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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 111 - 124, 01.05.2010


This study addresses the investigation of the environmental tendencies of consumers with regards to realization of sustainable life. Within this framework, based on the result of an existing public survey, the study tries to clarify to what extent the environmental tendencies consumers match with different aspects of sustainable life which are conceptualized as “consistency”, “efficiency” and “sufficiency”. As a result of the evaluation carried out, it can be said that environmental tendencies determined for the consumers and conceptualized as “environmental world view” and “environmental concern” match with the environmental suitability, efficiency and thriftiness aspects of sustainable life to a great extent. However, on the other hand, it can be concluded that as there is a widespread reluctance seen among consumers with regards to exhibiting reflexes such as participation, reaction, sacrifice, and taking responsibility, there is not enough determination on the side of consumers for realizing the requirements of “environmental commitment”


  • GLOBESCAN, Environics International Environmental Monitor Survey Data-Set”. Environics International, Canada, 2000.
  • GLOBESCAN, “Results Of First-Ever Global Poll On Humanity's Relationship With Nature”. Environics International, Toronto, 2004 .
  • EUROBARAMETER, “Special Eurobarameter”, 295/Wave 68.2-TNS Opinion & Social. Europa Comission, 2008.
  • GLOBESCAN, “International Environmental Monitor”, Environics International, Toronto, 2002.
  • WORLDVIEWS 2002, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations ,. CCFR
  • N. Antony PENNA, The Human Footprint, A Global Environmental History, Willey-Blackwell, Oxford, 2010.
  • Ted BENTON and Michael REDCLİFT, Social Theory and The Global Environment, Londra ve Newyork, Routledge, 1994.
  • Friedrich ZIMMERMANN und Franz BRUNNER, “Nachhaltige lehrehumangeographisches seminar”, Inst. Für Geographie und Raumforsschung der Karl-Franzen UniversitatGraz, http //www.oikosinternational.org/graz, (18.05.2007)
  • M. KEATING, Yeryüzü Zirvesinde Değişimin Gündemi, UNEP Türkiye Komitesi Yayını, Nisan 1993
  • B. PLEWES, “Sustainable human developed as a global frammework”. International Journal LI (Spring), 1996, p.211-234.
  • L. ERDMANN, S. SOHR, S. BEHRENDT, R. KREIBRICH, “Nachhaltigkeit und Ernährung”, http://www.izt.de/pdfs/IZT_WB57_Nachhaltigkeit_Ernaehrung.pdf (20.6.2007).
  • Ute STOLTENBERG, Maik ADOMSSENT..., “Lünebürger Projekt “Nachhaltigkeit in Bildungsinstitutionen in Schleswig-Hollstein (NaBiSch)”. Üniversitat Lüneburg İnst. Für Umweltkommunikation (INFU), 2004, http://www.kinder- was.de/mitmachen. (17.05.2007).
  • G. DE HAAN und D. HARENBERG, “Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Förderprogramm Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung”. Freie Universität Berlin, 1999, http://www.blk-bonn.de/papers/heft72.pdf (21.06.2007).
  • Oğuz ÖZDEMİR, Yasemin ÖZKAN, Özlen ÖZGEN, Biotechnological Foods- Sustainable Developed, Sustainable Consumtion Education Research on Education. Edited by Marina-Stefania Giannakaki, Gregory T. Papanikos, Yiannis Pozios & John Kelvyn Richards, 2006, p. 301.
  • William R. CATTON and Riley DUNLAP, “A New Ecological Paradigm For Postexuberant Scociology.” American Behavioral Scientist, 24 (1), 1980, p.15- 47.
  • Friedrich BUTTEL and Peter TAYLOR, “Environmental Sociology And Global Environmental Change: A Critical Assesment. Ed. M. Redclift and T. Benton. Socioal Theory and the Global Environment. Routledge, 1994
  • H. LÜDKE, Methoden der Lebensstilforschung. Schriftreihe der Arbeitsgruppe Umweltbildung der der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehunswissenschaft: Edit: Dietmar Bolscho/Gerherd Michelsen (Hrsg.). Leske-Budrich, 1999.
  • A. RHEINGANS, Einige Überlegungen zur Analyse (Ökologischer) Lebensstile. Schriftreihe “der Arbeitsgruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehunswissenschaft: Bd. 3)“, Edit: Dietmar Bolscho/Gerherd Michelsen (Hrsg.), Leske-Budrich, 1999.
  • Roland INGLEHART, “Globalscans and European Values Surveys 1981-1984, 1990- 1993, and 1995-1997” Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) , 2000.
  • Antony LEİSEROWİTZ, Roberd W. KATES and Thomas M. PARRİS, “Do Global Attitudes and Behaviors Support Sustainable Developed?”, Environment, 00139157, Vol. 47, 2005, Issue 9.
  • Muammer TUNA, Türkiye’de Çevrecilik: Türkiye’de Çevreye İlişkin Toplumsal Eğilimler, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara, 2006.
  • Rodney CLUCK, A. Dauna GİLL, Ralph BROWN and Xu Xiaohe, “Attitudes Towards And Commitment To Environmentalism: A Multidimensional Conceptualization.” Sociological Consumers, Toronto. 1997.
  • Muammer TUNA, Environmentalism: An Empirical Test Of Multi-Level Effects Of On Environmetal Attitudes İn More And Less Developed Contries. PhD Thesis, Mississippi State University, MS. 1998.
  • R. ALVENSLEBEN, “Nachhaltiger Konsum: Konzepte, Probleme Und Strategien, Leitbild” Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft” : Welche Wege Führen Zum Ziel?”, 1998 http://www.uni-kiel.de/agrarmarketing/lehrstuhl/nachhaltigerkonsumdlg.pdf. (17.06.2007).
  • Gary GARDNER, Erik ASSADOURIAN, Radhika SARIN, Günümüzde Tüketim, Dünyanın Durumu, Özel Konu: Tüketim Toplumu, Worldwatch Enstitüsü, İstanbul, TEMA, 2004:3-21.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 111 - 124, 01.05.2010


Bu çalışma, tüketicilerin çevreye ilişkin eğilimlerinin, sürdürülebilir yaşam anlayışına uygunluğunun irdelenmesini konu almaktadır. Bu çerçevede, mevcut bir kamuoyu araştırmasının sonuçlarından yola çıkılarak, tüketicilerin çevreye ilişkin eğilimlerinin, sürdürülebilir yaşamın “doğaya uygunluk”, “verimlilik” ve “tutumluluk” şeklinde kavramsallaştırılan her bir boyutuna ne ölçüde elverişli olduğuna açıklık getirmeye çalışılmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda, “çevresel dünya görüşü” ve “çevresel kaygı” şeklinde kavramlaştırılan tüketicilerin belirlenen çevresel eğilimlerinin, sürdürülebilir yaşamın doğaya uygunluk, verimlilik ve tutumluluk ilkeleriyle önemli ölçüde örtüştüğü söylenebilir. Ancak, katılım, tepki gösterme, özveride bulunma ve sorumluluk alma gibi reflekslerde yaygın bir çekincenin yaşanması nedeniyle, tüketicilerde “çevresel taahhüt”’ün gereklerinin yerine getirilmesine ilişkin henüz yeterli bir iradenin bulunmadığı sonucuna varılabilir


  • GLOBESCAN, Environics International Environmental Monitor Survey Data-Set”. Environics International, Canada, 2000.
  • GLOBESCAN, “Results Of First-Ever Global Poll On Humanity's Relationship With Nature”. Environics International, Toronto, 2004 .
  • EUROBARAMETER, “Special Eurobarameter”, 295/Wave 68.2-TNS Opinion & Social. Europa Comission, 2008.
  • GLOBESCAN, “International Environmental Monitor”, Environics International, Toronto, 2002.
  • WORLDVIEWS 2002, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations ,. CCFR
  • N. Antony PENNA, The Human Footprint, A Global Environmental History, Willey-Blackwell, Oxford, 2010.
  • Ted BENTON and Michael REDCLİFT, Social Theory and The Global Environment, Londra ve Newyork, Routledge, 1994.
  • Friedrich ZIMMERMANN und Franz BRUNNER, “Nachhaltige lehrehumangeographisches seminar”, Inst. Für Geographie und Raumforsschung der Karl-Franzen UniversitatGraz, http //www.oikosinternational.org/graz, (18.05.2007)
  • M. KEATING, Yeryüzü Zirvesinde Değişimin Gündemi, UNEP Türkiye Komitesi Yayını, Nisan 1993
  • B. PLEWES, “Sustainable human developed as a global frammework”. International Journal LI (Spring), 1996, p.211-234.
  • L. ERDMANN, S. SOHR, S. BEHRENDT, R. KREIBRICH, “Nachhaltigkeit und Ernährung”, http://www.izt.de/pdfs/IZT_WB57_Nachhaltigkeit_Ernaehrung.pdf (20.6.2007).
  • Ute STOLTENBERG, Maik ADOMSSENT..., “Lünebürger Projekt “Nachhaltigkeit in Bildungsinstitutionen in Schleswig-Hollstein (NaBiSch)”. Üniversitat Lüneburg İnst. Für Umweltkommunikation (INFU), 2004, http://www.kinder- was.de/mitmachen. (17.05.2007).
  • G. DE HAAN und D. HARENBERG, “Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Förderprogramm Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung”. Freie Universität Berlin, 1999, http://www.blk-bonn.de/papers/heft72.pdf (21.06.2007).
  • Oğuz ÖZDEMİR, Yasemin ÖZKAN, Özlen ÖZGEN, Biotechnological Foods- Sustainable Developed, Sustainable Consumtion Education Research on Education. Edited by Marina-Stefania Giannakaki, Gregory T. Papanikos, Yiannis Pozios & John Kelvyn Richards, 2006, p. 301.
  • William R. CATTON and Riley DUNLAP, “A New Ecological Paradigm For Postexuberant Scociology.” American Behavioral Scientist, 24 (1), 1980, p.15- 47.
  • Friedrich BUTTEL and Peter TAYLOR, “Environmental Sociology And Global Environmental Change: A Critical Assesment. Ed. M. Redclift and T. Benton. Socioal Theory and the Global Environment. Routledge, 1994
  • H. LÜDKE, Methoden der Lebensstilforschung. Schriftreihe der Arbeitsgruppe Umweltbildung der der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehunswissenschaft: Edit: Dietmar Bolscho/Gerherd Michelsen (Hrsg.). Leske-Budrich, 1999.
  • A. RHEINGANS, Einige Überlegungen zur Analyse (Ökologischer) Lebensstile. Schriftreihe “der Arbeitsgruppe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehunswissenschaft: Bd. 3)“, Edit: Dietmar Bolscho/Gerherd Michelsen (Hrsg.), Leske-Budrich, 1999.
  • Roland INGLEHART, “Globalscans and European Values Surveys 1981-1984, 1990- 1993, and 1995-1997” Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) , 2000.
  • Antony LEİSEROWİTZ, Roberd W. KATES and Thomas M. PARRİS, “Do Global Attitudes and Behaviors Support Sustainable Developed?”, Environment, 00139157, Vol. 47, 2005, Issue 9.
  • Muammer TUNA, Türkiye’de Çevrecilik: Türkiye’de Çevreye İlişkin Toplumsal Eğilimler, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara, 2006.
  • Rodney CLUCK, A. Dauna GİLL, Ralph BROWN and Xu Xiaohe, “Attitudes Towards And Commitment To Environmentalism: A Multidimensional Conceptualization.” Sociological Consumers, Toronto. 1997.
  • Muammer TUNA, Environmentalism: An Empirical Test Of Multi-Level Effects Of On Environmetal Attitudes İn More And Less Developed Contries. PhD Thesis, Mississippi State University, MS. 1998.
  • R. ALVENSLEBEN, “Nachhaltiger Konsum: Konzepte, Probleme Und Strategien, Leitbild” Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft” : Welche Wege Führen Zum Ziel?”, 1998 http://www.uni-kiel.de/agrarmarketing/lehrstuhl/nachhaltigerkonsumdlg.pdf. (17.06.2007).
  • Gary GARDNER, Erik ASSADOURIAN, Radhika SARIN, Günümüzde Tüketim, Dünyanın Durumu, Özel Konu: Tüketim Toplumu, Worldwatch Enstitüsü, İstanbul, TEMA, 2004:3-21.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Oğuz Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özdemir, Oğuz. “ENVIRONMENTAL TENDENCY OF CONSUMERS TOWARD SUSTAINABLE LIFE”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 9, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2010): 111-24. https://doi.org/10.1501/Avraras_0000000139.