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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 63 - 89, 01.05.2010


According to the data available, the EU is facing unprecedented demographic changes that will have significant implications and consequences for political, social and economic compositions of the countries. Since the 1990s, governments have been aware of demographic changes and are consequently reconsidering their pension schemes, health-care systems, and policies for economic sustainability. In response to demographic change, labour migration has emerged as a possible means to alleviate the economic consequences of demographic change. Although many criticize the option of labour migration arguing that labour migration cannot be relied on solving these


  • Nermin ABADAN, “Turkish Workers in West Germany: A Case Study”, 109th Wilton Park Conference, Steyning Sussex, 1969
  • Ahmet AKGÜNDÜZ, ‘Labour migration from Turkey to Western Europe: An Analysis and review from its commencement (early 1960s) to the recruitment fall (1973/4), Revue Europeene des Migration Internationale, Vol 11, No 1, 1995
  • Greg AUSTİN and Kate PARKER, ‘The Mono-cultural delusion: Turkey and Migration Politics’, Foreign Policy Centre (FPC), London, UK, 2005
  • Christina BOSWELL, Silvia STİLLER and Thomas STRAUBHAAR, “Forecasting Labour and Skill Shortages: How can Projections Better Inform Labour Migration Policies” Migration Research Group HWWA Hamburg Institute of International Economics, 2004
  • Axel BÖRSCH-SUPAN, “Aging Population: Problems and Policy Options in the U.S. and Germany”. Economic Policy, (6) 12., 1991
  • Jhon R. BERMİNGHAM, “Immigration: Not a Solution to Problems of Population Decline and Ageing, Population and Environment”, A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 22, No: 4, March., 2001
  • Frits BOLKESTEİN, Internal Market and Taxation Commissioner, Defusing Europe’s Pension Time bomb, Speech of 6 February 2001., 2001
  • David COLEMAN, “You’re Welcome? A Debate on Immigration and Effects of an Aging Society”, International Longevity Center. London, 2003
  • David COLEMAN, “Replacement Migration or Why Everyone’s going to have to Live in Korea?,”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Volume. 357., 2002
  • David COLEMAN, “Population Ageing: An Unavoidable Future.” Oxford Center for Population and Migration Studies Working Paper Series, No:7., 2001
  • David COLEMAN, “Does Europe Need Immigrants? - Population and Work Force Projection” in International Migration Review 26(98) Special Issue: The New Europe and International Migration, 1992
  • Giuseppe CARONE, , Costello DECLAN, Guardia Nuria DIEZ, Mourre GILLES, Przwara BATOSZ and Salomaki ANIO, The Economic Impact of Ageing Populations in the EU25 Member States, Europeaan Commission, No:236., 2005
  • Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, “Immigration, Integration and Employment”, Brussels, 3.6.2003 COM 336 final, 2003
  • Deutsche Bank Research, The Demographic Challenge, Frankfurt., 2002
  • Francesco D''AMURİ, Ottaviano D''AMURİ, Paolo Gianmarco IREO and Peri GIOVANNI, , The Labour Market Impact of Immigration in Western Germany in the 1990s, CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP6736, 2008
  • Rob EUWALS and Ate NİEUWENHUİS, ‘Immigration and the Labour market’, CPB Report, 2003
  • Rob EUWALS, Dagevos JACO, Gijsberts MEROVE and Hans ROODENBURG, ‘Immigration,, Integration and the Labour Market: Turkish Immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands’, IZA Discussion Paper Series, no.2677, 2007
  • Efrahrungsbericht bis Ende Juni, “Auslaendischer Arbeitnehmer”, Hrgb. Bundesanstalt fur Arbeitsvermittlung, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Nurnberg, 1962
  • European Commission, Commission Communication, Europe’s Response to World Ageing, A Contribution of the European Commission to the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing (COM (2002) 143 final), 18 March 2002, 2002
  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, The Impact of Immigration on Local Labour Markets in Germany (October 2005), 2005
  • Daniel FRANKLIN, ‘Migration: New Demands and Approaches for Europe’ in Luciani, Migration Policies in Europe and the United States, 1993
  • Albrecht GLITZ, ‘The impact of immigration on local labour markets in German’ (UCL,), 2005
  • Joop HARTOG and Aslan ZORLU, “The effect of immigration on wages in three European Countries”, IZA DP 642, Bonn, 2002
  • Charlotte HÖHN, “Policy Responses to Population Ageing and Population Decline in Germany”, Expert group meeting on policy responses to population ageing and population decline. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division New York: UN, 2000
  • Charlotte HÖHN and Karl SCHWARZ, Population Policies and Fertility Trends in Germany, with Particular Reference to the Former German Democratic Republic, in H.P. David and D . Pierotti (eds). (1993). Demographic and Social Effects of Population Policies in Europe, Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, 1993
  • IOM, International Labor Migration and Demographic Change in Europe in World Migration 2003: Managing Migration-Challenges and Responses for People on the Move. IOM Publications, Geneva, 2003
  • IOM, Demographic Change and The Potential Contribution of International Migration, A paper presented at the Expert Group Meeting on Policy Responses to Population Ageing and Population Decline, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Secretariat, New York, 16.18 October 2000.
  • IOM, Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe. Geneva, IOM, 2000
  • IZA & NIRAS Research Report, Geographic Mobility in the European Union: Optimising its Economic and Social Benefits, 2008
  • Charles KEELY, “Replacement Migration. The Wave of the Future?” International Migration Review, February 2001, (39)6.
  • RAND EUROPE, Low Fertility and Population Ageing: Causes, Consequences and Policy Options, Report, for prepared European Commission, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California 2004
  • J. Robert La LONDE and Robert H. TOPEL, Economic Impact of International Migration and The Economic Performance of Migrants, in Rosenzweig,R. and Stark, O. (eds) Handbook of Population and Family Economics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1997
  • Karoly LORANT, The demographic challenge in Europe, Brussels, 2005
  • Wolfgang LUTZ, Brian O’NEİLL and Segei SCHERBOV, Europe`s Popolation at a Turning Point, Science, vol: 299, pp 1991-1992, March 2003.
  • Scott MCDONALD and Sönmez YÖNTEM, “Turkish Labour Migration: Turkey- Germany Migration Corridor”, Paper prepared for the 11th Global Economic Analysis Conference, “Future of Global Economy”,Marina Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland, 2008
  • Sircelj MİLİVOJA, “The European Population Committee’s Recent Demographic Studies and their Relevance for Social Cohesion”. European Population papers series (2) March, Council of Europe, 2002
  • Rainer MÜENZ, Aging and Demographic Change in European Societies: Main Trends and Alternative Policy Options, Hamburg Institute for International Economics Discussion Papers No:0703, 2007
  • Rainer MÜENZ, Thomas STRAUBHAAR, Florin VADEAN and Nadia VADEAN, The Cost and Benefits of European Immigration, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), 2007
  • Rainer MÜENZ, “Migration, Labour Markets and Migrants’ Integration in Europe: A Comparison. Hamburg Institute of International Economics. June 28-29, No:140, 2004
  • OECD (1991), “Migration: The Demographic Aspects”, OECD, 1991.
  • OECD (1998), “Maintaining Prosperity in an Ageing Society”, OECD, 1998.
  • OECD (2004), Trends in International Migration Annual Report 2003, Paris: OECD Publications, 2004
  • Jörn Steffen PİSCHKE and Johannes VELLING, “Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany: An Analysis Based on Local Labor Markets”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 79, No. 4, MIT Press, 1997
  • Katarzyna SACZUK, “A Development and Critique of the Concept of Replacement Migration”, Central European Forum for Migration Research Working Paper, April, Warsaw, 2003
  • Faruk SEN, “The Role of the Turkish communities in the European Union”, IFRI, 2003
  • Thomas STRAUBHAAR, “New Migration Needs a New European Migration Policy”. Hamburg Institute of International Economics. Discussion Paper, 2000
  • Anthea TINKER, The Social Implications of an Ageing Population, Mechanism of Ageing and Development, No:123, pp 729-735, 1997
  • Michael TITELBAUM, Western Experiences with International Migration in the Context of Population Decline, The Japanese Journal of Population, Vol.2, No.1, 2004
  • United Nations Secretariat Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs, “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”. ESA/P/WP.160, 21 March 2000, New York, 2000
  • United Nations, UN Expert Group Meeting on Policy Responses to Population Ageing and Population Decline, ESA/P/WP.163, New York, 2000
  • United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division: World population in 2300, United Nation NY, 2004
  • Gottfried E VOLKER, “Turkish Labour Migration to Germany: Impact on Both Economies”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, Taylor & Frncis, Ltd, 1976
  • Klaus ZIMMERMAN, “Migration: A Challenge for Europe” (Symposium 1993) ed. by Horst Siebert, 1993


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 63 - 89, 01.05.2010


Son verilere göre, Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin politik, sosyal ve ekonomik yapılarında önemli etkileri olabilecek eşi görülmemiş bir nüfus değişimi yaşamaktadır. 1990’lardan bu yana Avrupa devletleri bu değişimin farkındadırlar ve emeklilik sistemleri, sağlık sistemleri ve ekonomik sürdürülebilirlik politikalarını yeniden gözden geçirmektedirler. Son yıllarda işçi göçleri, nüfus değişiminin ekonomik etkilerini en aza indirmede bir araç olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Birçok politikacı ve yazar işçi göçü seçeneğini “güvenilmez”, “yararsız” ve yerel iş piyasalar üzerinde olumsuz etkiler bırakacağı şeklinde eleştirse de, işçi göçleri kısa vadede tek seçim olarak Avrupa Birliğinin önünde durmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma işçi göçlerinin yerel iş piyasaları üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktadır. Durum çalışması olarak 1961–73 yılları arasında Türkiye’den Almanya’ya gerçekleşen işçi göçleri incelenecektir


  • Nermin ABADAN, “Turkish Workers in West Germany: A Case Study”, 109th Wilton Park Conference, Steyning Sussex, 1969
  • Ahmet AKGÜNDÜZ, ‘Labour migration from Turkey to Western Europe: An Analysis and review from its commencement (early 1960s) to the recruitment fall (1973/4), Revue Europeene des Migration Internationale, Vol 11, No 1, 1995
  • Greg AUSTİN and Kate PARKER, ‘The Mono-cultural delusion: Turkey and Migration Politics’, Foreign Policy Centre (FPC), London, UK, 2005
  • Christina BOSWELL, Silvia STİLLER and Thomas STRAUBHAAR, “Forecasting Labour and Skill Shortages: How can Projections Better Inform Labour Migration Policies” Migration Research Group HWWA Hamburg Institute of International Economics, 2004
  • Axel BÖRSCH-SUPAN, “Aging Population: Problems and Policy Options in the U.S. and Germany”. Economic Policy, (6) 12., 1991
  • Jhon R. BERMİNGHAM, “Immigration: Not a Solution to Problems of Population Decline and Ageing, Population and Environment”, A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 22, No: 4, March., 2001
  • Frits BOLKESTEİN, Internal Market and Taxation Commissioner, Defusing Europe’s Pension Time bomb, Speech of 6 February 2001., 2001
  • David COLEMAN, “You’re Welcome? A Debate on Immigration and Effects of an Aging Society”, International Longevity Center. London, 2003
  • David COLEMAN, “Replacement Migration or Why Everyone’s going to have to Live in Korea?,”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Volume. 357., 2002
  • David COLEMAN, “Population Ageing: An Unavoidable Future.” Oxford Center for Population and Migration Studies Working Paper Series, No:7., 2001
  • David COLEMAN, “Does Europe Need Immigrants? - Population and Work Force Projection” in International Migration Review 26(98) Special Issue: The New Europe and International Migration, 1992
  • Giuseppe CARONE, , Costello DECLAN, Guardia Nuria DIEZ, Mourre GILLES, Przwara BATOSZ and Salomaki ANIO, The Economic Impact of Ageing Populations in the EU25 Member States, Europeaan Commission, No:236., 2005
  • Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, “Immigration, Integration and Employment”, Brussels, 3.6.2003 COM 336 final, 2003
  • Deutsche Bank Research, The Demographic Challenge, Frankfurt., 2002
  • Francesco D''AMURİ, Ottaviano D''AMURİ, Paolo Gianmarco IREO and Peri GIOVANNI, , The Labour Market Impact of Immigration in Western Germany in the 1990s, CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP6736, 2008
  • Rob EUWALS and Ate NİEUWENHUİS, ‘Immigration and the Labour market’, CPB Report, 2003
  • Rob EUWALS, Dagevos JACO, Gijsberts MEROVE and Hans ROODENBURG, ‘Immigration,, Integration and the Labour Market: Turkish Immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands’, IZA Discussion Paper Series, no.2677, 2007
  • Efrahrungsbericht bis Ende Juni, “Auslaendischer Arbeitnehmer”, Hrgb. Bundesanstalt fur Arbeitsvermittlung, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Nurnberg, 1962
  • European Commission, Commission Communication, Europe’s Response to World Ageing, A Contribution of the European Commission to the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing (COM (2002) 143 final), 18 March 2002, 2002
  • Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, The Impact of Immigration on Local Labour Markets in Germany (October 2005), 2005
  • Daniel FRANKLIN, ‘Migration: New Demands and Approaches for Europe’ in Luciani, Migration Policies in Europe and the United States, 1993
  • Albrecht GLITZ, ‘The impact of immigration on local labour markets in German’ (UCL,), 2005
  • Joop HARTOG and Aslan ZORLU, “The effect of immigration on wages in three European Countries”, IZA DP 642, Bonn, 2002
  • Charlotte HÖHN, “Policy Responses to Population Ageing and Population Decline in Germany”, Expert group meeting on policy responses to population ageing and population decline. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division New York: UN, 2000
  • Charlotte HÖHN and Karl SCHWARZ, Population Policies and Fertility Trends in Germany, with Particular Reference to the Former German Democratic Republic, in H.P. David and D . Pierotti (eds). (1993). Demographic and Social Effects of Population Policies in Europe, Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, 1993
  • IOM, International Labor Migration and Demographic Change in Europe in World Migration 2003: Managing Migration-Challenges and Responses for People on the Move. IOM Publications, Geneva, 2003
  • IOM, Demographic Change and The Potential Contribution of International Migration, A paper presented at the Expert Group Meeting on Policy Responses to Population Ageing and Population Decline, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Secretariat, New York, 16.18 October 2000.
  • IOM, Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe. Geneva, IOM, 2000
  • IZA & NIRAS Research Report, Geographic Mobility in the European Union: Optimising its Economic and Social Benefits, 2008
  • Charles KEELY, “Replacement Migration. The Wave of the Future?” International Migration Review, February 2001, (39)6.
  • RAND EUROPE, Low Fertility and Population Ageing: Causes, Consequences and Policy Options, Report, for prepared European Commission, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California 2004
  • J. Robert La LONDE and Robert H. TOPEL, Economic Impact of International Migration and The Economic Performance of Migrants, in Rosenzweig,R. and Stark, O. (eds) Handbook of Population and Family Economics, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1997
  • Karoly LORANT, The demographic challenge in Europe, Brussels, 2005
  • Wolfgang LUTZ, Brian O’NEİLL and Segei SCHERBOV, Europe`s Popolation at a Turning Point, Science, vol: 299, pp 1991-1992, March 2003.
  • Scott MCDONALD and Sönmez YÖNTEM, “Turkish Labour Migration: Turkey- Germany Migration Corridor”, Paper prepared for the 11th Global Economic Analysis Conference, “Future of Global Economy”,Marina Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland, 2008
  • Sircelj MİLİVOJA, “The European Population Committee’s Recent Demographic Studies and their Relevance for Social Cohesion”. European Population papers series (2) March, Council of Europe, 2002
  • Rainer MÜENZ, Aging and Demographic Change in European Societies: Main Trends and Alternative Policy Options, Hamburg Institute for International Economics Discussion Papers No:0703, 2007
  • Rainer MÜENZ, Thomas STRAUBHAAR, Florin VADEAN and Nadia VADEAN, The Cost and Benefits of European Immigration, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), 2007
  • Rainer MÜENZ, “Migration, Labour Markets and Migrants’ Integration in Europe: A Comparison. Hamburg Institute of International Economics. June 28-29, No:140, 2004
  • OECD (1991), “Migration: The Demographic Aspects”, OECD, 1991.
  • OECD (1998), “Maintaining Prosperity in an Ageing Society”, OECD, 1998.
  • OECD (2004), Trends in International Migration Annual Report 2003, Paris: OECD Publications, 2004
  • Jörn Steffen PİSCHKE and Johannes VELLING, “Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany: An Analysis Based on Local Labor Markets”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 79, No. 4, MIT Press, 1997
  • Katarzyna SACZUK, “A Development and Critique of the Concept of Replacement Migration”, Central European Forum for Migration Research Working Paper, April, Warsaw, 2003
  • Faruk SEN, “The Role of the Turkish communities in the European Union”, IFRI, 2003
  • Thomas STRAUBHAAR, “New Migration Needs a New European Migration Policy”. Hamburg Institute of International Economics. Discussion Paper, 2000
  • Anthea TINKER, The Social Implications of an Ageing Population, Mechanism of Ageing and Development, No:123, pp 729-735, 1997
  • Michael TITELBAUM, Western Experiences with International Migration in the Context of Population Decline, The Japanese Journal of Population, Vol.2, No.1, 2004
  • United Nations Secretariat Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs, “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”. ESA/P/WP.160, 21 March 2000, New York, 2000
  • United Nations, UN Expert Group Meeting on Policy Responses to Population Ageing and Population Decline, ESA/P/WP.163, New York, 2000
  • United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division: World population in 2300, United Nation NY, 2004
  • Gottfried E VOLKER, “Turkish Labour Migration to Germany: Impact on Both Economies”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, Taylor & Frncis, Ltd, 1976
  • Klaus ZIMMERMAN, “Migration: A Challenge for Europe” (Symposium 1993) ed. by Horst Siebert, 1993
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yasin Kerem Gümüş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Gümüş, Yasin Kerem. “FREE MOVEMENT OF WORKERS IN THE EU WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHALLENGE OF EUROPE: THE CASE OF LABOUR MIGRATION FROM TURKEY TO GERMANY”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 9, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2010): 63-89. https://doi.org/10.1501/Avraras_0000000137.