Abrahim,Y.B. and Rickson, J.R., 1989, The Effectiveness of Stubble Mulching in Soil Erosion Control, Soil Erosion Protection Measures in Europe Soil Technology Series,1,115-126.
Agassi, M.,1995, Soil Erosion, Conservation and Rehabilitation, Soil Erosion Research Station Soil Conservation and Drainage Division Ministry of Agriculture Emeq-Hafer, Israel.
Akalan,İ.,1967,Toprak Fiziksel Özellikleri ve Erozyon. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yıllığı,(3-4):490-503, Ankara.
Benkobi,L., Trlica, M.J. and Smith J.L., 1993, Soil Loss as Affected by Different Combinations of Surface Litter and Rock, J. of Environ. Quality, 22(4):657- 661.
Box, J.E., 1981, The Effects of Surface Slaty Fragments on Soil Erosion by Water, Soil Science Society of Americ. Journal, 45(1):111-116.
Bubenzer,G.D. and Meyer, L.D., 1965, Simulation of Rainfall and Soils for Laboratory Research. Trans. ASAE.,8:73-75.
Bunte,K. and Poessen, J., 1993, Effects of Rock Fragment Covers on Erosion and Transport of Noncohesive Sediment by Shallow Overland Flow, Water Resources Research, 29(5):1415-1424. Soil and Fert.Abs. Vol.: 56, 1993.
Chow, T.L. and Rees, H.W., 1995, Effects of Coarse Fragment Content and Size on Soil Erosion Under Simulated Rainfall. Canadian Journal of Science, 75(2):227-232. Soil and Fert.Abs. Vol:55, 1992.
Chow, T.L.,Rees, H.W. and Moodie, R.L., 1992, Effects of Stone Removal and Stone Crushing on Soil Properties, Erosion and Potato Quality, Soil Science, 183(3): 242-249. Soil and Fert. Abs. Vol: 55, 1992.
Green, J.R. and Margerison,D.,1978, Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York, 382 pp.
Grill, J.J.Canler,J.P. and Carsoulle,J.,1989, The Benefit of Permanent Grass and Mulching for Limiting. runoff and Erosion in Vineyards. Experimentations Using Rainfall Simulations in the Beaujolais. Soil Erosion Protection Measures in Europe Soil Technology Series,1,157-166
Mollenhauer, K.,Fritz, E.M., Feldwisch, N., Look, A., Taysun, A., 1996, Influence of Rock Fragments of Soils on Runoff Generations, Infiltration and Soil Loss, Zeitschrift fur Kulturtechnic und Landentwicklung, 37:5, 202-206, 5 ref.
Poessen, J. and Ingelmosanchez, F., 1992, Runoff and Sediment Yield from Topsoils with Different Porosity as Affected by Rock Fragments Cover and Positions, Catena, 19(5): 451-474, 62 ref.,Belgium, Soil and Fert. Abs. Vol: 56, 1993.
Poessen, J., 1990, Conditions for the Evacuation of Rock Fragments from Cultivated Upland Areas During Rain Storms. Wallingford, Oxon, OX 108 BB, UK; IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology IAHS Publication, No:189, 145-160, ISBN, 0-947571-37-X 31 ref., InErosion Transport and Deposition Processes (Proceeding of the Jerusalem Workshop, March-April, 1987). Soil and Fert. Abs. Vol: 54, 1991.
Sach. F., 1990, The Danger of Soil Erosion on Stony Slopes. Nebezpeci Vnitropudni Eroze Na Kamenitysh Svazich Lebinska Prace, 69(10): 304-309, Vulhm-VS Opocno, Chezchoslovakia. Soil and Fert.Vol.: 56, 1993.
Spaan, W.P. and Dijk, K.J.Van., 1998, Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation Measures in a Closed Sylvo-Pastoral Area in Burkino Faso. Advances in Geoecology, No:31, 1295-1301, 8 ref. CAB Abs., 1998- 1999.
Taysun, A. ve Uysal, H., 1996, Türkiye’de Su Erozyonu Tehlikesi ve Tarım Arazilerinde alınması Gereken Önlemler, E.Ü.Z.F. Tarımsal Uyg. ve Araşt. Mrkz. Yayım Bülteni, 27.
Taysun, A., 1989, Toprak ve Su Korunumu, E.Ü.Z.F. Teksir No: 92-III.
Taysun,A.,1986, Gediz Havzası’nda Rendzina Tarım Topraklarında Yapay Yağmurlayıcı Yardımıyla Taşlar, Bitki Artıkları ve Polyvinil Alkolün (PVA) Toprak Özellikleri ile Birlikte Erozyona Etkileri Üzerine Araştırmalar. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayın No: 474.
Yönter,G.,2001, Toprak İskeletinin Yapay Yağmurlayıcı Koşulları Altında Su Erozyonuna Etkisi, Doktora Tezi, E.Ü.Fen Bil. Enst.,Bornova-İzmir, 86 s.
Yağışla Meydana Gelen Toprak Kaybının Yüzey Akış Miktarı ve Süresine Bağlı Değişiminin Modellenmesi
Year 2005,
Volume: 42 Issue: 1, 97 - 106, 01.03.2005
Abrahim,Y.B. and Rickson, J.R., 1989, The Effectiveness of Stubble Mulching in Soil Erosion Control, Soil Erosion Protection Measures in Europe Soil Technology Series,1,115-126.
Agassi, M.,1995, Soil Erosion, Conservation and Rehabilitation, Soil Erosion Research Station Soil Conservation and Drainage Division Ministry of Agriculture Emeq-Hafer, Israel.
Akalan,İ.,1967,Toprak Fiziksel Özellikleri ve Erozyon. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yıllığı,(3-4):490-503, Ankara.
Benkobi,L., Trlica, M.J. and Smith J.L., 1993, Soil Loss as Affected by Different Combinations of Surface Litter and Rock, J. of Environ. Quality, 22(4):657- 661.
Box, J.E., 1981, The Effects of Surface Slaty Fragments on Soil Erosion by Water, Soil Science Society of Americ. Journal, 45(1):111-116.
Bubenzer,G.D. and Meyer, L.D., 1965, Simulation of Rainfall and Soils for Laboratory Research. Trans. ASAE.,8:73-75.
Bunte,K. and Poessen, J., 1993, Effects of Rock Fragment Covers on Erosion and Transport of Noncohesive Sediment by Shallow Overland Flow, Water Resources Research, 29(5):1415-1424. Soil and Fert.Abs. Vol.: 56, 1993.
Chow, T.L. and Rees, H.W., 1995, Effects of Coarse Fragment Content and Size on Soil Erosion Under Simulated Rainfall. Canadian Journal of Science, 75(2):227-232. Soil and Fert.Abs. Vol:55, 1992.
Chow, T.L.,Rees, H.W. and Moodie, R.L., 1992, Effects of Stone Removal and Stone Crushing on Soil Properties, Erosion and Potato Quality, Soil Science, 183(3): 242-249. Soil and Fert. Abs. Vol: 55, 1992.
Green, J.R. and Margerison,D.,1978, Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York, 382 pp.
Grill, J.J.Canler,J.P. and Carsoulle,J.,1989, The Benefit of Permanent Grass and Mulching for Limiting. runoff and Erosion in Vineyards. Experimentations Using Rainfall Simulations in the Beaujolais. Soil Erosion Protection Measures in Europe Soil Technology Series,1,157-166
Mollenhauer, K.,Fritz, E.M., Feldwisch, N., Look, A., Taysun, A., 1996, Influence of Rock Fragments of Soils on Runoff Generations, Infiltration and Soil Loss, Zeitschrift fur Kulturtechnic und Landentwicklung, 37:5, 202-206, 5 ref.
Poessen, J. and Ingelmosanchez, F., 1992, Runoff and Sediment Yield from Topsoils with Different Porosity as Affected by Rock Fragments Cover and Positions, Catena, 19(5): 451-474, 62 ref.,Belgium, Soil and Fert. Abs. Vol: 56, 1993.
Poessen, J., 1990, Conditions for the Evacuation of Rock Fragments from Cultivated Upland Areas During Rain Storms. Wallingford, Oxon, OX 108 BB, UK; IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology IAHS Publication, No:189, 145-160, ISBN, 0-947571-37-X 31 ref., InErosion Transport and Deposition Processes (Proceeding of the Jerusalem Workshop, March-April, 1987). Soil and Fert. Abs. Vol: 54, 1991.
Sach. F., 1990, The Danger of Soil Erosion on Stony Slopes. Nebezpeci Vnitropudni Eroze Na Kamenitysh Svazich Lebinska Prace, 69(10): 304-309, Vulhm-VS Opocno, Chezchoslovakia. Soil and Fert.Vol.: 56, 1993.
Spaan, W.P. and Dijk, K.J.Van., 1998, Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation Measures in a Closed Sylvo-Pastoral Area in Burkino Faso. Advances in Geoecology, No:31, 1295-1301, 8 ref. CAB Abs., 1998- 1999.
Taysun, A. ve Uysal, H., 1996, Türkiye’de Su Erozyonu Tehlikesi ve Tarım Arazilerinde alınması Gereken Önlemler, E.Ü.Z.F. Tarımsal Uyg. ve Araşt. Mrkz. Yayım Bülteni, 27.
Taysun, A., 1989, Toprak ve Su Korunumu, E.Ü.Z.F. Teksir No: 92-III.
Taysun,A.,1986, Gediz Havzası’nda Rendzina Tarım Topraklarında Yapay Yağmurlayıcı Yardımıyla Taşlar, Bitki Artıkları ve Polyvinil Alkolün (PVA) Toprak Özellikleri ile Birlikte Erozyona Etkileri Üzerine Araştırmalar. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayın No: 474.
Yönter,G.,2001, Toprak İskeletinin Yapay Yağmurlayıcı Koşulları Altında Su Erozyonuna Etkisi, Doktora Tezi, E.Ü.Fen Bil. Enst.,Bornova-İzmir, 86 s.
Kılıç, M., & Yönter, G. (2005). Yağışla Meydana Gelen Toprak Kaybının Yüzey Akış Miktarı ve Süresine Bağlı Değişiminin Modellenmesi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 42(1), 97-106.