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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 352 - 360, 01.07.2009


Tooth wear can be defined as a loss of tooth structure caused by many factors, such as bruxism, diet, gastroesophageal reflux, eating disorders and xerostomia. Tooth wear have been classified as attrision, abrasion, erosion and abfraction, due to the etiologic factors. Attrition is the tooth structure loss caused by tooth-to-tooth contact during mastication or para-function. Abrasion is the wear of tooth surface as a result of the foreign substances. The loss of tooth structure by chemical processes not involving bacterial action is termed as erosion. Abfraction is the loss of tooth structure caused by biomechanical loading of forces. Tooth wear may be purely physiological and occurs as a natural consequence of ageing. However erosion, abrasion and attrition can render tooth wear pathological. Not all patients with tooth wear need oral rehabilitation. It is imperative to apply restorative procedures when tooth wear results in aesthetic concern, tooth sensitivity and functional problems. Any treatment must take into account of the proper diagnosis of the tooth wear. The management of severely worn dentition may be challenging because of the problems related to the occlusal vertical dimension and uneven occlusal plane. Anterior facial height may also not be significantly reduced owing to the dento-alveolar compansation. There are many methods and materials, such as veneer, composite resin or crown restorations available for the restoration of a worn dentition. However, there are also many questions about what the most appropriate and effective approach may be in the clinical situation


  • Molnar S. Tooth wear and culture. A survey of tooth function among some prehistoric populations. Curr An- thropol 13: 511-26, 1972.
  • Pindborg JJ. Pathology of the dental hard tissues. Co- penhagen: Munksgaard, Denmark, 1970, 294-325.
  • Kelleher M, Bishop K. Tooth surface loss: an overview. Br Dent J 186: 61-6, 1999.
  • Braem M, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Stress-induced lesions. J Prosthet Dent 67: 718-22, 1992.
  • Grippo JA. Abfractions: A new classification of hard tissue lesions. J Esthetic Dent 3: 14-9, 1991.
  • Michael JA, Townsend GC, Greenwood LF, Kaidonis JA. Abfraction: separating fact from fiction. Aust Dent J 54: 2-8, 2009.
  • Van’t Spijker A, Rodriguez JM, Kreulen CM, Bronk- horst EM, Bartlett DW, Creugers NH. Prevalence of to- oth wear in adults. Int J Prosthodont 22: 35-42, 2009.
  • Ekfeldt A, Hugoson, Bergendal T, Helkimo M. An in- dividual tooth wear index and an analysis of factors correlated to incisal and occlusal wear in an adult Swedish population. Acta Odontol Scand 48: 343-9, 1990.
  • Seligman DA, Pullinger AG, Solberg WK. The preva- lence of dental attrition and its association with factors of age, gender, occlusion and TMJ symptomatology. J Dent Res 67: 1323-33, 1988.
  • Carlsson GE, Johansson A, Lundqvist S. Occlusal we- ar-a follow-up study of 18 subjects with extensively worn dentitions. Acta Odontol Scand 43: 83-90, 1985.
  • Graf H. Bruxism. Dent Clin North Am 13: 569-665, 1969.
  • Carlsson GE, Hugoson A, Persson G. Dental abrasion and alveolar bone loss in the white rat. IV. The impor- tance of the consistency of the diet and its abrasive components. Odontol Rev 18: 263-8, 1967.
  • Ekfeldt A. Incisal and occlusal tooth wear and wear of some prosthodontic materials. Swed Dent J Suppl. 65: 1-62, 1989.
  • Hellström I. Oral complications in anorexia nervosa. Scand J Dent Res 85: 71-86, 1977.
  • Eccles JD. Erosion affecting the palatal surfaces of up- per anterior teeth in young people. A report of 19 cases. Br Dent J 152: 375-8, 1982.
  • Eccles JD, Jenkins WG. Dental erosion and diet. J Dent 2: 15-9, 1974.
  • Enbom L, Magnusson T, Wall G. Occlusal wear in miners. Swed Dent J 10: 165-70, 1986.
  • Petersen PE, Henmar P. Oral conditions among wor- kers in the Danish granite industry. Scand J Work En- viron Health 14: 328-31, 1988.
  • Dülgergil CT, Erdemir EO, Ercan E, Erdemir A. An in- dustrial dental-erosion by chromic Acid: a case report. Eur J Dent 1: 119-22, 2007.
  • Johansson A. A cross-cultural study of occlusal tooth wear. Swed Dent J Suppl 86: 1-59, 1992.
  • Tsiggos N, Tortopidis D, Hatzikyriakos A, Menexes G. Association between self-reported bruxism activity and occurrence of dental attrition, abfraction, and occlusal pits on natural teeth. J Prosthet Dent 100: 41-6, 2008.
  • Egermark-Eriksson I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T. A long-term epidemiological study of the relationship between occlusal factors and mandibular dysfunction in children and adolescents. J Dent Res 66: 67-71
  • Pergamalian A, Rudy TE, Zaki HS, Greco CMJ. The association between wear facets, bruxism, and seve- rity of facial pain in patients with temporomandibular disorders. J Prosthet Dent 90: 194-200, 2003.
  • Khan F, Young WG, Daley TJ. Dental erosion and bruxism. A tooth wear analysis from south east Que- ensland. Aust Dent J 43: 117-27, 1998.
  • Lavigne GJ, Rompre PH, Montplaisir JY. Sleep bruxism: validity of clinical research diagnostic criteria in a con- trolled polysomnographic study. J Dent Res 75: 546- 52, 1996.
  • Seligman DA, Pullinger AG, Solberg WK. The preva- lence of dental attrition and its association with factors of age, gender, occlusion, and TMJ symptomatology. J Dent Res 67: 1323-1333, 1988.
  • Attin T. Methods for assessment of dental erosion. Mo- nogr Oral Sci 20: 152-72, 2006.
  • Tallgren A. Changes in adult face height due to ageing, wear and loss of teeth and prosthetic treatment. Acta Odont Scand 15: Suppl.24, 73, 1957.
  • Berry DC, Poole DFG. Attrition: possible mechanisms of compensation. J Oral Rehabil 3: 201-6, 1976.
  • Russell MD. The distinction between physiological and pathological attrition: a review. Ir Dent Assoc 33: 23- 31, 1987.
  • Dawson P. Functional occlusion: from TMJ to smile de- sign. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier 2007, 430-452.
  • Faigenblum M. Removable prostheses. Br Dent J 186: 273-6, 1999.
  • Johansson A, Johansson AK, Omar R, Carlsson GE. Rehabilitation of the worn dentition. J Oral Rehabil 35: 548-66, 2008.
  • De Boever JA, Carlsson GE, Klineberg IJ. Need for occ- lusal therapy and prosthodontic treatment in the mana- gement of temporomandibular disorders. Part II. Tooth loss and prosthodontic treatment. J Oral Rehabil 27: 647-59, 2000.
  • Wickens JL. Prevention and maintenance Br Dent J 186: 371-6, 1999.
  • Ibbetson R. Treatment planning. Br Dent J 186: 552-8, 1999.
  • Bardsley PF. The evolution of tooth wear indices. Clin Oral Investig 12 Suppl 1:S15-9, 2008.
  • Davies SJ, Gray RJ, Qualtrough AJ. Management of tooth surface loss. Br Dent J; 192:11-6, 19-23, 2002.
  • Ladalardo TC, Pinheiro A,Campos, RA, Brugnera JA, Zanin F, Albernaz PL, Weckx LL Laser therapy in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Braz Dent J 15: 144-50, 2004.
  • Carlsson GE, Ingervall B, Kocak G. Effect of increasing vertical dimension on the masticatory system in the su- bjects with natural teeth. J Prosthet Dent;41: 284-9, 1979.
  • Hellsing G. Functional adaptation to changes in vertical dimension. J Prosthet Dent 52: 867-70, 1984.
  • Dahl BL, Krogstad O. The effect of a partial bite raising splint on the occlusal face height. An x-ray cephalo- metric study in human adults. Acta Odontol Scand 40: 17-24, 1982.
  • Walls AW. The use of adhesively retained all porcelain veneers during the management of fractured and worn anterior teeth: Part 1 Clinical technique. Br Dent J 178: 333-6, 1995.
  • Hanamura H, Houston F, Rylander H, Carlsson GE, Ha- raldson T, Nyman S. Periodontal status and bruxism. A comparative study of patients with periodontal di- sease and occlusal parafunctions. J Periodontol 58: 173-6, 1987.
  • Hemmings KW, Darbar UR, Vaughan S. Tooth wear treated with direct composite restorations at an increa- sed vertical dimension: results at 30 months. J Prosthet Dent 83: 287-93. 2000.
  • Creugers NH, van’t Spijker A. Tooth wear and occlu- sion: friends or foes? Int J Prosthodont 20: 348-50, 2007.
  • Gow AM, Hemmings KW. The treatment of localised anterior tooth wear with indirect Artglass restorations at an increased occlusal vertical dimension. Results af- ter two years. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 10: 101- 5, 2002.
  • Bartlett D. Using composites to restore worn teeth. JCDA 72: 301-4, 2006.
  • Redman CD, Hemmings KW, Good JA. The survival and clinical performance of resin-based composite res- torations used to treat localised anterior tooth wear. Br Dent J 24: 566-72; discussion 559, 2003.
  • Bartlett D, Sundaram G. An up to 3-year randomized clinical study comparing indirect and direct resin com- posites used to restore worn posterior teeth. Int J Prost- hodont 19: 613-7, 2006.
  • Zafersoy Z, Kayaoğlu G, Can H, Üçtaşlı M. Çürük içe- ren ve çürük içermeyen servikal lezyonların etiyolojile- rinin klinik olarak değerlendirilmesi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 8: 86-91, 2002.
  • Condon JR, Ferracane JL. Assessing the effect of com- posite formulation on polymerization stress. J Am Dent Assoc 131: 497-503, 2000.
  • Bayne SC, Thompson JY, Swift EJ, Stamatiades P, Wilkerson M. A characterization of first-generation flowable composites. J Am Dent Assoc 129: 567-77
  • Darbar UR. Treatment of palatal erosive wear by using oxidised gold veneers: a case report. Quintessence Int 25: 195-7, 1994.
  • Hussey DL, Irwin CR, Kime DL. Treatment of anterior tooth wear with gold palatal veneers. Br Dent J 176: 422-5, 1994.
  • Foreman PC. Resin-bonded acid etched onlays in two cases of gross attrition. Dent Update 15: 150-3, 1988.
  • Creugers HC, Kayser AF. The use of adhesive metal partial crowns to restore attrition defects: a case re- port. Quintessence Int 23: 245-8, 1992.
  • Cheung SP, Dimmer A. Management of the worn den- tition: a further use for the resin-bonded cast metal res- toration. Restor Dent 4: 76-8, 1988.
  • Crawford PJM, Aboush YEY. The use of adhesively reta- ined gold onlays in the management of dental erosion in a child: a 4-year case report. Br Dent J 175: 414-6, 1993.
  • Rawlinson A, Winstanley RB. The management of se- vere dental erosion using posterior occlusal porcelain veneers and an anterior overdenture. Restor Dent 4: 10-6, 1988.
  • Ettinger RL, Qian F. Abutment tooth loss in patients with overdentures. J Am Dent Assoc 135: 739-46, 2004.
  • Almog DM, Ganddini MR. Maxillary and mandibular overlay removable partial dentures for restoration of worn teeth. A three-year follow-up. N Y State Dent J 72: 32-5, 2006.
  • Ganddini MR, Al-Mardini M, Graser GN, Almog D. Maxillary and mandibular overlay removable partial dentures for the restoration of worn teeth. J Prosthet Dent 91: 210-4, 2004.

Diş Aşınmaları

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 352 - 360, 01.07.2009


Diş aşınması bruksizm, diyet, gastroözefagal reflü, yeme bozuklukları ve ağız kuruluğu gibi çok sayıda faktörün neden olduğu diş dokusu kaybı olarak tanımlanır. Etyolojik faktörlere bağlı olarak diş aşınmaları atrizyon, abrazyon, erozyon ve abfraksiyon şeklinde sınıflanır. Atrizyon çiğneme veya parafonksiyon sırasında meydana gelen dişe diş temaslarının neden olduğu diş dokusu kaybıdır. Abrazyon yabancı materyallerin sonucunda görülen diş yüzeyindeki aşınmadır. Bakteriyel aktivitenin dahil olmadığı, kimyasal bir sürecin etken olduğu diş dokusu kaybı erozyon olarak adlandırılır. Abfraksiyon ise biyomekanik kuvvetlere bağlı olarak oluşan diş dokusu kaybıdır. Diş aşınmaları yaşlanma sürecininin bir sonucu olarak tamamen fizyolojik olabilir. Bununla birlikte abrazyon, erozyon ve abfraksiyon diş aşınmasını patolojik bir durum haline dönüştürebilir. Dişlerinde aşınma bulunan tüm hastalarda oral rehabilitasyon gerekmeyebilir. Ancak estetik sorun, hassasiyet ve fonksiyon kaybına neden olduğunda restoratif tedavi kaçınılmazdır. Tüm tedavi uygulamalarında diş aşınmalarının doğru şekilde teşhis edilmesine dikkat edilmelidir. Okluzyon dikey boyutu ve okluzal düzlem düzensizliğine bağlı olarak şiddetli aşınmış dişlerin tedavisi sorun oluşturabilir. Ayrıca dentoalveoler kompanzasyon nedeniyle anterior fasiyal yükseklik büyük ölçüde azalmayabilir. Tedavi olarak veneer, kompozit rezin veya kron restorasyonları gibi çok sayıda yöntem ve materyalden yararlanılabilir. Ancak en uygun ve etkin yöntemin hangisi olduğu konusunda birçok soru yanıtsız kalmaktadır


  • Molnar S. Tooth wear and culture. A survey of tooth function among some prehistoric populations. Curr An- thropol 13: 511-26, 1972.
  • Pindborg JJ. Pathology of the dental hard tissues. Co- penhagen: Munksgaard, Denmark, 1970, 294-325.
  • Kelleher M, Bishop K. Tooth surface loss: an overview. Br Dent J 186: 61-6, 1999.
  • Braem M, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Stress-induced lesions. J Prosthet Dent 67: 718-22, 1992.
  • Grippo JA. Abfractions: A new classification of hard tissue lesions. J Esthetic Dent 3: 14-9, 1991.
  • Michael JA, Townsend GC, Greenwood LF, Kaidonis JA. Abfraction: separating fact from fiction. Aust Dent J 54: 2-8, 2009.
  • Van’t Spijker A, Rodriguez JM, Kreulen CM, Bronk- horst EM, Bartlett DW, Creugers NH. Prevalence of to- oth wear in adults. Int J Prosthodont 22: 35-42, 2009.
  • Ekfeldt A, Hugoson, Bergendal T, Helkimo M. An in- dividual tooth wear index and an analysis of factors correlated to incisal and occlusal wear in an adult Swedish population. Acta Odontol Scand 48: 343-9, 1990.
  • Seligman DA, Pullinger AG, Solberg WK. The preva- lence of dental attrition and its association with factors of age, gender, occlusion and TMJ symptomatology. J Dent Res 67: 1323-33, 1988.
  • Carlsson GE, Johansson A, Lundqvist S. Occlusal we- ar-a follow-up study of 18 subjects with extensively worn dentitions. Acta Odontol Scand 43: 83-90, 1985.
  • Graf H. Bruxism. Dent Clin North Am 13: 569-665, 1969.
  • Carlsson GE, Hugoson A, Persson G. Dental abrasion and alveolar bone loss in the white rat. IV. The impor- tance of the consistency of the diet and its abrasive components. Odontol Rev 18: 263-8, 1967.
  • Ekfeldt A. Incisal and occlusal tooth wear and wear of some prosthodontic materials. Swed Dent J Suppl. 65: 1-62, 1989.
  • Hellström I. Oral complications in anorexia nervosa. Scand J Dent Res 85: 71-86, 1977.
  • Eccles JD. Erosion affecting the palatal surfaces of up- per anterior teeth in young people. A report of 19 cases. Br Dent J 152: 375-8, 1982.
  • Eccles JD, Jenkins WG. Dental erosion and diet. J Dent 2: 15-9, 1974.
  • Enbom L, Magnusson T, Wall G. Occlusal wear in miners. Swed Dent J 10: 165-70, 1986.
  • Petersen PE, Henmar P. Oral conditions among wor- kers in the Danish granite industry. Scand J Work En- viron Health 14: 328-31, 1988.
  • Dülgergil CT, Erdemir EO, Ercan E, Erdemir A. An in- dustrial dental-erosion by chromic Acid: a case report. Eur J Dent 1: 119-22, 2007.
  • Johansson A. A cross-cultural study of occlusal tooth wear. Swed Dent J Suppl 86: 1-59, 1992.
  • Tsiggos N, Tortopidis D, Hatzikyriakos A, Menexes G. Association between self-reported bruxism activity and occurrence of dental attrition, abfraction, and occlusal pits on natural teeth. J Prosthet Dent 100: 41-6, 2008.
  • Egermark-Eriksson I, Carlsson GE, Magnusson T. A long-term epidemiological study of the relationship between occlusal factors and mandibular dysfunction in children and adolescents. J Dent Res 66: 67-71
  • Pergamalian A, Rudy TE, Zaki HS, Greco CMJ. The association between wear facets, bruxism, and seve- rity of facial pain in patients with temporomandibular disorders. J Prosthet Dent 90: 194-200, 2003.
  • Khan F, Young WG, Daley TJ. Dental erosion and bruxism. A tooth wear analysis from south east Que- ensland. Aust Dent J 43: 117-27, 1998.
  • Lavigne GJ, Rompre PH, Montplaisir JY. Sleep bruxism: validity of clinical research diagnostic criteria in a con- trolled polysomnographic study. J Dent Res 75: 546- 52, 1996.
  • Seligman DA, Pullinger AG, Solberg WK. The preva- lence of dental attrition and its association with factors of age, gender, occlusion, and TMJ symptomatology. J Dent Res 67: 1323-1333, 1988.
  • Attin T. Methods for assessment of dental erosion. Mo- nogr Oral Sci 20: 152-72, 2006.
  • Tallgren A. Changes in adult face height due to ageing, wear and loss of teeth and prosthetic treatment. Acta Odont Scand 15: Suppl.24, 73, 1957.
  • Berry DC, Poole DFG. Attrition: possible mechanisms of compensation. J Oral Rehabil 3: 201-6, 1976.
  • Russell MD. The distinction between physiological and pathological attrition: a review. Ir Dent Assoc 33: 23- 31, 1987.
  • Dawson P. Functional occlusion: from TMJ to smile de- sign. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier 2007, 430-452.
  • Faigenblum M. Removable prostheses. Br Dent J 186: 273-6, 1999.
  • Johansson A, Johansson AK, Omar R, Carlsson GE. Rehabilitation of the worn dentition. J Oral Rehabil 35: 548-66, 2008.
  • De Boever JA, Carlsson GE, Klineberg IJ. Need for occ- lusal therapy and prosthodontic treatment in the mana- gement of temporomandibular disorders. Part II. Tooth loss and prosthodontic treatment. J Oral Rehabil 27: 647-59, 2000.
  • Wickens JL. Prevention and maintenance Br Dent J 186: 371-6, 1999.
  • Ibbetson R. Treatment planning. Br Dent J 186: 552-8, 1999.
  • Bardsley PF. The evolution of tooth wear indices. Clin Oral Investig 12 Suppl 1:S15-9, 2008.
  • Davies SJ, Gray RJ, Qualtrough AJ. Management of tooth surface loss. Br Dent J; 192:11-6, 19-23, 2002.
  • Ladalardo TC, Pinheiro A,Campos, RA, Brugnera JA, Zanin F, Albernaz PL, Weckx LL Laser therapy in the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Braz Dent J 15: 144-50, 2004.
  • Carlsson GE, Ingervall B, Kocak G. Effect of increasing vertical dimension on the masticatory system in the su- bjects with natural teeth. J Prosthet Dent;41: 284-9, 1979.
  • Hellsing G. Functional adaptation to changes in vertical dimension. J Prosthet Dent 52: 867-70, 1984.
  • Dahl BL, Krogstad O. The effect of a partial bite raising splint on the occlusal face height. An x-ray cephalo- metric study in human adults. Acta Odontol Scand 40: 17-24, 1982.
  • Walls AW. The use of adhesively retained all porcelain veneers during the management of fractured and worn anterior teeth: Part 1 Clinical technique. Br Dent J 178: 333-6, 1995.
  • Hanamura H, Houston F, Rylander H, Carlsson GE, Ha- raldson T, Nyman S. Periodontal status and bruxism. A comparative study of patients with periodontal di- sease and occlusal parafunctions. J Periodontol 58: 173-6, 1987.
  • Hemmings KW, Darbar UR, Vaughan S. Tooth wear treated with direct composite restorations at an increa- sed vertical dimension: results at 30 months. J Prosthet Dent 83: 287-93. 2000.
  • Creugers NH, van’t Spijker A. Tooth wear and occlu- sion: friends or foes? Int J Prosthodont 20: 348-50, 2007.
  • Gow AM, Hemmings KW. The treatment of localised anterior tooth wear with indirect Artglass restorations at an increased occlusal vertical dimension. Results af- ter two years. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 10: 101- 5, 2002.
  • Bartlett D. Using composites to restore worn teeth. JCDA 72: 301-4, 2006.
  • Redman CD, Hemmings KW, Good JA. The survival and clinical performance of resin-based composite res- torations used to treat localised anterior tooth wear. Br Dent J 24: 566-72; discussion 559, 2003.
  • Bartlett D, Sundaram G. An up to 3-year randomized clinical study comparing indirect and direct resin com- posites used to restore worn posterior teeth. Int J Prost- hodont 19: 613-7, 2006.
  • Zafersoy Z, Kayaoğlu G, Can H, Üçtaşlı M. Çürük içe- ren ve çürük içermeyen servikal lezyonların etiyolojile- rinin klinik olarak değerlendirilmesi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dental Sci 8: 86-91, 2002.
  • Condon JR, Ferracane JL. Assessing the effect of com- posite formulation on polymerization stress. J Am Dent Assoc 131: 497-503, 2000.
  • Bayne SC, Thompson JY, Swift EJ, Stamatiades P, Wilkerson M. A characterization of first-generation flowable composites. J Am Dent Assoc 129: 567-77
  • Darbar UR. Treatment of palatal erosive wear by using oxidised gold veneers: a case report. Quintessence Int 25: 195-7, 1994.
  • Hussey DL, Irwin CR, Kime DL. Treatment of anterior tooth wear with gold palatal veneers. Br Dent J 176: 422-5, 1994.
  • Foreman PC. Resin-bonded acid etched onlays in two cases of gross attrition. Dent Update 15: 150-3, 1988.
  • Creugers HC, Kayser AF. The use of adhesive metal partial crowns to restore attrition defects: a case re- port. Quintessence Int 23: 245-8, 1992.
  • Cheung SP, Dimmer A. Management of the worn den- tition: a further use for the resin-bonded cast metal res- toration. Restor Dent 4: 76-8, 1988.
  • Crawford PJM, Aboush YEY. The use of adhesively reta- ined gold onlays in the management of dental erosion in a child: a 4-year case report. Br Dent J 175: 414-6, 1993.
  • Rawlinson A, Winstanley RB. The management of se- vere dental erosion using posterior occlusal porcelain veneers and an anterior overdenture. Restor Dent 4: 10-6, 1988.
  • Ettinger RL, Qian F. Abutment tooth loss in patients with overdentures. J Am Dent Assoc 135: 739-46, 2004.
  • Almog DM, Ganddini MR. Maxillary and mandibular overlay removable partial dentures for restoration of worn teeth. A three-year follow-up. N Y State Dent J 72: 32-5, 2006.
  • Ganddini MR, Al-Mardini M, Graser GN, Almog D. Maxillary and mandibular overlay removable partial dentures for the restoration of worn teeth. J Prosthet Dent 91: 210-4, 2004.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Pınar Altıncı Bu kişi benim

Gülşen Can Bu kişi benim

Alper Özer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Altıncı P, Can G, Özer A. Diş Aşınmaları. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2009;3(2):352-60.