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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 86 - 119, 15.07.2018


İktisat literatüründe genel olarak dış ticaretin ülke ve dolaylı olarak
dünya refahına olumlu etkisi olduğu kabul edilmektedir.
Çok Uluslu Şirketler en uygun üretim
faktörlerini içinde barındıran ülkeleri keşfetmek için uğraşırken, ülkeler de
uluslararası sermayeyi kendilerine
ekmek iin aba sarf etmektedirler. Ülkelerin dış
ticarette rekabet gücünü etkileyen çeşitli unsurların yanı sıra iş yapma
kolaylığını temsilen ekonomik özgürlükler de önemli bir değişken olarak
görülmektedir. Teorik çalışmalar ışığında ekonomik özgürlüğün yüksek olduğu
ülkelerin uluslararası ticarette daha rekabetçi olacağı öngörülmektedir. Bu
çalışmada konuyla ilgili teorik tartışmalar açıklanmış ve ampirik olarak
geçerliliği test edilmiştir. Bu amaçla OECD bünyesindeki ülkelerin 1995-2015
dönemine ait ekonomik verileri kullanılmıştır. OECD’yi oluşturan ülkelerin
farklı ekonomik özgürlük ve gelişmişlik seviyesine sahip olmasından kaynaklı
OECD ülkeleri yüksek ve düşük puanlı ülke grupları adı altında iki sınıfa
ayrılmıştır. Çalışmada Heritage Vakfının hazırladığı Ekonomik Özgürlükler Endeksi
ile WDI, OECDSTAT ve UNCTAD’ın yayınladığı Cari Denge/GSYİH, Dış Ticaret
Hacmi/GSYİH ve ülkeye giren Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar/GSYİH verileri arasında
ikinci kuşak panel birim kök ve eşbütünleşme testleri uygulanmıştır. Yüksek
ekonomik özgürlük puanına sahip ülkelerde ekonomik özgürlüklerin Cari
Denge/GSYİH ve Dış Ticaret Hacmi/GSYİH oranları ile arasında eşbütünleşme
ilişkisi olduğu tespit edilmişken, Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar/GSYİH oranı ile
eşbütünleşme ilişkisi ortaya konulamamıştır. Ancak düşük puanlı ülkeler için
ekonomik özgürlüklerin her üç değişkenle eşbütünleşik bir ilişki gösterdiği
tespit edilmiştir.


  • Ak, Gökhan (2015). John Staurt Mill Düşününde Bireyin Özgürlüğü, EUL Journal Of Social Sciences (VI-I) LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Haziran, S. 37-61.
  • Ajide, Kazeem B. & Eregha, Perekunah. Economic Freedom and FDI in ECOWAS Countries: A Panel Data Analysis, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 14(2), 163-173.
  • Appleyard, Denis R.& Field, Alfred. (1998). International Economics, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  • Azman – Saini, Ahmad Z. Baharumshah & Siong H. Law (2010). FDI, Economic Freedom And Economic Growth: International Evidence. Economic Modelling, Vol. 27 Issue 5, 1079-1089.
  • Badri, Arash Ketabforoush&Aidin Poorabdollahi Sheshgelani, (2017). Economic Freedom And FDI In Selected Developing Countries. Noble International Journal Of Economics And Financial Research Vol. 2, No. 5, Pp: 82-87.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. (2013). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (5. Edition). U.K.: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. & Pesaran, M. Hashem, “Heterogeneity and Cross Section Dependence in Panel Data Models: Theory and Applications”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 2007, pp. 232-232.
  • Barro, Robert J. (1998). Determinants Of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study, London: MIT Press Books.
  • Bengoa Marta & Sanchez- Robles B. (2003). FDI, Economic Freedom And Growth: New Evidence From Latin America. European Journal Of Political Economy 19, S. 529-45.
  • Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. (1990). The Heckscher – Ohlin – Samuelson Model, The Linder Hypothesis And The Determinants Of Bilateral Intra Industry Trade. The Economic Journal 100 (403), 1216-1229.
  • Blomström, Magnus & Kokko, Ari (1997). The Impact Of Foreign Investment On Host Countries: A Review Of The Empirical Evidence. World Bank Paper 1745. (Mayıs, 2018) Http://Documents.Worldbank.Org/Curated/En/992201468765633696/107507322 _20 041117150016/Additional/Multi-Page.Pdf
  • Breusch, Trevor S. & Adrian Rodney Pagan(1980) "The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics." The Review of Economic Studies 47.1 :239-253.
  • Caetano, Jose & Caleiro, Antonio (2009). Economic Freedom And Foreign Direct Investment - How Different Are The MENA Countries From The EU?. Universitdade De Evora, Documento De Trabalho, No. 2009/02. (Mayıs, 2018), Https://Www.Econstor.Eu/Bitstream/10419/144148/1/Wp_2009_02.Pdf
  • Carlsson, Fredrik and Lundström, Susanna, (2001). Economic Freedom and Growth: Decomposing the Effects, Working Paper in Economics, No. 33, January 2001.
  • Cushman, David O. (1985). Real Exchange Rate Risk, Expectations And The Level Of Direct Investment, The Review Of Economics And Statistics, 67, 297-308.
  • Dunning, John H. (1998). Location And The Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor. Journal Of International Business Studies. 1998; 29(1):45-66.
  • Hayek, Friedrich August (2009). Economic Freedom And Representative Government, Fourth Wincott Memorial Lecture Delivered At The Royal Society Of Arts, Web Edition (1973).
  • Helleiner, Gerald K. (1973). Manufactured Exports From Less-Developed Countries And Multinational Firms. Economic Journal, Vol. 83, S.21-47.
  • Heritage Vakfı (2018). Highlights Of 2018 Index Of Economic Freedom Report, (Mayıs, 2018) Https://Www.Heritage.Org/Trade/Report/2018-Index-Economic-Freedom-Freedom-Trade-Key-Prosperity
  • Herzer, Dierk (2010). How Does FDI Really Affect Developing Countries Growth? Economic Modelling. Discussion Paper 207. Ibero-America Institute For Economic Research.
  • Hossain, Shakib (2016). Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Freedom and Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries, International Journal of Economics and Finance, C.8, Sayı:11, pp. 200-214.
  • Imtiaz, Sadia & Bashir, Malik (2017). Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in South Asian Countries. Theoretical and Applied Economics, C.14, Sayı:2, ss. 281-294.
  • Kapuria, Vibha (2007). Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries, The Journal of Developing Areas, 41(1), 143-154.
  • Kastrati, Selma K. (2013). The Effects Of Foreign Direct Investments For Host Country’s Economy, European Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol: 5 Issue 1, S.26-38.
  • Kazemi, Morteza, Saini, Azman (2017). Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Freedom and Democracy. Int. Journal of Economics and Management, C.11, Sayı:1, ss. 1 -15.
  • Kılıç, Rehim (2002). Absolute And Comparative Advantage: Ricardian Model, Unpublished Lecture Notes, Department Of Economics, Marshall Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA,
  • Lipsey, Robert E. (2004). Home-And Host-Country Effects Of Foreign Direct Investment. In Challenges To Globalization: Analyzing The Economics. University Of Chicago Press, Pp. 333-382.
  • Macdougall, George Donald .A. (1960). The Benefits And Cost Of Private Foreign Investment Abroad: A Theoretical Approach. Economic Record, Vol. 36, S.13-35.
  • Meyer, Klaus (1998). Direct Investment In Economies In Transition, Aldershot, UK And Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, S. 59-79.
  • Mill, John Stuart (2001). Essays On Liberty, Kanada, Kitchener: Batoche Books (1859).
  • Moussa Mohamed, Çaha Hawa & Karagöz Murat (2016), “Review of Economic Freedom Impact on FDI: New Evidence from Fragile and Conflict Countries” Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 38, pp. 163-173.
  • OECD (2002). FDI For Development, Maximising Benefits, Minimising Costs, Overview. OECD Report, Paris, (Mayıs, 2018) Www.Oecd.Org
  • OECD (2012). Glassory Of Foreign Direct Investment Related Terms, (Mayıs, 2018), Www.Oecd.Org .
  • OECD (2018b). FDI Statistics. (Mayıs, 2018), Http://Www.Oecd.Org/Corporate/Mne/Statistics.Htm
  • Pearson, Dennis, Dong Nyonna & il-Joong. Kim (2012). The Relationship between Economic Freedom, State Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in US States, International Journal of Economics and Finance; 4(10): 140-146
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem, A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 2007, pp. 265-312.
  • Porter, Michael (1998). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, 1990. (Republished with a new introduction, 1998.)
  • Pourshahabi, Farshid, Mahmoudinia, Davoud & Soderjani, Ehsan S. (2011). FDI, human capital, economic freedom and growth in OECD countries. Research Journal of International Studies, 19, 71-81.
  • Rehman, A. Adil, I. & Anis, Hafsa (2012). Exchange Rate, J Curve And Debt Burden Of Pakistan Pakistan Economic And Social Review, 50, 41-56.
  • Rikardo, David (1997). Ekonomi Politiğin Ve Vergilendirmenin İlkeleri, Belge Yayınları, İstanbul (1817).
  • Santhirasegaram, Selvarathinam (2007), The Impact of Democratic and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Pooled Cross Country Data Evidence, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(11), 1484-1489.
  • Smith, Adam (2015). Milletlerin Zenginliği, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, (1776).
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda Y. (2013). İleri panel veri analizi: Stata uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Tatoğlu, Ekrem & Glaister, Keith W. (1998) Determinants Of Foreign Direct Investment In Turkey, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 40(3), S.279-314, 1998.
  • UNCTAD. (2017). World Investment Report: Performing International Investment Governance. United Nations, (Mayıs, 2018), Http://Unctad.Org/En/Publicationslibrary/Wir2017_En.Pdf
  • Verner, Tomas (2015). The Effect Of Economic Freedom On National Competitiveness: Causality From A Panel Of Countries. Journal Of Economics, Business And Management, Vol. 3 No: 1, January 2015, S. 150-155.
  • Vernon, Raymond (1966). International Investment And International Trade In The Product Cycle. Quarterly Journal Of Economics 80, No 2, S. 190-207.
  • Westerlund, Joakim (2007), Testing for Error Correction in Panel Data, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 69(6), 709-748.
  • World Development Indicators, Erişim Tarihi: 25 Mayıs,2018
  • Yereli, Ahmet Burçin (2003). Ekonomik Özgürlükler Ve Türkiyede Devlet Birey İlişkisi, Ankara: Gazi Yayınevi.
  • Zghidi, Nahed, Sghaier, Imen & Abida, Zouheir. (2016). “Does Economic Freedom Enhance the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in North African Countries? A Panel Data Analysis”. African Development Review, C. 28, Sayı:1, ss. 64-74.
  • Zimring, Assaf (2015). Testing The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theory With A Natural Experiment. Research Seminar In International Economics. Gerald R. Ford School Of Public Policy. The University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Discussion Paper No. 642.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 86 - 119, 15.07.2018


In the economics literature,  foreign trade is considered to have a
positive impact on the country and indirectly to the World welfare. While
multinational companies are trying to discover countries that have the most
valuable production factors, so does countries are trying to attract foreign
direct investment to their countries. There are various factors that affect the
competitiveness of the countries in foreign trade. The economic freedoms mostly
implies the ease of doing business abroad are seen as a important variable. In
the light of theoretical studies, countries with high economic freedom are
expected to have a competitive advantage in international trade. In this study,
theoretical discussions on the subject were explained and empirically
validated. For this purpose, economic data from the countries within OECD for
the period 1995-2015 were used. Based on the level of economic freedom and
development, OECD countries are divided into two categories as high and low
scores countries. In this study, second-generation panel unit root and
cointegration tests were used between the economic freedoms index prepared by the
Heritage Foundation and the Current Balance/GDP, Foreign Trade Volume/GDP and
Foreign Direct Investments/GDP data published by WDI, OECDSTAT and UNCTAD. As
for countries with high scores,  there
was a correlation between the economic freedom and Current Balance/GDP and
Foreign Trade Volume/GDP, while there was not any correlation with the ratio of
Foreign Direct Investment/GDP. However, for countries with relatively low
scores, economic freedom have been found to have an integrated relationship
with all three variables.


  • Ak, Gökhan (2015). John Staurt Mill Düşününde Bireyin Özgürlüğü, EUL Journal Of Social Sciences (VI-I) LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Haziran, S. 37-61.
  • Ajide, Kazeem B. & Eregha, Perekunah. Economic Freedom and FDI in ECOWAS Countries: A Panel Data Analysis, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 14(2), 163-173.
  • Appleyard, Denis R.& Field, Alfred. (1998). International Economics, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  • Azman – Saini, Ahmad Z. Baharumshah & Siong H. Law (2010). FDI, Economic Freedom And Economic Growth: International Evidence. Economic Modelling, Vol. 27 Issue 5, 1079-1089.
  • Badri, Arash Ketabforoush&Aidin Poorabdollahi Sheshgelani, (2017). Economic Freedom And FDI In Selected Developing Countries. Noble International Journal Of Economics And Financial Research Vol. 2, No. 5, Pp: 82-87.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. (2013). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (5. Edition). U.K.: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. & Pesaran, M. Hashem, “Heterogeneity and Cross Section Dependence in Panel Data Models: Theory and Applications”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 2007, pp. 232-232.
  • Barro, Robert J. (1998). Determinants Of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study, London: MIT Press Books.
  • Bengoa Marta & Sanchez- Robles B. (2003). FDI, Economic Freedom And Growth: New Evidence From Latin America. European Journal Of Political Economy 19, S. 529-45.
  • Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. (1990). The Heckscher – Ohlin – Samuelson Model, The Linder Hypothesis And The Determinants Of Bilateral Intra Industry Trade. The Economic Journal 100 (403), 1216-1229.
  • Blomström, Magnus & Kokko, Ari (1997). The Impact Of Foreign Investment On Host Countries: A Review Of The Empirical Evidence. World Bank Paper 1745. (Mayıs, 2018) Http://Documents.Worldbank.Org/Curated/En/992201468765633696/107507322 _20 041117150016/Additional/Multi-Page.Pdf
  • Breusch, Trevor S. & Adrian Rodney Pagan(1980) "The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics." The Review of Economic Studies 47.1 :239-253.
  • Caetano, Jose & Caleiro, Antonio (2009). Economic Freedom And Foreign Direct Investment - How Different Are The MENA Countries From The EU?. Universitdade De Evora, Documento De Trabalho, No. 2009/02. (Mayıs, 2018), Https://Www.Econstor.Eu/Bitstream/10419/144148/1/Wp_2009_02.Pdf
  • Carlsson, Fredrik and Lundström, Susanna, (2001). Economic Freedom and Growth: Decomposing the Effects, Working Paper in Economics, No. 33, January 2001.
  • Cushman, David O. (1985). Real Exchange Rate Risk, Expectations And The Level Of Direct Investment, The Review Of Economics And Statistics, 67, 297-308.
  • Dunning, John H. (1998). Location And The Multinational Enterprise: A Neglected Factor. Journal Of International Business Studies. 1998; 29(1):45-66.
  • Hayek, Friedrich August (2009). Economic Freedom And Representative Government, Fourth Wincott Memorial Lecture Delivered At The Royal Society Of Arts, Web Edition (1973).
  • Helleiner, Gerald K. (1973). Manufactured Exports From Less-Developed Countries And Multinational Firms. Economic Journal, Vol. 83, S.21-47.
  • Heritage Vakfı (2018). Highlights Of 2018 Index Of Economic Freedom Report, (Mayıs, 2018) Https://Www.Heritage.Org/Trade/Report/2018-Index-Economic-Freedom-Freedom-Trade-Key-Prosperity
  • Herzer, Dierk (2010). How Does FDI Really Affect Developing Countries Growth? Economic Modelling. Discussion Paper 207. Ibero-America Institute For Economic Research.
  • Hossain, Shakib (2016). Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Freedom and Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries, International Journal of Economics and Finance, C.8, Sayı:11, pp. 200-214.
  • Imtiaz, Sadia & Bashir, Malik (2017). Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in South Asian Countries. Theoretical and Applied Economics, C.14, Sayı:2, ss. 281-294.
  • Kapuria, Vibha (2007). Economic Freedom and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries, The Journal of Developing Areas, 41(1), 143-154.
  • Kastrati, Selma K. (2013). The Effects Of Foreign Direct Investments For Host Country’s Economy, European Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol: 5 Issue 1, S.26-38.
  • Kazemi, Morteza, Saini, Azman (2017). Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Freedom and Democracy. Int. Journal of Economics and Management, C.11, Sayı:1, ss. 1 -15.
  • Kılıç, Rehim (2002). Absolute And Comparative Advantage: Ricardian Model, Unpublished Lecture Notes, Department Of Economics, Marshall Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA,
  • Lipsey, Robert E. (2004). Home-And Host-Country Effects Of Foreign Direct Investment. In Challenges To Globalization: Analyzing The Economics. University Of Chicago Press, Pp. 333-382.
  • Macdougall, George Donald .A. (1960). The Benefits And Cost Of Private Foreign Investment Abroad: A Theoretical Approach. Economic Record, Vol. 36, S.13-35.
  • Meyer, Klaus (1998). Direct Investment In Economies In Transition, Aldershot, UK And Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, S. 59-79.
  • Mill, John Stuart (2001). Essays On Liberty, Kanada, Kitchener: Batoche Books (1859).
  • Moussa Mohamed, Çaha Hawa & Karagöz Murat (2016), “Review of Economic Freedom Impact on FDI: New Evidence from Fragile and Conflict Countries” Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 38, pp. 163-173.
  • OECD (2002). FDI For Development, Maximising Benefits, Minimising Costs, Overview. OECD Report, Paris, (Mayıs, 2018) Www.Oecd.Org
  • OECD (2012). Glassory Of Foreign Direct Investment Related Terms, (Mayıs, 2018), Www.Oecd.Org .
  • OECD (2018b). FDI Statistics. (Mayıs, 2018), Http://Www.Oecd.Org/Corporate/Mne/Statistics.Htm
  • Pearson, Dennis, Dong Nyonna & il-Joong. Kim (2012). The Relationship between Economic Freedom, State Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in US States, International Journal of Economics and Finance; 4(10): 140-146
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem, A Simple Panel Unit Root Test in the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 2007, pp. 265-312.
  • Porter, Michael (1998). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, 1990. (Republished with a new introduction, 1998.)
  • Pourshahabi, Farshid, Mahmoudinia, Davoud & Soderjani, Ehsan S. (2011). FDI, human capital, economic freedom and growth in OECD countries. Research Journal of International Studies, 19, 71-81.
  • Rehman, A. Adil, I. & Anis, Hafsa (2012). Exchange Rate, J Curve And Debt Burden Of Pakistan Pakistan Economic And Social Review, 50, 41-56.
  • Rikardo, David (1997). Ekonomi Politiğin Ve Vergilendirmenin İlkeleri, Belge Yayınları, İstanbul (1817).
  • Santhirasegaram, Selvarathinam (2007), The Impact of Democratic and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Pooled Cross Country Data Evidence, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(11), 1484-1489.
  • Smith, Adam (2015). Milletlerin Zenginliği, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, (1776).
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda Y. (2013). İleri panel veri analizi: Stata uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Tatoğlu, Ekrem & Glaister, Keith W. (1998) Determinants Of Foreign Direct Investment In Turkey, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 40(3), S.279-314, 1998.
  • UNCTAD. (2017). World Investment Report: Performing International Investment Governance. United Nations, (Mayıs, 2018), Http://Unctad.Org/En/Publicationslibrary/Wir2017_En.Pdf
  • Verner, Tomas (2015). The Effect Of Economic Freedom On National Competitiveness: Causality From A Panel Of Countries. Journal Of Economics, Business And Management, Vol. 3 No: 1, January 2015, S. 150-155.
  • Vernon, Raymond (1966). International Investment And International Trade In The Product Cycle. Quarterly Journal Of Economics 80, No 2, S. 190-207.
  • Westerlund, Joakim (2007), Testing for Error Correction in Panel Data, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 69(6), 709-748.
  • World Development Indicators, Erişim Tarihi: 25 Mayıs,2018
  • Yereli, Ahmet Burçin (2003). Ekonomik Özgürlükler Ve Türkiyede Devlet Birey İlişkisi, Ankara: Gazi Yayınevi.
  • Zghidi, Nahed, Sghaier, Imen & Abida, Zouheir. (2016). “Does Economic Freedom Enhance the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in North African Countries? A Panel Data Analysis”. African Development Review, C. 28, Sayı:1, ss. 64-74.
  • Zimring, Assaf (2015). Testing The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theory With A Natural Experiment. Research Seminar In International Economics. Gerald R. Ford School Of Public Policy. The University Of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Discussion Paper No. 642.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Adnan Özdemir

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, A. (2018). DIŞ TİCARETTE ÜLKE REKABET GÜCÜNE EKONOMİK ÖZGÜRLÜKLERİN ETKİSİ: OECD ÜLKELERİNDE UYGULAMA. Uluslararası Ekonomi Siyaset İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 86-119.

International Journal of Economics, Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences – IJEPHSS Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.