Research Article
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Determination of the effects of black and green tea use on kombucha fermentation

Year 2023, , 465 - 472, 13.10.2023


Objective: The substrate and fermentation conditions are critical for kombucha production. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of different substrates on kombucha fermentation.
Material and Methods: Black and green tea samples (BT and GT) were cooled to 25ºC and mixed with an equal amount of kombucha culture. Fermentation continued for 7 days at 25ºC. The pH, chemical composition, sugar components, color properties, organic acid profiles, and sensory properties of kombucha (BTK and GTK) were evaluated.
Results: During fermentation, pH slightly decreased in both tea samples; the ash content of kombucha samples decreased significantly compared to the first day of fermentation. During fermentation, the microbiota thoroughly utilized glucose, fructose, and sucrose in black tea kombucha samples. Although sugar is used during the fermentation of green tea, significant amounts of glucose, fructose, and sucrose were detected in green tea kombucha. In both samples, acetic acid increased significantly due to fermentation. Kombucha, produced with black and green tea, is generally consumed with pleasure.
Conclusion: It is critical to investigate the properties of kombucha, which is a product that could be an alternative to tea consumption habits in our country and could improve its health properties by fermentation.

Project Number



  • AOAC, 2012. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (19th ed.). Washington, DC, USA.
  • Battikh, H., K. Chaieb, A. Bakhrouf & E. Ammar, 2013. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of black and green kombucha teas. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 37 (2): 231-236.
  • Cardoso, R. R., R.O. Neto, C.T. dos Santos D'Almeida, T.P. do Nascimento, C.G. Pressete, L. Azevedo & de F.A.R. Barros, 2020. Kombuchas from green and black teas have different phenolic profile, which impacts their antioxidant capacities, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities. Food Research International,128: 108782.
  • Chieng, D. & P.M. Kistler, 2022. Coffee and tea on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 32 (7): 399-405.
  • Cvetković, D., S. Markov, M. Djurić, D. Savić & A. Velićanski, 2008. Specific interfacial area as a key variable in scaling-up Kombucha fermentation. Journal of Food Engineering, 85 (3): 387-392.
  • de Oliveira, P. V., A.H. da Silva Júnior, C.R.S. de Oliveira, C.F. Assumpção & C.H. Ogeda, 2023. Kombucha benefits, risks and regulatory frameworks: A review. Food Chemistry Advances, 2: 100288.
  • Essawet, N. A., D. Cvetković, A. Velićanski, J. Čanadanović-Brunet, J. Vulić, V. Maksimović & S. Markov, 2015. Polyphenols and antioxidant activities of Kombucha beverage enriched with Coffeeberry extract. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 21 (3): 399-409.
  • Giritlioğlu, N., E. Yıldız & O. Gürbüz, 2020. Kombu çayı üretiminde kapari tomurcuklarının (Capparis spp.) Kullanımının fenolikler, antioksidant kapasite ve biyoerişilebilirliğe etkisi. Akademik Gıda,18 (4): 390-401.
  • Guzel-Seydim, Z. B., A.C. Seydim & A.K. Greene, 2021. Effect of brewing method on quality parameters and antioxidant capacity of black tea. Functional Food Science, 1 (8): 1-13.
  • Jakubczyk, K., J. Kałduńska, J. Kochman & K. Janda, 2020. Chemical profile and antioxidant activity of the kombucha beverage derived from white, green, black and red tea. Antioxidants, 9 (5): 447.
  • Jayabalan, R., S. Marimuthu & K. Swaminathan, 2007. Changes in content of organic acids and tea polyphenols during kombucha tea fermentation. Food Chemistry, 102 (1): 392-398.
  • Jayabalan, R., K. Malini, M. Sathishkumar, K. Swaminathan & S.E. Yun, 2010. Biochemical characteristics of tea fungus produced during kombucha fermentation. Food Science and Biotechnology,19: 843-847.
  • Kallel, L., V. Desseaux, M. Hamdi, P. Stocker & E.H. Ajandouz, 2012. Insights into the fermentation biochemistry of Kombucha teas and potential impacts of Kombucha drinking on starch digestion. Food Research International, 49 (1): 226-232.
  • Kapp, J. M. & W. Sumner, 2019. Kombucha: A systematic review of the empirical evidence of human health benefit. Annals of Epidemiology, 30: 66-70.
  • Laureys, D., S.J. Britton & J. De Clippeleer, 2020. Kombucha tea fermentation: A review. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 78 (3): 165-174.
  • Li, S., Zhang, Y. Gao, J. Li, T. Li, H. Mastroyannis, A & K. Chang, 2022. Effect of Fermentation Time on Physiochemical Properties of Kombucha Produced from Different Teas and Fruits: Comparative Study. Journal of Food Quality, Article ID 2342954.
  • Malbasa, R., E. Lončar, M. Djurić & I. Došenović, 2008. Effect of sucrose concentration on the products of Kombucha fermentation on molasses. Food Chemistry, 108 (3): 926-932.
  • Muhialdin, B. J., F.A. Osman, R. Muhamad, C.W.N.S. Che Wan Sapawi, A. Anzian, W.W.Y. Voon & A.S. Hussin, 2019. Effects of sugar sources and fermentation time on the properties of tea fungus (kombucha) beverage. International Food Research Journal, 26 (2): 481-487.
  • Neffe-Skocińska, K., B. Sionek, I. Ścibisz & D. Kołożyn-Krajewska, 2017. Acid contents and the effect of fermentation condition of Kombucha tea beverages on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties. Cyta Journal of Food, 15 (4): 601-607.
  • Oliveira, A. P., J.A. Pereira, P.B. Andrade, P. Valentão, R.M. Seabra & B.M. Silva, 2008. Organic acids composition of Cydonia oblonga Miller leaf. Food Chemistry, 111 (2): 393-399.
  • Osiripun, V., & T.Apisittiwong, 2021. Polyphenol and antioxidant activities of kombucha fermented from different teas and fruit juices. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 11(2): 188-196.
  • Rechner, A., R. Smith, M. A. Kuhnle, G. Gibson, G. R. Debnam, E. S. Srai, S. K. S. & C. A. Rice-Evans, 2004. Colonic metabolism of dietary polyphenols: influence of structure on microbial fermentation products. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 36 (2): 212-225.
  • Teoh, A. L., G. Heard & J. Cox, 2004. Yeast ecology of Kombucha fermentation. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 95 (2): 119-126.
  • Ünal, G., C. Karagözlü, Ö. Kınık, E. Akan & A.S. Akalın, 2016. Influence of supplementation with green and black tea on viscosity and sensory characteristics of drinking yoghurt. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 53 (3): 343-349.
  • Velićanski, A. S., D.D. Cvetković, S.L. Markov, V.T. Tumbas Šaponjac & J.J. Vulić, 2014. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the beverage obtained by fermentation of sweetened lemon balm (Melissa offi cinalis L.) tea with symbiotic consortium of bacteria and yeasts. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 52 (4): 420-429.
  • Villarreal‐Soto, S. A., S. Beaufort, J. Bouajila, J.P. Souchard & P. Taillandier, 2018. Understanding kombucha tea fermentation: a review. Journal of Food Science, 83 (3): 580-588.
  • Villarreal‐Soto, S. A., J.P. Bouajila, S. Beaufort, D. Bonneaud, J.P. Souchard & P. Taillandier, 2021. Physicochemical properties of bacterial cellulose obtained from different Kombucha fermentation conditions. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 27 (1): 183-190.
  • Watawana, M. I., N. Jayawardena, S.J. Ranasinghe & V.Y. Waisundara, 2017. Evaluation of the effect of different sweetening agents on the polyphenol contents and antioxidant and starch hydrolase inhibitory properties of Kombucha. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41 (1): e12752.
  • Wu, Y., S. Li, Y. Tao, D. Li, Y. Han, P.L: Show & J. Zhou, 2021. Fermentation of blueberry and blackberry juices using Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum: Growth of probiotics, metabolism of phenolics, antioxidant capacity in vitro and sensory evaluation. Food Chemistry, 348: 129083.

Siyah ve yeşil çay kullanımının kombu çayı fermantasyonu üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi

Year 2023, , 465 - 472, 13.10.2023


Amaç: Kombu çayı üretiminin optimizasyonu için substrat ve fermantasyon koşulları önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, siyah ve yeşil çay kullanılarak belirlenmiş fermantasyon parametrelerinde üretilen Kombu çaylarının bazı önemli gıda bileşenleri üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Siyah ve yeşil çay örnekleri (SYÇ ve YEÇ), 25ºC'ye soğutulduktan sonra her ikisine de eşit miktarda simbiyotik bakteri ve maya kültüründen (SCOBY) oluşan kombu çayı starteri kullanılmıştır.Fermantasyon 25ºC’de 7 gün devam etmiştir. Üretilen kombu çayı (SKOM ve YKOM) örneklerinde pH, kimyasal bileşim, şeker bileşenleri, renk özellikleri, organik asit profili ve duyusal değerlendirme yapılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Fermantasyon süresince, her iki çayda pH azalmıştır; Kombu çayı örneklerinde kül içeriği fermantasyonun ilk gününe göre önemli düzeyde azalmıştır. Siyah çaydan üretilen kombu çayında glukoz, fruktoz ve sakaroz fermantasyon süresince mikrobiyota tarafından tamamen kullanılmıştır. Yeşil çayın fermantasyonu süresince de şeker kullanımı olmasına karşın yeşil çaydan üretilen kombu çayında önemli miktarda glukoz, fruktoz ve sakaroz tespit edilmiştir. Hem siyah hem de yeşil çay ile üretilen kombu örneklerinde asetik asit miktarı fermantasyona bağlı olarak önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Hem siyah hem de yeşil çay ile üretilen kombu çayları genel olarak beğenilerek tüketilmiştir.
Sonuç: Ülkemizde önemli olan çay tüketimine alternatif olabilecek, fermantasyonla sağlık özellikleri artırılabilecek bir ürün olan kombu çayının üretim teknolojisine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



Danem Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Ltd. Şti.’ne KombuDanem desteği için teşekkür ederim.


  • AOAC, 2012. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (19th ed.). Washington, DC, USA.
  • Battikh, H., K. Chaieb, A. Bakhrouf & E. Ammar, 2013. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of black and green kombucha teas. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 37 (2): 231-236.
  • Cardoso, R. R., R.O. Neto, C.T. dos Santos D'Almeida, T.P. do Nascimento, C.G. Pressete, L. Azevedo & de F.A.R. Barros, 2020. Kombuchas from green and black teas have different phenolic profile, which impacts their antioxidant capacities, antibacterial and antiproliferative activities. Food Research International,128: 108782.
  • Chieng, D. & P.M. Kistler, 2022. Coffee and tea on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. Trends in cardiovascular medicine, 32 (7): 399-405.
  • Cvetković, D., S. Markov, M. Djurić, D. Savić & A. Velićanski, 2008. Specific interfacial area as a key variable in scaling-up Kombucha fermentation. Journal of Food Engineering, 85 (3): 387-392.
  • de Oliveira, P. V., A.H. da Silva Júnior, C.R.S. de Oliveira, C.F. Assumpção & C.H. Ogeda, 2023. Kombucha benefits, risks and regulatory frameworks: A review. Food Chemistry Advances, 2: 100288.
  • Essawet, N. A., D. Cvetković, A. Velićanski, J. Čanadanović-Brunet, J. Vulić, V. Maksimović & S. Markov, 2015. Polyphenols and antioxidant activities of Kombucha beverage enriched with Coffeeberry extract. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 21 (3): 399-409.
  • Giritlioğlu, N., E. Yıldız & O. Gürbüz, 2020. Kombu çayı üretiminde kapari tomurcuklarının (Capparis spp.) Kullanımının fenolikler, antioksidant kapasite ve biyoerişilebilirliğe etkisi. Akademik Gıda,18 (4): 390-401.
  • Guzel-Seydim, Z. B., A.C. Seydim & A.K. Greene, 2021. Effect of brewing method on quality parameters and antioxidant capacity of black tea. Functional Food Science, 1 (8): 1-13.
  • Jakubczyk, K., J. Kałduńska, J. Kochman & K. Janda, 2020. Chemical profile and antioxidant activity of the kombucha beverage derived from white, green, black and red tea. Antioxidants, 9 (5): 447.
  • Jayabalan, R., S. Marimuthu & K. Swaminathan, 2007. Changes in content of organic acids and tea polyphenols during kombucha tea fermentation. Food Chemistry, 102 (1): 392-398.
  • Jayabalan, R., K. Malini, M. Sathishkumar, K. Swaminathan & S.E. Yun, 2010. Biochemical characteristics of tea fungus produced during kombucha fermentation. Food Science and Biotechnology,19: 843-847.
  • Kallel, L., V. Desseaux, M. Hamdi, P. Stocker & E.H. Ajandouz, 2012. Insights into the fermentation biochemistry of Kombucha teas and potential impacts of Kombucha drinking on starch digestion. Food Research International, 49 (1): 226-232.
  • Kapp, J. M. & W. Sumner, 2019. Kombucha: A systematic review of the empirical evidence of human health benefit. Annals of Epidemiology, 30: 66-70.
  • Laureys, D., S.J. Britton & J. De Clippeleer, 2020. Kombucha tea fermentation: A review. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 78 (3): 165-174.
  • Li, S., Zhang, Y. Gao, J. Li, T. Li, H. Mastroyannis, A & K. Chang, 2022. Effect of Fermentation Time on Physiochemical Properties of Kombucha Produced from Different Teas and Fruits: Comparative Study. Journal of Food Quality, Article ID 2342954.
  • Malbasa, R., E. Lončar, M. Djurić & I. Došenović, 2008. Effect of sucrose concentration on the products of Kombucha fermentation on molasses. Food Chemistry, 108 (3): 926-932.
  • Muhialdin, B. J., F.A. Osman, R. Muhamad, C.W.N.S. Che Wan Sapawi, A. Anzian, W.W.Y. Voon & A.S. Hussin, 2019. Effects of sugar sources and fermentation time on the properties of tea fungus (kombucha) beverage. International Food Research Journal, 26 (2): 481-487.
  • Neffe-Skocińska, K., B. Sionek, I. Ścibisz & D. Kołożyn-Krajewska, 2017. Acid contents and the effect of fermentation condition of Kombucha tea beverages on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory properties. Cyta Journal of Food, 15 (4): 601-607.
  • Oliveira, A. P., J.A. Pereira, P.B. Andrade, P. Valentão, R.M. Seabra & B.M. Silva, 2008. Organic acids composition of Cydonia oblonga Miller leaf. Food Chemistry, 111 (2): 393-399.
  • Osiripun, V., & T.Apisittiwong, 2021. Polyphenol and antioxidant activities of kombucha fermented from different teas and fruit juices. Journal of Current Science and Technology, 11(2): 188-196.
  • Rechner, A., R. Smith, M. A. Kuhnle, G. Gibson, G. R. Debnam, E. S. Srai, S. K. S. & C. A. Rice-Evans, 2004. Colonic metabolism of dietary polyphenols: influence of structure on microbial fermentation products. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 36 (2): 212-225.
  • Teoh, A. L., G. Heard & J. Cox, 2004. Yeast ecology of Kombucha fermentation. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 95 (2): 119-126.
  • Ünal, G., C. Karagözlü, Ö. Kınık, E. Akan & A.S. Akalın, 2016. Influence of supplementation with green and black tea on viscosity and sensory characteristics of drinking yoghurt. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 53 (3): 343-349.
  • Velićanski, A. S., D.D. Cvetković, S.L. Markov, V.T. Tumbas Šaponjac & J.J. Vulić, 2014. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of the beverage obtained by fermentation of sweetened lemon balm (Melissa offi cinalis L.) tea with symbiotic consortium of bacteria and yeasts. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 52 (4): 420-429.
  • Villarreal‐Soto, S. A., S. Beaufort, J. Bouajila, J.P. Souchard & P. Taillandier, 2018. Understanding kombucha tea fermentation: a review. Journal of Food Science, 83 (3): 580-588.
  • Villarreal‐Soto, S. A., J.P. Bouajila, S. Beaufort, D. Bonneaud, J.P. Souchard & P. Taillandier, 2021. Physicochemical properties of bacterial cellulose obtained from different Kombucha fermentation conditions. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 27 (1): 183-190.
  • Watawana, M. I., N. Jayawardena, S.J. Ranasinghe & V.Y. Waisundara, 2017. Evaluation of the effect of different sweetening agents on the polyphenol contents and antioxidant and starch hydrolase inhibitory properties of Kombucha. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41 (1): e12752.
  • Wu, Y., S. Li, Y. Tao, D. Li, Y. Han, P.L: Show & J. Zhou, 2021. Fermentation of blueberry and blackberry juices using Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum: Growth of probiotics, metabolism of phenolics, antioxidant capacity in vitro and sensory evaluation. Food Chemistry, 348: 129083.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Gülçin Şatır 0000-0003-1862-6434

Project Number -
Early Pub Date October 12, 2023
Publication Date October 13, 2023
Submission Date July 28, 2023
Acceptance Date September 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Şatır, G. (2023). Siyah ve yeşil çay kullanımının kombu çayı fermantasyonu üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 60(3), 465-472.

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