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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 36, 513 - 543, 31.01.2019


Psikoterapistler, uygulamaları sırasında pek çok
etik sorunla ve etik ikilemle karşılaşabilirler. Bu etik sorunlar, psikoterapi
türlerine göre de değişebilmektedir. Bu derleme makalesinde, tedavi biçimi ve
yapısına göre psikoterapi türleri ve etik meseleler ele alınacak, söz konusu
etik sorunları çözebilmek için atılabilecek bazı adımlar ve uygulama pratikleri
önerilecektir. Ele alınacak psikoterapi türleri 1) bireysel terapi, 2) grup
terapisi, 3) eş ve aile terapileri, 4) psikodrama, 5) oyun terapisidir. Bu
terapi biçimlerinin her biri, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Etik Yönetmeliği’nde
(TPD) yer alan temel etik kurallar açısından ilgili alanyazın çerçevesinde
değerlendirilecektir. Bu doğrultuda bu makalenin amacı, psikoterapi türleri
arasında ortak şekilde uygulanması gereken etik kurallar ile söz konusu
psikoterapi türlerine özgü etik kurallar ve ikilemler özetlenerek psikoterapi
uygulamalarındaki kullanımına dikkatleri çekebilmektir.


  • American Psychological Association. (1992). “Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”. American Psychologist, S. 47, s. 1597-1611.
  • American Psychological Association. (2002). “Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”. American Psychologist, S. 57, s. 1060-1073.
  • American Psychological Association. (2017). “Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”. The American Psychological Association.
  • Ackley, Sheldon. (1972). “Individual Rights and Professional Ethics”. Professional Psychology, s. 209-216.
  • Barnett, Jeffrey E. (2008). “The Ethical Practice of Psychotherapy: Easily Within Our Research”. Journal of Clinical Psychology, C. 64, S. 5, s. 569-575.
  • Barnett, Jeffrey E. ve Corey H. Molzon (2014). “Clinical Supervision of Psyhotherapy: Essential Ethics Issues for Supervisors and Supervisees”. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, C. 70, S. 11, s. 1051-1061.
  • Blanco, Pedro J. ve Angela I. Sheely-Moore (2012). “Gift-Giving and Receiving in Child-Centered Play Therapy: An Ethical Response”. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, S. 52, s. 66-77.
  • Bratton, Sue ve Dee Ray (2000). “What the Research Shows About Play Therapy”. International Journal of Play Therapy, C. 9, S. 1, s. 47-88.
  • Bratton, Sue vd. (2005). “The Efficacy of Play Therapy with Children: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Outcomes”. Professional Psychology, C. 36, S. 4, s. 376-390.
  • Carter, Philip D. (2017). “Ethics and Research: A Situated and Relational Approach”. Psychotherapy and Politics International, C. 15, S. 3, e1429.
  • Comas-Diaz, L. ve A. T. Caldwell-Colbert (2006). “Appliying the APA Multicultural Guideliness To Psychological Practice”.
  • Daniel-McKeigue, Chris J. (2007). “Cracking the Ethics Code: What Are the Ethical Implications of Designing A Research Study That Relates to Therapeutic Interventions with Children in Individual Play Therapy?” The Arts in Psychotherapy, S. 34, s. 238-248.
  • Delany, Clare ve Melati Conwell (2012). “Ethics and Teamwork for Pediatric Medical Imaging Procedures: Insights from Educational Play Therapy”. Pediatric Radiology, S. 42, s. 139-146.
  • Fehr, Scott Simon (2003). Introduction To Group Therapy: A Practical Guide. The Haworth Press: New York.
  • Gazda, George (1969). “Group Counseling: A Developmental Approach”. Conseiller Canadien, C. 3, S. 4, s. 5-25.
  • Hare-Mustin, Rachel (1980). “Family Therapy May Be Dangerous For Your Health”. Professional Psychology, S. 11, s. 935-938.
  • Hartman, David ve Diane Zimberoff (2012). “Ethics in Heart-Centered Therapies”. Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies, C. 15, S. 1, s. 3-25.
  • Howes, Richard (1981). “Encounter Groups: Comparisons and Ethical Considerations”. Psychotherapy, Theory, Research and Practice, S. 18, s. 229-239.
  • Karataş, Zeynep ve Zafer Gökçakan (2009). “Psikodrama Teknikleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Grup Uygulamalarının Ergenlerde Saldırganlığı Azaltmadaki Etkisinin İncelenmesi”. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, C. 20, S. 4, s. 357-366.
  • Kellerman, Peter Felix (1992). “Focus on Psychodrama”. Jessica Kingsley: London.
  • Kellerman, Peter Felix (1999). “Ethical Concerns in Psychodrama”. Journal of the British Psychodrama Association, C. 14, S. 1/2, s. 3-19.
  • Klontz, Bradley T. (2004). “Ethical Practice Of Group Experiential Psychotherapy”. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, C. 41, S. 2, s. 172-179.
  • Koocher, Gerald P. ve Patricia Keith-Spiegel (1998). Ethics In Psychology: Professional Standarts And Cases. (İkinci Baskı). Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Kranz, Peter L. ve Nick L. Lund (1995). “Psychodramatists’ Opinions: Should the Professional Psychodrama Community Have a Formal Code of Ethics?”. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, C. 48, S. 3, s. 91-95.
  • Lakin, Martin (1994). “Morality in Group And Family Therapies: Multiperson Therapies and the 1992 Ethics Code”. Professional Psychology, C. 25, S. 4, s. 344-348.
  • Mangione, Lorraine vd. (2007). “Ethics and Endings in Group Psychotherapy: Saying Good-Bye and Saying It Well”. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, C. 57, S. 1, s. 25-40.
  • Margolin, Gayla (1982). “Ethical and Legal Considerations in Marital and Family Therapy”. American Psychologist, C. 37, S. 7, s. 788-801.
  • Moreno, Jonathan D. (1994). Of Morals, Ethics and Encounters: Psychodramatic Moral Philosophy and Ethics. Holmes P. vd. (Ed.). Psychodrama Since Moreno: Innovations in Theory and Practice. Routledge: London.
  • Nowell, David ve Jean Spruill (1993). “If It’s Not Absolutely Confidential, Will Information Be Disclosed?” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, S. 24, s. 367-369.
  • Opoczyńska-Morasiewicz, Małgorzata ve Janusz Morasiewicz (2015). “Ethics And Psychotherapy”. Psychoterapia, C. 4, S. 175, s. 21-34.
  • Patten, Christi vd. (1991). “Ethics in Marital and Family Therapy: A Review of The Literature”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, C. 22, S. 2, s. 171-175.
  • Roback, Howard vd. (1992). “Confidentiality Dilemmas in Group Psychotherapy: Management Strategies and Utility of Guidelines”. Small Group Research, C. 23, S. 2, s. 169-184.
  • Scher, Stephen ve Kasia Kozlowska (2012). “Thinking, Doing and Ethics of Family Therapy”. The American Journal of Family Therapy, S. 40, s. 97-114.
  • Scholl, Mark B. ve Sondra Smith-Adcock (2006). “Using Psychodrama Tecniques to Promote Counselor Identity Development in Group Supervision”. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, C. 2, S. 1, s. 13-33.
  • Shapiro, Elizabeth ve Rachel Ginzberg (2006). “Buried Treasure: Money, Ethics and Countertransferance in Group Therapy”. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, C. 56, S. 4, s. 477-494.
  • Southern, Stephen vd. (2005). “Marriage and Family Counseling: Ethics in Context”. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, C. 13, S. 4, s. 459-466.
  • Strom-Gottfried, Kimberly (2000). “Ensuring Ethical Practice: An Examination Of NASW Code Violations 1987-1997”. Social Work, S. 45, s. 251-262.
  • Sweeney, Daniel S. (2001). Legal Issues in Play Therapy. G. Landreth (Ed.), Innovations in Play Therapy: Issues, Process And Special Populations. Brunner-Routledge: Philadelpia.
  • Thorp, Steven R. ve Alan E. Fruzzetti (2003). Ethical Principles And Practice In Couple And Family Therapy. O’Donohue, W. ve Ferguson K. (Ed.). Handbook Professional Ethics For Psychologist. Sage Publication: California.
  • Türk Psikologlar Derneği. (2004). Türk Psikologlar Derneği etik yönetmeliği.
  • Vasquez, Melba J.T. (1994). “Implications of the 1992 Ethics Code for the Practice of Individual Psychotherapy”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, C. 25, S. 4, s. 321-328.
  • Vyskocilova, Jana ve Jan Prasko (2013). “Ethical Reflection and Psychotherapy”. Neuroendocrinology Letters, C. 34, S. 7, s. 590-600.
  • Wall, John vd. (1999). “The Ethics of Relationality: The Moral Views of Therapists Engaged in Marital and Family Therapy”. National Council on Family Relations, C. 48, S. 2, s. 139-149.

Types of Psychotherapy Depending on Their Structure and Ethical Issues

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 36, 513 - 543, 31.01.2019


Psychotherapists can face with numerous ethical problems and ethical
dilemmas during their psychotherapy applications. These ethical problems can
vary according to the psychotherapy types. In this review, psychotherapy types
and ethical issues will be discussed; some steps and practical applications
will be recommended to solve these ethical issues. The addressed psychotherapy
types are 1) individual therapy, 2) group therapy, 3) couple and family
therapy, 4) psychodrama, 5) play therapy. Each of these psychotherapy types
will be evaluated in terms of the ethical codes of Turkish Psychological
Association’s Ethical Guide according to the related literature. Accordingly,
the aim of this review is attracting attention by summarizing the common and
differentiating ethical rules and dilemmas required to apply between
psychotherapy types.


  • American Psychological Association. (1992). “Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”. American Psychologist, S. 47, s. 1597-1611.
  • American Psychological Association. (2002). “Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”. American Psychologist, S. 57, s. 1060-1073.
  • American Psychological Association. (2017). “Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”. The American Psychological Association.
  • Ackley, Sheldon. (1972). “Individual Rights and Professional Ethics”. Professional Psychology, s. 209-216.
  • Barnett, Jeffrey E. (2008). “The Ethical Practice of Psychotherapy: Easily Within Our Research”. Journal of Clinical Psychology, C. 64, S. 5, s. 569-575.
  • Barnett, Jeffrey E. ve Corey H. Molzon (2014). “Clinical Supervision of Psyhotherapy: Essential Ethics Issues for Supervisors and Supervisees”. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, C. 70, S. 11, s. 1051-1061.
  • Blanco, Pedro J. ve Angela I. Sheely-Moore (2012). “Gift-Giving and Receiving in Child-Centered Play Therapy: An Ethical Response”. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, S. 52, s. 66-77.
  • Bratton, Sue ve Dee Ray (2000). “What the Research Shows About Play Therapy”. International Journal of Play Therapy, C. 9, S. 1, s. 47-88.
  • Bratton, Sue vd. (2005). “The Efficacy of Play Therapy with Children: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Outcomes”. Professional Psychology, C. 36, S. 4, s. 376-390.
  • Carter, Philip D. (2017). “Ethics and Research: A Situated and Relational Approach”. Psychotherapy and Politics International, C. 15, S. 3, e1429.
  • Comas-Diaz, L. ve A. T. Caldwell-Colbert (2006). “Appliying the APA Multicultural Guideliness To Psychological Practice”.
  • Daniel-McKeigue, Chris J. (2007). “Cracking the Ethics Code: What Are the Ethical Implications of Designing A Research Study That Relates to Therapeutic Interventions with Children in Individual Play Therapy?” The Arts in Psychotherapy, S. 34, s. 238-248.
  • Delany, Clare ve Melati Conwell (2012). “Ethics and Teamwork for Pediatric Medical Imaging Procedures: Insights from Educational Play Therapy”. Pediatric Radiology, S. 42, s. 139-146.
  • Fehr, Scott Simon (2003). Introduction To Group Therapy: A Practical Guide. The Haworth Press: New York.
  • Gazda, George (1969). “Group Counseling: A Developmental Approach”. Conseiller Canadien, C. 3, S. 4, s. 5-25.
  • Hare-Mustin, Rachel (1980). “Family Therapy May Be Dangerous For Your Health”. Professional Psychology, S. 11, s. 935-938.
  • Hartman, David ve Diane Zimberoff (2012). “Ethics in Heart-Centered Therapies”. Journal of Heart-Centered Therapies, C. 15, S. 1, s. 3-25.
  • Howes, Richard (1981). “Encounter Groups: Comparisons and Ethical Considerations”. Psychotherapy, Theory, Research and Practice, S. 18, s. 229-239.
  • Karataş, Zeynep ve Zafer Gökçakan (2009). “Psikodrama Teknikleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Grup Uygulamalarının Ergenlerde Saldırganlığı Azaltmadaki Etkisinin İncelenmesi”. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, C. 20, S. 4, s. 357-366.
  • Kellerman, Peter Felix (1992). “Focus on Psychodrama”. Jessica Kingsley: London.
  • Kellerman, Peter Felix (1999). “Ethical Concerns in Psychodrama”. Journal of the British Psychodrama Association, C. 14, S. 1/2, s. 3-19.
  • Klontz, Bradley T. (2004). “Ethical Practice Of Group Experiential Psychotherapy”. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, C. 41, S. 2, s. 172-179.
  • Koocher, Gerald P. ve Patricia Keith-Spiegel (1998). Ethics In Psychology: Professional Standarts And Cases. (İkinci Baskı). Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Kranz, Peter L. ve Nick L. Lund (1995). “Psychodramatists’ Opinions: Should the Professional Psychodrama Community Have a Formal Code of Ethics?”. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, C. 48, S. 3, s. 91-95.
  • Lakin, Martin (1994). “Morality in Group And Family Therapies: Multiperson Therapies and the 1992 Ethics Code”. Professional Psychology, C. 25, S. 4, s. 344-348.
  • Mangione, Lorraine vd. (2007). “Ethics and Endings in Group Psychotherapy: Saying Good-Bye and Saying It Well”. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, C. 57, S. 1, s. 25-40.
  • Margolin, Gayla (1982). “Ethical and Legal Considerations in Marital and Family Therapy”. American Psychologist, C. 37, S. 7, s. 788-801.
  • Moreno, Jonathan D. (1994). Of Morals, Ethics and Encounters: Psychodramatic Moral Philosophy and Ethics. Holmes P. vd. (Ed.). Psychodrama Since Moreno: Innovations in Theory and Practice. Routledge: London.
  • Nowell, David ve Jean Spruill (1993). “If It’s Not Absolutely Confidential, Will Information Be Disclosed?” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, S. 24, s. 367-369.
  • Opoczyńska-Morasiewicz, Małgorzata ve Janusz Morasiewicz (2015). “Ethics And Psychotherapy”. Psychoterapia, C. 4, S. 175, s. 21-34.
  • Patten, Christi vd. (1991). “Ethics in Marital and Family Therapy: A Review of The Literature”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, C. 22, S. 2, s. 171-175.
  • Roback, Howard vd. (1992). “Confidentiality Dilemmas in Group Psychotherapy: Management Strategies and Utility of Guidelines”. Small Group Research, C. 23, S. 2, s. 169-184.
  • Scher, Stephen ve Kasia Kozlowska (2012). “Thinking, Doing and Ethics of Family Therapy”. The American Journal of Family Therapy, S. 40, s. 97-114.
  • Scholl, Mark B. ve Sondra Smith-Adcock (2006). “Using Psychodrama Tecniques to Promote Counselor Identity Development in Group Supervision”. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, C. 2, S. 1, s. 13-33.
  • Shapiro, Elizabeth ve Rachel Ginzberg (2006). “Buried Treasure: Money, Ethics and Countertransferance in Group Therapy”. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, C. 56, S. 4, s. 477-494.
  • Southern, Stephen vd. (2005). “Marriage and Family Counseling: Ethics in Context”. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, C. 13, S. 4, s. 459-466.
  • Strom-Gottfried, Kimberly (2000). “Ensuring Ethical Practice: An Examination Of NASW Code Violations 1987-1997”. Social Work, S. 45, s. 251-262.
  • Sweeney, Daniel S. (2001). Legal Issues in Play Therapy. G. Landreth (Ed.), Innovations in Play Therapy: Issues, Process And Special Populations. Brunner-Routledge: Philadelpia.
  • Thorp, Steven R. ve Alan E. Fruzzetti (2003). Ethical Principles And Practice In Couple And Family Therapy. O’Donohue, W. ve Ferguson K. (Ed.). Handbook Professional Ethics For Psychologist. Sage Publication: California.
  • Türk Psikologlar Derneği. (2004). Türk Psikologlar Derneği etik yönetmeliği.
  • Vasquez, Melba J.T. (1994). “Implications of the 1992 Ethics Code for the Practice of Individual Psychotherapy”. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, C. 25, S. 4, s. 321-328.
  • Vyskocilova, Jana ve Jan Prasko (2013). “Ethical Reflection and Psychotherapy”. Neuroendocrinology Letters, C. 34, S. 7, s. 590-600.
  • Wall, John vd. (1999). “The Ethics of Relationality: The Moral Views of Therapists Engaged in Marital and Family Therapy”. National Council on Family Relations, C. 48, S. 2, s. 139-149.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Burcu Korkmaz 0000-0002-4723-0466

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 36

Kaynak Göster

APA Korkmaz, B. (2019). YAPISINA GÖRE PSİKOTERAPİ TÜRLERİ VE ETİK MESELELER. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(36), 513-543.