Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 563 - 594, 31.12.2021


Makale, AB Temel Haklar Şartı’nın aslen kişi (ratione personae) bakımından, ayrıca Şart’ın bağımsız ve özerk uygulanma kapasitesi olmadığı için kaçınılmaz olarak konu (ratione materiae) bakımından uygulanma kapsamını incelemektedir. Makalede AB (organları ve kurumları), üye devletler ve gerçek ve tüzel kişiler temelinde Şart’ın uygulanma kapsamı hukuki gerekçeleriyle birlikte Şart’ın 51. maddesi bağlamında analiz edilmektedir. Şart’ın özellikle ulusal hukuk sistemlerinde AB hukukunun uygulanması kapsamında AB hukuku tarafından yönetilen hukuki durumlara uygulanması itibariyle ABAD’ın yetki devri ilkesi bağlamında AB’nin yetkilerini artıramayacağı hükmüne istinaden hukukun genel ilkelerini teşkil eden temel haklara dair içtihadını teyit ve konsolide etse de, temel haklar uygulanmasını bağımsız bir uygulanabilirlik niteliğine taşımaktan imtina ederek federalleşmeden uzak ama amaçsal yoruma dayalı içtihadı detaylarıyla irdelenmektedir.


  • Bernitz, Ulf. "The Scope of the Charter and its Impact on the Application of the ECHR: The Åkerberg Fransson Case on Ne Bis in Idem in Perspective" içinde The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument: Five Years Old and Growing, ed. Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz ve Stephen Weatherill (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015) 155-172.
  • de Witte, Bruno. “The Scope of Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” içinde The Right to Family Life in the European Union, ed. Maribel González Pascual ve Aida Torres Pérez (London: Routledge, 2017) 29-39.
  • Kaila, Heidi. “The Scope of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the Member States” içinde Constitutionalising the EU Judicial System: Essays in Honour of Pernilla Lindh, ed. Pascal Cardonnel, Allan Rosas ve Nils Wahl, (London: Hart Publishing, 2012) 291-316.
  • Lenaerts, Koen ve José Antonio Gutiérrez-Fons, "The Place of the Charter in the EU Constitutional Edifice" içinde The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary, ed. Steve Peers, Tamara Hervey, Jeff Kenner ve Angela Ward, (London: Hart Publishing, 2014) 1559-1594.
  • Spaventa, Eleanor. “Freedom of Movement and of Residence" içinde The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary, ed. Steve Peers, Tamara Hervey, Jeff Kenner ve Angela Ward, (London: Hart Publishing, 2014) 1161- 1176.
  • van den Brink, Martijn. “The Origins and the Potential Federalising Effects of the Substance of Rights Test” içinde EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role of Rights, ed. Dimitry Kochenov (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 85-106.
  • van Eijken, Hanneke ve Sybe de Vries, “Deepening and widening of the protection of fundamental rights of European citizens vis-à-vis non-state, private actors” içinde Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights, ed. Rosemarie Buikema, Antoine Buyse and Antonius C.G.M. Robben, (Oxon: Routledge, 2020) 137- 157.
  • Anderson, David ve Cian C. Murphy, “The Charter of Fundamental Rights: History and Prospects in Post-Lisbon Europe”, EUI Working Paper Law 2011/08.
  • Curtin, Deirdre ve Ronald van Ooik, “The Sting is Always in the Tail. The Personal Scope of Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 8 (2001): 1.
  • Dougan, Michael. “Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining The “Scope Of Union Law””, Common Market Law Review 52 (2015): 1201.
  • Epiney, Astrid. “Le champ d’application de la Charte des droits fondamentaux : l’arrêt Fransson et ses implications”, Cahiers de droit européen (2014): 283.
  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, “Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in law and policymaking at national level”, 2020, Luxembourg.
  • Fernandes, Sophie Perez. “Fundamental Rights at the Crossroads of EU Constitutionalism. Decoding the Member States’ Key(s) to the Charter”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo 60 (2018): 677.
  • Fontanelli, Filippo. “National Measures and the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - Does Know”, Human Rights Law Review 14, no 2 (2014): 231.
  • Groussot, Xavier, Laurent Pech and Gunnar Thor Petursson, “The Scope of Application of EU Fundamental Rights on Member States’ Action: In Search Of Certainty In EU Adjudication”, Eric Stein Working Paper No 1/2011.
  • Groussot, Xavier ve Ingrid Olsson, “Clarifying or Diluting the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights? – The Judgments in Åkerberg and Melloni”, Lund Student EU Law Review VOL II (2013): 7.
  • Manon Julicher, Marina Henriques, Aina Amat Blai ve Pasquale Policastro, “Protection of the EU Charter for Private Legal Entities and Public Authorities? The Personal Scope of Fundamental Rights within Europe Compared”, Utrecht Law Review 15, no 1 (2019):1.
  • Lenaerts, Koen ve Eddy Eddy de Smijter, “A “Bill of Rights” for the European Union”, Common Market Law Review 38 (2001): 273
  • Lenaerts, Koen. “Exploring the Limits of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, European Constitutional Law Review 8 (2012): 375. Mádr, Petr. “Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from the Perspective of the National Judge”, Review of European Administrative Law 13, no 4 (2020): 53.
  • Markakis, Menelaos and Paul Dermine, “Bailouts, the Legal Status of Memoranda of Understanding, and the Scope of Application of the EU Charter: Florescu”, Common Market Law Review 55 (2018): 643.
  • Ovádek, Michal. “Le champ d’application de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne et les États membres: la malédiction du critère matériel”, Journal de droit européen (2017): 386.
  • Pérez, Aida Torres. “The Federalizing Force of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, I•CON 15, no 4 (2017): 1080.
  • Pérez, Aida Torres.“From Portugal to Poland: The Court of Justice of the European Union as watchdog of judicial independence”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 27, no 1 (2020): 105.
  • Pérez, Aida Torres. “Rights and Powers in the European Union: Towards a Charter that is Fully Applicable to the Member States?”, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 22 (2020): 279.
  • Rosas, Allan. “When is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Applicable at National Level?”, Jurisprudence 19, no 4 (2012): 1269.
  • Rossi, Lucia Serena. ““Same Legal Value as the Treaties”? Rank, Primacy, and Direct Effects of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, German Law Journal 18, no 4 (2017): 771.
  • Safjan, Marek. “Areas of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Fields of Conflict?”, EUI Working Paper LAW 2012/22.
  • Sarmiento, Daniel. “Who’s Afraid of the Charter? The Court of Justice, National Courts and the New Framework of Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe”, Common Market Law Review 50 (2013): 1267.
  • Snell, Jukka. “Fundamental Rights Review of National Measures: Nothing New under the Charter?”, European Public Law 21, no 2 (2015): 285.
  • Spaventa, Eleanor. “The interpretation of Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: the dilemma of stricter or broader application of the Charter to national measures”, Project Report, (Brussels: European Parliament, 2016) 24.
  • Tridimas, Takis. “Fundamental Rights, General Principles of EU Law, and the Charter”, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 16 (2014): 361.
  • van Bockel, Bas ve Peter Wattel, “New Wine into Old Wineskins: The Scope of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU after Åkerberg Fransson”, European Law Review 38 (2013): 866.
  • Van Danwitz, Thomas ve Katherina Paraschas, “A Fresh Start for the Charter Fundamental Questions on the Application of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Fordham International Law Journal 35 (2012): 1396.
  • Gerkrath, Jörg. “En tant que clé de voûte du système de protection des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne la Charte demande une application large et décentralisée” (Max Planck Institut Heidelberg tarafından düzenlenen Sempozyum’da yapılan sunum metni, 2012) Erişim Tarihi Nisan 20, 2021,

The Scope of Application of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 563 - 594, 31.12.2021


The article examines both the ratione personae and materiae scope of application of the EU Charter of the Fundamental Rights, which has no autonomous/self-standing applicability. It analyses the scope of the application of the Charter under Article 51 of the Charter with its legal grounds in terms of its addressees, i.e. EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, the Member States and natural/legal persons. The CJEU’s case-law, which not only confirms and consolidates through teleological interpretation the previous case-law regarding fundamental rights constituting an integral part of the EU general principles, but also refrains on the principle of conferral from granting the Charter an autonomous and independent applicability in order to avoid federalising effect in the EU legal order, is scrutinised.


  • Bernitz, Ulf. "The Scope of the Charter and its Impact on the Application of the ECHR: The Åkerberg Fransson Case on Ne Bis in Idem in Perspective" içinde The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument: Five Years Old and Growing, ed. Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz ve Stephen Weatherill (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015) 155-172.
  • de Witte, Bruno. “The Scope of Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” içinde The Right to Family Life in the European Union, ed. Maribel González Pascual ve Aida Torres Pérez (London: Routledge, 2017) 29-39.
  • Kaila, Heidi. “The Scope of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the Member States” içinde Constitutionalising the EU Judicial System: Essays in Honour of Pernilla Lindh, ed. Pascal Cardonnel, Allan Rosas ve Nils Wahl, (London: Hart Publishing, 2012) 291-316.
  • Lenaerts, Koen ve José Antonio Gutiérrez-Fons, "The Place of the Charter in the EU Constitutional Edifice" içinde The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary, ed. Steve Peers, Tamara Hervey, Jeff Kenner ve Angela Ward, (London: Hart Publishing, 2014) 1559-1594.
  • Spaventa, Eleanor. “Freedom of Movement and of Residence" içinde The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary, ed. Steve Peers, Tamara Hervey, Jeff Kenner ve Angela Ward, (London: Hart Publishing, 2014) 1161- 1176.
  • van den Brink, Martijn. “The Origins and the Potential Federalising Effects of the Substance of Rights Test” içinde EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role of Rights, ed. Dimitry Kochenov (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 85-106.
  • van Eijken, Hanneke ve Sybe de Vries, “Deepening and widening of the protection of fundamental rights of European citizens vis-à-vis non-state, private actors” içinde Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights, ed. Rosemarie Buikema, Antoine Buyse and Antonius C.G.M. Robben, (Oxon: Routledge, 2020) 137- 157.
  • Anderson, David ve Cian C. Murphy, “The Charter of Fundamental Rights: History and Prospects in Post-Lisbon Europe”, EUI Working Paper Law 2011/08.
  • Curtin, Deirdre ve Ronald van Ooik, “The Sting is Always in the Tail. The Personal Scope of Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 8 (2001): 1.
  • Dougan, Michael. “Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining The “Scope Of Union Law””, Common Market Law Review 52 (2015): 1201.
  • Epiney, Astrid. “Le champ d’application de la Charte des droits fondamentaux : l’arrêt Fransson et ses implications”, Cahiers de droit européen (2014): 283.
  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, “Applying the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in law and policymaking at national level”, 2020, Luxembourg.
  • Fernandes, Sophie Perez. “Fundamental Rights at the Crossroads of EU Constitutionalism. Decoding the Member States’ Key(s) to the Charter”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo 60 (2018): 677.
  • Fontanelli, Filippo. “National Measures and the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - Does Know”, Human Rights Law Review 14, no 2 (2014): 231.
  • Groussot, Xavier, Laurent Pech and Gunnar Thor Petursson, “The Scope of Application of EU Fundamental Rights on Member States’ Action: In Search Of Certainty In EU Adjudication”, Eric Stein Working Paper No 1/2011.
  • Groussot, Xavier ve Ingrid Olsson, “Clarifying or Diluting the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights? – The Judgments in Åkerberg and Melloni”, Lund Student EU Law Review VOL II (2013): 7.
  • Manon Julicher, Marina Henriques, Aina Amat Blai ve Pasquale Policastro, “Protection of the EU Charter for Private Legal Entities and Public Authorities? The Personal Scope of Fundamental Rights within Europe Compared”, Utrecht Law Review 15, no 1 (2019):1.
  • Lenaerts, Koen ve Eddy Eddy de Smijter, “A “Bill of Rights” for the European Union”, Common Market Law Review 38 (2001): 273
  • Lenaerts, Koen. “Exploring the Limits of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, European Constitutional Law Review 8 (2012): 375. Mádr, Petr. “Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from the Perspective of the National Judge”, Review of European Administrative Law 13, no 4 (2020): 53.
  • Markakis, Menelaos and Paul Dermine, “Bailouts, the Legal Status of Memoranda of Understanding, and the Scope of Application of the EU Charter: Florescu”, Common Market Law Review 55 (2018): 643.
  • Ovádek, Michal. “Le champ d’application de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne et les États membres: la malédiction du critère matériel”, Journal de droit européen (2017): 386.
  • Pérez, Aida Torres. “The Federalizing Force of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, I•CON 15, no 4 (2017): 1080.
  • Pérez, Aida Torres.“From Portugal to Poland: The Court of Justice of the European Union as watchdog of judicial independence”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 27, no 1 (2020): 105.
  • Pérez, Aida Torres. “Rights and Powers in the European Union: Towards a Charter that is Fully Applicable to the Member States?”, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 22 (2020): 279.
  • Rosas, Allan. “When is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Applicable at National Level?”, Jurisprudence 19, no 4 (2012): 1269.
  • Rossi, Lucia Serena. ““Same Legal Value as the Treaties”? Rank, Primacy, and Direct Effects of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”, German Law Journal 18, no 4 (2017): 771.
  • Safjan, Marek. “Areas of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Fields of Conflict?”, EUI Working Paper LAW 2012/22.
  • Sarmiento, Daniel. “Who’s Afraid of the Charter? The Court of Justice, National Courts and the New Framework of Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe”, Common Market Law Review 50 (2013): 1267.
  • Snell, Jukka. “Fundamental Rights Review of National Measures: Nothing New under the Charter?”, European Public Law 21, no 2 (2015): 285.
  • Spaventa, Eleanor. “The interpretation of Article 51 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: the dilemma of stricter or broader application of the Charter to national measures”, Project Report, (Brussels: European Parliament, 2016) 24.
  • Tridimas, Takis. “Fundamental Rights, General Principles of EU Law, and the Charter”, Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 16 (2014): 361.
  • van Bockel, Bas ve Peter Wattel, “New Wine into Old Wineskins: The Scope of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU after Åkerberg Fransson”, European Law Review 38 (2013): 866.
  • Van Danwitz, Thomas ve Katherina Paraschas, “A Fresh Start for the Charter Fundamental Questions on the Application of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights”, Fordham International Law Journal 35 (2012): 1396.
  • Gerkrath, Jörg. “En tant que clé de voûte du système de protection des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne la Charte demande une application large et décentralisée” (Max Planck Institut Heidelberg tarafından düzenlenen Sempozyum’da yapılan sunum metni, 2012) Erişim Tarihi Nisan 20, 2021,
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mustafa T. Karayiğit Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5976-6401

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Karayiğit, Mustafa T. “AB TEMEL HAKLAR ŞARTI’NIN UYGULANMASININ KAPSAMI”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 20, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 563-94.


Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi (AAÇD) Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.