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Farklı kalsiyum oksit konsantrasyonlarında daldırma uygulamasının depolama süresince pink lady elma çeşidinde aroma profiline etkisi

Year 2021, , 305 - 313, 05.09.2021


Amaç: Çanakkale’de yürütülen çalışmada, 6 yaşında, M9 anacı üzerine aşılanmış Cripps Pink (Pink Lady) çeşidi meyveler kullanılmıştır.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Üretici meyve bahçesinden hassas bir şekilde hasat edilen meyveler, %2 ve %4 dozlarında kalsiyum oksit solüsyonuna, 3 dakika süresince daldırılmıştır. Kontrol meyveleri, aynı süre, saf suya daldırılmıştır. Meyveler, 0°C ve %90 oransal nemde 6 ay depolanmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, kalsiyum oksit uygulamalarının Pink Lady elma çeşidi meyvelerinin depolama süresince, aroma bileşenleri üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Aroma bileşenleri, GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) ile sıvı-sıvı ekstraksiyon metoduna göre yapılmıştır. Analizler, depolamanın başlangıç, 2. ay, 4. ay ve 6. ayında yapılmıştır.
Araştırma Bulguları: Taze meyvelerde başlangıçta toplam 15 aroma bileşeni görülürken, 6. ayın sonunda çok daha yüksek bileşen elde edilmiştir. Kontrol meyveleri 24 bileşen, %2 CaO uygulanan meyveler 25, ve %4 CaO uygulaması 27 aroma bileşeni göstermiştir. Depolamanın başlangıcında hekzil asetat (%4.56), bütil asetat (%3.83) ve heksanoik asit heksil ester (%1.68) gibi tipik meyve aromalarını vermiştir. Meyvelerin yaşlanmasıyla, ester üretimi de azalış göstermektedir. Propanoik asit 2-metil-2- propenil asetat (başlangıçta %0.548) yüksek değerdeyken, 6. ayın sonunda dah düşük değerler göstermiştir (kontrol %0.064, %2 CaO %0.127,% 4 CaO %0.203).
Sonuç: CaO uygulamaları, özellikle %4 CaO, epidermal yüzeyde deformasyon meydana getirmektedir. Sonuç olarak CaO uygulamalarının Pink Lady elma çeşidinde aroma gelişimi üzerine etkisi önemli olmuştur.


  • Amira, E.A., F. Guido., S.E. Behija., I. Manel., Z. Nesrine., F. Ali., H. Mohamed., H.A. Noureddine., and A. Lotfi. 2011. Chemical and aroma volatile compositions of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits at three maturation stages. Food Chemistry, 127:1744-1754.
  • Anet, E. F. 1972. Superficial Scald, A Functional Disorder of Stored Apples. IX. Effect of Maturity and Ventilation. J Sci Food Agric 23: 763–769.
  • Beuerle, T., P. Schreier, P. Brunerie; C. Bicchi, W. Schwab. 1996. Absolute Configuration of Octanol Derivatives in Apple Fruits. Phytochemistry, 43, 145-149.
  • Beuerle, T., W. Z. Schwab. 1997. Octane-1,3-diol and its derivatives from pear fruits. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A, 205, 215-217.
  • Brackmann, A., J. Streif., F. Bangerth. 1993. Relationship between a reduced aroma production and lipid metabolism of apples after long-term controlled-atmosphere storage. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 118:243–247.
  • Conway, W.S. and C.E. Sams. 1987. The effects of postharvest infiltration of calcium, magnesium, or strontium on decay, firmness, respiration, and ethylene production in apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 112:300-303.
  • Corrigan, V.K., P.L. Hurst., G. Boulton. 1997. Sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability of ‘Pink Lady’ and other late‐ season apple cultivars. 25:1175-8783.
  • De Pooter, H.L., J.P. Montens., G.A. Willaert., P.J. Dirinck., N.M. Schamp. 1983. Treatment of Golden Delicious apples with aldehydes and carboxylic acids: effect on the headspace composition. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 31:813–818.
  • Dixon, J., E.W. Hewett. 2000. Factors affecting apple aroma/flavour volatile concentration: A Review. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 28:3, 155-173.
  • Duran, O. 2013. Çanakkale Yöresinde Yetiştirilen Elma Çeşitlerinde Aromatik Maddelerin Belirlenmesi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 52 sayfa.
  • Echeverría, G., J. Graell., I. Lara., M.L. López. 2008. Physicochemical measurements in ‘Mondial Gala®’ apples stored at different atmospheres: influence on consumer acceptability. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 50:135–144.
  • Espino-Diaz, M., D.R. Sepulveda., G. Gonzalez-Aguilar., G.I. Olivas. 2016. Biochemistry of Apple Aroma: A Review. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 54 (4):375–394.
  • Fellman, J.K., T. Miller., D. Mattinson., J. Mattheis. 2000. Factors that influence biosynthesis of volatile flavor compounds in apple fruits. HortScience, 35: 1026-1033.
  • Fuggate, P., C. Wongs-Aree, S. Noichinda, S. Kanlayanarat. 2010. Quality and Volatile Attributes of Attached and Detached “Pluk Mai Lie” Papaya During Fruit Ripening. Sci. Hortic. 126, 120–129.
  • Gur, E. 2019. The effects of different rootstocks on aroma volatile constituents in the fruits of ’Fuji’ apples (Malus domestica Borkh.). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(5):11745-11756.
  • Huelin, F. E., I. M. Coggiola. 1970. Superficial Scald, a Functional Disorder of Stored Apples. V. Oxidation of α-farnesene and Its Inhibition by Diphenylamine. J Sci Food Agric 21: 44–48.
  • Kavvadias, D., T. Beuerle, M. Wein, B. Boss, T. König. 1999. Novel 1,3-Dioxanes from Apple Juice and Cider. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47, 5178-5183.
  • Knee, M., S.G.S. Hatfield. 1981. The metabolism of alcohols by apple fruit tissue. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 32:593-600.
  • Komthong, P., N. Igura and M. Shimoda. 2007. Effect of ascorbic acid on the odours of cloudy apple juice. Food Chemistry, 100: 1342–1349.
  • Komthong, P., T. Katoh., N. Igura., M. Shimoda 2006. Changes in the odours of apple juice during enzymatic browning. Food Quality and Preferance, 17: 497-504.
  • Kondo, S, S. Setha, D. R. Rudell, D. A. Buchanan, J. P. Mattheis. 2005. Aroma Volatile Biosynthesis in Apples Affected by 1-MCP and Methyl Jasmonate. Postharvest Biol Technol 36: 61–68.
  • Lara, I., G. Echeverría., J. Graell., M.L. López. 2007. Volatile emission after controlled atmosphere storage of Mondial Gala apples (Malus domestica): relationship to some involved enzyme activities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55:6087–6095.
  • Lara, I., J. Grael., M.L. López., G. Echeverría. (2006). Multivariate analysis of modifications in biosynthesis of volatile compounds after CA storage of ‘Fuji’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39: 19–28.
  • Lopez, M.L., M.T. Lavilla., M. Riba., M. Vendrell. 1997. Comparison of Volatile Compounds In Two Seasons In Apples: Golden Delicious And Granny Smith. Journal of Food Quality, 21: 155-166.
  • Lurie, S., C. Watkins. 2012. Superficial Scald, Its Etiology and Control. Postharvest Biol Technol 65: 44–60.
  • Mattheis, J.P., J.K. Fellman., P.M. Chen., M.E. Patterson.1991. Changes in headspace volatiles during physiological development of ‘Bisbee Delicious’ apple fruit. J. Agric. Food Chem. 39:1902–1906.
  • Mordoğan, N., S. Ergun. 2001. Elma Meyvesinin Organik Asit İçerikleri ile Bitki Besin Elementleri Arasındaki İlişkiler. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 38(2-3):111-118.
  • Nie, L.C., J.S. Sun., H.J. Chen., X.W. Zou. 2006. Study on fruit aroma of different apple cultivars. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 39: 641-646.
  • Paillard, N. M. M. 1990. The flavour of apples, pears and quinces. In Food Flavours Part C. The Flavour of Fruits; Morton, I. D., MacLeod, A. J., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-42.
  • Paillard, N.M. 1979. Biosynthesis of apple volatiles: formation of alcohols and esters from fatty acids. Phytochemistry. 18: 1165–1171.
  • Pechous, S. W., C. B. Watkins, B. D. Whitaker. 2005. Expression of α-farnesene Synthase Gene AFS1 in Relation to Levels of α-farnesene and Conjugated Trienols in Peel Tissue of Scald Susceptible ‘Law Rome’ and Scald Resistant ‘Idared’ Apple Fruit. Postharvest Biol Technol 35: 125–132.
  • Saftner, R.A., W.S. Conway., C.E. Sams. 1998. Effects of postharvest calcium and fruit coating treatments on postharvest life, quality maintenance, and fruit-surface injury in ’Golden Delicious’ apples. American Society for Horticulture Science, 123: 294–298.
  • Salas, N.A., F.J. Molina-Corral., G.A. Gonzalez-Aguilar., A. Otero., D.R. Sepulveda., G.I. Olivas. 2011. Volatile production by ‘Golden Delicious’ apples is affected by preharvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine. Scientia Horticulturae (Amsterdam), 130 (2):436–444.
  • Solis-Solis, H.M., M.C. Santoyo., S.S. Golindo., G.L. Solano., and J.A.R. 2007. Charaterization of aroma potential of apricot varieties using different extraction techniques. Food Chemsitry, 105:829-837.
  • Song, J., F. Bangerth. 1994. Production and development of volatile aroma compounds of apple fruits at different times of maturity. Acta Horticulturae. 368: 150-159.
  • Song, J., F. Bangerth. 1996. The effect of harvest date on aroma compound production from ‘Golden Delicious’ apple fruit and relationship to respiration and ethylene production. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 8:259–269.
  • Villatoro, C., R. Altisent., G. Echeverria., J. Graell, J., M.L. Lopez, I. Lara. 2008. Changes in biosynthesis of aroma volatile compounds during on-tree maturation of 'Pink Lady®' apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47: 286-295.
  • Whitaker, B.D., T. Solomos, D. J. Harrison. 1997. Quantification of α-farnesene and Its Conjugated Trienol Oxidation Products from Apple Peel by C18-HPLC with UV Detection. J Agric Food Chem 45: 760–765.
  • Whitaker, B.D., T. Solomos, D. J. Harrison. 1998. Synthesis and Oxidation of α-farnesene During High and Low O2 Storage of Apple Cultivars Differing in Scald Susceptibility. Acta Hort 464: 165–171.
  • Wills, R. B. H. 1972. Effect of calcium on the production of volatiles by apples. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 23:1131–1134.
  • Yang, C.X.; Y. J. Wang, B. H. Wu, J. B. Fang, S. H. Li. 2011. Volatile Compounds Evolution of Three Table Grapes with Different Flavor During and After Maturation. Food Chem. 128, 823–830.
  • Young, H., J.M. Gilbert., S.H. Murray., R.D. Ball, 1996. Causal Effects of Aroma Compounds on Royal Gala Apple Flavours. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 71: 329-336
  • Young, J.C., C.L.G. Chu, X.W. Lu., H.H. Zhu. 2004. Ester variability in apple varieties as determined by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52:8086–8093.

Effects of different calcium oxide dipping concentrations in aroma profiles of pink lady apple cultivar during cold-storage

Year 2021, , 305 - 313, 05.09.2021


Objective: The aim of this research was to assess the profile of volatile compounds changes during the cold storage in ‘Pink Lady’ apples.
Material and Methods: Six-year-old Cripps Pink (Pink Lady) fruits of apple trees grafted onto M9 rootstock were used as a plant material for this study. The trees were in a commercial orchard in Çanakkale-Turkey. Fruits were carefully picked up by hand at the commercial harvesting time. The fruits were dipped into calcium oxide solutions (concentrations of 2 and 4%) during three minutes. Control fruits were exposed to distilled water. Fruits were stored at 0° C and 90% relative humidity for 6 months. The aroma profiles of apples determined by GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) analysis followed by liquid-liquid extraction. Stored fruits were analyzed for their volatile contents at the 2nd, 4th and 6th months.
Results: Fresh fruits at harvest period contained 15 volatile compounds in total. However, higher levels of aroma volatile compounds were detected in 6 months of cold storage. According to the chromatography results, control fruits had 24 volatile compounds, 2% CaO treated fruits had 25 volatiles and 4% CaO treated fruits had 27 volatile compounds at the end of the 6 months of cold storage. Apples at the initial stage produced an abundance of hexyl acetate (4.56%), butyl acetate (3.83%), and hexyl hexanoate (1.68%), which confer typical apple aroma characteristics. Mostly, ester production exhibited a fairly broad peak, declining as fruit aged. Isobutyric acid, allyl ester (initial 0.55%) was lower at the beginning of the storage compare to the end of storage (control fruits 0.06%, 2%CaO 0.13%, 4% CaO 0.20%).
Conclusion: CaO applications especially 4% concentration had deformation effect on epidermal layer cells on fruit surface. As a result, CaO applications had a significant effect on aroma enhancement in Pink Lady apples during cold storage.


  • Amira, E.A., F. Guido., S.E. Behija., I. Manel., Z. Nesrine., F. Ali., H. Mohamed., H.A. Noureddine., and A. Lotfi. 2011. Chemical and aroma volatile compositions of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits at three maturation stages. Food Chemistry, 127:1744-1754.
  • Anet, E. F. 1972. Superficial Scald, A Functional Disorder of Stored Apples. IX. Effect of Maturity and Ventilation. J Sci Food Agric 23: 763–769.
  • Beuerle, T., P. Schreier, P. Brunerie; C. Bicchi, W. Schwab. 1996. Absolute Configuration of Octanol Derivatives in Apple Fruits. Phytochemistry, 43, 145-149.
  • Beuerle, T., W. Z. Schwab. 1997. Octane-1,3-diol and its derivatives from pear fruits. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. A, 205, 215-217.
  • Brackmann, A., J. Streif., F. Bangerth. 1993. Relationship between a reduced aroma production and lipid metabolism of apples after long-term controlled-atmosphere storage. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 118:243–247.
  • Conway, W.S. and C.E. Sams. 1987. The effects of postharvest infiltration of calcium, magnesium, or strontium on decay, firmness, respiration, and ethylene production in apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 112:300-303.
  • Corrigan, V.K., P.L. Hurst., G. Boulton. 1997. Sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability of ‘Pink Lady’ and other late‐ season apple cultivars. 25:1175-8783.
  • De Pooter, H.L., J.P. Montens., G.A. Willaert., P.J. Dirinck., N.M. Schamp. 1983. Treatment of Golden Delicious apples with aldehydes and carboxylic acids: effect on the headspace composition. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 31:813–818.
  • Dixon, J., E.W. Hewett. 2000. Factors affecting apple aroma/flavour volatile concentration: A Review. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 28:3, 155-173.
  • Duran, O. 2013. Çanakkale Yöresinde Yetiştirilen Elma Çeşitlerinde Aromatik Maddelerin Belirlenmesi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 52 sayfa.
  • Echeverría, G., J. Graell., I. Lara., M.L. López. 2008. Physicochemical measurements in ‘Mondial Gala®’ apples stored at different atmospheres: influence on consumer acceptability. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 50:135–144.
  • Espino-Diaz, M., D.R. Sepulveda., G. Gonzalez-Aguilar., G.I. Olivas. 2016. Biochemistry of Apple Aroma: A Review. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 54 (4):375–394.
  • Fellman, J.K., T. Miller., D. Mattinson., J. Mattheis. 2000. Factors that influence biosynthesis of volatile flavor compounds in apple fruits. HortScience, 35: 1026-1033.
  • Fuggate, P., C. Wongs-Aree, S. Noichinda, S. Kanlayanarat. 2010. Quality and Volatile Attributes of Attached and Detached “Pluk Mai Lie” Papaya During Fruit Ripening. Sci. Hortic. 126, 120–129.
  • Gur, E. 2019. The effects of different rootstocks on aroma volatile constituents in the fruits of ’Fuji’ apples (Malus domestica Borkh.). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(5):11745-11756.
  • Huelin, F. E., I. M. Coggiola. 1970. Superficial Scald, a Functional Disorder of Stored Apples. V. Oxidation of α-farnesene and Its Inhibition by Diphenylamine. J Sci Food Agric 21: 44–48.
  • Kavvadias, D., T. Beuerle, M. Wein, B. Boss, T. König. 1999. Novel 1,3-Dioxanes from Apple Juice and Cider. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47, 5178-5183.
  • Knee, M., S.G.S. Hatfield. 1981. The metabolism of alcohols by apple fruit tissue. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 32:593-600.
  • Komthong, P., N. Igura and M. Shimoda. 2007. Effect of ascorbic acid on the odours of cloudy apple juice. Food Chemistry, 100: 1342–1349.
  • Komthong, P., T. Katoh., N. Igura., M. Shimoda 2006. Changes in the odours of apple juice during enzymatic browning. Food Quality and Preferance, 17: 497-504.
  • Kondo, S, S. Setha, D. R. Rudell, D. A. Buchanan, J. P. Mattheis. 2005. Aroma Volatile Biosynthesis in Apples Affected by 1-MCP and Methyl Jasmonate. Postharvest Biol Technol 36: 61–68.
  • Lara, I., G. Echeverría., J. Graell., M.L. López. 2007. Volatile emission after controlled atmosphere storage of Mondial Gala apples (Malus domestica): relationship to some involved enzyme activities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55:6087–6095.
  • Lara, I., J. Grael., M.L. López., G. Echeverría. (2006). Multivariate analysis of modifications in biosynthesis of volatile compounds after CA storage of ‘Fuji’ apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39: 19–28.
  • Lopez, M.L., M.T. Lavilla., M. Riba., M. Vendrell. 1997. Comparison of Volatile Compounds In Two Seasons In Apples: Golden Delicious And Granny Smith. Journal of Food Quality, 21: 155-166.
  • Lurie, S., C. Watkins. 2012. Superficial Scald, Its Etiology and Control. Postharvest Biol Technol 65: 44–60.
  • Mattheis, J.P., J.K. Fellman., P.M. Chen., M.E. Patterson.1991. Changes in headspace volatiles during physiological development of ‘Bisbee Delicious’ apple fruit. J. Agric. Food Chem. 39:1902–1906.
  • Mordoğan, N., S. Ergun. 2001. Elma Meyvesinin Organik Asit İçerikleri ile Bitki Besin Elementleri Arasındaki İlişkiler. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 38(2-3):111-118.
  • Nie, L.C., J.S. Sun., H.J. Chen., X.W. Zou. 2006. Study on fruit aroma of different apple cultivars. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 39: 641-646.
  • Paillard, N. M. M. 1990. The flavour of apples, pears and quinces. In Food Flavours Part C. The Flavour of Fruits; Morton, I. D., MacLeod, A. J., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-42.
  • Paillard, N.M. 1979. Biosynthesis of apple volatiles: formation of alcohols and esters from fatty acids. Phytochemistry. 18: 1165–1171.
  • Pechous, S. W., C. B. Watkins, B. D. Whitaker. 2005. Expression of α-farnesene Synthase Gene AFS1 in Relation to Levels of α-farnesene and Conjugated Trienols in Peel Tissue of Scald Susceptible ‘Law Rome’ and Scald Resistant ‘Idared’ Apple Fruit. Postharvest Biol Technol 35: 125–132.
  • Saftner, R.A., W.S. Conway., C.E. Sams. 1998. Effects of postharvest calcium and fruit coating treatments on postharvest life, quality maintenance, and fruit-surface injury in ’Golden Delicious’ apples. American Society for Horticulture Science, 123: 294–298.
  • Salas, N.A., F.J. Molina-Corral., G.A. Gonzalez-Aguilar., A. Otero., D.R. Sepulveda., G.I. Olivas. 2011. Volatile production by ‘Golden Delicious’ apples is affected by preharvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine. Scientia Horticulturae (Amsterdam), 130 (2):436–444.
  • Solis-Solis, H.M., M.C. Santoyo., S.S. Golindo., G.L. Solano., and J.A.R. 2007. Charaterization of aroma potential of apricot varieties using different extraction techniques. Food Chemsitry, 105:829-837.
  • Song, J., F. Bangerth. 1994. Production and development of volatile aroma compounds of apple fruits at different times of maturity. Acta Horticulturae. 368: 150-159.
  • Song, J., F. Bangerth. 1996. The effect of harvest date on aroma compound production from ‘Golden Delicious’ apple fruit and relationship to respiration and ethylene production. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 8:259–269.
  • Villatoro, C., R. Altisent., G. Echeverria., J. Graell, J., M.L. Lopez, I. Lara. 2008. Changes in biosynthesis of aroma volatile compounds during on-tree maturation of 'Pink Lady®' apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47: 286-295.
  • Whitaker, B.D., T. Solomos, D. J. Harrison. 1997. Quantification of α-farnesene and Its Conjugated Trienol Oxidation Products from Apple Peel by C18-HPLC with UV Detection. J Agric Food Chem 45: 760–765.
  • Whitaker, B.D., T. Solomos, D. J. Harrison. 1998. Synthesis and Oxidation of α-farnesene During High and Low O2 Storage of Apple Cultivars Differing in Scald Susceptibility. Acta Hort 464: 165–171.
  • Wills, R. B. H. 1972. Effect of calcium on the production of volatiles by apples. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 23:1131–1134.
  • Yang, C.X.; Y. J. Wang, B. H. Wu, J. B. Fang, S. H. Li. 2011. Volatile Compounds Evolution of Three Table Grapes with Different Flavor During and After Maturation. Food Chem. 128, 823–830.
  • Young, H., J.M. Gilbert., S.H. Murray., R.D. Ball, 1996. Causal Effects of Aroma Compounds on Royal Gala Apple Flavours. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 71: 329-336
  • Young, J.C., C.L.G. Chu, X.W. Lu., H.H. Zhu. 2004. Ester variability in apple varieties as determined by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52:8086–8093.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Neslihan Ekinci 0000-0001-7022-5289

Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu 0000-0002-5802-5505

Murat Şeker 0000-0002-6886-0547

Publication Date September 5, 2021
Submission Date July 20, 2020
Acceptance Date November 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Ekinci, N., Gündoğdu, M. A., & Şeker, M. (2021). Effects of different calcium oxide dipping concentrations in aroma profiles of pink lady apple cultivar during cold-storage. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 58(3), 305-313.

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