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Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Bölümü Tarafından Yapılan Cinsel İstismar Bildirimlerinin Retrospektif Analizi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 3, 255 - 261, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Çocuk cinsel istismarı dünyanın her bölgesinde ciddi bir durum olmaya devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada çocuk ve ergen psikiyatri polikliniğinden adli makamlara bildirilen cinsel istismar şüphesi olan olguların verilerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı.
Yöntem: Eylül 2013-Eylül 2023 tarihleri arasında çocuk psikiyatri polikliniğine başvuran, kendilerinden ve ebeveynlerinden alınan anamneze göre cinsel istismar şüphesi bulunan ve adli makamlara bildirimi yapılan 74 çocuk ve ergen çalışmaya dahil edildi.
Bulgular: Olguların 51'i kız, 23'ü erkekti. Erkeklerde hem cinsel istismar yaşı hem de bildirim yaşı kızlara göre daha küçüktü. Cinsel istismar bildirimleri 2020 yılında en düşük seviyedeydi. En sık bildirilen yöntem ise 42 vakayla cinsel dokunmaydı. En sık istismarcı erkek kuzendi (%20.3). Vakaların %22.9'u istismar bildiriminden önce poliklinikte takip edilmekteydi. Psikiyatrik muayene sonrasında hastaların %81'i en az bir psikiyatrik tanı aldı. 27 vakada çocuğun cinsel istismarı sonucu psikiyatrik tanı saptandı, en sık tanı %33.3 ile majör depresif bozukluktu.
Sonuçlar: Çocuğun cinsel istismarını bildirmek sadece yasal bir sorumluluk olmayıp, aynı zamanda istismar mağduru çocuğu korumak ve psikiyatrik bozuklukların gelişmesini önlemek açısından da önemlidir.


  • Murray LK, Nguyen A, Cohen JA. Child sexual abuse. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2014:23:321-37.
  • Fast Facts: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC. [cited 2023 Dec 27]. Available from:
  • Lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse. [cited 2023 Dec 29]. Available from:
  • Assink M, van der Put CE, Meeuwsen MWCM, de Jong NM, Oort FJ, Stams GJJM, Hoeve M. Risk factors for child sexual abuse victimization: A meta-analytic review. Psychol Bull 2019;145:459–89.
  • Banvard-Fox C, Linger M, Paulson DJ, Cottrell L, Davidov DM. Sexual Assault in Adolescents. Prim Care 2020;47:331-349.
  • Wurtele SK. Preventing sexual abuse of children in the twenty-first century: Preparing for challenges and opportunities. J Child Sex Abus 2009;18:1–18.
  • Noll JG. Child Sexual Abuse as a Unique Risk Factor for the Development of Psychopathology: The Compounded Convergence of Mechanisms. Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2021;17:439-64.
  • Adams J, Mrug S, Knight DC. Characteristics of Child Physical and Sexual Abuse as Predictors of Psychopathology. Child Abuse Negl. 2018;86:167-77.
  • Türk Ceza Kanunu. Available from:
  • Dönmez EY, Soylu N, Özel Özcan Ö, Yüksel T, Çalışkan Demir A, Çon Bayhan P, Yıldız Miniksar D. Cinsel İstismar Mağduru Çocuk ve Ergen Olgularımızın Sosyodemografik ve Klinik Özellikleri. Turgut Özal Tıp Merk Derg. 2014;21:44–8.
  • Öztop DB, Özcan Özel Ö. Cinsel İstismar Vak’alarının Sosyodemografik ve Klinik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Yeni Symp. 2010;48:270–6.
  • Göker Z, Aktepe E, Tural Hesapcıoğlu, Kandil S. Cinsel istismar mağduru olan çocukların başvuru şekilleri, klinik ve sosyodemografik özellikleri. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2010;17:15–21.
  • Çetin K, Altıner H. Cinsel İstismara Uğramış Çocukların Sosyodemografik Değerlendirilmesi. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Ereğli Eğitim Fakültesi Derg. 2019;1:135–47.
  • Barth J, Bermetz L, Heim E, Trelle S, Tonia T. The current prevalence of child sexual abuse worldwide: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Public Health. 2013;58:469–83.
  • Finkelhor D. The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Futur Child. 2009;19(2):169–94.
  • Ayraler Taner H, Akın Sarı B, Kaba D. How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect child and adolescent psychiatryoutpatient clinic admissions? A single-center, retrospectivestudy. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022;27:824-35.
  • Mekaoui N, Aouragh H, Jeddi Y, Rhalem H, Dakhama BSB, Karboubi L. Child sexual abuse and COVID-19 pandemic: another side effect of lockdown in Morocco. Pan Afr Med J. 2021;38:57
  • Augusti EM, Myhre MC, Wentzel-Larsen T, Hafstad GS. Violence and sexual abuse rates before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: A prospective population-based study on Norwegian youth. Child Abuse Negl. 2023;136:106023.
  • Langevin R, Marshall C, Wallace A, Gagné ME, Kingsland E, Temcheff C. Disentangling the Associations Between Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder and Child Sexual Abuse: A SystematicReview. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2023;24(2):369-89.
  • Sonnby K, Åslund C, Leppert J, Nilsson KW. Symptoms of ADHD and depression in a large adolescent population: Co-occurring symptoms and associations to experiences of sexual abuse. Nord J Psychiatry. 2011;65:315–22.
  • O’Brien BS, Sher L. Child sexual abuse and the pathophysiology of suicide in adolescents and adults. Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2013;25:201–5.
  • Soylu N, Ayaz M, Gökten ES, Alpaslan AH, Dönmez YE, Özcan ÖÖ, Ayaz AB, Tufan AE. Gender Differences in Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. J Child Sex Abus. 2016;25(4):415-27.
  • Gault-Sherman M, Silver E, Sigfúsdóttir ID. Gender and the associated impairments of childhood sexual abuse: a national study of Icelandic youth. Soc Sci Med. 2009;69(10):1515-22.
  • Wamser-Nanney R, Cherry KE. Children’s trauma-related symptoms following complex trauma exposure: Evidence of gender differences. Child Abuse Negl. 2018;77:188-197.
  • Helpman L, Zhu X, Suarez-Jimenez B, Lazarov A, Monk C, Neria Y. Sex Differences in Trauma-Related Psychopathology: a Critical Review of Neuroimaging Literature (2014-2017). Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2017;19(12):104.
  • Garza K, Jovanovic T. Impact of Gender on Child and Adolescent PTSD. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2017;19(11):87.
  • Andrews B, Brewin CR, Rose S. Gender, social support, and PTSD in victims of violent crime. J Trauma Stress. 2003;16(4):421-7.
  • Olff M, Langeland W, Draijer N, Gersons BP. Gender differences in posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychol Bull. 2007;133(2):183-204.

Retrospective Analysis of Sexual Abuse Reports Made by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 3, 255 - 261, 31.12.2024


Objective: Child sexual abuse remains a serious situation in every region of the world. In this study, it was aimed to examine the data of cases with suspected sexual abuse reported from the child and adolescent psychiatry department to the judicial authorities.
Methods: 74 children and adolescents who applied to child psychiatry outpatient clinics between September 2013 and September 2023, who were suspected of sexual abuse based on the history taken from themselves and their parents, and who were reported to the judicial authorities, were included in the study.
Results: 51 of the cases were girls, and 23 were boys. The age of both sexual abuse and reporting was younger in boys than in girls. Sexual abuse reports were at its lowest level in 2020. Sexual touching was the most frequently reported method, with 42 cases. The most common abuser was male cousin (20.3%). 22.9% of the cases were followed-up in the outpatient clinic before reporting the abuse. 81% of the patients received at least one psychiatric diagnosis after the psychiatric examination. Psychiatric diagnoses as a consequence of child sexual abuse were identified in 27 cases, and the most common diagnosis was major depressive disorder with 33.3%.
Conclusions: Reporting child sexual abuse is not only a legal responsibility, but also important to protect the child victim of abuse and prevent the development of psychiatric disorders.


  • Murray LK, Nguyen A, Cohen JA. Child sexual abuse. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2014:23:321-37.
  • Fast Facts: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse |Violence Prevention|Injury Center|CDC. [cited 2023 Dec 27]. Available from:
  • Lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse. [cited 2023 Dec 29]. Available from:
  • Assink M, van der Put CE, Meeuwsen MWCM, de Jong NM, Oort FJ, Stams GJJM, Hoeve M. Risk factors for child sexual abuse victimization: A meta-analytic review. Psychol Bull 2019;145:459–89.
  • Banvard-Fox C, Linger M, Paulson DJ, Cottrell L, Davidov DM. Sexual Assault in Adolescents. Prim Care 2020;47:331-349.
  • Wurtele SK. Preventing sexual abuse of children in the twenty-first century: Preparing for challenges and opportunities. J Child Sex Abus 2009;18:1–18.
  • Noll JG. Child Sexual Abuse as a Unique Risk Factor for the Development of Psychopathology: The Compounded Convergence of Mechanisms. Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2021;17:439-64.
  • Adams J, Mrug S, Knight DC. Characteristics of Child Physical and Sexual Abuse as Predictors of Psychopathology. Child Abuse Negl. 2018;86:167-77.
  • Türk Ceza Kanunu. Available from:
  • Dönmez EY, Soylu N, Özel Özcan Ö, Yüksel T, Çalışkan Demir A, Çon Bayhan P, Yıldız Miniksar D. Cinsel İstismar Mağduru Çocuk ve Ergen Olgularımızın Sosyodemografik ve Klinik Özellikleri. Turgut Özal Tıp Merk Derg. 2014;21:44–8.
  • Öztop DB, Özcan Özel Ö. Cinsel İstismar Vak’alarının Sosyodemografik ve Klinik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Yeni Symp. 2010;48:270–6.
  • Göker Z, Aktepe E, Tural Hesapcıoğlu, Kandil S. Cinsel istismar mağduru olan çocukların başvuru şekilleri, klinik ve sosyodemografik özellikleri. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2010;17:15–21.
  • Çetin K, Altıner H. Cinsel İstismara Uğramış Çocukların Sosyodemografik Değerlendirilmesi. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Ereğli Eğitim Fakültesi Derg. 2019;1:135–47.
  • Barth J, Bermetz L, Heim E, Trelle S, Tonia T. The current prevalence of child sexual abuse worldwide: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Public Health. 2013;58:469–83.
  • Finkelhor D. The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Futur Child. 2009;19(2):169–94.
  • Ayraler Taner H, Akın Sarı B, Kaba D. How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect child and adolescent psychiatryoutpatient clinic admissions? A single-center, retrospectivestudy. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2022;27:824-35.
  • Mekaoui N, Aouragh H, Jeddi Y, Rhalem H, Dakhama BSB, Karboubi L. Child sexual abuse and COVID-19 pandemic: another side effect of lockdown in Morocco. Pan Afr Med J. 2021;38:57
  • Augusti EM, Myhre MC, Wentzel-Larsen T, Hafstad GS. Violence and sexual abuse rates before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: A prospective population-based study on Norwegian youth. Child Abuse Negl. 2023;136:106023.
  • Langevin R, Marshall C, Wallace A, Gagné ME, Kingsland E, Temcheff C. Disentangling the Associations Between Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder and Child Sexual Abuse: A SystematicReview. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2023;24(2):369-89.
  • Sonnby K, Åslund C, Leppert J, Nilsson KW. Symptoms of ADHD and depression in a large adolescent population: Co-occurring symptoms and associations to experiences of sexual abuse. Nord J Psychiatry. 2011;65:315–22.
  • O’Brien BS, Sher L. Child sexual abuse and the pathophysiology of suicide in adolescents and adults. Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2013;25:201–5.
  • Soylu N, Ayaz M, Gökten ES, Alpaslan AH, Dönmez YE, Özcan ÖÖ, Ayaz AB, Tufan AE. Gender Differences in Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents: A Multicenter Study in Turkey. J Child Sex Abus. 2016;25(4):415-27.
  • Gault-Sherman M, Silver E, Sigfúsdóttir ID. Gender and the associated impairments of childhood sexual abuse: a national study of Icelandic youth. Soc Sci Med. 2009;69(10):1515-22.
  • Wamser-Nanney R, Cherry KE. Children’s trauma-related symptoms following complex trauma exposure: Evidence of gender differences. Child Abuse Negl. 2018;77:188-197.
  • Helpman L, Zhu X, Suarez-Jimenez B, Lazarov A, Monk C, Neria Y. Sex Differences in Trauma-Related Psychopathology: a Critical Review of Neuroimaging Literature (2014-2017). Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2017;19(12):104.
  • Garza K, Jovanovic T. Impact of Gender on Child and Adolescent PTSD. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2017;19(11):87.
  • Andrews B, Brewin CR, Rose S. Gender, social support, and PTSD in victims of violent crime. J Trauma Stress. 2003;16(4):421-7.
  • Olff M, Langeland W, Draijer N, Gersons BP. Gender differences in posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychol Bull. 2007;133(2):183-204.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Melike Kevser Gül 0000-0002-0907-4503

Esra Özdemir 0000-0002-8424-4947

Sevgi Ozmen 0000-0002-7545-2824

Gultakın Huseynlı 0000-0003-4341-3828

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 38 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Gül MK, Özdemir E, Ozmen S, Huseynlı G. Retrospective Analysis of Sexual Abuse Reports Made by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. ATD. 2024;38(3):255-61.

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Adli Tıp Dergis Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.
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