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Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen

Yıl 2018, , 127 - 133, 30.06.2018


unmanaged ecosystems, soil nitrogen (N) released through mineralization of
organic matter constitutes the source of N for the plants. In agro-ecosystems,
N is applied additionally as mineral or organic fertilizers in order to
compensate N which is removed with products. Adequate and timely application of
fertilizer N as dictated that by contribution of soil N to crop production is
important for minimizing production costs from overuse of N fertilizer and for
reducing possible environmental impacts. Using 15N-labelled
fertilizers, it has now been convincingly proved that majority of the plant N
comes from the soil N. Thus, soil N plays a vital role in supplying N to crop
plants and dictates the efficiency of applied fertilizer N.  Size of available N pool, though relatively
small as compared to total soil N, throughout the crop growth season determines
whether crop gets adequate N nutrition or N is lost from the soil-plant
system.  As fertilizer N contributes
directly to available N pool and by N substitution to the soil organic matter
pool, N management at that point following the principles of synchrony between
crop N need and application of N through soil and fertilizer N can lead to high
fertilizer NUE (nitrogen use efficiency). Evaluation of site-based N management
in cereals using gadgets like chlorophyll meter, leaf colour chart or optical
sensors or OTG (on the go) crop sensing spreaders revealed that same yields can
be achieved with less N fertilizer applied but with enhanced fertilizer NUE and
diminished losses of N to the environment.


  • Balasubramanian V, Alves B, Aulakh MS, Bekunda M, Zucong C, Drinkwater L, Mugendi D, Van Kessel C, Oenema O (2004) Environmental and Management Factors affecting Fertilizer N Use Efficiency. In: Mosier AR, Syers KJ, Freney JR (Eds.), Agriculture and the Nitrogen Cycle, The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Island Press, Covelo, California, USA, pp. 19-33.
  • Becker M, Ladha JK, Ottow JCG (1994) Nitrogen Losses and Lowland Rice Yield as affected by Residue N Release. Soil Science Soc. of America Journal, 58:1660–1665.
  • Bergström LF, Kirchmann H (2004) Leaching and Crop uptake of Nitrogen from Nitrogen-15-Labeled Green Manures and Ammonium Nitrate. J. Environ. Qual., 33:1786-1792.
  • Bijay-Singh, Bronson KF, Yadvinder-Singh, Khera TS, Pasuquin E (2001) Nitrogen-15 Balance as Affected by Rice Straw Management in a Rice-Wheat Rotation in Northwest India. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 59:227-237.
  • Bijay-Singh (2014) Site Specific and Need Based Management of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Cereals in India. In: Sinha S, Pant KK, Bajpai S (Eds.) Advances in Fertilizer Technology: Biofertilizers, v2. Studium Press LLC, New Delhi, India. pp. 576-605.
  • Bijay-Singh, Singh VK (2017) Advances in Nutrient Management in Rice Cultivation. In: Sasaki T (Ed.) Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Rice, Volume 2. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, Cambridge, U.K. pp. 25-68.
  • Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal-Singh, Purba J, Sharma RK, Jat ML, Yadvinder-Singh, Thind HS, Gupta RK, Choudhary OP, Chandna P, Khurana HS, Kumar A, Jagmohan-Singh, Uppal HS, Uppal RK, Vashistha M, Gupta RK (2015) Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa) Using an Optical Sensor. Precision Agriculture, 16:455-475.
  • Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal-Singh, Yadvinder-Singh, Thind HS, Kumar A, Choudhary OP, Gupta RK, Vashistha M (2017) Site-Specific Fertilizer Nitrogen Management Using Optical Sensor in Irrigated Wheat in the North-Western India. Agricultural Research, 6:159-168.
  • Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal-Singh, Yadvinder-Singh, Thind HS, Kumar A, Gupta RK, Kaul A, Vashistha M (2012) Fixed-time Adjustable Dose Site-Specific Fertilizer Nitrogen Management in Transplanted Irrigated Rice (Oryza sativa L.) In South Asia. Field Crops Research, 126:63-69.
  • Broadbent FF (1984) Plant Use of Soil Nitrogen. In: Haulk RD (Ed.), Nitrogen in Crop Production. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison WI., USA. pp. 171-182.
  • Buresh RJ, Witt C (2007) Site-specific Nutrient Management. In: Fertilizer Best Management Practices. International Fertilizer Industry Association, France. pp. 47-55.
  • Cassman KG, Dobermann A, Walters DT (2002) Agroecosystems, Nitrogen-use Efficiency and Nitrogen Management. Ambio, 31:132-140.
  • Cassman KG, Peng S, Olk DC, Ladha JK, Reichardt W, Dobermann A, Singh U (1998) Opportunities for Increased Nitrogen-use Efficiency from Improved Resource Management in Irrigated Rice Systems. Field Crops Research, 56:7-39.
  • Crews TE, Peoples MB (2005) Can the Synchrony of Nitrogen Supply and Crop Demand be Improved in Legume and Fertilizer-Based Agroecosystems? A review. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 72:101-120.
  • Diacono M, Rubino P, Montemurro F (2013) Precision Nitrogen Management of Wheat: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33:219-241.
  • Diekmann FH, DeDatta SK, Ottow JCG (1993) Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery from Urea and Green Manure in Lowland Rice Measured by 15N and non-Isotope Techniques. Plant and Soil, 148:91-99.
  • Dobermann A, Blackmore BS, Cook SE, Adamchuk VI (2004) Precision farming: Challenges and Future Directions. In: New Directions for a Diverse Planet. Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, 26 Sept–1 Oct 2004, Australia.
  • Dobermann A, Cassman KC (2004) Environmental Dimensions of Fertilizer Nitrogen: What Can Be Done to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Ensure Global Food Security. In: Mosier AR, Syers KJ, Freney JR (Eds.), Agriculture and the Nitrogen Cycle, The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Island Press, Covelo, California, USA, pp. 261-278.
  • Dourado-Neto D, Powlson D, Abu Bakar R, Bacchi OOS, Basanta MV, thi Cong P, Keerthisinghe G, Ismaili M, Rahman SM, Reichardt K, Safwat MSA, Sangakkara R, Timm LC, Wang JY, Zagal E, van Kessel C (2010) Multiseason Recoveries of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen-15 in Tropical Cropping Systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74:139-152.
  • Drinkwater LE, Snapp SS (2007) Nutrients in Agroecosystems: Rethinking the Management Paradigm. Advances in Agronomy, 92:163–186.
  • Erisman JW, Sutton MA, Galloway JN, Klimont Z, Winiwarter W (2008) How a Century of Ammonia Synthesis Changed the World? Nature Geoscience, 1:636-639.
  • Galloway JN, Cowling EB (2002) Reactive Nitrogen and the World: 200 Years of Change. Ambio, 31:64–71.
  • Gardner JB, Drinkwater LE (2009) The Fate of Nitrogen in Grain Cropping Systems: A Meta‐Analysis of 15N Field Experiments. Ecological Applications, 19:2167-2184.
  • Hauck RD, Bremner JM (1976) Use of Tracers for Soil and Fertilizer Nitrogen Research. Advances in Agronomy, 28:219-266.
  • IAEA (2003) Management of Crop Residues for Sustainable Crop Production. IAEA TECHDOC‐1354. International Atomic, Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
  • Ichir LL, Ismaili M (2003) Recovery of Wheat Residue Nitrogen-15 and Residual Effects of N Fertilisation in a Wheat - Wheat Cropping System under Mediterranean Conditions. African Crop Science Journal, 11:27-34.
  • Jansson SL, Persson J (1982) Mineralization and İmmobilization of Soil Nitrogen. In: Stevenson FJ (Ed.), Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, Agronomy Monograph 22. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 229–252.
  • Janzen HH, Bole JB, Biederbeck VO, Slinkard AE (1990) Fate of N applied as Green Manure or Ammonium Fertilizer to Soil Subsequently Cropped with Spring Wheat at Three Sites in Western Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 70:313–323.
  • Kanno H (2008) Uptake Process and Recovery of Co-Situs Applied Polyolefin-Coated Urea as affected by Release Pattern on Corn (Zea mays L.) under Humid Climate in Northeastern Japan. Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research, 58:65-75.
  • Katyal JC, Bijay-Singh, Vlek PLG, Buresh RJ (1987) Efficient Nitrogen Use As Affected by Urea Application and Irrigation Sequence. Soil Sci Soc Am J., 51:366-370.
  • Katyal JC, Bijay-Singh, Vlek PLG, Craswell ET (1985) Fate and Efficiency of Nitrogen Fertilizers Applied to Wetland Rice II. Punjab, India. Fertilizer Research, 6:279-290.
  • Ladd JN, Amato M (1986) The Fate of Nitrogen from Legume and Fertilizer Sources in Soils Successively Cropped with Wheat under Field Conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 18:417–425.
  • Ladha JK, Pathak H, Krupnik TJ, Six J, van Kessel C (2005) Efficiency of Fertilizer Nitrogen in Cereal Production: Retrospects and Prospects. Advances in Agronomy, 87:85–156.
  • Li F, Miao Y, Zhang F, Cui Z, Li R, Chen X, Zhang H, Schroder J, Raun WR, Jia L (2009) In-Season Optical Sensing Improves Nitrogen-Use Efficiency for Winter Wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73:1566-1574.
  • Liu X-JA, van Groenigen KJ, Dijkstra P, Hungate BA (2017) Increased Plant Uptake of Native Soil Nitrogen Following Fertilizer Addition–Not a Priming Effect? Applied Soil Ecology, 114:105-110.
  • Moll RH, Kamprath EJ, Jackson WA (1982) Analysis and Interpretation of Factors which Contribute to Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilization. Agronomy Journal, 74:562–564.
  • Novoa R, Loomis RS (1981) Nitrogen and Plant Production. Plant and Soil, 58:177–204.
  • Peng S, Garcia FV, Laza RC, Sanico AL, Visperas RM, Cassman KG (1996). Increased N‐use Efficiency Using a Chlorophyll Meter on High‐Yielding Irrigated Rice. Field Crops Research, 47:243–252.
  • Powlson DS, Hart PBS, Poulton PR, Johnston AE, Jenkinson DS (1992) Influence of Soil Type, Crop Management and Weather on the Recovery of Nitrogen-15-Labelled Fertilizer Applied to Winter Wheat in Spring. Journal of Agric. Science, 118:83-100.
  • Raun WR, Solie JB, Johnson GV, Stone ML, Mullen RW, Freeman KW, Thomason WE, Lukina EV (2002), Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Cereal Grain Production with Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Application. Agronomy Journal, 94:815-820.
  • Reddy GB, Reddy KR (1993) Fate of Nitrogen-15 Enriched Ammonium Nitrate Applied to Corn. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57:111–115.
  • Rochester IJ, Peoples MB, Hulugalle NR, Gault RR, Constable GA (2001) Using Legumes to Enhance Nitrogen Fertility and Improve Soil Condition in Cotton Cropping Systems. Field Crops Research, 70:27–41.
  • Rowe EC, van Noordwijk M, Suprayogo D, Hairiah K, Giller KE, Cadisch G (2004) Root Distributions Partially Explain 15N Uptake Patterns in Gliricidia and Peltophorum Hedgerow Intercropping Systems. Plant and Soil, 235:167–179.
  • Sisworo WH, Mitrosuhardjo MM, Rasjid H, Myers RJK (1990) The Relative Roles of N Fixation, Fertilizer, Crop Residues and Soil in Supplying N in Multiple Cropping Systems in a Humid, Tropical Upland Cropping System. Plant and Soil, 121:73–82.
  • Stark JM (2000) Nutrient Transformations. In: Sala OE, Jackson RB, Mooney HA, Howarth RW (Eds.), Methods in Ecosystem Science. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. pp. 215–234.
  • Vanlauwe B, Sanginga N, Merckx R (2001) Alley Cropping with Senna siamea in South–Western Nigeria: I. Recovery of N-15 Labeled Urea by the Alley Cropping System. Plant and Soil, 231:187–199.
  • Witt C, Buresh RJ, Peng S, Balasubramanian V, Dobermann A (2007) Nutrient Management. In: Fairhurst TH, Witt C, Buresh RJ, Dobermann A (Eds.), Rice: A Practical Guide to Nutrient Management. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines and International Plant Nutrition Institute and International Potash Institute, Singapore. pp. 1-45.
  • Xue L, Li G, Qin X, Yang L, Zhang H (2014) Topdressing Nitrogen Recommendation for Early Rice with an Active Sensor in South China. Precision Agriculture, 15:95–110.
  • Yang WH, Peng S, Huang J, Sanico AL, Buresh RJ, Witt C (2003) Using Leaf Colour Charts to Estimate Leaf Nitrogen Status of Rice. Agronomy Journal, 95:212–217.

Bitkilerinin Azot Beslenmesi: Toprak Azotu Karşısında Gübre Azotu

Yıl 2018, , 127 - 133, 30.06.2018


Yönetilmeyen ekosistemlerde, organik maddenin
mineralizasyonu yoluyla salınan toprak azotu (N) bitkiler için N kayna
ğı oluşturmaktadır. Tarım
ekosistemlerinde, topraktan kald
ırılan N' u telafi etmek için mineral gübreler
veya organik g
N g
uygun bir
ve zaman
maliyetlerini azaltmak, N g
fazla kullanılması ve olası çevresel etkilerin azaltılması için önemlidir. 15N
etiketli gübreler kullanılarak yapılmış çalışmalarla, bitki N içeri
üyük bir kısmının
toprak azotundan geldi
ği ikna edici bir şekilde kanıtlanmıştır.
toprak N
bitkilerinin N ihtiyacının karşılanmasında hayati bir rol oynamakta ve
uygulanan N’lu gübre, verimlili
ği belirlemektedir. Toprağın toplam N içeriğine
az olan al
N havuzunun b
üyüklüğü, bitkinin yeterli N beslenmesini yada
toprak- bitki sisteminden N kaybını belirler. Azotlu gübreleme ile do
mevcut al
N havuzuna katk
ve toprak organik madde havuzuna N ikame edilmesi, bitkinin N ihtiyac
ı ile toprak ve gübrenin N arzı
senkronizasyon ilkelerini izleyen alana özgü spesifik N yönetimi, yüksek azotlu
gübre kullanım etkinli
ğine neden olabilir. Serin iklim tahıllarında
özgü spesifik N yönetiminde,
klorofil metre, yaprak renk
şeması, optik sensörler
veya hareketli bitki alg
gibi ayg
kullanılması sonucunda daha az azotlu gübre ile aynı verim de
elde edilmi
ancak N kullan
ği artmış
N kay
ığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Balasubramanian V, Alves B, Aulakh MS, Bekunda M, Zucong C, Drinkwater L, Mugendi D, Van Kessel C, Oenema O (2004) Environmental and Management Factors affecting Fertilizer N Use Efficiency. In: Mosier AR, Syers KJ, Freney JR (Eds.), Agriculture and the Nitrogen Cycle, The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Island Press, Covelo, California, USA, pp. 19-33.
  • Becker M, Ladha JK, Ottow JCG (1994) Nitrogen Losses and Lowland Rice Yield as affected by Residue N Release. Soil Science Soc. of America Journal, 58:1660–1665.
  • Bergström LF, Kirchmann H (2004) Leaching and Crop uptake of Nitrogen from Nitrogen-15-Labeled Green Manures and Ammonium Nitrate. J. Environ. Qual., 33:1786-1792.
  • Bijay-Singh, Bronson KF, Yadvinder-Singh, Khera TS, Pasuquin E (2001) Nitrogen-15 Balance as Affected by Rice Straw Management in a Rice-Wheat Rotation in Northwest India. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 59:227-237.
  • Bijay-Singh (2014) Site Specific and Need Based Management of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Cereals in India. In: Sinha S, Pant KK, Bajpai S (Eds.) Advances in Fertilizer Technology: Biofertilizers, v2. Studium Press LLC, New Delhi, India. pp. 576-605.
  • Bijay-Singh, Singh VK (2017) Advances in Nutrient Management in Rice Cultivation. In: Sasaki T (Ed.) Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Rice, Volume 2. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, Cambridge, U.K. pp. 25-68.
  • Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal-Singh, Purba J, Sharma RK, Jat ML, Yadvinder-Singh, Thind HS, Gupta RK, Choudhary OP, Chandna P, Khurana HS, Kumar A, Jagmohan-Singh, Uppal HS, Uppal RK, Vashistha M, Gupta RK (2015) Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa) Using an Optical Sensor. Precision Agriculture, 16:455-475.
  • Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal-Singh, Yadvinder-Singh, Thind HS, Kumar A, Choudhary OP, Gupta RK, Vashistha M (2017) Site-Specific Fertilizer Nitrogen Management Using Optical Sensor in Irrigated Wheat in the North-Western India. Agricultural Research, 6:159-168.
  • Bijay-Singh, Varinderpal-Singh, Yadvinder-Singh, Thind HS, Kumar A, Gupta RK, Kaul A, Vashistha M (2012) Fixed-time Adjustable Dose Site-Specific Fertilizer Nitrogen Management in Transplanted Irrigated Rice (Oryza sativa L.) In South Asia. Field Crops Research, 126:63-69.
  • Broadbent FF (1984) Plant Use of Soil Nitrogen. In: Haulk RD (Ed.), Nitrogen in Crop Production. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison WI., USA. pp. 171-182.
  • Buresh RJ, Witt C (2007) Site-specific Nutrient Management. In: Fertilizer Best Management Practices. International Fertilizer Industry Association, France. pp. 47-55.
  • Cassman KG, Dobermann A, Walters DT (2002) Agroecosystems, Nitrogen-use Efficiency and Nitrogen Management. Ambio, 31:132-140.
  • Cassman KG, Peng S, Olk DC, Ladha JK, Reichardt W, Dobermann A, Singh U (1998) Opportunities for Increased Nitrogen-use Efficiency from Improved Resource Management in Irrigated Rice Systems. Field Crops Research, 56:7-39.
  • Crews TE, Peoples MB (2005) Can the Synchrony of Nitrogen Supply and Crop Demand be Improved in Legume and Fertilizer-Based Agroecosystems? A review. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 72:101-120.
  • Diacono M, Rubino P, Montemurro F (2013) Precision Nitrogen Management of Wheat: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33:219-241.
  • Diekmann FH, DeDatta SK, Ottow JCG (1993) Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery from Urea and Green Manure in Lowland Rice Measured by 15N and non-Isotope Techniques. Plant and Soil, 148:91-99.
  • Dobermann A, Blackmore BS, Cook SE, Adamchuk VI (2004) Precision farming: Challenges and Future Directions. In: New Directions for a Diverse Planet. Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, 26 Sept–1 Oct 2004, Australia.
  • Dobermann A, Cassman KC (2004) Environmental Dimensions of Fertilizer Nitrogen: What Can Be Done to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Ensure Global Food Security. In: Mosier AR, Syers KJ, Freney JR (Eds.), Agriculture and the Nitrogen Cycle, The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). Island Press, Covelo, California, USA, pp. 261-278.
  • Dourado-Neto D, Powlson D, Abu Bakar R, Bacchi OOS, Basanta MV, thi Cong P, Keerthisinghe G, Ismaili M, Rahman SM, Reichardt K, Safwat MSA, Sangakkara R, Timm LC, Wang JY, Zagal E, van Kessel C (2010) Multiseason Recoveries of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen-15 in Tropical Cropping Systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74:139-152.
  • Drinkwater LE, Snapp SS (2007) Nutrients in Agroecosystems: Rethinking the Management Paradigm. Advances in Agronomy, 92:163–186.
  • Erisman JW, Sutton MA, Galloway JN, Klimont Z, Winiwarter W (2008) How a Century of Ammonia Synthesis Changed the World? Nature Geoscience, 1:636-639.
  • Galloway JN, Cowling EB (2002) Reactive Nitrogen and the World: 200 Years of Change. Ambio, 31:64–71.
  • Gardner JB, Drinkwater LE (2009) The Fate of Nitrogen in Grain Cropping Systems: A Meta‐Analysis of 15N Field Experiments. Ecological Applications, 19:2167-2184.
  • Hauck RD, Bremner JM (1976) Use of Tracers for Soil and Fertilizer Nitrogen Research. Advances in Agronomy, 28:219-266.
  • IAEA (2003) Management of Crop Residues for Sustainable Crop Production. IAEA TECHDOC‐1354. International Atomic, Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
  • Ichir LL, Ismaili M (2003) Recovery of Wheat Residue Nitrogen-15 and Residual Effects of N Fertilisation in a Wheat - Wheat Cropping System under Mediterranean Conditions. African Crop Science Journal, 11:27-34.
  • Jansson SL, Persson J (1982) Mineralization and İmmobilization of Soil Nitrogen. In: Stevenson FJ (Ed.), Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, Agronomy Monograph 22. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 229–252.
  • Janzen HH, Bole JB, Biederbeck VO, Slinkard AE (1990) Fate of N applied as Green Manure or Ammonium Fertilizer to Soil Subsequently Cropped with Spring Wheat at Three Sites in Western Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 70:313–323.
  • Kanno H (2008) Uptake Process and Recovery of Co-Situs Applied Polyolefin-Coated Urea as affected by Release Pattern on Corn (Zea mays L.) under Humid Climate in Northeastern Japan. Tohoku Journal of Agricultural Research, 58:65-75.
  • Katyal JC, Bijay-Singh, Vlek PLG, Buresh RJ (1987) Efficient Nitrogen Use As Affected by Urea Application and Irrigation Sequence. Soil Sci Soc Am J., 51:366-370.
  • Katyal JC, Bijay-Singh, Vlek PLG, Craswell ET (1985) Fate and Efficiency of Nitrogen Fertilizers Applied to Wetland Rice II. Punjab, India. Fertilizer Research, 6:279-290.
  • Ladd JN, Amato M (1986) The Fate of Nitrogen from Legume and Fertilizer Sources in Soils Successively Cropped with Wheat under Field Conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 18:417–425.
  • Ladha JK, Pathak H, Krupnik TJ, Six J, van Kessel C (2005) Efficiency of Fertilizer Nitrogen in Cereal Production: Retrospects and Prospects. Advances in Agronomy, 87:85–156.
  • Li F, Miao Y, Zhang F, Cui Z, Li R, Chen X, Zhang H, Schroder J, Raun WR, Jia L (2009) In-Season Optical Sensing Improves Nitrogen-Use Efficiency for Winter Wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73:1566-1574.
  • Liu X-JA, van Groenigen KJ, Dijkstra P, Hungate BA (2017) Increased Plant Uptake of Native Soil Nitrogen Following Fertilizer Addition–Not a Priming Effect? Applied Soil Ecology, 114:105-110.
  • Moll RH, Kamprath EJ, Jackson WA (1982) Analysis and Interpretation of Factors which Contribute to Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilization. Agronomy Journal, 74:562–564.
  • Novoa R, Loomis RS (1981) Nitrogen and Plant Production. Plant and Soil, 58:177–204.
  • Peng S, Garcia FV, Laza RC, Sanico AL, Visperas RM, Cassman KG (1996). Increased N‐use Efficiency Using a Chlorophyll Meter on High‐Yielding Irrigated Rice. Field Crops Research, 47:243–252.
  • Powlson DS, Hart PBS, Poulton PR, Johnston AE, Jenkinson DS (1992) Influence of Soil Type, Crop Management and Weather on the Recovery of Nitrogen-15-Labelled Fertilizer Applied to Winter Wheat in Spring. Journal of Agric. Science, 118:83-100.
  • Raun WR, Solie JB, Johnson GV, Stone ML, Mullen RW, Freeman KW, Thomason WE, Lukina EV (2002), Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Cereal Grain Production with Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Application. Agronomy Journal, 94:815-820.
  • Reddy GB, Reddy KR (1993) Fate of Nitrogen-15 Enriched Ammonium Nitrate Applied to Corn. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57:111–115.
  • Rochester IJ, Peoples MB, Hulugalle NR, Gault RR, Constable GA (2001) Using Legumes to Enhance Nitrogen Fertility and Improve Soil Condition in Cotton Cropping Systems. Field Crops Research, 70:27–41.
  • Rowe EC, van Noordwijk M, Suprayogo D, Hairiah K, Giller KE, Cadisch G (2004) Root Distributions Partially Explain 15N Uptake Patterns in Gliricidia and Peltophorum Hedgerow Intercropping Systems. Plant and Soil, 235:167–179.
  • Sisworo WH, Mitrosuhardjo MM, Rasjid H, Myers RJK (1990) The Relative Roles of N Fixation, Fertilizer, Crop Residues and Soil in Supplying N in Multiple Cropping Systems in a Humid, Tropical Upland Cropping System. Plant and Soil, 121:73–82.
  • Stark JM (2000) Nutrient Transformations. In: Sala OE, Jackson RB, Mooney HA, Howarth RW (Eds.), Methods in Ecosystem Science. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA. pp. 215–234.
  • Vanlauwe B, Sanginga N, Merckx R (2001) Alley Cropping with Senna siamea in South–Western Nigeria: I. Recovery of N-15 Labeled Urea by the Alley Cropping System. Plant and Soil, 231:187–199.
  • Witt C, Buresh RJ, Peng S, Balasubramanian V, Dobermann A (2007) Nutrient Management. In: Fairhurst TH, Witt C, Buresh RJ, Dobermann A (Eds.), Rice: A Practical Guide to Nutrient Management. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines and International Plant Nutrition Institute and International Potash Institute, Singapore. pp. 1-45.
  • Xue L, Li G, Qin X, Yang L, Zhang H (2014) Topdressing Nitrogen Recommendation for Early Rice with an Active Sensor in South China. Precision Agriculture, 15:95–110.
  • Yang WH, Peng S, Huang J, Sanico AL, Buresh RJ, Witt C (2003) Using Leaf Colour Charts to Estimate Leaf Nitrogen Status of Rice. Agronomy Journal, 95:212–217.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Düzeltme

Bijay Sıngh Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5972-0163

Mustafa Ali Kaptan Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9532-0717

Gönül Aydın 0000-0002-4492-1982

Mehmet Aydın 0000-0003-3170-9154

Seçil Küçük Kaya Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2494-8616

Özlem Üstündağ 0000-0002-5516-5385

Saime Seferoğlu 0000-0003-3550-5562

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Sıngh, B., Kaptan, M. A., Aydın, G., Aydın, M., vd. (2018). Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 127-133.
AMA Sıngh B, Kaptan MA, Aydın G, Aydın M, Küçük Kaya S, Üstündağ Ö, Seferoğlu S. Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. Haziran 2018;15(1):127-133. doi:10.25308/aduziraat.393466
Chicago Sıngh, Bijay, Mustafa Ali Kaptan, Gönül Aydın, Mehmet Aydın, Seçil Küçük Kaya, Özlem Üstündağ, ve Saime Seferoğlu. “Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15, sy. 1 (Haziran 2018): 127-33.
EndNote Sıngh B, Kaptan MA, Aydın G, Aydın M, Küçük Kaya S, Üstündağ Ö, Seferoğlu S (01 Haziran 2018) Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 1 127–133.
IEEE B. Sıngh, “Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 127–133, 2018, doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.393466.
ISNAD Sıngh, Bijay vd. “Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15/1 (Haziran 2018), 127-133.
JAMA Sıngh B, Kaptan MA, Aydın G, Aydın M, Küçük Kaya S, Üstündağ Ö, Seferoğlu S. Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2018;15:127–133.
MLA Sıngh, Bijay vd. “Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 127-33, doi:10.25308/aduziraat.393466.
Vancouver Sıngh B, Kaptan MA, Aydın G, Aydın M, Küçük Kaya S, Üstündağ Ö, Seferoğlu S. Nitrogen Nutrition of Crop Plants: Soil Nitrogen Vis-À-Vis Fertilizer Nitrogen. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2018;15(1):127-33.