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Yıl 2021, , 319 - 347, 24.09.2021


Soğuk Savaş ertesinde, AB küresel bir güvenlik aktörü olma hedefiyle hem sivil hem de askeri içeriğe sahip çeşitli mekanizmaları hayata geçirmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, görevleri Ortak Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası (OGSP) tarafından belirlenen polis misyonları, AB’nin uluslararası barış ve güvenliğin inşasına yönelik katkısında başlıca sivil mekanizmalardan biri olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Çalışma, her ikisi de yönetsel içeriğe sahip olmayan AB’nin Bosna-Hersek polis misyonu (ABPM-BosnaHersek, 2003-2012) ve Afganistan’daki polis misyonunu (ABPOL-Afganistan, 2007-
2016) karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu şekilde, çalışma biri Avrupa’da diğeri Orta Asya’da gerçekleşen iki misyonun da kısmen başarılı adledilmesine neden olan ortak noktaları açıklamak niyetindedir.


  • Akdağ, Zekeriyya ve Ekici, Süleyman, “Avrupa Birliği’nin Uluslararası Politikada Etkili Olma Aracı: Yumuşak Güç”, Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7 (2), 2017, ss. 33-64
  • Akçadağ Alagöz, Emine, “Le Potentiel de “Smart Power” de l’EU: Exemple de l’Opération EUFOR Althéa en Bosnie-Herzégovine”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 16 (2), 2017, ss. 1-21,
  • Akgül Açıkmeşe, Sinem ve Dizdaroğlu, Cihan, “NATO-AB İlişkilerinde İşbirliği ve Çatışma Dinamikleri”, Uluslararası İlişkiler 10 (40), 2014, ss. 131-163.
  • Ağır, Bülent Sarper ve Gürsoy, Barış, “The European Union’s State-Building Efforts in the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 15 (1), 2016, ss. 1-27.
  • Barley, Duncan, “Rebuilding Afghanistan’s Security Forces, Security Sector Reform in Contested State-Building”, The RUSI Journal 153(3), 2008, ss. 52-57.
  • Biscop, Sven, “From Reflections to Power: Implementing the European Security Strategy” Gunter Hauser ve Franz Kernic (ed.) European Security in Transition, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, ss. 87-101.
  • Boin, Arjen, Ekengren, Magnus ve Rhinard, Mark, The European Union as Crisis Manager, Patterns and Prospects, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • Bono, Giovanna, “EU Police Missions”, David Chandler ve Timothy D. Sisk (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of International Statebuilding, Abingdon: Routledge, 2013, ss. 350-361.
  • Brljava Bedrudin ve Conrad, Maximilian, “A global civilian Power? The Future Role of the European Union in International Politics”, Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration 7 (1), 2011, ss. 97-116.
  • Cebeci, Münevver, “NATO, AB ve Türkiye: OGSP Açmazı”, Marmara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 20 (2), 2012, ss. 95-120.
  • Chivvis, Christoh, "EUPOL Afghanistan." EU Civilian Crisis Management: The Record So Far, Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA; Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation, 2010, ss. 17-30.
  • Council of the European Union, Council Joint Action 2005/824/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Communities L307/55-58. 2005. erişim tarihi 10.02.2021
  • Council Decision 2011/781/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Union L319/51, 2011 erişim tarihi 15.02.2021.
  • Council decision 2014/922/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Union L363, s.152, 2014. erişim tarihi 8.02.2021
  • Directorate General for External Policies Policy Department, In depth analysis: CSDP Missions and Operations, European Parliament, 2020. erişim tarihi 16.02.2020
  • Durch, William J, “United Nations Police Evolution, Present Capacity and Future Task”, Henry L. Stimson Center, 2010, 10 Mart.
  • European Court of Auditors (). “Special Report: The EU police mission in Afghanistan: mixed results”, 2015. erişim tarihi 22.02.2021.
  • EEAS, EU-Afghanistan Relations, “Factsheet – European External Action Service”, 2017 European Union External Action, erişim tarihi 5 Aralık. 2020
  • European Union External Action Service, erişim tarihi, 10 Kasım 2020.
  • Fakiolas, Efstathios T. ve Tzifakis, Nikolaos, “Human security in EU strategy: reflecting on the experience of EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and EULEX in Kosovo”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies 27 (3), 2019, ss. 303-316, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2019.1614434
  • Feira Zirvesi, erişim tarihi 08.02.2021
  • Flessenkemper, Tobias, “Support to the Fight against Organised Crime and Corruption: Between Standards, Structural Reform and Pragmatism”, Tobias Flessenkemper and Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten Years After: Lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002–2012, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013, ss. 27-33.
  • Flessenkemper, Tobias, “Lessons from Staffing and Equipping EUPM. Learnng by doing?”, Tobias Flessenkemper and Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten Years After: Lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002–2012, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013, ss. 58-66
  • Friesendorf, Cornelius, “Paramilitarization and Security Sector Reform: the Afghan National Police”, International Peacekeeping 18 (1), 2011, ss. 79-95.
  • Gourlay, Catriona, “European Union Procedures and resources for crisis management”, International Peacekeeping 11 (3), 2004, ss. 404-421.
  • Greener, Beth K, The New International Policing, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2009.
  • Gowan, Richard ve Gleason, Megan, “UN Peacekeeping: The Next Five Years”, New York University Center on International Cooperation, 2012, 27 Kasım.
  • Haaland Matlary, Janne, “Much Ado About Little, The EU and Human Security”, International Affairs 84 (1), 2008, ss. 131-143.
  • Hatto, Ronald, “From peacekeeping to peacebuilding: the evolution of the role of the United Nations in peace operations” International Review of the Red Cross 95 (891/892), 2013, ss.495-515.
  • Henke, Marina E., “Networked Cooperation: How the European Union Mobilizes Peacekeeping Forces to Project Power Abroad”, Security Studies 28 (5), 2019, ss. 901-934.
  • House of Lords, “The EU’s Afghan Police Mission: Report with Evidence”, Londra, House of Lords, 2011.
  • Huiberts-van Dijk, Suzanne, “Police reform and ownership in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Bermuda Triangle?”, Marleen Easton, Monica Den Boer, Jelle Janssens, Rene Moelker ve Tom Vanderbeken (Ed.), Blurring Military and Police Roles, Den Haag, Eleven International Publishing, 2010.
  • İşleyen, Beste, “Building capacities, exerting power: The European Union police mission in the Palestinian authority”, Mediterranean Politics 23 (3), 2018, ss. 321-339.
  • Jakobsen, Peter Viggo, “Small States Big Influence: The Overlooked Nordic Influence on the Civilian ESDP”, Journal of Common Market Studies 47 (1), 2009, ss. 81-102.
  • Juncos, Ana E. “Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina”, Michael Emerson ve Eva Gross (Ed.) Evaluating the EU’s Crisis Missions in the Balkans, Brussels, Centre for European Studies, ss. 46-80.
  • Kenkel, Kai Michael, “Five generations of peace operations: from the “thin blue line” to “painting a country blue”, Revista. Brasileira de Politica Internacional 56 (1), 2013, ss. 122-143.
  • Larivé, Maxime H. A, “From speeches to actions: EU involvement in Afghanistan through the EUPOL Afghanistan Mission”, European Security 21 (2), 2012, ss. 185-201
  • Lindvall, Daniel, “The Limits of the European Vision in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An Analysis of the Police Reform Negotiations” Doktora Tezi, Stockholm: Södertörns Högskola, 2009.
  • Matthiessen, Michael, “The Institutional Genesis of the EUPM”, Tobias Flessenkemper ve Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten years after: lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002-2012 Joint Report, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013.
  • McFarlane, John ve Maley, William,“Civilian police in UN peace operations: Some lessons from recent Australian experience”, Ramesh Thakur ve Albrecht Schnabel (Ed.) United Nations Peacekeeping Operations; Ad Hoc Missions, Permanent Engagement , Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001.
  • Merlingen, Michael ve Ostrauskaite, Rosa, European Union Peacebuilding and Policing: Governance and the European Security and Defence Policy (Routledge Advances in European Politics), 1. Baskı, NewYork, Routledge, 2006.
  • “Military and Civilian Missions and Operations”, European Union External Action Service, erişim tarihi 13 Nisan 2021.
  • Murray, Tonita, “Police-building in Afghanistan: A case study of civil security sector reform”, International Peacekeeping, 14 (1), 2007, ss. 108-126.
  • Nowak, Agnieszka, “Civilian crisis management within ESDP”, Agnieszka Nowak (Ed.) Civilian Crisis Management, the EU Way, Paris, Institute for Security Studies, 2006, ss.15-36.
  • Olsson, Stefan, Crisis Management in the European Union, Cooperation in the Face of Emergencies, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
  • Osland, Kari M, “The EU Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 544-560.
  • Padurariu, Amelia, “The Implementation of Police Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Analysing UN and EU Efforts”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 3 (4), 2014, ss. Art.4;
  • Petersburg Deklarasyonu cvce/eu/obj/Petersburg_declaration_made_by_the_weu_cuncil_of_ministers_bonn_19_june_1992-en-16938094-bb79-41ff951c-f6c7aae8a97a.html. erişim tarihi 11.02.2021
  • “Presidency Conclusions” Göteborg European Council, 15-16 Haziran, 2001, erişim tarihi 15 Şubat 2021.
  • Quille, Gerard, “The European Security Strategy: a framework for EU security interests”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 422-438.
  • Tangör, Burak ve Yalçınkaya, Haldun, “Güvenlik Yönetişimi Çerçevesinde Özel Askeri Şirketler”, Uluslararası İlişkiler 7 (25), 2010, ss. 127-153.
  • Tardy, Thierry, “EUPOL Afghanistan 2007/16: Mission Impossible?”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017.
  • Turhan, Aslıhan P., “Avrupa Birliği Güvenlik Aktörü Olmaya Ne Kadar Yakın?”, Bilge Strateji 2 (3), 2010, ss. 29-58.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, 21 Ağustos, A/55/305 – S/2000/809, 2000. Schnabel (Ed.) United Nations Peacekeeping Operations; Ad Hoc Missions, Permanent Engagement , Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001.
  • Merlingen, Michael ve Ostrauskaite, Rosa, European Union Peacebuilding and Policing: Governance and the European Security and Defence Policy (Routledge Advances in European Politics), 1. Baskı, NewYork, Routledge, 2006.
  • “Military and Civilian Missions and Operations”, European Union External Action Service, erişim tarihi 13 Nisan 2021.
  • Murray, Tonita, “Police-building in Afghanistan: A case study of civil security sector reform”, International Peacekeeping, 14 (1), 2007, ss. 108-126.
  • Nowak, Agnieszka, “Civilian crisis management within ESDP”, Agnieszka Nowak (Ed.) Civilian Crisis Management, the EU Way, Paris, Institute for Security Studies, 2006, ss.15-36.
  • Olsson, Stefan, Crisis Management in the European Union, Cooperation in the Face of Emergencies, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
  • Osland, Kari M, “The EU Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 544-560.
  • Padurariu, Amelia, “The Implementation of Police Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Analysing UN and EU Efforts”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 3 (4), 2014, ss. Art.4;
  • Petersburg Deklarasyonu cvce/eu/obj/Petersburg_declaration_made_by_the_weu_cuncil_of_ministers_bonn_19_june_1992-en-16938094-bb79-41ff951c-f6c7aae8a97a.html. erişim tarihi 11.02.2021
  • “Presidency Conclusions” Göteborg European Council, 15-16 Haziran, 2001, erişim tarihi 15 Şubat 2021.
  • Quille, Gerard, “The European Security Strategy: a framework for EU security interests”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 422-438.
  • Tangör, Burak ve Yalçınkaya, Haldun, “Güvenlik Yönetişimi Çerçevesinde Özel Askeri Şirketler”, Uluslararası İlişkiler 7 (25), 2010, ss. 127-153.
  • Tardy, Thierry, “EUPOL Afghanistan 2007/16: Mission Impossible?”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017.
  • Turhan, Aslıhan P., “Avrupa Birliği Güvenlik Aktörü Olmaya Ne Kadar Yakın?”, Bilge Strateji 2 (3), 2010, ss. 29-58.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, 21 Ağustos, A/55/305 – S/2000/809, 2000.
  • Stamnes, Eli, “The European Union and Peacebuilding, Rising Powers and Innovative Approaches to Peacebuilding”, NUPI Policy Brief Series, 2016, 3 Mart.
  • Solana, Javier, “Foreword The closure of EUPM: Back to the future”, Tobias Flessenkemper ve Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten years after: lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002-2012 Joint Report, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013.
  • Suroush, Qayoom, “The Assessment EU Conflict Response in Afghanistan: Assessing EUPOL impact on Afghan police reform (2007-2016)”, EUNPACK Working Paper, 2018.
  • Solana, Javier, “A Secure Europe in a Better World - European Security Strategy”, Brussels: The European Union for Security Studies, 2003, Aralık.
  • Spence, David, “The European Union and security sector reform”, Steven Blockmans, Jan Wouters ve Tom Ruys (Ed.) The European Union and Peacebuilding: policy and legal aspects ,The Hague, The Netherlands: T.M.C. Asser Press and University of Leuven, 2011, ss. 196-217
  • Torun, Zerrin, “Strengths and Weaknesses of the European Union Police Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina”, Avrasya Etüdleri 50 (2), 2016, ss. 7-24.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, 21 Ağustos 2000, A/55/305 – S/2000/809, erişim tarihi 16.02.2021
  • Wisler, Dominique, “The International civilian police mission in Bosnia Herzegovina: from democratization to nation-building”, Police Practice and Research 8 (3), 2007, ss. 253-268

EU Civilian Crisis Management and the Police: The Cases of Afghanistan (EUPOL-Afghanistan) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (EUPM-Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Yıl 2021, , 319 - 347, 24.09.2021


In the aftermath of the Cold War, the European Union has established many mechanisms -both civilian and military- to become a global security actor. Its tasks defined by the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), police missions of the EU have appeared as the main civilian mechanism through which the EU contributed to the construction of international peace and security. This paper aims to compare the cases of EUPM-Bosnia-Herzegovina (2003-2012) and EUPOLAfghanistan (2007-2016), two non-executive missions of the EU. By doing so, the paper explores similarities in the leading factors for these two missions, one in Europe and the other one in Central Asia, to limited success.


  • Akdağ, Zekeriyya ve Ekici, Süleyman, “Avrupa Birliği’nin Uluslararası Politikada Etkili Olma Aracı: Yumuşak Güç”, Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 7 (2), 2017, ss. 33-64
  • Akçadağ Alagöz, Emine, “Le Potentiel de “Smart Power” de l’EU: Exemple de l’Opération EUFOR Althéa en Bosnie-Herzégovine”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 16 (2), 2017, ss. 1-21,
  • Akgül Açıkmeşe, Sinem ve Dizdaroğlu, Cihan, “NATO-AB İlişkilerinde İşbirliği ve Çatışma Dinamikleri”, Uluslararası İlişkiler 10 (40), 2014, ss. 131-163.
  • Ağır, Bülent Sarper ve Gürsoy, Barış, “The European Union’s State-Building Efforts in the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 15 (1), 2016, ss. 1-27.
  • Barley, Duncan, “Rebuilding Afghanistan’s Security Forces, Security Sector Reform in Contested State-Building”, The RUSI Journal 153(3), 2008, ss. 52-57.
  • Biscop, Sven, “From Reflections to Power: Implementing the European Security Strategy” Gunter Hauser ve Franz Kernic (ed.) European Security in Transition, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006, ss. 87-101.
  • Boin, Arjen, Ekengren, Magnus ve Rhinard, Mark, The European Union as Crisis Manager, Patterns and Prospects, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • Bono, Giovanna, “EU Police Missions”, David Chandler ve Timothy D. Sisk (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of International Statebuilding, Abingdon: Routledge, 2013, ss. 350-361.
  • Brljava Bedrudin ve Conrad, Maximilian, “A global civilian Power? The Future Role of the European Union in International Politics”, Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration 7 (1), 2011, ss. 97-116.
  • Cebeci, Münevver, “NATO, AB ve Türkiye: OGSP Açmazı”, Marmara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 20 (2), 2012, ss. 95-120.
  • Chivvis, Christoh, "EUPOL Afghanistan." EU Civilian Crisis Management: The Record So Far, Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA; Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation, 2010, ss. 17-30.
  • Council of the European Union, Council Joint Action 2005/824/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Communities L307/55-58. 2005. erişim tarihi 10.02.2021
  • Council Decision 2011/781/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Union L319/51, 2011 erişim tarihi 15.02.2021.
  • Council decision 2014/922/CFSP, Official Journal of the European Union L363, s.152, 2014. erişim tarihi 8.02.2021
  • Directorate General for External Policies Policy Department, In depth analysis: CSDP Missions and Operations, European Parliament, 2020. erişim tarihi 16.02.2020
  • Durch, William J, “United Nations Police Evolution, Present Capacity and Future Task”, Henry L. Stimson Center, 2010, 10 Mart.
  • European Court of Auditors (). “Special Report: The EU police mission in Afghanistan: mixed results”, 2015. erişim tarihi 22.02.2021.
  • EEAS, EU-Afghanistan Relations, “Factsheet – European External Action Service”, 2017 European Union External Action, erişim tarihi 5 Aralık. 2020
  • European Union External Action Service, erişim tarihi, 10 Kasım 2020.
  • Fakiolas, Efstathios T. ve Tzifakis, Nikolaos, “Human security in EU strategy: reflecting on the experience of EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina and EULEX in Kosovo”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies 27 (3), 2019, ss. 303-316, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2019.1614434
  • Feira Zirvesi, erişim tarihi 08.02.2021
  • Flessenkemper, Tobias, “Support to the Fight against Organised Crime and Corruption: Between Standards, Structural Reform and Pragmatism”, Tobias Flessenkemper and Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten Years After: Lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002–2012, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013, ss. 27-33.
  • Flessenkemper, Tobias, “Lessons from Staffing and Equipping EUPM. Learnng by doing?”, Tobias Flessenkemper and Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten Years After: Lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002–2012, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013, ss. 58-66
  • Friesendorf, Cornelius, “Paramilitarization and Security Sector Reform: the Afghan National Police”, International Peacekeeping 18 (1), 2011, ss. 79-95.
  • Gourlay, Catriona, “European Union Procedures and resources for crisis management”, International Peacekeeping 11 (3), 2004, ss. 404-421.
  • Greener, Beth K, The New International Policing, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2009.
  • Gowan, Richard ve Gleason, Megan, “UN Peacekeeping: The Next Five Years”, New York University Center on International Cooperation, 2012, 27 Kasım.
  • Haaland Matlary, Janne, “Much Ado About Little, The EU and Human Security”, International Affairs 84 (1), 2008, ss. 131-143.
  • Hatto, Ronald, “From peacekeeping to peacebuilding: the evolution of the role of the United Nations in peace operations” International Review of the Red Cross 95 (891/892), 2013, ss.495-515.
  • Henke, Marina E., “Networked Cooperation: How the European Union Mobilizes Peacekeeping Forces to Project Power Abroad”, Security Studies 28 (5), 2019, ss. 901-934.
  • House of Lords, “The EU’s Afghan Police Mission: Report with Evidence”, Londra, House of Lords, 2011.
  • Huiberts-van Dijk, Suzanne, “Police reform and ownership in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Bermuda Triangle?”, Marleen Easton, Monica Den Boer, Jelle Janssens, Rene Moelker ve Tom Vanderbeken (Ed.), Blurring Military and Police Roles, Den Haag, Eleven International Publishing, 2010.
  • İşleyen, Beste, “Building capacities, exerting power: The European Union police mission in the Palestinian authority”, Mediterranean Politics 23 (3), 2018, ss. 321-339.
  • Jakobsen, Peter Viggo, “Small States Big Influence: The Overlooked Nordic Influence on the Civilian ESDP”, Journal of Common Market Studies 47 (1), 2009, ss. 81-102.
  • Juncos, Ana E. “Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina”, Michael Emerson ve Eva Gross (Ed.) Evaluating the EU’s Crisis Missions in the Balkans, Brussels, Centre for European Studies, ss. 46-80.
  • Kenkel, Kai Michael, “Five generations of peace operations: from the “thin blue line” to “painting a country blue”, Revista. Brasileira de Politica Internacional 56 (1), 2013, ss. 122-143.
  • Larivé, Maxime H. A, “From speeches to actions: EU involvement in Afghanistan through the EUPOL Afghanistan Mission”, European Security 21 (2), 2012, ss. 185-201
  • Lindvall, Daniel, “The Limits of the European Vision in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An Analysis of the Police Reform Negotiations” Doktora Tezi, Stockholm: Södertörns Högskola, 2009.
  • Matthiessen, Michael, “The Institutional Genesis of the EUPM”, Tobias Flessenkemper ve Damien Helly (Ed.) Ten years after: lessons from the EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002-2012 Joint Report, Paris, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2013.
  • McFarlane, John ve Maley, William,“Civilian police in UN peace operations: Some lessons from recent Australian experience”, Ramesh Thakur ve Albrecht Schnabel (Ed.) United Nations Peacekeeping Operations; Ad Hoc Missions, Permanent Engagement , Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001.
  • Merlingen, Michael ve Ostrauskaite, Rosa, European Union Peacebuilding and Policing: Governance and the European Security and Defence Policy (Routledge Advances in European Politics), 1. Baskı, NewYork, Routledge, 2006.
  • “Military and Civilian Missions and Operations”, European Union External Action Service, erişim tarihi 13 Nisan 2021.
  • Murray, Tonita, “Police-building in Afghanistan: A case study of civil security sector reform”, International Peacekeeping, 14 (1), 2007, ss. 108-126.
  • Nowak, Agnieszka, “Civilian crisis management within ESDP”, Agnieszka Nowak (Ed.) Civilian Crisis Management, the EU Way, Paris, Institute for Security Studies, 2006, ss.15-36.
  • Olsson, Stefan, Crisis Management in the European Union, Cooperation in the Face of Emergencies, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
  • Osland, Kari M, “The EU Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 544-560.
  • Padurariu, Amelia, “The Implementation of Police Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Analysing UN and EU Efforts”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 3 (4), 2014, ss. Art.4;
  • Petersburg Deklarasyonu cvce/eu/obj/Petersburg_declaration_made_by_the_weu_cuncil_of_ministers_bonn_19_june_1992-en-16938094-bb79-41ff951c-f6c7aae8a97a.html. erişim tarihi 11.02.2021
  • “Presidency Conclusions” Göteborg European Council, 15-16 Haziran, 2001, erişim tarihi 15 Şubat 2021.
  • Quille, Gerard, “The European Security Strategy: a framework for EU security interests”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 422-438.
  • Tangör, Burak ve Yalçınkaya, Haldun, “Güvenlik Yönetişimi Çerçevesinde Özel Askeri Şirketler”, Uluslararası İlişkiler 7 (25), 2010, ss. 127-153.
  • Tardy, Thierry, “EUPOL Afghanistan 2007/16: Mission Impossible?”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017.
  • Turhan, Aslıhan P., “Avrupa Birliği Güvenlik Aktörü Olmaya Ne Kadar Yakın?”, Bilge Strateji 2 (3), 2010, ss. 29-58.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, 21 Ağustos, A/55/305 – S/2000/809, 2000. Schnabel (Ed.) United Nations Peacekeeping Operations; Ad Hoc Missions, Permanent Engagement , Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 2001.
  • Merlingen, Michael ve Ostrauskaite, Rosa, European Union Peacebuilding and Policing: Governance and the European Security and Defence Policy (Routledge Advances in European Politics), 1. Baskı, NewYork, Routledge, 2006.
  • “Military and Civilian Missions and Operations”, European Union External Action Service, erişim tarihi 13 Nisan 2021.
  • Murray, Tonita, “Police-building in Afghanistan: A case study of civil security sector reform”, International Peacekeeping, 14 (1), 2007, ss. 108-126.
  • Nowak, Agnieszka, “Civilian crisis management within ESDP”, Agnieszka Nowak (Ed.) Civilian Crisis Management, the EU Way, Paris, Institute for Security Studies, 2006, ss.15-36.
  • Olsson, Stefan, Crisis Management in the European Union, Cooperation in the Face of Emergencies, Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
  • Osland, Kari M, “The EU Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 544-560.
  • Padurariu, Amelia, “The Implementation of Police Reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Analysing UN and EU Efforts”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 3 (4), 2014, ss. Art.4;
  • Petersburg Deklarasyonu cvce/eu/obj/Petersburg_declaration_made_by_the_weu_cuncil_of_ministers_bonn_19_june_1992-en-16938094-bb79-41ff951c-f6c7aae8a97a.html. erişim tarihi 11.02.2021
  • “Presidency Conclusions” Göteborg European Council, 15-16 Haziran, 2001, erişim tarihi 15 Şubat 2021.
  • Quille, Gerard, “The European Security Strategy: a framework for EU security interests”, International Peacekeeping 11 (2), 2004, ss. 422-438.
  • Tangör, Burak ve Yalçınkaya, Haldun, “Güvenlik Yönetişimi Çerçevesinde Özel Askeri Şirketler”, Uluslararası İlişkiler 7 (25), 2010, ss. 127-153.
  • Tardy, Thierry, “EUPOL Afghanistan 2007/16: Mission Impossible?”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2017.
  • Turhan, Aslıhan P., “Avrupa Birliği Güvenlik Aktörü Olmaya Ne Kadar Yakın?”, Bilge Strateji 2 (3), 2010, ss. 29-58.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, 21 Ağustos, A/55/305 – S/2000/809, 2000.
  • Stamnes, Eli, “The European Union and Peacebuilding, Rising Powers and Innovative Approaches to Peacebuilding”, NUPI Policy Brief Series, 2016, 3 Mart.
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ayfer Genç Yılmaz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4714-0639

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Eylül 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Genç Yılmaz, Ayfer. “AB SİVİL KRİZ YÖNETİMİ VE POLİS: AFGANİSTAN (ABPOL-AFGANİSTAN) VE BOSNA HERSEK (ABPM-BOSNA-HERSEK) ÖRNEKLERİ”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 20, sy. 1 (Eylül 2021): 319-47.


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