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Karma Gerçeklikli Görsel Müze Olarak Troya Müzesinin Karma Görsellik Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 197 - 224, 28.02.2019



  • Azuma, R. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality, Presence, Vol.6, No.4, 335-385.
  • Azuma, R., Baillot, Y., Behringer, R., Feiner, S., Julier, S., MacIntyre, B. (2001). Recent advances in augmented reality. NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON DC., , IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34-47.
  • Bandelli, A. (1999). Virtual Spaces and Museums, Journal of Museum Education, 24:1-2, 20-22.
  • Barbieri, L., Bruno, F., Muzzupappa, M. (2017). Virtual Museum System Evaluation Through User Studies, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26: 101-108.
  • Bennett, T. (2006).Exhibition, difference and the logic of culture. Museum Frictions içinde: Public Cultures/Global Transformations, Edited by: Karp, I. and Kratz, C. Durham and London: Durham University Press.
  • Black, G. (2012). The Engaging Museum: Developing Museums for Visitor Involvement, Routledge, London.
  • Borg, C., Mayo, P. (2010).Museums: Adult education as cultural politics. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 127: 35-44.
  • Carey, S., Davidson, L., Sahli, M. (2013). Capital City Museum and Tourism Flows: An Empirical Study of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, International Journal of Tourism Research, 15, 554-569.
  • Diker, O., Deniz, T. (2017). Coğrafya ve Tarih Perspektifinden Somut Kültürel Miras ve Türkiye, PegemA Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Foley, M., McPherson, G. (2000). Museums as Leisure, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol.6,No.2, 161-174.
  • Froschauer, J., Seidel, I., Gärtner, M., Berger, H., Merkl, D. (2010). Design and evaluation of a serious game for immersive cultural training. In Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 2010 16th International Conference on IEEE. October, 253-260.
  • Galani, A. (2003). Mixed Reality Museum Visits: Using New Technologies to Support Co-Visiting for Local and Remote Visitors, Museological Review, 10,1-17.
  • Galani, A., Chalmers, M., Brown, B., McColl, I., Randell, C., Steed, A. (2003). Developing a Mixed Reality Co-Visiting Experience for Local and Remote Museum Companions, in: J. Jacko, C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Conference of HCI, Crete, Greece, June 2003, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1143–1147.
  • Giddens, A. (2008). Sosyoloji, çev. Güzel, Cemal, Kırmızı Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Grasset, R., Bilinghurst, M., Dünser, A., Seichter, H. (2007). The Mixed Reality Book: A New Multimedia Reading Experince, In CHI'07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (1953-1958). ACM.
  • Hovardaoğlu, S. (2000). Davranış bilimleri için araştırma teknikleri. Hatiboğlu Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Helle, S., Lehtonen, T., Woodward, C., Turunen, M., Salmi, H. (2017). Miracle Handbook Guidelines for Mixed Reality Applications for Culture and Learning Experience, University of Turku, ISBN: 978-951-29-6884-8.
  • Herreman, Y. (1998). Museums and Tourism: Culture and Consemption, Museum International, Vol.50, No.3, 4-12.
  • Hughes, C.E., Stapleton, C. B:, Hughes, D. E., Smith, E. M. (2005). Mixed Reality in Education, Entertaiment and Training, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25(6), 24-30.
  • International Council of Museums (2017) ICOM Statudes, Extraordinary General Assembly 9th June, Paris, France.
  • Kohlstedt, G. S. (1988). Curiosities and Cabinets: Natural History Museums and Education on the Antebellum Campus, Isis A Journal of the History of Science Society, Vol.79, No.3 , 405-426.
  • Küçük, S., Yılmaz, R. M.,Göktaş Y. (2014). Augmented Reality for Learning English: Achievement, Attitude and Cognitive Load Levels of Students. Education and Science/Egitim ve Bilim, 39(176).
  • Lindgren R., Johnson-Glenberg, M. (2013). Emboldened by Embodiment: Six Precepts fpr Research on Embodied Learning and Mixed Reality, Educational Researcher, Vol. 42, No.8, 445-452.
  • Marcus, A. S. Rethinking museums' adult education for K-12 teachers. Journal of Museum Education, 2008, 33.1: 55-78.
  • Martins, F. V., Guimaraes, Marcelo de P., Kirner, C. (2014). Development and Evaluation of Agumented Reality Educational Applications, Agumented Reality: Developments, Technologies and Applications içinde, Ed. Hughes, Raymond, Nova Science Publisher, USA.
  • Milgram, P., Kishino, F. (1994). A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays, IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, Vol E77-D, No.12, 2-15.
  • Miyashita, T., Meier, P., Tachikawa, T., Orlic, S., Eble, T., Scholz, V., Lieberknecht, S. (2008). An augmented reality museum guide. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality . IEEE Computer Society, September, 103-106.
  • Mortara, M., Catalano, C. E., Bellotti, F., Fiucci, G., Houry-Panchetti, M.,Petridis, P. (2014). Learning cultural heritage by serious games. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(3), 318-325.
  • Okan, B. (2015). Günümüzde Müzecilik Anlayışı, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi,Cilt.5, Sayı.9, 187-198.
  • Styliani, S., Fotis, L., Kostas, K.,Petros, P. (2009). Virtual museums, a survey and some issues for consideration. Journal of cultural Heritage, 10(4), 520-528.
  • TEA, Themed Entertaiment Association (2018). Theme Index and Museum Index, TEA/AECOM, USA.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK) , Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, Ankara 2010.
  • Jung, T. H., Tom Dieck, M. C. (2017) Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and 3D Printing for the Co-Creation of Value for the Visitor Experience at Cultural Heritage Places, Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, 140-151.
  • Wali, A. (1999). Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums, and Heritage. American Anthropologist, 101.3: 629-630.
  • Worts, D. (2011). Culture and museums in the winds of change: The need for cultural indicators. Culture and Local Governance / Culture et gouvernance locale, vol 3 (1-2) :117-132.
  • Museo_Segorbinos_Ilustres-Segorbe_Province_of_Castellon_Valencian_Coun.html 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  •üzesi 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.

Evaluating Troy Museum as Mixed Realıty Virtual Museum With Mıxed Visuality Method

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 197 - 224, 28.02.2019


Gelişen teknolojinin etkisiyle
müze konseptlerinde de büyük değişiklikler meydana gelmiştir. Klasik durağan
müzelerin yerlerini, teknolojik altyapılar ile desteklenmiş karma gerçeklikli
görsel müzeler ortaya çıkmıştır. Karma gerçeklik kavramı, arttırılmış gerçeklik
ve arttırılmış görsellik teknolojilerin birlikte kullanıldığı ortamlar için
kullanılmaktadır. Karma gerçeklik teknolojileri; interaktif ve arttırılmış
gerçeklikli videolar, 2D/3D görüntü ve sesli görüntü sistemleri, hologram, lazer
ışık teknolojileri, analog ve dijital oyunlar ile örneklendirilebilir. Yapılan
araştırmalar karma gerçeklik kullanılan müzelerin, klasik örneklerine nazaran
daha sık, daha uzun sürelerde ziyaret edildiği bunun yanında destinasyonlar
açısından tercih nedeni olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı
Çanakkale ilindeki Yeni Troya Müzesinin sahip olduğu teknolojik altyapının
karma gerçeklikli görsel müze kriterlerine uygunluğunun incelenmesidir. Bu amaç
doğrultusunda, araştırmanın
kavramsal bölümü için literatür
taraması gerçekleştirmenin yanında araştırma bölümü için yapılandırılmış
(denetimli) gözlem tekniği kullanılmış elde edilen veriler işlenerek karma
görsellik tekniği kullanılarak ortaya konulmuştur.
Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Yeni
Troya Müzesi, sahip olduğu teknolojik altyapı ile altyapının sunum kriterleri
bakımından karma gerçeklikli görsel müze kriterlerini taşıdığı sonucuna


  • Azuma, R. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality, Presence, Vol.6, No.4, 335-385.
  • Azuma, R., Baillot, Y., Behringer, R., Feiner, S., Julier, S., MacIntyre, B. (2001). Recent advances in augmented reality. NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON DC., , IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34-47.
  • Bandelli, A. (1999). Virtual Spaces and Museums, Journal of Museum Education, 24:1-2, 20-22.
  • Barbieri, L., Bruno, F., Muzzupappa, M. (2017). Virtual Museum System Evaluation Through User Studies, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26: 101-108.
  • Bennett, T. (2006).Exhibition, difference and the logic of culture. Museum Frictions içinde: Public Cultures/Global Transformations, Edited by: Karp, I. and Kratz, C. Durham and London: Durham University Press.
  • Black, G. (2012). The Engaging Museum: Developing Museums for Visitor Involvement, Routledge, London.
  • Borg, C., Mayo, P. (2010).Museums: Adult education as cultural politics. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 127: 35-44.
  • Carey, S., Davidson, L., Sahli, M. (2013). Capital City Museum and Tourism Flows: An Empirical Study of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, International Journal of Tourism Research, 15, 554-569.
  • Diker, O., Deniz, T. (2017). Coğrafya ve Tarih Perspektifinden Somut Kültürel Miras ve Türkiye, PegemA Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Foley, M., McPherson, G. (2000). Museums as Leisure, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol.6,No.2, 161-174.
  • Froschauer, J., Seidel, I., Gärtner, M., Berger, H., Merkl, D. (2010). Design and evaluation of a serious game for immersive cultural training. In Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 2010 16th International Conference on IEEE. October, 253-260.
  • Galani, A. (2003). Mixed Reality Museum Visits: Using New Technologies to Support Co-Visiting for Local and Remote Visitors, Museological Review, 10,1-17.
  • Galani, A., Chalmers, M., Brown, B., McColl, I., Randell, C., Steed, A. (2003). Developing a Mixed Reality Co-Visiting Experience for Local and Remote Museum Companions, in: J. Jacko, C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Conference of HCI, Crete, Greece, June 2003, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1143–1147.
  • Giddens, A. (2008). Sosyoloji, çev. Güzel, Cemal, Kırmızı Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Grasset, R., Bilinghurst, M., Dünser, A., Seichter, H. (2007). The Mixed Reality Book: A New Multimedia Reading Experince, In CHI'07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (1953-1958). ACM.
  • Hovardaoğlu, S. (2000). Davranış bilimleri için araştırma teknikleri. Hatiboğlu Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Helle, S., Lehtonen, T., Woodward, C., Turunen, M., Salmi, H. (2017). Miracle Handbook Guidelines for Mixed Reality Applications for Culture and Learning Experience, University of Turku, ISBN: 978-951-29-6884-8.
  • Herreman, Y. (1998). Museums and Tourism: Culture and Consemption, Museum International, Vol.50, No.3, 4-12.
  • Hughes, C.E., Stapleton, C. B:, Hughes, D. E., Smith, E. M. (2005). Mixed Reality in Education, Entertaiment and Training, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25(6), 24-30.
  • International Council of Museums (2017) ICOM Statudes, Extraordinary General Assembly 9th June, Paris, France.
  • Kohlstedt, G. S. (1988). Curiosities and Cabinets: Natural History Museums and Education on the Antebellum Campus, Isis A Journal of the History of Science Society, Vol.79, No.3 , 405-426.
  • Küçük, S., Yılmaz, R. M.,Göktaş Y. (2014). Augmented Reality for Learning English: Achievement, Attitude and Cognitive Load Levels of Students. Education and Science/Egitim ve Bilim, 39(176).
  • Lindgren R., Johnson-Glenberg, M. (2013). Emboldened by Embodiment: Six Precepts fpr Research on Embodied Learning and Mixed Reality, Educational Researcher, Vol. 42, No.8, 445-452.
  • Marcus, A. S. Rethinking museums' adult education for K-12 teachers. Journal of Museum Education, 2008, 33.1: 55-78.
  • Martins, F. V., Guimaraes, Marcelo de P., Kirner, C. (2014). Development and Evaluation of Agumented Reality Educational Applications, Agumented Reality: Developments, Technologies and Applications içinde, Ed. Hughes, Raymond, Nova Science Publisher, USA.
  • Milgram, P., Kishino, F. (1994). A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays, IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, Vol E77-D, No.12, 2-15.
  • Miyashita, T., Meier, P., Tachikawa, T., Orlic, S., Eble, T., Scholz, V., Lieberknecht, S. (2008). An augmented reality museum guide. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality . IEEE Computer Society, September, 103-106.
  • Mortara, M., Catalano, C. E., Bellotti, F., Fiucci, G., Houry-Panchetti, M.,Petridis, P. (2014). Learning cultural heritage by serious games. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(3), 318-325.
  • Okan, B. (2015). Günümüzde Müzecilik Anlayışı, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi,Cilt.5, Sayı.9, 187-198.
  • Styliani, S., Fotis, L., Kostas, K.,Petros, P. (2009). Virtual museums, a survey and some issues for consideration. Journal of cultural Heritage, 10(4), 520-528.
  • TEA, Themed Entertaiment Association (2018). Theme Index and Museum Index, TEA/AECOM, USA.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK) , Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, Ankara 2010.
  • Jung, T. H., Tom Dieck, M. C. (2017) Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and 3D Printing for the Co-Creation of Value for the Visitor Experience at Cultural Heritage Places, Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, 140-151.
  • Wali, A. (1999). Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums, and Heritage. American Anthropologist, 101.3: 629-630.
  • Worts, D. (2011). Culture and museums in the winds of change: The need for cultural indicators. Culture and Local Governance / Culture et gouvernance locale, vol 3 (1-2) :117-132.
  • Museo_Segorbinos_Ilustres-Segorbe_Province_of_Castellon_Valencian_Coun.html 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  •üzesi 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
  • 15.01.2019 tarihinde erişilmiştir.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Oğuz Diker 0000-0002-9538-1621

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Şubat 2019
Kabul Tarihi 1 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Diker, O. (2019). Karma Gerçeklikli Görsel Müze Olarak Troya Müzesinin Karma Görsellik Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research, 3(1), 197-224.