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Farklı Arazi Kullanım Türlerinin Topraktaki Suda Çözünebilir İyon Kapsamına Etkileri

Year 2017, , 367 - 375, 28.09.2017



 bölgenin ve ülkemizin gerek turizm
gerekse organik tarım potansiyeli bakımdan en önemli yerlerinden biridir.
Corine arazi örtüsü sınıflamasına göre adada farklı  kapsama alanına sahip 17 arazi örtüsü sınıfı
tanımlanmıştır.  Bu çalışmada kapsama
alanı en fazla olan 9 farklı arazi örtüsü sınıfına ait alandaki topraklardan
toplamda 237 yüzey toprak örneği alınarak örneklerin suda çözünebilir baskın
miktarda bulunan anyon ve katyon içerikleri iyon kromotografisi ile
belirlenmiştir. Topraklardaki suda çözünebilir klor, amonyum ve kalsiyum
içerikleri bakımından arazi örtüsü sınıfları arasında istatistiki önemli bir
farkın olduğu (p<0,05),  diğer suda
çözünebilir iyon kapsamlarında arazi örtüsü sınıfının istatistiki olarak bir
etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır(p >0,05).  


  • Altınbaş, Ü., Çengel M., Uysal, H., Okur, B., Okur, N., Kurucu, Y., S. Delibacak. 2004. Toprak Bilimi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 557, Bornova/İzmir. 355 s.
  • Amezketa, E. 1999. Soil Aggregate Stability: A Review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14: 83-151.
  • Armstrong, A.S.B., and T.W. Tanton. 1992. Gypsum Applications to Aggregated Saline Sodic Clay Topsoils. J. Soil Sci., 43:249-260.
  • Baldock, J.A., Aoyama, M., Oades J.M., Susanto, R.H., and C.D. Grant. 1994. Structural Amelioration of A South Australian Redbrown Earth Using Calcium and Organic Amendments. Aust. J. Soil Res., 32:571-594.
  • Barral, M.T., Arias, M., and J. Guerif. 1998. Effects of Iron and Organic Matter on The Porosity and Structural Stability of Soil Aggregates. Soil Tillage Res., 46: 261-272.
  • Batjes, N. H., and Sombroek, W. G. 1997. Possibilities for carbon sequestration in tropical and subtropical soils. Global Change Biology, 3:161-173.
  • Bayraklı, F. 1998. Toprak Kimyası. O.M.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı. Samsun No: 26, 1. Baskı. 214 s.
  • Bronick C.J., and R. Lal. 2005. Soil Structure and Management: A Review. Geoderma, 124:3-22.
  • Chan, K.Y. and D.P. Heenan. 1999. Lime-Induced Loss of Soil Organic Carbon and Effect on Aggregate Stability. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 63: 1841-1844.
  • Chapman, S. J. 1997. Carbon substrate mineralization and sulphur limitation." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (2): 115-122.
  • Chorom, M., Regasamy, P., and R.S. Murray. 1994. Clay Dispersion as Influenced By pH and Net Particle Charge of Sodic Soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 32: 1243-1252.
  • Cronin, S. J., Manoharan, V., Hedley, M. J., and P. Loganathan. 2000. Fluoride: a review of its fate, bioavailability, and risks of fluorosis in grazed-pasture systems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(3), 295-321.
  • European Environment Agency (EEA). 2010. Corine Land Cover, (CLC) 2006 Raster Data 100 x 100 m - Version 13 (02/2010).
  • Gerakis, A., Rasse, D. P., Kavdir, Y., Smucker, A. J., Katsalirou, I., and Ritchie, J. T. 2006. Simulation of leaching losses in the nitrogen cycle. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 37: 1973-1997.
  • Haktanır, K. ve S. Arcak. 1998. Çevre Kirliliği. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayın, No: 1503.
  • Haynes, R.J., and R. Naidu.1998. Influence of Lime, Fertilizer and Manure Applications on Soil Organic Matter Content and Soil Physical Conditions: A Review. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst., 51: 123-137.
  • Hinsinger, P. 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: a review. Plant and Soil, 237: 173-195.
  • İlay, R. 2016. Gökçeada Topraklarının Bazı Kalite Parametreleri ve Erozyon Riskinin Belirlenmesi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Çanakkale.
  • Jayawickreme D.H., Santoni, C.S., Kim, J.H, Jobbágy, E.G, and R.B. Jackson, 2011. Changes in hydrology and salinity accompanying a century of agricultural conversion in Argentina. Ecological Applications 21, 2367-2379.
  • Kavdır, Y., Camcı Çetin, S., Öztürkmen, A.R. ve H.S Öztürk. 2006. Organik Tarımda Toprak Kalitesinin Önemi, In: Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantajı Elde Etmede Organik Tarım Sektörü Sektörel Stratejiler ve Uygulamalar, Eds. I.H.Eraslan, F.Selli, Uluslararası Rekabet Arastırmaları Kurumu Derneği (Urak) Yayınlari No: 2006/1, İstanbul, Bölüm 9.
  • Marchesini, V. A., Gimenez, R., Nosetto, M. D., and E.G. Jobbagy. 2016. Ecohydrological transformation in the Dry Chaco and the risk of dryland salinity: Following Australia's footsteps?. Ecohydrology.
  • Oades, J.M., and A.G. Waters. 1991. Aggregate Hierarchy In Soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 29: 815– 828.
  • Phillips, I.R., Black, A.S., and K.C. Cameron. 1988. Effect of cation exchange on the distribution and movement of cations in soils with variable charge. I. Effect of lime on potassium and magnesium exchange equilibria. Fert. Res. 17:21-30.
  • Sumner, M.E. 1993. Sodic Soils-New Perspectives. Aust. J. Soil Res., 31: 683– 750.
  • Tisdall, J.M.,1996. Formation of Soil Aggregates and Accumulation of Soil Organic Matter. In: Carter, M.R., Stewart, B.A. Eds., Structure and Organic Matter Storage In Agricultural Soils. Crc Press, Boca Raton, Fl. 57–96.
  • TMGM. 2014. Türkiye Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • US Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 60. US Government Printing Office. Washington, DC.
  • White, P.J. and M.R. Broadley. 2001. Chloride in soils and its uptake and movement within the plant: a review. Annals of Botany. 88: 967–988.
  • Wolt, J.D. 1994. Soil solution chemistry: Applications to environmental science and agriculture. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
  • Wu, J., A.G. O'Donnell, and J.K. Syers. 1995. Influences of glucose, nitrogen and plant residues on the immobilization of sulphate-S in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 27 (11): 1363-1370.
  • Zhang, X.C., and L.D. Norton. 2002. Effect of Exchangeable Mg on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Disaggregation and Clay Dispersion of Disturbed Soils. J. Hydrol., 260: 194–

Effects of Different Land Use Types on the Water Soluble Ion Content in the Soil

Year 2017, , 367 - 375, 28.09.2017


Gökçeada is
one of the most important places of Aegean Region and Turkey in terms of
tourism and organic farming potential. According to the Corine land cover
classification (CLC), 17 land cover classes with different coverage areas are
defined in the island. In this study, 237 surface soil samples were taken from
9 different land cover classes with the largest coverage area, and the water
soluble major anion and cation contents of the soil samples were determined by
ion chromatography. Impacts of land cover classes on water-soluble chlorine,
ammonium and calcium contents in the soil were statistically significant (p<0.05).
On the other hand, effect of land cover classes on other water soluble ions
were not statistically significant  (p


  • Altınbaş, Ü., Çengel M., Uysal, H., Okur, B., Okur, N., Kurucu, Y., S. Delibacak. 2004. Toprak Bilimi. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 557, Bornova/İzmir. 355 s.
  • Amezketa, E. 1999. Soil Aggregate Stability: A Review. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14: 83-151.
  • Armstrong, A.S.B., and T.W. Tanton. 1992. Gypsum Applications to Aggregated Saline Sodic Clay Topsoils. J. Soil Sci., 43:249-260.
  • Baldock, J.A., Aoyama, M., Oades J.M., Susanto, R.H., and C.D. Grant. 1994. Structural Amelioration of A South Australian Redbrown Earth Using Calcium and Organic Amendments. Aust. J. Soil Res., 32:571-594.
  • Barral, M.T., Arias, M., and J. Guerif. 1998. Effects of Iron and Organic Matter on The Porosity and Structural Stability of Soil Aggregates. Soil Tillage Res., 46: 261-272.
  • Batjes, N. H., and Sombroek, W. G. 1997. Possibilities for carbon sequestration in tropical and subtropical soils. Global Change Biology, 3:161-173.
  • Bayraklı, F. 1998. Toprak Kimyası. O.M.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı. Samsun No: 26, 1. Baskı. 214 s.
  • Bronick C.J., and R. Lal. 2005. Soil Structure and Management: A Review. Geoderma, 124:3-22.
  • Chan, K.Y. and D.P. Heenan. 1999. Lime-Induced Loss of Soil Organic Carbon and Effect on Aggregate Stability. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 63: 1841-1844.
  • Chapman, S. J. 1997. Carbon substrate mineralization and sulphur limitation." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29 (2): 115-122.
  • Chorom, M., Regasamy, P., and R.S. Murray. 1994. Clay Dispersion as Influenced By pH and Net Particle Charge of Sodic Soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 32: 1243-1252.
  • Cronin, S. J., Manoharan, V., Hedley, M. J., and P. Loganathan. 2000. Fluoride: a review of its fate, bioavailability, and risks of fluorosis in grazed-pasture systems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(3), 295-321.
  • European Environment Agency (EEA). 2010. Corine Land Cover, (CLC) 2006 Raster Data 100 x 100 m - Version 13 (02/2010).
  • Gerakis, A., Rasse, D. P., Kavdir, Y., Smucker, A. J., Katsalirou, I., and Ritchie, J. T. 2006. Simulation of leaching losses in the nitrogen cycle. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 37: 1973-1997.
  • Haktanır, K. ve S. Arcak. 1998. Çevre Kirliliği. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayın, No: 1503.
  • Haynes, R.J., and R. Naidu.1998. Influence of Lime, Fertilizer and Manure Applications on Soil Organic Matter Content and Soil Physical Conditions: A Review. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst., 51: 123-137.
  • Hinsinger, P. 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: a review. Plant and Soil, 237: 173-195.
  • İlay, R. 2016. Gökçeada Topraklarının Bazı Kalite Parametreleri ve Erozyon Riskinin Belirlenmesi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Çanakkale.
  • Jayawickreme D.H., Santoni, C.S., Kim, J.H, Jobbágy, E.G, and R.B. Jackson, 2011. Changes in hydrology and salinity accompanying a century of agricultural conversion in Argentina. Ecological Applications 21, 2367-2379.
  • Kavdır, Y., Camcı Çetin, S., Öztürkmen, A.R. ve H.S Öztürk. 2006. Organik Tarımda Toprak Kalitesinin Önemi, In: Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantajı Elde Etmede Organik Tarım Sektörü Sektörel Stratejiler ve Uygulamalar, Eds. I.H.Eraslan, F.Selli, Uluslararası Rekabet Arastırmaları Kurumu Derneği (Urak) Yayınlari No: 2006/1, İstanbul, Bölüm 9.
  • Marchesini, V. A., Gimenez, R., Nosetto, M. D., and E.G. Jobbagy. 2016. Ecohydrological transformation in the Dry Chaco and the risk of dryland salinity: Following Australia's footsteps?. Ecohydrology.
  • Oades, J.M., and A.G. Waters. 1991. Aggregate Hierarchy In Soils. Aust. J. Soil Res., 29: 815– 828.
  • Phillips, I.R., Black, A.S., and K.C. Cameron. 1988. Effect of cation exchange on the distribution and movement of cations in soils with variable charge. I. Effect of lime on potassium and magnesium exchange equilibria. Fert. Res. 17:21-30.
  • Sumner, M.E. 1993. Sodic Soils-New Perspectives. Aust. J. Soil Res., 31: 683– 750.
  • Tisdall, J.M.,1996. Formation of Soil Aggregates and Accumulation of Soil Organic Matter. In: Carter, M.R., Stewart, B.A. Eds., Structure and Organic Matter Storage In Agricultural Soils. Crc Press, Boca Raton, Fl. 57–96.
  • TMGM. 2014. Türkiye Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • US Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. USDA Agricultural Handbook No. 60. US Government Printing Office. Washington, DC.
  • White, P.J. and M.R. Broadley. 2001. Chloride in soils and its uptake and movement within the plant: a review. Annals of Botany. 88: 967–988.
  • Wolt, J.D. 1994. Soil solution chemistry: Applications to environmental science and agriculture. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
  • Wu, J., A.G. O'Donnell, and J.K. Syers. 1995. Influences of glucose, nitrogen and plant residues on the immobilization of sulphate-S in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 27 (11): 1363-1370.
  • Zhang, X.C., and L.D. Norton. 2002. Effect of Exchangeable Mg on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Disaggregation and Clay Dispersion of Disturbed Soils. J. Hydrol., 260: 194–
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Remzi İlay

Yasemin Kavdır This is me

Publication Date September 28, 2017
Submission Date February 21, 2017
Acceptance Date April 11, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA İlay, R., & Kavdır, Y. (2017). Farklı Arazi Kullanım Türlerinin Topraktaki Suda Çözünebilir İyon Kapsamına Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(3), 367-375.

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