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Orthodontic Approach in Dental Trauma

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 1027 - 1033, 01.01.2012


Dental trauma is a condition that is frequently encountered in dentistry. If dental trauma occurs, teeth should be treated with a multidisiplinary approach. Orthodontic approach is also very important. It’s very important to decide if orthodontic forces should be applied or not and if orthodontic force is necessary, when should it be applied. After applying too much orthodontic forces to these teeth, complications can occur such as root resorption. Information on orthodontic forces applied to traumatized teeth was given in this article


  • Al- Nazhan S., Andreasan JO., Al-Bawardi S., Al-Roug S. Evaluation of the effect of delayed management of travmatized permanent teeth. J. Endod. 21:391-393, 1995.
  • Arthun J., Azemi R. Social and behavioral risk factors for maksillary incisor trauma in an ado- lescent Arab population. Dent. Trauma. 25:589- 593, 2009.
  • Andreasen J., Andreasen F., Andersson L. Tra- umatic Injuries to the Teeth. 4th ed. Copenhag: Blackwell publishing Company; 2007.
  • Shulman JD., Peterson J. The association betwe- en incisor trauma and occlusal characteristics in individuals 8-50 years of age. Dent. Trauma. 20: 67-74, 2004.
  • Farahani A., Farahani B., Eslamipour F. An in- vestigation into the association between facial profile and maksillary incisor trauma, a clinical non-radiographic study. Dent. Trauma. 26: 403- 406, 2010.
  • Cvek M., Mejare I., Andreasen J. Healing and prognosis of teeth with intra-alveolar fractures in- volving the cervical part of the root. Dent. Trau- ma. 18: 57-65, 2002.
  • Wickwire N., Mcneil M., Northon L., Duell R. The effects of tooth movement upon endodontically treated teeth. Angle Orthod. 44:235-42, 1974.
  • Mirabella A., Arthun J. Risk factors for apical root resorption of maxillary anterior teeth in adult orthodontic patients. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 108:48-55, 1995.
  • Hunter M., Hunter B., Kingdon A., Addy M., Dummer P., Shaw W. Traumatic injury to predis- posing factors related to traumatic injuries to per- manent teeth. Swed. Dent. J. 17:183-90, 1993.
  • Hamilton R., Gutmann J. Endodontic-orthodontic relationships: a review of integrated treatment planning challenges. Int. Endod. J. 32:343-60, 1999.
  • Heithersay G. Combined endodontic-orthodontic treatment of transverse root fractures in the region of the alveolar crest. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 36:404-415, 1973.
  • Malmgren O., Malmgren B., Frykholm A. Rapid orthodontic extrusion of crown root and cervikal root fractured teeth. Endod. Dent. Trauma. 7:49- 54, 1991.
  • Andreasen F., Andreasen J., Bayer T. Prognosis of root fractured permanent incisors- prediction of healing modalities. Endod. Dent. Trauma. 5:11- 22, 1989.
  • Malmgren O., Goldson L., Hill C., Orwin A., Pet- rini L., Lundberg M. Root resorption after ortho- dontic treatment of traumatized teeth. Am. J. Ort- hod. Dentofacial Orthop. 82:487-491, 1982.
  • Andreasen J., Paulsen H., Bayer T. A long-term study of 370 autotransplanted premolars. Part IV Root development subsequent to transplantation. Eur. J. Orthod. 12:38-50, 1990.
  • Schöder U,Granath L. A new interceptive treat- ment of cases with missing maxillary lateral inci- sors. Swed. Dent. J. 4:155-158, 1981.
  • Czochrowska E,Skaare A, Stenvik A, Zachrisson B. Outcome of orthodontic space closure with a missing maksillary central incisor. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 123:597-603, 2003.
  • Diaz J, Almeida M, Benavente A. Tooth trans- plantation after dental injury sequelae in children Dent. Trauma. 24: 320-327, 2008.
  • Malmgren B, Malmgren O.Rate of infraposition of reimplanted ankylosed incisors related to age and growth in children and adolescents. Dent Traumatol 2002;18:28-36
  • Turley P, Crawford L, Carrington K. Traumatically Intruded Teeth. Angle Orthod 1987
  • Medeiros R., Mucha J. Immediate late orthodon- tic extrusion of traumatically intruded teeth. Dent. Trauma. 25: 380-385, 2009.
  • Graupner J. The effects of orthodontic force on replanted teeth: a radyographic survey. Am. J. Orthod. 62:544-545, 1972.
  • Kawanami M., Andreasen J., Borum M., Schou S., Hjörting E., Kato H. Infraposition of ankylosed permanent maxillary incisors after replantation related to age and sex. Endod. Dent. Trauma. 15:50-56, 1999.
  • Alcan T. A miniature tooth-borne disractor for the alignment of ankylosed teeth. Angle Orthod. 76:77-83, 2006.
  • Chae J., Paeng J. Orthodontic treatment of an ankylosed maxillary central incisor through single-tooth osteotomy by using interdental space regained from microimplant anchorage. Am. J. Orthod. 141:39-51, 2012.
  • Malmgren B., Cvek M., Lundberg M., Frykholm A. Surgical treatment of ankylosed and infra- positioned reimplanted incisors in adolescents. Scand. J. Dent. Res. 92:391-399, 1984.
  • Malmgren B. Decoronation: How, why and when? J. Call. Dent. Assoc. 28:846-854, 2000.
  • Reminghton D, Joondeph D, Arthun J, Riedel R, Chapko M. Long term evaluation of root resorpti- on occurring during orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 98:43-46, 1989.
  • Koroluk L, Tulloch J, Phillips C. Incisor trauma and early treatment for class II division 1 malocclusion. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 123:117-125, 2003.
  • Andersson L, Ermani Z, Högstrom J.Single tooth implant treatment in the anterior region of the ma- xilla for treatment of tooth loss after trauma :a retrospective clinical and interview study. Dent. Traumatol. 19:126-131, 2003.
  • Bowden D, Patel H. Autotransplantation of pre- molar teeth to replace missing maxillary central incisors Br. J. Orthod.17:21-28, 1990. Dt. Merve DOĞAN
  • Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı, Ankara
  • e-mail:

Dental Travmalarda Ortodontik Yaklaşım

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 1027 - 1033, 01.01.2012


Dental travmalar diş hekimliğinde sıkça karşılaşılan durumlardan biridir. Dental travmaya uğramış dişlerin tedavisinde multidisipliner bir yaklaşım sözkonusudur ve ortodontik yaklaşım da son derece önemlidir. Dental travmaya uğramış dişlere ortodontik kuvvet uygulanıp uygulanamayacağına, uygulanacaksa travmadan ne kadar sonra uygulanacağına karar vermek önemlidir. Dental travmaya uğramış dişlere fazla miktarda ortodontik kuvvet uygulanması sonucunda dişlerde rezorpsiyon gibi istenmeyen etkiler oluşabilir. Bu makalede travmaya uğramış dişlere ortodontik kuvvet uygulanması ile ilgili dikkat edilmesi gereken kavramlar hakkında bilgi verilmektedir


  • Al- Nazhan S., Andreasan JO., Al-Bawardi S., Al-Roug S. Evaluation of the effect of delayed management of travmatized permanent teeth. J. Endod. 21:391-393, 1995.
  • Arthun J., Azemi R. Social and behavioral risk factors for maksillary incisor trauma in an ado- lescent Arab population. Dent. Trauma. 25:589- 593, 2009.
  • Andreasen J., Andreasen F., Andersson L. Tra- umatic Injuries to the Teeth. 4th ed. Copenhag: Blackwell publishing Company; 2007.
  • Shulman JD., Peterson J. The association betwe- en incisor trauma and occlusal characteristics in individuals 8-50 years of age. Dent. Trauma. 20: 67-74, 2004.
  • Farahani A., Farahani B., Eslamipour F. An in- vestigation into the association between facial profile and maksillary incisor trauma, a clinical non-radiographic study. Dent. Trauma. 26: 403- 406, 2010.
  • Cvek M., Mejare I., Andreasen J. Healing and prognosis of teeth with intra-alveolar fractures in- volving the cervical part of the root. Dent. Trau- ma. 18: 57-65, 2002.
  • Wickwire N., Mcneil M., Northon L., Duell R. The effects of tooth movement upon endodontically treated teeth. Angle Orthod. 44:235-42, 1974.
  • Mirabella A., Arthun J. Risk factors for apical root resorption of maxillary anterior teeth in adult orthodontic patients. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 108:48-55, 1995.
  • Hunter M., Hunter B., Kingdon A., Addy M., Dummer P., Shaw W. Traumatic injury to predis- posing factors related to traumatic injuries to per- manent teeth. Swed. Dent. J. 17:183-90, 1993.
  • Hamilton R., Gutmann J. Endodontic-orthodontic relationships: a review of integrated treatment planning challenges. Int. Endod. J. 32:343-60, 1999.
  • Heithersay G. Combined endodontic-orthodontic treatment of transverse root fractures in the region of the alveolar crest. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 36:404-415, 1973.
  • Malmgren O., Malmgren B., Frykholm A. Rapid orthodontic extrusion of crown root and cervikal root fractured teeth. Endod. Dent. Trauma. 7:49- 54, 1991.
  • Andreasen F., Andreasen J., Bayer T. Prognosis of root fractured permanent incisors- prediction of healing modalities. Endod. Dent. Trauma. 5:11- 22, 1989.
  • Malmgren O., Goldson L., Hill C., Orwin A., Pet- rini L., Lundberg M. Root resorption after ortho- dontic treatment of traumatized teeth. Am. J. Ort- hod. Dentofacial Orthop. 82:487-491, 1982.
  • Andreasen J., Paulsen H., Bayer T. A long-term study of 370 autotransplanted premolars. Part IV Root development subsequent to transplantation. Eur. J. Orthod. 12:38-50, 1990.
  • Schöder U,Granath L. A new interceptive treat- ment of cases with missing maxillary lateral inci- sors. Swed. Dent. J. 4:155-158, 1981.
  • Czochrowska E,Skaare A, Stenvik A, Zachrisson B. Outcome of orthodontic space closure with a missing maksillary central incisor. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 123:597-603, 2003.
  • Diaz J, Almeida M, Benavente A. Tooth trans- plantation after dental injury sequelae in children Dent. Trauma. 24: 320-327, 2008.
  • Malmgren B, Malmgren O.Rate of infraposition of reimplanted ankylosed incisors related to age and growth in children and adolescents. Dent Traumatol 2002;18:28-36
  • Turley P, Crawford L, Carrington K. Traumatically Intruded Teeth. Angle Orthod 1987
  • Medeiros R., Mucha J. Immediate late orthodon- tic extrusion of traumatically intruded teeth. Dent. Trauma. 25: 380-385, 2009.
  • Graupner J. The effects of orthodontic force on replanted teeth: a radyographic survey. Am. J. Orthod. 62:544-545, 1972.
  • Kawanami M., Andreasen J., Borum M., Schou S., Hjörting E., Kato H. Infraposition of ankylosed permanent maxillary incisors after replantation related to age and sex. Endod. Dent. Trauma. 15:50-56, 1999.
  • Alcan T. A miniature tooth-borne disractor for the alignment of ankylosed teeth. Angle Orthod. 76:77-83, 2006.
  • Chae J., Paeng J. Orthodontic treatment of an ankylosed maxillary central incisor through single-tooth osteotomy by using interdental space regained from microimplant anchorage. Am. J. Orthod. 141:39-51, 2012.
  • Malmgren B., Cvek M., Lundberg M., Frykholm A. Surgical treatment of ankylosed and infra- positioned reimplanted incisors in adolescents. Scand. J. Dent. Res. 92:391-399, 1984.
  • Malmgren B. Decoronation: How, why and when? J. Call. Dent. Assoc. 28:846-854, 2000.
  • Reminghton D, Joondeph D, Arthun J, Riedel R, Chapko M. Long term evaluation of root resorpti- on occurring during orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 98:43-46, 1989.
  • Koroluk L, Tulloch J, Phillips C. Incisor trauma and early treatment for class II division 1 malocclusion. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 123:117-125, 2003.
  • Andersson L, Ermani Z, Högstrom J.Single tooth implant treatment in the anterior region of the ma- xilla for treatment of tooth loss after trauma :a retrospective clinical and interview study. Dent. Traumatol. 19:126-131, 2003.
  • Bowden D, Patel H. Autotransplantation of pre- molar teeth to replace missing maxillary central incisors Br. J. Orthod.17:21-28, 1990. Dt. Merve DOĞAN
  • Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı, Ankara
  • e-mail:
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Çağrı Ulusoy Bu kişi benim

Merve Doğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Ulusoy Ç, Doğan M. Dental Travmalarda Ortodontik Yaklaşım. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2012;5(4):1027-33.