Endodontic Treatment of Teeth Associated with Extensive Cyst-Like Periapical Lesion: A Case Report
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 131 - 134, 01.03.2008
Emel Olga Önay
Mete Üngör
Kamran Gülşahı
It is known that periapical lesions of endodontic origin are one of the most common diseases found in the oral cavity. This case report describes the non-surgical endodontic treatment of a large cyst-like periradicular lesion associated to the mandibular left first molar. During treatment procedure, 1% sodium hypochlorite solution and 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate were used for irrigaton and calcium hydroxide was used for the intracanal dressing. Periapical healing was observed 9-month after initial treatment and continued at the 1-year review
- Bhaskar SN. Periapical lesions-types, incidence, and clinical features. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1966;21:657-71.
- Simon JH. Incidence of periapical cysts in relation to the root canal. J Endod 1980;6:845-8.
- Ramachandran Nair PN, Pajarola G, Schroeder HE. Ty- pes and incidence of human periapical lesions obtained with extracted teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1996;81:93-102.
- Bhaskar SN. Nonsurgical resolution of radicular cysts. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1972;34:458-68.
- Natkin E, Oswald RJ, Carnes LI. The relationship of lesi- on size to diagnosis, incidence and treatment of peria- pical cysts and granulomas. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984;57:82-94.
- Tronstad L, Andreasen JO, Hasselgren G, Kristerson L, Riis I. pH changes in dental tissues after root canal filling with calcium hydroxide. J Endod 1981;7:17-21.
- Seux D, Couble ML, Hartmann DJ, Gauthier JP, Magloire H. Odontoblast-like cytodifferentiation of human dental pulp cells in vitro in the presence of calcium hydroxide- containing cement. Arch Oral Biol 1991;36:117-28.
- Safavi KE, Nichols FC. Effect of calcium hydroxide on bacterial lipopolysaccharide. J Endod 1993;19:76-8.
- Maalouf EM, Gutmann JL. Biological perspectives on the non-surgical endodontic management of perirradicular pathosis. Int Endod J 1994;27:154-162.
- Shah N. Nonsurgical management of periapical lesions: a prospective study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1988;66: 365-71.
- Morse DR, Bhambhani SM. A dentist’s dilemma: non- surgical endodontic therapy or periapical surgery for teeth with apparent pulpal pathosis and an associated periapical radiolucent lesion. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1990;70:333-40.
- Seltzer S. Endodontology-Biologic Consideration in En- dodontic Procedures. 2nd edn. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Lea and Febiger; 1988. pp. 412-28.
- Valois CR, Costa-Junior ED. Periapical cyst repair after nonsurgical endodontic therapy - case report. Braz Dent J 2005;16:254-8.
- Çalışkan MK, Türkün M. Periapical repair and apical closure of a pulpless tooth using calcium hydroxide. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997;84:683-7.
- Neaverth EJ, Burg HA. Decompression of a large peria- pical cystic lesions. J Endod 1982;8:175-82.
- Wong M. Surgical fenestration of large periapical lesi- ons. J Endod 1991;17:516-21.
Kist Benzeri Geniş Periapikal Lezyonlu Dişin Endodontik Tedavisi: Vaka Raporu
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 131 - 134, 01.03.2008
Emel Olga Önay
Mete Üngör
Kamran Gülşahı
Pulpal orijinli kronik periapikal lezyonlar, oral kavitenin en sık rastlanan hastalıklarından birisidir. Bu olgu raporunda kist benzeri geniş periapikal lezyon ile karakterize sol alt birinci molar dişin cerrahi müdahale olmaksızın gerçekleştirilen endodontik tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Tedavi boyunca kanallarda %1’lik sodyum hipoklorit ve % 0.2’lik klorheksidin glukonat solüsyonları kullanılarak irrigasyon sağlanmış, kalsiyum hidroksit kullanımı ile kanal içi medikasyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Dokuz aylık ve 1 yıllık dönemlerde yapılan kontrollerde periapikal bölgede iyileşmenin oluştuğu gözlenmiştir
- Bhaskar SN. Periapical lesions-types, incidence, and clinical features. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1966;21:657-71.
- Simon JH. Incidence of periapical cysts in relation to the root canal. J Endod 1980;6:845-8.
- Ramachandran Nair PN, Pajarola G, Schroeder HE. Ty- pes and incidence of human periapical lesions obtained with extracted teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1996;81:93-102.
- Bhaskar SN. Nonsurgical resolution of radicular cysts. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1972;34:458-68.
- Natkin E, Oswald RJ, Carnes LI. The relationship of lesi- on size to diagnosis, incidence and treatment of peria- pical cysts and granulomas. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984;57:82-94.
- Tronstad L, Andreasen JO, Hasselgren G, Kristerson L, Riis I. pH changes in dental tissues after root canal filling with calcium hydroxide. J Endod 1981;7:17-21.
- Seux D, Couble ML, Hartmann DJ, Gauthier JP, Magloire H. Odontoblast-like cytodifferentiation of human dental pulp cells in vitro in the presence of calcium hydroxide- containing cement. Arch Oral Biol 1991;36:117-28.
- Safavi KE, Nichols FC. Effect of calcium hydroxide on bacterial lipopolysaccharide. J Endod 1993;19:76-8.
- Maalouf EM, Gutmann JL. Biological perspectives on the non-surgical endodontic management of perirradicular pathosis. Int Endod J 1994;27:154-162.
- Shah N. Nonsurgical management of periapical lesions: a prospective study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1988;66: 365-71.
- Morse DR, Bhambhani SM. A dentist’s dilemma: non- surgical endodontic therapy or periapical surgery for teeth with apparent pulpal pathosis and an associated periapical radiolucent lesion. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1990;70:333-40.
- Seltzer S. Endodontology-Biologic Consideration in En- dodontic Procedures. 2nd edn. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Lea and Febiger; 1988. pp. 412-28.
- Valois CR, Costa-Junior ED. Periapical cyst repair after nonsurgical endodontic therapy - case report. Braz Dent J 2005;16:254-8.
- Çalışkan MK, Türkün M. Periapical repair and apical closure of a pulpless tooth using calcium hydroxide. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997;84:683-7.
- Neaverth EJ, Burg HA. Decompression of a large peria- pical cystic lesions. J Endod 1982;8:175-82.
- Wong M. Surgical fenestration of large periapical lesi- ons. J Endod 1991;17:516-21.