Reclaimed water for vineyard ırrigation in a mediterranean context: Life cycle environmental impacts, life cycle costs, and eco-efficiency. Water 2021, 13 (16): 22-42.
  • Colley, T. A., S. I. Olsen, M. Birkved & M. Z. Hauschild, 2020. Delta life cycle assessment of regenerative agriculture in a sheep farming system. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 16 (2): 282-290.
  • Curran, M. A., 2006. Life Cycle Assessment: Principles and Practice. National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 80 pp.
  • Del Borghi, A., V. Tacchino, L. Moreschi, A. Matarazzo, M. Gallo & D. Arellano Vazquez, 2022. Environmental assessment of vegetable crops towards the water-energy-food nexus: A combination of precision agriculture and life cycle assessment. Ecological Indicators, 140: 1-15.
  • Demirer, G., 2011. Yaşam Döngüsü Analizi (LCA) Ve Uygulama Örnekleri Çevre Alanında Kapasite Geliştirme Projesi Entegre Ürün Politikaları ve Sürdürülebilir Kaynak Yönetimi Bölgesel Çevre Merkezi, REC Türkiye REW, İstanbul 2011, 40 s.
  • Falque, A., P. Feschet, M. Garrabé, C. Gillet, V. Lagarde, D. Loeillet & C. Macombe, 2013. Social LCAs; Socio-Economic Effects in Value Chains (Ed. Catherine Macombe), The Market News Service of CIRAD, Paris, 171 pp.
  • Finnveden, G., M. Z. Hauschild, T. Ekvall, J. Guinée, R. Heijungs, S. Hellweg, A. Koehler, D. Pennington & S. Suh, 2009. Recent developments in life cycle assessment. Journal of Environmental Management, 91 (1): 1-21.
  • Florindo, T. J., G. I. B. de Medeiros Florindo, E. Talamini, J. S. da Costa & C. F. Ruviaro, 2017. Carbon footprint and life cycle costing of beef cattle in the Brazilian midwest. Journal of Cleaner Production, 147: 119-129.
  • Foteinis, S. & E. Chatzisymeon, 2015. Life cycle assessment of organic versus conventional agriculture. A case study of lettuce cultivation in Greece. Jornal of Cleaner Production, 112 (2016): 2462-2471.
  • Ghasemi-Mobtaker, H., A. Kaab & S. Rafiee, 2020. Application of life cycle analysis to assess environmental sustainability of wheat cultivation in the west of Iran. Energy, 193: 1-10.
  • Goedkoop, M., M. Oele, M. Vieira, J. Leijting, T. Ponsioen & E. Meijer, 2014. SimaPro Tutorial Title: SimaPro Tutorial. (Web sayfası: ) (Erişim tarihi: Nisan 2022)
  • Guinée, J. B., R. Heijungs, G. Huppes, A. Zamagni, P. Masoni, R. Buonamici, T. Ekvall & T. Rydberg, 2011. Life cycle assessment: Past, present, and future. Environmental Science and Technology, 45 (1): 90-96.
  • Haas, G., F. Wetterich & U. Geier, 2000. Life cycle assessment framework in agriculture on the farm level. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 5 (6): 345-348. http://dx.doi.orq//10.1065/Ica2000,11.038
  • Habibi, E., Y. Niknejad, H. Fallah, S. Dastan & D. B. Tari, 2019. Life cycle assessment of rice production systems in different paddy field size levels in north of Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191 (4): 1-23.
  • Hayashi, K., 2013. Practical recommendations for supporting agricultural decisions through life cycle assessment based on two alternative views of crop production: The example of organic conversion. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2): 331-339.
  • Heijungs, R., G. Huppes & J. B. Guinée, 2010. Life cycle assessment and sustainability analysis of products, materials and technologies: Toward a scientific framework for sustainability life cycle analysis. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 95 (3): 422-428.
  • Holka, M. & J. Bieńkowski, 2020. Carbon footprint and life-cycle costs of maize production in conventional and non-ınversion tillage systems. Agronomy, 10 (1877): 1-13.
  • Hosseinijou, S. A., S. Mansour & M. A. Shirazi, 2014. Social life cycle assessment for material selection: A case study of building materials. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19 (3): 620-645.
  • ISO, 2006. Environmental management-Life cycle assessment-Principles and framework. (Web sayfası: ) (Erişim tarihi: Nisan 2022)
  • Jørgensen, A., A. le Bocq, L. Nazarkina & M. Hauschild, 2008. Methodologies for social life cycle assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 13 (2): 96-103.
  • Keyes, S., P. Tyedmers & K. Beazley, 2015. Evaluating the environmental impacts of conventional and organic apple production in Nova Scotia, Canada, through life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 104: 40-51.
  • Klöpffer, W. & I. Renner, 1994. Methodology of Impact Assessment within the Framework of Life-Cycle-Assessment Taking into Account Environmental Categories which cannot (or Only with Difficulty) Be Quantified. Texte, 80 pp.
  • Klöpffer, W., 1997. Life cycle assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 4: 223-228.
  • Kulak, M., A. Graves & J. Chatterton, 2013. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with urban agriculture: A Life Cycle Assessment perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111 (1): 68-78.
  • Linderholm, K., A. M. Tillman & J. E. Mattsson, 2012. Life cycle assessment of phosphorus alternatives for Swedish agriculture. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 66: 27-39.
  • Lips, M., 2017. Length of operational life and ıts ımpact on life-cycle costs of a tractor in Switzerland. Agriculture, 7 (8): 1-9.
  • Longo, S., M. Mistretta, F. Guarino & M. Cellura, 2017. Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional apple supply chains in the North of Italy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140: 654-663.
  • Lyu, Y., M. Raugei, X. Zhang, S. Mellino & S. Ulgiati, 2021. Environmental cost and impacts of chemicals used in agriculture: An integration of emergy and life cycle assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151 (2021): 1-12.
  • Macombe, C., P. Leskinen, P. Feschet & R. Antikainen, 2013. Social life cycle assessment of biodiesel production at three levels: a literature review and development needs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 52: 205-216.
  • Martínez-Blanco, J., A. Lehmann, P. Muñoz, A. Antón, M. Traverso, J. Rieradevall & M. Finkbeiner, 2014. Application challenges for the social life cycle assessment of fertilizers within life cycle sustainability assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 69: 34-48.
  • Meier, M. S., F. Stoessel, N. Jungbluth, R. Juraske, C. Schader & M. Stolze, 2015. Environmental impacts of organic and conventional agricultural products - Are the differences captured by life cycle assessment? Journal of Environmental Management, 149: 193-208.
  • Mohamad, R. S., V. Verrastro, G. Cardone, M. R. Bteich, M. Favia, M. Moretti & R. Roma, 2014. Optimization of organic and conventional olive agricultural practices from a Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 70: 78-89.
  • O’Brien, M., A. Doig & R. Clift, 1996. Social and environmental life cycle (SELCA): Approach and methodological development. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1 (4): 231-237.
  • Pergola, M., A. Persiani, V. Pastore, A. M. Palese, A. Arous & G. Celano, 2017. A comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of three apricot orchard systems located in Metapontino area (Southern Italy). Journal of Cleaner Production, 142: 4059-4071.
  • Pishgar-Komleh H. S., P. Sefeedpari, N. Pelletier & M. Brandão, 2019. “Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for Agriculture: Some Considerations for Best Practices, 3-48”. Assessing the Environmental Impact of Agriculture. 1st Ed. (Ed. B. P. Weidema), Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 300 pp.
  • Prasara, J. & S. H. Gheewala, 2015. “Social Life Cycle Assessment of Agricultural Products: Experiences on Rice, Sugarcane and Cassava in Thailand,1-38”. In Social Life Cycle Assessment Case Studies from Agri and Food Sectors. (Eds. S. S. Muthu), Hong Kong, 76 pp.
  • Ren, J., L. Dong, L. Sun, M. E. Goodsite, S. Tan & L. Dong, 2015. Life cycle cost optimization of biofuel supply chains under uncertainties based on interval linear programming. Bioresource Technology, 187: 6-13.
  • Ruviaro, C. F., M. Gianezini, F. S. Brandão, C. A. Winck & H. Dewes, 2012. Life cycle assessment in Brazilian: Agriculture facing worldwide trends. Journal of Cleaner Production, 28: 9-24.
  • Senthil Kumar, P. & P. R. Yaashikaa, 2019. “Case Study on Social Life Cycle Assessment of the Dairy Industry, 59-76”. Social Life Cycle Assessment Case Studies from Agri and Food Sectors (Eds. S. S. Muthu). Hong Kong, 76 pp.
  • Torrellas, M., A. Antón, J. C. López, E. J. Baeza, E. J., J. P. Parra, P. Muñoz & J. I. Montero, 2012. LCA of a tomato crop in a multi-Tunnel greenhouse in Almeria. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17 (7): 863-875.
  • Tricase, C., E. Lamonaca, C. Ingrao, J. Bacenetti & A. lo Giudice, 2018. A comparative life cycle assessment between organic and conventional barley cultivation for sustainable agriculture pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 3747-3759.
  • Trinh, L. T. K., A. H. Hu, Y. C. Lan & Z. H. Chen, 2020. Comparative life cycle assessment for conventional and organic coffee cultivation in Vietnam. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 17 (3): 1307-1324.
  • Tsangas, M., I. Gavriel, M. Doula, F. Xeni & A. A. Zorpas, 2020. Life cycle analysis in the framework of agricultural strategic development planning in the Balkan Region. Sustainability 2020, 12 (5): 1-15.
  • Varela-Ortega, C., I. Blanco-Gutiérrez, R. Manners & A. Detzel, 2021. Life cycle assessment of animal-based foods and plant-based protein-rich alternatives: A socio-economic perspective. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021: 1-10.
  • Yildirim, H., 2014. İzmir ve Manisa’da işlenen domatesin sosyal yaşam döngüsü analizi. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 20 (2): 89-100.
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There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Food Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Review

Mesut Yıldız 0000-0002-3762-9940

Ela Atış 0000-0001-8011-8102

Early Pub Date July 18, 2023
Publication Date July 5, 2023
Submission Date June 8, 2022
Acceptance Date September 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yıldız, M., & Atış, E. (2023). Yaşam döngüsü analizi: teorik çerçeve ve tarıma uygulanması. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(2), 363-374.

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