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Halitosis II: Etiology And Treatment

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 887 - 893, 01.07.2011


Halitosis is a general term used to describe an unpleasant or offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Halitosis may be caused by local conditions such as poor oral hygiene, extensive caries, gingivitis, periodontitis. Patients with halitosis of an oral origin present typically with tongue coating, gingivitis and periodontitis. Extraoral causes include respiratory tract infections or systemic disorders, such as poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, hepatic cirrhosis and kidney disease. Trials have shown that both mechanical oral care and mouthwash use can reduce halitosis levels


  • Van Den Broek A.M., Feenstra L., Baat C de. A review of the current literature on management of halitosis. Oral Dis. 11: 72-74, 2007.
  • Sanz M., Roldan S., Herrera D. Fundemantals of Breath Malodour. J Contemp. Dent. Pract. 4: 1-17, 2001.
  • McNamara T.F., Alexander J.F., Lee M. The role of microorganisms in the production of oral malodor. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 34:41-48, 1972
  • Scully C., Felix D.H. Oral Malodour. British Dental J. 199: 498-500, 2005.
  • Lee H., Kho H.S., Chung J.W., Chung, S.C., Ku Kim Y. Volatile sulfur compounds produced by He- licobacter pylori. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 40: 421- 442, 2006.
  • Delanghe G., Ghyselen J., Bollen C., Van Steen- berghe D., Van Dekerckhove B.N., Feenstra L. An inventory of patients’ response to treatment at a mul- tidisciplinary breath odor clinic. Quintessence Int. 30: 307-310,1999.
  • Danser M.M., Gomez S. M., Weıjden G.A.V. Ton- gue coating and tongue brushing: a literature revi- ew. Int. J. Dent. Hygine. 1: 151-158, 2003.
  • Bosy A., Kulkarni G.V.,Rosenberg M., Mcculloch C.A. Relationship of oral malodor to periodontitis: evidence of independence in discrete subpopulati- ons. J. Periodontol. 65:37-46,1994.
  • Attia E.L., Marshall K.G. Halitosis. Can. Med. As- soc. J. 126: 1281-1285,1982.
  • Messadi D.V., Younai, F. S. Halitosis. Dermatol Clin. 21: 147-155, 2003.
  • Adler I., Deninghoff,V.C., Alvarez M.I., Avagnina A., Yoshida, R., Elsner B. Helicobacter pylori as- sociated with glossitis and halitosis. Helicobacter. 10: 312-317, 2005.
  • Scully C. Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine. Edin- burgh. Elsevier Ltd.108-113, 2004.
  • Preti G., Lawley H.J., Hormann C.A., Cowart B.J., Feldman R.S., Lowry L.D., Young I.M. Non –Oral and Oral Aspects of Oral malodor. Tel Aviv: Ramot Publishing, 1995, 149-171.
  • Lee P.P.C., Mak W.Y., Newsome P. The aetiology and treatment of oral halitosis: an update. Hong Kong Med. J. 10: 414-418, 2004.
  • Eli I., Baht R., Koriat H., Rosenberg M. Self percep- tion of breath odor. JADA. 132: 621-626, 2001.
  • Van D. Steenberghe. Breath malodor a step-by-step approach. Copenhagen: Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd., 2004, 77-79.
  • Quirynen M., Mongardini C., Van D. Steenberg- he. The effect of 1-stage full mouth disinfection on oral malodor and microbial colonization of the ton- gue in periodontitis. A pilot study .J. Periodontol. 69: 374-382, 1998.
  • Nachnani S. (2003). Oral malodor a detailed revi- ew. Erişim:
  • Rosenberg M., Gelernter I., Barki M., Bar R.N. Day-long reduction of oral malodor by two-phase oil :water mouthrinse as compared to chlorhexidine and placebo rinses. J. Periodontol. 63:39-43,1992.
  • Boever E.H.D., Loesche W.J. Assessing the contri- bution of anaerobic microflora of the tongue to oral malodor. JADA. 126: 1384-1393, 1995.
  • Quirynen M., Avontroodt P., Soers C., Paulwels M., Coucke W., Van D. Steenberghe The efficacy of amine fluoride stannous fluoride in the suppression of morning breath odour. J. Clin. Periodontol. 29 : 944-954, 2002.
  • Pitts G., Brogdon C., Hu L., Masurat T., Pianot- ti R., Schumann P. Mechanism of action of an antiseptic, antiodor mouthwash. J. Dent. Res. 62: 738-742, 1983.
  • Kozlovsky A., Goldberg S., Natour I., Rogatky – Gat A., Gelernter I., Rosenberg M. Efficacy of a 2-phase oil: water mouthrinse in controlling oral malodor, gingivitis, and plaque. J. Periodontol. 67: 577-582. 1996.
  • Yaegaki K., Coil J.M. Examination, classification, and treatment of halitosis clinical perspectives. J. Can. Dent. Assoc. 66: 257-61, 2000.
  • Kleinberg I., Codipilly D.M. Cystein challenge testing: a powerful tool for examining oral malodour processes and treatments in vivo. Int. Dent. J. 52: 221-228. 2002.
  • Hu D., Zhang Y.P., Petrone M., Volpe A.R., Vi- zio de W., Giniger M. Clinical effectiveness of a triclosan /copolymer/sodium fluoride dentifrice in controlling oral malodor: a 3 week clinical trial. Oral Dis. 11:51-53, 2005.
  • Seemann R. Effectiveness of mechanical tongue cle- aning on oral levels of volatile sulfur compounds. JADA. 132: 1263-1267, 2001.
  • Pedrazzi V., Sato S., Chiarello De Mattos, M.G., Lara E.H.G.,Panzeri H. Tongue cleaning methods: A com- parative clinical trial employing a toothbrush and a ton- gue scraper. J. Periodontol. 75 : 1009- 1012, 2004.
  • Yaegaki K., Coil J.M., Kamemizu T., Miyazaki H. Ton- gue brushing and mouth rinsing as basic treatment me- asures for halitosis. Int. Dent. J. 52:192-196, 2002.
  • Aydın M. Teşhisten Tedaviye Ağız Kokusu. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2008, 126-129.
  • Odajima T., Fujita K., Kaku T. Effect of frequent app- lication of carcinogen upon lingual carcinogenesis ex- periment. J. Jpn. Stomatol. Soc. 25: 523-526, 1979.
  • Çiçek Y., Orbak R., Tezel A., Orbak Z., Erciyas K. Effect of tongue brushing on oral malodor in adoles- cents. Ped. Int. 45: 719-723, 2003.
  • Quirynen M. Management oral malodour. J. Clin. Periodontol.17-18, 2003.

Halitozis II: Etyoloji Ve Tedavi

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 887 - 893, 01.07.2011


Halitozis oral kaviteden yayılan hoş olmayan veya rahatsız edici kokuları tarif etmek için kullanılan genel bir terimdir. Halitozise kötü oral hijyen, gingivitis, periodontitis, derin çürükler gibi lokal durumlar neden olabilir. Ağız kaynaklı halitozisli hastalarda gingivitis, periodontitis ve dil kaplanması karakteristik olarak görülür. Ekstraoral nedenler kontrol edilemeyen diabetes mellitus, hepatik siroz, böbrek hastalıkları gibi bazı sistemik hastalıklar, respiratuar sistem enfeksiyonlarını içerir. Çalışmalar mekanik ağız bakımı ve ağız çalkalayıcılarının halitozis seviyesini azaltmakta kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir


  • Van Den Broek A.M., Feenstra L., Baat C de. A review of the current literature on management of halitosis. Oral Dis. 11: 72-74, 2007.
  • Sanz M., Roldan S., Herrera D. Fundemantals of Breath Malodour. J Contemp. Dent. Pract. 4: 1-17, 2001.
  • McNamara T.F., Alexander J.F., Lee M. The role of microorganisms in the production of oral malodor. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 34:41-48, 1972
  • Scully C., Felix D.H. Oral Malodour. British Dental J. 199: 498-500, 2005.
  • Lee H., Kho H.S., Chung J.W., Chung, S.C., Ku Kim Y. Volatile sulfur compounds produced by He- licobacter pylori. J. Clin. Gastroenterol. 40: 421- 442, 2006.
  • Delanghe G., Ghyselen J., Bollen C., Van Steen- berghe D., Van Dekerckhove B.N., Feenstra L. An inventory of patients’ response to treatment at a mul- tidisciplinary breath odor clinic. Quintessence Int. 30: 307-310,1999.
  • Danser M.M., Gomez S. M., Weıjden G.A.V. Ton- gue coating and tongue brushing: a literature revi- ew. Int. J. Dent. Hygine. 1: 151-158, 2003.
  • Bosy A., Kulkarni G.V.,Rosenberg M., Mcculloch C.A. Relationship of oral malodor to periodontitis: evidence of independence in discrete subpopulati- ons. J. Periodontol. 65:37-46,1994.
  • Attia E.L., Marshall K.G. Halitosis. Can. Med. As- soc. J. 126: 1281-1285,1982.
  • Messadi D.V., Younai, F. S. Halitosis. Dermatol Clin. 21: 147-155, 2003.
  • Adler I., Deninghoff,V.C., Alvarez M.I., Avagnina A., Yoshida, R., Elsner B. Helicobacter pylori as- sociated with glossitis and halitosis. Helicobacter. 10: 312-317, 2005.
  • Scully C. Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine. Edin- burgh. Elsevier Ltd.108-113, 2004.
  • Preti G., Lawley H.J., Hormann C.A., Cowart B.J., Feldman R.S., Lowry L.D., Young I.M. Non –Oral and Oral Aspects of Oral malodor. Tel Aviv: Ramot Publishing, 1995, 149-171.
  • Lee P.P.C., Mak W.Y., Newsome P. The aetiology and treatment of oral halitosis: an update. Hong Kong Med. J. 10: 414-418, 2004.
  • Eli I., Baht R., Koriat H., Rosenberg M. Self percep- tion of breath odor. JADA. 132: 621-626, 2001.
  • Van D. Steenberghe. Breath malodor a step-by-step approach. Copenhagen: Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd., 2004, 77-79.
  • Quirynen M., Mongardini C., Van D. Steenberg- he. The effect of 1-stage full mouth disinfection on oral malodor and microbial colonization of the ton- gue in periodontitis. A pilot study .J. Periodontol. 69: 374-382, 1998.
  • Nachnani S. (2003). Oral malodor a detailed revi- ew. Erişim:
  • Rosenberg M., Gelernter I., Barki M., Bar R.N. Day-long reduction of oral malodor by two-phase oil :water mouthrinse as compared to chlorhexidine and placebo rinses. J. Periodontol. 63:39-43,1992.
  • Boever E.H.D., Loesche W.J. Assessing the contri- bution of anaerobic microflora of the tongue to oral malodor. JADA. 126: 1384-1393, 1995.
  • Quirynen M., Avontroodt P., Soers C., Paulwels M., Coucke W., Van D. Steenberghe The efficacy of amine fluoride stannous fluoride in the suppression of morning breath odour. J. Clin. Periodontol. 29 : 944-954, 2002.
  • Pitts G., Brogdon C., Hu L., Masurat T., Pianot- ti R., Schumann P. Mechanism of action of an antiseptic, antiodor mouthwash. J. Dent. Res. 62: 738-742, 1983.
  • Kozlovsky A., Goldberg S., Natour I., Rogatky – Gat A., Gelernter I., Rosenberg M. Efficacy of a 2-phase oil: water mouthrinse in controlling oral malodor, gingivitis, and plaque. J. Periodontol. 67: 577-582. 1996.
  • Yaegaki K., Coil J.M. Examination, classification, and treatment of halitosis clinical perspectives. J. Can. Dent. Assoc. 66: 257-61, 2000.
  • Kleinberg I., Codipilly D.M. Cystein challenge testing: a powerful tool for examining oral malodour processes and treatments in vivo. Int. Dent. J. 52: 221-228. 2002.
  • Hu D., Zhang Y.P., Petrone M., Volpe A.R., Vi- zio de W., Giniger M. Clinical effectiveness of a triclosan /copolymer/sodium fluoride dentifrice in controlling oral malodor: a 3 week clinical trial. Oral Dis. 11:51-53, 2005.
  • Seemann R. Effectiveness of mechanical tongue cle- aning on oral levels of volatile sulfur compounds. JADA. 132: 1263-1267, 2001.
  • Pedrazzi V., Sato S., Chiarello De Mattos, M.G., Lara E.H.G.,Panzeri H. Tongue cleaning methods: A com- parative clinical trial employing a toothbrush and a ton- gue scraper. J. Periodontol. 75 : 1009- 1012, 2004.
  • Yaegaki K., Coil J.M., Kamemizu T., Miyazaki H. Ton- gue brushing and mouth rinsing as basic treatment me- asures for halitosis. Int. Dent. J. 52:192-196, 2002.
  • Aydın M. Teşhisten Tedaviye Ağız Kokusu. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2008, 126-129.
  • Odajima T., Fujita K., Kaku T. Effect of frequent app- lication of carcinogen upon lingual carcinogenesis ex- periment. J. Jpn. Stomatol. Soc. 25: 523-526, 1979.
  • Çiçek Y., Orbak R., Tezel A., Orbak Z., Erciyas K. Effect of tongue brushing on oral malodor in adoles- cents. Ped. Int. 45: 719-723, 2003.
  • Quirynen M. Management oral malodour. J. Clin. Periodontol.17-18, 2003.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Şehrazat Evirgen Bu kişi benim

Candan S Paksoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Evirgen Ş, Paksoy CS. Halitozis II: Etyoloji Ve Tedavi. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2011;5(2):887-93.