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Methods of Diagnosis And Treatment of White Spot Lesions

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 536 - 544, 01.07.2010


White spot lesions are common in initial phase of the carious lesions. These lesions are decalcification areas of enamel and have opaque color. If these lesions are not treated, caries can progress and cavitation may occur. White spot lesions are frequently seen in patient with high caries risk and patients using prosthesis or undergoing orthodontic treatment. During the dental examination, dentist should avoid iatrojenic damage and the lesion becoming a cavity. When the lesions are diagnosed, dentist should begin the treatment immediately. In this review, information about common white spot lesions and diagnosis methods of this lesions is discussed. Additionally, treatment methods of white spot lesions and studies about remineralization of lesions are explained.


  • Pinkham JR, Casamassimo PS, Fields HW, Mc Tigue DJ, Nowak AJ. Pediatric Dentistry:Infancy Thorough Adolescence. Elsevier Sounders,Fourth Edition, 199- 203,2005
  • Le Geros RZ. Chemical and crystallographic events in the caries process. J Dent Res.1990;69:567-74.
  • Barnes CM. Dental Hygiene Participation in Mana- ging Incipient and Hidden Caries. Dent Clin N Am 2005;49:795–813
  • Ogaard B, Rezk-Lega F, Ruben J, Arends J. Cariostatic effect and fluoride release from a visible light-curing adhesive for bonding of orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod 1992;101:303-7
  • Per Axelson Diagnosis and Risk Detection of Dental Ca- ries. Quintessence Pub. Germany 2000, p 179-247.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) system. www.who-
  • Pitts N .Diagnostic tools and measurements impact on appropriate care .Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol 1997; 25: 24-35
  • C39-3_200509 B_G_Efes.pdf.
  • McComb D, Tam L. Diagnosis of occlusal caries: Part I. Conventional methods. J Can Dent Assoc 2001; 67: 454- 7.
  • Ekstrand KR, Ricketts DN, Kidd EA. Reproducibility and accuracy of three methods for assessment of deminera- lization depth of the occlusal surface: an in vitro exami- nation. Caries Res 1997; 31: 224-31.
  • Lussi A. Comparison of different methods for the di- agnosis of fissure caries without cavitation. Caries Res 1993; 27: 409-16.
  • Ekstrand K, Qvist V, Thylstrup A. Light microscope study of the effect of probing in occlusal surfaces. Caries Res 1987; 21: 368-74.
  • Axelsson P. Diagnosis and risk prediction of dental ca- ries. Karstald: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2000.
  • Hintze H, Wenzel A. Clinically undetected dental cari- es assessed by bitewing screening in children with little caries experience. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1994; 23: 19-23.
  • Weerheijm KL, Groen HJ, Bast AJ, Kieft JA, Eijkman MA, van Amerongen WE. Clinically undetected occlu- sal dentine caries: a radiographic comparison. Caries Res 1992; 26: 305-9.
  • Verdonschot EH, Kuijpers JM, Polder BJ, De Leng-Worm MH, Bronkhorst EM. Effects of digital grey-scale modi- fication on the diagnosis of small approximal carious lesions. Journal of Dentistry 1992;20(1):44-9
  • Cochrane NJ, Saranathan S., Cai F, Cross KJ, Rey- nolds EC. Enamel Subsurface Lesion Remineralisa- tion with Casein Phosphopeptide Stabilised Soluti- ons of Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride. Caries Res 2008;42:88-97
  • Bjakhagen H, Sundstrom F, Angmar-Mansson B. Early detection of enamel caries by the luminescence excited by visible light. Sweed Dent. 1982:6:1-7.
  • Tam L, McComb D. Diagnosis of occlusal caries: Part II. Recent diagnostic technologies. J Can Dent Assoc 2001: 67: 459-63
  • Lussi A, Imwinkelried S, Pitts N, Longbottom C, Reich E. Performance and reproducibility of a laser fluorescen- ce system fortion of occlusal caries in vitro. Caries Res 1999; 33 (4): 261-6
  • Longbottom C, Huysmans MC. Electrical measurements for use in caries clinical trials. Journal of Dental Resear- ch 2004:83. Spc no. C:C 76-9
  • Stookey GK, Jackson RD,Ferreira Zandona AG,Analoui M.:Dental caries diagnosis.Dent Clin North Am, 1999:43:665-77
  • Bader JD, Shugars DA, Bonito AJ. A systematic review of the performance of methods for identifying carious lesi- ons. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 2002;62(4):201- 13
  • Ersöz E., Oktay N.:Alternatif çürük teşhis yöntemleri. Atatürk Üni Diş Hek. Fak. Derg., 2002:12(2):56-63.
  • Longbottom C, Huysmans MC, Pitts NB, Los P, Bruce PG. Detection of dental decay and its extent using a.c. impedance spectroscopy. Nat Med 1996; 2: 235-7
  • Schneiderman A, Elbaum M, Schultz T.: Assesment of dental caries with DIFOTI: In vitro study. Caries Res, 1997:31:103-10.
  • Stookey GK. The evolution of caries detection. Dimen- sions of Dental Hygiene 2003;October:12–5
  • Benedict HC. Notes on the fluorescence of teeth in ul- traviolet rays. Science 1928:67:422.
  • Berg JH. The Marketplace for New Caries Manage- ment Products: Dental Caries Detection and Caries Management by Risk Assessment ,BMC Oral Health, 2006:6(Suppl 1):S1-6.
  • Angmar-Mansson B, ten Bosch JJ. Quantitative Light- Induced Fluorescence (QLF): a method for assessment of incipient caries lesions. Dentomaxillofac Radiology 2001;30(6):298-307
  • Gündüz K, Çelenk P. Çürük anısında kullanılan yeni yöntemler. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakül- tesi Dergisi 2003,6:1;43-9
  • Çalışkan Yanıkoğlu F, Ozturk F, Hayran O, Analoui M, Stookey GK.:Detection of natural white spot lesions by an ultrasonic system. Caries Res, 2000:34:225-32.
  • Ng SY, Ferguson MWJ, Payne PA, Slater P.: Ultrasonic studies of unblemished and artificially demineralized enamel in extracted human teeth, A new method for detecting early caries. J Dent,1988:16:201-9
  • Barber FE, Lees S, Lobene RR.:Ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements in teeth.Archs oral Biol,1969:14,745- 60
  • American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs. Policy on use of a caries-risk assess- ment tool (CAT) for infants, children and adolescents. Pediatr Dent 2008-2009;30(7 Suppl):29-33
  • Kandray DP. Caries risk and nutrition in adolescents. Journal of Practical Hygiene 2004;13(5):19–22
  • Glock M, Horowitz AM, Canto MT, compilers. Diag- nosis and management of dental caries. Current bib- liographies in medicine 2001-1. Available at: http:// Ac- cessed February 1, 2001
  • Berkowitz RJ Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Early Childhood Caries: A Microbiologic Perspective J Can Dent Assoc 2003; 69(5):304–7
  • Douglass JM, Douglass AB, Silk HJ. A practical guide to infant oral health. Am Fam Physician 2004;70:2113-22
  • Samir E, Ostby B, Ostby AW. White spot lesions: formation, prevention and treatment, Semin Orthod 2008:14;3:174-182.
  • Gelgör İE, Büyükyılmaz T. A practical approach to whi- te spot lesion removal. World J Orthod 2003;4:152-6
  • Balensefien JW, Madonia JV. Study of dental plaque in orthodontic patients. J Dent Res 1970;49:320-4
  • Gwinnett AJ, Ceen RF. Plaque distribution on bonded brackets: A scanning microscope study. Am J Orthod 1979;75:667-77
  • Şengün A, Sarı Z, Ramoğlu SI, Malkoç S, Duran I. Eva- luation of the dental plaque pH recovery effect of a xylitol lozenge on patients with fixed orthodontic appli- ances. Angle Orthod 2004;74:240-4
  • Weitman T, Eames WB. Plaque accumulation on com- posite surfaces after various finishing procedures. Am Dent Association 1975;91:101-6
  • Zachrisson BU, Brobakken BO. Clinical comparison of direct versus indirect bonding with different bracket ty- pes and adhesives. Am J Orthod 1987;74:62-78.
  • Derks A, Katsaros C, Frencken JE, van’t Hof MA, Kuji- pers-Jagtman AM. Caries- Inhibiting Effect of Preventi- ve Measures during Orthodontic Treatment with Fixed Appliances, Caries Res 2004;38:413-20
  • Beyth N, Redlich M, Harari D, Friedman M, Steinberg D. Effect of sustained-release chlorhexidine varnish on streptococcus mutans and actinomyces viscosus in ort- hodontic patients. Am J Orthod 2003;123(3):345-8
  • Doherty UB, Benson PE, Higham SM. Fluoride-relea- sing elastomeric ligatures assessed with the in situ cari- es model. Eur J Orthod 2002;24;371-8
  • Geiger AM, Gorelick L, Gwinnett AJ, Benson BJ. Redu- cing white spot lesions in orthodontic populations with fluoride rinsing. Am J Orthod 1992;101:403-7
  • Kalha A. Some evidence that fluoride during orthodon- tic treatment reduces occurrence and severity of white spot lesions. Evid Based Dent 2004;5:98-9
  • Madlena M, Vitalyos G, Marton S, Nagy G. Effect of chlorhexidine varnish on bacterial levels in plaque and saliva during orthodontic treatment. J Clin Dent 2000;11(2):42-6
  • Pascotto RC, Navarro MF, Capelozza FL, Cury JA. In vivo effect of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement on enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod 2004;125:36-41
  • Trairatvorakul C, Kladkaew S, Songsiripradabboon S. Active Management of incipient caries and choice of materials. J Dent Res 2008;87(3):228-32
  • Featherstone JD. Caries prevention and reversal based on the caries balance. Pediatric Dentistry 2006;28:128- 32
  • Featherstone JD. Delivery challenges for fluoride, chlor- hexidine and xylitol. BMC Oral Health 2006;6:S8
  • Mukai Y, ten Cate JM. Remineralization of advan- ced root dentin lesions in vitro. Caries Research 2002;36:275-80
  • Abdullah AZ, Strafford SM, Brookes SJ. The effect of copper on demineralization of dental enamel. Journal of Dental Research 2006;85:1011-5
  • Iijima M, Du C, Abbott C, Doi Y, Morodian-Oldak J. Control of apatite crystal growth by the co-operative ef- fect of a recombinant porcine amelogenin and fluoride. European Journal of Oral Science 2006;114:304-7
  • Marinho VCC, Higgins JPT, Sheiham A, Logan S: Fluo- ride toothpaste for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents (review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003
  • Schmidlin PR, Dörig I, Lussi A, Roos M, Imfeld T., Oral Health Prev Dent. 2007;5(3):201-8
  • Marini I, Peeliccioni GA, Vecchiet F, Alessandri Bonet- ti G, Checci L. European Journal of Orthodontics. A retentive system for intra-oral fluoride release during orthodontic treatment.1999:21:695-701
  • Altenburger MJ, Schirrmeister JF, Wrbas KT, Hellwig E. Remineralization of artificial interproximal carious lesions using a fluoride mouthrinse. Am J Dent 2007 Dec;20(6):385-9
  • Tange T, Sakurai Y, Hirose M, Noro D, Igarashi S. The effect of xylitol and fluoride on remineralization for primary tooth enamel caries in vitro. Pediatric Dental Journal 2004;14(1):55-59
  • Thuy TT, Nakagaki H, Kato K, Hung PA, Inukai J, Tsu- boi S, Nakagaki H, Hirose MN, Igarashi S, Robinson C. Effect of strontium in combination with fluoride on enamel remineralization in vitro. Archives of Oral Bio- logy 2008;53:1017-22
  • Cross KJ, Hug NL, Reynolds EC. Casein phosphopepti- des in oral health - chemistry and clinical applications. Curr Pharm Des 2007;13(8):793-800
  • Pai D, Bhat SS, Taranath A, Sargod S, Pai VM. Use of laser fluorescence and scanning electron micros- cope to evaluate remineralization of incipient enamel lesions remineralized by topical application of case- in phospho peptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-aCP) containing cream. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2008 Spring;32(3):201-6.
  • Reynolds EC, Cai F, Cochrane NJ, Shen P, Walker GD, Morgan MV, Reynolds C. Fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. J Dent Res 2008;87(4):344-8
  • Kumar VLN, Itthagarun A, King NM. The effect of ca- sein phosphopeptide-amorph calcium phosphate on re- mineralization of artificial caries-like lesions: an in vitro study. Australian Dental Jorunal 2008;53(1):34-40
  • Andersson A, Skold-Larsson K, Hallgren A, Petersson LG, Twetman S. Effect fo a dental cream containing amorphous cream phosphate complexes on white spot lesion regression assessed by laser fluorescence. Oral Health Prev Dent 2007;5(3):229-33
  • Isokangas P, Alanen P, Tiekso J, Makinen KK. Xylitol chewing-gum in caries prevention: a field study in child- ren. J Am Dent Assoc 1988;117:315-20
  • Leach SA, Green RM. Effect of xylitol-supplemented di- ets on the progression agents. Caries Res 1980;14:16- 23
  • Thaweboon S, Thaweboon B, Soo-Ampon S. The effect of xylitol chewing gum on mutans streptococci in saliva and dental plaque. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2004;35(4):1024-7
  • American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs. Policy on the use of xylitol in caries pre- vention. Pediatr Dent. 2008-2009;30(7 Suppl):36-7
  • Bisham SE, Ostby AW. White spot lesions: formation, prevention, and treatment. Seminars in orthodontics 2008;14(3):174-82

Beyaz Nokta Lezyonlarının Teşhis ve Tedavi Yöntemleri

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 536 - 544, 01.07.2010


Beyaz nokta lezyonları çürüğün başlangıç aşamasında görülen, opak renkli ve minenin dekalsifiye olduğunu gösteren lezyonlardır. Bu lezyonlar tedavi edilmediği takdirde kavitasyon oluşabilir ve çürük gelişebilir. Çürük riski yüksek, ağız apareyi kullanan ya da ortodontik tedavi gören hastalarda beyaz nokta lezyonlarına daha sık rastlanmaktadır. Diş hekimleri, lezyonların muayenesi sırasında kavitasyon oluşturmaktan ve iatrojenik zarar vermekten kaçınmalıdır. Lezyonlar teşhis edildiğinde vakit kaybetmeden tedaviye başlanmalıdır.Bu derlemede, beyaz nokta lezyonlarının oluşumu ile teşhis ve tedavi yöntemleri güncel literatür ışığında derlenmiştir


  • Pinkham JR, Casamassimo PS, Fields HW, Mc Tigue DJ, Nowak AJ. Pediatric Dentistry:Infancy Thorough Adolescence. Elsevier Sounders,Fourth Edition, 199- 203,2005
  • Le Geros RZ. Chemical and crystallographic events in the caries process. J Dent Res.1990;69:567-74.
  • Barnes CM. Dental Hygiene Participation in Mana- ging Incipient and Hidden Caries. Dent Clin N Am 2005;49:795–813
  • Ogaard B, Rezk-Lega F, Ruben J, Arends J. Cariostatic effect and fluoride release from a visible light-curing adhesive for bonding of orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod 1992;101:303-7
  • Per Axelson Diagnosis and Risk Detection of Dental Ca- ries. Quintessence Pub. Germany 2000, p 179-247.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) system. www.who-
  • Pitts N .Diagnostic tools and measurements impact on appropriate care .Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol 1997; 25: 24-35
  • C39-3_200509 B_G_Efes.pdf.
  • McComb D, Tam L. Diagnosis of occlusal caries: Part I. Conventional methods. J Can Dent Assoc 2001; 67: 454- 7.
  • Ekstrand KR, Ricketts DN, Kidd EA. Reproducibility and accuracy of three methods for assessment of deminera- lization depth of the occlusal surface: an in vitro exami- nation. Caries Res 1997; 31: 224-31.
  • Lussi A. Comparison of different methods for the di- agnosis of fissure caries without cavitation. Caries Res 1993; 27: 409-16.
  • Ekstrand K, Qvist V, Thylstrup A. Light microscope study of the effect of probing in occlusal surfaces. Caries Res 1987; 21: 368-74.
  • Axelsson P. Diagnosis and risk prediction of dental ca- ries. Karstald: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2000.
  • Hintze H, Wenzel A. Clinically undetected dental cari- es assessed by bitewing screening in children with little caries experience. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1994; 23: 19-23.
  • Weerheijm KL, Groen HJ, Bast AJ, Kieft JA, Eijkman MA, van Amerongen WE. Clinically undetected occlu- sal dentine caries: a radiographic comparison. Caries Res 1992; 26: 305-9.
  • Verdonschot EH, Kuijpers JM, Polder BJ, De Leng-Worm MH, Bronkhorst EM. Effects of digital grey-scale modi- fication on the diagnosis of small approximal carious lesions. Journal of Dentistry 1992;20(1):44-9
  • Cochrane NJ, Saranathan S., Cai F, Cross KJ, Rey- nolds EC. Enamel Subsurface Lesion Remineralisa- tion with Casein Phosphopeptide Stabilised Soluti- ons of Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride. Caries Res 2008;42:88-97
  • Bjakhagen H, Sundstrom F, Angmar-Mansson B. Early detection of enamel caries by the luminescence excited by visible light. Sweed Dent. 1982:6:1-7.
  • Tam L, McComb D. Diagnosis of occlusal caries: Part II. Recent diagnostic technologies. J Can Dent Assoc 2001: 67: 459-63
  • Lussi A, Imwinkelried S, Pitts N, Longbottom C, Reich E. Performance and reproducibility of a laser fluorescen- ce system fortion of occlusal caries in vitro. Caries Res 1999; 33 (4): 261-6
  • Longbottom C, Huysmans MC. Electrical measurements for use in caries clinical trials. Journal of Dental Resear- ch 2004:83. Spc no. C:C 76-9
  • Stookey GK, Jackson RD,Ferreira Zandona AG,Analoui M.:Dental caries diagnosis.Dent Clin North Am, 1999:43:665-77
  • Bader JD, Shugars DA, Bonito AJ. A systematic review of the performance of methods for identifying carious lesi- ons. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 2002;62(4):201- 13
  • Ersöz E., Oktay N.:Alternatif çürük teşhis yöntemleri. Atatürk Üni Diş Hek. Fak. Derg., 2002:12(2):56-63.
  • Longbottom C, Huysmans MC, Pitts NB, Los P, Bruce PG. Detection of dental decay and its extent using a.c. impedance spectroscopy. Nat Med 1996; 2: 235-7
  • Schneiderman A, Elbaum M, Schultz T.: Assesment of dental caries with DIFOTI: In vitro study. Caries Res, 1997:31:103-10.
  • Stookey GK. The evolution of caries detection. Dimen- sions of Dental Hygiene 2003;October:12–5
  • Benedict HC. Notes on the fluorescence of teeth in ul- traviolet rays. Science 1928:67:422.
  • Berg JH. The Marketplace for New Caries Manage- ment Products: Dental Caries Detection and Caries Management by Risk Assessment ,BMC Oral Health, 2006:6(Suppl 1):S1-6.
  • Angmar-Mansson B, ten Bosch JJ. Quantitative Light- Induced Fluorescence (QLF): a method for assessment of incipient caries lesions. Dentomaxillofac Radiology 2001;30(6):298-307
  • Gündüz K, Çelenk P. Çürük anısında kullanılan yeni yöntemler. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakül- tesi Dergisi 2003,6:1;43-9
  • Çalışkan Yanıkoğlu F, Ozturk F, Hayran O, Analoui M, Stookey GK.:Detection of natural white spot lesions by an ultrasonic system. Caries Res, 2000:34:225-32.
  • Ng SY, Ferguson MWJ, Payne PA, Slater P.: Ultrasonic studies of unblemished and artificially demineralized enamel in extracted human teeth, A new method for detecting early caries. J Dent,1988:16:201-9
  • Barber FE, Lees S, Lobene RR.:Ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements in teeth.Archs oral Biol,1969:14,745- 60
  • American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs. Policy on use of a caries-risk assess- ment tool (CAT) for infants, children and adolescents. Pediatr Dent 2008-2009;30(7 Suppl):29-33
  • Kandray DP. Caries risk and nutrition in adolescents. Journal of Practical Hygiene 2004;13(5):19–22
  • Glock M, Horowitz AM, Canto MT, compilers. Diag- nosis and management of dental caries. Current bib- liographies in medicine 2001-1. Available at: http:// Ac- cessed February 1, 2001
  • Berkowitz RJ Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Early Childhood Caries: A Microbiologic Perspective J Can Dent Assoc 2003; 69(5):304–7
  • Douglass JM, Douglass AB, Silk HJ. A practical guide to infant oral health. Am Fam Physician 2004;70:2113-22
  • Samir E, Ostby B, Ostby AW. White spot lesions: formation, prevention and treatment, Semin Orthod 2008:14;3:174-182.
  • Gelgör İE, Büyükyılmaz T. A practical approach to whi- te spot lesion removal. World J Orthod 2003;4:152-6
  • Balensefien JW, Madonia JV. Study of dental plaque in orthodontic patients. J Dent Res 1970;49:320-4
  • Gwinnett AJ, Ceen RF. Plaque distribution on bonded brackets: A scanning microscope study. Am J Orthod 1979;75:667-77
  • Şengün A, Sarı Z, Ramoğlu SI, Malkoç S, Duran I. Eva- luation of the dental plaque pH recovery effect of a xylitol lozenge on patients with fixed orthodontic appli- ances. Angle Orthod 2004;74:240-4
  • Weitman T, Eames WB. Plaque accumulation on com- posite surfaces after various finishing procedures. Am Dent Association 1975;91:101-6
  • Zachrisson BU, Brobakken BO. Clinical comparison of direct versus indirect bonding with different bracket ty- pes and adhesives. Am J Orthod 1987;74:62-78.
  • Derks A, Katsaros C, Frencken JE, van’t Hof MA, Kuji- pers-Jagtman AM. Caries- Inhibiting Effect of Preventi- ve Measures during Orthodontic Treatment with Fixed Appliances, Caries Res 2004;38:413-20
  • Beyth N, Redlich M, Harari D, Friedman M, Steinberg D. Effect of sustained-release chlorhexidine varnish on streptococcus mutans and actinomyces viscosus in ort- hodontic patients. Am J Orthod 2003;123(3):345-8
  • Doherty UB, Benson PE, Higham SM. Fluoride-relea- sing elastomeric ligatures assessed with the in situ cari- es model. Eur J Orthod 2002;24;371-8
  • Geiger AM, Gorelick L, Gwinnett AJ, Benson BJ. Redu- cing white spot lesions in orthodontic populations with fluoride rinsing. Am J Orthod 1992;101:403-7
  • Kalha A. Some evidence that fluoride during orthodon- tic treatment reduces occurrence and severity of white spot lesions. Evid Based Dent 2004;5:98-9
  • Madlena M, Vitalyos G, Marton S, Nagy G. Effect of chlorhexidine varnish on bacterial levels in plaque and saliva during orthodontic treatment. J Clin Dent 2000;11(2):42-6
  • Pascotto RC, Navarro MF, Capelozza FL, Cury JA. In vivo effect of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement on enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod 2004;125:36-41
  • Trairatvorakul C, Kladkaew S, Songsiripradabboon S. Active Management of incipient caries and choice of materials. J Dent Res 2008;87(3):228-32
  • Featherstone JD. Caries prevention and reversal based on the caries balance. Pediatric Dentistry 2006;28:128- 32
  • Featherstone JD. Delivery challenges for fluoride, chlor- hexidine and xylitol. BMC Oral Health 2006;6:S8
  • Mukai Y, ten Cate JM. Remineralization of advan- ced root dentin lesions in vitro. Caries Research 2002;36:275-80
  • Abdullah AZ, Strafford SM, Brookes SJ. The effect of copper on demineralization of dental enamel. Journal of Dental Research 2006;85:1011-5
  • Iijima M, Du C, Abbott C, Doi Y, Morodian-Oldak J. Control of apatite crystal growth by the co-operative ef- fect of a recombinant porcine amelogenin and fluoride. European Journal of Oral Science 2006;114:304-7
  • Marinho VCC, Higgins JPT, Sheiham A, Logan S: Fluo- ride toothpaste for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents (review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003
  • Schmidlin PR, Dörig I, Lussi A, Roos M, Imfeld T., Oral Health Prev Dent. 2007;5(3):201-8
  • Marini I, Peeliccioni GA, Vecchiet F, Alessandri Bonet- ti G, Checci L. European Journal of Orthodontics. A retentive system for intra-oral fluoride release during orthodontic treatment.1999:21:695-701
  • Altenburger MJ, Schirrmeister JF, Wrbas KT, Hellwig E. Remineralization of artificial interproximal carious lesions using a fluoride mouthrinse. Am J Dent 2007 Dec;20(6):385-9
  • Tange T, Sakurai Y, Hirose M, Noro D, Igarashi S. The effect of xylitol and fluoride on remineralization for primary tooth enamel caries in vitro. Pediatric Dental Journal 2004;14(1):55-59
  • Thuy TT, Nakagaki H, Kato K, Hung PA, Inukai J, Tsu- boi S, Nakagaki H, Hirose MN, Igarashi S, Robinson C. Effect of strontium in combination with fluoride on enamel remineralization in vitro. Archives of Oral Bio- logy 2008;53:1017-22
  • Cross KJ, Hug NL, Reynolds EC. Casein phosphopepti- des in oral health - chemistry and clinical applications. Curr Pharm Des 2007;13(8):793-800
  • Pai D, Bhat SS, Taranath A, Sargod S, Pai VM. Use of laser fluorescence and scanning electron micros- cope to evaluate remineralization of incipient enamel lesions remineralized by topical application of case- in phospho peptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-aCP) containing cream. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2008 Spring;32(3):201-6.
  • Reynolds EC, Cai F, Cochrane NJ, Shen P, Walker GD, Morgan MV, Reynolds C. Fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. J Dent Res 2008;87(4):344-8
  • Kumar VLN, Itthagarun A, King NM. The effect of ca- sein phosphopeptide-amorph calcium phosphate on re- mineralization of artificial caries-like lesions: an in vitro study. Australian Dental Jorunal 2008;53(1):34-40
  • Andersson A, Skold-Larsson K, Hallgren A, Petersson LG, Twetman S. Effect fo a dental cream containing amorphous cream phosphate complexes on white spot lesion regression assessed by laser fluorescence. Oral Health Prev Dent 2007;5(3):229-33
  • Isokangas P, Alanen P, Tiekso J, Makinen KK. Xylitol chewing-gum in caries prevention: a field study in child- ren. J Am Dent Assoc 1988;117:315-20
  • Leach SA, Green RM. Effect of xylitol-supplemented di- ets on the progression agents. Caries Res 1980;14:16- 23
  • Thaweboon S, Thaweboon B, Soo-Ampon S. The effect of xylitol chewing gum on mutans streptococci in saliva and dental plaque. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2004;35(4):1024-7
  • American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs. Policy on the use of xylitol in caries pre- vention. Pediatr Dent. 2008-2009;30(7 Suppl):36-7
  • Bisham SE, Ostby AW. White spot lesions: formation, prevention, and treatment. Seminars in orthodontics 2008;14(3):174-82
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Meltem Derya Akkurt Bu kişi benim

Günseli Güven Polat Bu kişi benim

Ceyhan Altun Bu kişi benim

Feridun Başak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Akkurt MD, Polat GG, Altun C, Başak F. Beyaz Nokta Lezyonlarının Teşhis ve Tedavi Yöntemleri. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2010;4(2):536-44.