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Yıl 2016, , 1 - 27, 01.05.2016


The conflicts in the Balkans were dealt with throughout the 1990s from the perspective of traditional diplomacy, peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance. Accordingly, strengthening the state capacity was seen as the key for stability in the region. While the European Union EU has become the central actor in transforming of the region in 2000s, its state-building policy has resulted in the strengthening of the state by means of institutional capacity building. However, the level of socio-political cohesion of the state cannot be “imposed” externally, but rather must be accepted and built internally. This article argues that the strengthening of the state in the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina BiH should be founded upon a democratic system that encourages citizen participation rather than ethno-politics. This study aims to analyze the EU’s state-building efforts in BiH critically


  • Akçalı, E., 2009. “The European Union’s Competency in Conflict Resolution: The Cases of Bosnia, Macedonia (FYROM) and Cyprus Examined”, Thomas Diez and Nathalie Tocci eds., in Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroads, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Anastasakis, O. and Bechev, D., 2003. “EU Conditionality in South East Europe: Bringing Commitment to the Process”, European Studies Centre South East European Studies Programme Policy Paper, Oxford: Oxford University St Antony’s College.
  • Bărbulescu, I. G. and Troncota, M., 2012. “The Ambivalent Role of the EU in the Western Balkans - “Limited Europeanisation” between Formal Promises and Practical Constraints. The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina”. Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 12 (1), pp. 5-26.
  • Bechev, D. and Andreev, S., 2005. “Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Aspects of the EU Institution-Building Strategies in the Western Balkans”, European Studies Centre South East European Studies Programme Occasional Paper, 5, Oxford: Oxford University St Antony’s College.
  • Belloni, R., 2007. State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia. New York: Routledge.
  • Bieber, F., 2011. “Building Impossible States? State-Building Strategies and EU Membership in the Western Balkans”. Europe-Asia Studies, 63 (10), pp. 1783-1802.
  • Brljavac, B., 2012. “Assessing The European Criteria In Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Litmus Test For The European Union”. Journal of Comparative Politics, 5 (1), pp. 4-23.
  • Brljavac, B., 2011. “Europeanisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: European Union (Non) Actorness”. Marmara Journal of European Studies, 19 (2), pp. 93- 116.
  • Chandler, D., 2000. Bosnia: Faking Democracy. Second ed., London: Pluto Press.
  • Chandler, D., 2006. “State-building in Bosnia: The Limits of “Informal Trusteeship”. International Journal of Peace Studies, 11 (1), pp. 17-38.
  • Dobbins, J. et al., 2008. Europe’s Role In Nation-Building: From Balkans To The Congo, Santa Monica: RAND Corporations.
  • Dzihic, V. and Wieser, A., 2001. “Incentives for Democratisation? Effects of EU Conditionality on Democracy in Bosnia & Herzegovina”. Europe-Asia Studies, 63 (10), pp. 1803-1825.
  • Endrödi-Kovacs, V., 2013. “Bosnia and Herzegovina’s way to the European Union”, International Relations Quarterly, 4 (1), pp. 1-8.
  • Fischer, M., 2006, “Introduction: Moving Out of the Dayton Era into the Era of Brussels?”
  • Martina Fischer ed., in Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ten Years after Dayton, Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Fritz, V. and Alina, M. R., 2007. “Understanding State-Building from a Political Economy Perspective: An Analytical and Conceptual Paper on Processes, Embedded Tensions and Lessons for International Engagement”, Report Prepared for DFID’s Effective and Fragile States Teams, London: Overseas Development Institute.
  • Juncos, A. E., 2005. “The EU’s post-Conflict Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina: (re)Integrating the Balkans and/or (re)Inventing the EU?”. Southeast European Politics, 6 (2), pp. 88-108.
  • Korkut, H. and Mulajic, M., 2012. “Implications of Dayton Peace Agreement on Current Political Issues in Bosnia-Herzegovina”. SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences-Special Issue on Balkans, 27, pp. 107- 117.
  • Kostovicova, D. and Bojicic-Dzelilovic, V., 2010. “Human Security in a Weak State in the Balkans: Globalization and Transnational Networks”, Wolfgang Benedek, Christopher Daase, Vojin Dimitrijevic and Petrus Van Duyne eds., in Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime and Peacebuilding: Human Security in the Western Balkans, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kulanic, A., 2011. “International Political Actors and State-Building Process in Bosnia- Herzegovina”. Epiphany - Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies, 4 (1), pp. 167-184.
  • Lazinica, N., 2011. “Main Challenges in the Future of Western Balkans Integration to the EU - The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Analytical Journal, 4, pp. 57-73.
  • Merlingen, M. and Ostraukaite, R., 2006. European Union Peacebuilding and Policing, New York: Routledge.
  • Osland, M. K., 2004. “The EU Police Mission in Bosnia And Herzegovina”. International Peacekeeping, 11 (3), pp. 544–560.
  • Ovalı, A. Ş., 2009. “What is to Be Done: A Complementary Security Architecture for the Balkans”, The Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Security, Challenges to Balkan Security and Contribution of the International Organizations, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül University Press, pp. 171- 177.
  • Önsoy, M., 2011. “Coping with Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Critical Problems: Reconsidering the International Community’s Role”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 7 (25), pp. 121-150.
  • Rakipi, A., 2008. Weak States and Security: Rethinking The Balkan Post-Cold War Security Agenda, Tirana: Albanian Institute for International Studies.
  • Rotberg, R. I., 2003. “Failed States, Collapsed States, Weak States: Causes and Indicators”, Robert I. Rotberg ed., in State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror, Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
  • Rodt, A. P. and Wolff, S., 2012. “EU Conflict Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia”, Richard G. Whitman and Stefan Wolff eds., in The EU as a Global Conflict Manager, New York: Routledge.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., 2003. “Costs, Commitment and Compliance: The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey”. Journal of Common Market Studies, 41 (3), pp. 495-518.
  • Taleski, D., “Comparing Models of Interethnic Coexistence and Practices of Political Parties in the Western Balkans”, Ernst M. Felberbauer and Predrag Jurekovic eds., in From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Northern Kosovo: Coping with the Remaining Impasses in the Western Balkans, Vienna: Study Information Group.
  • Touquet, H. and Vermeersch, P., 2008. “Bosnia-Herzegovina-Thinking Beyond the Institution-Building”. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 14 (2), pp. 266-288.
  • Troncota, M., 2011. “Balkanization of the Europeanization Process”: How State- building was Affected by Axiological Matters in the Western Balkans”. Western Balkans Security Observer, 6 (21), pp. 64-90.
  • Woelk, J., 2012. “Bosnia-Herzegovina: Trying to Build a Federal State on Paradoxes”, Michael Burgess and G. Alan Tarr eds., in Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems: Sub-National Perspectives, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Bedrudin Brljavac, “Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europeanization: Between Ethnic- National and-europeanization-between-ethnic-national-and-european-id> (1 August 2015). Identities”, 25 April 2012
  • Carl Bildt, ‘Response to Henry Kissinger’s Article in the Washington Post of 8 September entitled, “In the Eye of a Hurricane”, 14 September 1996, (10 September 2015).
  • Commision Decision C(2009)5114 of 01/07/2009, On A Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2009-2011 For Bosnia and Herzegovina http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/mipd_bosnia_herzegovina_2009_2011_en. pdf (10 March 2015).
  • EU Road Map, Steps to be taken by Bosnia and Herzegovina to Prepare for a Launch of a Feasibility Study, http://www.esiweb.org/pdf/bridges/bosnia/ EURoadMap.pdf (10 March 2015).
  • European Commission’s Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, (1 July 2015).
  • European Commission, Report from the Commission to the Council on the Preparedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Negotiate a Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union, Brussels, 18 November 2003, (10 July 2015).
  • European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), “Opinion on the
  • Constitutional Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Powers of the High Representative”, Venice, 11 March 2005, (10 September 2015).
  • European Commission, “Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Multi- annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2009-2011: Bosnia and Herzegovina”, .aspx?fromDate=1.1.2015&thruDate=31.1.2015&langTag=en- US&pageIndex=2> (10 August 2015). 1 July 2009
  • European Commission, Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) Indicative Strategy v1.pdf> (25 July 2015). Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-2017), European Stability Initiative, Road To Europe, glish> (20 July 2015).
  • EURM, EU ‘Road Map’, reproduced in Europa South-East Monitor, Issue 11, May 2000, (12 July 2015).
  • Hays, Don and Crosby, Jason, “From Dayton to Brussels, Constitutional Preparations for Bosnia’s EU Accession”, United States Institute of Peace, Special (1 July 2015). No. 175, October 2006 Washington
  • International Commission on the Balkans, The Balkans in Europe’s Future, 2005
  • (1 July 2015).
  • Knauer, Jannik, “EUFOR Althea: Appraisal and Future Perspectives of the EU’s Former Flagship Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, EU Diplomacy Paper, October 2011, (10 July 2015).
  • Kim, Julie, Bosnia: Overview of Problems Ten Years After Dayton, CRS Report for Congress, 14 November 2005, (2 July 2015).
  • The Dayton Accords, (10 August 2015).
  • The Mandate of the Office of High Representative, 2006, (10 August 2015).
  • Zilic, Ahmed, “Dayton Agreement Challenges of Change”, International Conference on Interethnic Relations in the Western Balkans: Problems, Instruments and Prospects for the Future, Berlin, 12-13 September 2003, (20 August 2015).
  • Zagar, Mitja, Constitutional Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Few Comments, Reflections and Recommendations, University of Trento, School on Local Development (15 July 2015). Paper, No.3, 2009

Bosna Hersek Örneğinde Avrupa Birliği’nin Devlet İnşası Çabaları

Yıl 2016, , 1 - 27, 01.05.2016


1990’lı yıllar boyunca Balkanlar’daki çatışmalar, geleneksel diplomasi, barışı koruma ve insani yardım çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, devlet kapasitesinin güçlendirilmesi, bölgedeki istikrar için anahtar olarak görülmüştür. Avrupa Birliği AB 2000’li yıllarda bölgenin dönüşümünde temel aktör haline gelirken, Birliğin devlet inşası siyaseti, kurumsal yeteneklerin inşası yoluyla devleti güçlendirmeyi hedeflemiştir. Bununla birlikte, devletin sosyo-politik bağlaşma düzeyinin, dışarıdan “empoze” edilerek değil, içeride kabul ve inşa edilmesi gerekir. Bu makale, Bosna-Hersek örneğinde devletin güçlendirilmesinin etnik siyasetten çok vatandaş katılımını teşvik eden demokratik bir sistem üzerinden gerçekleşeceğini ileri sürmektedir. Bu çalışma, AB’nin Bosna-Hersek’teki devletinşa çabalarını eleştirel bir tutumla analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır


  • Akçalı, E., 2009. “The European Union’s Competency in Conflict Resolution: The Cases of Bosnia, Macedonia (FYROM) and Cyprus Examined”, Thomas Diez and Nathalie Tocci eds., in Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroads, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Anastasakis, O. and Bechev, D., 2003. “EU Conditionality in South East Europe: Bringing Commitment to the Process”, European Studies Centre South East European Studies Programme Policy Paper, Oxford: Oxford University St Antony’s College.
  • Bărbulescu, I. G. and Troncota, M., 2012. “The Ambivalent Role of the EU in the Western Balkans - “Limited Europeanisation” between Formal Promises and Practical Constraints. The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina”. Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 12 (1), pp. 5-26.
  • Bechev, D. and Andreev, S., 2005. “Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Aspects of the EU Institution-Building Strategies in the Western Balkans”, European Studies Centre South East European Studies Programme Occasional Paper, 5, Oxford: Oxford University St Antony’s College.
  • Belloni, R., 2007. State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia. New York: Routledge.
  • Bieber, F., 2011. “Building Impossible States? State-Building Strategies and EU Membership in the Western Balkans”. Europe-Asia Studies, 63 (10), pp. 1783-1802.
  • Brljavac, B., 2012. “Assessing The European Criteria In Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Litmus Test For The European Union”. Journal of Comparative Politics, 5 (1), pp. 4-23.
  • Brljavac, B., 2011. “Europeanisation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: European Union (Non) Actorness”. Marmara Journal of European Studies, 19 (2), pp. 93- 116.
  • Chandler, D., 2000. Bosnia: Faking Democracy. Second ed., London: Pluto Press.
  • Chandler, D., 2006. “State-building in Bosnia: The Limits of “Informal Trusteeship”. International Journal of Peace Studies, 11 (1), pp. 17-38.
  • Dobbins, J. et al., 2008. Europe’s Role In Nation-Building: From Balkans To The Congo, Santa Monica: RAND Corporations.
  • Dzihic, V. and Wieser, A., 2001. “Incentives for Democratisation? Effects of EU Conditionality on Democracy in Bosnia & Herzegovina”. Europe-Asia Studies, 63 (10), pp. 1803-1825.
  • Endrödi-Kovacs, V., 2013. “Bosnia and Herzegovina’s way to the European Union”, International Relations Quarterly, 4 (1), pp. 1-8.
  • Fischer, M., 2006, “Introduction: Moving Out of the Dayton Era into the Era of Brussels?”
  • Martina Fischer ed., in Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ten Years after Dayton, Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Fritz, V. and Alina, M. R., 2007. “Understanding State-Building from a Political Economy Perspective: An Analytical and Conceptual Paper on Processes, Embedded Tensions and Lessons for International Engagement”, Report Prepared for DFID’s Effective and Fragile States Teams, London: Overseas Development Institute.
  • Juncos, A. E., 2005. “The EU’s post-Conflict Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina: (re)Integrating the Balkans and/or (re)Inventing the EU?”. Southeast European Politics, 6 (2), pp. 88-108.
  • Korkut, H. and Mulajic, M., 2012. “Implications of Dayton Peace Agreement on Current Political Issues in Bosnia-Herzegovina”. SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences-Special Issue on Balkans, 27, pp. 107- 117.
  • Kostovicova, D. and Bojicic-Dzelilovic, V., 2010. “Human Security in a Weak State in the Balkans: Globalization and Transnational Networks”, Wolfgang Benedek, Christopher Daase, Vojin Dimitrijevic and Petrus Van Duyne eds., in Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime and Peacebuilding: Human Security in the Western Balkans, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kulanic, A., 2011. “International Political Actors and State-Building Process in Bosnia- Herzegovina”. Epiphany - Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies, 4 (1), pp. 167-184.
  • Lazinica, N., 2011. “Main Challenges in the Future of Western Balkans Integration to the EU - The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. Analytical Journal, 4, pp. 57-73.
  • Merlingen, M. and Ostraukaite, R., 2006. European Union Peacebuilding and Policing, New York: Routledge.
  • Osland, M. K., 2004. “The EU Police Mission in Bosnia And Herzegovina”. International Peacekeeping, 11 (3), pp. 544–560.
  • Ovalı, A. Ş., 2009. “What is to Be Done: A Complementary Security Architecture for the Balkans”, The Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Security, Challenges to Balkan Security and Contribution of the International Organizations, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül University Press, pp. 171- 177.
  • Önsoy, M., 2011. “Coping with Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Critical Problems: Reconsidering the International Community’s Role”. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, 7 (25), pp. 121-150.
  • Rakipi, A., 2008. Weak States and Security: Rethinking The Balkan Post-Cold War Security Agenda, Tirana: Albanian Institute for International Studies.
  • Rotberg, R. I., 2003. “Failed States, Collapsed States, Weak States: Causes and Indicators”, Robert I. Rotberg ed., in State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror, Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
  • Rodt, A. P. and Wolff, S., 2012. “EU Conflict Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia”, Richard G. Whitman and Stefan Wolff eds., in The EU as a Global Conflict Manager, New York: Routledge.
  • Schimmelfennig, F., 2003. “Costs, Commitment and Compliance: The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey”. Journal of Common Market Studies, 41 (3), pp. 495-518.
  • Taleski, D., “Comparing Models of Interethnic Coexistence and Practices of Political Parties in the Western Balkans”, Ernst M. Felberbauer and Predrag Jurekovic eds., in From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Northern Kosovo: Coping with the Remaining Impasses in the Western Balkans, Vienna: Study Information Group.
  • Touquet, H. and Vermeersch, P., 2008. “Bosnia-Herzegovina-Thinking Beyond the Institution-Building”. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 14 (2), pp. 266-288.
  • Troncota, M., 2011. “Balkanization of the Europeanization Process”: How State- building was Affected by Axiological Matters in the Western Balkans”. Western Balkans Security Observer, 6 (21), pp. 64-90.
  • Woelk, J., 2012. “Bosnia-Herzegovina: Trying to Build a Federal State on Paradoxes”, Michael Burgess and G. Alan Tarr eds., in Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems: Sub-National Perspectives, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Bedrudin Brljavac, “Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europeanization: Between Ethnic- National and-europeanization-between-ethnic-national-and-european-id> (1 August 2015). Identities”, 25 April 2012
  • Carl Bildt, ‘Response to Henry Kissinger’s Article in the Washington Post of 8 September entitled, “In the Eye of a Hurricane”, 14 September 1996, (10 September 2015).
  • Commision Decision C(2009)5114 of 01/07/2009, On A Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2009-2011 For Bosnia and Herzegovina http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/mipd_bosnia_herzegovina_2009_2011_en. pdf (10 March 2015).
  • EU Road Map, Steps to be taken by Bosnia and Herzegovina to Prepare for a Launch of a Feasibility Study, http://www.esiweb.org/pdf/bridges/bosnia/ EURoadMap.pdf (10 March 2015).
  • European Commission’s Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, (1 July 2015).
  • European Commission, Report from the Commission to the Council on the Preparedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Negotiate a Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union, Brussels, 18 November 2003, (10 July 2015).
  • European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), “Opinion on the
  • Constitutional Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Powers of the High Representative”, Venice, 11 March 2005, (10 September 2015).
  • European Commission, “Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Multi- annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2009-2011: Bosnia and Herzegovina”, .aspx?fromDate=1.1.2015&thruDate=31.1.2015&langTag=en- US&pageIndex=2> (10 August 2015). 1 July 2009
  • European Commission, Instrument For Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) Indicative Strategy v1.pdf> (25 July 2015). Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-2017), European Stability Initiative, Road To Europe, glish> (20 July 2015).
  • EURM, EU ‘Road Map’, reproduced in Europa South-East Monitor, Issue 11, May 2000, (12 July 2015).
  • Hays, Don and Crosby, Jason, “From Dayton to Brussels, Constitutional Preparations for Bosnia’s EU Accession”, United States Institute of Peace, Special (1 July 2015). No. 175, October 2006 Washington
  • International Commission on the Balkans, The Balkans in Europe’s Future, 2005
  • (1 July 2015).
  • Knauer, Jannik, “EUFOR Althea: Appraisal and Future Perspectives of the EU’s Former Flagship Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, EU Diplomacy Paper, October 2011, (10 July 2015).
  • Kim, Julie, Bosnia: Overview of Problems Ten Years After Dayton, CRS Report for Congress, 14 November 2005, (2 July 2015).
  • The Dayton Accords, (10 August 2015).
  • The Mandate of the Office of High Representative, 2006, (10 August 2015).
  • Zilic, Ahmed, “Dayton Agreement Challenges of Change”, International Conference on Interethnic Relations in the Western Balkans: Problems, Instruments and Prospects for the Future, Berlin, 12-13 September 2003, (20 August 2015).
  • Zagar, Mitja, Constitutional Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Few Comments, Reflections and Recommendations, University of Trento, School on Local Development (15 July 2015). Paper, No.3, 2009
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bülent Sarper Ağır Bu kişi benim

Barış Gürsoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Ağır, Bülent Sarper, ve Barış Gürsoy. “Bosna Hersek Örneğinde Avrupa Birliği’nin Devlet İnşası Çabaları”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 15, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2016): 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1501/Avraras_0000000226.


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