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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 141 - 154, 01.05.2015


The Mediterranean region is always important for the European Union EU as historically and geographically. In 1972, the relationship between EU and the Mediterranean region began to shape under the Global Mediterranean Policy, in 1995 Barcelona Process and in 2007 the Union for the Mediterranean Process. In December 2010, the civil commotion started in Tunisia then spread to the Gulf region. In this context, this study will analyze EU’s Mediterranean policy before and after the Arab Spring in two chapters. In the first chapter, how European policies take action toward the Arab World also to the Mediterranean Region and second chapter tries to analyze how Arab Spring has an effect on Mediterranean politics which EU tries to shape and develop since 1972


  • Blair, A., June 1999. The European Union since 1945. United Kingdom: Longman Group.
  • Çeşmecioğlu, S., October 2003. Avrupa Akdeniz Ortaklığı ve Türkiye. No. 34. İstanbul: İTO Publications.
  • Oğuz, Ş. K., 1991. Avrupa Topluluğu’nun Akdeniz Politikası. No. 90. İstanbul: İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Publications.
  • Pierros, F., et al., September 1999. Bridges and Barriers: The European Union's Mediterranean Policy 1961- 1998. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Pomfret, R., September 1992. “The European Community’s Relations with the Me- diterranean Countries”, John Redmond ed., in The External Relations of the European Community: the International Response to 1992, New York: St Martin's Press.
  • Tirkides, Y., and Theophanous, A., March 2011. “From the Barcelona Process to the Union for the Mediterranean: Rhetoric versus the Record”. Miroslav N. Jo- vanović ed., in International Handbook on the Economics of Integration, Volume 1: General Issues and Regional Groups. Massachusetts: USA: Ed- ward Elgar Publishing.
  • Tovias, A., 1996. “The EU's Mediterranean Policy Under Pressure”. Richard Gilles- pie ed. in Mediterranean Politics. London: Pinter Publishing.
  • Vasconcelos, Á., and Joffé, G., November 2000. “Towards Euro-Mediterranean Regional Integration”, Álvaro Vasconcelos and George Joffé ed. in TheBarce- lona Process: Building a Euro Mediterranean Regional Community. Lon- don: Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Waites N., and Stavridis, S., December 1998. “The European Union and Mediterra- nean Member States”, Theodore A. Couloumbis, et al. ed. in The Foreign Po- licies of the EU’s Mediterranean States and Applicant Countries in the 1990s. New York: St. Martin's Press.Periodicals.
  • Akgün, Ö., December 2011. “Libya’da İç Savaşa Müdahale: Avrupa Birliği Devrimin Neresinde?”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 3 (36), pp. 51-59.
  • Ataç, C. A., 2012. “AB’nin Normatif Kapasite Sorunu, Akdeniz İçin Birlik ve Tür- kiye”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11 (1), pp. 1-24.
  • Balfour, R., June 2011. “The Arab Spring, the changing Mediterranean, and the EU: tools as a substitute for strategy?”. European Policy Center, Policy Brief, pp. 1-4.
  • Balfour, R., June 2012. “EU Conditionality after the Arab Spring”. European Insti- tute of the Mediterranean Paper Series, 16, pp. 1-34.
  • Behr, T., Spring 2012. “The European Union’s Mediterranean Policies after the Arab Spring: Can the Leopard Change Its Spots?”. Amsterdam Law Forum, 4 (2), pp. 76-88.
  • Dias, V. D., 2013. “A Critical Analysis of the EU’s Response to the Arab Spring and its Implications for EU Security”. European Security, 22 (3), pp. 339-354.
  • Gillespie, R., July 2008. “A ‘Union for the Mediterranean’…or for the EU?”. Mediterranean Politics, 13 (2), pp. 277-286.
  • Gloannec, A. M. Le, March 2008. “Sarkozy’s Foreign Policy: Substance or Style?”. The International Spectator, 43 (1), pp. 15-22.
  • Kahraman S., October 2008. “AB-Akdeniz Bölgesel Politikaları ve Türkiye’nin Uyumu”. Journal of Yaşar University, 3 (12), pp. 1731-1742.
  • Khader, B., March 2013. “The European Union and the Arab World: From the Rome Treaty to the Arab Spring”. European Institute of the Mediterranean, EuroMesco Paper, 17, pp. 1-43.
  • Kirişci, K., November 2012, 6. “The EU, Turkey, and the Arab Spring: Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Integration”. Istituto Affari Internazionali, GTE Working Paper, 01, pp. 2-11.
  • Kurtbağ, Ö., Autumn 2003. “Avrupa Akdeniz Ortaklığı: Barselona Süreci”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmalar Dergisi, 3 (1), pp. 73-92.
  • Küçükkeleş, M., January 2013. “AB’nin Ortadoğu Politikası ve Arap Baharına Bakışı”. SETA Analiz, 63, pp. 1-25.
  • Orhan, O. ve Erkmen, S., January 2005. “Arafat Sonrası Filistin ve Barış Süreci”. Stratejik Analiz, 5 (57), pp. 65-73.
  • Perthes, V., December 2011-January 2012. “Europe and the Arab Spring”. Survival, 53 (6), pp.73-84.
  • Schumacher, T., 2011. “The EU and the Arab Spring: Between Spectatorship and Actorness”. Insight Turkey, 13 (3), pp. 107-119.
  • Seeberg, P., July 2014. “Mobility Partnerships and the EU, Part II: The Cases of Libya, Morocco and Tunisia”, Center for Contemporary Middle East Stu- dies. pp. 1-8.
  • Skoutaris, N., 2013. “EuroMed, ENP and UfM: ‘Fostering region-building and promoting interregionalism”, in, The European Union’s relations with the Southern-Mediterranean in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. (edited by) G. FernáArribas, K. Pieters and T. Takács. Center for The Law of EU External Relations, Cleer Working Papers, 3, pp.1-122.
  • Spencer, C., April 2002. “The EU as a Security Actor in the Mediterranean: Prob- lems and Prospects”. The Quarterly Journal, 2, pp. 135-142.
  • Uzun, E., 2003-2004. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Akdeniz Politikası ve Barselona Süreci”. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (1), pp. 1-32. Internet Resources
  • Aslıhan Turan, “AB Akdeniz Politikası ve Arap Baharı”, 26 January 2012, VJs7wsgeA> (20 December 2014).
  • Catherine Ashton, “Remarks at the Senior officials’ meeting on Egypt and Tunisia”, SPEECH/11/122, 23 February 2011, (19 December 2014).
  • Civil Society Dialogue Network Meeting European Union , “League of Arab States cooperation and the EU response to changes in the Arab region: Views from civil society”, 1-2 June 2013, (20 December 2014), pp. 1-11.
  • Council of European Union, “Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediter- ranea, 13 July 2008, (19 December 2014), pp. 1-20.
  • Council of the European Union, “Main result of Foreign Affairs Council, Press Release, 15573/14, 17 and 18 November 2014, (19 December 2014), pp. 1-24.
  • European Commission, “A New Response to a Changing Neighbourhood: A review of European Neighbourhood Policy”, Joint Communication by the High Representative of The Union For Foreign Affairs And Security Policy and the- European Commission, :en:PDF> (20 December 2014), pp. 1-42.
  • European Commission, ‘‘A Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean: Joint Communication to the European Council, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions’’, COM 200 Final, Brussels, 8 March 2011, (20 December 2014), pp.1-16.
  • European Commission: International Cooperation And Development Building Part- nerships For Change in Developing Countries, “Bilateral and Thematic Coope- ration”, (19 December 2014).
  • European Commision, International Cooperation and Development: Building part- nerships for change in developing countries, “Countries of the Region”, (21 December 2014).
  • European Commission Press Release, “EU agrees to start trade negotiations with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia”, IP/11/1545, 14 December 2011, (20 December 2014).
  • European Neighbourhood And Partnership Instrument: Morocco Strategy Paper 2007 2013http://eeas.europa.eu/enp/pdf/pdf/country/enpi_csp_morocco_en.pdf (20 December 2014), p. 1-38.
  • EU Neighbourhood Info Center, “The European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI)”, (21 December 2014).
  • European Union-External Action, EU-Libya Relations, “EU activity in Libya since the fall of the Gaddafi regime”, (19 December 2014).
  • Final Declaration of Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, (13 December 2014), pp. 1- 14. The Maastricht Treaty: Provisions Amending The Treaty Establishing The European Economic Community With A View To Establishing The European Community, (13 December 2014), pp. 1- 59.
  • Tsilla Hershco, “France, the European Union and the Middle East in the Sarkozy Era”, (19 December 2014).
  • Virginie de Moriame, “Euro-Mediterranean Relations in Words: A Preliminary Journey”, 16 April 2013, https://www.uclouvain.be/cps/ucl/doc/spri/ docu- ments/texte_du_30_avril.pdf (13 December 2014), pp. 1-30. Graduate Theses
  • Canveren, Ö., 2013. “Perceptions of Foreign and Security Policies in Egypt after the Arab Spring”, Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara: Police Academy Institute of Security Sciences.

Avrupa Birliği ve Akdeniz: Arap Baharı Öncesi ve Sonrası

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 141 - 154, 01.05.2015


Akdeniz bölgesi, Avrupa Birliği için tarihsel ve bölgesel olarak her zaman önemli olmuştur. 1972 yılında Avrupa Birliği- Akdeniz bölgesi arasındaki ilişkiler Küresel Akdeniz Politikası ile şekillenmeye başlamış, 1995 yılında Barselona Deklarasyonu ilanı edilmiş ve ardından 2007 yılında da Nicolas Sarkozy’nin önerisi ile Akdeniz İçin Birlik süreci başlatılmıştır. Aralık 2010 tarihinde Tunus’da başlayan kargaşa daha sonra Körfez bölgesine de sıçramıştır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma Avrupa Birliği’nin Akdeniz politikalarını Arap Baharı öncesi ve sonrası şeklinde iki bölümde inceleyecektir. İlk bölümde Avrupa politikaların Arap Dünyası ve Akdeniz Bölgesi için nasıl geliştirildiği, ikinci bölümde ise, Arap Baharı’nın, AB’nin 1972 yılından itibaren şekillendirmeye ve geliştirmeye çalıştığı Akdeniz politikasını ne yönde etkilediği analiz edilmeye çalışılacaktır


  • Blair, A., June 1999. The European Union since 1945. United Kingdom: Longman Group.
  • Çeşmecioğlu, S., October 2003. Avrupa Akdeniz Ortaklığı ve Türkiye. No. 34. İstanbul: İTO Publications.
  • Oğuz, Ş. K., 1991. Avrupa Topluluğu’nun Akdeniz Politikası. No. 90. İstanbul: İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Publications.
  • Pierros, F., et al., September 1999. Bridges and Barriers: The European Union's Mediterranean Policy 1961- 1998. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Pomfret, R., September 1992. “The European Community’s Relations with the Me- diterranean Countries”, John Redmond ed., in The External Relations of the European Community: the International Response to 1992, New York: St Martin's Press.
  • Tirkides, Y., and Theophanous, A., March 2011. “From the Barcelona Process to the Union for the Mediterranean: Rhetoric versus the Record”. Miroslav N. Jo- vanović ed., in International Handbook on the Economics of Integration, Volume 1: General Issues and Regional Groups. Massachusetts: USA: Ed- ward Elgar Publishing.
  • Tovias, A., 1996. “The EU's Mediterranean Policy Under Pressure”. Richard Gilles- pie ed. in Mediterranean Politics. London: Pinter Publishing.
  • Vasconcelos, Á., and Joffé, G., November 2000. “Towards Euro-Mediterranean Regional Integration”, Álvaro Vasconcelos and George Joffé ed. in TheBarce- lona Process: Building a Euro Mediterranean Regional Community. Lon- don: Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Waites N., and Stavridis, S., December 1998. “The European Union and Mediterra- nean Member States”, Theodore A. Couloumbis, et al. ed. in The Foreign Po- licies of the EU’s Mediterranean States and Applicant Countries in the 1990s. New York: St. Martin's Press.Periodicals.
  • Akgün, Ö., December 2011. “Libya’da İç Savaşa Müdahale: Avrupa Birliği Devrimin Neresinde?”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 3 (36), pp. 51-59.
  • Ataç, C. A., 2012. “AB’nin Normatif Kapasite Sorunu, Akdeniz İçin Birlik ve Tür- kiye”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11 (1), pp. 1-24.
  • Balfour, R., June 2011. “The Arab Spring, the changing Mediterranean, and the EU: tools as a substitute for strategy?”. European Policy Center, Policy Brief, pp. 1-4.
  • Balfour, R., June 2012. “EU Conditionality after the Arab Spring”. European Insti- tute of the Mediterranean Paper Series, 16, pp. 1-34.
  • Behr, T., Spring 2012. “The European Union’s Mediterranean Policies after the Arab Spring: Can the Leopard Change Its Spots?”. Amsterdam Law Forum, 4 (2), pp. 76-88.
  • Dias, V. D., 2013. “A Critical Analysis of the EU’s Response to the Arab Spring and its Implications for EU Security”. European Security, 22 (3), pp. 339-354.
  • Gillespie, R., July 2008. “A ‘Union for the Mediterranean’…or for the EU?”. Mediterranean Politics, 13 (2), pp. 277-286.
  • Gloannec, A. M. Le, March 2008. “Sarkozy’s Foreign Policy: Substance or Style?”. The International Spectator, 43 (1), pp. 15-22.
  • Kahraman S., October 2008. “AB-Akdeniz Bölgesel Politikaları ve Türkiye’nin Uyumu”. Journal of Yaşar University, 3 (12), pp. 1731-1742.
  • Khader, B., March 2013. “The European Union and the Arab World: From the Rome Treaty to the Arab Spring”. European Institute of the Mediterranean, EuroMesco Paper, 17, pp. 1-43.
  • Kirişci, K., November 2012, 6. “The EU, Turkey, and the Arab Spring: Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Integration”. Istituto Affari Internazionali, GTE Working Paper, 01, pp. 2-11.
  • Kurtbağ, Ö., Autumn 2003. “Avrupa Akdeniz Ortaklığı: Barselona Süreci”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmalar Dergisi, 3 (1), pp. 73-92.
  • Küçükkeleş, M., January 2013. “AB’nin Ortadoğu Politikası ve Arap Baharına Bakışı”. SETA Analiz, 63, pp. 1-25.
  • Orhan, O. ve Erkmen, S., January 2005. “Arafat Sonrası Filistin ve Barış Süreci”. Stratejik Analiz, 5 (57), pp. 65-73.
  • Perthes, V., December 2011-January 2012. “Europe and the Arab Spring”. Survival, 53 (6), pp.73-84.
  • Schumacher, T., 2011. “The EU and the Arab Spring: Between Spectatorship and Actorness”. Insight Turkey, 13 (3), pp. 107-119.
  • Seeberg, P., July 2014. “Mobility Partnerships and the EU, Part II: The Cases of Libya, Morocco and Tunisia”, Center for Contemporary Middle East Stu- dies. pp. 1-8.
  • Skoutaris, N., 2013. “EuroMed, ENP and UfM: ‘Fostering region-building and promoting interregionalism”, in, The European Union’s relations with the Southern-Mediterranean in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. (edited by) G. FernáArribas, K. Pieters and T. Takács. Center for The Law of EU External Relations, Cleer Working Papers, 3, pp.1-122.
  • Spencer, C., April 2002. “The EU as a Security Actor in the Mediterranean: Prob- lems and Prospects”. The Quarterly Journal, 2, pp. 135-142.
  • Uzun, E., 2003-2004. “Avrupa Birliği’nin Akdeniz Politikası ve Barselona Süreci”. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3 (1), pp. 1-32. Internet Resources
  • Aslıhan Turan, “AB Akdeniz Politikası ve Arap Baharı”, 26 January 2012, VJs7wsgeA> (20 December 2014).
  • Catherine Ashton, “Remarks at the Senior officials’ meeting on Egypt and Tunisia”, SPEECH/11/122, 23 February 2011, (19 December 2014).
  • Civil Society Dialogue Network Meeting European Union , “League of Arab States cooperation and the EU response to changes in the Arab region: Views from civil society”, 1-2 June 2013, (20 December 2014), pp. 1-11.
  • Council of European Union, “Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediter- ranea, 13 July 2008, (19 December 2014), pp. 1-20.
  • Council of the European Union, “Main result of Foreign Affairs Council, Press Release, 15573/14, 17 and 18 November 2014, (19 December 2014), pp. 1-24.
  • European Commission, “A New Response to a Changing Neighbourhood: A review of European Neighbourhood Policy”, Joint Communication by the High Representative of The Union For Foreign Affairs And Security Policy and the- European Commission, :en:PDF> (20 December 2014), pp. 1-42.
  • European Commission, ‘‘A Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean: Joint Communication to the European Council, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions’’, COM 200 Final, Brussels, 8 March 2011, (20 December 2014), pp.1-16.
  • European Commission: International Cooperation And Development Building Part- nerships For Change in Developing Countries, “Bilateral and Thematic Coope- ration”, (19 December 2014).
  • European Commision, International Cooperation and Development: Building part- nerships for change in developing countries, “Countries of the Region”, (21 December 2014).
  • European Commission Press Release, “EU agrees to start trade negotiations with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia”, IP/11/1545, 14 December 2011, (20 December 2014).
  • European Neighbourhood And Partnership Instrument: Morocco Strategy Paper 2007 2013http://eeas.europa.eu/enp/pdf/pdf/country/enpi_csp_morocco_en.pdf (20 December 2014), p. 1-38.
  • EU Neighbourhood Info Center, “The European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI)”, (21 December 2014).
  • European Union-External Action, EU-Libya Relations, “EU activity in Libya since the fall of the Gaddafi regime”, (19 December 2014).
  • Final Declaration of Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference of 27 and 28 November 1995, (13 December 2014), pp. 1- 14. The Maastricht Treaty: Provisions Amending The Treaty Establishing The European Economic Community With A View To Establishing The European Community, (13 December 2014), pp. 1- 59.
  • Tsilla Hershco, “France, the European Union and the Middle East in the Sarkozy Era”, (19 December 2014).
  • Virginie de Moriame, “Euro-Mediterranean Relations in Words: A Preliminary Journey”, 16 April 2013, https://www.uclouvain.be/cps/ucl/doc/spri/ docu- ments/texte_du_30_avril.pdf (13 December 2014), pp. 1-30. Graduate Theses
  • Canveren, Ö., 2013. “Perceptions of Foreign and Security Policies in Egypt after the Arab Spring”, Unpublished Master Thesis. Ankara: Police Academy Institute of Security Sciences.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ceren Şençelebi

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Şençelebi, Ceren. “Avrupa Birliği Ve Akdeniz: Arap Baharı Öncesi Ve Sonrası”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 14, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2015): 141-54. https://doi.org/10.1501/Avraras_0000000219.


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