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In Vitro Cytotoxicity Of Hypoallergenic and Conventional Denture Base Materials On L-929 Mouse Fibroblasts

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 574 - 580, 01.07.2010


The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of two hypoallergenic Polyan, Promysan , one injection-molded SR-Ivocap and one conventional heat-cured denture base resins Acron at 24, 48 and 72 h on L-929 cells and to determine the effect of waterstorage for 24 hours on the cytotoxicity of these denture base materials. Disc-shaped test samples of denture base materials, were fabricated according to manufacturers’ instructions under aseptic conditions. Samples were then divided into two groups. Group 1 samples were not stored in water after processing. Group 2 samples were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. Then the samples were placed in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium/Ham’s F12 DMEM/F12 for 24, 48, and 72 hours. After the incubation periods, cytotoxicity of the extracts to cultured fibroblasts L-929 was measured by MTT assay. The degree of cytotoxicity of each sample was determined according to the reference value represented by control cells culture without sample . All materials tested showed high cell viability percentages in all experimental incubation periods SR-Ivocap; 91.29 %, Acron; 92.58 %, Polyan; 92.28 %, Promysan; 89.12 % . The differences between the materials in all incubation periods were not found statistically significant p


  • Tang ATH, Li J, Ekstrand J, Liu Y. Cytotoxicity tests of in situ polymerized resins: methodological comparisons and in- troduction of a tissue culture insert as a testing device. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 45: 214-222, 1999.
  • Yunus N, Rashıd AA, Azmi LL, Abu-Hasan MI. Some flex- tural properties of a nylon denture base polymer. J. Oral Rehabil. 32: 65-71, 2005.
  • Baker S, Brooks SC, Walker DM. The release of residual monomeric methyl metacrylate from acrylic appliances in the human mouth: An assay for monomer in saliva. J. Dent. Res. 67: 1295-1299, 1988.
  • Weaver RE, Goebel WM. Reactions to acrylic resin dental prostheses. J. Prosthet. Dent. 43: 138-142, 1980.
  • Basker RM, Hunter AM, Highet AS. A severe asthmatic re- action to poly (methyl methacrylate) denture base resin. Br. Dent. J. 169: 250-251, 1990.
  • Taira M, Nakao H, Matsumoto T, Takahashi J. Cytotoxic effect of methyl methacrylate on 4 cultured fibroblast. Int. J. Prosthodont. 13: 311-315, 2000.
  • Jorge JH, Giampaolo ET, Machado AL, Vergani CE. Cyto- toxicity of denture base acrylic resins: A literature review. J. Prosthet. Dent. 90: 190-193, 2003.
  • Lefebvre CA, Knoernschild KL, Schuster GS. Cytotoxicity of eluates from light-polymerized denture base resins. J Prosthet. Dent. 72: 644-650, 1994.
  • Sheridan PJ, Koka S, Ewoldsen NO, Lefebvre CA, Lavin MT. Cytotoxicity of denture base resins. Int. J. Prostho- dont. 10: 73-77, 1997.
  • Murray MD, Darvell BW. The evolution of the complete denture base. Theories of complete denture retention-a review. Part 1. Aust. Dent. J. 38: 216-219, 1993.
  • Price CA. A history of dental polymers. Aust. Prostho- dont. J. 8: 47-54, 1994.
  • Pfeiffer P, Rosenbauer EU. Residual methyl methacrylate monomer, water sorption, and water solubility of hypoal- lergenic denture base materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 92: 72-78, 2004.
  • Rustemeyer T, Frosch PJ. Occupational skin diseases in dental laboratory technicians. (I). Clinical picture and causative factors. Contact. Dermatitis. 34: 125-133, 1996.
  • Wataha JC. Principles of biocompatibility for dental practitioners. J. Prosthet. Dent. 86: 203-209, 2001.
  • Hanks CT, Wataha JC, Sun Z. In vitro models of biocom- patibility: a review. Dent. Mater. 12: 186-193, 1996.
  • Huang FM, Tai KW, Hu CC, Chang YC. Cytotoxic effects of denture base materials on a permanent human oral epithelial cell line and on primary human oral fibroblasts in vitro. Int. J. Prosthodont. 14: 439-443, 2001.
  • International Organisation for Standardization ISO/DIS 7405, Dentistry: preclinical evaluation of biocompat- ibility of medical devices used in dentistry:test methods. (revision of ISO/TR 7405). Geneva,1994
  • Federation Dentaire International. Recommended stan- dard practices for biological evaluation of dental materi- als. Part 4.11: subcutaneous implantation test. Int. Dent. J. 30: 173-174, 1980.
  • Kallus T. Evaluation of the toxicity odenture base poly- mers after subcutaneous implantation in guinea pigs. J. Prosthet. Dent. 52: 126-134, 1984.
  • Lefebvre CA, Schuster GS. Biocompatibility of visible light-cured resin systems in prosthodontics. J. Prosthet. Dent. 71: 178-185, 1994.
  • Polyzois GL, Hensten–Pettersen A, Kullmann A. An as- sessment of the physical properties and biocompatibility of three silicone elastomers. J. Prosthet. Dent. 71: 500- 504, 1994.
  • Jorge JH, Giampaolo ET, Machado AL, Vergani CE, Machado AL, Pavarina AC, Carlos IZ. Cytotoxicity of denture base acrylic resins: Effect of water bath and microwave postpolymerization heat treatments. Int. J. Prosthodont. 17 :340-344, 2004.
  • Schmalz G. Concepts in biocompatibility testing of den- tal restorative materials. Clin. Oral Invest. 1: 154-162, 1997.
  • Hensten-Pettersen A. Comparison of the methods avail- able for assessing cytotoxicity. Int. Endod. J. 21 :89-99, 1988.
  • Upadhyay P, Bhaskar S. Real time monitoring of lympho- cyte proliferation by an impedance method. J. Immunol. Methods. 244: 133-137, 2000.
  • Costa CA, Edwards CA, Hanks CT. Cytotoxic effects of cleansing solutions recommended for chemical lavage of pulp exposures. Am. J. Dent. 14: 25-30, 2001.
  • Rose EC, Bumann J, Jonas IE, Kappert HF. Contribution to the biological assessment of orthodontic acrylic materi- als. Measurement of their residual monomer output and cytotoxicity. J. Orofac. Orthop. 61: 246-257, 2000.
  • Niu Q, Zhao C, Jing Z. An evaluation of the colorimet- ric assays based on enzymatic reactions used in the maesurement of human natural cytotoxicity. J. Immunol. Methods. 251: 11-19, 2001.
  • International Standards Organisation 10993-5. Biologi- cal Evaluation of medical devices. Part 5. Tests for Cy- totoxicity in vitro Methods. Geneva, Switzerland,1997.
  • Campanha NH, Pavarina AC, Giampaolo ET, Machado AL, Carlos IZ, Vergani CE. Cytotoxicity of hard chairside reline resins: Effect of microwave irradiation and water bath postpolymerization treatments. Int. J. Prosthodont. 19:195-201, 2006.
  • Lassila LV,Valittu PK. Denture base polymer Alldent Sino- mer: mechanical properties, water sorption and release of residual compounds. J. Oral Rehabil. 28 :607-613, 2001.
  • Miettinen VM, Valittu PK, Release of residual methyl methacrylate into water from glass fibre- poly(methylmethacrylate) composite used in dentures. Biomaterials. 18: 181-185, 1997.
  • Tsuchiya H, Hoshino Y, Tajima K, Takagi N. Leaching and cytotoxicity of formaldehyde and methyl methacry- late from acrylic resin denture base materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 71: 618-624, 1994.
  • Vallittu PK, Miettinen V, Alakuijala P. Residual monomer content and its release into water from denture base ma- terials. Dent. Mater. 11: 338-342, 1995.
  • Jorge HJ, Giampaolo ET, Vergani CE, Machado AL, Pa- varina AC, Carlos IZ. Biocompatibility of denture base acrylic resins evaluated in culture of L929 cells. Effect of polymerisation cycle and post-polimerisation treatments. Gerodontology. 24: 52-57, 2007.
  • Urban VM, Machado AL, Oliveira RV, Vergani CE, Pa- varina AC, Cass QB. Residual monomer of reline acrylic resins, Effect of water-bath and microwave post-polimer- ization treatments. Dent. Mater. 23: 363-368, 2007.
  • Pfeiffer P, Rolleke C, Sherif L. Flexural strength and mod- uli of hypoallergenic denture base materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 93: 372-377, 2005.
  • O’Brien WJ. Dental materials and their selection. Chi- cago: 3rd ed. Quintessence Pub Co, 2002, 21-22.
  • Veres EM, Wolfaardt JF, Becker PJ. An evaluation of the surface characteristics of a facial elastomer. Part I: Review of the literature on the surface characteristics of dental materials with maxillofacial prosthetic applica- tion. J. Prosthet. Dent. 63: 193-197, 1990.
  • Bean TA, Zhuang WC, Tong PY, Eick JD, Chappelow CC, Yourtee DM. Comparison of tetrazolium colorimetric and 51Cr release assays for cytotoxicity determination of dental biomaterials. Dent. Mater. 11: 327-331, 1995.
  • Hanks CT, Strawn SE, Wataha JC, Craig RG. Cytotoxic effects of resin components on cultured mammalian fi- broblasts. J. Dent. Res. 70: 1450-1455, 1991.
  • Wataha JC, Craig RG, Hanks CT. Precision of and new methods for testing in vitro alloy cytotoxicity. Dent. Ma- ter. 8: 65–70, 1992.
  • Spangberg LS. In vitro assessment of the toxicity of end- odontic materials. Int. Endod. J. 14: 27-33, 1981.

Hipoalerjenik ve Geleneksel Protez Kaide Materyallerinin L-929 Fare Fibroblastları Üzerindeki Sitotoksisitelerinin İn Vitro Olarak İncelenmesi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 574 - 580, 01.07.2010


Bu in vitro çalışmanın amacı iki hipoalejenik rezin Polyan, Promysan , bir enjeksiyon akriliği SR-Ivocap ve bir geleneksel ısı ile polimerize protez kaide akriliğinin L-929 fare fibroblastları üzerindeki toksik etkisilerinin 24, 48 ve 72. saatlerde değerlendirilmesi ve 24 saat suda bekletmenin bu materyallerin toksikliği üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesidir. Protez kaide materyallerinden üretici firma talimatları doğrultusunda steril koşullarda disk şekilinde örnekler hazırlandı. Örnekler iki gruba ayrıldı; birinci gruptaki örnekler suda bekletilmedi, ikinci gruptaki örnekler 37°C’de distile suda 24 saat bekletildi. Örnekler Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium/Ham’s F12 DMEM/F12 solüsyonunda 24, 48 ve 72 saat bekletildi. İnkübasyon periyotlarının sonunda solüsyonların fibroblastlar L-929 üzerindeki sitotoksisiteleri MTT testi kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Her bir örnek için sitotoksisite derecesi kontrol hücrelerinde örnek içermeyen kültür tespit edilen değer referans alınarak hesaplındı. Çalışmada test edilen tüm materyaller SR-Ivocap; % 91.29, Acron; % 92.58, Polyan; % 92.28, Promysan; % 89,12 tüm inkübasyon periyotlarında yüksek hücre canlılığı oranları göstermiştir. Tüm inkübasyon periyotlarında materyaller arasında istatistik olarak anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır p


  • Tang ATH, Li J, Ekstrand J, Liu Y. Cytotoxicity tests of in situ polymerized resins: methodological comparisons and in- troduction of a tissue culture insert as a testing device. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 45: 214-222, 1999.
  • Yunus N, Rashıd AA, Azmi LL, Abu-Hasan MI. Some flex- tural properties of a nylon denture base polymer. J. Oral Rehabil. 32: 65-71, 2005.
  • Baker S, Brooks SC, Walker DM. The release of residual monomeric methyl metacrylate from acrylic appliances in the human mouth: An assay for monomer in saliva. J. Dent. Res. 67: 1295-1299, 1988.
  • Weaver RE, Goebel WM. Reactions to acrylic resin dental prostheses. J. Prosthet. Dent. 43: 138-142, 1980.
  • Basker RM, Hunter AM, Highet AS. A severe asthmatic re- action to poly (methyl methacrylate) denture base resin. Br. Dent. J. 169: 250-251, 1990.
  • Taira M, Nakao H, Matsumoto T, Takahashi J. Cytotoxic effect of methyl methacrylate on 4 cultured fibroblast. Int. J. Prosthodont. 13: 311-315, 2000.
  • Jorge JH, Giampaolo ET, Machado AL, Vergani CE. Cyto- toxicity of denture base acrylic resins: A literature review. J. Prosthet. Dent. 90: 190-193, 2003.
  • Lefebvre CA, Knoernschild KL, Schuster GS. Cytotoxicity of eluates from light-polymerized denture base resins. J Prosthet. Dent. 72: 644-650, 1994.
  • Sheridan PJ, Koka S, Ewoldsen NO, Lefebvre CA, Lavin MT. Cytotoxicity of denture base resins. Int. J. Prostho- dont. 10: 73-77, 1997.
  • Murray MD, Darvell BW. The evolution of the complete denture base. Theories of complete denture retention-a review. Part 1. Aust. Dent. J. 38: 216-219, 1993.
  • Price CA. A history of dental polymers. Aust. Prostho- dont. J. 8: 47-54, 1994.
  • Pfeiffer P, Rosenbauer EU. Residual methyl methacrylate monomer, water sorption, and water solubility of hypoal- lergenic denture base materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 92: 72-78, 2004.
  • Rustemeyer T, Frosch PJ. Occupational skin diseases in dental laboratory technicians. (I). Clinical picture and causative factors. Contact. Dermatitis. 34: 125-133, 1996.
  • Wataha JC. Principles of biocompatibility for dental practitioners. J. Prosthet. Dent. 86: 203-209, 2001.
  • Hanks CT, Wataha JC, Sun Z. In vitro models of biocom- patibility: a review. Dent. Mater. 12: 186-193, 1996.
  • Huang FM, Tai KW, Hu CC, Chang YC. Cytotoxic effects of denture base materials on a permanent human oral epithelial cell line and on primary human oral fibroblasts in vitro. Int. J. Prosthodont. 14: 439-443, 2001.
  • International Organisation for Standardization ISO/DIS 7405, Dentistry: preclinical evaluation of biocompat- ibility of medical devices used in dentistry:test methods. (revision of ISO/TR 7405). Geneva,1994
  • Federation Dentaire International. Recommended stan- dard practices for biological evaluation of dental materi- als. Part 4.11: subcutaneous implantation test. Int. Dent. J. 30: 173-174, 1980.
  • Kallus T. Evaluation of the toxicity odenture base poly- mers after subcutaneous implantation in guinea pigs. J. Prosthet. Dent. 52: 126-134, 1984.
  • Lefebvre CA, Schuster GS. Biocompatibility of visible light-cured resin systems in prosthodontics. J. Prosthet. Dent. 71: 178-185, 1994.
  • Polyzois GL, Hensten–Pettersen A, Kullmann A. An as- sessment of the physical properties and biocompatibility of three silicone elastomers. J. Prosthet. Dent. 71: 500- 504, 1994.
  • Jorge JH, Giampaolo ET, Machado AL, Vergani CE, Machado AL, Pavarina AC, Carlos IZ. Cytotoxicity of denture base acrylic resins: Effect of water bath and microwave postpolymerization heat treatments. Int. J. Prosthodont. 17 :340-344, 2004.
  • Schmalz G. Concepts in biocompatibility testing of den- tal restorative materials. Clin. Oral Invest. 1: 154-162, 1997.
  • Hensten-Pettersen A. Comparison of the methods avail- able for assessing cytotoxicity. Int. Endod. J. 21 :89-99, 1988.
  • Upadhyay P, Bhaskar S. Real time monitoring of lympho- cyte proliferation by an impedance method. J. Immunol. Methods. 244: 133-137, 2000.
  • Costa CA, Edwards CA, Hanks CT. Cytotoxic effects of cleansing solutions recommended for chemical lavage of pulp exposures. Am. J. Dent. 14: 25-30, 2001.
  • Rose EC, Bumann J, Jonas IE, Kappert HF. Contribution to the biological assessment of orthodontic acrylic materi- als. Measurement of their residual monomer output and cytotoxicity. J. Orofac. Orthop. 61: 246-257, 2000.
  • Niu Q, Zhao C, Jing Z. An evaluation of the colorimet- ric assays based on enzymatic reactions used in the maesurement of human natural cytotoxicity. J. Immunol. Methods. 251: 11-19, 2001.
  • International Standards Organisation 10993-5. Biologi- cal Evaluation of medical devices. Part 5. Tests for Cy- totoxicity in vitro Methods. Geneva, Switzerland,1997.
  • Campanha NH, Pavarina AC, Giampaolo ET, Machado AL, Carlos IZ, Vergani CE. Cytotoxicity of hard chairside reline resins: Effect of microwave irradiation and water bath postpolymerization treatments. Int. J. Prosthodont. 19:195-201, 2006.
  • Lassila LV,Valittu PK. Denture base polymer Alldent Sino- mer: mechanical properties, water sorption and release of residual compounds. J. Oral Rehabil. 28 :607-613, 2001.
  • Miettinen VM, Valittu PK, Release of residual methyl methacrylate into water from glass fibre- poly(methylmethacrylate) composite used in dentures. Biomaterials. 18: 181-185, 1997.
  • Tsuchiya H, Hoshino Y, Tajima K, Takagi N. Leaching and cytotoxicity of formaldehyde and methyl methacry- late from acrylic resin denture base materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 71: 618-624, 1994.
  • Vallittu PK, Miettinen V, Alakuijala P. Residual monomer content and its release into water from denture base ma- terials. Dent. Mater. 11: 338-342, 1995.
  • Jorge HJ, Giampaolo ET, Vergani CE, Machado AL, Pa- varina AC, Carlos IZ. Biocompatibility of denture base acrylic resins evaluated in culture of L929 cells. Effect of polymerisation cycle and post-polimerisation treatments. Gerodontology. 24: 52-57, 2007.
  • Urban VM, Machado AL, Oliveira RV, Vergani CE, Pa- varina AC, Cass QB. Residual monomer of reline acrylic resins, Effect of water-bath and microwave post-polimer- ization treatments. Dent. Mater. 23: 363-368, 2007.
  • Pfeiffer P, Rolleke C, Sherif L. Flexural strength and mod- uli of hypoallergenic denture base materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 93: 372-377, 2005.
  • O’Brien WJ. Dental materials and their selection. Chi- cago: 3rd ed. Quintessence Pub Co, 2002, 21-22.
  • Veres EM, Wolfaardt JF, Becker PJ. An evaluation of the surface characteristics of a facial elastomer. Part I: Review of the literature on the surface characteristics of dental materials with maxillofacial prosthetic applica- tion. J. Prosthet. Dent. 63: 193-197, 1990.
  • Bean TA, Zhuang WC, Tong PY, Eick JD, Chappelow CC, Yourtee DM. Comparison of tetrazolium colorimetric and 51Cr release assays for cytotoxicity determination of dental biomaterials. Dent. Mater. 11: 327-331, 1995.
  • Hanks CT, Strawn SE, Wataha JC, Craig RG. Cytotoxic effects of resin components on cultured mammalian fi- broblasts. J. Dent. Res. 70: 1450-1455, 1991.
  • Wataha JC, Craig RG, Hanks CT. Precision of and new methods for testing in vitro alloy cytotoxicity. Dent. Ma- ter. 8: 65–70, 1992.
  • Spangberg LS. In vitro assessment of the toxicity of end- odontic materials. Int. Endod. J. 14: 27-33, 1981.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Seçil Karakoca Nemli Bu kişi benim

Bilge Turhan Bal Bu kişi benim

Handan Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Cemal Aydın Bu kişi benim

Şükran Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Karakoca Nemli S, Bal BT, Yılmaz H, Aydın C, Yılmaz Ş. Hipoalerjenik ve Geleneksel Protez Kaide Materyallerinin L-929 Fare Fibroblastları Üzerindeki Sitotoksisitelerinin İn Vitro Olarak İncelenmesi. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2010;4(2):574-80.