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Türkiye’deki Geleneksel Peynirlerin Kolesterol Düzeyleri ve Bazı Beslenme Parametreleri

Year 2016, , 161 - 168, 22.06.2016



Ülkemizde beslenme alışkanlıkları dikkate alındığında
peynir önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Türkiye’de 200’e yakın yöresel peynirler
üretilmekte olup bazıları özellikle market ve büyük şehirlerde yaygın olarak
satılmaktadır. Araştırmamızda 24 farklı
bölgeden, 29 çeşit toplam 50 adet peynir örneğinde pH, laktik asit, kurumadde,
yağ, kurumaddede yağ, tuz, kurumaddede tuz, serbest yağ asitleri, toplam
protein,suda çözünen azot, olgunlaşma indeksi, kolesterol ve enerji değerleri
belirlenip değerlendirilmiştir. En yüksek yağ oranı Gravyer peynirinde
(380 g/kg) belirlenirken, en yüksek kolesterol miktarı Dil peynirinde (163.46
mg/ 100g), en düşük kolesterol miktarı ise Göçmen (18.95 mg/100g) peynirinde


  • Aday, S. And Y. Karagul Yuceer.2014. Physicochemical and sensory properties of Mihalic Cheese, International Journal of Food Properties. 17 (10): 2207-2227
  • Alais C. 1984. La technologie des fromages au Lait de dromadaire. In: Bachman MR, Schulthes W, Editors. Science du lait. 4th ed. Paris: Sepaic. pp 1-814.
  • Andrikopoulos, N.K., N. Kalogeropoulos, A. Zerva, U. Zerva, M. Hassapidou and V.M. Kapoulas. 2003. Evaluation of cholesterol and other nutrient parameters of Greek cheese varieties. Journal of Food Composition Analysis. 16(2): 155–167.
  • AOAC 2000. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 17 th Ed. Gsichersburg.
  • Atasoy A.F. and H. Türkoğlu. 2008. Changes of composition and free fatty acid contents of Urfa cheeses (a white-brined Turkish cheese) during ripening: Effect of heat treatments and starter cultures. Food Chemistry, 110(3): 98-604.
  • Coşkun H. 1998. Microbiological and biochemical changes in herby cheese during ripening. Nahrung, 42(5): 309-313.
  • Dağdemir E., S. Çelik and S. Özdemir. 2003. The effects of some starter cultures on the properties of Turkish White cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 56(4): 215-218.
  • Dinkçi N, H. Kesenkaş, A.K. Seçkin, Ö. Kınık and S. Gönç. 2011. Influence of a vegetable fat blend on the texture, microstructure and sensory properties of kashar cheese. Grasas Y Aceites, 62(3): 275 - 283
  • Dönmez M., A.K. Seçkin, O. Sağıç and B. Şimşek. 2005. Chemical characteristics, fatty acid compositions, conjugated linoleic acid contents and cholesterol levels of some traditional Turkish cheeses. International Journal of Food Science Nutrition. 56(3): 157-163.
  • Ercan D., F. Korel and H. Özşahin. 2014. Microbiological quality of artisanal Sepet cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67(3): 384-393.
  • Fletouris D.J., N.A. Botsoglou, I.E. Psomas and A.I. Mantis. 1998. Rapid determination of cholesterol in milk and milk products by direct saponification and capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Dairy Science. 81(11): 2833–2840.
  • Gürsoy A. 2009. Effect of using attenuated lactic starter cultures on lipolysis and proteolysis in low fat Kasar cheese. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15 (3): 285-292.
  • Hamill, T.W. and H.A. Soliman. 1994. Determination of cholesterol by p-nitrobenzoate. Derivatization and liquid chromatography. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 77(5): 1190–1196.
  • Hayaloglu, A.A., M. Güven and P.F. Fox. 2002. Microbiological, biochemical and technological properties of Turkish white cheese ‘Beyaz peynir’. International Dairy Journal. 12(8): 635-648.
  • Kamber, U. 2007 The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: The Aegean Region, Food Reviews International, 24 (1): 39-61
  • Kamber, U. 2008. The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: Cheeses Common to All Regions. Food Review International. 24 (1): 1-38.
  • Karagül-Yüceer, Y., M. İşleten and C. Uysal-Pala. 2007. Sensory characteristics of Ezine Cheese. Journal of Sens. Studies. 22(1): 49-65.
  • Kesenkaş, H., N. Dinkçi and Ö. Kınık. 2012. Farklı İşletmelerde Üretilen Köy Peynirlerinin Özellikleri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 49(2): 167-173.
  • Kılıç, S., S. Gönç, H.R. Uysal and C. Karagözlü C. 1998. Geleneksel Yöntemle ve Kültür Kullanarak Yapılan İzmir Tulum Peynirinin Olgunlaşma Sürecinde Meydana Gelen Değişikliklerin Kıyaslanması. V. Süt ve Ürünleri Sempozyumu. Geleneksel Süt Ürünleri. 21 - 22 Mayıs 1998, MPV Yayınları No: 621,43 - 64. Tekirdag.
  • Kınık, O., O. Gürsoy and A.K. Seçkin, 2005. Cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of most consumed Turkish hard and soft cheese. Czech J. Food Sci., 23: 166-172.
  • Koca, N. and M. Metin. 2004. Textural, melting and sensory properties of low-fat fresh kashar cheeses produced by using fat replacers. International Dairy Journal. 14(4): 365-373.
  • Koçak, C., G. Aydınoğlu and K. Uslu. 1997. Ankara Piyasasında Satılan Dil Peynirlerinin Proteoliz Düzeyi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Gıda. 22(4): 251-255.
  • Mahann L.K. and S. Escott-Stump. 1996. Krause’s food nutrition and diet theraphy (9th Ed.), 55 pp., Philedelphia, PA, WB Saunders Co.USA
  • Özer B., A.F. Atasoy and S. Akın. 2002. Some properties of urfa cheese (a traditional White brined Turkish cheese) produced from bovine and ovine milks. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 55(2): 94–99.
  • Park Y.W. 1999. Cholesterol contents of US and imported goat milk cheeses as quantified by different calorimetric methods. Small Ruminant Research. 32(1): 77–82
  • Renner E. 1993. Milchpraktikum Skriptum zu den Übüngen. Jestus Liebig Universitat, Giesen, 76pp. Germany
  • Şengül M., M. Gürses, M. Dervişoğlu and F. Yazıcı. 2006. A Survey on the Some Chemical and Biochemical Properties of Civil Cheese, a Traditional Turkish Cheese. International Journal of Food Properties. 9(4): 791-801.
  • Tarakçı Z and H. Temiz. 2009. A Review of The Chemical, Biochemical and Antimicrobial Aspect of Turkish Otlu (herby) Cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 62(3): 354-360.
  • Tarakçı Z., H. Coşkun and Y. Tunçtürk. 2004. Some properties of fresh and ripened herby cheese, a traditional variety produced in Turkey. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 42(1): 47-50.
  • Topuk Ş and Ç Sezer. 2015. Some quality characteristics of Kars Gravyer cheese. Gıda 40 (2): 69-75.
  • Ulberth F and H. Reich. 1992. Gas chromatographic determination of cholesterol in processed foods. Food Chemistry. 43(5): 387–391.
  • Watt K.B. and L.A. Merril. 1963. Composition of Foods Agriculture Handbook, No:8; Consumer and Food Economics Research Division Agricultural research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.USA
  • Yalçın, S., M. Ardıç and M. Nizamlıoğlu, M. 2007. Urfa Peynirinin Bazı Kalite Nitelikleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet. Bil. Derg. 2(3): 90-95.
  • Yılmaz G., A. Ayar and N. Akın. 2005. The effect of microbial lipase on the lipolysis during the ripening of Tulum cheese. Journal of Food Engineering. 69(3): 269-274.

Cholesterol Levels and Some Nutritional Parameters of Traditional Cheeses in Turkey

Year 2016, , 161 - 168, 22.06.2016


Cheese   has an important place in
terms of nutrition habits in our country. In Turkey, about 200 types of local
cheeses are manufactured and some of them are sold widespread especially in
supermarkets and big cities. In our study, some chemical properties of 29 types
of totally 50 cheeses were determined which were collected from 24 different
regions. In this respect; pH, total acidity, dry matter, fat, fat in dry
matter, salt, salt in dry matter, free fatty acids, total protein, water
soluble nitrogen, ripening index, cholesterol and energy values of cheese
samples were evaluated. The highest fat content was found in Gravyer cheese (380g/kg).
Relative to the mean cholesterol values, the highest cholesterol concentration
(163.46 mg/100g) was found in Dil cheese whereas Göçmen cheese had the lowest
(18.95 mg/100g) cholesterol content.


  • Aday, S. And Y. Karagul Yuceer.2014. Physicochemical and sensory properties of Mihalic Cheese, International Journal of Food Properties. 17 (10): 2207-2227
  • Alais C. 1984. La technologie des fromages au Lait de dromadaire. In: Bachman MR, Schulthes W, Editors. Science du lait. 4th ed. Paris: Sepaic. pp 1-814.
  • Andrikopoulos, N.K., N. Kalogeropoulos, A. Zerva, U. Zerva, M. Hassapidou and V.M. Kapoulas. 2003. Evaluation of cholesterol and other nutrient parameters of Greek cheese varieties. Journal of Food Composition Analysis. 16(2): 155–167.
  • AOAC 2000. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 17 th Ed. Gsichersburg.
  • Atasoy A.F. and H. Türkoğlu. 2008. Changes of composition and free fatty acid contents of Urfa cheeses (a white-brined Turkish cheese) during ripening: Effect of heat treatments and starter cultures. Food Chemistry, 110(3): 98-604.
  • Coşkun H. 1998. Microbiological and biochemical changes in herby cheese during ripening. Nahrung, 42(5): 309-313.
  • Dağdemir E., S. Çelik and S. Özdemir. 2003. The effects of some starter cultures on the properties of Turkish White cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 56(4): 215-218.
  • Dinkçi N, H. Kesenkaş, A.K. Seçkin, Ö. Kınık and S. Gönç. 2011. Influence of a vegetable fat blend on the texture, microstructure and sensory properties of kashar cheese. Grasas Y Aceites, 62(3): 275 - 283
  • Dönmez M., A.K. Seçkin, O. Sağıç and B. Şimşek. 2005. Chemical characteristics, fatty acid compositions, conjugated linoleic acid contents and cholesterol levels of some traditional Turkish cheeses. International Journal of Food Science Nutrition. 56(3): 157-163.
  • Ercan D., F. Korel and H. Özşahin. 2014. Microbiological quality of artisanal Sepet cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67(3): 384-393.
  • Fletouris D.J., N.A. Botsoglou, I.E. Psomas and A.I. Mantis. 1998. Rapid determination of cholesterol in milk and milk products by direct saponification and capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Dairy Science. 81(11): 2833–2840.
  • Gürsoy A. 2009. Effect of using attenuated lactic starter cultures on lipolysis and proteolysis in low fat Kasar cheese. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15 (3): 285-292.
  • Hamill, T.W. and H.A. Soliman. 1994. Determination of cholesterol by p-nitrobenzoate. Derivatization and liquid chromatography. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 77(5): 1190–1196.
  • Hayaloglu, A.A., M. Güven and P.F. Fox. 2002. Microbiological, biochemical and technological properties of Turkish white cheese ‘Beyaz peynir’. International Dairy Journal. 12(8): 635-648.
  • Kamber, U. 2007 The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: The Aegean Region, Food Reviews International, 24 (1): 39-61
  • Kamber, U. 2008. The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: Cheeses Common to All Regions. Food Review International. 24 (1): 1-38.
  • Karagül-Yüceer, Y., M. İşleten and C. Uysal-Pala. 2007. Sensory characteristics of Ezine Cheese. Journal of Sens. Studies. 22(1): 49-65.
  • Kesenkaş, H., N. Dinkçi and Ö. Kınık. 2012. Farklı İşletmelerde Üretilen Köy Peynirlerinin Özellikleri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. 49(2): 167-173.
  • Kılıç, S., S. Gönç, H.R. Uysal and C. Karagözlü C. 1998. Geleneksel Yöntemle ve Kültür Kullanarak Yapılan İzmir Tulum Peynirinin Olgunlaşma Sürecinde Meydana Gelen Değişikliklerin Kıyaslanması. V. Süt ve Ürünleri Sempozyumu. Geleneksel Süt Ürünleri. 21 - 22 Mayıs 1998, MPV Yayınları No: 621,43 - 64. Tekirdag.
  • Kınık, O., O. Gürsoy and A.K. Seçkin, 2005. Cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of most consumed Turkish hard and soft cheese. Czech J. Food Sci., 23: 166-172.
  • Koca, N. and M. Metin. 2004. Textural, melting and sensory properties of low-fat fresh kashar cheeses produced by using fat replacers. International Dairy Journal. 14(4): 365-373.
  • Koçak, C., G. Aydınoğlu and K. Uslu. 1997. Ankara Piyasasında Satılan Dil Peynirlerinin Proteoliz Düzeyi Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Gıda. 22(4): 251-255.
  • Mahann L.K. and S. Escott-Stump. 1996. Krause’s food nutrition and diet theraphy (9th Ed.), 55 pp., Philedelphia, PA, WB Saunders Co.USA
  • Özer B., A.F. Atasoy and S. Akın. 2002. Some properties of urfa cheese (a traditional White brined Turkish cheese) produced from bovine and ovine milks. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 55(2): 94–99.
  • Park Y.W. 1999. Cholesterol contents of US and imported goat milk cheeses as quantified by different calorimetric methods. Small Ruminant Research. 32(1): 77–82
  • Renner E. 1993. Milchpraktikum Skriptum zu den Übüngen. Jestus Liebig Universitat, Giesen, 76pp. Germany
  • Şengül M., M. Gürses, M. Dervişoğlu and F. Yazıcı. 2006. A Survey on the Some Chemical and Biochemical Properties of Civil Cheese, a Traditional Turkish Cheese. International Journal of Food Properties. 9(4): 791-801.
  • Tarakçı Z and H. Temiz. 2009. A Review of The Chemical, Biochemical and Antimicrobial Aspect of Turkish Otlu (herby) Cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 62(3): 354-360.
  • Tarakçı Z., H. Coşkun and Y. Tunçtürk. 2004. Some properties of fresh and ripened herby cheese, a traditional variety produced in Turkey. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 42(1): 47-50.
  • Topuk Ş and Ç Sezer. 2015. Some quality characteristics of Kars Gravyer cheese. Gıda 40 (2): 69-75.
  • Ulberth F and H. Reich. 1992. Gas chromatographic determination of cholesterol in processed foods. Food Chemistry. 43(5): 387–391.
  • Watt K.B. and L.A. Merril. 1963. Composition of Foods Agriculture Handbook, No:8; Consumer and Food Economics Research Division Agricultural research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.USA
  • Yalçın, S., M. Ardıç and M. Nizamlıoğlu, M. 2007. Urfa Peynirinin Bazı Kalite Nitelikleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet. Bil. Derg. 2(3): 90-95.
  • Yılmaz G., A. Ayar and N. Akın. 2005. The effect of microbial lipase on the lipolysis during the ripening of Tulum cheese. Journal of Food Engineering. 69(3): 269-274.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Cem Karagözlü This is me

Oktay Yerlikaya This is me

Aslı Akpınar This is me

Gülfem Ünal This is me

Bülent Ergönül This is me

Gülşah Ender This is me

Harun R. Uysal This is me

Publication Date June 22, 2016
Submission Date January 13, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Karagözlü, C., Yerlikaya, O., Akpınar, A., Ünal, G., et al. (2016). Cholesterol Levels and Some Nutritional Parameters of Traditional Cheeses in Turkey. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 53(2), 161-168.

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