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Dişeti Çekilmelerinin Tedavisinde Koronale Pozisyone Flep Tekniği ile Tünel Tekniğinin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 480 - 491, 25.09.2023


Dişeti çekilmesi (DÇ), dişeti kenarının mine sement sınırına (MSS) göre apikale kayması ve kök yüzeyinin ağız ortamına açılması olarak tanımlanır. DÇ tedavisinin temel amacı; açığa çıkmış kök yüzeylerinin, inflamasyon bulguları gözlenmeyen, minimum sondlama derinliğine ve ideal estetiğe sahip yumuşak dokuyla kapatılmasıdır. DÇ’yle ilişkili dişin yüzey durumu da değerlendirilmelidir. Çürüksüz servikal lezyonlar (ÇSL), DÇ’ye sıkça eşlik etmektedir. DÇ tedavisinde; koronale pozisyone flep (KPF) ve tünel (TUN) teknikleri, tek başına veya bağ dokusu grefti (BDG) ile kombinasyon halinde sıkça kullanılmıştır. Estetik sonuçlar açısından değerlendirildiğinde, iki teknik arasında anlamlı bir fark olmadığı, ancak gerekli durumlarda yapılan BDG ilavesinin estetiği iyileştirdiği bildirilmiştir. Keratinize doku yüksekliği (KDY) ve dişeti kalınlığı (DK) BDG ilave kararını vermede önemli parametrelerdir. KDY ≤ 1 mm ve DK < 1 mm olduğunda BDG ilavesi yapılması önerilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarda kök kapama miktarı açısından KPF ve TUN teknikleri arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmazken TUN tekniğinde vertikal insizyon olmaması post-operatif morbiditeyi büyük oranda azaltmaktadır.


  • 1. Zucchelli G, Mounssif I. Periodontal plastic surgery. Periodontol 2000 2015;68:333-68.
  • 2. Rios FS, Costa RS, Moura MS, Jardim JJ, Maltz M, Haas AN. Estimates and multivariable risk assessment of gingival recession in the population of adults from Porto Alegre, Brazil. J Clin Periodontol 2014;41:1098-107.
  • 3. Tavelli L, Barootchi S, Cairo F, Rasperini G, Shedden K, Wang H. The effect of time on root coverage outcomes: a network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019;98:1195-1203.
  • 4. Azaripour A, Kissinger M, Farina VSL, Van Noorden CJ, Gerhold‐Ay A, Willershausen B, et al. Root coverage with connective tissue graft associated with coronally advanced flap or tunnel technique: a randomized, double‐blind, mono‐centre clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2016;43:1142-50.
  • 5. Cortellini P, Bissada NF. Mucogingival conditions in the natural dentition: Narrative review, case definitions, and diagnostic considerations. J Periodontol 2018;89:S204-S13.
  • 6. Joshipura KJ, Kent RL, DePaola PF. Gingival recession: intra‐oral distribution and associated factors. J Periodontol 1994;65:864-71.
  • 7. Imber J-C, Kasaj A. Treatment of gingival recession: when and how? Int Dent J 2021;71:178-87.
  • 8. Gorman WJ. Prevalence and etiology of gingival recession. J Periodontol 1967;38:316-22.
  • 9. Caton JG, Armitage G, Berglundh T, Chapple IL, Jepsen S, Kornman KS, et al. A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions–Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. J Periodontol 2018;89:S1-S8.
  • 10. Miller Jr P. A classification of marginal tissue recession. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1985;5:8-13.
  • 11. Pini‐Prato G. The Miller classification of gingival recession: limits and drawbacks. J Clin Periodontol 2011;38:243-5.
  • 12. Pini‐Prato G, Franceschi D, Cairo F, Nieri M, Rotundo R. Classification of dental surface defects in areas of gingival recession. J Periodontol 2010;81:885-90.
  • 13. Cairo F, Nieri M, Cincinelli S, Mervelt J, Pagliaro U. The interproximal clinical attachment level to classify gingival recessions and predict root coverage outcomes: an explorative and reliability study. J Clin Periodontol 2011;38:661-6.
  • 14. Zweers J, Thomas RZ, Slot DE, Weisgold AS, Van der Weijden FG. Characteristics of periodontal biotype, its dimensions, associations and prevalence: a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2014;41:958-71. 15. De Rouck T, Eghbali R, Collys K, De Bruyn H, Cosyn J. The gingival biotype revisited: transparency of the periodontal probe through the gingival margin as a method to discriminate thin from thick gingiva. J Clin Periodontol 2009;36:428-33.
  • 16. Chambrone L, Pannuti CM, Tu YK, Chambrone LA. Evidence‐based periodontal plastic surgery. II. An individual data meta‐analysis for evaluating factors in achieving complete root coverage. J Periodontol 2012;83:477-90.
  • 17. Yilmaz BT, Comerdov E, Kutuk C, Nart J, Keceli HG. Modified coronally advanced tunnel versus epithelialized free gingival graft technique in gingival phenotype modification: a comparative randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2022;26: 6283-93. 18. Zucchelli G, Testori T, De Sanctis M. Clinical and anatomical factors limiting treatment outcomes of gingival recession: a new method to predetermine the line of root coverage. J Periodontol 2006;77:714-21. 19. González-Febles J, Romandini M, Laciar-Oudshoorn F, Noguerol F, Marruganti C, Bujaldón-Daza A, et al. Tunnel vs. coronally advanced flap in combination with a connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a multi-center randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2023;1-12. 20. Dhir V, Jha AK. Microsurgical treatment of gingival recession by subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report." Med J Armed Forces India 2011;67:293-5.
  • 21. Keceli HG, Sengun D, Berberoğlu A, Karabulut E. Use of platelet gel with connective tissue grafts for root coverage: a randomized‐controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol 2008;35: 255-62. 22. Tözüm TF, Keçeli HG, Güncü GN, Hatipoğlu H, Şengün D. Treatment of gingival recession: comparison of two techniques of subepithelial connective tissue graft. J Periodontol 2005;76:1842-48. 23. Zuhr O, Fickl S, Wachtel H, Bolz W, Hurzeler M. Covering of gingival recessions with a modified microsurgical tunnel technique: case report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2007;27:457-63.
  • 24. Azzi R, Etienne D, Carranza F. Surgical reconstruction of the interdental papilla. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1998;18:466-73. 25. Aroca S, Keglevich T, Nikolidakis D, Gera I, Nagy K, Azzi R, et al. Treatment of class III multiple gingival recessions: a randomized‐clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2010;37:88-97.
  • 26. Aroca S, Molnár B, Windisch P, Gera I, Salvi GE, Nikolidakis D, et al. Treatment of multiple adjacent Miller class I and II gingival recessions with a Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) technique and a collagen matrix or palatal connective tissue graft: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2013;40:713-20.
  • 27. Sculean A, Cosgarea R, Stahli A, Katsaros C, Arweiler NB, Brecx M, et al. The modified coronally advanced tunnel combined with an enamel matrix derivative and subepithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of isolated mandibular Miller Class I and II gingival recessions: a report of 16 cases. Quintessence Int 2014;45:829-35.
  • 28. Sculean A, Allen EP. The Laterally Closed Tunnel for the Treatment of Deep Isolated Mandibular Recessions: Surgical Technique and a Report of 24 Cases. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018;38:479-87.
  • 29. Zucchelli G, De Sanctis M. Treatment of multiple recession‐type defects in patients with esthetic demands. J Periodontol 2000;71:1506-14.
  • 30. Stefanini M, Marzadori M, Aroca S, Felice P, Sangiorgi M, Zucchelli G. Decision making in root‐coverage procedures for the esthetic outcome. Periodontol 2000 2018;77:54-64.
  • 31. Evginer MS, Olgun E, Parlak HM, Dolgun AB, Keceli HG. Comparison of two techniques in gingival recession treatment: A randomized one-year clinical follow-up study. Dent Med Probl 2022;59:121-130. 32. Cortellini P, Pini Prato G. Coronally advanced flap and combination therapy for root coverage. Clinical strategies based on scientific evidence and clinical experience. Periodontol 2000 2012;59:158-84.
  • 33. Zuhr O, Akakpo D, Eickholz P, Vach K, Huerzeler MB, Petsos H, et al. . Tunnel technique with connective tissue graft versus coronally advanced flap with enamel matrix derivate for root coverage: 5‐year results of an RCT using 3D digital measurement technology for volumetric comparison of soft tissue changes. J Clin Periodontol 2021;48:949-61.
  • 34. Pini Prato GP, Franceschi D, Cortellini P, Chambrone L. Long‐term evaluation (20 years) of the outcomes of subepithelial connective tissue graft plus coronally advanced flap in the treatment of maxillary single recession‐type defects. J Periodontol 2018;89:1290-9.
  • 35. Cairo F. Periodontal plastic surgery of gingival recessions at single and multiple teeth. Periodontol 2000 2017;75:296-316.
  • 36. Cairo F, Barootchi S, Tavelli L, Barbato L, Wang HL, Rasperini G, et al. Aesthetic‐And patient‐related outcomes following root coverage procedures: A systematic review and network meta‐analysis. J Clin Periodontol 2020;47:1403-15.
  • 37. Teodoro de Carvalho VA, Mattedi MAM, Vergara-Buenaventura A, Muniz FWMG, Meza-Mauricio J, Faveri M, et al. Influence of graft thickness on tunnel technique procedures for root coverage: a pilot split-mouth randomized controlled trial. Clin Oral Invest 2023;1-9. 38. Baldi C, Pini‐Prato G, Pagliaro U, Nieri M, Saletta D, Muzzi L, et al. Coronally advanced flap procedure for root coverage. Is flap thickness a relevant predictor to achieve root coverage? A 19‐case series. J Periodontol 1999;70:1077-84. 39. Keceli HG, Kamak G, Erdemir EO, Evginer MS, Dolgun A. The adjunctive effect of Platelet‐Rich Fibrin to Connective Tissue Graft in the treatment of buccal recession defects: results of a randomized, parallel‐group controlled trial. J Periodontol 2015;86:1221-30.
  • 40. Zucchelli G, Mounssif I, Mazzotti C, Stefanini M, Marzadori M, Petracci E, et al. Coronally advanced flap with and without connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: A comparative short‐and long‐term controlled randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2014;41:396-403. 41. Pini‐Prato GP, Cairo F, Nieri M, Franceschi D, Rotundo R, Cortellini P. Coronally advanced flap versus connective tissue graft in the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: A split‐mouth study with a 5‐year follow‐up. J Clin Periodontol 2010;37:644-50.
  • 42. Stefanini M, Zucchelli G, Marzadori M, de Sanctis M. Coronally Advanced Flap with Site-Specific Application of Connective Tissue Graft for the Treatment of Multiple Adjacent Gingival Recessions: A 3-Year Follow-Up Case Series. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018;38:25-33
  • 43. Cairo F, Pagliaro U, Nieri M. Treatment of gingival recession with coronally advanced flap procedures: a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2008;35:136-62.
  • 44. Zucchelli G, Mele M, Mazzotti C, Marzadori M, Montebugnoli L, De Sanctis M. Coronally advanced flap with and without vertical releasing incisions for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a comparative controlled randomized clinical trial. J Periodontol 2009;80:1083-94. 45. Chambrone L, Tatakis DN. Periodontal soft tissue root coverage procedures: a systematic review from the AAP Regeneration Workshop. J Periodontol 2015;86:S8-S51.
  • 46. Cairo F, Rotundo R, Miller Jr PD, Pini Prato GP. Root coverage esthetic score: a system to evaluate the esthetic outcome of the treatment of gingival recession through evaluation of clinical cases. J Periodontol 2009;80:705-10.
  • 47. Gobbato L, Nart J, Bressan E, Mazzocco F, Paniz G, Lops D. Patient morbidity and root coverage outcomes after the application of a subepithelial connective tissue graft in combination with a coronally advanced flap or via a tunneling technique: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig 2016;20:2191-202.
  • 48. Neves FLdS, Augusto Silveira C, Mathias‐Santamaria IF, Miguel MMV, Ferraz LFF, Casarin RCV, et al. Randomized clinical trial evaluating single maxillary gingival recession treatment with connective tissue graft and tunnel or trapezoidal flap: 2‐year follow‐up. J Periodontol 2020;91:1018-26.
  • 49. Cairo F, Cortellini P, Tonetti M, Nieri M, Mervelt J, Cincinelli S, et al. Coronally advanced flap with and without connective tissue graft for the treatment of single maxillary gingival recession with loss of inter‐dental attachment. A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2012;39:760-8.
  • 50. Cairo F, Cortellini P, Nieri M, Pilloni A, Barbato L, Pagavino G, et al. Coronally advanced flap and composite restoration of the enamel with or without connective tissue graft for the treatment of single maxillary gingival recession with non‐carious cervical lesion. A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2020;47:362-71.

A Comparison of the Efficacy of Coronally Positioned Flap And Tunnel Technique in the Treatment of Gingival Recessions

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 480 - 491, 25.09.2023


The term "gingival recession" (GR) refers to the root surface opening up to the oral environment and the apical movement of the gingival marjin in relation to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). The main goal of GR treatment is to close exposed root surfaces with soft tissue that shows no symptoms of inflammation, requires the minumum amount of probing depth, and has the good aesthetic outcomes. The surface condition of the tooth associated with GR should also be evaluated. Non-caries cervical lesions (NCCL) commonly accompany GR. Coronally positioned flap (CPF) and tunnel (TUN) procedures have been employed frequently alone or in conjunction with connective tissue graft (CTG) in the treatment of GR. There was no discernible difference between the two methods when aesthetic outcomes have been compared, although the addition of CTG where appropriate improved the aesthetics. Gingival thickness (GT) and keratinized tissue height (KTH) are crucial factors in determining whether to add CTG.When KTH and GT are both less than 1 mm, it is recommended to add CTG. Although there was no significant difference between the CPF and TUN approaches in terms of the amount of root closure, the TUN technique's lack of a vertical incision significantly lessens post-operative morbidity.


  • 1. Zucchelli G, Mounssif I. Periodontal plastic surgery. Periodontol 2000 2015;68:333-68.
  • 2. Rios FS, Costa RS, Moura MS, Jardim JJ, Maltz M, Haas AN. Estimates and multivariable risk assessment of gingival recession in the population of adults from Porto Alegre, Brazil. J Clin Periodontol 2014;41:1098-107.
  • 3. Tavelli L, Barootchi S, Cairo F, Rasperini G, Shedden K, Wang H. The effect of time on root coverage outcomes: a network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019;98:1195-1203.
  • 4. Azaripour A, Kissinger M, Farina VSL, Van Noorden CJ, Gerhold‐Ay A, Willershausen B, et al. Root coverage with connective tissue graft associated with coronally advanced flap or tunnel technique: a randomized, double‐blind, mono‐centre clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2016;43:1142-50.
  • 5. Cortellini P, Bissada NF. Mucogingival conditions in the natural dentition: Narrative review, case definitions, and diagnostic considerations. J Periodontol 2018;89:S204-S13.
  • 6. Joshipura KJ, Kent RL, DePaola PF. Gingival recession: intra‐oral distribution and associated factors. J Periodontol 1994;65:864-71.
  • 7. Imber J-C, Kasaj A. Treatment of gingival recession: when and how? Int Dent J 2021;71:178-87.
  • 8. Gorman WJ. Prevalence and etiology of gingival recession. J Periodontol 1967;38:316-22.
  • 9. Caton JG, Armitage G, Berglundh T, Chapple IL, Jepsen S, Kornman KS, et al. A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri‐implant diseases and conditions–Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. J Periodontol 2018;89:S1-S8.
  • 10. Miller Jr P. A classification of marginal tissue recession. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1985;5:8-13.
  • 11. Pini‐Prato G. The Miller classification of gingival recession: limits and drawbacks. J Clin Periodontol 2011;38:243-5.
  • 12. Pini‐Prato G, Franceschi D, Cairo F, Nieri M, Rotundo R. Classification of dental surface defects in areas of gingival recession. J Periodontol 2010;81:885-90.
  • 13. Cairo F, Nieri M, Cincinelli S, Mervelt J, Pagliaro U. The interproximal clinical attachment level to classify gingival recessions and predict root coverage outcomes: an explorative and reliability study. J Clin Periodontol 2011;38:661-6.
  • 14. Zweers J, Thomas RZ, Slot DE, Weisgold AS, Van der Weijden FG. Characteristics of periodontal biotype, its dimensions, associations and prevalence: a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2014;41:958-71. 15. De Rouck T, Eghbali R, Collys K, De Bruyn H, Cosyn J. The gingival biotype revisited: transparency of the periodontal probe through the gingival margin as a method to discriminate thin from thick gingiva. J Clin Periodontol 2009;36:428-33.
  • 16. Chambrone L, Pannuti CM, Tu YK, Chambrone LA. Evidence‐based periodontal plastic surgery. II. An individual data meta‐analysis for evaluating factors in achieving complete root coverage. J Periodontol 2012;83:477-90.
  • 17. Yilmaz BT, Comerdov E, Kutuk C, Nart J, Keceli HG. Modified coronally advanced tunnel versus epithelialized free gingival graft technique in gingival phenotype modification: a comparative randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2022;26: 6283-93. 18. Zucchelli G, Testori T, De Sanctis M. Clinical and anatomical factors limiting treatment outcomes of gingival recession: a new method to predetermine the line of root coverage. J Periodontol 2006;77:714-21. 19. González-Febles J, Romandini M, Laciar-Oudshoorn F, Noguerol F, Marruganti C, Bujaldón-Daza A, et al. Tunnel vs. coronally advanced flap in combination with a connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a multi-center randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Invest 2023;1-12. 20. Dhir V, Jha AK. Microsurgical treatment of gingival recession by subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report." Med J Armed Forces India 2011;67:293-5.
  • 21. Keceli HG, Sengun D, Berberoğlu A, Karabulut E. Use of platelet gel with connective tissue grafts for root coverage: a randomized‐controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol 2008;35: 255-62. 22. Tözüm TF, Keçeli HG, Güncü GN, Hatipoğlu H, Şengün D. Treatment of gingival recession: comparison of two techniques of subepithelial connective tissue graft. J Periodontol 2005;76:1842-48. 23. Zuhr O, Fickl S, Wachtel H, Bolz W, Hurzeler M. Covering of gingival recessions with a modified microsurgical tunnel technique: case report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2007;27:457-63.
  • 24. Azzi R, Etienne D, Carranza F. Surgical reconstruction of the interdental papilla. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1998;18:466-73. 25. Aroca S, Keglevich T, Nikolidakis D, Gera I, Nagy K, Azzi R, et al. Treatment of class III multiple gingival recessions: a randomized‐clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2010;37:88-97.
  • 26. Aroca S, Molnár B, Windisch P, Gera I, Salvi GE, Nikolidakis D, et al. Treatment of multiple adjacent Miller class I and II gingival recessions with a Modified Coronally Advanced Tunnel (MCAT) technique and a collagen matrix or palatal connective tissue graft: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2013;40:713-20.
  • 27. Sculean A, Cosgarea R, Stahli A, Katsaros C, Arweiler NB, Brecx M, et al. The modified coronally advanced tunnel combined with an enamel matrix derivative and subepithelial connective tissue graft for the treatment of isolated mandibular Miller Class I and II gingival recessions: a report of 16 cases. Quintessence Int 2014;45:829-35.
  • 28. Sculean A, Allen EP. The Laterally Closed Tunnel for the Treatment of Deep Isolated Mandibular Recessions: Surgical Technique and a Report of 24 Cases. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018;38:479-87.
  • 29. Zucchelli G, De Sanctis M. Treatment of multiple recession‐type defects in patients with esthetic demands. J Periodontol 2000;71:1506-14.
  • 30. Stefanini M, Marzadori M, Aroca S, Felice P, Sangiorgi M, Zucchelli G. Decision making in root‐coverage procedures for the esthetic outcome. Periodontol 2000 2018;77:54-64.
  • 31. Evginer MS, Olgun E, Parlak HM, Dolgun AB, Keceli HG. Comparison of two techniques in gingival recession treatment: A randomized one-year clinical follow-up study. Dent Med Probl 2022;59:121-130. 32. Cortellini P, Pini Prato G. Coronally advanced flap and combination therapy for root coverage. Clinical strategies based on scientific evidence and clinical experience. Periodontol 2000 2012;59:158-84.
  • 33. Zuhr O, Akakpo D, Eickholz P, Vach K, Huerzeler MB, Petsos H, et al. . Tunnel technique with connective tissue graft versus coronally advanced flap with enamel matrix derivate for root coverage: 5‐year results of an RCT using 3D digital measurement technology for volumetric comparison of soft tissue changes. J Clin Periodontol 2021;48:949-61.
  • 34. Pini Prato GP, Franceschi D, Cortellini P, Chambrone L. Long‐term evaluation (20 years) of the outcomes of subepithelial connective tissue graft plus coronally advanced flap in the treatment of maxillary single recession‐type defects. J Periodontol 2018;89:1290-9.
  • 35. Cairo F. Periodontal plastic surgery of gingival recessions at single and multiple teeth. Periodontol 2000 2017;75:296-316.
  • 36. Cairo F, Barootchi S, Tavelli L, Barbato L, Wang HL, Rasperini G, et al. Aesthetic‐And patient‐related outcomes following root coverage procedures: A systematic review and network meta‐analysis. J Clin Periodontol 2020;47:1403-15.
  • 37. Teodoro de Carvalho VA, Mattedi MAM, Vergara-Buenaventura A, Muniz FWMG, Meza-Mauricio J, Faveri M, et al. Influence of graft thickness on tunnel technique procedures for root coverage: a pilot split-mouth randomized controlled trial. Clin Oral Invest 2023;1-9. 38. Baldi C, Pini‐Prato G, Pagliaro U, Nieri M, Saletta D, Muzzi L, et al. Coronally advanced flap procedure for root coverage. Is flap thickness a relevant predictor to achieve root coverage? A 19‐case series. J Periodontol 1999;70:1077-84. 39. Keceli HG, Kamak G, Erdemir EO, Evginer MS, Dolgun A. The adjunctive effect of Platelet‐Rich Fibrin to Connective Tissue Graft in the treatment of buccal recession defects: results of a randomized, parallel‐group controlled trial. J Periodontol 2015;86:1221-30.
  • 40. Zucchelli G, Mounssif I, Mazzotti C, Stefanini M, Marzadori M, Petracci E, et al. Coronally advanced flap with and without connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: A comparative short‐and long‐term controlled randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2014;41:396-403. 41. Pini‐Prato GP, Cairo F, Nieri M, Franceschi D, Rotundo R, Cortellini P. Coronally advanced flap versus connective tissue graft in the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: A split‐mouth study with a 5‐year follow‐up. J Clin Periodontol 2010;37:644-50.
  • 42. Stefanini M, Zucchelli G, Marzadori M, de Sanctis M. Coronally Advanced Flap with Site-Specific Application of Connective Tissue Graft for the Treatment of Multiple Adjacent Gingival Recessions: A 3-Year Follow-Up Case Series. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2018;38:25-33
  • 43. Cairo F, Pagliaro U, Nieri M. Treatment of gingival recession with coronally advanced flap procedures: a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2008;35:136-62.
  • 44. Zucchelli G, Mele M, Mazzotti C, Marzadori M, Montebugnoli L, De Sanctis M. Coronally advanced flap with and without vertical releasing incisions for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: a comparative controlled randomized clinical trial. J Periodontol 2009;80:1083-94. 45. Chambrone L, Tatakis DN. Periodontal soft tissue root coverage procedures: a systematic review from the AAP Regeneration Workshop. J Periodontol 2015;86:S8-S51.
  • 46. Cairo F, Rotundo R, Miller Jr PD, Pini Prato GP. Root coverage esthetic score: a system to evaluate the esthetic outcome of the treatment of gingival recession through evaluation of clinical cases. J Periodontol 2009;80:705-10.
  • 47. Gobbato L, Nart J, Bressan E, Mazzocco F, Paniz G, Lops D. Patient morbidity and root coverage outcomes after the application of a subepithelial connective tissue graft in combination with a coronally advanced flap or via a tunneling technique: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig 2016;20:2191-202.
  • 48. Neves FLdS, Augusto Silveira C, Mathias‐Santamaria IF, Miguel MMV, Ferraz LFF, Casarin RCV, et al. Randomized clinical trial evaluating single maxillary gingival recession treatment with connective tissue graft and tunnel or trapezoidal flap: 2‐year follow‐up. J Periodontol 2020;91:1018-26.
  • 49. Cairo F, Cortellini P, Tonetti M, Nieri M, Mervelt J, Cincinelli S, et al. Coronally advanced flap with and without connective tissue graft for the treatment of single maxillary gingival recession with loss of inter‐dental attachment. A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2012;39:760-8.
  • 50. Cairo F, Cortellini P, Nieri M, Pilloni A, Barbato L, Pagavino G, et al. Coronally advanced flap and composite restoration of the enamel with or without connective tissue graft for the treatment of single maxillary gingival recession with non‐carious cervical lesion. A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol 2020;47:362-71.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Derleme

Ceren Turhanlı 0000-0001-5067-7261

Sıla Çağrı İşler Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5419-9658

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Eylül 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Turhanlı C, İşler SÇ. Dişeti Çekilmelerinin Tedavisinde Koronale Pozisyone Flep Tekniği ile Tünel Tekniğinin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2023;12(3):480-91.