Açıkgöz, N., M.E., Aktaş, A., Moghaddam, K., Özcan, 1993. Tarist PC’ler için İstatistik ve Kantitatif Genetik Paket. Uluslararası Bilgisayar Uygulamalar Semp. 133 s. 19 Ekim 1993. Konya
Anonim 2003. Tarımsal Yapı ve Üretim. Başbakanlık Devlet İst. Enst. Ankara
Bingham, F.T., 1949. Soil Test for Phosphate. California Agr., 3(7):11-14.
Bouyoucous, G.J., 1955. A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method for Making Mechanical Analysis of Soils. Agronomy Journal, 4 (9):434.
Bozokalfa, M.K., D., Eşiyok, B., Yağmur, A., Uğur, 2004. Effects of Different Nitrogen Rates on the Yield and Quality of Celery. XXXIX. Croatian Symposium on Agriculture. February 17-20, 2004. Opatija-Croatia
Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total Nitrogen. Editor C.A. Black, Methods of Soil Analysis . Part 2. Amer. Society of Agronomy Inc, Publisher, Madison, Wisconsin U.S.A. 1149-1178.
Bremier , T. 1982. Environmental factors and Cultural Mesaures Affecting the Nitrate Content in Spinach. Fert. Res. 3 (3). 191-292.
Cooke, G.W. and P.A., Gething, 1980. Chancing Concepts on the Use of Potash in “Potassium Fertilization in Agricultural practice” IPI Research Tropics No: 8 Switzerland.
Çağlar, K.Ö., 1949. Toprak Bilgisi. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları, sayı: 10.
Eşiyok, D., M.K. Bozokalfa, A. Uğur, 2003. Sap Kerevizinde (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce) Dikim Sıklıklarının Verim ve Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. E.Ü. Zir. Fak. Derg. 40 (3): 17-24.
Fincg, A., 1982. Fertilizers and Fertilization . Verlag Chemic GmbH. Weinheim, W. Germany
Günay, A., 1983. Özel Sebze Yetiştiriciliği, Cilt II. Çağ Matbaası, Ankara
Jackson, M.L. 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
Kacar, B. 1978. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No : 453, Ankara.
Karaçal, İ., İ., Türetken, 1992. Normal ve aşırı azot uygulamasının marul (Lactuca sativa L.) nitrat ve nitrit birikimine etkisi. I. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, İzmir.
Lindsay, W.L. and D.W., Norvell, 1978. Development of DTPA Soil Test for Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Copper. Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. Jour. 42:421-428.
Nonnecke, I. L., 1989. Vegetable Production, Book News, Inc., 644 pp., Portland, Oregon, USA.
Pierce, L. C. 1987. Vegeteables: Characteristic, production, and marketing. John Wiley and Sons. USA
Pommerering, B., D., Palzzo, D., Mastrovito, S., Martelli, S., Vandia, 1992. A quick test for determining NO3 concentration in fresh vegetables. Advances in Horticulture Science 6:1, 33-36 13 ref.
Poincelot, R. P.,1980. Horticulture Principles and Practical Applications, Fairfield University, Department of Biology, 652 pp. New Jersey.
Pressman, E., 1979. Comparative Physiology of Wild and Cultivated Varieties of Apium Graveolens L., With Special Reference to Flowering. PhD Thesis
Reuterberg, E. und F., Kremkus, 1951. Bestimmung Von Gesamt Humus Und Alkoliloslichen Humustofhen in Boden. Zeitschrift Pflanzenernahrung Dingung Und Bodenkunde. 54(99) Band Heft. 1., Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H. Wienheim/Beckstrasse und Berlin. 5. 240-249.
Simpson, K., 1983. Soil. Longman Group Limited. London.
Soil Survey Staff., 1951. Soil Survey Manuel. Agricultural Research Administration, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, Handbook, No.18.
Steineck , O., H.E., Hader, 1980. The effect of potassium on growth and yield components of plants, In “The Role of potassium in yield formation” IPI research Topics, No: 6 Switzerland
Thomson, H. C., W. C., Kelly, 1957. Vegetable Crops, Fifth edition, McGraw Hill Book Comp., Inc., 611 pp. London
Vural, H., D., Eşiyok, İ.,Duman, 2000. Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi. Bornova/İzmir 440s.
Wien, H. C., 1997. The Physiology of Vegetables Crops, Department of Fruit and Vegetables Science, Cornell University, USA
Fosfor ve Potasyum Uygulamalarının Sap Kerevizinde (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce) Verim Mineral Madde Nitrat ve Nitrit Miktarı Üzerine Etkisi
Year 2005,
Volume: 42 Issue: 2, 121 - 130, 01.06.2005
Açıkgöz, N., M.E., Aktaş, A., Moghaddam, K., Özcan, 1993. Tarist PC’ler için İstatistik ve Kantitatif Genetik Paket. Uluslararası Bilgisayar Uygulamalar Semp. 133 s. 19 Ekim 1993. Konya
Anonim 2003. Tarımsal Yapı ve Üretim. Başbakanlık Devlet İst. Enst. Ankara
Bingham, F.T., 1949. Soil Test for Phosphate. California Agr., 3(7):11-14.
Bouyoucous, G.J., 1955. A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method for Making Mechanical Analysis of Soils. Agronomy Journal, 4 (9):434.
Bozokalfa, M.K., D., Eşiyok, B., Yağmur, A., Uğur, 2004. Effects of Different Nitrogen Rates on the Yield and Quality of Celery. XXXIX. Croatian Symposium on Agriculture. February 17-20, 2004. Opatija-Croatia
Bremner, J.M., 1965. Total Nitrogen. Editor C.A. Black, Methods of Soil Analysis . Part 2. Amer. Society of Agronomy Inc, Publisher, Madison, Wisconsin U.S.A. 1149-1178.
Bremier , T. 1982. Environmental factors and Cultural Mesaures Affecting the Nitrate Content in Spinach. Fert. Res. 3 (3). 191-292.
Cooke, G.W. and P.A., Gething, 1980. Chancing Concepts on the Use of Potash in “Potassium Fertilization in Agricultural practice” IPI Research Tropics No: 8 Switzerland.
Çağlar, K.Ö., 1949. Toprak Bilgisi. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları, sayı: 10.
Eşiyok, D., M.K. Bozokalfa, A. Uğur, 2003. Sap Kerevizinde (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce) Dikim Sıklıklarının Verim ve Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. E.Ü. Zir. Fak. Derg. 40 (3): 17-24.
Fincg, A., 1982. Fertilizers and Fertilization . Verlag Chemic GmbH. Weinheim, W. Germany
Günay, A., 1983. Özel Sebze Yetiştiriciliği, Cilt II. Çağ Matbaası, Ankara
Jackson, M.L. 1967. Soil Chemical Analysis Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
Kacar, B. 1978. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri. A.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No : 453, Ankara.
Karaçal, İ., İ., Türetken, 1992. Normal ve aşırı azot uygulamasının marul (Lactuca sativa L.) nitrat ve nitrit birikimine etkisi. I. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, İzmir.
Lindsay, W.L. and D.W., Norvell, 1978. Development of DTPA Soil Test for Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Copper. Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. Jour. 42:421-428.
Nonnecke, I. L., 1989. Vegetable Production, Book News, Inc., 644 pp., Portland, Oregon, USA.
Pierce, L. C. 1987. Vegeteables: Characteristic, production, and marketing. John Wiley and Sons. USA
Pommerering, B., D., Palzzo, D., Mastrovito, S., Martelli, S., Vandia, 1992. A quick test for determining NO3 concentration in fresh vegetables. Advances in Horticulture Science 6:1, 33-36 13 ref.
Poincelot, R. P.,1980. Horticulture Principles and Practical Applications, Fairfield University, Department of Biology, 652 pp. New Jersey.
Pressman, E., 1979. Comparative Physiology of Wild and Cultivated Varieties of Apium Graveolens L., With Special Reference to Flowering. PhD Thesis
Reuterberg, E. und F., Kremkus, 1951. Bestimmung Von Gesamt Humus Und Alkoliloslichen Humustofhen in Boden. Zeitschrift Pflanzenernahrung Dingung Und Bodenkunde. 54(99) Band Heft. 1., Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H. Wienheim/Beckstrasse und Berlin. 5. 240-249.
Simpson, K., 1983. Soil. Longman Group Limited. London.
Soil Survey Staff., 1951. Soil Survey Manuel. Agricultural Research Administration, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, Handbook, No.18.
Steineck , O., H.E., Hader, 1980. The effect of potassium on growth and yield components of plants, In “The Role of potassium in yield formation” IPI research Topics, No: 6 Switzerland
Thomson, H. C., W. C., Kelly, 1957. Vegetable Crops, Fifth edition, McGraw Hill Book Comp., Inc., 611 pp. London
Vural, H., D., Eşiyok, İ.,Duman, 2000. Kültür Sebzeleri (Sebze Yetiştirme). Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi. Bornova/İzmir 440s.
Wien, H. C., 1997. The Physiology of Vegetables Crops, Department of Fruit and Vegetables Science, Cornell University, USA
Yağmur, B., Bozokalfa, M. K., & Eşiyok, D. (2005). Fosfor ve Potasyum Uygulamalarının Sap Kerevizinde (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce) Verim Mineral Madde Nitrat ve Nitrit Miktarı Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 42(2), 121-130.