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İn ovo T3 Hormonu Enjeksiyonunun Soğuk Stresine Maruz Kalan Etlik Piliçlerde Performans, Bazı Kan Parametreleri ve Oksidatif Stabilite Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2017, Volume: 54 Issue: 4, 489 - 496, 27.12.2017



Bu çalışma  in ovo T3
hormonu enjeksiyonunun soğuk stresine maruz kalan etlik
piliçlerde performans, kan lipid profili, asites oluşumu ve oksidatif stabilite
üzerine etkilerini saptamak amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla, kontrol grubu
dışındaki döllü yumurtalara kuluçkanın 17. gününde 25 ng T3 enjekte edilmiştir. Her iki grupta,
civcivlerin yarısı standart sıcaklıklarda yetiştirilirken diğer yarısına erken
(4-6. günler arasında 20
±1 0C) ve geç (35-37. günler arasında 15±1 0C) yaşlarda düşük sıcaklık uygulanmıştır. İn ovo T3 enjeksiyonu etlik piliçlerin performansını
önemli düzeyde etkilememiştir. Soğuk
stresi uygulaması 21. günde canlı ağırlığı ve yem tüketimini azaltmış ancak
yemden yararlanmayı etkilememiştir. Soğuk stresinden kaynaklanan büyüme performanstaki
gerileme kesim yaşına kadar telafi edilememiştir. Ölüm oranı bakımından gruplar
arasında önemli bir farklılık oluşmamıştır ve asites kaynaklı ölüm
görülmemiştir. Erken yaşlarda, soğuk stresi rektal sıcaklığı azaltırken in ovo T3 enjeksiyonu hematokrit
değerini artırmıştır (P<0.05). Soğuk stresine maruz kalan piliçlerde kalp
oranı önemli düzeyde yükselmiştir. Glukoz, trigliserit, kolesterol, yüksek
yoğunluklu lipoprotein (HDL), düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein (LDL) ve T3
düzeyleri in ovo T3
enjeksiyonundan önemli düzeyde etkilenmemiştir. Erken yaşta soğuk stresi
trigliserit düzeyini azaltmış ve kolesterol, HDL ve LDL konsantrasyonlarını
arttırmıştır (P<0.05). Geç yaşta soğuk stresi sadece LDL düzeyini önemli
düzeyde azaltmıştır. İn ovo T3
enjeksiyonu ve soğuk stresi malondialdehit (MDA) ve trolox eşdeğer antioksidan
kapasite (TEAK) değerlerini etkilememiştir. İn ovo T3 ve soğuk
stresi uygulamaları etlik piliçlerde oksidatif hasara neden olmamıştır.


  • Akhlaghi, A., Shahneh, A.Z., Zamiri, M.J., Javaremi, A.N. and Rahimi Mianji, G., 2009. Effect of transient postpubertal hypo- and hyperthyroidism on reproductive parameters of Iranian broiler breeder hens. African Journal of Biotechnology. 8 (20):5602-5610.
  • Akhlaghi., A., Zamiri, M.J., Zare Shahneh, A., Jafari Ahangari, Y., Najati Javaremi, A., Rahimi Mianji, G., Mollasalehi, M.R., Shojaie, H.A., Akhlaghi, A., Deldar, H., Atashi, H., Ansari Pirsaraei, Z., and Zhandi, M., 2012. Maternal hyperthyroidism is associated with a decreased incidence of cold-induced ascites in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 91:1165-1172.
  • Akşit. M., Altan, Ö., Büyüköztürk Karul, A., Balkaya, M. and Özdemir, D., 2008. Effects of cold temperature and vitamin E supplementation on oxidative stress. Troponin-T level. and other ascites-related traits in broilers. Archiv für Geflügelkunde. 72 (5):221–230.
  • Altan, O., Altan, A., Oğuz, I., Pabuccuoglu, A. and Konyalioglu, S., 2000. Effects of heat stress on growth. some blood variables and lipid oxidation in broilers exposed to high temperature at an early age. British Poultry Science. 41 (4): 489-493.
  • Bahadoran, S. and Hassanzadeh, M., 2010. Effect of early cold exposure on the endocrine responses of broiler chickens and the incidence of ascites syndrome. International Journal of Veterinary Research. 4 (1):11-16.
  • Chang, S.C., Lin, M.J., Croom, J. and Fant, Y.K., 2003. Administration of triiodothyronine and dopamine to broiler chicks increases growth. feed conversion and visceral organ mass. Poultry Science. 82 (2):285-293.
  • Chen, X., Jiang, R. and Geng, Z., 2012. Cold stress in broiler: global gene expression analyses suggest a major role of CYP genes in cold responses. Molecular Biology Report. 39:425-429.
  • Collin, A., Buyse, J., van As, P., Darras, V.M., Malheiros, R.D., Moraes, V.M., Reyns, G.E., Taouis, M. and Decuypere, E., 2003. Cold-induced enhancement of avian uncoupling protein expression. heat production. and triiodothyronine concentrations in broiler chicks. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 130(1):70-77.
  • Cordeiro, A., Souza, L.L., Einicker-Lamas, M., Pazos-Moura, C.C., 2013. Non-classic thyroid hormone signalling involved in hepatic lipid metabolism. Journal of Endocrinology. 216:47-57.
  • Draper, H.H. and Hadley, M., 1990. Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid peroxidation. Methods in Enzymology. 186:421-431.
  • Darras, V. M., Van der Geyten, S. and Kühn, E.R., 2000. Thyroid hormone metabolism in poultry. Biotechnologie. Agronomie. Société et Environnement. 4(1):13-20.
  • Deaton, J.W., Branton, S.L., Simmons, J.D. and Lott, B.D., 1996. The effect of brooding temperature on broiler performance. Poultry Science 75:1217-1220.
  • Decuypere. E., Bruggeman, V., Barbato, G.F. and Buyse, J., 2003. Growth and reporduction problems associated with selection for increased broiler meat production. In Poultry Genetics. Breeding and Biotechhnology (ed. W.M. Muir and S.E. Aggrey). CAB International. pp 13-27.
  • Decuypere, E., Van As, P. Van der Geyten, S. and Darras, V.M., 2005. Thyroid hormone availability and activity in avian species: a review. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 29:63-77.
  • Decuypere,. E., Vega, C., Bartha, T., Buyse, J., Zoons, J. and Albers, G.A.A., 1994. Increased sensitivity to triiodothyronine (T3) of broiler lines with a high susceptibility for ascites. British Poultry Science. 35:287-297.
  • Han, B., Yoon, S.S., Han, H.R., Qu, W.J. and Nigussie, F., 2005. Effect of low ambient temperature on the concentration of free radicals related to ascites in broiler chickens. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18:1182-1187.
  • Hassanzadeh, M., 2009. New approach for the incidence of ascites syndrome in broiler chickens and management control the metabolic disorders. The Journal of Poultry Science. 8 (1):90-98.
  • JMP 2007. Statistic and Graphics Guide. Release 7. SAS Institute Inc.. Cary. USA. Lin, H., Decuypere, E. and Buyse, J., 2008. Effect of Thyroid Hormones on the Redox Balance of Broiler Chickens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 21 (6):794-80.
  • Luger, D., Shinder, D., Rzepakovsky, V., Rusal, M. and Yahav, S., 2001. Association between weight gain. blood parameters. and thyroid hormones. and the development of ascites syndrome in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 80:965-971.
  • Luger, D., Shinder, D. and Yahav S., 2002. Hyper- or hypothyroidism: its association with the development of ascites syndrome in fast-growing chickens. General. and Comparative Endocrinology 127:293-299.
  • Malan, D.D., Scheele, C.W., Buyse, J., Kwakernaak, C., Siebrits, F.K., van der Klis, J.D. and Decuypere, E., 2003. Metabolic rate and its relationship with ascites in chicken genotypes. British Poultry Science. 44 (2):309-315.
  • McNabb, F.M., 2006. Reprint of "Avian thyroid development and adaptive plasticity" [Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 147. 93-101]. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 148: 290-298.
  • McNabb, F.M.A., 2007. The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in birds and its role in bird development and reproduction. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 37 (1-2):163-193.
  • Nguyen, P., Greene, E., Ishola, P., Huff, G., Donoghue, A., Bottje, W. and Dridi, S., 2015. Chronic mild cold conditioning modulates the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptide and intermediary metabolic-related genes and improves growth performances in young chicks. Plos ONE. 10(11): e0142319. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142319.
  • Pakdel, A., van Arendonk, J.A.M., Vereijken, A.L.J. and Bovenhuis. H., 2005. Genetic parameters of ascites-related traits in broilers: effect of cold and normal temperature conditions. British Poultry Science 46:35-42.
  • Pan, J.Q., Tan, X., Li, J.C., Sun, W.D. and Wang, X.L., 2005. Effects of early feed restriction and cold temperature on lipid peroxidation. pulmonary vascular remodelling and ascites morbidity in broilers under normal and cold temperature. British Poultry Science. 46(3):374-381.
  • Re. R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. and Rice-Evans, C., 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 26 (9-10):1231-1237.
  • Shahir, M.H., Dilmagani, S. and Tzschentke, B., 2012. Early-age cold conditioning of broilers:effects of timing and temperature. British Poultry Science. 53:538-544.
  • Shim, K.S., Hwang, K.T., Son, M.W. and Park, G.H., 2006. Lipid metabolism and peroxidation in broiler chickens under chronic heat stress. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 19:1206-1211.
  • Shinder, D., Luger, D., Rusal, M., Rzepakovsky, V,. Bresler, V. and Yahav, S., 2002. Early age cold conditioning in broiler chickens (Gallus demesticus):Thermotolerance and growth responses. Journal of Thermal Biology. 27:517-523.
  • Tzschentke, B., 2007. Attainment of thermoregulation as affected by environmental factors. Poultry Science. 86:1025-1036.
  • Tzschentke, B. and Basta, D., 2002. Early development of neuronal hypothalamic thermosensitivity in birds: Influence of epigenetic temperature adaptation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 131:825-832.
  • Wentworth, B.C. and Ringer, R.K., 1986. Thyroids. In: Aviam Physiology. 4th ed. (Eds:P.D. Sturkie) Springer-verlag New York. Inc., pp 452-465.
  • Yardımcı, M., Şengör, E., Şahin, E.H., Bayram, İ. and Çetingül, İ.S., 2006. The influence cold conditoning on the performance of the broiler chicken. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Science. 30:583-588.
  • Zhang, Z.W., Bi, M., Yao, H., Fu, J., Li, S. and Xu, S., 2014. Effect of Cold Stress on Expression of AMPKα–PPARα Pathway and Inflammation Genes. Avian Diseases. 58:415-426.
  • Zhang, Z.W., Lv, Z.H., Li, J.L., Li, S., Xu, S.W. and Wang, X.L., 2011. Effects of cold stress on nitric oxide in duodenum of chicks. Poultry Science. 90 (7):1555-1561.
  • Zhao, F.Q., Zhang, Z.W., Qu, J.P., Yao, H.D., Li, M., Li, S. and Xu, S.W., 2014. Cold stress induces antioxidants and Hsps in chicken immune organs. Cell Stress and Chaporenes. 19:635-648.

The Effects of In Ovo Injection of T3 Hormone on Performance, Some Blood Characteristics and Oxidative Stability in Broilers Exposed to Cold Stress

Year 2017, Volume: 54 Issue: 4, 489 - 496, 27.12.2017



This study was conducted to determine the effects of in ovo injection
of T3 hormone on performance, blood lipid profile, ascites and
oxidative stability in broilers exposed to cold stress. For this purpose,
fertile eggs except control group were
with 25 ng T3 on the 17th day of incubation. In both groups, half of the
chicks were reared under at standart temperatures while the other half was
applied low temperature early (20
±10C from 4 to 6 d old) and late (15±10C from 35 to 37 d old) ages. In ovo T3 injection did
not significantly affect broiler performance. At 21 d of age, cold stress
treatment decreased body weight and feed intake but did not affect feed
conversion ratio. Growth depression due to cold stress might not be compensated
until slaughter age. There was no a significant difference in terms of
mortality and no deaths from ascites have been observed. At an early age, in
T3 injection increased hemotocrit value while cold stress
reduced rectal temperature (P<0.05). In broilers exposed to cold stress,
heart ratio significantly raised. The levels of glucose, triglyceride,
cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and
T3 were not significantly affected by in ovo T3
injection. Cold stress at an early age decreased triglyceride level and
increased cholesterol, HDL and LDL concentrations (P<0.05). Cold stress at
late age only significantly reduced LDL level. In ovo T3
injection and cold stress did not affect malondialdehyde (MDA) and trolox
equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values. In ovo T3 and
cold stress treatments did not cause oxidative damage in broilers.


  • Akhlaghi, A., Shahneh, A.Z., Zamiri, M.J., Javaremi, A.N. and Rahimi Mianji, G., 2009. Effect of transient postpubertal hypo- and hyperthyroidism on reproductive parameters of Iranian broiler breeder hens. African Journal of Biotechnology. 8 (20):5602-5610.
  • Akhlaghi., A., Zamiri, M.J., Zare Shahneh, A., Jafari Ahangari, Y., Najati Javaremi, A., Rahimi Mianji, G., Mollasalehi, M.R., Shojaie, H.A., Akhlaghi, A., Deldar, H., Atashi, H., Ansari Pirsaraei, Z., and Zhandi, M., 2012. Maternal hyperthyroidism is associated with a decreased incidence of cold-induced ascites in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 91:1165-1172.
  • Akşit. M., Altan, Ö., Büyüköztürk Karul, A., Balkaya, M. and Özdemir, D., 2008. Effects of cold temperature and vitamin E supplementation on oxidative stress. Troponin-T level. and other ascites-related traits in broilers. Archiv für Geflügelkunde. 72 (5):221–230.
  • Altan, O., Altan, A., Oğuz, I., Pabuccuoglu, A. and Konyalioglu, S., 2000. Effects of heat stress on growth. some blood variables and lipid oxidation in broilers exposed to high temperature at an early age. British Poultry Science. 41 (4): 489-493.
  • Bahadoran, S. and Hassanzadeh, M., 2010. Effect of early cold exposure on the endocrine responses of broiler chickens and the incidence of ascites syndrome. International Journal of Veterinary Research. 4 (1):11-16.
  • Chang, S.C., Lin, M.J., Croom, J. and Fant, Y.K., 2003. Administration of triiodothyronine and dopamine to broiler chicks increases growth. feed conversion and visceral organ mass. Poultry Science. 82 (2):285-293.
  • Chen, X., Jiang, R. and Geng, Z., 2012. Cold stress in broiler: global gene expression analyses suggest a major role of CYP genes in cold responses. Molecular Biology Report. 39:425-429.
  • Collin, A., Buyse, J., van As, P., Darras, V.M., Malheiros, R.D., Moraes, V.M., Reyns, G.E., Taouis, M. and Decuypere, E., 2003. Cold-induced enhancement of avian uncoupling protein expression. heat production. and triiodothyronine concentrations in broiler chicks. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 130(1):70-77.
  • Cordeiro, A., Souza, L.L., Einicker-Lamas, M., Pazos-Moura, C.C., 2013. Non-classic thyroid hormone signalling involved in hepatic lipid metabolism. Journal of Endocrinology. 216:47-57.
  • Draper, H.H. and Hadley, M., 1990. Malondialdehyde determination as index of lipid peroxidation. Methods in Enzymology. 186:421-431.
  • Darras, V. M., Van der Geyten, S. and Kühn, E.R., 2000. Thyroid hormone metabolism in poultry. Biotechnologie. Agronomie. Société et Environnement. 4(1):13-20.
  • Deaton, J.W., Branton, S.L., Simmons, J.D. and Lott, B.D., 1996. The effect of brooding temperature on broiler performance. Poultry Science 75:1217-1220.
  • Decuypere. E., Bruggeman, V., Barbato, G.F. and Buyse, J., 2003. Growth and reporduction problems associated with selection for increased broiler meat production. In Poultry Genetics. Breeding and Biotechhnology (ed. W.M. Muir and S.E. Aggrey). CAB International. pp 13-27.
  • Decuypere, E., Van As, P. Van der Geyten, S. and Darras, V.M., 2005. Thyroid hormone availability and activity in avian species: a review. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 29:63-77.
  • Decuypere,. E., Vega, C., Bartha, T., Buyse, J., Zoons, J. and Albers, G.A.A., 1994. Increased sensitivity to triiodothyronine (T3) of broiler lines with a high susceptibility for ascites. British Poultry Science. 35:287-297.
  • Han, B., Yoon, S.S., Han, H.R., Qu, W.J. and Nigussie, F., 2005. Effect of low ambient temperature on the concentration of free radicals related to ascites in broiler chickens. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18:1182-1187.
  • Hassanzadeh, M., 2009. New approach for the incidence of ascites syndrome in broiler chickens and management control the metabolic disorders. The Journal of Poultry Science. 8 (1):90-98.
  • JMP 2007. Statistic and Graphics Guide. Release 7. SAS Institute Inc.. Cary. USA. Lin, H., Decuypere, E. and Buyse, J., 2008. Effect of Thyroid Hormones on the Redox Balance of Broiler Chickens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 21 (6):794-80.
  • Luger, D., Shinder, D., Rzepakovsky, V., Rusal, M. and Yahav, S., 2001. Association between weight gain. blood parameters. and thyroid hormones. and the development of ascites syndrome in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 80:965-971.
  • Luger, D., Shinder, D. and Yahav S., 2002. Hyper- or hypothyroidism: its association with the development of ascites syndrome in fast-growing chickens. General. and Comparative Endocrinology 127:293-299.
  • Malan, D.D., Scheele, C.W., Buyse, J., Kwakernaak, C., Siebrits, F.K., van der Klis, J.D. and Decuypere, E., 2003. Metabolic rate and its relationship with ascites in chicken genotypes. British Poultry Science. 44 (2):309-315.
  • McNabb, F.M., 2006. Reprint of "Avian thyroid development and adaptive plasticity" [Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 147. 93-101]. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 148: 290-298.
  • McNabb, F.M.A., 2007. The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in birds and its role in bird development and reproduction. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 37 (1-2):163-193.
  • Nguyen, P., Greene, E., Ishola, P., Huff, G., Donoghue, A., Bottje, W. and Dridi, S., 2015. Chronic mild cold conditioning modulates the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptide and intermediary metabolic-related genes and improves growth performances in young chicks. Plos ONE. 10(11): e0142319. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142319.
  • Pakdel, A., van Arendonk, J.A.M., Vereijken, A.L.J. and Bovenhuis. H., 2005. Genetic parameters of ascites-related traits in broilers: effect of cold and normal temperature conditions. British Poultry Science 46:35-42.
  • Pan, J.Q., Tan, X., Li, J.C., Sun, W.D. and Wang, X.L., 2005. Effects of early feed restriction and cold temperature on lipid peroxidation. pulmonary vascular remodelling and ascites morbidity in broilers under normal and cold temperature. British Poultry Science. 46(3):374-381.
  • Re. R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M. and Rice-Evans, C., 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 26 (9-10):1231-1237.
  • Shahir, M.H., Dilmagani, S. and Tzschentke, B., 2012. Early-age cold conditioning of broilers:effects of timing and temperature. British Poultry Science. 53:538-544.
  • Shim, K.S., Hwang, K.T., Son, M.W. and Park, G.H., 2006. Lipid metabolism and peroxidation in broiler chickens under chronic heat stress. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 19:1206-1211.
  • Shinder, D., Luger, D., Rusal, M., Rzepakovsky, V,. Bresler, V. and Yahav, S., 2002. Early age cold conditioning in broiler chickens (Gallus demesticus):Thermotolerance and growth responses. Journal of Thermal Biology. 27:517-523.
  • Tzschentke, B., 2007. Attainment of thermoregulation as affected by environmental factors. Poultry Science. 86:1025-1036.
  • Tzschentke, B. and Basta, D., 2002. Early development of neuronal hypothalamic thermosensitivity in birds: Influence of epigenetic temperature adaptation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 131:825-832.
  • Wentworth, B.C. and Ringer, R.K., 1986. Thyroids. In: Aviam Physiology. 4th ed. (Eds:P.D. Sturkie) Springer-verlag New York. Inc., pp 452-465.
  • Yardımcı, M., Şengör, E., Şahin, E.H., Bayram, İ. and Çetingül, İ.S., 2006. The influence cold conditoning on the performance of the broiler chicken. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Science. 30:583-588.
  • Zhang, Z.W., Bi, M., Yao, H., Fu, J., Li, S. and Xu, S., 2014. Effect of Cold Stress on Expression of AMPKα–PPARα Pathway and Inflammation Genes. Avian Diseases. 58:415-426.
  • Zhang, Z.W., Lv, Z.H., Li, J.L., Li, S., Xu, S.W. and Wang, X.L., 2011. Effects of cold stress on nitric oxide in duodenum of chicks. Poultry Science. 90 (7):1555-1561.
  • Zhao, F.Q., Zhang, Z.W., Qu, J.P., Yao, H.D., Li, M., Li, S. and Xu, S.W., 2014. Cold stress induces antioxidants and Hsps in chicken immune organs. Cell Stress and Chaporenes. 19:635-648.
There are 37 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Özge Altan

Zümrüt Açıkgöz This is me

Özer Hakan Bayraktar This is me

Fadime Aydın Köse This is me

Esra Karaduman This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2017
Submission Date March 23, 2017
Acceptance Date June 2, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 54 Issue: 4


APA Altan, Ö., Açıkgöz, Z., Bayraktar, Ö. H., Aydın Köse, F., et al. (2017). The Effects of In Ovo Injection of T3 Hormone on Performance, Some Blood Characteristics and Oxidative Stability in Broilers Exposed to Cold Stress. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(4), 489-496.

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