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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 68 - 75, 27.07.2018


Biyo-yazıcı işlemi,
farklı tıbbi alanlarda (doku mühendisliği, rejeneratif tıp veya diğer biyolojik
çalışmalar) tıbbi yapıları imal etmek için hücreler ve biyomateryaller gibi
biyolojik yapıların üretilmesi için bilgisayar destekli bir transfer işlemi
olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Üç boyutlu (3D) bio-yazıcı teknolojisi, özellikle
karaciğer, böbrekler, akciğerler ile vücuttaki diğer canlı organlar ile diğer
organların yazdırılmasında kullanılır. Hidrojeller, yüksek biyo-uyumlulukları
nedeniyle doku mühendisliği için hücre yüklemek için 3D biyo-yazıcıda yaygın
olarak kullanılmaktadır. Buna ek olarak, hidrojeller vücutta bulunan yumuşak
dokuları simüle etmesi, suda yüksek oranda şişebilme kaabiliyeti ve doğal yumuşak
dokularınki ile benzer mekanik özelliklere sahip olmasından dolayı birçok
araştırmacı hidrojel ile ilgilenmiştir ve onlara olan ilgi her geçen gün
artmaktadır. Genellikle (i) doğal hidrojeller ve (ii) sentetik hidrojel olarak
iki gruba ayrılırlar. Bu çalışmada hem doğal hem de sentetik hidrojeller
hakkında literatürdeki önemli belgeler derlenmiş olup ek olarak, hidrojellerin
3D biyo-yazıcı işlemi detaylı bir şekilde tartışılmıştır.


  • Klebe RJ. Cytoscribing: A method for micropositioning cells and the construction of two- and three-dimensional synthetic tissues. Experimental Cell Research. 1988;179(2):362–373.
  • Ozbolat IT. 3D Bioprinting: Fundamentals, Principles and Applications, 2016. s.356
  • Hockaday LA, Kang KH, Colangelo NW, Cheung PYC, Duan B, Malone E, Wu J, Girardi LN, Bonassar LJ, Lipson H, Chu CC, Butcher JT, Rapid 3D printing of anatomically accurate and mechanically heterogeneous aortic valve hydrogel scaffolds. Biofabrication. 2012;4(3):005-035.
  • Inzana J, Olvera D, Fuller SM, Kelly JP, Graeve O, Schwarz EM, Kates SL, Awad H, 3D printing of composite calcium phosphate and collagen scaffolds for bone regeneration. Biomaterials. 2014;35(13): 4026-4034.
  • Yanagawa F, Sugiura S, Kanamori T, Hydrogel microfabrication technology toward three dimensional tissue engineering. Regenerative Therapy. 2016;3:45–57.
  • Chimene D, Lennox KK, Kaunas RR, Gaharwar AR, Advanced Bioinks for 3D Printing: A Materials Science Perspective. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2016;44(6):2090–2102.
  • Jessop ZM, Al-Sabah A, Gardiner MD, Combellack E, Hawkins K, Whitaker IS, 3D bioprinting for reconstructive surgery: Principles, applications and challenges. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. 2017;70(9):1155–1170.
  • Cornelissen DJ, Faulkner-Jones A, Shu W, Current developments in 3D bioprinting for tissue engineering. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering. 2017;2:76–82.
  • Yahia LH, History and Applications of Hydrogels. J. Biomed. Sci. 2015;4(2):1–23.
  • He Y, Yang F, Zhao H, Gao Q, Xia B, Fu J, Research on the printability of hydrogels in 3D bioprinting. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:1–13.
  • Jang J, Seol YJ, Kim HJ, Kundu J, Kim SW, Cho DW, Effects of alginate hydrogel cross-linking density on mechanical and biological behaviors for tissue engineering. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2014;37:69-77.
  • Zhao W, Jin X, Cong Y, Liu Y, Fu J, Degradable natural polymer hydrogels for articular cartilage tissue engineering. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2013;88(3):327–339.
  • Holland NB, Qiu Y, Ruegsegger M, Marchant RE, Biomimetic engineering of non-adhesive glycocalyx-like surfaces using oligosaccharide surfactant polymers. Nature. 1998;392(6678):799-801.
  • Alsberg E, Anderson KW, Albeiruti A, Rowley JA, Mooney DJ, Engineering growing tissues. National Academy of Sciences. 2002;99(19):12025-12030.
  • Tomei AA, Manzoli V, Fraker CV, Giraldo J, Velluto D, Najjar M, Pileggi A, Molano RD, Ricordi C, Stabler CL, Hubbell JA, Device design and materials optimization of conformal coating for islets of Langerhans. National Academy of Sciences. 2014;111(29):10514-10519.
  • Draget KI, Skjåk-Bræk G, Smidsrød O, Alginate based new materials. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 1997;21(1-2):47-55.
  • Blaeser A, Duarte Campos DF, Weber M, Neuss S, Theek B, Fischer H, Jahnen-Dechent W, Biofabrication Under Fluorocarbon: A Novel Freeform Fabrication Technique to Generate High Aspect Ratio Tissue-Engineered Constructs. BioResources. 2013;2(5):374-384.
  • Gudapati H, Yan J, Huang Y, Chrisey DB, Alginate gelation-induced cell death during laser-assisted cell printing. Biofabrication. 2014;6(3):022-035.
  • Freier T, Koh HS, Kazazian K, Shoichet MS, Controlling cell adhesion and degradation of chitosan films by N-acetylation. Biomaterials. 2005;26(29):5872-5878.
  • Kumar MNVR, Muzzarelli RAA, Muzzarelli C, Sashiwa H, Domb SJ, Chitosan chemistry and pharmaceutical perspectives. Chemical Reviews (ACS Publications). 2004;104(12):6017-6084.
  • Croisier F, Jerome C, Chitosan-based biomaterials for tissue engineering. European Polymer Journal. 2013;49(4):780-792.
  • Geng L, Feng W, Hutmacher DW, San Wong Y, Tong Loh H, Fuh JYH, Direct writing of chitosan scaffolds using a robotic system. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2005;11(2):90-97.
  • Ozbolat IT, Hospodiuk M, Current advances and future perspectives in extrusion-based bioprinting. Biomaterials. 2016;76:321–343.
  • Huang B, Liu M, Zhou C, Chitosan composite hydrogels reinforced with natural clay nanotubes. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017;175(August):689–698.
  • Cui X, Boland T, Human microvasculature fabrication using thermal inkjet printing technology. Biomaterials. 2009;30(31):6221-6227.
  • Skardal A, Mack D, Kapetanovic E, Atala A, Jackson JD, Yoo J, Soker S, Bioprinted Amniotic Fluid-Derived Stem Cells Accelerate Healing of Large Skin Wounds. Journal of Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 2012;1(11):792-802.
  • Yanez M, Rincon J, Dones A, De Maria C, Gonzales R, Boland T, In Vivo Assessment of Printed Microvasculature in a Bilayer Skin Graft to Treat Full-Thickness Wounds. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2015;21(1-2):224-233.
  • Ahmed TAE, Dare EV, Hincke E, Fibrin: a versatile scaffold for tissue engineering applications. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. 2008;14(2):199-215.
  • Eyrich D, Brandl F, Appel B, Wiese H, Maier G, Wenzel W, Staudenmaier R, Goepferich A, Blunk T, Long-term stable fibrin gels for cartilage engineering. Biomaterials. 2007;28(1):55-65.
  • Ozbolat IT, Hospodiuk M, Current advances and future perspectives in extrusion-based bioprinting. Biomaterials. 2016;76:321–343.
  • Gruene M, Pflaum M, Deiwick A, Koch L, Schlie S, Unger C, Wilhelmi M, Haverich A, Chichkov BN, Adipogenic differentiation of laser-printed 3D tissue grafts consisting of human adipose-derived stem cells. Biofabrication. 2011;3(1):005-015.
  • Ratner R, Hoffman R, Synthetic Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications. in: ACS Symposium Series American Chemical Society, Washington, 1976, 1–36.
  • Gibas I, Janik H, Review : Synthetic Polymer Hydrogels for Biomedical. Chemistry & Chemical Technology. 2010;4:297–304.
  • Cretu A, Gattin R, Brachais L, Barbier-Baudry D, Synthesis and degradation of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-graft-poly (ε-caprolactone) copolymers. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2004;83(3):399-404.
  • Wu M, Bao B, Yoshii F, Makuuchi K, Irradiation of crosslinked, poly(vinyl alcohol) blended hydrogel for wound dressing. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2001;250(2):391–395.
  • Benoit DSW, Durney AR, Anseth KS, Manipulations in Hydrogel Degradation Behavior Enhance Osteoblast Function and Mineralized Tissue Formation. Journal of Tissue Engineering. 2006;12(6):1663-1673.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 68 - 75, 27.07.2018


The bio-printing
describes as
a computer-aided transfer process for printing of biological structures such as cells and biomaterials to fabricate medical
constructions for different medical fields (tissue engineering, regenerative
medicine, or other biological studies). Especially, three-dimension (3D) bio-printing technology is used to print living
organs like livers, kidneys, lungs, and any other organs in the body. Hydrogels have been widely used in 3D bio-printing
to load cell for tissue engineering due to their high biocompatibility. In
addition, hydrogels simulate the soft tissues which present in the body,
swollen in water at high levels and have similar mechanical properties to those
of natural soft tissues, many researchers have been interested in hydrogels and
their reputations are increasing day by day. They are generally divided into
two groups as (i) natural hydrogels and (ii) synthetic hydrogels. Key documents
in the literature about both natural and synthetic hydrogels have been reviewed
in this study. Also, 3D bio-printing process of the hydrogels has been discussed as detailly.


  • Klebe RJ. Cytoscribing: A method for micropositioning cells and the construction of two- and three-dimensional synthetic tissues. Experimental Cell Research. 1988;179(2):362–373.
  • Ozbolat IT. 3D Bioprinting: Fundamentals, Principles and Applications, 2016. s.356
  • Hockaday LA, Kang KH, Colangelo NW, Cheung PYC, Duan B, Malone E, Wu J, Girardi LN, Bonassar LJ, Lipson H, Chu CC, Butcher JT, Rapid 3D printing of anatomically accurate and mechanically heterogeneous aortic valve hydrogel scaffolds. Biofabrication. 2012;4(3):005-035.
  • Inzana J, Olvera D, Fuller SM, Kelly JP, Graeve O, Schwarz EM, Kates SL, Awad H, 3D printing of composite calcium phosphate and collagen scaffolds for bone regeneration. Biomaterials. 2014;35(13): 4026-4034.
  • Yanagawa F, Sugiura S, Kanamori T, Hydrogel microfabrication technology toward three dimensional tissue engineering. Regenerative Therapy. 2016;3:45–57.
  • Chimene D, Lennox KK, Kaunas RR, Gaharwar AR, Advanced Bioinks for 3D Printing: A Materials Science Perspective. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2016;44(6):2090–2102.
  • Jessop ZM, Al-Sabah A, Gardiner MD, Combellack E, Hawkins K, Whitaker IS, 3D bioprinting for reconstructive surgery: Principles, applications and challenges. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. 2017;70(9):1155–1170.
  • Cornelissen DJ, Faulkner-Jones A, Shu W, Current developments in 3D bioprinting for tissue engineering. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering. 2017;2:76–82.
  • Yahia LH, History and Applications of Hydrogels. J. Biomed. Sci. 2015;4(2):1–23.
  • He Y, Yang F, Zhao H, Gao Q, Xia B, Fu J, Research on the printability of hydrogels in 3D bioprinting. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:1–13.
  • Jang J, Seol YJ, Kim HJ, Kundu J, Kim SW, Cho DW, Effects of alginate hydrogel cross-linking density on mechanical and biological behaviors for tissue engineering. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2014;37:69-77.
  • Zhao W, Jin X, Cong Y, Liu Y, Fu J, Degradable natural polymer hydrogels for articular cartilage tissue engineering. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2013;88(3):327–339.
  • Holland NB, Qiu Y, Ruegsegger M, Marchant RE, Biomimetic engineering of non-adhesive glycocalyx-like surfaces using oligosaccharide surfactant polymers. Nature. 1998;392(6678):799-801.
  • Alsberg E, Anderson KW, Albeiruti A, Rowley JA, Mooney DJ, Engineering growing tissues. National Academy of Sciences. 2002;99(19):12025-12030.
  • Tomei AA, Manzoli V, Fraker CV, Giraldo J, Velluto D, Najjar M, Pileggi A, Molano RD, Ricordi C, Stabler CL, Hubbell JA, Device design and materials optimization of conformal coating for islets of Langerhans. National Academy of Sciences. 2014;111(29):10514-10519.
  • Draget KI, Skjåk-Bræk G, Smidsrød O, Alginate based new materials. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 1997;21(1-2):47-55.
  • Blaeser A, Duarte Campos DF, Weber M, Neuss S, Theek B, Fischer H, Jahnen-Dechent W, Biofabrication Under Fluorocarbon: A Novel Freeform Fabrication Technique to Generate High Aspect Ratio Tissue-Engineered Constructs. BioResources. 2013;2(5):374-384.
  • Gudapati H, Yan J, Huang Y, Chrisey DB, Alginate gelation-induced cell death during laser-assisted cell printing. Biofabrication. 2014;6(3):022-035.
  • Freier T, Koh HS, Kazazian K, Shoichet MS, Controlling cell adhesion and degradation of chitosan films by N-acetylation. Biomaterials. 2005;26(29):5872-5878.
  • Kumar MNVR, Muzzarelli RAA, Muzzarelli C, Sashiwa H, Domb SJ, Chitosan chemistry and pharmaceutical perspectives. Chemical Reviews (ACS Publications). 2004;104(12):6017-6084.
  • Croisier F, Jerome C, Chitosan-based biomaterials for tissue engineering. European Polymer Journal. 2013;49(4):780-792.
  • Geng L, Feng W, Hutmacher DW, San Wong Y, Tong Loh H, Fuh JYH, Direct writing of chitosan scaffolds using a robotic system. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2005;11(2):90-97.
  • Ozbolat IT, Hospodiuk M, Current advances and future perspectives in extrusion-based bioprinting. Biomaterials. 2016;76:321–343.
  • Huang B, Liu M, Zhou C, Chitosan composite hydrogels reinforced with natural clay nanotubes. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017;175(August):689–698.
  • Cui X, Boland T, Human microvasculature fabrication using thermal inkjet printing technology. Biomaterials. 2009;30(31):6221-6227.
  • Skardal A, Mack D, Kapetanovic E, Atala A, Jackson JD, Yoo J, Soker S, Bioprinted Amniotic Fluid-Derived Stem Cells Accelerate Healing of Large Skin Wounds. Journal of Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 2012;1(11):792-802.
  • Yanez M, Rincon J, Dones A, De Maria C, Gonzales R, Boland T, In Vivo Assessment of Printed Microvasculature in a Bilayer Skin Graft to Treat Full-Thickness Wounds. Tissue Engineering Part A. 2015;21(1-2):224-233.
  • Ahmed TAE, Dare EV, Hincke E, Fibrin: a versatile scaffold for tissue engineering applications. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. 2008;14(2):199-215.
  • Eyrich D, Brandl F, Appel B, Wiese H, Maier G, Wenzel W, Staudenmaier R, Goepferich A, Blunk T, Long-term stable fibrin gels for cartilage engineering. Biomaterials. 2007;28(1):55-65.
  • Ozbolat IT, Hospodiuk M, Current advances and future perspectives in extrusion-based bioprinting. Biomaterials. 2016;76:321–343.
  • Gruene M, Pflaum M, Deiwick A, Koch L, Schlie S, Unger C, Wilhelmi M, Haverich A, Chichkov BN, Adipogenic differentiation of laser-printed 3D tissue grafts consisting of human adipose-derived stem cells. Biofabrication. 2011;3(1):005-015.
  • Ratner R, Hoffman R, Synthetic Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications. in: ACS Symposium Series American Chemical Society, Washington, 1976, 1–36.
  • Gibas I, Janik H, Review : Synthetic Polymer Hydrogels for Biomedical. Chemistry & Chemical Technology. 2010;4:297–304.
  • Cretu A, Gattin R, Brachais L, Barbier-Baudry D, Synthesis and degradation of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-graft-poly (ε-caprolactone) copolymers. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2004;83(3):399-404.
  • Wu M, Bao B, Yoshii F, Makuuchi K, Irradiation of crosslinked, poly(vinyl alcohol) blended hydrogel for wound dressing. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2001;250(2):391–395.
  • Benoit DSW, Durney AR, Anseth KS, Manipulations in Hydrogel Degradation Behavior Enhance Osteoblast Function and Mineralized Tissue Formation. Journal of Tissue Engineering. 2006;12(6):1663-1673.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Topuz 0000-0003-3692-796X

Burak Dikici 0000-0002-7249-923X

Mehmet Gavgalı

Hakan Yılmazer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Temmuz 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Topuz, M., Dikici, B., Gavgalı, M., Yılmazer, H. (2018). A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 2(2), 68-75.
AMA Topuz M, Dikici B, Gavgalı M, Yılmazer H. A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING. IJ3DPTDI. Temmuz 2018;2(2):68-75.
Chicago Topuz, Mehmet, Burak Dikici, Mehmet Gavgalı, ve Hakan Yılmazer. “A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2018): 68-75.
EndNote Topuz M, Dikici B, Gavgalı M, Yılmazer H (01 Temmuz 2018) A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2 2 68–75.
IEEE M. Topuz, B. Dikici, M. Gavgalı, ve H. Yılmazer, “A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING”, IJ3DPTDI, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 68–75, 2018.
ISNAD Topuz, Mehmet vd. “A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2/2 (Temmuz 2018), 68-75.
JAMA Topuz M, Dikici B, Gavgalı M, Yılmazer H. A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING. IJ3DPTDI. 2018;2:68–75.
MLA Topuz, Mehmet vd. “A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, c. 2, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 68-75.
Vancouver Topuz M, Dikici B, Gavgalı M, Yılmazer H. A REVIEW ON THE HYDROGELS USED IN 3D BIO-PRINTING. IJ3DPTDI. 2018;2(2):68-75.


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