Andersson B., Odman P., Carlsson GE. A study of 184 consecutive patients referred for single tooth replacement. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 6: 232–237, 1995.
Tepper G., Haas R., Zechner W., Krach W., Watzek G. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of implant stability in the atrophic pos- terior maxilla: a mathematical study of the sinus floor augmentation. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 13: 657–665, 2002.
Krekmanov L., Kahn M., Rangert B., Lindstrom H. Tilting of posterior mandibular and maxillary imp- lants for improved prosthesis support. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 15: 405–414, 2000.
das Neves FD., Fones D., Bernardes SR., do Prado CJ., Neto AJ. Short implants- an analysis of longitudinal studies. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 21: 86–93, 2006.
Menchero-Cantalejo E., Barona-Dorado C., Can- tero Alvarez M., Fernandez-Caliz F., Martinez- Gonzalez JM. Meta-analysis on the survival of short implants. Medicina oral, patologı´a oral y cirugı´a bucal. 16: e546–e551, 2011.
Draenert FG., Sagheb K., Baumgardt K., Kämmerer PW. Retrospective analysis of survival rates and marginal bone loss on short implants in the mandible. Clin Oral Implants Res. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02266.x.
Friberg B. The posterior maxilla: clinical consi- derations and current concepts using branemark system implants. Periodontol. 47: 67–78, 2008.
Renouard F., Nisand D. Short implants in the se- verely resorbed maxilla: a 2-year retrospective clinical study. Clin. Implant Dent. Related Res.. 7: S104–S110, 2005.
Adell R., Eriksson B., Lekholm U. Long-term follow-up study of osseointegrated implants in the treatment of totally edentulous jaws. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 5: 347, 1990
Grant BT., Pancko FX., Kraut RA. Outcomes of placing short dental implants in the posterior mandible: a retrospective study of 124 cases. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 67: 713-7, 2009.
Misch CE., Steignga J., Barboza E., Misch-Dietsh F., Cianciola LJ., Kazor C. Short dental implants in posterior partial edentulism: a multicenter ret- rospective 6-year case series study. J. Periodon- tol. 77: 1340–1347, 2006.
Attard NJ., Zarb GA. Implant prosthodontic ma- nagement of partially edentulous patients missing posterior teeth: The Toronto experience. J. Prost- het. Dent. 89: 352, 2003.
Eckert SE., Meraw SJ., Weaver AL. Early expe- rience with Wide-Platform Mk II implants. Part I: Implant survival. Part II: Evaluation of risk factors involving implant survival. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 16: 208, 2001.
Ivanoff CJ., Grondahl K., Sennerby L. Influence of variations in implant diameters: A 3- to 5-year ret- rospective clinical report. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 14: 173, 1999.
Shin SW., Bryant SR., Zarb GA. A retrospective study on the treatment outcome of wide-bodied implants. Int. J. Prosthodont. 17: 52, 2004.
Anner R., Better H., Chaushu G. The clinical ef- fectiveness of 6 mm diameter implants. J. Perio- dontol. 76: 1013, 2005.
Bischof M., Nedir R., Abi-Najm S. A five-year life-table analysis on wide neck ITI implants with prosthetic evaluation and radiographic analysis: Results from a private practice. Clin. Oral Imp- lants Res. 17: 512, 2006.
Bornstein MM., Harnisch H., Lussi A. Clinical performance of wide-body implants with a sand- blasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface: Results of a 3-year follow-up study in a referral clinic. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 22: 631, 2007.
Anitua, E. & Orive, G. Short implants in maxillae and mandibles: a retrospective study with 1 to 8 years of follow-up. J. Periodontol. 81: 819–826, 2010.
Felice P., Pellegrino G., Checchi L., Pistilli R., Espo- sito M. Vertical augmentation with interpositional blocks of anorganic bovine bone vs. 7-mm-long implants in posterior mandibles: 1-year results of a randomized clinical trial. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 21: 1394–1403, 2010.
Goene R., Bianchesi C., Huerzeler M., Del Lupo R., Testori T., Davarpanah M., Jalbout Z. Perfor- mance of short implants in partial restorations: 3-year follow-up of osseotite implants. Implant Dent. 14: 274–280, 2005.
Lai HC., Si MS., Zhuang LF., Shen H., Liu YL., Wismeijer D. Long-term outcomes of short dental implants supporting single crowns in posterior re- gion: a clinical retrospective study of 5-10 years. Clin. Oral Implants Res. doi: 10.1111/j.1600- 0501.2012.02452.x.
Renouard F., Nisand D. Impact of implant length and diameter on survival rates. Clin. Oral Imp- lants Res. 17: 35–51, 2006.
Nedir R., Bishof M., Briaux JM., Beyer S., Szmukler-Moncler S., Bernard JP. A 7-year life table analysis from a prospective study on ITI imp- lants with special emphasis on the use of short implants. Results from a private practice. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 15: 150–157, 2004.
Mandibula Ve Maksilla Posterior Bölgede Bicon Kısa İmplantlarının Kullanılabilirliği: Retrospektif Bir Değerlendirme
Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1076 - 1081, 01.04.2012
Andersson B., Odman P., Carlsson GE. A study of 184 consecutive patients referred for single tooth replacement. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 6: 232–237, 1995.
Tepper G., Haas R., Zechner W., Krach W., Watzek G. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of implant stability in the atrophic pos- terior maxilla: a mathematical study of the sinus floor augmentation. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 13: 657–665, 2002.
Krekmanov L., Kahn M., Rangert B., Lindstrom H. Tilting of posterior mandibular and maxillary imp- lants for improved prosthesis support. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 15: 405–414, 2000.
das Neves FD., Fones D., Bernardes SR., do Prado CJ., Neto AJ. Short implants- an analysis of longitudinal studies. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 21: 86–93, 2006.
Menchero-Cantalejo E., Barona-Dorado C., Can- tero Alvarez M., Fernandez-Caliz F., Martinez- Gonzalez JM. Meta-analysis on the survival of short implants. Medicina oral, patologı´a oral y cirugı´a bucal. 16: e546–e551, 2011.
Draenert FG., Sagheb K., Baumgardt K., Kämmerer PW. Retrospective analysis of survival rates and marginal bone loss on short implants in the mandible. Clin Oral Implants Res. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02266.x.
Friberg B. The posterior maxilla: clinical consi- derations and current concepts using branemark system implants. Periodontol. 47: 67–78, 2008.
Renouard F., Nisand D. Short implants in the se- verely resorbed maxilla: a 2-year retrospective clinical study. Clin. Implant Dent. Related Res.. 7: S104–S110, 2005.
Adell R., Eriksson B., Lekholm U. Long-term follow-up study of osseointegrated implants in the treatment of totally edentulous jaws. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 5: 347, 1990
Grant BT., Pancko FX., Kraut RA. Outcomes of placing short dental implants in the posterior mandible: a retrospective study of 124 cases. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 67: 713-7, 2009.
Misch CE., Steignga J., Barboza E., Misch-Dietsh F., Cianciola LJ., Kazor C. Short dental implants in posterior partial edentulism: a multicenter ret- rospective 6-year case series study. J. Periodon- tol. 77: 1340–1347, 2006.
Attard NJ., Zarb GA. Implant prosthodontic ma- nagement of partially edentulous patients missing posterior teeth: The Toronto experience. J. Prost- het. Dent. 89: 352, 2003.
Eckert SE., Meraw SJ., Weaver AL. Early expe- rience with Wide-Platform Mk II implants. Part I: Implant survival. Part II: Evaluation of risk factors involving implant survival. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 16: 208, 2001.
Ivanoff CJ., Grondahl K., Sennerby L. Influence of variations in implant diameters: A 3- to 5-year ret- rospective clinical report. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 14: 173, 1999.
Shin SW., Bryant SR., Zarb GA. A retrospective study on the treatment outcome of wide-bodied implants. Int. J. Prosthodont. 17: 52, 2004.
Anner R., Better H., Chaushu G. The clinical ef- fectiveness of 6 mm diameter implants. J. Perio- dontol. 76: 1013, 2005.
Bischof M., Nedir R., Abi-Najm S. A five-year life-table analysis on wide neck ITI implants with prosthetic evaluation and radiographic analysis: Results from a private practice. Clin. Oral Imp- lants Res. 17: 512, 2006.
Bornstein MM., Harnisch H., Lussi A. Clinical performance of wide-body implants with a sand- blasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface: Results of a 3-year follow-up study in a referral clinic. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 22: 631, 2007.
Anitua, E. & Orive, G. Short implants in maxillae and mandibles: a retrospective study with 1 to 8 years of follow-up. J. Periodontol. 81: 819–826, 2010.
Felice P., Pellegrino G., Checchi L., Pistilli R., Espo- sito M. Vertical augmentation with interpositional blocks of anorganic bovine bone vs. 7-mm-long implants in posterior mandibles: 1-year results of a randomized clinical trial. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 21: 1394–1403, 2010.
Goene R., Bianchesi C., Huerzeler M., Del Lupo R., Testori T., Davarpanah M., Jalbout Z. Perfor- mance of short implants in partial restorations: 3-year follow-up of osseotite implants. Implant Dent. 14: 274–280, 2005.
Lai HC., Si MS., Zhuang LF., Shen H., Liu YL., Wismeijer D. Long-term outcomes of short dental implants supporting single crowns in posterior re- gion: a clinical retrospective study of 5-10 years. Clin. Oral Implants Res. doi: 10.1111/j.1600- 0501.2012.02452.x.
Renouard F., Nisand D. Impact of implant length and diameter on survival rates. Clin. Oral Imp- lants Res. 17: 35–51, 2006.
Nedir R., Bishof M., Briaux JM., Beyer S., Szmukler-Moncler S., Bernard JP. A 7-year life table analysis from a prospective study on ITI imp- lants with special emphasis on the use of short implants. Results from a private practice. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 15: 150–157, 2004.
Akbulut N, Kurşun Ş, Bayram H, Ünlüsoy M. Mandibula Ve Maksilla Posterior Bölgede Bicon Kısa İmplantlarının Kullanılabilirliği: Retrospektif Bir Değerlendirme. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2012;6(1):1076-81.