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Sigaradaki Fiyat Artışlarının Türkiye’deki Internet Arama Trafiği Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2017, , 359 - 371, 27.04.2017


Sigara vb.
tütün mamullerine olan alışkanlığın önlenebilmesi/azaltılması amacıyla tüm
dünyada bir dizi araştırma/çalışma sonucu önlem/eylem planları ortaya
konulmuştur. Ülkemiz de, bu uluslararası eylem planlarının tamamını ilk
uygulayan ülke olarak kayıtlara geçmiştir. Bu düzenlemelerden en önemlilerinden
biri de sigara fiyatlarında gerçekleştirilen artışlar ile sigaranın çekiciliğinin
azaltılması yönündedir. Sigara fiyatlarının artması, sigarayı bırakma çabası
veya ikame/ucuz ürün arayışları ile sonuçlanabilmektedir. Bu arayışlardaki,
genel eğilimlerin analizi edilmesinde internet aramalarının kullanılması
mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, Google Trends’den sağlanan verilerden yola çıkılarak;
ülkemizde 2015 ve 2016 yıllarında sigaraya yapılan zamlar sonrası, bu
arayışların niteliği ve boyutu analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın istatistiksel
bulguları ışığında; zam sonucu ülkemizde davranış arayışlarının ekseriyetinin
sigarayı bırakmak yerine ucuz ve ikame ürün aramak yönünde olduğu


  • Avilez, J. L., Zevallos-Morales, A., & Taype-Rondan, A. (2017). Use of enhancement drugs amongst athletes and television celebrities and public interest in androgenic anabolic steroids. Exploring two Peruvian cases with Google Trends. Public Health, 146, 29–31.
  • Ayers, J. W., Althouse, B. M., Ribisl, K. M., & Emery, S. (2014). Digital Detection for Tobacco Control: Online Reactions to the 2009 U.S. Cigarette Excise Tax Increase. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(5), 576–583.
  • Blanke, D. D., & Silva, V. da C. e. (2004). Tobacco Control Legislation: An Introductory Guide. World Health Organization.
  • Britton, J. (2011). Taxing tobacco profits to prevent the smoking epidemic. The Lancet, 377(9783), 2063–2064.
  • Brown, A. B. (1995). Cigarette Taxes and Smoking Restrictions: Impacts and Policy Implications. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77(4), 946–951.
  • Carbone, D. (1992). Smoking and cancer. The American Journal of Medicine, 93(1), S13–S17.
  • Cjuno, J., & Taype-Rondan, A. (2016). Headache seasonality in the Northern and Southern hemispheres: an approach using Google Trends. Revista Medica De Chile, 144(7), 947–948.
  • Danaei, G., Ding, E. L., Mozaffarian, D., Taylor, B., Rehm, J., Murray, C. J. L., & Ezzati, M. (2009). The Preventable Causes of Death in the United States: Comparative Risk Assessment of Dietary, Lifestyle, and Metabolic Risk Factors. PLoS Medicine, 6(4), e1000058.
  • Dikmen, N. (2005). Türkiye’de sigara tüketimi ve tüketimi etkileyen değişkenler üzerine bir model çalısması. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1).
  • Elders, M. J., Perry, C. L., Eriksen, M. P., & Giovino, G. A. (1994). The report of the Surgeon General: preventing tobacco use among young people. American Journal of Public Health, 84(4), 543–547.
  • Ellery, P. J., Vaughn, W., Ellery, J., Bott, J., Ritchey, K., & Byers, L. (2008). Understanding internet health search patterns: An early exploration into the usefulness of Google Trends. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 1(4), 441–456.
  • Ergün, A. (1998). Sigara Ve Sistemik Etkileri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 18(3), 159–163.
  • Fazeli Dehkordy, S., Carlos, R. C., Hall, K. S., & Dalton, V. K. (2014). Novel Data Sources for Women’s Health Research: Mapping Breast Screening Online Information Seeking Through Google Trends. Academic Radiology, 21(9), 1172–1176.
  • Fox, S. (2011, Mayıs 12). The Social Life of Health Information, 2011. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Ginsberg, J., Mohebbi, M. H., Patel, R. S., Brammer, L., Smolinski, M. S., & Brilliant, L. (2009). Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data. Nature, 457(7232), 1012–1014.
  • Giovannucci, E., Colditz, G. A., Stampfer, M. J., Hunter, D., Rosner, B. A., Willett, W. C., & Speizer, F. E. (1994). A Prospective Study of Cigarette Smoking and Risk of Colorectal Adenoma and Colorectal Cancer in U.S. Women. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 86(3), 192–199.
  • Hackshaw, L., McEwen, A., West, R., & Bauld, L. (2010). Quit attempts in response to smoke-free legislation in England. Tobacco Control, 19(2), 160–164.
  • Lantz, P. M., Jacobson, P. D., Warner, K. E., Wasserman, J., Pollack, H. A., Berson, J., & Ahlstrom, A. (2000). Investing in youth tobacco control: a review of smoking prevention and control strategies. Tobacco Control, 9(1), 47–63.
  • Lawson McLean, A. C., Lawson McLean, A., Kalff, R., & Walter, J. (2016). Google Search Queries About Neurosurgical Topics: Are They a Suitable Guide for Neurosurgeons? World Neurosurgery, 90, 179–185.
  • Leu, R. E. (1984). Anti-smoking publicity, taxation, and the demand for cigarettes. Journal of Health Economics, 3(2), 101–116.
  • Liu, F., Allan, G. M., Korownyk, C., Kolber, M., Flook, N., Sternberg, H., & Garrison, S. (2016). Seasonality of Ankle Swelling: Population Symptom Reporting Using Google Trends. Annals of Family Medicine, 14(4), 356–358.
  • Mavragani, A., & Tsagarakis, K. P. (2016). YES or NO: Predicting the 2015 GReferendum results using Google Trends. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 109, 1–5.
  • Metintaş, S., Sariboyaci, M., Nuhoğlu, S., Metintaş, M., Kalyoncu, C., Etiz, S., … Aktaş, C. (1998). Smoking patterns of university students in Eskişehir, Turkey. Public Health, 112(4), 261–264.
  • Moreland, J., French, T. L., & Cumming, G. P. (2015). The Prevalence of Online Health Information Seeking Among Patients in Scotland: A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(3).
  • Nagelhout, G. E., Crone, M. R., van den Putte, B., Willemsen, M. C., Fong, G. T., & de Vries, H. (2013). Age and educational inequalities in smoking cessation due to three population-level tobacco control interventions: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey. Health Education Research, 28(1), 83–91.
  • Nagelhout, G. E., de Vries, H., Boudreau, C., Allwright, S., McNeill, A., van den Putte, B., … Willemsen, M. C. (2012). Comparative impact of smoke-free legislation on smoking cessation in three European countries. European Journal of Public Health, 22 Suppl 1, 4–9.
  • Nagelhout, G. E., de Vries, H., Fong, G. T., Candel, M. J. J. M., Thrasher, J. F., van den Putte, B., … Willemsen, M. C. (2012). Pathways of change explaining the effect of smoke-free legislation on smoking cessation in The Netherlands. An application of the international tobacco control conceptual model. Nicotine & Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 14(12), 1474–1482.
  • Oğuztürk, B. S., & Gülcü, Y. (2012). Türkiye’de Sigara Tüketimini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(2). Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Onder, Z. (2002). The Economics of Tobacco in Turkey : New Evidence and Demand Estimates. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Ortiz-Martinez, Y., & Rios-González, C. M. (2017). Global impact of the World Hepatitis Day 2016: An evaluation using Google Trends. Journal of Infection and Public Health, Basım aşamasında.
  • Önder, Z. (2002). Türkiye’de Sigara Fiyatları ve Tüketim İlişkisi. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Recupero, P. R., Harms, S. E., & Noble, J. M. (2008). Googling suicide: surfing for suicide information on the Internet. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69(6), 878–888.
  • Rink, M., & Shariat, S. F. (2014). Re: Global Effects of Smoking, of Quitting, and of Taxing Tobacco. European Urology, 66(1), 176–178.
  • Salloum, R. G., Osman, A., Maziak, W., & Thrasher, J. F. (2015). How popular is waterpipe tobacco smoking? Findings from internet search queries. Tobacco Control, 24(5), 509–513.
  • Sampri, A., Mavragani, A., & Tsagarakis, K. P. (2016). Evaluating Google Trends as a Tool for Integrating the “Smart Health” Concept in the Smart Cities’ Governance in USA. Procedia Engineering, 162, 585–592.
  • Sasco, A. J., Secretan, M. B., & Straif, K. (2004). Tobacco smoking and cancer: a brief review of recent epidemiological evidence. Lung Cancer, 45, S3–S9.
  • Schaap, M. M., & Kunst, A. E. (2009). Monitoring of socio-economic inequalities in smoking: Learning from the experiences of recent scientific studies. Public Health, 123(2), 103–109.
  • Scheres, L. J. J., Lijfering, W. M., Middeldorp, S., & Cannegieter, S. C. (2016). Influence of World Thrombosis Day on digital information seeking on venous thrombosis: a Google Trends study. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 14(12), 2325–2328.
  • Scollo, M. (2003). Review of the quality of studies on the economic effects of smoke-free policies on the hospitality industry. Tobacco Control, 12(1), 13–20.
  • Shibuya, K., Ciecierski, C., Guindon, E., Bettcher, D. W., Evans, D. B., & Murray, C. J. L. (2003). WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: development of an evidence based global public health treaty. BMJ : British Medical Journal; London, 327(7407), 154.
  • Sleight, P. (1993). Smoking and Hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 15(6), 1181–1192.
  • Temiz, D. (2010). Sigara Tüketimini etkileyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir Uygulama: Türkiye Örneği. Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 45–53.
  • The Impact of Cigarette Excise Taxes on Smoking Among Children and Adults: Summary Report of a National Cancer Institute Expert Panel. (1993). Cancer Control Science Program, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Institute.
  • Thyrian, J. R., Panagiotakos, D. B., Polychronopoulos, E., West, R., Zatonski, W., & John, U. (2008). The relationship between smokers’ motivation to quit and intensity of tobacco control at the population level: a comparison of five European countries. BMC Public Health, 8, 2.
  • Townsend, J., Roderick, P., & Cooper, J. (1994). Cigarette smoking by socioeconomic group, sex, and age: effects of price, income, and health publicity. BMJ, 309(6959), 923–927.
  • Troelstra, S. A., Bosdriesz, J. R., Boer, M. R. de, & Kunst, A. E. (2016). Effect of Tobacco Control Policies on Information Seeking for Smoking Cessation in the Netherlands: A Google Trends Study. PLOS ONE, 11(2), e0148489.
  • van Hasselt, M., Kruger, J., Han, B., Caraballo, R. S., Penne, M. A., Loomis, B., & Gfroerer, J. C. (2015). The relation between tobacco taxes and youth and young adult smoking: What happened following the 2009 U.S. federal tax increase on cigarettes? Addictive Behaviors, 45, 104–109.
  • Wagijo, M., Sheikh, A., Duijts, L., & Been, J. V. (2017). Reducing tobacco smoking and smoke exposure to prevent preterm birth and its complications. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 22, 3–10.
  • Warner, K. E., & Mendez, D. (2010). Tobacco control policy in developed countries: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Nicotine & Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 12(9), 876–887.
  • Winkelstein, W. (1977). Smoking and cancer of the uterine cervix: hypothesis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 106(4), 257–259.
  • Shopland, D. R., Eyre, H. J., & Peachacek, T. F. (1991). Smoking-Attributable Cancer Mortality in 1991: Is Lung Cancer Now the Leading Cause of Death Among Smokers in the United States? JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 83(16), 1142–1148.

Effect of Price Increases on the Internet Search Traffic of Turkey

Yıl 2017, , 359 - 371, 27.04.2017


As being the result a series of research/study, several prevention/action plans has been implemented to avoid/decrease the habits of cigarette and similar tobacco products through the World. Our country has been regarded as the first country implementing these international action plans, entirely. In this context, one of the most important arrangements has been decreasing the attractiveness of smoking by increasing the prices of them. The increase in the cigarette prices may end with attempts to quit smoking or to find an alternative/cheaper product. The general trend in this search behavior can be analyzed via the analysis of internet searches. In this study, by the use of the data provided by Google Trends, the qualification and magnitude of this search behavior after the price increase realized in 2015 and 2016 is analyzed. In the light of the statistical findings; it is understood that, price increases in our country generally ends with finding cheaper or substitute products instead of quitting the cigarettes. 


  • Avilez, J. L., Zevallos-Morales, A., & Taype-Rondan, A. (2017). Use of enhancement drugs amongst athletes and television celebrities and public interest in androgenic anabolic steroids. Exploring two Peruvian cases with Google Trends. Public Health, 146, 29–31.
  • Ayers, J. W., Althouse, B. M., Ribisl, K. M., & Emery, S. (2014). Digital Detection for Tobacco Control: Online Reactions to the 2009 U.S. Cigarette Excise Tax Increase. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(5), 576–583.
  • Blanke, D. D., & Silva, V. da C. e. (2004). Tobacco Control Legislation: An Introductory Guide. World Health Organization.
  • Britton, J. (2011). Taxing tobacco profits to prevent the smoking epidemic. The Lancet, 377(9783), 2063–2064.
  • Brown, A. B. (1995). Cigarette Taxes and Smoking Restrictions: Impacts and Policy Implications. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77(4), 946–951.
  • Carbone, D. (1992). Smoking and cancer. The American Journal of Medicine, 93(1), S13–S17.
  • Cjuno, J., & Taype-Rondan, A. (2016). Headache seasonality in the Northern and Southern hemispheres: an approach using Google Trends. Revista Medica De Chile, 144(7), 947–948.
  • Danaei, G., Ding, E. L., Mozaffarian, D., Taylor, B., Rehm, J., Murray, C. J. L., & Ezzati, M. (2009). The Preventable Causes of Death in the United States: Comparative Risk Assessment of Dietary, Lifestyle, and Metabolic Risk Factors. PLoS Medicine, 6(4), e1000058.
  • Dikmen, N. (2005). Türkiye’de sigara tüketimi ve tüketimi etkileyen değişkenler üzerine bir model çalısması. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1).
  • Elders, M. J., Perry, C. L., Eriksen, M. P., & Giovino, G. A. (1994). The report of the Surgeon General: preventing tobacco use among young people. American Journal of Public Health, 84(4), 543–547.
  • Ellery, P. J., Vaughn, W., Ellery, J., Bott, J., Ritchey, K., & Byers, L. (2008). Understanding internet health search patterns: An early exploration into the usefulness of Google Trends. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 1(4), 441–456.
  • Ergün, A. (1998). Sigara Ve Sistemik Etkileri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 18(3), 159–163.
  • Fazeli Dehkordy, S., Carlos, R. C., Hall, K. S., & Dalton, V. K. (2014). Novel Data Sources for Women’s Health Research: Mapping Breast Screening Online Information Seeking Through Google Trends. Academic Radiology, 21(9), 1172–1176.
  • Fox, S. (2011, Mayıs 12). The Social Life of Health Information, 2011. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Ginsberg, J., Mohebbi, M. H., Patel, R. S., Brammer, L., Smolinski, M. S., & Brilliant, L. (2009). Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data. Nature, 457(7232), 1012–1014.
  • Giovannucci, E., Colditz, G. A., Stampfer, M. J., Hunter, D., Rosner, B. A., Willett, W. C., & Speizer, F. E. (1994). A Prospective Study of Cigarette Smoking and Risk of Colorectal Adenoma and Colorectal Cancer in U.S. Women. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 86(3), 192–199.
  • Hackshaw, L., McEwen, A., West, R., & Bauld, L. (2010). Quit attempts in response to smoke-free legislation in England. Tobacco Control, 19(2), 160–164.
  • Lantz, P. M., Jacobson, P. D., Warner, K. E., Wasserman, J., Pollack, H. A., Berson, J., & Ahlstrom, A. (2000). Investing in youth tobacco control: a review of smoking prevention and control strategies. Tobacco Control, 9(1), 47–63.
  • Lawson McLean, A. C., Lawson McLean, A., Kalff, R., & Walter, J. (2016). Google Search Queries About Neurosurgical Topics: Are They a Suitable Guide for Neurosurgeons? World Neurosurgery, 90, 179–185.
  • Leu, R. E. (1984). Anti-smoking publicity, taxation, and the demand for cigarettes. Journal of Health Economics, 3(2), 101–116.
  • Liu, F., Allan, G. M., Korownyk, C., Kolber, M., Flook, N., Sternberg, H., & Garrison, S. (2016). Seasonality of Ankle Swelling: Population Symptom Reporting Using Google Trends. Annals of Family Medicine, 14(4), 356–358.
  • Mavragani, A., & Tsagarakis, K. P. (2016). YES or NO: Predicting the 2015 GReferendum results using Google Trends. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 109, 1–5.
  • Metintaş, S., Sariboyaci, M., Nuhoğlu, S., Metintaş, M., Kalyoncu, C., Etiz, S., … Aktaş, C. (1998). Smoking patterns of university students in Eskişehir, Turkey. Public Health, 112(4), 261–264.
  • Moreland, J., French, T. L., & Cumming, G. P. (2015). The Prevalence of Online Health Information Seeking Among Patients in Scotland: A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(3).
  • Nagelhout, G. E., Crone, M. R., van den Putte, B., Willemsen, M. C., Fong, G. T., & de Vries, H. (2013). Age and educational inequalities in smoking cessation due to three population-level tobacco control interventions: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey. Health Education Research, 28(1), 83–91.
  • Nagelhout, G. E., de Vries, H., Boudreau, C., Allwright, S., McNeill, A., van den Putte, B., … Willemsen, M. C. (2012). Comparative impact of smoke-free legislation on smoking cessation in three European countries. European Journal of Public Health, 22 Suppl 1, 4–9.
  • Nagelhout, G. E., de Vries, H., Fong, G. T., Candel, M. J. J. M., Thrasher, J. F., van den Putte, B., … Willemsen, M. C. (2012). Pathways of change explaining the effect of smoke-free legislation on smoking cessation in The Netherlands. An application of the international tobacco control conceptual model. Nicotine & Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 14(12), 1474–1482.
  • Oğuztürk, B. S., & Gülcü, Y. (2012). Türkiye’de Sigara Tüketimini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(2). Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Onder, Z. (2002). The Economics of Tobacco in Turkey : New Evidence and Demand Estimates. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Ortiz-Martinez, Y., & Rios-González, C. M. (2017). Global impact of the World Hepatitis Day 2016: An evaluation using Google Trends. Journal of Infection and Public Health, Basım aşamasında.
  • Önder, Z. (2002). Türkiye’de Sigara Fiyatları ve Tüketim İlişkisi. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • Recupero, P. R., Harms, S. E., & Noble, J. M. (2008). Googling suicide: surfing for suicide information on the Internet. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69(6), 878–888.
  • Rink, M., & Shariat, S. F. (2014). Re: Global Effects of Smoking, of Quitting, and of Taxing Tobacco. European Urology, 66(1), 176–178.
  • Salloum, R. G., Osman, A., Maziak, W., & Thrasher, J. F. (2015). How popular is waterpipe tobacco smoking? Findings from internet search queries. Tobacco Control, 24(5), 509–513.
  • Sampri, A., Mavragani, A., & Tsagarakis, K. P. (2016). Evaluating Google Trends as a Tool for Integrating the “Smart Health” Concept in the Smart Cities’ Governance in USA. Procedia Engineering, 162, 585–592.
  • Sasco, A. J., Secretan, M. B., & Straif, K. (2004). Tobacco smoking and cancer: a brief review of recent epidemiological evidence. Lung Cancer, 45, S3–S9.
  • Schaap, M. M., & Kunst, A. E. (2009). Monitoring of socio-economic inequalities in smoking: Learning from the experiences of recent scientific studies. Public Health, 123(2), 103–109.
  • Scheres, L. J. J., Lijfering, W. M., Middeldorp, S., & Cannegieter, S. C. (2016). Influence of World Thrombosis Day on digital information seeking on venous thrombosis: a Google Trends study. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 14(12), 2325–2328.
  • Scollo, M. (2003). Review of the quality of studies on the economic effects of smoke-free policies on the hospitality industry. Tobacco Control, 12(1), 13–20.
  • Shibuya, K., Ciecierski, C., Guindon, E., Bettcher, D. W., Evans, D. B., & Murray, C. J. L. (2003). WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: development of an evidence based global public health treaty. BMJ : British Medical Journal; London, 327(7407), 154.
  • Sleight, P. (1993). Smoking and Hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, 15(6), 1181–1192.
  • Temiz, D. (2010). Sigara Tüketimini etkileyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir Uygulama: Türkiye Örneği. Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 45–53.
  • The Impact of Cigarette Excise Taxes on Smoking Among Children and Adults: Summary Report of a National Cancer Institute Expert Panel. (1993). Cancer Control Science Program, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Institute.
  • Thyrian, J. R., Panagiotakos, D. B., Polychronopoulos, E., West, R., Zatonski, W., & John, U. (2008). The relationship between smokers’ motivation to quit and intensity of tobacco control at the population level: a comparison of five European countries. BMC Public Health, 8, 2.
  • Townsend, J., Roderick, P., & Cooper, J. (1994). Cigarette smoking by socioeconomic group, sex, and age: effects of price, income, and health publicity. BMJ, 309(6959), 923–927.
  • Troelstra, S. A., Bosdriesz, J. R., Boer, M. R. de, & Kunst, A. E. (2016). Effect of Tobacco Control Policies on Information Seeking for Smoking Cessation in the Netherlands: A Google Trends Study. PLOS ONE, 11(2), e0148489.
  • van Hasselt, M., Kruger, J., Han, B., Caraballo, R. S., Penne, M. A., Loomis, B., & Gfroerer, J. C. (2015). The relation between tobacco taxes and youth and young adult smoking: What happened following the 2009 U.S. federal tax increase on cigarettes? Addictive Behaviors, 45, 104–109.
  • Wagijo, M., Sheikh, A., Duijts, L., & Been, J. V. (2017). Reducing tobacco smoking and smoke exposure to prevent preterm birth and its complications. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 22, 3–10.
  • Warner, K. E., & Mendez, D. (2010). Tobacco control policy in developed countries: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Nicotine & Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 12(9), 876–887.
  • Winkelstein, W. (1977). Smoking and cancer of the uterine cervix: hypothesis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 106(4), 257–259.
  • Shopland, D. R., Eyre, H. J., & Peachacek, T. F. (1991). Smoking-Attributable Cancer Mortality in 1991: Is Lung Cancer Now the Leading Cause of Death Among Smokers in the United States? JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 83(16), 1142–1148.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular İşletme
Bölüm İşletme Finans

Zeynep Didem Unutmaz Durmuşoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Mart 2017
Kabul Tarihi 24 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Unutmaz Durmuşoğlu, Z. D. (2017). Effect of Price Increases on the Internet Search Traffic of Turkey. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 16(2), 359-371.