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Yıl 2010, , 1 - 19, 01.10.2010


The foundation of the European Integration is based on the treaties of European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Community at the beginning of 1950s. Besides the free movement of goods, services and capital, one of the main aims of these treaties and also the European integration was to establish a common market without any restrictions or boundaries for workers to move freely. In order to achieve this goal and encourage the free movement of workers, Council adopted Regulation no 1612/68 which entitles migrant workers to the same tax and social advantages as nationals in the host member state whereas neither primary nor secondary law of the EU includes any article on work seekers. In the mean time, the attempts towards political integration have developed and deepened the purposes of the Communities. In 1992 the Maastricht Treaty established the EU Citizenship and the Court has begun to interpret broadly the provisions dealing with free movement of workers with the help of EU citizenship notion


  • Karen ALTER, “Who Are The Masters of the Treaty?: European Governments and The European Court of Justice”, International Organization, C.52, 1998, s.121-147.
  • Karen ALTER, “The European Court’s Political Power”, West European Politics, C.19 1996, s.458-487.
  • Nilgün ARISAN ERALP, “Lizbon Antlaşması ve Türkiye: İlk Değerlendirmeler”, www.tepav.org.tr/tur/admin/.../DN_Lizbon_Antlasmasi_ve_Turkiye.pdf, (10.02.2010).
  • Nilgün Arısan Eralp, 'Lizbon Antlaşması ve Türkiye: İlk Değerlendirmeler', www.tepav.org.tr/tur/admin/.../DN_Lizbon_Antlasmasi_ve_Turkiye.pdf, 10.02.2010.
  • Anthony ARNULL, “The European Court and Judicial Objectivity: A Reply To Prof. Hartley”, Law Quarterly Review, C.112, 1996, s.411-423.
  • Anthony ARNULL, The European Union and Its Court of Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
  • Anthony ARNULL, Alan DASHWOOD, Micheal DOUGAN, Malcolm ROSS, Elenor SPAVENTA and Derrick WYATT, Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2006.
  • Catherine BARNARD, The Substantive Law of the EU, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007.
  • Nanda BEENEN, Citizenship, Nationality and Access to Public Service Employment, The Impact of European Community Law, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2001.
  • Enver BOZKURT, Mehmet ÖZCAN, Arif KÖKTAŞ, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2006.
  • Paul CRAIG and Grainne De BURCA, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
  • Desmond DINAN, Avrupa Birliği Ansiklopedisi, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Astrid EPINEY, “The Scope of Article 12 EC: Some Remarks on the Influence of European Citizenship”, European Law Journal, C.13, S.5, 2007, s.611-622.
  • A.C. EVANS, “European Citizenship”, Modern Law Review, C.45, S.5, 1982, s.497- 515.
  • Kay HAILBRONNER, “Union Citizenship and Access to Social Benefits”, Common Market Law Review, C.42, 2005, s.1245-1267.
  • Kay HAILBRONNER, “The EU Directive On Free Movement and Access to Social Benefits”, http://ideas.repec.org/a/ces/ifodic/v4y2006i4p8-13.html, (15.02.2010).
  • Trevor HARTLEY, “The European Court, Judicial Objectivity and the Constitution of the European Union”, Law Quarterly Review, S.112, 1996, s.95-109.
  • Trevor HARTLEY, The Foundations of European Community Law, Oxfod University Press, Oxford, 2007.
  • Francis JACOBS, “Citizenship of the European Union-A Legal Analysis”, European Law Journal, C.13, S.4, 2007, s.591-610.
  • Juliane KOKOTT, “EU Citizenship-Citoyens Sans Frontieres”, Durham European Law Institute European Law Lecture, 2005, www.dur.ac.uk/resources/deli/annuallecture/2005_DELI_Lecture.pdf , (10.02.2010).
  • Koen LENAERTS, Constitutional Law of the European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2005.
  • Williem MAAS, “The Politics of European Rights”, http://www.yale.edu/leitner/pdf/2001-26.pdf, (10.02.2010)
  • A. Pieter van der MEI, Free Movement of Persons within the European Community, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2003.
  • Gillian MORE, “The Principle of Equal Treatment: From Market Unifier to Fundamental Rights”, in Paul CRAIG ve Grainne de BURCA (eds.), The Evolution of EU Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999, s.517-549.
  • Siofra O'LEARY, The Evolving Concept of Community Citizenship, Kluwer Law International, London, 1996.
  • Oreste POLLİCİNO, “Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice in the Context of the Principle of Equality Between Judicial Activism and Self-restraint”, Part One/Two; http://www.germanlawjournal.com/index.php?pageID=11&artID=402, (10.02.2010).
  • Norbert REICH, “Union Citizenship-Metaphor or Source of Rights?”, European Law Journal, C.7, S.1, 2001, s.4-23.
  • Jo SHAW, “The Interpretation of European Union Citizenship”, Modern Law Review, C.61, 1998, s.293.
  • Josephine STEINER, Lorna WOODS, Christian TWIGG-FLESNER, EU Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007.
  • Hans Claudius TASCHNER, “Free Movement of Students, Retired Persons and Other European Citizens, A Difficult Legislative Process”, in Henry Schermers, Cees Flinterman, Alfred Kellermann, Johan van Haersolte, Gert-Wim A. van de Meent, (eds), Free Movement of Persons in Europe, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Hague, 1991, s.427-436.
  • Ünal TEKİNALP ve Gülören TEKİNALP, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, Beta Basım Yayım, İstanbul, 1997.
  • Takis TRIDIMAS, “The Court of Justice and Judicial Activism”, European Law Review, C.21 1996, s.199-210.
  • Joseph WEILER, “The Court On Trial”, Common Market Law Review, C.24, 1987, s.555-589.
  • Robin C.A.WHITE, Workers, Establishment and Services in the European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004

Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı İçtihadı ile İş Arayan Kişilere Tanınan Sosyal Avantajlar

Yıl 2010, , 1 - 19, 01.10.2010


Avrupa entegrasyonun oluşumu 1951 tarihli Avrupa Kömür ve Çelik Topluluğunu kuran Paris Antlaşması ile 1957 tarihli Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu ve Avrupa Atom Enerjisi Topluluğunu kuran Roma Antlaşmalarına dayanmaktadır. Malların, hizmetlerin ve sermayenin serbest dolaşımının yanısıra, sözkonusu Antlaşmaların ve Avrupa entegrasyonunun temel amaçlarından biri işçilerin serbest dolaşımının sağlandığı ortak bir Pazar kurmaktır. Bu amaca ulaşılması ve işçilerin serbest dolaşımının teşviki amacıyla 1612/68 sayılı Konsey Tüzüğü ile göçmen işçilere, gidilen üye ülke vatandaşları ile aynı sosyal ve vergi avantajları sağlanırken, iş arayanlara ilişkin ne birincil ne de ikincil hukukta herhangi bir düzenleme yer almamaktadır. Zaman içerisinde siyasi birlik olma yolunda atılan adımlar, Birliğin amacını derinleştirmiş ve geliştirmiştir. 1992 yılında imzalanan Maastricht Antlaşması ile Birlik Vatandaşlığı Kurucu Antlaşmalara dahil olmuş ve Divan, Birlik Vatandaşlığı kavramının yardımıyla işçilere yönelik serbest dolaşım hükümlerini geniş yorumlamaya başlamıştır


  • Karen ALTER, “Who Are The Masters of the Treaty?: European Governments and The European Court of Justice”, International Organization, C.52, 1998, s.121-147.
  • Karen ALTER, “The European Court’s Political Power”, West European Politics, C.19 1996, s.458-487.
  • Nilgün ARISAN ERALP, “Lizbon Antlaşması ve Türkiye: İlk Değerlendirmeler”, www.tepav.org.tr/tur/admin/.../DN_Lizbon_Antlasmasi_ve_Turkiye.pdf, (10.02.2010).
  • Nilgün Arısan Eralp, 'Lizbon Antlaşması ve Türkiye: İlk Değerlendirmeler', www.tepav.org.tr/tur/admin/.../DN_Lizbon_Antlasmasi_ve_Turkiye.pdf, 10.02.2010.
  • Anthony ARNULL, “The European Court and Judicial Objectivity: A Reply To Prof. Hartley”, Law Quarterly Review, C.112, 1996, s.411-423.
  • Anthony ARNULL, The European Union and Its Court of Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
  • Anthony ARNULL, Alan DASHWOOD, Micheal DOUGAN, Malcolm ROSS, Elenor SPAVENTA and Derrick WYATT, Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2006.
  • Catherine BARNARD, The Substantive Law of the EU, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007.
  • Nanda BEENEN, Citizenship, Nationality and Access to Public Service Employment, The Impact of European Community Law, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2001.
  • Enver BOZKURT, Mehmet ÖZCAN, Arif KÖKTAŞ, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, Asil Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, 2006.
  • Paul CRAIG and Grainne De BURCA, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
  • Desmond DINAN, Avrupa Birliği Ansiklopedisi, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2005.
  • Astrid EPINEY, “The Scope of Article 12 EC: Some Remarks on the Influence of European Citizenship”, European Law Journal, C.13, S.5, 2007, s.611-622.
  • A.C. EVANS, “European Citizenship”, Modern Law Review, C.45, S.5, 1982, s.497- 515.
  • Kay HAILBRONNER, “Union Citizenship and Access to Social Benefits”, Common Market Law Review, C.42, 2005, s.1245-1267.
  • Kay HAILBRONNER, “The EU Directive On Free Movement and Access to Social Benefits”, http://ideas.repec.org/a/ces/ifodic/v4y2006i4p8-13.html, (15.02.2010).
  • Trevor HARTLEY, “The European Court, Judicial Objectivity and the Constitution of the European Union”, Law Quarterly Review, S.112, 1996, s.95-109.
  • Trevor HARTLEY, The Foundations of European Community Law, Oxfod University Press, Oxford, 2007.
  • Francis JACOBS, “Citizenship of the European Union-A Legal Analysis”, European Law Journal, C.13, S.4, 2007, s.591-610.
  • Juliane KOKOTT, “EU Citizenship-Citoyens Sans Frontieres”, Durham European Law Institute European Law Lecture, 2005, www.dur.ac.uk/resources/deli/annuallecture/2005_DELI_Lecture.pdf , (10.02.2010).
  • Koen LENAERTS, Constitutional Law of the European Union, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2005.
  • Williem MAAS, “The Politics of European Rights”, http://www.yale.edu/leitner/pdf/2001-26.pdf, (10.02.2010)
  • A. Pieter van der MEI, Free Movement of Persons within the European Community, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2003.
  • Gillian MORE, “The Principle of Equal Treatment: From Market Unifier to Fundamental Rights”, in Paul CRAIG ve Grainne de BURCA (eds.), The Evolution of EU Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999, s.517-549.
  • Siofra O'LEARY, The Evolving Concept of Community Citizenship, Kluwer Law International, London, 1996.
  • Oreste POLLİCİNO, “Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice in the Context of the Principle of Equality Between Judicial Activism and Self-restraint”, Part One/Two; http://www.germanlawjournal.com/index.php?pageID=11&artID=402, (10.02.2010).
  • Norbert REICH, “Union Citizenship-Metaphor or Source of Rights?”, European Law Journal, C.7, S.1, 2001, s.4-23.
  • Jo SHAW, “The Interpretation of European Union Citizenship”, Modern Law Review, C.61, 1998, s.293.
  • Josephine STEINER, Lorna WOODS, Christian TWIGG-FLESNER, EU Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007.
  • Hans Claudius TASCHNER, “Free Movement of Students, Retired Persons and Other European Citizens, A Difficult Legislative Process”, in Henry Schermers, Cees Flinterman, Alfred Kellermann, Johan van Haersolte, Gert-Wim A. van de Meent, (eds), Free Movement of Persons in Europe, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Hague, 1991, s.427-436.
  • Ünal TEKİNALP ve Gülören TEKİNALP, Avrupa Birliği Hukuku, Beta Basım Yayım, İstanbul, 1997.
  • Takis TRIDIMAS, “The Court of Justice and Judicial Activism”, European Law Review, C.21 1996, s.199-210.
  • Joseph WEILER, “The Court On Trial”, Common Market Law Review, C.24, 1987, s.555-589.
  • Robin C.A.WHITE, Workers, Establishment and Services in the European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aslı Bilgin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Bilgin, Aslı. “Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı İçtihadı Ile İş Arayan Kişilere Tanınan Sosyal Avantajlar”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Ekim 2010): 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1501/Avraras_0000000147.


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