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İşletmelerde vekalet teorisinin öngörü ve varsayımları bağlamında yönetim olgusuna genel bir bakış

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 27, 62 - 84, 01.10.2012


Acente (vekalet) yaklaşımı, modern işletmelerde ve büyüyen ve kurumsallaşan işletmelerin sahip-yöneticiçalışan ilişkilerini açıklamaktadır. Günümüzde küçük işletmelere de uygulanmaktadır. Vekalet yaklaşımında sahipler, (girişimciler, paydaşlar ve patronlar) vekalet veren olarak, çalışanlar, yöneticiler, tedarikçiler, müşteriler v.b. de işveren vekili veya acente olarak öngörülür. Vekalet ilişkisinde vekiller, işverenlerin menfaatlerini korumak ve çıkarlarını maksimize etmek (işi yapmak) üzere istihdam edilirler; ancak zaman zaman acenteler kendi amaç ve çıkarlarını da takip edebilirler. Bu amaç ve çıkar farklılıkları tarafları birbirlerine karşı eyleme geçmeye sevk edebilir. Bu durum ilişki, acente ve yönetim işlemlerine neden olur. İşletmelerin etkinliğe dayalı gereklilik sınırları; maliyete ve kayıplara yol açabilecek bu gibi genel ve özel işlemlerin, işletmelerin sınırları içinde veya dışında veya bunların karışımı bir ağ içinde tutulabilmelerini gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada işletmelerde yönetim bağlamında vekalet (acente) teorisine genel bir bakış ile tüm varsayımları bir bütünlük içinde ele alınarak incelenmektedir


  • Akerlof, George A. (1970). “The Market for Lemons: Qualitu Uncetainty and The Market
  • Mechanism” Quarterly Journal of Economics “ Vol: 84 No: 3. Amburgery, Terry and Rao, Hayagreeva (1996). “Organazational Ecology:Past, Present and Future
  • Directions” Academy of Management Journal, October, Vol:39 No:5. Atom, David Cayla (2003). “Knowledge Coordination , Organizational Learning and The Role of
  • Planning”. (24.03.2007).
  • Bandura, Albert (1999). “Social Cognitive Theory of Personality”, L. Pervin and John, O. Edited,
  • Handbook of Personality , 2nd edition Guilford Publications, New York. Barker, Alan (2001). Yenilikçiliğin Simyası, Çev:Ahmet Kardam, MESS Yayınları Yay No: 391, İstanbul.
  • Bricley, James A., Cliffort, W, Smith Jr. and Zimmerman, Jerold L. (2001). Managerial
  • Economics and Organizational Architecture, Second Edition Mc Graw Hill /Irvın, New York. Chaganti, Rajeswararao and Damanpour, Fariborz (1991). ”Insttitutional Ownership Capitalim
  • Structure and Firm Performance”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol:12. Coase, Ronald H. (1937). “The Nature of The Firm “ Economica (NS), Vol: 4 (386-405).
  • Doh, J.P., Rodriguez, P., Uhlenbrock, K., Colins, J. and Edens, L. (2003). “Coping With
  • Corrupting In Foreing Markets”, The Academy of Management Executives, Vol:17 No: 3 (114- ) Eisenhardt, Kathleen (1989). “Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review” Academy of
  • Management Review. Vol:14 No:1 (57-74). Eren, Erol (2003). Yönetim ve Organizasyon, 6’ncı Baskı, Beta Yayın. Istanbul.
  • Foss, Nicolai and Klein, Peter G. (2005). The Theory of The Firm and Its Critics : Astoctaking
  • And Assessment. // (02.04.2007).
  • Foss, Nicolai (2003). “ Cognition and Motivation in The Theory of The Firm: ‘Interaction or Never
  • The Twain Shell Meet’ ? “ Journal Des Economistes Et Des Etudes Humaines. (24.02.2007)
  • Ghoshal, Sumantra and Moran, Peter (1996). “Bad For Practise:A Critique of The Transanction
  • Cost Theory “ Academic Management of Review, Vol 21 (13-47). Gonzalez, Michael (1995). “Stock Prices Rally to End Mixed After Sell- Off Tied to Mexico Aid”
  • The Wall Streat Journal. Gould, J. and Colb, W.L. (1964). A Dictionary of Social Sciences, Free Press of Gloncoe, New York. Princeton NJ.
  • Granovetter, Mark (1985) ”Economic Action and Social Structure:The Problem of Embeddedness”,
  • American Journal of Sociology. Vol:91 (481-510). Gurbaxani, Vijay and Kemerer, Chris F. (1998). “An Agency Theory View of The Management End-User edu/~ckemerer/CK%20research%20papers/AgencyTheoryViewMgtEndUser/(02.04.2007) Working Papers. (279-289) http://www.pitt.
  • Hodge, B. J., Anthony, William P. and Gales, Lawrence M. (1996). Organization Theory A
  • Stretegic Approach, Fifth edt. Prentice Hall, Inc, U.S,. Hodgetts, Richard M.(1999). Yönetim: Teori Süreç ve Uygulama., 2 nci Baskı, Çev: Canan Çetin ve Esin Can Mutlu. Beta Yayınları, Istanbul .
  • Horn, Laura, (2008), The Transformation of Corporate Governance Regulation in the European
  • Union – Towards A Marketisation of Corporate Control Print Partners Ipskamp, Enschede Vrije Unıversiteit 2008.
  • Jensen, M. C. (1998). Foundations of Organizational Strategy. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA
  • Jensen, Michael C.(2005). “Agency Costs of Overvalued Equity”, Financial Manangement, Spring, (5-19).
  • Jensen, M.J. (1983). “Organization Theory and Methodology”, Accounting Review, Vol :58 (319- ).
  • Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling William H. (1976). Theory of The Firm: Managerial Behavior,
  • Agency Costs and Ownership Structure, Journal Financial Economics, Vol:3 No:4, (305-360). Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling, William (1992) “Specific and General Knowledge, and Organizational Structure” Contract Economics. L. W. a. H. Wijkander. Oxford, Basil Blackwell: (251-274).
  • Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling, William (1994). “The Nature Of Man” Journal of Applied
  • Corporate Finance, Vol.7, No. 2. (4 – 19). Jones, G.R and Hill, C.W.L. (1976). “ Transaction Cost Analysis of Strategy-Structure Choise
  • “Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 9, s.159-172. Key, Susan. (1999), “Toward A New Theory of The Firm: A Critique of Stakeholder “Theory’”
  • Management Decision, Vol: 37/4 (317-328). Kiser, E. (1999). Comparing Varieties Agency Theory in Economics, Political Science and Sociology: An Illustration From State Policy Implementation, Social. Theory, Vol: 17, (146-170).
  • Koçel, Tamer (2005). İşletme Yöneticiliği, 10’ncu Baskı. Arıkan Basın Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul.
  • Kreps, David M. (1996). “Markets and Hierarchies and (Mathematical ) Economic Theory
  • “Industrial Corporation Change, Vol: 5 (561-595). Krouh, George Von, Ichijo, Kazio and Nonaka, Ikujıro (2002), Bilginin Üretimi (Enabling Knowledge Creation), Çev: Günhan Günay Rota Yayın Yapım Tanıtım Tic.Ltd Şti., İstanbul.
  • Lang, Katherine Alice (2006)., “ Cognition, Agency Theory and Organization Failure :A
  • Saskatcehewan Wheat Pool Case Study” Master Thesis Saskatcehewan University, December, Canada. Lindenberg, Sigward (2003). “The Cognitive Side of Governance”, Research In The Sociology of
  • Organization, Vol: 20 (47-76). Langlois, Richard N. (1984). “Internal Organization in a Dynamic Context: Some Theoretical
  • Considerations,” in M. Jussawalla and H. Ebenfield, eds., Communication and Information Economics: New Perspectives. Amsterdam: North-Holland, (23-49). Lskavyan, Vahe and Mariana Spatereanu, (2006), “Ownership Consantration Market Monitoring and Performance: Evidence From The New Economi 98 UK, The Czech Republic and Poland”
  • Journal of Applied Economics, May 2006, Vol:ıx No:1 (91-104).
  • Macintosh, Norman, B. (1985). Management Accounting and Control Systems, John Willey and Sons Ltd, Second Edition, England.
  • March, James G and Simon, Herbert A. (1958), Organisations, Wiley, New York.
  • Mezias, Stephen J. (2006). “Agency In A Global Firm. Hierarchical Control, Incentives and Corruption” (24.03.2007)
  • Milgrom, Paul and Roberts, John (1992). Economics, Organization Management Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River .US.
  • Mirrles, James A. (1997). “Information and Incentives: The Economics of Carrots and Sticks”, The Economic Journal, (1311-1329).
  • Moe, T.M. (1984). “The New Economics of Organization”, American Journal of Political Science. Vol:28 (739-777).
  • Moldoveanu, Mihnae and Martin, Roger (2001). “ Agency Theory and The Design of Efficient
  • Governance Mechanism”, Rotman School of Management, Toronto. Mustakallio, Mikko A. (2002). Contractual and Relational Governance In Family Firms: Effects
  • On StrategicDecision Making Quality and Firm Performance, Doctoral, Dissertations 2000/2.
  • Helsinki Univetrsity of Technology Instıtute of Strategy and Institutional Business, Helsinki. Ross, Stephen A. (1973). “The Economic Theory of Agency:The Principal's Problem:Decision
  • Making Under Uncertainty” American Economic Association, Vol. 63 No. 2 (134-139). Schwartz, Alan (1992), “Legal Contract Theories and Incomplete Contracts” Contract Economics
  • Lars WERIN and Hans WIJKANDER Edited, Blackwell, Oxford. Scott, Richard (1992). Organizations:Rational, Natural and Open Systems, 3rd Edition Prentice- Hall.
  • Shapiro, P Suzan (2005). “Agency Theory”, Annual Reviews Sociology “Vol: 31 (263–284). (02.02.2007)
  • Sing, Jagdip and Sirdeshmukh, Deepok (2000). “Agency and Trust Mechanismin Consumer
  • Satisfaction and Loyalty Jadgements”, Strategic Management Journal, Winter Vol:28 No:1.(150- ). Stoner, James A.F. and Freeman, R. Edward (1989). Management, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall
  • Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Sykuta, Michael and Cook, Michael L. (2001). A New Institituonal Economics Approach To
  • Contract and Cooperatives. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol:83 No:5. Top Seyfi (2006) Girişimcilik:Keşif Süreci Beta Yayınları İstanbul.
  • Top Seyfi ve Serkan Dilek (2012).”Yeni Ekonomide Firma Tanımından Yola Çıkılarak Firma
  • Teorisinde Ortaya Çıkan Yeni Yaklaşımların Firma Teorisine Yaptıkları Katkıların İrdelenmesi” Yeni Ekonomi Editör Nuray Terzi, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul. Tosi, Katz and Gomez-Mejia (1997). “Disaggregating The Agency Contract: The Effects Of
  • Monitoring, Incentive Alignment, and Term in Office on Agent Decision Making”. Academy of Management Journal, Vol:40 (584-602). Tosun, Kemal (1978), İşletme Yönetimi: Genel Esaslar, 4.Baskı. Fatih Yayınevi Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Tosun, Kemal (1987), İşletme Yönetimi, İstanbul.
  • Wen-Lan, Jin and Chien Hsu, Szu (2000). “An Agency Theory of State Society Relationship in
  • Main Land China and Taiwan,” Annual Meeting of The, American Political Science Association. Williamson, Oliver E. (1973). Organizational forms and internal efficiency. Market and hierarchies: some elementary considerations, in: American Economic Review, Vol: 63, (316-325).
  • Williamson, Oliver E. (1999), “ Human Actors and Economic Organization” Business and Public
  • Policy Working Paper BPP-72, Institute of Management, Innovation and Organisation. University of California, Berkeley. Williamson, Oliver E. (1985). The Economic Institution of Capitalism, Free Press, New York.
  • Williamson, Oliver E. (1996). The Mechanisims of Govarnance, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

An Overview of the Agency Theory’s Context of Forecast and Assumptions For the Management Phenomenon in Businesses

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 27, 62 - 84, 01.10.2012


Agency theory, in modern business, (public and private corporations) and growing businesses described relationship among owner-manager-employee. Also today it is applied to small businesses. In agency approach owners (entrepreneurs, stakeholders and bosses) are foreseen as giving power of attorney and employees, managers, suppliers, customers, etc. are also foreseen as representative of the employer or as an agent. At this relationship employees are employed by protecting the interests of employers and to maximize the interests of ownership. However agents from time to time may pursue their own goals and interests.These differences of interests and purpose may refer the parties to take action against each other. This situation may cause to the relationship, agents, and management transaction. Such general and private transactions may lead to loss and cost must be required the enterprises based on the effectiveness limits within inside and outside the boundaries of firms or keeping in a network a combination of these. At this study, agency approach in the field of management is examined how to manage these different interests and relationships according to its assumption


  • Akerlof, George A. (1970). “The Market for Lemons: Qualitu Uncetainty and The Market
  • Mechanism” Quarterly Journal of Economics “ Vol: 84 No: 3. Amburgery, Terry and Rao, Hayagreeva (1996). “Organazational Ecology:Past, Present and Future
  • Directions” Academy of Management Journal, October, Vol:39 No:5. Atom, David Cayla (2003). “Knowledge Coordination , Organizational Learning and The Role of
  • Planning”. (24.03.2007).
  • Bandura, Albert (1999). “Social Cognitive Theory of Personality”, L. Pervin and John, O. Edited,
  • Handbook of Personality , 2nd edition Guilford Publications, New York. Barker, Alan (2001). Yenilikçiliğin Simyası, Çev:Ahmet Kardam, MESS Yayınları Yay No: 391, İstanbul.
  • Bricley, James A., Cliffort, W, Smith Jr. and Zimmerman, Jerold L. (2001). Managerial
  • Economics and Organizational Architecture, Second Edition Mc Graw Hill /Irvın, New York. Chaganti, Rajeswararao and Damanpour, Fariborz (1991). ”Insttitutional Ownership Capitalim
  • Structure and Firm Performance”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol:12. Coase, Ronald H. (1937). “The Nature of The Firm “ Economica (NS), Vol: 4 (386-405).
  • Doh, J.P., Rodriguez, P., Uhlenbrock, K., Colins, J. and Edens, L. (2003). “Coping With
  • Corrupting In Foreing Markets”, The Academy of Management Executives, Vol:17 No: 3 (114- ) Eisenhardt, Kathleen (1989). “Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review” Academy of
  • Management Review. Vol:14 No:1 (57-74). Eren, Erol (2003). Yönetim ve Organizasyon, 6’ncı Baskı, Beta Yayın. Istanbul.
  • Foss, Nicolai and Klein, Peter G. (2005). The Theory of The Firm and Its Critics : Astoctaking
  • And Assessment. // (02.04.2007).
  • Foss, Nicolai (2003). “ Cognition and Motivation in The Theory of The Firm: ‘Interaction or Never
  • The Twain Shell Meet’ ? “ Journal Des Economistes Et Des Etudes Humaines. (24.02.2007)
  • Ghoshal, Sumantra and Moran, Peter (1996). “Bad For Practise:A Critique of The Transanction
  • Cost Theory “ Academic Management of Review, Vol 21 (13-47). Gonzalez, Michael (1995). “Stock Prices Rally to End Mixed After Sell- Off Tied to Mexico Aid”
  • The Wall Streat Journal. Gould, J. and Colb, W.L. (1964). A Dictionary of Social Sciences, Free Press of Gloncoe, New York. Princeton NJ.
  • Granovetter, Mark (1985) ”Economic Action and Social Structure:The Problem of Embeddedness”,
  • American Journal of Sociology. Vol:91 (481-510). Gurbaxani, Vijay and Kemerer, Chris F. (1998). “An Agency Theory View of The Management End-User edu/~ckemerer/CK%20research%20papers/AgencyTheoryViewMgtEndUser/(02.04.2007) Working Papers. (279-289) http://www.pitt.
  • Hodge, B. J., Anthony, William P. and Gales, Lawrence M. (1996). Organization Theory A
  • Stretegic Approach, Fifth edt. Prentice Hall, Inc, U.S,. Hodgetts, Richard M.(1999). Yönetim: Teori Süreç ve Uygulama., 2 nci Baskı, Çev: Canan Çetin ve Esin Can Mutlu. Beta Yayınları, Istanbul .
  • Horn, Laura, (2008), The Transformation of Corporate Governance Regulation in the European
  • Union – Towards A Marketisation of Corporate Control Print Partners Ipskamp, Enschede Vrije Unıversiteit 2008.
  • Jensen, M. C. (1998). Foundations of Organizational Strategy. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA
  • Jensen, Michael C.(2005). “Agency Costs of Overvalued Equity”, Financial Manangement, Spring, (5-19).
  • Jensen, M.J. (1983). “Organization Theory and Methodology”, Accounting Review, Vol :58 (319- ).
  • Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling William H. (1976). Theory of The Firm: Managerial Behavior,
  • Agency Costs and Ownership Structure, Journal Financial Economics, Vol:3 No:4, (305-360). Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling, William (1992) “Specific and General Knowledge, and Organizational Structure” Contract Economics. L. W. a. H. Wijkander. Oxford, Basil Blackwell: (251-274).
  • Jensen, Michael C. and Meckling, William (1994). “The Nature Of Man” Journal of Applied
  • Corporate Finance, Vol.7, No. 2. (4 – 19). Jones, G.R and Hill, C.W.L. (1976). “ Transaction Cost Analysis of Strategy-Structure Choise
  • “Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 9, s.159-172. Key, Susan. (1999), “Toward A New Theory of The Firm: A Critique of Stakeholder “Theory’”
  • Management Decision, Vol: 37/4 (317-328). Kiser, E. (1999). Comparing Varieties Agency Theory in Economics, Political Science and Sociology: An Illustration From State Policy Implementation, Social. Theory, Vol: 17, (146-170).
  • Koçel, Tamer (2005). İşletme Yöneticiliği, 10’ncu Baskı. Arıkan Basın Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul.
  • Kreps, David M. (1996). “Markets and Hierarchies and (Mathematical ) Economic Theory
  • “Industrial Corporation Change, Vol: 5 (561-595). Krouh, George Von, Ichijo, Kazio and Nonaka, Ikujıro (2002), Bilginin Üretimi (Enabling Knowledge Creation), Çev: Günhan Günay Rota Yayın Yapım Tanıtım Tic.Ltd Şti., İstanbul.
  • Lang, Katherine Alice (2006)., “ Cognition, Agency Theory and Organization Failure :A
  • Saskatcehewan Wheat Pool Case Study” Master Thesis Saskatcehewan University, December, Canada. Lindenberg, Sigward (2003). “The Cognitive Side of Governance”, Research In The Sociology of
  • Organization, Vol: 20 (47-76). Langlois, Richard N. (1984). “Internal Organization in a Dynamic Context: Some Theoretical
  • Considerations,” in M. Jussawalla and H. Ebenfield, eds., Communication and Information Economics: New Perspectives. Amsterdam: North-Holland, (23-49). Lskavyan, Vahe and Mariana Spatereanu, (2006), “Ownership Consantration Market Monitoring and Performance: Evidence From The New Economi 98 UK, The Czech Republic and Poland”
  • Journal of Applied Economics, May 2006, Vol:ıx No:1 (91-104).
  • Macintosh, Norman, B. (1985). Management Accounting and Control Systems, John Willey and Sons Ltd, Second Edition, England.
  • March, James G and Simon, Herbert A. (1958), Organisations, Wiley, New York.
  • Mezias, Stephen J. (2006). “Agency In A Global Firm. Hierarchical Control, Incentives and Corruption” (24.03.2007)
  • Milgrom, Paul and Roberts, John (1992). Economics, Organization Management Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River .US.
  • Mirrles, James A. (1997). “Information and Incentives: The Economics of Carrots and Sticks”, The Economic Journal, (1311-1329).
  • Moe, T.M. (1984). “The New Economics of Organization”, American Journal of Political Science. Vol:28 (739-777).
  • Moldoveanu, Mihnae and Martin, Roger (2001). “ Agency Theory and The Design of Efficient
  • Governance Mechanism”, Rotman School of Management, Toronto. Mustakallio, Mikko A. (2002). Contractual and Relational Governance In Family Firms: Effects
  • On StrategicDecision Making Quality and Firm Performance, Doctoral, Dissertations 2000/2.
  • Helsinki Univetrsity of Technology Instıtute of Strategy and Institutional Business, Helsinki. Ross, Stephen A. (1973). “The Economic Theory of Agency:The Principal's Problem:Decision
  • Making Under Uncertainty” American Economic Association, Vol. 63 No. 2 (134-139). Schwartz, Alan (1992), “Legal Contract Theories and Incomplete Contracts” Contract Economics
  • Lars WERIN and Hans WIJKANDER Edited, Blackwell, Oxford. Scott, Richard (1992). Organizations:Rational, Natural and Open Systems, 3rd Edition Prentice- Hall.
  • Shapiro, P Suzan (2005). “Agency Theory”, Annual Reviews Sociology “Vol: 31 (263–284). (02.02.2007)
  • Sing, Jagdip and Sirdeshmukh, Deepok (2000). “Agency and Trust Mechanismin Consumer
  • Satisfaction and Loyalty Jadgements”, Strategic Management Journal, Winter Vol:28 No:1.(150- ). Stoner, James A.F. and Freeman, R. Edward (1989). Management, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall
  • Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Sykuta, Michael and Cook, Michael L. (2001). A New Institituonal Economics Approach To
  • Contract and Cooperatives. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol:83 No:5. Top Seyfi (2006) Girişimcilik:Keşif Süreci Beta Yayınları İstanbul.
  • Top Seyfi ve Serkan Dilek (2012).”Yeni Ekonomide Firma Tanımından Yola Çıkılarak Firma
  • Teorisinde Ortaya Çıkan Yeni Yaklaşımların Firma Teorisine Yaptıkları Katkıların İrdelenmesi” Yeni Ekonomi Editör Nuray Terzi, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul. Tosi, Katz and Gomez-Mejia (1997). “Disaggregating The Agency Contract: The Effects Of
  • Monitoring, Incentive Alignment, and Term in Office on Agent Decision Making”. Academy of Management Journal, Vol:40 (584-602). Tosun, Kemal (1978), İşletme Yönetimi: Genel Esaslar, 4.Baskı. Fatih Yayınevi Matbaası, İstanbul.
  • Tosun, Kemal (1987), İşletme Yönetimi, İstanbul.
  • Wen-Lan, Jin and Chien Hsu, Szu (2000). “An Agency Theory of State Society Relationship in
  • Main Land China and Taiwan,” Annual Meeting of The, American Political Science Association. Williamson, Oliver E. (1973). Organizational forms and internal efficiency. Market and hierarchies: some elementary considerations, in: American Economic Review, Vol: 63, (316-325).
  • Williamson, Oliver E. (1999), “ Human Actors and Economic Organization” Business and Public
  • Policy Working Paper BPP-72, Institute of Management, Innovation and Organisation. University of California, Berkeley. Williamson, Oliver E. (1985). The Economic Institution of Capitalism, Free Press, New York.
  • Williamson, Oliver E. (1996). The Mechanisims of Govarnance, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ercan Öge

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 27

Kaynak Göster

APA Top, S., & Öge, E. (2012). İşletmelerde vekalet teorisinin öngörü ve varsayımları bağlamında yönetim olgusuna genel bir bakış. Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi(27), 62-84.

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