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A Proximal Fasio - Lingual Cavity Preparation in a Posterior Tooth with SonicSys - Micro

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1119 - 1124, 01.04.2012


Innovations of sonic system have permitted the clinician the use of minimally invasive restoration techniques with the development of adhesive materials. A 45 years-old female patient attended the Restorative Dental Clinic of Hacettepe University. The carious lesion was under the contact of distal proximal surface of tooth 27. The radiolucency was limited to the outer one-third of dentin and directly inaccessible. It was decided to use sonic system Airscaler 2000 N &SonicSys Micro, KaVo . The preparation tips operated with diamond coated working and an uncoated non-working side. Caries was excavated by using the hemispherical-tips. Enamel walls were beveled with torpedo-shaped micro-tip. Total etch adhesive system was used. Cavity was restored with a flowable composite resin. According to FDI criteria six and 24 months after the restoration, the tooth was in good condition. SonicSys Micro permitted a minimally invasive preparation in a better, faster, with less traumatic way without any risk of damaging the adjacent teeth


  • Mickenautsch S. Operative Dentistry, Dental News: An Introduction to Minimal Intervention Dentistry, Volume XIV, Number IV, 2007. P 13- 20. 1st Edition. (Houghton, 2041 South Africa. ISBN: 0-620-34080-0).
  • Mount GJ, Ngo H. Minimal intervention: early le- sions. Quintessence Int. 31:535-546, 2000.
  • Lussi A, Gygax M J. Iatrogenic damage to adja- cent teeth during classical approximal box prepa- ration. J Dent. 26: 435-441, 1998
  • Hugo B, Stassinakis A. Preparation and restora- tion of small interproximal carious lesions with sonic instruments. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent.10:353-359,1998.
  • Hugo B.Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. Oscilla- ting procedures in the preparation technique (I). 109:140-160, 1999.
  • Vidnes-Kopperud S, Tveit AB, Gaarden T, Sand- vik L, Espelid I. Factors influencing dentists‘ choice of amalgam and tooth-colored restorative materi- als for Class II preparations in younger patients. Acta Odontol Scand. 67:74-79, 2009.
  • Vichi A, Margvelashvili M, Goracci C, Papacc- hini F, Ferrari M. Bonding and ability of a new self-adhering flowable composite resin in class I restorations. Clin. Oral Investig. 17:1497-1506, 2013.
  • Hervás-García A, Martínez-Lozano MA, Cabanes-Vila J, Barjau-Escribano A, Fos-Galve P. Composite resins. A review of the materials and clinical indications. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.11:215-220, 2006
  • Bahrololoomi Z, Soleymani A, Heydari Z. In vit- ro comparison of microleakage of two materials used as pit and fissure sealants. J. Dent. Res. Dent. Clin. Dent. Prospects. 5:83-86, 2011.
  • Hickel R, Peschke A, Tyas M, Mjör I, Bayne S, Peters M, Hiller KA, Randall R, Vanherle G, He- intze SD.FDI World Dental Federation: clinical criteria for the evaluation of direct and indirect restorations-update and clinical examples. Clin. Oral. Investig. 14:349-366, 2010.
  • Ericson D. What is minimally invasive dentistry? Oral Health Prev. Dent. 1:287-292, 2004.
  • Banerjee A. ‘MI’opia or 20/20 vision? Br. Dent. J. 214: 101-105, 2013.
  • Frencken JE, Peters MC, Manton DJ, Leal SC, Gor- dan VV, Eden E. Minimal intervention dentistry for managing dental caries - a review: report of a FDI task group. Int. Dent. J. 62: 223-243, 2012.
  • Wicht MJ, Haak R, Fritz UB, Noack MJ. Primary preparation of class II cavities with oscillating systems. Am. J. Dent. 15: 21-25, 2002.
  • Koubi S, Tassery H. Minimally invasive dentistry using sonic and ultra-sonic devices in ultracon- servative Class 2 restorations. J. Contemp. Dent. Pract. 9: 155-165, 2008.
  • Bayne SC, Thompson JY, Swift EJ Jr, Stamatia- des P, Wilkerson M. A characterization of first- generation flowable composites. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 129:567-577, 1998.
  • de Almeida Neves A, Coutinho E, Cardoso MV, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Current concepts and techniques for caries excavation and adhe- sion to residual dentin. J. Adhes. Dent.13.7-22. 2011.

Posterior Bir Dişte SonicSys - Micro ile Proksimal Fasio - Lingual Kavite Preparasyonu

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 1119 - 1124, 01.04.2012


Adeziv materyallerin gelişmesi ve Sonik sistemdeki ilerlemeler klinisyenin minimal invaziv restoratif tedavi seçeneklerinden yararlanabilmesine izin vermektedir. 45 yaşında kadın hasta Hacettepe Üniversitesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Kliniği’ne başvurmuştur. Hastanın yapılan muayenesinde 27 no’lu dişin distal kontak noktasının altında çürük lezyonu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Radyolüsensinin dentinin 1/3 dış kısmıyla sınırlı olduğu görülmüştür. Lezyona direkt olarak ulaşılamamaktadır. Bu nedenle Sonik Sistem kullanılmasına karar verilmiştir Airscaler 2000 N &SonicSys Micro, KaVo . Preparasyon uçlarının elmas kaplı çalışma yüzü lezyona doğrudur. Komşu dişe yönlendirilmiş çalışmayan yüz ise elmasla kaplanmamıştır. Çürük hemisferik uçla uzaklaştırılmıştır. Mine duvarları torpedo şekilli mikrouçlarla açılanmıştır. Total-etch adeziv sistem kullanılmıştır. Kavite akışkan kompozit materyal ile restore edilmiştir. Restoratif tedaviden 6 ve 24 ay sonra FDI kriterlerine göre dişin iyi koşullarda korunduğu tespit edilmiştir. SonicSys Micro ile komşu dişe herhangi bir hasar verme riski olmadan daha az travma ile daha iyi ve hızlı bir minimal invaziv kavite preparasyonu yapılabilmesi sağlanmıştır


  • Mickenautsch S. Operative Dentistry, Dental News: An Introduction to Minimal Intervention Dentistry, Volume XIV, Number IV, 2007. P 13- 20. 1st Edition. (Houghton, 2041 South Africa. ISBN: 0-620-34080-0).
  • Mount GJ, Ngo H. Minimal intervention: early le- sions. Quintessence Int. 31:535-546, 2000.
  • Lussi A, Gygax M J. Iatrogenic damage to adja- cent teeth during classical approximal box prepa- ration. J Dent. 26: 435-441, 1998
  • Hugo B, Stassinakis A. Preparation and restora- tion of small interproximal carious lesions with sonic instruments. Pract Periodontics Aesthet Dent.10:353-359,1998.
  • Hugo B.Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. Oscilla- ting procedures in the preparation technique (I). 109:140-160, 1999.
  • Vidnes-Kopperud S, Tveit AB, Gaarden T, Sand- vik L, Espelid I. Factors influencing dentists‘ choice of amalgam and tooth-colored restorative materi- als for Class II preparations in younger patients. Acta Odontol Scand. 67:74-79, 2009.
  • Vichi A, Margvelashvili M, Goracci C, Papacc- hini F, Ferrari M. Bonding and ability of a new self-adhering flowable composite resin in class I restorations. Clin. Oral Investig. 17:1497-1506, 2013.
  • Hervás-García A, Martínez-Lozano MA, Cabanes-Vila J, Barjau-Escribano A, Fos-Galve P. Composite resins. A review of the materials and clinical indications. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.11:215-220, 2006
  • Bahrololoomi Z, Soleymani A, Heydari Z. In vit- ro comparison of microleakage of two materials used as pit and fissure sealants. J. Dent. Res. Dent. Clin. Dent. Prospects. 5:83-86, 2011.
  • Hickel R, Peschke A, Tyas M, Mjör I, Bayne S, Peters M, Hiller KA, Randall R, Vanherle G, He- intze SD.FDI World Dental Federation: clinical criteria for the evaluation of direct and indirect restorations-update and clinical examples. Clin. Oral. Investig. 14:349-366, 2010.
  • Ericson D. What is minimally invasive dentistry? Oral Health Prev. Dent. 1:287-292, 2004.
  • Banerjee A. ‘MI’opia or 20/20 vision? Br. Dent. J. 214: 101-105, 2013.
  • Frencken JE, Peters MC, Manton DJ, Leal SC, Gor- dan VV, Eden E. Minimal intervention dentistry for managing dental caries - a review: report of a FDI task group. Int. Dent. J. 62: 223-243, 2012.
  • Wicht MJ, Haak R, Fritz UB, Noack MJ. Primary preparation of class II cavities with oscillating systems. Am. J. Dent. 15: 21-25, 2002.
  • Koubi S, Tassery H. Minimally invasive dentistry using sonic and ultra-sonic devices in ultracon- servative Class 2 restorations. J. Contemp. Dent. Pract. 9: 155-165, 2008.
  • Bayne SC, Thompson JY, Swift EJ Jr, Stamatia- des P, Wilkerson M. A characterization of first- generation flowable composites. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 129:567-577, 1998.
  • de Almeida Neves A, Coutinho E, Cardoso MV, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Current concepts and techniques for caries excavation and adhe- sion to residual dentin. J. Adhes. Dent.13.7-22. 2011.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Case Report

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Saadet Gökalp Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Koç Vural U, Gökalp S. Posterior Bir Dişte SonicSys - Micro ile Proksimal Fasio - Lingual Kavite Preparasyonu. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2012;6(1):1119-24.