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The Effects of Combined Pre - Crops - Paste Pepper (Capsicum annum L. cv. Capya) Production on Yield Fruit and Soil Properties Under Long-Term Organic Conditions

Year 2014, , 289 - 296, 01.09.2014


his study was conducted in organic certified farm at Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Menemen Farm between 2001 and 2010. Main crops was T


  • Aksoy, U., Y. Tüzel, A. Altındişli, H.Z. Can, E. Onoğur, D. Anaç, B. Okur, M. Çiçekli, Y. Şayan ve F. Kırkpınar, 2005. Organik (Ekolojik, Biyolojik) Tarım Uygulamaları. Türkiye Ziraat Müh. VI. Teknik Kong., s: 291-314. Ankara.
  • Altieri, M. A. 1995. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture, Intermediate Technology Publications, London.
  • Amor F. M., 2006. Yield and fruit quality response of sweet pepper to organic and mineral fertilization, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22 (3); p; 233-238.
  • Anonim, 2010. Organik Tarımın Esasları ve Uygulamasına İlişkin Yönetmelik, 18.08.2010, sayı: 27676.
  • Aslan, H. B., 2011. Effect of Vetch -Wheat Mixture and Broccoli as Pre-crops on Organic Summer Vegetables: on-Farm Trial in Western Turkey. IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean Organic Agriculture, p: 47, No: 639.
  • Atalay, İ. Z., Kılınç, R., Anaç, D., Yokaş, İ., 1986. Gediz Havzası Rendzina Topraklarının Potasyum Durumu ve bu Topraklarda Alınabilir Potasyum Miktarlarının Tayininde Kullanılacak Yöntemler. Bilgehan Matbaası, İzmir, s:25.
  • Bilen E.,2008. Evaluation of Pre-Crops and Fertilization on Organic Zucchini Under Mediterranean Conditions: Case of Turkey, IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean organic agriculture, 531.
  • Bingham, F.T., 1962. Chemical soil tests for available phosphorus. Soil Sci. 94: pp.87-95.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. “Total nitrogen”, in Black, C.A. (Editor) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2, American Society of Agronomy Inc., Publisher, Madison, Wisconsin-USA. pp: 1149- 1178.
  • Ceylan, Ş., Yoldaş, F., Elmacı, Ö.L., Budak B., 2011. Organik Kabak Yetiştiriciliğinde Yeşil Gübre Kullanımı, E.Ü. 09-ÖMYO-003 nolu proje sonuç raporu,
  • David P, Hepperly P, David JH, Douds D and Seidel R., 2005. Environmental, energetic, and economic comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems, Bioscience 55 (7) :573-582.
  • Delate K, Friedrich H, Lawson V., 2003. Organic pepper production systems using compost and cover crops, Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, vol: 21, p: 131-150.
  • Denison RF, Dennis CB, Kearney TE. 2004. Crop yields over the first nine years of LTRAS, A long-term comparison of field crop systems in a Mediterranean climate, Field Crops Research,86 (2004),p:267–277.
  • Duman İ, Altındişli A, Aksoy U., 2010. The Effects of long-term growing of organically grown processing tomatoes (Lycopersicon lycopersicum L. cv. Rio Grande) on fruit yield and paste output, Turkey IV. Organic Agriculture Symposium, 28 June- 1 July 2010, s: 189-194, Erzurum.
  • Frick, B. and Johnson E., 2002. Crop Rotation for Organic System. Report Prepared For Orgabic Centre Of Canada.
  • Goskell M, Smith R., 2007. Nitrogen sources for organic vegetable crops, HortTechnology, October-December, 17 (4), p: 431-441.
  • Hampton MO, Stansly P., 2005. Effects of long term organic amendments and soil solarization on pepper and watermelon growth yield and soil fertility, HortScience 40(1); p: 80-84.
  • Irshad, M., Onoğur, E., Evaluation of broccoli plant material incorporation into soil for the control of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary in tomato under greenhouse conditions, Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 30, 47-56, (2001).
  • Jackson, M.L., 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. New Delhi.
  • Johnstone, P. R., Hartz, T. K, Miyao, E. M., Davis, R. M., 2005. Biofumigation and soil conditioning effects of cover crops in processing tomato. HortScience 40, 993-1147.
  • Lampkin, N., 1990. Organic Farming. Box.537. Alexandria 64, NewYork, 13607, USA
  • Lindsay, W.L., and Norvell, W.A., 1978. Development of DTPA soil test for zinc, ıron, manganese and copper, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: pp. 421-428.
  • Martinia EA, Buyerb JS, Bryanta DC, Hartzc TK, Denisona RF., 2004. Yield increases during the organic transition: Improving soil quality or increasing experience, Field Crops Research, 86 (2004), p: 255–266.
  • Nazik C. A., 2007. Effect Of Rotation And Fertilization on Tomato in the Mediterranean Organic Farming System: Case Of Turkey, IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean organic agr., 489.
  • Olesen JE, Askegaard M, Rasmussen IA., 2000. Design of an organic farming crop-rotation experiment, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Soil & Plant Science, Vol. 50, (1), p: 13-21.
  • Olivier, C.,Vaughn, S.F.,Mizubuti, E.G. and Loria, R., 1999. Variation in allyl isothiocyanate production within Brassica species and correlation with fungicidal activity, J. Chem. Ecol. 25, 2687–2701, (1999).
  • Osma E, Serin M, Leblebici Z, Aksoy A., 2012. Heavy metals accumulation in some vegetables and soils in İstanbul, Ekoloji, 21, 82, p; 1-8 (2012).
  • Öner B., 2002. Organik Yetiştiricilikte Dolmalık Biberin Kimyasal İçerik, Ürün ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak ve Bitki Besleme Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Özsoy, N. 2010. Evaluation of Pre-crops and Fertilization on Organic Eggplant Under Mediterranean Conditions: Case of Turkey. Master Thesis, MAIB, Mediterranian Agronomic Institute, Bari.
  • Poudel DD, Horwath WR, Lanini WT, Temple SR, Van Bruggen AHC., 2002. Comparison of soil N availability and leaching potential, crop yields and weeds in organic, low-input and conventional farming systems in northern California, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 90 (2002), p: 125– 137.
  • Reuterberg, E., und Kremkus, F., 1951. Bestimmung von Gesamthumus und Alkalischen Humusstoffen im Boden, Z. Pflanzenernaehr. Düng. und Bodenkd. Verlag Chemie GmbH. Weinheim.
  • Sean CM, Horwath WR, Shennan C, Scow KM, Lantni, WT, Ferris H., 1999. Nitrogen, weeds and water as yield-limiting factors in cconventional, low-input, and organic tomato systems, Ecosystems and Environmental, 73, p: 257–270.
  • Smolinska, U. and Horbowicz, M., 1999. Fungicidal activity of volatiles from selected cruciferous plants against resting propagules of soil-borne fungal pathogens, Journal of Phytopathology 147, 119–124.
  • Taşkaya B., 2004. Tarım ve Çevre, Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, BAKIŞ, Sayı:5,No:8, Nisan 2004.
  • Thybo A.K, Edelenbos M, Christensen LP, Sorensen JN. and Thorup-Kristensen K., 2006. Effect of organic growing systems on sensory quality and chemical composition of tomatoes. LWT – Food Science and Technology 39, 8, 835-843.
  • Ünal M., 2009. Evaluation of Pre-crops and Fertilizations on Organic Pepper Production Under IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean organic agriculture, 575.
  • Ünlü, M., 2012. Uzun Yıllık Ekim Nöbetinde Organik Kavun (Cucumis melo. cv. Kırkağaç-637) Performansının Değerlendirilmesi” Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, s: 55.
  • Ünlü H. and H. Padem, 2009. Effects of farm manure microbial fertilizer and plant activator uses on yield and quality properties in organic tomato growing, Ekoloji, 19, 73, p;1-9, (2009).
  • Vural H., D. Eşiyok ve İ. Duman, 2000. Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme), E.Ü. Basımevi, ISBN: 975-97190-0-2, Bornova- İzmir, 440 s.

Organik Koşullarda Uzun Süreli Önbitki - Salçalık Biber (Capsicum annum L. cv. Kapya) Kombinasyonu Şeklinde Yapılan Yetiştiriciliğin Verim Meyve ve Toprak Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2014, , 289 - 296, 01.09.2014


alışma 2001-2010 yıllarında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Menemen Araştırma Uygulama ve Üretim Çiftliğinin “organik” sertifikalı alanında yürütülmüştür. Ana bitki olarak Yalova Yağlık 28 kapya biber çeşidi, ön bitki


  • Aksoy, U., Y. Tüzel, A. Altındişli, H.Z. Can, E. Onoğur, D. Anaç, B. Okur, M. Çiçekli, Y. Şayan ve F. Kırkpınar, 2005. Organik (Ekolojik, Biyolojik) Tarım Uygulamaları. Türkiye Ziraat Müh. VI. Teknik Kong., s: 291-314. Ankara.
  • Altieri, M. A. 1995. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture, Intermediate Technology Publications, London.
  • Amor F. M., 2006. Yield and fruit quality response of sweet pepper to organic and mineral fertilization, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22 (3); p; 233-238.
  • Anonim, 2010. Organik Tarımın Esasları ve Uygulamasına İlişkin Yönetmelik, 18.08.2010, sayı: 27676.
  • Aslan, H. B., 2011. Effect of Vetch -Wheat Mixture and Broccoli as Pre-crops on Organic Summer Vegetables: on-Farm Trial in Western Turkey. IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean Organic Agriculture, p: 47, No: 639.
  • Atalay, İ. Z., Kılınç, R., Anaç, D., Yokaş, İ., 1986. Gediz Havzası Rendzina Topraklarının Potasyum Durumu ve bu Topraklarda Alınabilir Potasyum Miktarlarının Tayininde Kullanılacak Yöntemler. Bilgehan Matbaası, İzmir, s:25.
  • Bilen E.,2008. Evaluation of Pre-Crops and Fertilization on Organic Zucchini Under Mediterranean Conditions: Case of Turkey, IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean organic agriculture, 531.
  • Bingham, F.T., 1962. Chemical soil tests for available phosphorus. Soil Sci. 94: pp.87-95.
  • Bremner, J.M., 1965. “Total nitrogen”, in Black, C.A. (Editor) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2, American Society of Agronomy Inc., Publisher, Madison, Wisconsin-USA. pp: 1149- 1178.
  • Ceylan, Ş., Yoldaş, F., Elmacı, Ö.L., Budak B., 2011. Organik Kabak Yetiştiriciliğinde Yeşil Gübre Kullanımı, E.Ü. 09-ÖMYO-003 nolu proje sonuç raporu,
  • David P, Hepperly P, David JH, Douds D and Seidel R., 2005. Environmental, energetic, and economic comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems, Bioscience 55 (7) :573-582.
  • Delate K, Friedrich H, Lawson V., 2003. Organic pepper production systems using compost and cover crops, Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, vol: 21, p: 131-150.
  • Denison RF, Dennis CB, Kearney TE. 2004. Crop yields over the first nine years of LTRAS, A long-term comparison of field crop systems in a Mediterranean climate, Field Crops Research,86 (2004),p:267–277.
  • Duman İ, Altındişli A, Aksoy U., 2010. The Effects of long-term growing of organically grown processing tomatoes (Lycopersicon lycopersicum L. cv. Rio Grande) on fruit yield and paste output, Turkey IV. Organic Agriculture Symposium, 28 June- 1 July 2010, s: 189-194, Erzurum.
  • Frick, B. and Johnson E., 2002. Crop Rotation for Organic System. Report Prepared For Orgabic Centre Of Canada.
  • Goskell M, Smith R., 2007. Nitrogen sources for organic vegetable crops, HortTechnology, October-December, 17 (4), p: 431-441.
  • Hampton MO, Stansly P., 2005. Effects of long term organic amendments and soil solarization on pepper and watermelon growth yield and soil fertility, HortScience 40(1); p: 80-84.
  • Irshad, M., Onoğur, E., Evaluation of broccoli plant material incorporation into soil for the control of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary in tomato under greenhouse conditions, Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 30, 47-56, (2001).
  • Jackson, M.L., 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. New Delhi.
  • Johnstone, P. R., Hartz, T. K, Miyao, E. M., Davis, R. M., 2005. Biofumigation and soil conditioning effects of cover crops in processing tomato. HortScience 40, 993-1147.
  • Lampkin, N., 1990. Organic Farming. Box.537. Alexandria 64, NewYork, 13607, USA
  • Lindsay, W.L., and Norvell, W.A., 1978. Development of DTPA soil test for zinc, ıron, manganese and copper, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 42: pp. 421-428.
  • Martinia EA, Buyerb JS, Bryanta DC, Hartzc TK, Denisona RF., 2004. Yield increases during the organic transition: Improving soil quality or increasing experience, Field Crops Research, 86 (2004), p: 255–266.
  • Nazik C. A., 2007. Effect Of Rotation And Fertilization on Tomato in the Mediterranean Organic Farming System: Case Of Turkey, IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean organic agr., 489.
  • Olesen JE, Askegaard M, Rasmussen IA., 2000. Design of an organic farming crop-rotation experiment, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Soil & Plant Science, Vol. 50, (1), p: 13-21.
  • Olivier, C.,Vaughn, S.F.,Mizubuti, E.G. and Loria, R., 1999. Variation in allyl isothiocyanate production within Brassica species and correlation with fungicidal activity, J. Chem. Ecol. 25, 2687–2701, (1999).
  • Osma E, Serin M, Leblebici Z, Aksoy A., 2012. Heavy metals accumulation in some vegetables and soils in İstanbul, Ekoloji, 21, 82, p; 1-8 (2012).
  • Öner B., 2002. Organik Yetiştiricilikte Dolmalık Biberin Kimyasal İçerik, Ürün ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak ve Bitki Besleme Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Özsoy, N. 2010. Evaluation of Pre-crops and Fertilization on Organic Eggplant Under Mediterranean Conditions: Case of Turkey. Master Thesis, MAIB, Mediterranian Agronomic Institute, Bari.
  • Poudel DD, Horwath WR, Lanini WT, Temple SR, Van Bruggen AHC., 2002. Comparison of soil N availability and leaching potential, crop yields and weeds in organic, low-input and conventional farming systems in northern California, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 90 (2002), p: 125– 137.
  • Reuterberg, E., und Kremkus, F., 1951. Bestimmung von Gesamthumus und Alkalischen Humusstoffen im Boden, Z. Pflanzenernaehr. Düng. und Bodenkd. Verlag Chemie GmbH. Weinheim.
  • Sean CM, Horwath WR, Shennan C, Scow KM, Lantni, WT, Ferris H., 1999. Nitrogen, weeds and water as yield-limiting factors in cconventional, low-input, and organic tomato systems, Ecosystems and Environmental, 73, p: 257–270.
  • Smolinska, U. and Horbowicz, M., 1999. Fungicidal activity of volatiles from selected cruciferous plants against resting propagules of soil-borne fungal pathogens, Journal of Phytopathology 147, 119–124.
  • Taşkaya B., 2004. Tarım ve Çevre, Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, BAKIŞ, Sayı:5,No:8, Nisan 2004.
  • Thybo A.K, Edelenbos M, Christensen LP, Sorensen JN. and Thorup-Kristensen K., 2006. Effect of organic growing systems on sensory quality and chemical composition of tomatoes. LWT – Food Science and Technology 39, 8, 835-843.
  • Ünal M., 2009. Evaluation of Pre-crops and Fertilizations on Organic Pepper Production Under IAMB, Valenzano. Master thesis: Mediterranean organic agriculture, 575.
  • Ünlü, M., 2012. Uzun Yıllık Ekim Nöbetinde Organik Kavun (Cucumis melo. cv. Kırkağaç-637) Performansının Değerlendirilmesi” Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, s: 55.
  • Ünlü H. and H. Padem, 2009. Effects of farm manure microbial fertilizer and plant activator uses on yield and quality properties in organic tomato growing, Ekoloji, 19, 73, p;1-9, (2009).
  • Vural H., D. Eşiyok ve İ. Duman, 2000. Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme), E.Ü. Basımevi, ISBN: 975-97190-0-2, Bornova- İzmir, 440 s.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Duman This is me

Ömer Lütfü Elmacı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2014
Submission Date November 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Duman, İ., & Elmacı, Ö. L. (2014). Organik Koşullarda Uzun Süreli Önbitki - Salçalık Biber (Capsicum annum L. cv. Kapya) Kombinasyonu Şeklinde Yapılan Yetiştiriciliğin Verim Meyve ve Toprak Özelliklerine Etkisi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 51(3), 289-296.

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